Fourth Practice Test

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Julia Sánchez Guarino


3. 1
A) Sumum is an adjective. Because of its ending (-um) we know that it is dative. To know its gender, we
can look at the noun it precedes. ‘’Cirre’’ is masculine. It needs to agree with the adjective so we also
know that it is dative. Furthermore, it ends with -e, which corresponds to the dative, singular, masculine
strong nouns of the a-stem.
Therefore, ‘’Sumum cirre’’ is dative, masculine, singular.

B) ‘þæt’ is a demonstrative. It is neuter and singular. The noun is strong, neuter and singular. The case is
nominative because ‘þæt land’ functions as a subject in its context. To know this, we can take a loot at
the verb ‘’læge’’ which agrees with the noun phrase in number.
Thus, the noun phrase is neuter, singular and nominative.

C) ‘’þa’’ can be either plural or feminine singular. Thus, we take a look at the noun. ‘’Widsæ’’ is feminine
and singular. Therefore, we now know that both the demonstrative and the noun are feminine and
singular, which can only correspond to the accusative case. Thus, the noun phrase is feminine, singular
and accusative.

D) ‘þrie’ is a number. It is plural as it means ‘’three’’ and is followed by a plural noun ‘dagas’, which is
masculine and strong (a-stem), because of its ending (-as). They can be either nominative or accusative.
However, they can only be accusative because they do not agree in number with the verb ‘’let’’.

A) ‘’Sumum’’ is strong because it needs to agree with the noun it precedes. ‘’Cirre’’ is dative, singular
and masculine. If the adjective was weak, it would have to be plural (because it is the only one that ends
with -um) and would not agree then in number with the noun.

B) The adjective is strong because it is not premodified.

C) ‘’Weste’’ needs to agree with ‘land’’, which is neuter and can be either singular or plural, accusative
or nominative. It can only be weak because otherwise it would be instrumental. Therefore, ‘’weste’’ is
weak because it, like the noun, is singular, neuter and can be either accusative or nominative.

3. 3
A) ‘Saede’ is a weak verb because there has been added the dental suffix to the preterite. Its class is one.
It belongs to the preterite indicative as it ends with ‘ede’. The person it refers to is 3rd person singular
because of the context; the subject is ‘Ohtere’.

B) ‘Fandian’ is a weak verbs because it ends with ‘ian’. It is written in its infinitive form. It belongs to
class 2 because we find an ‘i’ in the infinitive and an ‘o’ in the preterite.
It is accompanied by ‘’wolde’’ which means ‘’would’’ in this case. Thus, the verb is in its infinitive form
because together with ‘would’, they form a conditional. The person it refers to is 3rd person singular
because of the context.

C) ‘For’ is a strong verb because there ablaut has produced between the infinitive and also, the infinitive
ends with -an. Due to the context and the person it refers to, which is 3rd person singular, we know that
it is a preterite.

The clause begins with an adverb (Þa), the subject (he) and verb (for) are inverted after the adverb.

Ohtere said that he would, at a certain occasion, explore how far the country was situated due north, or
whether any one lived to the north of the desert. Then, he travelled due north along the country. He left
all the way the waste land on the right, and then the open sea on the left, for three days,

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