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Constitution of India - Imp Articles

Sov, Socialist, secular, Democratic, 29. protection of interest of minorities

republic, Justice- socio-economic & political
Liberty thought, expression, belief. faith, 29(2) - No -denial ob admission to edu institu
worship State/aided by State - religion, race,
Equality: Status & opportunity; Fraternity; caste, language.
Unity & integrity; 26th Nov 1949. adopted 30. Minorities- establish & administer edun
India i.e, Bharat
institutions. religion language.
-New States 3. formation of states, alteration 316 saving de kaws giving effect to certain
of boundary

parliament - right to citizenship by law 32. Constitutional remedies habeus corpus,

12. state definition 10. mandamus, prohibition, quo warranto,
4. Equality before law certiorari.
. prohibition of descrimination religion, race, 33. parliament modify rights Forces

caste, Sex, place of birth.

34. Martial law
6. Equality of opportunity in matter of not enforceable by any court.
public employment
Abolition of untouchability
37. DPSDfandamental to the governance of

the country.
Abolition of titles. the state to apply
- duty
-9.a. freedom of speech & expression
assemble peacefully without arms 38. Secure Social order - promotion of
c. form association / unions / cooperatives welfare of the people.
d. move freely throughout territory of India, 39.a) equal (men women) right to adequate
e. reside & settle
means of livelihood.
f. profession/ occupation trade / business 3qcx concentration of wealth.
20 protection in respect of conviction for ja(d) equal pay for cqual work.
protection of life & personal liberts 398 (A) caual justice & free legal and
40. organisation ob village panchayat
A. Right to education
41. Righ to work Jemployment
22. Right against arrest & detention education. old age,

23. prohibition of traffic in human beings them t

public assistence Sickness &disable
and forced labour 42. Just & humance condition of work &

24. prohibition of employment of children maternity relief.

in factories. of life
43. living wage, decent standard
Freedom: conscience, free profession,
for workers.

practice, propagation of 43A participation of workers in the

26. Freedom to manage religious affairs management of Sea industries
27. Freedom as to payment ob tanes for 48- Promotion of co-operative Societies
promotion of any particular religion. 44. UCC 45. Early childhood careCo-6yrj
Freedom -religious instruction in edu 46. promotion edu & economic interest
-Sc, Sr & other weaker.

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