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Energy Reports 10 (2023) 1602–1617

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Energy Reports
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Research paper

Categorizing shared photovoltaic business models in renewable

markets: An approach based on CANVAS and transaction costs

Luciana Marques a,b , Hendrigo Batista da Silva a , Jagruti Thakur c , , Wadaed Uturbey a ,
Pragya Thakur d
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil
VITO Flemish Institute for Technological Research, Belgium
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Vellore Institute of Technology, India

article info a b s t r a c t

Article history: Shared Photovoltaic (PV) business models enable a broader percentage of consumers to benefit from
Received 28 April 2023 renewable energy because installation and transaction costs are significantly decreased. Designing
Received in revised form 28 July 2023 these shared and community-based business models can contribute to help countries achieve emission
Accepted 1 August 2023
reduction targets, particularly in developing countries. A systematization in different categories of
Available online xxxx
how these business models can improve the awareness of opportunities and barriers to such models,
Keywords: including the identification of potential models is yet to be explored in a specific market. This paper
Business model proposes such categorization and discusses different shared PV business models observed in this sector,
CANVAS discussing the main similarities and differences of each one based on the CANVAS business model
Shared PV methodology. Further, this paper analyzes these categories in terms of how the decrease in transaction
Sharing economy
costs from the consumers’ perspective would help to deliver value. Finally, we demonstrate the
proposed categorization to existing models in Brazilian and Indian markets, defining which business
model categories are more adherent to this market. Moreover, we discuss possible innovative models
yet to be applied to these developing countries and barriers to be overcome. It was identified that
major existing business models are feasible for both India and Brazil, however, regulatory hindrances
needs to be addressed beforehand.
© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).

1. Introduction Although these favorable policies have been harnessed by

early-adopter consumers and companies, a number of key barri-
Fossil fuel CO2 emissions are an increasing concern world- ers to the widespread PV adoption still exist, as high up-front cost,
wide due to climate change. Multilateral agreements such as long payback time, high transaction costs in the installation and
the Paris agreement are trying to solve this issue, by pushing planning of the system, among others (Strupeit and Palm, 2016).
countries to adopt a collective long-term goal on climate change To overcome such barriers, the available PV business models
mitigation (Savaresi, 2016). Actions towards renewable energy must be designed to reduce the consumers’ transaction costs
developments are being taken worldwide to accomplish these and risks, as well as must provide easy and fast-to-implement
goals. For instance, solar photovoltaics (PV) panels are becoming solutions (Schleicher-Tappeser, 2012). As such, the concept of
an important technology for countries to accomplish their CO2 business models can be used as a framework for analyzing, oper-
ationalizing, and boosting the diffusion of sustainable innovations
emissions reduction targets, and an impressive PV diffusion has
as PV. Moreover, the identification of different aspects of PV busi-
been observed in different countries in the last decade (Masson
ness models can provide the necessary information to identify
and Kaizuka, 2020). Such increase has been occurring in both
sociopolitical and regulatory barriers to their implementation.
distributed and utility-scale facilities worldwide (Masson and
PV business models have evolved in the past years, as reg-
Kaizuka, 2020), since different sorts of incentives have been given
ulatory frameworks have enabled different players to operate
to the sector in the last decade (Matisoff and Johnson, 2017).
in this market worldwide. They have been classified into three
generations (zero, first and second generations) depending on
∗ Corresponding author. how utilities are involved in the business model (Frantzis et al.,
E-mail address: jrthakur@kth.se (J. Thakur). 2008) and different types of individual or shared PV models have

2352-4847/© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-
L. Marques, H.B. da Silva, J. Thakur et al. Energy Reports 10 (2023) 1602–1617

Fig. 1. The three generations of PV business models.

been structured in each generation. A summary of those three pressure to adapt (Funkhouser et al., 2015). A utility can ulti-
generations of PV business models is shown in Fig. 1. mately decide the best place to install a solar facility in order to
The zero generation corresponds to those models when the decrease its distribution costs. However, regulatory frameworks
consumers own and maintain their PV systems on their premises. might prevent utilities from owning PV facilities. These business
In this generation, utilities have a passive role of enabling me- models can be looked from an individual PV perspective, when
tering and grid connection. It is characterized by high upfront relations are between utility and consumers only. However, great
costs, being restricted to a small group of higher income con- value is observed in the shared PV perspective, when utilities can
sumers (Drury et al., 2012). Therefore, most of the PV business offer turn-key PV solutions as part of an electrification strategy to
models in this generation are focused on installation. From an communities without access to electricity, being responsible for
individual PV perspective, such business models are characterized the ownership and operation costs (Thakur et al., 2019). Utilities
by companies that install systems on the rooftop of houses or can also play a significant role in business models not actually
commercial buildings. In a shared PV perspective, such business owned by them. They can act as a re-seller buying all the energy
models are better represented by companies that install systems from local communities and selling to final consumers, with a
on the rooftop of condominiums such as multi-family or small commission for the service.
business buildings. As demonstrated by the characteristics of the three gener-
The first generation is characterized by third-party ownership. ations, one of the main obstacles to the widespread deploy-
It has emerged in the U.S. in 2005 and is expanding gradu- ment of PV generation is the high upfront cost (Mah et al.,
ally, since it requires an enabling regulatory framework (Drury 2018), which hinders the participation of multiple consumers
et al., 2012). In terms of financing, the third-party model has who cannot afford such systems. The rise of remote and shared
PV businesses models in the later generations (Drury et al., 2012)
been implemented in 24 U.S. states, being considered one of
was able to deal with this barrier, enabling more consumers to
the major drivers for PV expansion in the last few years (Hong
benefit from this sustainable technology, because this high cost
et al., 2018). These business models involve PPA (Power Purchase
is no longer paid by one individual. In other words, designing
Agreements) with RESCOs (Renewable Energy Service Company),
shared and community-based business models is a way to achieve
renting and leasing of PV systems to building occupants. In this
economies of scale and boost market participation (Asmus, 2008;
generation, companies design, purchase, install and typically op-
Fina et al., 2019; Foroozandeh et al., 2021). In addition to reducing
erate PV systems (Hong et al., 2018), which decreases largely
the upfront cost, community-based PV can contribute signifi-
the upfront costs for consumers. Third-party companies usually
cantly to reducing harmful gas emissions (Sifakis et al., 2019,
have more access to low cost financing, great ability to handle 2020). Besides the environmental benefits, energy independence
technical risks and the ability to make use of all government and personal economic benefits are considered important factors
incentives (Frantzis et al., 2008). There are also non-profit and that drive people to decide to participate in a community solar
crowdfunding initiatives that can facilitate this issue. These busi- initiative (Peters et al., 2018).
ness models contribute to PV diffusion among lower income The concept of shared PV business model is widely discussed
users (Drury et al., 2012). From an individual PV perspective, in the literature, having multiple definitions depending on the
such business models contribute to diffusion among tenants or regulatory context, local practices, and actors involved. Cough-
apartment households, where installing a PV system on rooftops lin et al. describes ‘‘community shared solar’’ (CSS) as a ‘‘solar-
might not be a simple task. Moreover, individual households and electric system that provides power and/or financial benefit to
small companies that prefer to avoid upfront costs are benefited multiple community members’’ (Coughlin et al., 2011, p. 3). For
from this scenario. From a shared PV perspective, these business the authors, the idea of having multiple and different members
models are characterized by contracts with condominiums of sharing the benefits of the PV system defines a community shared
multi-family or small business buildings to install a third-party business model. Their model is further separated in three sub-
PV system on the building’s premises or by solar farms in remote models, depending on the system ownership (e.g. utility, special
locations with compensation by virtual net-metering. In the last purpose entity, or nonprofit). Moreover, Chan et al. emphasizes
case, consumers are subscribers of a share of such farms. that all CSS programs are different, depending on design choices
The second generation is characterized by a more in-depth defined by not only the ownership model, but also the sub-
involvement of utilities with PV being part of their infrastructure. scription model, the system and site selection, how subscribers
As PV penetration accelerates, utilities will face an increasing enroll the program, and how the CSS is managed/operated (Chan
L. Marques, H.B. da Silva, J. Thakur et al. Energy Reports 10 (2023) 1602–1617

