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Creating Recruiting Workflows

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Creating Recruiting Workflows Contents 3

Overview .................................................................................................................................................5
Learning Objectives.................................................................................................................................. 5
Prerequisites............................................................................................................................................ 6
Available Resources ................................................................................................................................. 6
Our Training Scenario............................................................................................................................... 6
Recruiting Process in Dayforce ................................................................................................................7
Workflow Refresher ................................................................................................................................9
Create Workflow Diagrams ...................................................................................................................... 9
Recruiting Forms in Workflow Administration ...................................................................................... 20
Job Requisition Form.............................................................................................................................. 20
Custom Job Requisition Forms for Location Access ................................................................................. 22
Associate a Workflow with Forms and User Roles in Role Privileges ....................................................... 24
Candidate Hire and Internal Candidate Hire Forms................................................................................. 26
Automated Notifications in the Recruiting Process ............................................................................... 27
How Notifications are Configured .......................................................................................................... 27
Create Notification Workflows ............................................................................................................... 28
Application Acknowledgement Notification Workflow ..................................................................... 28
Automated Messages when a Candidate is Declined .............................................................................. 37
Create the Auto-Message User ........................................................................................................ 37
Automated Notifications when Candidate is Declined ...................................................................... 38
Workflow Based on Decline Reason ................................................................................................. 40
Associate the Notification Workflow with an HR Event........................................................................... 42
Offer Letter Form ................................................................................................................................... 44
Create the Offer Letter Form Approval Workflows ........................................................................... 44
Assign the Workflow(s) to the Offer Letter Form .............................................................................. 51
Wrap-Up................................................................................................................................................ 53

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Creating Recruiting Workflows Overview 5

Welcome to Creating Recruiting Workflows.
Workflows are used to automate various business processes. Each workflow represents a single process,
captures all notifications, forms, and decisions involved, and determines what happens at each stage of
the process once the form is submitted.
In this class, you will learn how to use Self-Service features and workflows to automate recruiting
business processes. You will also learn how to set up and use notification workflows, as well work with
the forms you’ll need to use throughout the recruiting process.
The following sections are included in this course:

Section Description
Recruiting Process in Dayforce Describes the Recruiting Process in Dayforce, and how the
automated business operations fit into that process.
Workflow Refresher This topic provides a brief overview of how to create a workflow
diagram, associate the workflow with any applicable forms and
user roles, and add a notification for users within a workflow.
Recruiting Forms and Role This topic covers other relevant recruiting events that may need
Privileges in Workflow workflows assigned to them for approval, such as the job
Administration requisitions or candidate hire or internal candidate hire forms.
This is done in Workflow Administration.
Automated Notifications in the In this section, you will create workflows that will send
Recruiting Process automated notifications during applicable parts of the recruiting
process. You will also learn how to associate those workflows
with the proper HR events. You will learn how to send a
notification for any manual status changes in Recruiting. Finally,
you’ll learn how to create workflows specifically for offer letter

Learning Objectives
By completing this course, you will be able to:
• Identify how to create, assign, and set up notifications for workflows.
• Set up automated messaging within a workflow to be sent upon certain criteria being met.
• Create workflows to be used to approve newly created job requisitions.
• Produce workflows that customize and automate the offer letter process for candidates.
• Develop workflows to hire a candidate found suitable for a job requisition.

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6 Overview Creating Recruiting Workflows

Certain Dayforce courses are required as prerequisites prior to attending this course. The following
courses will provide the foundational knowledge you need to understand the key Dayforce features
discussed in this course.
• Managing Job Postings and Candidates in Recruiting - this course introduces how recruiters and
administrators within your organization use Dayforce Recruiting features.
• Setting Up Recruiting - this course introduces how to create and manage the features of
Dayforce Recruiting, as well as how to update your organization's structure to include recruiting
functions. It also covers how to set up third-party services for recruiting, and how to set up job
application templates.
• Setting Up Self-Service Workflows and Managing Forms - this course covers how administrators
within your organization analyze and maintain existing workflows or forms, as well as create
new workflows.
• Using Advanced Workflow Techniques in Self-Service – this course helps inspire more creativity
when using forms and addresses how to handle situations like how to move forms along a
workflow when approvers are slow to respond, creating different versions of the same form for
various groups such as employees and managers, and showing only certain forms to certain

Available Resources
A variety of supporting guides are available through the Ceridian Support Portal (
using the Knowledge Articles search feature. Talk to your organization’s support user or Implementation
Consultant for help with obtaining these guides, depending on if you are in implementation or live.
• Recruiting Guide
• Self Service Guide
• Dayforce Implementation Guide (DIG)

Our Training Scenario

The best way to learn about Dayforce is to use the application. The following sample company is used
throughout the class to reinforce concepts and processes.
XYZ Company is a multinational company that has already implemented Recruiting Setup in Dayforce,
but they need to create workflows to automate some of their recruiting processes.

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Creating Recruiting Workflows Recruiting Process in Dayforce 7

Recruiting Process in Dayforce

The diagram below provides an overview of the steps in the recruiting process. Throughout this process
there are automated business processes that can occur to help gain approvals or process certain
requests, and we will cover those in this course.

