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Đáp án bài tập từ vựng tiếng Anh về chủ đề con người và đời sống

Bài 1:

1. C
2. C
3. A
4. C
5. A
6. C
7. B
8. B
9. C
10. B

Bài 2:

1. truthful
2. outgoing
3. self-confident
4. determined
5. arrogant
6. materialistic
7. silly
8. narrow-minded
9. competitive
10. mean
11. sensible
12. shy
13. adventurous
14. reliable
15. sensitive

Bài 3:

1. on
2. forward
3. after
4. out
5. out
6. up
7. out
8. down
9. off
10. out

Bài 4:

1. always smiling and cheerful – H. friendly

2. always ready to help people with time or money – C. generous
3. feeling unhappy when a boy talks to your girlfriend – A. jealous
4. always getting into a bad mood for no good reason – B. bad-tempered
5. liking the sound of your own voice – F. talkative
6. able to make up good excuses for not doing homework – A. lazy
7. blushing when someone starts talking to you – I. shy
8. opposite of industrious – J. imaginative
9. not getting annoyed if you have to wait a long time – E. patient
10. always doing what you promise you will do – G. reliable

Đáp án bài tập từ vựng tiếng Anh chủ đề nghề nghiệp và công việc

1. Correct answer: performer

2. Correct answer: guitarist
3. Correct answer: novelist
4. Correct answer: employer
5. Correct answer: employee
6. Correct answer: participant
7. Correct answer: inventor
8. Correct answer: pianist
9. Correct answer: photographer
10. Correct answer: lawyer
11. Correct answer: mechanic
12. Correct answer: supervisor

Đáp án bài tập 2

1. He is in charge of the production department.

2. My current role involves clients at their workplace.
3. She took early retirement and went to live on an island.
4. My current salary is $35,000 a year.
5. His total income from teaching job and writing is $35,000.

Đáp án bài tập 3

1. A
2. A
3. B
4. C
5. B
6. C
7. C
8. A
9. B
10. A

Đáp án bài tập 4

1. This job is too stressful

2. There’s a lot of work, but I can handle it.
3. I was hired last month.
4. They fired two of my co-workers, and I’m afraid I might be next.
5. I work in sales.
6. My communion isn’t so bad.
7. The company has a reputation for treating their __________ employees well.
8. I usually don’t eat in the lunchroom. I go out to eat.
9. The dress code is casual.
10. I’m thinking about stopping my job.
11. I get along well with most of my colleagues.
12. I got a promotion last year.
13. He’s not very productive. He just chats to his friends on Facebook all day.
14. I’m pretty content with the way things are going.
15. Everyone seems to have gotten a raise except me.
16. We don’t have access to that information.
17. The upper management people are not very well-liked by the rest of us.
18. I’m taking a week off to go on vacation.
19. The workload isn’t too heavy.
20. They provide us with a good benefits package.

Đáp án bài tập 5

1. Working with animals — Zoo-keeper

2. Writing for a poem — Poet
3. Looking after your teeth — Dentist
4. Selling you things — Salesman
5. Teaching lesson — Teacher
6. Doing artwork on the body — Tattooist
7. Drawing pictures — Painter
8. Preparing food in a restaurant — Chef

Đáp án bài tập 6

1. Tôi đang là một thư kí.

2. Tôi dạy tiếng Anh để kiếm sống.
3. Tôi đang được đào tạo để trở thành một nhân viên Marketing
4. Tôi đang làm việc bán thời gian tại tiệm bánh mỳ ABC
5. Tôi đang làm vài công việc tình nguyện
6. Tôi đã nghỉ hưu
7. Tôi đang đi thực tập
8. Tôi ở nhà trông con
9. Tôi dạy tiếng Trung để kiếm sống
10. Tôi kiếm sống bằng nghề làm tóc
11. Tôi làm chủ
12. Tôi làm việc ở khu nghỉ dưỡng Furama
13. Tôi làm nghề thiết kế
14. Tôi làm việc trong bộ phận bán hàng của một công ty xe hơi
15. Hiện tại tôi không làm việc
16. Tôi đang tìm việc

2. Đáp án bài tập từ vựng tiếng Anh về chủ đề đồ ăn và thức uống

Bài 1:

1. B
2. C
3. A
4. B
5. C
6. C
7. B
8. B
9. B
10. A
11. B
12. A
13. B
14. A
15. A

Bài 2:

A: I’d like to make satay this evening. What do you think?

B: Sounds good.

A: OK, well, we need some chicken. Can you buy a kilo when you go to the supermarket?

B: Sure.

A: And we need an onion.

B: There are some onions in the cupboard. Can we have salad with it?

A: Good idea. Do we have everything we need?

B: I think so. Oh no, we need some tomatoes.

A: And I’d like some olive oil as well. There isn’t any left.

B: OK. So we need some chicken, tomatoes and olive oil. Anything else?

Bài 3:









10 – D

Bài 4:

A: Hi Kit, what are you in the mood for ?

B: Well Sarah, have you tried that new Japanese restaurant near the beach?

A: Oh right ! The Tokyo Diner ?

B: That’s it !

A: No, I haven’t been there yet. What’s it like ?

B: It’s fantastic ! They have great sushi and delicious noodle dishes

A: Sounds good. What’s the atmosphere like ?

B: It’s really fun It’s an outdoor restaurant ! I like watching the people go by.

A: Great. I’d love to go there.

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