et al., 2017). ‘‘Community solar’’ is again discussed in Asmus as have overlaps depending on other business model aspects. For
(2008), which adds to the definition of business models with instance, crowdfunding models can gather financing for commu-
PV modules on various buildings operating as a single system. nity PV projects from different institutions, including companies,
On the other hand, Augustine and McGavisk use the expression non-profit entities, and residential consumers.
‘‘community shared solar’’ (or more simply ‘‘shared solar’’) to The authors of Roberts et al. (2019) study the shared PV
refer to PV systems providing power and/or benefits to multiple business models for apartment buildings. They define 4 types of
members, while ‘‘community solar’’ to a broader classification, arrangements between the households: individual, which means
which can include the group purchasing of solar equipment (Au- without a shared governance among the apartments; shared PV
gustine and McGavisk, 2016). Finally, Feldman et al. adopt the for common property, in which the generation is used to offset
concept of ‘‘shared solar’’, described as jointly owned or leased the consumption of common areas; shared PV distributed to
systems whose generation is allocated to offset multiple con- apartments via embedded network, to offset the consumption of
sumers’ bills (Feldman et al., 2015). From this definition, the the residents; and shared PV distributed to apartments via a local
authors exclude some cases as shared systems for common ar- energy trading, which adds a local market to the model. Barriers
eas, crowdfunding financing mechanisms, collective-purchasing to these models are discussed, and focused in the Australian
programs, among others. market. Again, the classification proposed by these authors is
The literature concepts of ‘‘community solar’’ or ‘‘shared so- not able to contemplate all possibilities of a shared PV business
lar’’ typically consider the idea of having one system allowing model, because it is focused on apartment buildings.
multiple consumers to share its benefits. After studying differ- After studying the variations in the definitions and expressions
ent countries’ policies, we give a broader definition to create of shared solar, it is imperative to improve the understanding of
a general classification of shared PV business models, in which shared solar for appropriate policy interventions to encourage PV
‘‘community solar’’ and ‘‘shared solar’’ are part of it. We consider adoption. The gap can be seen by the above literature review,
any type of PV business model that allows individuals to have where no consensus of the shared PV business model categories
access to PV generation through shared mechanisms related to exists, and many overlapping classifications have been proposed
the use of the PV system. The idea is to present in one study a so far, which undermines the identification of benefits, chal-
comprehensive set of shared PV models used in the industry as a lenges, and barriers to the different possible shared PV business
means to provide comparative information to researchers, policy- models. To fill this gap, the contributions of this paper are as
makers, and decision-makers. For instance, Zhang provides policy follows:
recommendations for China based on the examination of the
rapidly evolving business models and financing mechanisms in • We propose a different classification of shared PV business
the U.S. (Zhang, 2016), and we seek to provide similar conclusions models, following literature discussion and real-world ex-
in the shared PV context. amples. The idea is to provide a comprehensive set of shared
In addition to the multiple terminology for shared PV, there PV models able to support researchers, the industry, and
is no consensus on the literature or industry over its business regulatory decision-makers to identify opportunities and
models (Michaud, 2020). After reviewing over a hundred papers, barriers to shared PV adoption. The categories are defined
Horváth and Szabó classifies the PV business models into three according to Osterwalder’s business model CANVAS (Oster-
categories mainly based on the ownership model (Horváth and walder and Pigneur, 2010);
Szabó, 2018): host-owned, third-party-owned, and community- • We analyze the business model categories in terms of trans-
shared. The first one includes models in which the owner of action costs, considering three factors that impact the level
the building where the PV system is installed is also the owner of these costs: adoption decision, compensation of elec-
and main user. The second one includes business models in tricity, and ownership. We analyze how transaction cost
which the owner and user of the system are different entities. reduction was explored by companies to deliver value to
The last one includes the models operated and administered by consumers;
different entities, including utilities and non-profit organizations. • We apply the proposed categorization and analysis to Brazil-
From the shared PV perspective, this classification has many ian and Indian shared PV business models in order to under-
overlaps between the categories and is unable to include some stand how these countries’ contexts influence what business
of the shared PV models currently available. Moreover, some of models are more applicable, and what are the barriers for
the shared PV business will be included in the second category, nonexistent ones.
while others in the third. For example, PPAs and solar leases are
examples of revenue streams of third-party ownership models This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents the
but are not present in the community-shared model (Horváth and methodology and the data, Section 3 presents the categories and
Szabó, 2018). However, Michaud shows that many community transaction cost discussion, Section 4 presents the case study in
solar models are based on subscriptions (Michaud, 2020), which the Brazilian and Indian markets. In Section 5, we highlight the
can be done through PPAs, rental or lease contracts. This three- main conclusions.
category classification approach is also in line with the classifica-
tion presented by Huijben and Verbong (2013) for the Dutch PV 2. Methodology
market, which defines PV business models as customer-owned,
community shared, and third party. The methodology applied in this paper is composed of two
In Coughlin et al. (2011) and Michaud (2020), the community main methods: (1) Osterwalder’s business model CANVAS, which
shared solar models are also classified according to the sponsor- is applied to classify the shared PV models in a way to provide
ship models: utility, special purpose entity (SPE),1 or nonprofit. a comprehensive set; (2) the transaction costs method, which
This classification suits the U.S. regulatory framework but is again is used to analyze the incentives and barriers of the PV shared
unable to fit many shared PV models around the world as well business models adoption.
The first method results in a comparative table listing different
1 A group of individuals join forces and create a special entity to develop the business models on each column and different features in each
community shared project. Given the complexity of this enterprise, many SPEs row based on the CANVAS model. The second method results in
are organized by existing business entities. a discussion of how each business model category is related to
L. Marques, H.B. da Silva, J. Thakur et al. Energy Reports 10 (2023) 1602–1617