The first step in the recruiting process is creating the job requisition. The job requisition defines the job,
location, and assignment details of the job needing to be filled. Typically, the hiring manager creates the
job requisition via a form, or a recruiter creates a job requisition directly in the application. If the hiring
manager is creating a job requisition form, it is processed in Dayforce based on a pre-defined workflow
from Self Service that we will learn how to set up today.
Once the job requisition has been approved, based on the assigned workflow, it will display in the
Recruiting feature. The next step is for the recruiter to post the job requisition so that candidates can
view it and apply for the job posting, if interested.
Internal candidates apply for job postings using the Careers feature located within Dayforce. External
candidates apply for job postings using the Client Career Site either from within the client’s web page or
through an external job board. Another automated business process that can occur is to acknowledge
any time an application is submitted by submitting a message back to the candidate. Automating this
process ensures no one person has to be responsible for crafting and sending each of these messages.
Next the resumes submitted for the job are reviewed within Dayforce. Suitable candidates are
interviewed for the job, according to your organization’s process.
Throughout the recruiting process, candidates tied to job postings are continually managed by the
recruiter. As candidates apply for job postings, the recruiter can perform a number of tasks to a
candidate’s profile within Dayforce, such as review the profile, assign a candidate to other job
requisitions, request various screenings for a candidate, and update a candidate’s status. Another

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8 Recruiting Process in Dayforce Creating Recruiting Workflows

automated process in the Recruiting process that may occur is sending a candidate a notification when
their status is changed.
Recruiters can initiate offer letters to suitable candidates directly in Dayforce, that may be subject to
approval. That approval can be granted by a workflow defined in Self Service. Once a candidate receives
and accepts an offer, the recruiter can also hire the candidate within Recruiting, and the employee’s HR
record will be created using the candidate’s profile in Dayforce. Finally, the hiring forms can go through
an approval process as defined by a workflow.

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Creating Recruiting Workflows Workflow Refresher 9

Workflow Refresher
There are several steps required in making a business process an automated one. First, you must create
a workflow diagram to represent how the business process should flow, and what actions should be
taken at each step. Next, you must take any forms that should kick off that automated business process
when submitted, and associate the workflow diagram to it. You must also make that form available to
the right people to be able to submit the form.

Create Workflow Diagrams

Path: Workflow Administration > Workflow Designer
A workflow diagram is a graphical representation of a business process, consisting of objects that
represent the steps of the process. Links between the objects indicate the order in which the steps
To create a workflow, click Add, and under the Properties tab, type the Name, Description, Effective
From and Effective To dates and, Reference Code.

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10 Workflow Refresher Creating Recruiting Workflows

Next, you’ll click Diagram. Then click and drag the objects from the Palette into the workflow Diagram
that are needed. All workflows need to have a Start and End object.
If you enter an object in error, select the object and click the Cut button on the toolbar.

The following table summarizes the purpose of all the Palette objects.

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Creating Recruiting Workflows Workflow Refresher 11

Heading Heading
Visible to any user that has access to the workflow diagram. Used to document the
workflow. Notes are not a part of the workflow process and cannot be connected to
other objects.

A workflow must have only one start object, with one output connection to a
routing, notification, or process object. The Start object must be the beginning
object of the workflow. The Start object does not need any properties to be set up.

A workflow must have only one end object. The end object cannot have any output
connections leading to other objects.
You can configure the end object to send an error message to specified people
should the workflow fail for some reason.
The end object signifies the end of the workflow. You can define a notification to be
sent if a workflow ends in error, within the Properties of the End object.

The stage in the workflow at which the database is updated with the information
submitted in the form(s). A process has one or more input connections but should
only have one output connection, leading to a notification or end object.t

Points in the workflow where a decision is required. A decision object has one input
connection from a routing object and output to multiple workflow routes based on a
user’s decision, typically approval or rejection of a form. A decision appears as a
message in a user’s in box with the form attached. You must configure a message
subject and message body for the message.
Directs requests to one or more users, roles, authority types, the request submitter,
the affected employee, or the employee's manager. A routing has only one output
connection, leading to a decision object.

Sends a notification as a message to one or more users, roles, authority types, the
request submitter, the affected employee, or the employee's manager. You must
configure a message subject and message body. Notification objects can have one or
more input connections but will only have one output connection.
The Notification object defines the message’s contents and the recipients of the
message. You can send the notification to the:

Candidate –The internal or external candidate whose status was updated.

Recruiter –The user who is assigned as the recruiter for the requisition for which the
candidate’s status was updated.
Hiring Manager –The user who is assigned as the hiring manager for the requisition
for which the candidate’s status was updated.

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12 Workflow Refresher Creating Recruiting Workflows

Heading Heading
Allows you to configure logical expressions that are evaluated to be true or false.
The two output connections determine the route of the workflow For example, if
the employee is hourly, the workflow takes one route, otherwise takes a different

Used exclusively in offer letter workflows to perform the processing function. Within
the Properties, for the Observer Class Notification you must always select the Offer
Letter Approval.

Sends the worksheet to the approver (or approvers, depending on the approval
type) using the Route to a list member connection in the workflow.

See the Self-Service Administration Guide > Defining Workflow Object Properties for a complete
description of each object and associated properties.

Start Object
The Start object must be the first object of the workflow. The Start object does not need any properties
to be set up.

Condition Object
The Condition object checks to see if a specific condition exists, depending on the workflow. For
example, if you only want a workflow to send a notification to a candidate when they are declined, you
must include a Condition object that checks for the “Declined” status. If you set up a workflow for this
purpose, the workflow will only continue to the next object, the Notification object, if a candidate is
The Condition object must always have a True and False output connection. To set these connections as
true and false, click on each connection and click True or False from the Response list in Link Properties.

