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Really hoped it would never come this far.

If you are reading this document, it

will either mean two things.

A. Zameena and Rifaiyat or their accomplices have been spreading rumors,

conspiring, or trying to guilt trip me in public.
B. Everything already has been revealed and this is for disproving my

Below this paragraph is a series of images taken throughout the 1st Semester
of SJIS in discord where we usually used to talk.
This topic is about the relationship and things that Zameena And Rifaiyat have
done without anyone’s knowledge and also to disprove any rumors and my
involvement in this matter.

Case 1. Zameena.
Firstly, proof of their relationship.
Screenshots were provided by Sama on 13.12.2023.
These screenshots also prove two things.
1. Zameena has been spreading rumors about Sama which were completely untrue while
hiding her own such rumors
2. Telling or even asking rifaiyat about something will always get leaked to zameena. (This will
be useful later).
This screenshot is also proving the things Zameena has done to keep their relationship a secret.

This was a response Sama had prepared before time when she eventually had to face their parents.

There are many more instances of said manipulation, however this case sums it up the best.

Firstly, some usernames are given below with their real identities.
Breez – Abee. Rifaiyats Cousin.
Lyre – Me, Mubtasim Arefin Arabi
Rayoflife/Floriferous – Zameena

Case 2. Rifaiyat.
Abee and Rifaiyat were extremely close to eachother and therefore Abee felt
free to say whatever he wanted in Rifaiyats PRIVATE MESSAGES.
This included any matter that was related to Rifaiyat. His habits, idiotic things
he did, his relationships, and so on.

Therefore Abee felt free to send whatever he wanted in Rifaiyats dms.

Until. The day Abee was commenting on the relationship between Rifaiyat and
Zameena when he had also realized the things Zameena was doing. However
as previously mentioned, Zameena supported Rifaiyat sending everything that
was sent to him to Her. Therefore, the things Abee said were leaked to
Zameena which marks the beginning of the following drama.

At the same time, I had given my discord account to Sama and she had given
hers to me, to basically troll in the group chat. (Only purpose was to
manipulate me into giving my account to see what Abee was saying because of
a petty crush)
The agreement was to not visit any private messages. (told by sama)
Therefore I believed her as she was one of my close friends at that time. (All of
us were very close, rifaiyat zameena sama sayhan etc)

Now, Abee was really close to me too and he also disclosed some comments
about Zameena to me. These were never said aloud to anyone nor in any gc,
but rather said by Abee for he was concerned about Rifaiyat.

Later when Zameena was found crying over the text Abee sent to RIFAIYAT,
concerning Zameena which he leaked, Sama decided to log into MY account to
see MY messages with Breez to see what he was saying.

This proves 2 things.

1. Sama breaks the agreement
2. Talking to Rifaiyat is the same as talking to Zameena.

Here are some more screenshots to prove I am not lying.

(Seen the things in my dms)

I will not be including the fighting because it is simply irrelevant.

We tried convincing Rifaiyat, many times. It was pointless.

If I am being blamed for convincing Naeem (Rohans friend) to bully Zameena

and Rifi. That’s delusional. Rohan had already told Naeem everything and he
acted on his own will.
I cut off any relationships with them in November and I don’t plan to fix

This was very disappointing.

I thought you would do better rifaiyat.

Below are some final screenshots

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