different levels of transaction costs reduction for users of shared In the context of shared PV, we divide consumers in com-
PV. mercial, residential, and industrial, following power system
Finally, there is a case study of how each category has ad- nomenclature.
herence to the Brazilian and Indian regulatory and economic • Revenue Streams (revenue model): represents the money a
contexts, in terms of how many pillars of the CANVAS business company earns from each customer segment (Osterwalder
model are adherent to each market. Also the main barriers faced and Pigneur, 2010), impacting the feasibility of a business.
by each shared business model based on the Brazilian and Indian In the context of shared PV, we also consider the rev-
regulatory frameworks are discussed. enue model of the consumers, which drives them to in-
The establishment of those methods and their further applica- vest in distributed generation, thus impacting the adoption
tion in the aforementioned case study is based on qualitative and of a shared PV business model. The revenue model for
unstructured data obtained from literature, government agencies, consumers depends on local policies and can be of differ-
companies’ websites and interviews with players from the sector. ent types, e.g. virtual net-metering, feed-in tariff, access
to electricity, among others. For the company offering the
2.1. Business model CANVAS shared PV product/service, herein referred to as ‘‘intermedi-
ary’’, revenues can come from the project development and
Studying business models is essential to boost the diffusion management, installing and operating the system, among
of innovations and for allowing a more sustainable application of others.
existent technologies (Strupeit and Palm, 2016), e.g. Paiho et al. • Cost Structure: characterize the most important costs in-
study business models for improving the energy efficiency of curred to operate the business (Osterwalder and Pigneur,
residential buildings (Paiho et al., 2015). Different concepts and 2010). In the context of shared PV, the main costs are
definitions of a business model exist (Horváth and Szabó, 2018). related to the system’s upfront investment and operation.
Although many researchers disagree on the term meaning, in Therefore, to differentiate shared PV businesses, we consider
general they agree that value creation and capture are central who pays for these key costs, e.g. consumers, a third party,
aspects defining a business model (Strupeit and Palm, 2016). The etc. This cost will impact the adoption/feasibility of a shared
Business Model CANVAS is a popular methodology which defines
PV business model in a certain sociopolitical context.
nine building blocks of a business that are vital for value creation
and capture. Those blocks are represented in a board, helping Different value propositions and customer segments impact
entrepreneurs to design a new business or reformulate an ex- how to design the other aspects of the business model, defining
isting strategy (Osterwalder and Pigneur, 2010). As we intend to the core of the business and being essential to determine how
define business models for shared PV, which is a new application shared PV models differentiate. Moreover, the revenue model
of this distributed generation technology, CANVAS methodology (for consumers and intermediaries), as well as the cost structure,
is also applicable. However, describing an entire business able to are key to classifying business models, because the upfront and
deliver the shared PV value is out of scope of this study. Therefore, operation costs are the main costs of this type of business. The
only fundamental blocks that characterize the main differences definition of these four blocks will determine the feasibility,
between shared PV models are used, as schematized in shaded adoption potential, and implementation challenges of a certain
brown in Fig. 2: shared PV business model in an specific regulatory context. In
addition to those fundamental blocks, we add the ownership
• Value Proposition: can be described by products and/or ser-
vices offered by the company to fulfill the requirements of model as a defining block, which is related to who pays the cost
consumer segments (Osterwalder and Pigneur, 2010). Defin- structure, but not necessarily the same. The ownership impacts
ing the value proposition of a shared PV business model who pays the system costs, who benefits from its revenues, and
will impact all its other aspects, being key to identify the how intermediary companies act to create value.
different categories of shared PV models, their benefits and The other five building blocks, i.e. key activities, key partners,
barriers. For instance, the value proposition impacts which key resources, customer relationships, and channels, are not con-
types of consumers can be targeted/covered by the business sidered, because our objective is to generally classify shared PV
(e.g. a shared PV model sold as a turn-key solution to con- business models, not to determine the specific aspects necessary
sumers with multiple consuming units might not be inter- to create these businesses. More specifically, key activities de-
esting for a residential consumer living in an apartment), as fine the most important activities in the execution of a value
well as impacts the revenue streams of the business. In the proposition; key partners relate to the suppliers of a business
context of shared PV, value propositions include turn-key and/or its complementary business alliances; key resources de-
solutions, subscription models, matching platforms, among termine the resources necessary to create value for the customer;
others, offered by ‘‘integration’’ companies,2 utilities, third customer relationships will define how the business will get,
parties, and non-profit organizations (NPOs) to consumers keep, and grow its customers; and channels define how the
interested in distributed generation. company reaches the customers. As such, all of them describe
• Customer Segments (target consumers): includes the target the operations of a specific company, which do not add value to
consumers a company aims to reach and serve. They may the categorization proposed in this paper, and do not impact the
be grouped into distinct segments with common needs/ business potential of shared PV models in different sociopolitical
behaviors. Defining customer segments is important for contexts.
carefully designing the other aspects of the business model
in general, and, in the context of shared PV, it also helps 2.1.1. Transaction costs
to identify the applicability of a certain model to a certain The reason why consumers make contracts with energy com-
sociopolitical context (e.g. a community solar focused on panies under different business models is to decrease the sum of
residents might not be possible due to local regulations). production and transaction cost of energy services (Sorrell, 2007),
i.e., consumers want to reduce their electricity bill without incur-
2 Integration companies are defined in this paper as the intermediary ring high transaction costs, related to organizing and governing
businesses installing, maintaining, and sometimes owning the PV systems. the activity (Nolden et al., 2016).
L. Marques, H.B. da Silva, J. Thakur et al. Energy Reports 10 (2023) 1602–1617

Fig. 2. Blocks of CANVAS methodology. Shaded blocks are used to classify shared PV business models.

Transaction costs include the costs of planning, adapting,

executing, and monitoring task completion. Uncertainty, com-
plexity, asymmetric information, and opportunism in some situa-
tions are conditions under which transactional inefficiencies may
arise (Williamson, 1980). The greater the transaction efficiency
gains are delivered to a consumer by a business, more valuable
this business will be Amit and Zott (2001). It also involves the
reduction of search and information costs, bargaining and deci-
sion costs and supervision and enforcement costs (Sorrell, 2007).
the authors (Allen, 1991) also links a costly information as one of
the necessary conditions for the existence of transaction costs, as
Fig. 3. Transaction cost features considered for shared PV business models.
well as the variability of goods.
The decrease in transaction costs provided to consumers has
significant importance in the diffusion of PV technology and busi-
ness models development. They are mainly associated with how are borne by the company in favor of the consumers. In the
much direct or indirect effort a non-specialist small consumer group of environmental uncertainty, we consider the compen-
should put into the process or internalize in order to adopt a PV sation of electricity, since local or remote compensation inputs
technology, and to harness local government incentives on re- challenges regarding technological issues. On the other hand, in
newable energy and other economic benefits. Since PV consumers the group of behavior uncertainty, we consider adoption deci-
usually have low expertise in these activities of installing or con- sions and ownership of the PV system. In this latter group, these
necting the PV system with local utility and all the bureaucracy two features encompass the possible uncertainties that may arise
involved with these activities, value is added to consumers when in the relation to consumers in an economic transaction in a
such costs are decreased by a company in a business model. shared PV business model. Fig. 3 presents the transaction cost
In shared PV business models, transaction costs might be features considered in this analysis.
internalized in some cases due to voluntary time and dedication In other to clarify how each category of shared PV business
of community directors (Nolden et al., 2020). However, even with model tends to deliver to consumers more or less transaction
information available online, there is a possibility that customers costs reduction, we propose a comparative analysis based on
are confused, resulting in high transaction costs considering mar- binary variables xi . For this comparative purpose, we consider:
kets like the building-integrated PV (Curtius, 2018).
• x1 as compensation of electricity, considering x1 = 0 for
From the consumers’ point of view, these transaction costs
local compensation and x1 = 1 for remote;
might even be prohibitive without companies that offer a com-
• x2 as adoption decision, considering x2 = 0 for joint deci-
plete turn-key solutions. Therefore, transaction cost reduction
sions and x2 = 1 for single;
opportunities are being used as a way to deliver value to these
• x3 as ownership of PV system, considering x3 = 0 for
consumers. In order to evaluate how these costs are decreased by
self-owned ownership and x3 = 1 for third-party;
each business model, we consider 2 different variables from the
transaction cost economics (TCE): environmental and behavior Compensation of electricity could be local or remote. Remote
uncertainty (Sorrell, 2007). These features are indirectly consid- compensation could be perceived as having a higher level of
ered by consumers when opting for shared PV systems. The first transaction costs reduction, since the system is installed out of
is related to unanticipated changes in circumstances surrounding the consumer’s premises and electrical and civil infrastructure
a transaction and the second is related to difficulties associated issues would be mostly reduced in this scenario. The adoption
with monitoring the contractual performance of transaction part- decision of a PV system could be single or joint, and this last
ners, avoiding opportunist behavior (Sorrell, 2007). Such behavior one is related to agreements between different consumers, which
comes when decision makers may unscrupulously seek to serve inputs to them a higher transaction cost to conduct such agree-
their self-interests (Rindfleisch and Heide, 1997). ments. Therefore, business models with single adoption decisions
In this approach, we consider there are three main features tend to deliver higher transaction cost reductions to consumers.
that could be responsible for how large the transaction costs Regarding ownership, a self-owned system inputs to consumers
L. Marques, H.B. da Silva, J. Thakur et al. Energy Reports 10 (2023) 1602–1617

Table 1
Classification of shared PV models.
Pillar Integration model Renting of PV Community solar Leasing Microgrid model RESCO/PPA Utility re-seller Nonprofit Crowdfunding

Value Proposition Turn-key solution Subscription Community Turn-key solution Turn-key solution Turn-key solution Utility buys Supporters of the Platform matches
offered by model offered by members own the offered by offered by the installed in the energy from local NPO help finance investors with
‘‘integration’’ third-party, utility, shared PV, defined ‘‘integrators’’ utility as an consumers’ communities solar the system consumers
companies or government by a negotiated without upfront off-grid microgrid premises with a and resells to through interested in the
agreement costs and the solution pre-defined consumers tax-deductible PV generation
possibility of monthly tariff donations or
buying the system direct investment
at the end in the project

Target Consumer Commercial, Renters, small Owners (of all Residential Residential Residential Residential Residential Residential,
industrial business, types) inside commercial,
industries community industrial

Ownership Model Customer-owned Third-party, utility, Community- Third-party Utility Utility, third-party Local community NPO, community Various types
government owned, flipping to solar members, donors depending on
utility consumer project

Revenue model Virtual Virtual Virtual Virtual Energy access Lower tariff Virtual Virtual Virtual
(consumers) net-metering, net-metering, net-metering, net-metering, with monthly net-metering, net-metering, net-metering,
feed-in tariff feed-in tariff feed-in tariff feed-in tariff tariff lower tariff lower tariff, green feed-in tariff
donation fund