If the condition object does not connect to either true or false, it will default to false.

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Creating Recruiting Workflows Workflow Refresher 13

Properties of the Condition Object

You can rename the object to be more descriptive. For this example, the Condition object was renamed
to “Condition – is Declined” to indicate it is being used to determine whether a candidate has been
The Condition object must also have a statement in the Expression field of the Node Properties for that
object to check for that specific condition.

To add the statement, click the Create Expression button.

The Create Expression window appears. The expression should indicate which condition the workflow
should be checking.
To check for declined candidates only, the expression should read:
<<CandidateCommunicationData.JobPostingApplicationStatusXrefCode>> EQUALS "DECLINED".

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14 Workflow Refresher Creating Recruiting Workflows

Some important points about the expression:

• You must ensure “EQUALS” has one space before it and one space after it, or the workflow will
end in error.
• You must also ensure the status you are selecting has straight quotation marks on either side of
it. If you copy and paste an expression from a program such as Microsoft Word, the quotation
marks will be curly quotation marks and will cause the workflow to end in error. Instead, use a
text editor such as Notepad to copy and paste, if desired.

Reference codes for candidate statuses to use in the Expression can be obtained from Recruiting Setup
> Candidate Status from the Reference Code column.
Click the Close button once you have typed or selected the complete expression.

If you change any Reference Codes in Candidate Status, you will also need to update all workflows that
refer to this Reference Code as well, or the workflow will not send a notification.

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Creating Recruiting Workflows Workflow Refresher 15

Notification Object
The Notification object defines the message’s contents and the recipients of the message.

Properties of the Notification Object

Fields (or tokens) can be added to the subject and body of the Notification object to automatically
populate information into it, such as candidate name or job posting, from
CandidateCommunicationData and List_JobReq.

To add a field, in the Node Properties of the Notification object, click the Create Expression button of
either the Message Subject or Message Body.
Select the content from the CandidateCommunicationData or List_JobReq headings on the left you
wish to include, and click the Close button when the Message Subject or Message Body is complete.

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16 Workflow Refresher Creating Recruiting Workflows

For this example, the Message Body reads:

Specific to recruiting workflows, you are also able to include notifications to be sent to other Recruiting
users by selecting the drop down arrow for Send To Recruiting Recipients.

You can send the notification to the:

• Candidate –The internal or external candidate whose status was updated.
• Recruiter –The user who is assigned as the recruiter for the requisition for which the candidate’s
status was updated.
• Hiring Manager –The user who is assigned as the hiring manager for the requisition for which
the candidate’s status was updated.

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Creating Recruiting Workflows Workflow Refresher 17

End Object
The end object signifies the end of the workflow. You can define a notification to be sent if a workflow
ends in error.

Properties of the End Object

You will want to define the Message Subject for the error message in the Node Properties of the End
The error message is non-configurable and contains a system generated error to let you know that the
workflow did error out.
To define the recipients for the error message, select the drop down arrow for Send Error To User once
the End object is selected. You can also select Send Error to Submitter once the End object is selected.

Select the user(s) you wish to have the notification sent. Click outside the list once all users have been

Then, you will want to connect the objects in the order the process should flow by clicking the green
circle of one object and then clicking the green circle of the object to which it should connect. You can
define Properties of the connection by clicking the connection and entering a Name, Description, and
for some objects, such as Condition, a Response.
If you create a connection in error, you can remove it by selecting the connection and then clicking Cut.
Once you have added all objects of a workflow, connected the objects, and defined any Properties of
those objects, click Save.

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18 Workflow Refresher Creating Recruiting Workflows

Activity: Create a Workflow Diagram for One Level Approval by HR and Add
Object Properties
Time: 10 minutes
Login: Recruiting
XYZ Company would like to start using Recruiting to hire candidates, but to do so they need to create a
workflow that will allow for these requests to go through the proper channel of approval. For Part 1 of
this activity, create a workflow that will allow any forms related to hiring candidates to go through an HR
Administrator. Since Job Requisitions need to be approved by HR, the HR Admin role needs to be
assigned as the recipient in the routing object.
Workflow Diagram details:
• Name and Description: One Level Approval by HR
• Reference Code: ONELEVELHR
• Effective from Jan 1, 2000
• The workflow should be set up to route to an HR Admin role
• A decision message should be sent to the submitter for the approval or denial they grant

Solution: Create the Workflow Diagram for the One Level Approval by HR
Workflow and Add Object Properties:
Path: Workflow Administration > Workflow Designer
1. Click Add.
2. Type “One Level Approval by HR” for the Name and Description.
3. Type “1/1/2000” for the Effective From date.
4. Type “ONELEVELHR” for the Reference Code.
5. Click the Diagram tab.
6. Drag or copy the following palette objects to the Diagram:
a. One Start object.
b. One Routing object.
c. One Decision object.
d. One Process object.
e. One End object.
7. Click the Routing object.
8. Click the Send To Role Relative to Submitter drop-down arrow.
9. Select HR Admin from the list.
10. Click anywhere off the list.
11. Connect the following objects by clicking the green connector between the objects.
a. Connect the Start object to the Routing object.
b. Connect the Routing object to the Decision object.
c. Create one Accept connection from the Decision object to the Process object.

