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CSE- 251 Electronic Devices and Name: Abrar Jahin Abtahi Jp: 20201043 Group : 05 (dion: 06 iru! Scanned with CamScanner ——— Group No: 05 - Experiment-02 "dy of Op-Amp: Comparator, Non: Sim 1 - Electromie Devices and Citewits Lab Objective 2 Toast the base prinp hataeteristen of an Opera (Op Am) or, Nonetuverting Armplibier To hvestig gate the of Operation Towering Aniplier ad Taveting Sting Apter Equipment 1. Op-Amp (nA7a1) 2.740, 1949) |. DC Power Supply Resistance (14 2. A 4. Function Generator 5. Trainer Board 6. Digital Multimeter 7. Breadboard, Chords and Wires Background Theory Introduction 2 fet Nut Net Cnc ay 5 el Ineting(-)——— Investing () 1 (Power) — oun No avating (0)-——— “ Non-lovrting (+) output ‘ (Power) \"~ ff Null (1) Op-Amp Simplified Circuit Symbol (2) Op-Amp IC Pin Diogram One of the most widely used electronic devices in lineur applications is the Operational Amplifier, commonly Known as the Op-Amp. An Op-Amp isan integrated cicuit that amplifies the difference between wo input oltages nul prosuces single ontpnt, We eau aso do various mathematica! operations ke ion iW ton svuttiplicution, integration, diferentiation ete, with the help of Op-Amp. With the addition of sults cen al components, Op-Amp can be used fora variety of applications. The figure above shovs the simplified SGrenit eyinbol of aur Op-Amp. There are 2 terminals for input. 1 ternal for evtput ancl 2 terminals for powering up the Op-Amp. Inverting, Non-tnverting ar the input terminals and V+, V— ate the terminals real for powering up the OprAmp. V+ is referred wo ax ‘Positive Supply Vola and V— is referred to as ‘Negative Supply Voltage’. The IC pin dingeam of a Op- up Is ‘also shown where all of the terminals are labeled, Op-Amp is biased with de supply voltages, although those connections are seldom explicitly shown, Scanned with CamScanner Ideal Op-Amp inleat Op Am input seltages and tises the iiferenee beter ce to proce an output voltage. ‘The hgure shown * represents the equivalent circuit of an ideal Op-AMP configuration is known as the open-loop contigs Op-Amp, The pataincter*A° shown in the epealent een loop dif 1 of the Op-Amp. Ih an ideal Op-Atwp. the large value approaching anfity anid there is ® current flowing into the the iapnt teriniale, Boat fof current tenes inte the input term Fanges from 108 ty 10° oF higher. We will analy ideal Op-Amip throughout this experiment al opamp equ Practical Considerations ay think that, we can get any voltage at the wistors biased Looking into the equation of the output, vo Output of the Op-Amp. But the output voltage is limited since the Op-Amp is composed of tr jn the active region by the de supply voltages V+ and V—. When ry approaches V+, it will saturate, or be xo beyond the positive bias voltage, Similarly, when the to V=, limited to « value almost equal to V+, since it output voltage approaches V=, it will satura alist ex Op-Amp Comparator ‘The comparator is essentially an op-amp operated in an open-loop configuration, as shown below nverting Circuit (3) Inverting Circuit ‘h one is larger. Comparator is usually biased at voltages, ting input > inverting input then, The figures above show two javiour of a. (1) Op-Amp Comparator (2) Non. A comparator compares two voltages to determine wh Vs and —Vs , although other biases are also possible. WI v9 = +Vs. When, inverting input > non-inverting input the comparator configurations along with tl comparator with Veer as reference voltage which can be controlled to get the desired output. non-inyy = -Vs iaracteristics to illustrate the lich voltage transfer Non-Inverting Amplifier ‘The amplifier circuit of an op-amp that docs not invert the input averting amplifier. ‘This voltage at the output is called the no circuit amplifies the input voltage, vy according to the gain which ean be controlled by the resistances 2 and Rp. The following equation shows the relation between the input and output of a non-inverting amplifier: ‘2 fy vo = (1+ 22) x vy; , gain = (1+ vo = (1+ 52) x uri where, gain » (1 i Inverting Amplifier Inverting amplifier configuration of an op-amp is one of the most widely used op-amp circuits. It amplifies the input voltage, op ac- a cording to the gain which can be controlled by the resistances & and Rp. The input voltage gets inverted at the output, hence the | name inverting amplifier. The following equation shows the relati ‘ . between the input and output of an inverting amplifier: £ Taverting Amplifier iP an where, gain = Et Scanned with CamScanner Inverting Summing Amplifier The as inverting summin, Hon of an op-amy TaN ant got Sn ae na input voltage during the ame by the resistances -R, yam tion shows the 2 their The weight of each IN Operation, easy 4 Ry and Ry v0 = CE x ong Ex un): ‘The inverting summing extended toss many inane accordingly tion will Become TInverting Summing Amplifier whey + gain for vy = He, gain for up = He * circuit has 2 inputs whieh ean ced to add another : Say, we MR ra. The exiae tom HE x en $Me ona + Me x 19) whe gain for uy, = — ns HE, gain for vy = —& gain for yyy = Ae " Task-01: Op-Amp Comparator crewer +N cron Ys v1 VREFo— > =u f> "= Varo Vs Procedure 1, Construct Cirenit-1 with vy = 2V (pp), 1 kHz s ine wave and Veer = 0.5 V. The supply voltage +V5s and —Vs should be +8 V and -8 V respectively which can be taken from the trainer board. Use this supply voltage throughout the experiment, Connect the CHI and CH2 of the oscilloscope to vy and v9 respectively. The ground of the oscillo- scope, trainer board and function generator should be connected to each other. Observe the input and output waveform and capture then using 2 camera 3. Now, construct Cirenit-2 and repeat the experinent with same values given above, Observe the input and ‘output waveform and eapture them using a camera. Task-02: Non-Inverting Amplifier Procedure 1. Construct the cirenit with vy = 2 V (p-p), 1 kllz sine wave, Use Ry = LKQ, Re = 2.7 kL. Connect the CHL aud CH2 of the oscilloscope 10 ‘waveform and capture then using, @ camera. maul ry) respectively. Observe the input and output Scanned with CamScanner Task-03: Invert Procedure Lc tpt ei Rs Hemet the civenit with ry = 2V (mp), LRH e sine wave, Use My = 1 KG, Re and om tively, Olnerve the input 2 Comet the CHL and CH2 of the oscilloscope to ry and vo respectively. 0! waveform and capture them using a eamera ‘Task-04: Inverting Summing Amplifier Procedure of the DC Power Supply for ey = 1 Vand v2 = 2 1. Construct the circuit using the Ch respectively. 2. Use Ri = 10 kQ, Ro = 10 kM and Rp = 10 ko. % Use the digital multimeter to measure the output voltage ancl write dow the values in the data sheet. Task-05: Report 1 Cover page [include course code, course title, name, student ID. Broup, semester, date of performance date of submission] 2. Attach the signed Data Sheet. 3 Attach the captured photos of all the waveforms you have observed in the oscilloscope. 4. Answer the questions of the Test Your Understanding section, 5. Add a brief Discussion at the end of the report. Scanned with CamScanner PateShet for Task-o2, Value of Fy sin Value of Re tiny Topat Anplente Output LooF ke 2°¢40 kn irae Sener non ORY fon equation, vo — (1 #2) x uy 3° fron enclose: (awe Measure tion) #0 = 3" 84 V Yate OF Ri using multimeter = [OOF KS Value of Re using tun 2 using multimeter = Edo KS # Amplitude from awillowcope (use Measure button). 0 = 402. V stput Ample from equations Yor oC = Fay : wo= -2'°C4V Output Amplitude from oscilloscope (use Measure button), for Task-04: Value of Ry using multimeter = 1070 4 KS Value of #2 using m Value of Rte using from multimeter, vi frgth multimeter, v 7 multimeter, v2 = 2.°O22V “(i xan 4 Me xen) = = 3O37V hatput Amplitude from equation, re ‘Output Amplitude from multimeter, vo = = 3°09 FV \Test Your Understanding \ nswer the following qu 1, You are given an Op-Amp ¢ waveform of v1, v2 and vo in the same grapl sell “ +\ Nv / a- =4.V (pp) sine wave and t2 = Vaer = -1 V. Draw the sparator Jh with proper labels. No Scanned with CamScanner praw the 3. You are given a non-inverting a the waveform of ny and rein th Answer: th vy = 4 V (pp) sine wave, Ry = 1 kM, Rp = 2.2 kM. Draw graph with proper labels. & (mE) ? (\+ yxy z \L8v volteae 64 4 Scanned with CamScanner EE ENS Discussion: . hich WOE wqevit & = cire Fer the buk-J, We vuilt be cirevit- 1 and wep i? Ves ACvo tN) ons Eoyyation fe te ti both OP- Amp — Comparators « Evade V,>M and > As Ais hugh, Ye is Wo high cowedtt wher ty tow when V4 Vi, WE 9A high vollage (8), Vidy, wt get low voliage (-8v)- : . inal Fy circa 2, VaeVper it connected to the none inverting feming and V, % comeded to iwerting terminal. Vi ott s input Lom styrah gprracke hich » set to Uke and Uy (gepe).wohen Ve, we ack Wigh valbge (8x) and oben VyZW, ue gol lao voltage (-2v)- Thy ithe lnver® of tho grigh we got Gon “we circuit -4. fe tho fase, wa a Conslrucled @ von-invorli if i and loop gain. hich ® eqwal ty Ey Te eel we ™ Our ax periment Le age |-JOTKL , fy: Vbudu: So ie + v meu “Wage Cieop) qi amolified 5 yr fimes amd Ly Lim, yi Q oat Volhege thin ts \y x bt cog Uy v 1 3-84 y Cox feimetil Valve). Scanned with CamScanner For the task-3 we bill en inverting ampli Ger. Gain = - Ka 2 a : Ry . Pb6uR - Trot voltage = tv and Output vollage "3 < nana Theorehicat Vokde oul put - BP - 2-674V os ue AXculated he be gt an amplified and inverted -eurve in ee ‘esc lescope . wed in the experiment s @ eo? KL fy the fash 4 we Bil an Here . Vp : ie 7 pet a amplitted . Teortbind © Moa ox “y)- Input volfege gets i Vi he v0 “pe ng Vp e,= -aaty ines Vo = - 3:0 dV: vets femming amplifier. for oul the foyhy xp ard theoreb'tad we were cloe bit Mm teakeoy st was oxactly th e@ Jame . . tng lous tre. , d . fercenkage di Fler Scanned with CamScanner Poriod cet Pe rr ord Guw iS GDs-1102B vispla Aare

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