Revenue model Project Project Project Rental, solar Monthly tariff Fee for services Commission to Excess power Commission to
(supplier or development and development and development and leasing utility and tariff revenue, green platform
intermediary) management operation charged implementation to system owners credits sell
(transaction costs) as subscription,
fee for services

Upfront and System owners Third-party, utility, System owners Third-party Utility Third-party Local community Donors, NPO, Investors
operation costs government solar community
members, utility
grants, state

Example Pharmacy chains Enercred (BR), Enterprise with Environment MGPs (IN) University Park Sacramento California Habitat Citizenergy (EU),
and banks (BR) EMGD (BR), Órigo multiple consumer Leasing of private Community Solar Municipal Utility for Humanity (US) Sunexchange
(BR), Mori (BR), units (BR), banks (BR), LLC (US) District (US) (global), Solar
CEMIG Sim! (BR), multi-family multi-family Green Power (NL),
Tucson Electric households (SE), housing Ecopower (BE),
(US) shared PV complexes (KR) United PV (CN)
buildings (AU)

BR: Brazil; US: United Stated; SE: Sweden; AU: Australia; KR: South Korea; IN: India; EU: Europe; NL: Netherlands; BE: Belgium; CN: China

3. Results and discussion

The results of the methods can be summarized by the com-

prehensive list of shared PV business models, together with a
discussion of their characteristics, adoption potential, barriers,
and associated transaction costs.

3.1. Main business models of shared PV

Based on the CANVAS blocks, we propose nine categories of

shared PV business models, which are summarized in Table 1. The
categories used here were based on literature and existing shared
Fig. 4. Transaction cost features values considered in the analysis in terms of PV projects. Even though some of them might carry only one
reduction levels. block of the CANVAS (e.g. renting of PV Systems is quite related to
the revenue streams) or diverge from literature (e.g. community
solar is different from community shared solar), they all differ in
terms of value proposition together with some of the other CAN-
VAS fundamental blocks used to their classification. Moreover, the
all the financing issues and upfront cost regarding buying a PV
divergences from literature notation are explicitly stated when
system, which tends to input to them higher transaction costs applicable.
than third-party owned systems.
Therefore, the total amount of transaction cost level y for each 3.1.1. Integration model
category can be estimated by summing up the values of each In this model, depicted in Fig. 5, solar integrator companies of-
feature: fer turn-key solutions to consumers, which include project devel-
∑ opment and management, system installation and maintenance,
ŷ = xi (1) and documentation required by utilities (Thakur et al., 2019).
These companies focus on reducing consumers’ transaction costs
and delivering convenience to the customer. Besides offering the
Therefore, to assess transaction costs reduction and assuming complete PV system and installing it, they provide all necessary
equal weights in this paper for the features, if a BM contributes services required to connect, operate and maintain the system.
in the reduction of the 3 features, it will have a higher score Among those services, achieving technical and administrative
in ŷ. Fig. 4 depicts how the transaction cost feature values will compliance to the distribution utility rules, to obtain access to
be considered in this analysis in terms of transaction cost level the electrical grid and export the PV energy in excess, requires
reduction. specific expertise in electrical energy concepts and regulation of
L. Marques, H.B. da Silva, J. Thakur et al. Energy Reports 10 (2023) 1602–1617

Fig. 5. Integration business model. Fig. 6. Renting of PV Systems business model.

the electricity sector that most consumers do not have. The PV

system project and development requires knowledge of the local
market to be able to obtain a good performance–cost relationship
when integrating the many components that form the system.
In the residential sector, this business model is very popular
for singular PV systems, in which homeowners are interested in
installing a distributed generation on their rooftop and are able
to pay for the upfront cost. On the other hand, for shared PV
systems, this model suits better commercial and industrial con-
sumers with multiple facilities or franchises in different locations.
Those consumers are able to install a larger but distributed PV
system in one of their units and use the excess energy to offset
the consumption of other sites. System owners are responsible
for paying the upfront and operation costs, and are paid back Fig. 7. Community solar business model.

through virtual net-metering or feed-in tariff in those multiple

locations. The intermediary companies receive a payment for the
project development and management and, in many cases, for 3.1.3. Community solar
maintenance. In Brazil, commercial companies, such as pharmacy This model, depicted in Fig. 7, resembles the integration one,
chains (Bernardo, 2018) and banks (X., 2021), install a larger with the difference that multiple consumers join a community
PV system in one of their units and offset consumption in their agreement to own a shared PV system, instead of having one
subsidiaries. Community based Solar power plant in Rampura owner with one (multiple) system (s) using the generation to
is developed by Development Alternatives, an NGO (Joshi and offset consumption in multiple units, as in the integration model.
Yenneti, 2020), is an example of integration model. In India, Consumers must negotiate the terms of the agreement to de-
on-bill financing business model is similar to integration model fine participants’ shares, the system location, which integration
aids consumers, wherein consumers are benefited in the form company will install and operate the system, the revenue policy,
of reduced overall cost of system and service, lower transaction among others (Perger et al., 2021). In this case, consumers can
costs, and also safeguards operations and management services. be of various types, such as residential, commercial, and indus-
trial (Mehta and Tiefenbeck, 2022). Because the members are the
owners of the shared system, they must pay for the upfront and
3.1.2. Renting of PV systems
operation costs, as well as the transaction costs related to forming
In this model, depicted in Fig. 6, third-party entities develop
and managing the community. Moreover, their investment is
shared PV projects, install and manage the PV systems, and offer
paid back by virtual net metering or feed-in-tariff, depending
subscription to consumers (Coughlin et al., 2011; Thakur et al.,
on local policy. The intermediary company is only responsible
2019; Michaud, 2020). The third-party can be a PV company, the
for developing the project and installing the system, being also
utility, or the government. They are responsible for the upfront
able to get revenue from future maintenance. Examples of this
cost of the distributed system, as well as all the transaction costs
business model are: enterprises with multiple consumer units
related to its installation and operation. The idea is to be able to (EMUCs) in Brazil (BlueSol, 2021), multi-family households in
offer the benefits of PV generation to consumers who cannot own Sweden (Sommerfeldt et al., 2016), and shared PV for apartment
the system, because of the high upfront costs, unavailability of buildings in Australia (Roberts et al., 2019).
roof space, households that live in an apartment or as tenants, One should not confound the ‘‘community shared solar’’ (CSS)
lack of knowledge about PV systems, among others. Therefore, programs in the literature, as in Coughlin et al. (2011), Chan
the target consumers are small businesses, industries and house- et al. (2017), with the category proposed here. CSS is broader and
holds just mentioned. Subscribers can benefit from virtual net might include almost all other business models (e.g. renting of
metering or feed-in tariffs, depending on local policies. Moreover, PV systems, leasing, RESCO/PPA, utility re-seller, non-profit, and
the system owner charges subscribers a monthly fee for services crowdfunding) depending on design choices such as ownership,
to cover the implementation and operation expenses, and the subscription model, site selection, etc.
owner’s profit. Examples of this business model are: Enercred
(2022), EMGD (2022), Órigo Energia (2022), Mori (2022) and 3.1.4. Leasing
Sim! (2022) in Brazil, and Tucson Electric in U.S (Coughlin et al., This model, illustrated in Fig. 8, resembles the renting of PV
2011). systems, but subscribers have the opportunity to buy the system
L. Marques, H.B. da Silva, J. Thakur et al. Energy Reports 10 (2023) 1602–1617

Fig. 8. Leasing business model. Fig. 9. Microgrid business model.