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Creating Recruiting Workflows Workflow Refresher 19

d. Create one Reject connection from the Decision object to the End object.
e. Connect the Process object to the End object.
Your diagram should look like this:

12. Click the Decision object.

13. For the Message Subject, click the Create Expression button.
14. Type “Please review: ” in the dialog box, making sure to leave a space after the colon.
15. Expand the WorkflowState list.
16. Click FormName.
17. Click OK.
18. For the Message Body, click the Create Expression button.
19. Type “Please approve or deny the request for “, making sure to leave a space after the word
20. Expand the CandidateCommunicationData list.
21. Click JobPostingTitle.
22. Type a period after the expression
23. Click OK.
24. Click the End object.
25. For the Message Subject field, click the Create Expression button.
26. Expand the WorkflowState list.
27. Click FormName.
28. Type “: Workflow failed.”
29. Click OK.
30. Click the Send Error To Submitter checkbox.
31. Click Save.

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20 Recruiting Forms in Workflow Administration Creating Recruiting Workflows

Recruiting Forms in Workflow Administration

Recruiting uses Self-Service workflows to automate certain processes, including determining how job
requisition forms and hiring forms are handled in Dayforce, and who they are directed to for review or
approval. We’ll take a look at several forms and two areas in Workflow Administration where you’ll
work with them: Role Privileges and Form Builder.

Job Requisition Form

Path: Workflow Administration > Role Privileges
Hiring managers use the Job Requisition form to submit a request for a position to be filled. This form
can be submitted from People > Action or Recruiting > Job Requisition and is typically subject to one or
more levels of approval.

The Job Requisition form needs to be assigned to a workflow.

You’ll start by identifying the approval process for the form. Depending on the approval process, the Job
Requisition form can be associated to an existing workflow in Role Privileges, or a new one may need to
be created. To associate it with a workflow, click the Add button. Under Parent Feature select Home
Forms List. Under Form select Job Requisition. Under Workflow, select the workflow you want to
associate the form to. Under Category, select Hiring. Under Role, select the roles that should have
access to the form.

Job Requisition form approval workflows must have a Routing node that is set to a role Relative to the
Submitter, or have a specific user identified in Send To User. None of the Relative to Employee
options should be used.

Once a job requisition that requires approval is submitted, it will display in Recruiting > Job Requisitions
with a status of “Pending Approval”. Once approved, the status changes to “Open”, and the requisition
can then be managed, tracked, and filled in the Job Requisitions tab. If the requisition is rejected the
status changes to “Rejected”.

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Creating Recruiting Workflows Recruiting Forms in Workflow Administration 21

Activity: Assign the Job Requisition form to the One Level Approval by HR
Time: 4 minutes
Login: Recruiting
XYZ Company would like to use the Job Requisition form as part of the One Level Approval by HR

Solution: Assign the Job Requisition form to the One Level Approval by HR
Path: Workflow Administration > Role Privileges
1. Click Add.
2. Click under Parent Feature and then click the drop-down arrow.
3. Select Home Forms List.
4. Click under Form and then click the drop-down arrow.
5. Select Job Requisition.
6. Click under Workflow and then click the drop-down arrow.
7. Select One Level Approval by HR.
8. Click under Category and then click the drop-down arrow.
9. Select Hiring.
10. Click under Role.
11. Press and hold the CTRL key and under the Available column, click Client Admin, HR Admin,
Manager, and Recruiter.
12. Click the Include arrow.
13. Click OK.
14. Click Save.

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22 Recruiting Forms in Workflow Administration Creating Recruiting Workflows

Custom Job Requisition Forms for Location Access

Path: Workflow Administration > Form Builder
By default, if the manager doing approvals does not have access to a location that a job requisition is for,
the Location in the job requisition workflow form in the Message Center is cleared and they cannot
select that location. When this happens, the job requisition can’t be approved. To prevent this, you can
customize a job requisition form to allow a manager to approve a job requisition outside of the location
access defined for them in the system.
To turn the default location security off for the Location field in any custom job requisition form, you will
need to edit the existing XML code of the form. In Form Builder, select the latest Job Requisition form,
ensure there is no End Date associated with it, and click Copy. Rename the form to indicate it is
different than the default form, ensure the Mode is Edit, and update the Reference Code to indicate
this is a new form.

In the Form editor, search for the <PositionLocationSelectorV2> element.

Below that element, insert the following element:

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Creating Recruiting Workflows Recruiting Forms in Workflow Administration 23

The edited Form should appear as follows:

Click Save. The location of the requisition will now successfully populate in the Location field of the
custom job requisition workflow form.
To turn the location security back on at any time, change the word “False” in the element that you
added to the customized job requisition form to “True”.

Activity: Customize the XML of the Job Requisition Form to Turn Off the Default
Location Security
Time: 4 minutes
Login: Recruiting
XYZ Company would like hiring managers to have access to a job requisition form they can approve even
though the location may be outside of the location defined for them in the system.

Solution: Customize the XML of the Job Requisition Form to Turn Off the Default
Location Security
Path: Workflow Administration > Form Builder
1. Expand the System list.
2. To move to the correct location in the list, type J.
3. Select the Job Requisition form in the list.
4. Ensure there is no Effective End date.
5. Click Copy.
6. Enter Job Req Location OFF into the Name field.
7. Add the following sentence to existing description in the Description field: Location off.
8. For the Reference Code, enter JOBREQLOCOFF.
9. Click the Mode drop-down arrow.
10. Select Edit.

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24 Recruiting Forms in Workflow Administration Creating Recruiting Workflows

11. Click the XML tab.

12. Press CTRL+F and search on “/positionlocation”.
13. Press RETURN after the line, </PositionLocationSelectorV2>.
14. Copy and paste this element into the new line:
15. Click Save.