at the end of the leasing period. In a lease, consumers pay a fixed

monthly rate regardless of how much electricity is generated in
the system (CSE, 2020). In the residential sector, this is a very
popular model for singular systems, specially when upfront costs
are high. However, in the case of shared PV, this model is more
difficult to implement, considering that flipping the ownership of
only a share of a system involves building complex agreements.
As in the other models, consumers benefit from virtual net me-
tering or feed-in tariffs. Moreover, the system owner (considered
as an intermediary) gets revenue from renting and later leasing
the solar system. This third-party entity is responsible for the
upfront system cost, and its operation while owning it. Environ-
ment Leasing of private banks in Brazil (Bradesco, 2022) is an
example of this model. In India, RESCO-owned rooftop systems Fig. 10. RESCO/PPA business model.
involves complete development of solar projects, and they own
and operates the project.
In South Korea, a high rate of multi-family housing com- such as India, which has examples of this model (Government of
plexes accounting for 68% of the electricity consumption in the India - Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, 2022). Utilities
country’s residential sector is an interesting reason to boost the plays a vital role in microgrid, by providing grid to avoid extra
leasing business for shared PV (Hong et al., 2018). The different expenses in the form of electricity storage, along with provision
consumption rates among the families can be an obstacle to of procuring electricity during electricity deficit scenario (Ahmad
implementation, because the requirements to buy the system and Alam, 2018).
could be achieved at different times by the families. Moreover,
some families could decide not to buy their part. 3.1.6. RESCO/PPA
Therefore, good leasing contract designs should foresee a sit- In this model, Fig. 10, Renewable Energy Service Compa-
uation in which parts of the PV system are owned by some nies (RESCOs) offer turn-key solutions installed in consumers’
consumers and other parts are leased, for instance, by indicat- premises, who pay a pre-defined monthly per kilowatt-hour
ing the creation of a special purpose entity with well-defined tariff, typically competitive with the local utility tariff, to benefit
responsibilities and rights for both kind of consumers. from the system’s generation through a Power Purchase Agree-
ment (PPA) (Thakur et al., 2019). The RESCO installs and operates
3.1.5. Microgrid model the system on consumers’ property, keeping the ownership of the
In this model, Fig. 9, utilities offer turn-key solutions as an system. As in some aforementioned models, RESCO businesses
off-grid microgrid to communities without access to electric- are popular in singular residences, in which homeowners cannot
ity (Thakur et al., 2019). Its main goal is to provide energy to afford the high upfront cost, but want to enjoy the benefits from
residential consumers, specially of rural towns in developing distributed generation. In the case of shared PV, the system can
countries located far away from the electrical grid (Wouters, be installed in communities’ buildings, as churches and schools,
2015). When providing electricity through the main grid involves and in multi-family buildings, and the RESCO sells the energy
costs that cannot be afforded by the consumers, or when the generated in PV systems to community’s participants. Community
access to the geographic place is very difficult, isolated microgrids members profit from a lower tariff and access to renewable
are an option to offer electricity to low-income populations. In energy. The intermediary (RESCO) is paid for its investments and
these cases, a distribution utility could be the best agent to im- operation costs with this fee for service. Also, utilities can sponsor
plement a solution, keeping ownership of the system, and being this type of business model. An example of this model is the
responsible for its upfront and operation costs. Consumers benefit University Park Community Solar LLC in the U.S. (Higuchi, 2015;
from having access to energy, paid as a monthly tariff. The utility Coughlin et al., 2011).
may develop technical expertise in microgrids or, probably better,
it can involve itself in public–private partnerships to develop and 3.1.7. Utility re-seller
install the systems. In this model, shown in Fig. 11, utilities buy energy from
This community PV model is very important to improve en- local communities’ shared solar and resell the energy to their
ergy access where the main grid is not present in countries consumers. The local community solar has the ownership of the
L. Marques, H.B. da Silva, J. Thakur et al. Energy Reports 10 (2023) 1602–1617

tariff, lower tariff, energy access, or green donation funds. The

platform gets commissions from project developers to support its
There are multiple types of crowdfunding for PV projects, in-
cluding donation-based, reward-based, lending-based, and
equity-based (Lam and Law, 2016). Crowdfunding model has a
potential to generate funds for PV diffusion. It can generate 2.5
to 4% of the total cumulative funds need for PV in Singapore by
2050 (Lu et al., 2018). There are several platforms specialized in
PV projects, e.g. Citizenergy (2022), and Sunexchange (2022).
Examples of this business model include Solar Green Point in
the Netherlands and Ecopower in Belgium (Lam and Law, 2016).
There is also a Chinese company, United PV, which introduced
crowdfunding initiatives in the PV market, according to Li et al.
Fig. 11. Utility re-seller business model. (2018).

3.2. Transaction costs in PV business models

system, and the utility plays a role of intermediary between
the system owners and the final consumers. Moreover, upfront These business models have been developed in the shared PV
and operation costs are sponsored by the local community solar, sector as a way to bridge the gap between PV systems and non-
which is paid back through selling the energy to the utility. The specialist consumers under different regulatory frameworks. They
final consumers can get credits for buying the energy from the lo- have been developed to decrease either the purchase costs or
cal community through the utility, or a lower tariff than the retail the transaction costs for final PV consumers. In PV systems, the
market. Utilities can charge a commission for mediating services. purchase costs tends to be the largest cost and biggest barrier
An example of this model is the Sacramento Municipal Utility for consumers, but in the shared PV, transaction costs plays
District (SMUD) with its SolarShares Program (SMUD, 2022). an important role as well. For example, managing a group of
household connections can take some time and effort from the
3.1.8. Non-profit
In this model, as depicted in Fig. 12, supporters of the Non-
In this section, we highlight how shared PV business models
profit Organization (NPO) help finance the system through tax-
decrease these costs to consumers for a comparative purpose.
deductible donations or direct investments in the project (Cough-
Three main features could be responsible for how large the
lin et al., 2011). The upfront costs are paid by donors, the NPO,
transaction costs are borne by the company in favor of the con-
utility grants, state programs, or even community members or
sumers: compensation of electricity, adoption decision and own-
homeowners. For the last two, the NPO gives consumers access
to ‘‘cheap’’ loans. Depending on the arrangement, the system
Table 2 presents each configuration of these features and how
can be owned by the NPO, community members, or donors.
large the level of transaction costs borne by companies in each
Community members benefit from virtual net-metering, lower
category, and therefore reduced to the consumers. We consider
tariff, or green donation funds. On the other hand, some inter-
here binary values for each feature, summing them up to obtain
mediaries (e.g. donors and NPO) can have revenue from selling
this transaction cost reduction level ŷ of each category. For this
excess power and green credits, or deducing taxes (Chan et al.,
paper, we have assumed that the three main factors have equal
2019). An example of this business model is California Habitat
weight in the calculation of TC reduction level.
for Humanity, which built a shared PV system on the rooftop of
As explained in Fig. 4, three dimensions were considered in
a building with multiple home units. While the individuals in the
the evaluation of each business model: compensation scheme,
Homeowner Association own a panel of the roof-mounted solar
adoption decision and ownership. The transaction cost reduction
array, the Homeowner Association holds additional solar panels
in common areas to offset the remaining electricity costs (Chan level depends on the adherence of each BM to each category.
et al., 2019). Microgrid model, non-profit, crowdfunding and integration
model were classified with a higher level of transaction cost
3.1.9. Crowdfunding reduction, with ŷ = 2. Then, we have renting of PV systems,
In this model, as depicted in Fig. 13, an online platform leasing and RESCO/PPA, with ŷ = 1. Finally, community solar and
matches investors with consumers interested in PV generation utility reseller were classified as the business model categories
or shared PV projects. Different types of projects can be offered with lower transaction cost reduction levels, with ŷ = 0. Fig. 14
in the crowdfunding platform, having similar business models depicts the classification in this analysis considering the cubic
to the aforementioned ones. However, the presence of this new framework presented in the methodology.
intermediary makes crowdfunding a new model, connected to
the idea of sharing economy (Ritter and Schanz, 2019). More- 4. Case study
over, investors can be from multiple groups, especially ordinary
citizens across the globe. This generates a big change in the The analysis of the main PV business models and the major
financing model of shared PV projects because the high upfront challenges they face are important methods to provide policy
costs do not need to be paid directly by consumers, third-party, recommendations to a specific market. We discuss what would be
or utilities, through bank loans, government grants, NPO projects, the main barriers and challenges for Brazil and India. Initially, the
or self capital. Multiple small investors are able to invest in distributed generation (DG) general context is described together
shared PV projects using the crowdfunding platform. Therefore, with data on market characteristics and size. Then, the shared PV
the PV system can be owned by a utility, government, third business models adherent to each country’s regulations are iden-
party, community members, consumers, or NPO. In addition, final tified. Finally, the main barriers and challenges for non-applicable
consumers can be benefited from virtual net-metering, feed-in business models are indicated.
L. Marques, H.B. da Silva, J. Thakur et al. Energy Reports 10 (2023) 1602–1617

Table 2
Transaction costs (TC) level borne by shared PV categories depending on transaction cost features.
Compensation Adoption Ownership (x3 ) TC reduction Business model categories
scheme (x1 ) decision (x2 ) level (ŷ)
Remote Single Third-party 3 –
Local Single Third-party 2 Microgrid Model, Nonprofit,
Remote Joint Third-party 2 –
Local Joint Third-party 1 Renting of PV systems, Leasing,
Remote Single Self-owned 2 Integration Model
Local Single Self-owned 1 –
Remote Joint Self-owned 1 –
Local Joint Self-owned 0 Community Solar, Utility

Fig. 12. Non-profit business model.