Associate a Workflow with Forms and User Roles in Role

Path: Workflow Administration > Role Privileges
Once you have created a workflow, you can associate a form with the workflow process to ensure that
when the form is submitted, it will automatically trigger the associated workflow.

To associate a form with a workflow, click Add. Select where you want the form to be displayed in the
Parent Feature list. Click the form you want to associate with the workflow from the Form list. Click the
workflow the form is associated with in the Workflow list. To group related items, select a category
from the Category list. Select the role you want to have access to the form by clicking Roles and then
moving that role from the Available side to the Current side. Finally, click Save.
The example above displays the One Level Approval by HR workflow that is associated with the Job
Requisition form, that will appear in the People feature.

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Creating Recruiting Workflows Recruiting Forms in Workflow Administration 25

The example below displays the configuration required to make workflows visible in the Recruiting
feature for the HR Admin, Manager, Recruit Admin, and Recruiter Role. Note that these roles must also
have the Select Job Requisition Forms feature selected in System Admin > Roles > Features Recruiting >
Actions > Job Requisitions >.

For more information on the available options and how they work, please see the Associating Forms
with Workflows section of the Self-Service Guide and the Enable Access to Job Requisition Forms in
Recruiting in the Recruiting Guide.

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26 Recruiting Forms in Workflow Administration Creating Recruiting Workflows

Candidate Hire and Internal Candidate Hire Forms

Path: Workflow Administration > Role Privileges
To use hiring functionality within Recruiting to hire candidates and complete the job requisition, there
are two forms that must be configured to use workflows within Role Privileges. These forms should be
added once the necessary Role Features have been assigned to the appropriate users and the required
workflows have been set up.

These two forms are:

• The Candidate Hire form. This form initiates the hiring process for an external candidate. It
should be assigned to the Candidate Hire Parent Feature, to the appropriate Workflow for
approval, and to the Hiring Category. The Candidate Hire form can be added more than once
using different Workflows. This allows the recruiter to choose the appropriate form based on
the type of approval the new hire request needs. Once the form is approved, an employee
record would be created in Dayforce in People, or would link to a former employee’s record if
the candidate’s record was linked by the recruiter.
• The Internal Candidate Hire form. This form initiates the hiring process for an internal
candidate. It also needs to be assigned to the Internal Candidate Hire Parent Feature, to the
appropriate Workflow for approval, and to the Hiring Category. Only one Workflow can be
associated with the Internal Candidate Hire form. Once the form is approved, the existing
employee record in People would be updated.

Tying these forms to the Parent Features will enable the Hire button within Recruiting.

If you are an existing client adding the Recruiting module, the New Hire form should be disabled from
all roles, requiring new hires to be entered through Recruiting. Using the Hire button within Recruiting
completes the job requisition, finalizes the hire process, and creates or updates the employee’s HR
record. It also links the candidate and employee record together.

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Creating Recruiting Workflows Automated Notifications in the Recruiting Process 27

Automated Notifications in the Recruiting Process

You can send automated notifications to users associated with Recruiting (candidates, recruiters, hiring
managers, etc.) when a candidate status is updated throughout the Recruiting process. Keep in mind
that notifications cannot be set to trigger based on any of the offer statuses or the hired status, but can
be set to trigger for other things that occur in the Recruiting process.
First, we’ll cover how notifications are configured and create a notification workflow. Then we’ll discuss
and demonstrate how to manage automated messages when a candidate is declined. We’ll associate a
notification workflow with an HR event and explain why this is done and finally, we’re create an offer
letter form workflow and assign that workflow to the associated offer letter form.

How Notifications are Configured

Path: Workflow Administration > Workflow Designer
Notifications allow for a message to be sent by Dayforce. You can have notifications sent by including a
Notification object within a workflow.
While notification objects can have more than one input connection from Start, Decision, Process, or
other Notification objects, they can only have one output connection to a Process, End, Decision,
Routing, or other Notification object.

Objects within Notification Workflows

At minimum, you will need the following for notification workflows that are used for job requisitions:
• A Start object
• A Condition object that checks for a status (such as “Declined”)
• A Notification object
• An End object

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28 Automated Notifications in the Recruiting Process Creating Recruiting Workflows

You can delay an auto-notification from going out immediately, commonly used for Decline notifications
to candidates, by adding:
• A Routing object set up to route to a Recruiting Messaging user
• Decision object with a timeout value

The following objects are commonly used in Recruiting workflows that allow for further customization:
• A Condition object that checks whether the candidate is in a New status.
• A Condition object that checks whether the status update was made automatically or manually.
• A Condition object that checks whether the status update occurred for an internal or external
• A set of objects that can delay the workflow from sending the notification to users for a set
amount of time.
• A Condition object that checks whether a candidate was declined for a specific reason.

Create Notification Workflows

Path: Workflow Administration > Workflow Designer
The first step in creating automated notifications to be sent in the recruiting process is to create the
workflows that define these processes. We will cover how to create the following workflows:
• Application Acknowledgement Notifications
• Workflow to send automated notifications when a Candidate is declined (manually or
• Workflow to send a separate automated notification when a Candidate is manually declined for
a specific reason.
As a best practice, you should create a separate workflow for each candidate status (New, Decline, etc.)
you want to send a notification for.

Application Acknowledgement Notification Workflow

If you wish to send a notification acknowledging when a candidate submits an application for a job
requisition, you will want to create an Application Acknowledgement workflow. This workflow allows
you to send a separate notification to both internal and external candidates as soon as they submit their
job application.

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Creating Recruiting Workflows Automated Notifications in the Recruiting Process 29

To create this workflow, click Add. Type a Name, Description, Effective From date, and Reference Code.
Then click Diagram.

You’ll need to check that the status of the application is new, that it is an automatic change of status,
and whether or not the application is from an internal candidate. Different notifications go to internal
versus external candidates. To do this, you’ll need to create a workflow with the following objects:
Add the following objects to the workflow Diagram:
• One Start
• Three Condition
• Two Notification
• One End
Arrange the objects, as seen above, where the Start and Condition objects are in a row, and the
Notification objects are in a row below them. The End object can be located below the Notification
Rename the Condition objects as follows:
• The Condition object next to the Start object should be named Condition – Is New.
• The Condition object in the middle should be named Condition – Is Automatic.

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30 Automated Notifications in the Recruiting Process Creating Recruiting Workflows

• The Condition object on the end should be named Condition – Is Internal.

Rename the Notification objects as follows:
• The left Notification object should be named - Notification – New Auto Internal to send
notifications automatically to any internal candidates.
• The right Notification object should be named – Notification – New Auto External to send
notifications automatically to any external candidates.
The workflow diagram should appear as follows:

Next, connect the objects as follows:

• Connect the Start object to the Condition – Is New object.
• Connect a True response from the Condition – Is New object to the Condition – Is Automatic
• Connect a False response from the Condition – Is New object to the End object.
• Connect a True response from the Condition – Is Automatic object to the Condition – Is Internal
• Connect a False response from the Condition – Is Automatic object to the End object.
• Connect a True response from the Condition – Is Internal object to the Notification – New Auto
Internal object.
• Connect a False response from the Condition – Is Internal object to the Notification – New Auto
External object.
• Connect the Notification – New Auto Internal and the Notification – New Auto External objects
to the End object.

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Creating Recruiting Workflows Automated Notifications in the Recruiting Process 31

The workflow diagram should now appear as follows:

The next step is to set up the Properties of each Condition object.

• Select the Condition – Is New object, click the Create Expression button, click the
CandidateCommunicationData drop-down arrow, and select
JobPostingApplicationStatusXrefCode. On the right side, type a space after the expression and
then type EQUALS "NEW". Click Close.
• Select the Condition – Is Automatic object, click the Create Expression button, click the
CandidateCommunicationData drop-down arrow, and select IsAuto. Click Close.
• Select the Condition – Is Internal object, click the Create Expression button, click the
CandidateCommunicationData drop-down arrow, and select IsInternal. Click Close.

Now you will need to set up the properties of each Notification object and the End object.
To define the type of notification an internal candidate will receive, you will specify the Node Properties
for the Notification – New Auto Internal object. To specify the message subject and message body the
internal candidate will receive, click the Create Expression button for each and enter the desired
information. Next click the Send to Recruiting Recipients, drop-down arrow, click Candidate, and click

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32 Automated Notifications in the Recruiting Process Creating Recruiting Workflows

Next you will want to define the type of notification an external candidate will receive. Select the
Notification – New Auto External object. To specify the message subject and message body the external
candidate will receive, click the Create Expression button for each and enter the desired information.
Next click the Send to Recruiting Recipients, drop-down arrow, click Candidate, and click Close.
Finally, select the End object. To define the Message Subject, click the Create Expression button and
enter the desired information. Click the Send Error To User drop-down arrow, click one or more users,
and then click anywhere off the list. Click Save to save all of your changes.

Activity: Create an Application Acknowledgement Notification Workflow and Set

Up the Properties
Time: 18 minutes
XYZ Company would like to send out automated messages to internal and external candidates that apply
for any open positions. Create the workflow and define the properties for each object of the workflow.
Workflow Diagram details:
• Name: Application Acknowledgement Notification
• Description: Sends candidate an automatic acknowledgement when their job application is
• Reference Code: APPACKNOWLEDGE
• Effective from Jan 1, 2000

Solution: Create the Workflow Diagram for the Application Acknowledgement

Notification Workflow and Set Up Its Properties:
Path: Workflow Administration > Workflow Designer
Create the Workflow:
1. Click Add.
2. Type “Application Acknowledgement Notification” for the Name.
3. Type “Sends candidate an automatic acknowledgement when their job application is received.”
for the Description.
4. Type “1/1/2000” for the Effective From date.
5. Type “APPACKNOWLEDGE” for the Reference Code.
6. Click the Diagram tab.
7. Drag one Start object to the Diagram.
8. Drag three Condition objects to the Diagram.
9. Drag two Notification objects to the Diagram.
10. Drag one End object to the Diagram.

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Creating Recruiting Workflows Automated Notifications in the Recruiting Process 33

Your workflow diagram should appear as follows:

Rename the objects:

11. Rename the Condition object next to the Start object “Condition – Is New”.
12. Rename the Condition object in the middle “Condition – Is Automatic”.
13. Rename the Condition object located on the far right “Condition – Is Internal”.
14. Rename the left Notification object “Notification – New Auto Internal”.
15. Rename the right Notification object “Notification – New Auto External”.