Fig. 13. Crowdfunding business model. Fig. 14. Shared PV business model category classification in terms of transaction
cost reduction.

4.1. Brazilian market

high efficiency cogeneration are enabled. Net-metering mecha-
nisms, called energy compensation schemes, are applied to cope
4.1.1. Regulatory context of distributed generation in Brazil
with energy valuation. Monthly consumption is compensated by
The Brazilian regulation for DG up to 1 MW was established the energy generated by DG units, following some rules. For
in 2012 by the Normative Resolution 482/2012 (Brasil, Agên- consumers under binomial time-of-use (TOU) tariffs, in general
cia Nacional de Energia Elétrica (ANEEL), 2012), issued by the medium voltage consumers with mini DG, the volumetric part
electricity sector regulator, the National Electrical Energy Agency of the tariff is used to value the DG generation. If in a certain
(ANEEL), and revised and modified in 2015 and 2017. More re- month electricity consumption exactly matches DG generation,
cently, a legal framework for DG was established by the federal the prosumer must pay only the demand part of the tariff. If not,
law 14.300/2022 (Brasil, 2022), and regulated by the Normative the positive difference (net generation) is credited or the negative
Resolution 1059/2023 of ANEEL (Agência Nacional de Energia difference (net consumption) must be paid. On the other hand,
Elétrica (ANEEL), 2023) that revoked previous resolutions. DG is for prosumers under monomial volumetric tariffs, which are the
classified into micro DG (up to 75 kW) and mini DG (between majority of low voltage consumers with micro DG, the federal
75 kW and 5 MW, or 3 MW for not dispatchable new units) law introduced important modifications. The old rules allowed a
and only renewable sources hydro, solar, wind, biomass, and one-to-one compensation in which the value of the DG energy
L. Marques, H.B. da Silva, J. Thakur et al. Energy Reports 10 (2023) 1602–1617

Table 3
Net-metering schemes for distributed PV generation in Brazil as in February/2023.
Net-metering scheme Description
Individual with local compensation net-metering with electricity credits compensated in the
(ILC) generation unit
Individual with remote compensation net-metering with electricity credits compensated in a remote
(IRC) consumption unit of the prosumer in the same utility area
Shared with local compensation (SLC) net-metering with credits compensated locally among several
consumption units
Shared with remote compensation net-metering with credits compensated remotely among
(SRC) several consumption units

was given by the whole energy tariff, and a small availability However, Microgrid, RESCO/PPA, Utility Reseller, and Non-
payment was established to cope with network operation and profit models do not support all six pillars under Brazilian DG
expansion costs. Under law 14.300/2022 only 70%, approximately, market rules. The Microgrid Model as defined in this paper could
of the whole energy tariff will be considered to value the energy be implemented as SLC net-metering scheme; however, the Value
generated from micro DG. The remaining 30% of the tariff refers Proposition pillar does not apply, because utilities cannot offer
to operation and expansion costs of the distribution system. turn-key solutions to non grid-connected consumers, since they
Therefore, low voltage prosumers with micro DG will have to cannot own generation assets. The cost structure does not apply
contribute to network costs. Notice that, even the federal law was also: microgrids can be implemented under Brazilian regulation
issued early in 2022, this modification takes place one year later but they cannot be owned by a distribution utility due to the
and in a progressive form, increasing the network payment up to generation assets ownership restrictions. On the contrary, both
30% in six years. revenue pillars RM-C and RM-SI are valid. Notice that LOW ad-
There are four different net-metering mechanisms that de- herence is indicated, because only less than 1% of Brazilians
pend on the DG system location and on the quantity of con- consumers are off-grid. The RESCO-PPA business model is not
sumption units that benefit from the generated energy. Table 3 allowed under Brazilian DG regulation since third parties, like
summarizes these schemes. In the local compensation scheme, RESCOs, cannot sell energy to consumers served by utilities. The
consumption and generation occur in the same location, and in Utility Reseller model cannot be implemented as defined in this
remote compensation the DG location is different from that of paper; however, a variant will be possible in the near future, as
the consumption units that benefit. Both local and remote energy discussed in next section. The Non-profit business model fails to
compensation is possible for shared DG models. A shared with adhere to the CANVAS pillar related with supplier or intermediary
local compensation scheme involves different consumption units revenue, because excess DG generation cannot be commercialized
located nearby on the same plot, e.g., a condominium. A shared and there are no green credits nor reduced taxes mechanisms.
with remote compensation scheme considers consumption units
in different locations that are organized in a consortium, coopera-
4.1.3. Barriers to business models
tive or any other civil organization instituted for this purpose, and
The Microgrid model, as defined in this paper, refers to com-
the generating unit is located in one of the consumption units.
munities without access to electricity. In Brazil this model is
Shared schemes are allowed since the regulatory review of 2015.
explored under specific government programs, because utilities
The Brazilian market of micro and mini DG has grown a lot in
cannot own generation assets (Brasil, 2004).
the last years, and PV energy dominates the market. By February
Utility re-seller model has low adherence to the Brazilian reg-
2023, there are more than 17,973.00 MW of DG installed power,
ulation due to the regulatory model of the distribution segment
from which 99.9% are PV systems, as informed by the regulatory
which prevents utilities to buy electricity from consumers or
agency (ANEEL, 2023). The distributed PV market, considering the
group of consumers. However, federal law 14.300/2022 allows
number of PV grid-connected systems, is almost 30 times greater
them to buy micro and mini DG energy under a public procedure
than in 2018, with 1,699,010 units. On the other side, shared
PV models (both local and remote compensation) account only that still needs to be regulated by ANEEL. Therefore, it is expected
for 0.61% of the installed PV power (almost 108.20 MW), and that in the future this model could be applied in Brazil. Moreover,
0.24% of the total number of PV system units, although almost it is expected that utilities should use this scheme as a non-wire
half of this power has been installed during 2022. The shared approach to system expansion and operation improvements.
with local compensation (e.g. condominium) installed power is The RESCO/PPA model cannot be applied to low voltage con-
all PV (ANEEL, 2023). sumers, because their energy must be provided by the local
utility, thus they cannot buy energy from third parties. Recently,
4.1.2. Shared PV business models adherence to Brazilian local regu- the Ministry of Mines and Energy issued the ordinance 50/2022
lation (Brasil, Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME), 2022) that allows
Table 4 presents the adherence of each business model of medium voltage consumers to adhere to the wholesale energy
Table 1 to the Brazilian regulation. Rows contain business models market, starting in January 2024, so those consumers will be able
as defined in Section 3.1 evaluated in relation to CANVAS pil- to choose their energy provider. Moreover, there is a law project
lars, under the perspective of shared arrangements viable in the under study to extend this possibility to all consumers.
Brazilian market. Additionally, law 14.300/2022 allows for new and more flex-
The Integration Model suits industrial and commercial con- ible forms of consumer union, as civil societies, that can group
sumers with multiple facilities which can adopt the IRC net- both individuals and legal entities, and the consortium of con-
metering scheme: the company will install the PV system in sumers. However, they are not well defined from the legal point
one of its facilities and compensate the energy also in the other of view yet. Another barrier is financing, because this new busi-
facilities. The Renting of PV Systems Model can be implemented ness is not completely understood by financing institutions. Re-
for SRC net-metering scheme fulfilling all six pillars. Community garding grid access, negative impacts on the operation of the grid
Solar and Leasing Models can also be implemented in Brazil for are observed in many cases, because some shared PV projects,
both local and remote shared schemes. when looking for locations with good solar potential, install PV
L. Marques, H.B. da Silva, J. Thakur et al. Energy Reports 10 (2023) 1602–1617