Your workflow diagram should appear as follows:

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34 Automated Notifications in the Recruiting Process Creating Recruiting Workflows

Connect the objects:

16. Connect the Start object to the Condition – Is New object.
17. Connect a True response from the Condition – Is New object to the Condition – Is Automatic
18. Connect a False response from the Condition – Is New object to the End object.
19. Connect a True response from the Condition – Is Automatic object to the Condition – Is Internal
20. Connect a False response from the Condition – Is Automatic object to the End object.
21. Connect a True response from the Condition – Is Internal object to the Notification – New Auto
Internal object.
22. Connect a False response from the Condition – Is Internal object to the Notification – New Auto
External object.
23. Connect the Notification – New Auto Internal and the Notification – New Auto External objects
to the End object.

Your workflow diagram should appear as follows:

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Creating Recruiting Workflows Automated Notifications in the Recruiting Process 35

Set up the Properties for each Condition object:

24. Select the Condition – Is New object.
25. Click the Create Expression button.
26. Expand CandidateCommunicationData.
27. Click JobPostingApplicationStatusXrefCode.
28. On the right, press the spacebar and type “EQUALS "NEW"”.
29. Click OK.
30. Select the Condition – Is Automatic object.
31. Click the Create Expression button.
32. Expand CandidateCommunicationData.
33. Click IsAuto.
34. Click OK.
35. Select the Condition – Is Internal object.
36. Click the Create Expression button.
37. Expand CandidateCommunicationData.
38. Click IsInternal.
39. Click OK.

Set up the Notification and End Object Properties:

40. Select the Notification – New Auto Internal object.
41. Click the Create Expression button for Message Subject.
42. Type “Thank you for applying for the “ and include a space.
43. Expand CandidateCommunicationData.
44. Click JobPostingTitle.
45. Type “ position.“ and include a space.
46. Click OK.
47. Click the Create Expression button for Message Body.
48. Copy and paste the following:
Dear <<CandidateCommunicationData.CandidateFirstName>>
Thank you for your interest in the <<CandidateCommunicationData.JobPostingTitle>> position.
We will be reviewing your application and determining if you meet the criteria for the position.
If you do, we will reach out to you for an interview.
49. Click OK.

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36 Automated Notifications in the Recruiting Process Creating Recruiting Workflows

50. Click the Send To Recruiting Recipients drop-down arrow.

51. Click Candidate.
52. Click anywhere off the list.
53. Select the Notification – New Auto External object.
54. Click the Create Expression button for Message Subject.
55. Copy and paste the following:
Thank you for applying for the <<CandidateCommunicationData.JobPostingTitle>> position.
56. Click OK.
57. Click the Create Expression button for Message Body.
58. Copy and Paste the following:
Dear <<CandidateCommunicationData.CandidateFirstName>>
Thank you for your interest in the <<CandidateCommunicationData.JobPostingTitle>> position
with XYZ Company! We will review your application and if you meet the criteria for the position,
we will be reaching out to go over next steps with you.
Due to the volume of applications we received please allow at least four business days for us to
review your application.
Thank you again,
59. Click OK.
60. Click the Send To Recruiting Recipients drop-down arrow.
61. Click Candidate.
62. Click anywhere off the list.
63. Select the End object.
64. Click the Create Expression button for Message Subject.
65. Copy and paste the following:
Error with <<CandidateCommunicationData.JobPostingTitle>> Application Submission
66. Click OK.
67. Click the Send Error To User drop-down arrow
68. Select 1522.
69. Click anywhere off the list.
70. Click Save.

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Creating Recruiting Workflows Automated Notifications in the Recruiting Process 37

Automated Messages when a Candidate is Declined

You can create workflows that send an automatic message to a candidate when they are manually
decline by a recruiter in the Recruiting module, or if they were declined based on answers to screening
questions asked during the application process. To automate messages, you’ll first want to have
something called an Auto-message user created.

Create the Auto-Message User

Path: System Admin > User
There are times when you won’t want to send an automated notification to a candidate immediately
when they have been declined, but rather you’ll want a period of time to pass first. To do that, you’ll
need to create a user account called Automessage. This account will not be tied to person, but once it’s
created, you can associate the Automessage user to a decision object within a workflow that will
generate a decline notification to the candidate.

When creating Users in Dayforce, a User Role and Location must be assigned. The User Role is assigned
on the Properties tab, and the Location is set on the Location Access tab. Generally, you will assign the
Auto-Message User an employee’s role and Corporate (top-level) organizational unit visibility. Be sure to
also mark the User as Approved by selecting the Approved check-box. Click Save to save the new User.

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38 Automated Notifications in the Recruiting Process Creating Recruiting Workflows

Automated Notifications when Candidate is Declined

In this section, we will look at how to create a workflow to send automatic notifications when a
candidate’s status is changed to Declined.
There are two ways a candidate can be placed in a Declined status:
• Automatically based on the Candidate’s answers to screening questions asked during the
application process
• Manually by a Recruiter directly in Recruiting
We will cover how to set up a workflow that can send a notification to a declined candidate in both

XYZ Company already has the Auto-Message Decline workflow set up in Dayforce, and can be seen
above. This workflow has been created to send notification to both internal and external candidates that
are declined.
The workflow begins by checking a Candidate’s record for a Declined status.
• If it finds the Declined status, it will then check whether the candidate is internal or external.
o If it determines it is an internal candidate, the workflow will move to the notification for
internal declined candidates, and then be completed. Internal candidates will not be auto-
declined. You’ll notice above that the “Condition is Auto” object is used for external
candidates only.
o If it finds an external candidate, it will check to see if the status update was made
automatically or manually.
• What the workflow finds regarding whether the update was made automatically or manually
will drive what notification is sent and when.
o If the update was manually made, the notification you created for declined manual external
will be sent.