Table 4
Business models adherence according to regulation in Brazil as in February/2023.
Business Business model adherence Final Brazilian
model VP TC OWN RM-C RM-SI CO adherence scheme

Integration Model ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ High IRC

Renting of PV Systems ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ High SRC
Community Solar ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ High SLC, SRC
Leasing ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ High SLC, SRC
Microgrid Model ✗ ✓ ✗ ✓ ✓ ✗ Low SLC
RESCO/PPA ✗ ✓ ✗ ✗ ✓ ✗ None –
Utility Re-seller ✗ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✗ ✓ None –
Non-profit ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✗ ✓ Medium ILC, IRC, SLC, SRC
Crowdfunding ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ High ILC, IRC, SLC, SRC

VP: value proposition; TC: target consumers; OWN: ownership model; RM-C: revenue model (consumers); RM-SI: revenue model (supplier or
intermediary); CO: costs; ILC: individual with local compensation; IRC: individual with remote compensation, SLC: shared with local compensation;
SRC: shared with remote compensation.

systems in regions with weak electrical grid. Two approaches

are possible to cope with this problem, reinforcing the grid and
requiring the participation of PV systems in distribution grid
operating actions, by using their inverters control capabilities.
This latter option is envisaged by law 14.300/2022 when allows
distribution utilities to buy ancillary services from micro and
mini DG, but still needs to be regulated by the electricity sector
In brief, the new law 14.300/2022 introduces many new pos-
sibilities for shared business models expansion in Brazil, but
specific regulation for some cases still needs to be defined.

4.2. Indian market

4.2.1. Regulatory context of distributed generation in India

At present, India’s total installed electricity generation capac-
ity is approximately 412 GW as of February 2023 (Ministry of
Power, 2023), which will be approximately 820 GW by 2030,
however, the target of renewable capacity is expected to grow
by 500 GW by 2030 (TERI, 2022). Expansion of centralized gen-
eration will be a sufficient and feasible solution. DG is identified Fig. 15. Distributed Solar Business Models in India.
as a solution that caters to reliable supply to the loads.
Ministry of New and Renewable Energy has promoted the
adoption of renewable energy initiative in India with the help rooftop solar installations as per Electricity (Rights of Consumers)
of various schemes like Pradhan Mantri Kisan Urja Suraksha Amendment Rule, 2021. Also under the new Electricity Amend-
Evam Utthan Mahabhiyan (PM KUSUM), Rooftop Solar Program, ment Rules, 2021, the state government has the right to make
Solar parks, Green Energy Corridor, and Greening of Islands like regulations related to net metering/net billing/gross metering.
Andaman and Nicobar and Lakshwadeep (MNRE, 2020). However, Finally, as per new regulations, consumers are persuaded to
at present, India’s power generation is centralized, leading to install energy storage. India installed around 13,956 MW of solar
transmission losses and high dependency on consumers. The in the year 2022, out of which rooftop solar capacity is 1.9 GW
distributed renewable energy model can provide a consistent, and around 700 MW of off-grid capacity by the end of the year
sustainable power supply solution, especially because the poten- 2022 (Magazine, 2023).
tial of renewable energy in India is high. To promote the dis-
tributed generation, Indian government has promoted schemes 4.2.2. Rooftop business models in India
like Rooftop Solar Scheme and Solar Agri pumps, solar cold stor- Decentralized solar energy involves mainly two stakeholders:
age, Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure using rooftop solar utility and consumers. Utility plays an active role in development,
(RTS) and Productive use appliances (MNRE, 2023). installation, investment and facility development, and act as in-
Rooftop solar plays an important role in decarbonization of terface between consumer and the grid. There are two types of
electricity sector, considering the high cost of electricity and dete- business models in decentralized solar energy: namely, utility-
riorating environmental quality. In 2014, the Ministry of New and focused solar business models and customer-focused business
Renewable Energy introduced ‘‘Grid-connected rooftop and small model. Both are depicted in Fig. 15.
solar plant scheme’’ to promote solar installations at rooftop and Utility centric business models based on the role of utilities
commercial buildings. This scheme was promoted by State Nodal can be categorized into anchored-procurement, on-bill-financing,
Agencies (SNAs), Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI), Public utility as super-RESCO, and Payment Assurance Model. Anchored-
Sector Units (PSU), Distribution Companies (DISCOMS) and other procurement model provides complete rooftop service to con-
organizations. Parallelly, the government of India is providing sumers via a third party. This model provides economies of scale,
40% percentage subsidy for residential consumers for systems better installation, service and quality, with lower transaction
up to 3 kWp capacity and 20% subsidy for 3 kWp to 7 kWp costs and payment risks. It can be categorized into two: the
capacity (Rooftop, 2023). facilitated procurement model and Engineering, Procurement,
India’s Ministry of Power amended the Electricity (Right of Construction (EPC) Contractor Model. In facilitated procurement
Consumers) 2020 Rules and permitted 500 kW capacity for model, the utility aids in signing EPC agreement with the third
L. Marques, H.B. da Silva, J. Thakur et al. Energy Reports 10 (2023) 1602–1617

party and the utility gains facilitation fee, whereas, in EPC con- 4.2.4. Shared PV business models’ adherence to Indian local regula-
tractor model, the utility signs an EPC agreement with both the tion
vendor and the end consumer. On-bill financing model involves Table 6 presents the PV business models and its adherence as
mainly three stakeholders: the consumer, the lender and the util- per Indian local regulations. Business models presented in table
ity. This model supports consumers willing to develop self-owned are aligned with Section 3.1. The integration model is appropriate
solar roof-top projects and is mostly preferred by residential for both commercial and residential projects in India and can
consumers. Key benefits of this business model includes the role
adhere to GNM scheme. Considering high upfront costs, renting
of utility as a facilitator between consumer and lender/financial
PV systems are a feasible option and also have high adherence
institutions, cheaper debt and lower EMIs (Mishra et al., 2018).
Utility as a super-RESCO involves three stakeholders, namely, to Indian local regulation, and both GNM and VNM schemes are
the utility, consumer and third-party developers. In this model, applicable to this business model. Community solar is not a part
the utility supplies power to consumers by utility-owned rooftop of the current PV business model, but they are the future of the
solar panels of third party developers. This model is also cat- shared PV business model in India. Microgrid are highly accept-
egorized into two: Utility-owned Rooftop Systems and RESCO- able and has high adherence to Indian local regulations. Similarly,
owned Rooftop Systems. Under Utility-owned Rooftop Systems, RESCO and Utility resellers are part of Indian PV business model.
the utility develops rooftop solar panels on consumer premises, Non-profit and crowdfunding business model supports revenue
who agrees to purchase the electricity generated. RESCO-Owned model for both consumers and intermediaries and schemes GNM
Rooftop models involve three stakeholders, namely, the utility, and VNM are feasible options are per Indian local regulations.
consumers and RESCO. In this model, the utility does not own
the solar setup but consumers lease the premises to the utility
and the utility sub-leases it to RESCO. Electricity generated is 4.3. Barriers to distributed solar business model in India
purchased by the utility, which is later sold to consumers (Mishra
et al., 2018).
In literature, many barriers are identified in scaling up so-
In the Payment Assurance Model, the utility acts as a facilitator
lar projects. Recently, twelve major barriers in scaling shared
between the consumers and vendor (lender/RESCO/developer).
Here, vendor owns and operates the system, consumers purchase PV were identified and business model was identified one of
the electricity, and the utility ensures the timely payment from the most important barrier (Thakur and Wilson, 2022). Indian
consumers (Mishra et al., 2018). government has taken many initiatives and amended many reg-
Customer-focused solar business models can be categorized ulations to scale up the adoption of rooftop solar PV, and aims
into two: Consumer (rooftop owner)-owned (CAPEX), and Re- to increase the installed capacity of solar energy in power gener-
newable energy service company owned (RESCO). CAPEX and ation. However, there are many challenges and barriers that are
RESCO are dominating solar business models in India. CAPEX hindering the uptake of a solar rooftop system. Some of the major
are self-owned rooftop solar projects and shares 84% rooftop challenges include:
solar installed capacity. RESCO involves a third party which han-
dles finances, installation and operations and gains payment for • High upfront cost: Although the government is providing
energy generation. However, RESCO faces issues like high trans- subsidies to promote the adoption of the solar rooftop
action costs and upfront costs. Multi Meter Single System is also system, there is less uptake due to the high down pay-
customer focused business model, consists of two stakeholders,
ment. Financial Institutions have difficulty issuing finances
namely, community and utility, wherein community owns the
as there are no benchmarks available for the viability of solar
solar setup and is responsible for maintenance; and utility dis-
tribution of electricity among the community members (Thakur projects (Tyagi et al., 2019).
and Chakraborty, 2016). • Ambiguous policies related to net-metering: The Indian gov-
In 2022, the Ministry of New & Renewable Energy proposed ernment has promoted various schemes to scale up the
new regulations related to solar rooftop net metering. In vir- adoption of rooftop solar systems. However, each state has
tual net-metering, the entire energy generated through the solar individual policies related to net metering and solar guide-
rooftop system is exported to the grid, whereas in group net lines. Unclear policies further confuse financial institutions,
metering, surplus energy generated from the solar rooftop system dealers, developers, utilities and consumers, and hinder the
is exported to the grid. As shown in Table 5, in both cases, the growth of rooftop solar projects (Tyagi et al., 2019; Rathore
electricity bill is credited based on the energy imported. et al., 2019). Technological, infrastructure and financial poli-
cies also act as challenges in the Indian PV industry (Ra-
4.2.3. Examples of shared PV projects in India
Raheja Eternity Apartments in Mumbai is an example of shared jshree and Manan, 2021).
PV business, wherein the community owns the rooftop solar sys- • Technological Barriers: Lack of skilled workforce, lack of
tem and group net metering is used by the community. However, financial support and poorly designed policies hinder the
solar PV installation at Utkal University is the classic example technological advancement and research and development
of a third party RESCO gross metered model. At the community at PV manufacturing facilities (Rajshree and Manan, 2021).
level, Shiv Bhole Society in New Delhi is the classic example • Inexperienced players in the solar market: Nascent develop-
of RESCO for housing society (National Portal for Rooftop Solar, ers are handling solar projects to take advantage of various
2019). Community solar microgrid at Satlejia Island in Sundar- solar schemes and subsidies. However, these solar projects
bans supported by World Wildlife Fund Inc. (WWF) (WWF, 2020) are proved financially unsuccessful. This further constrains
not only facilitates the electricity demand of the community but the acceptability of solar projects and curb the new entrants
also acts as an example of a successful community solar micro-
in the market (Tyagi et al., 2019; Rajshree and Manan, 2021).
grid. Another successful example of shared PV business model
• Lack of awareness among end-consumers: End-consumers
in India is Community Solar Power Plant (CSPP) Rampura owned
by local community members was developed through Build– are unaware of advantages, subsidies and schemes related
Own–Operate–Transfer (BOOT) model, wherein communities are to rooftop solar panels. Also, there is a lack of education,
responsible for operation and maintenance also Joshi and Yenneti stakeholders related to training and development (Rathore
(2020). Thus, at present shared solar projects in India, mostly et al., 2019), and support from local authorities or utilities’
adopts the rooftop business models. representatives to promote solar rooftop projects.
L. Marques, H.B. da Silva, J. Thakur et al. Energy Reports 10 (2023) 1602–1617

Table 5
Net-Metering schemes for distributed solar in India as per New Regulations proposed in year 2022 by (MNRE).
Net-metering scheme Description
Group Net-Metering (GNM) Electricity monthly bill credited based on net
compensation consumption of electricity (difference between surplus
exported to grid and electricity imported from grid)
Virtual Net-Metering (VNM) Electricity monthly bill is credited based on net
Consumption consumption (difference between the entire electricity
generated exported to grid and electricity imported)

Table 6
Business models adherence according to regulation in India.
Business Business model adherence Final Indian
model VP TC OWN RM-C RM-SI CO adherence scheme

Integration Model ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ High GNM

Renting of PV Systems ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ High GNM, VNM
Community Solar ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ High GNM, VNM
Leasing ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ High GNM, VNM
Microgrid Model ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ High –
RESCO/PPA ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ High GNM, VNM
Utility Re-seller ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ None VNM
Non-profit ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ High GNM
Crowdfunding ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ High GNM, VNM

VP: value proposition; TC: target consumers; OWN: ownership model; RM-C: revenue model (consumers); RM-SI: revenue model
(supplier or intermediary); CO: costs; ILC: individual with local compensation; IRC: individual with remote compensation, SLC: shared
with local compensation; SRC: shared with remote compensation.

5. Conclusion Moreover, the subsidy policies change frequently, which creates

ambiguity, and slows the process of solar projects adoption. Poli-
Sharing Photovoltaic (PV) systems with multiple players cies supportive throughout the life time of projects should be
presents an opportunity for the diffusion of this technology promoted. Moreover, solar cells are imported in India, which
worldwide, because consumers have adoption incentives as re- highlights the need for policies promoting local manufacturing.
duced upfront costs, economies of scale, energy independence, These findings are in line with the literature so far, which
and environment benefits. Different shared PV business models has dealt with specific shared PV business models. For instance,
exist and understanding their potential, their applications, as Moner-Girona et al. (2018) has shown that, for off-grid PV busi-
well as the barriers to their implementation, help boosting the ness models in Sub-Sahara Africa, there is a need to improve
diffusion of this sustainable innovation. In this paper, we have the supporting regulatory and institutional framework, and to
proposed a categorization of shared PV business models, based reduce transaction costs for rural electrification using such busi-
on the business model CANVAS, to be used as a framework for ness model. In addition, Engelken et al. (2016) has identified
analyzing, operationalizing and boosting PV adoption, as well as shortcomings in legal frameworks of developing countries as
to help understanding the barriers to their implementation. We one of the main barriers to renewable generation business mod-
have put together different classifications from the literature, as els. Furthermore, Stauch and Vuichard (2019) has demonstrated
well as examples from the real world, and proposed 9 categories experimentally that community solar business models can be suc-
of shared PV business models that encompasses the industry’s cessful in increasing the PV adoption. Finally, Heirani et al. (2022)
practices. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study identified the high cost of PV power generation and PV equipment
proposing a complete categorization of the available shared PV supply as main barriers to PV adoption in Iran. Although these
business models. We have also analyzed these models in terms studies corroborate our findings, they focused on specific business
models. We extended the analysis to the 9 types of shared PV
of transaction costs, considering compensation schemes, adoption
business models, which means this work can be a benchmark for
decisions and ownership as important features to define the level
future shared PV studies.
of reduced transaction costs that are delivered to consumers.
Future research can be done in the area of transaction costs,
A mathematical relation was developed and assigned to each
exploring different ways to evaluate each of the features, in-
category of the shared business model category.
cluding different weights for each one. They might also explore
To demonstrate the relevance of the proposed classification,
the main regulatory barriers of each shared PV business model
we have presented a case study discussing the adherence of
category in other countries in the developing and developed
each category to Brazilian and Indian regulations, and the main
world. Moreover, the development of an innovative shared PV
barriers of the business model categories in these markets. In
business model might lead to the addition of an extra category
both countries, polices were identified as hindering the scaling in the future.
of shared PV projects, and if they are to boost the non-adherent
categories of shared PV business models, they have to overcome CRediT authorship contribution statement
these regulatory barriers not allowing their implementation. For
instance, In Brazil, 7 out of the 9 proposed categories can be di- Luciana Marques: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software,
rectly applied to the country’s market with the current regulation, Visualization, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & edit-
although some are more appealing to the local socioeconomic ing. Hendrigo Batista da Silva: Conceptualization, Methodology,
context. The other two are not possible because of how utilities Writing – review & editing. Jagruti Thakur: Conceptualization,
are regulated and how the retail market is regulated. In India, Methodology, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing.
there is a need for specific solar policy, which is at present state- Wadaed Uturbey: Methodology, Writing – original draft, Writing
specific, leaving the responsibility of scaling solar projects to – review & editing. Pragya Thakur: Methodology, Visualization,
states, thus fostering geopolitical risks and PPA related issues. Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing.
L. Marques, H.B. da Silva, J. Thakur et al. Energy Reports 10 (2023) 1602–1617

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