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Creating Recruiting Workflows Automated Notifications in the Recruiting Process 39

o If the update was made automatically based on a screening question, the candidate will
receive the notification set up for a declined external candidate done automatically,
following the delay you configured. We will look at why setting up this delay is an important
Let’s first look at how we need to set up the properties for each object in this workflow to ensure the
process as outlined above is what occurs.
The Condition objects in the Auto-Message Decline workflow are set up with the following Properties:
• The Condition – Is Declined object contains the expression
<<CandidateCommunicationData.JobPostingApplicationStatusXrefCode>> EQUALS "DECLINED".
• The Condition – Is Internal object contains the expression
• The Condition – Is Auto object contains the expression
The Notification objects in the Auto-Message Decline workflow are set up with the following Properties:
• The Notification – Declined Manual Internal object contains the desired Message Subject and
Message Body an internal candidate would receive if declined, and Candidate has been selected
from Send To Recruiting Recipients.
• The Notification – Declined Manual External object contains the desired Message Subject and
Message Body an external candidate would receive if they are manually declined by a recruiter.
Candidate has been selected from Send To Recruiting Recipients.
• The Notification – Declined Automatic External object contains the desired Message Subject
and Message Body an external candidate would receive if they were automatically declined as a
result of their answer to a screening question. Candidate has been selected from Send To
Recruiting Recipients.
The Routing object within the Auto-Message Decline workflow is set up with the following Properties:
• The Routing object should be named “Route for Time Delay”, and has selected the Auto-
Message User in Send To User
The Decision object is set up with the following Properties:
• The Decision object should be named “Timeout Decision” and has specified 15 (minutes) in the
Timeout Value. This is the number of minutes you want the workflow to wait before sending the
decline notification. Enter a number of your choosing, but best practice is a time of 15 minutes
or greater to ensure the candidate does not receive this notification immediately after
submitting his or her application. If the Timeout Value is left blank or set to zero, the candidate
could receive the decline notification as soon as they have submitted their application.

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40 Automated Notifications in the Recruiting Process Creating Recruiting Workflows

Workflow Based on Decline Reason

You can optionally add additional conditions to your workflow so that separate notifications are sent to
candidates based on the specific decline reason. Recruiters select the decline reason when they
manually decline a candidate in Recruiting > Job Requisitions > Candidates. To have a separate
notification sent for a decline reason, you must add a statement to the Expression for the Properties of
that Condition object in an Auto-Message Decline workflow to check for that status.
Let’s look at an example. Let’s say you would like to send a separate automatic notification to a
candidate that is declined because they don’t meet the minimum qualifications based on his or her prior
work experience when they filled out the job application online. This notification would be separate
than any other notification sent for a candidate that is declined for any other reason.

First, you will need to obtain the Reference Code for that decline reason from Recruiting Setup >
Decline and Offer Rejection Reason. Using our example, we see the Reference Code is

Then, you would take that Reference Code and add it to a new Condition object in the Auto-Message
Decline workflow that is specified for a candidate that is underqualified due to their prior experience.
You would add the following Expression to that Condition object’s Properties:

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Creating Recruiting Workflows Automated Notifications in the Recruiting Process 41

<<CandidateCommunicationData.DeclineReasonXrefCode>> EQUALS "Underqualified_Experience"

Once you have added the Condition object for a specific decline reason, you will want to be sure and
add any Decision or Routing objects for notification delays, if needed. The last object, prior to the End
node, would be the Notification object, where you specify what message is sent to the affected

With this workflow setup, only external candidates who are declined automatically will receive this
specific notification if Underqualified Experience is the reason. If this should be sent to all candidates
with this decline reason (including those that are declined manually), it would also need to be set up just
before the Notification objects for the Declined Manual Internal and Declined Manual External.

You can use more than one Condition object for a decline reason in your workflow.

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42 Automated Notifications in the Recruiting Process Creating Recruiting Workflows

Associate the Notification Workflow with an HR Event

Path: Workflow Administration > HR Events
Now that you have created a workflow to send a notification to a candidate automatically when his or
her status is changed to Declined, and associated it with the Auto-Message User for the notification
delay, you will need to associate the workflow with the status updates that can be made in Recruiting
for candidates. You establish that connection with an HR Event.

The Job Application Status Changed HR event is a preconfigured HR event in Dayforce that associates
candidate status updates in Recruiting with one or more workflows. Since this is a system preconfigured
workflow that cannot be deleted, it will always display grayed out. The current Triggered Workflow that
is set up for XYZ Company, is the Auto-Message Decline workflow. To do this, select the Job Application
Status Changed. In the Triggered Workflows section, click Add, select the workflow, provide an Effective
Start date then click Save.
In an example where a candidate submits an application containing an answer to a screening question
that would automatically decline him or her, we would see in Workflow Administration > Workflows >
Workflow Management that both workflows would have triggered for that candidate. First, the
Application Acknowledgement workflow once the candidate submitted his or her application, and
second the Auto-Message Decline workflow later, once the timeout specified in that workflow had

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Creating Recruiting Workflows Automated Notifications in the Recruiting Process 43

Activity: Associate the Application Acknowledgement Workflow with the Job

Application Status Change HR Event
Time: 2 minutes
Currently, XYZ Company has Job Application Status Change HR event only triggering the Auto-Message
Decline workflow. They would also like to add the newly created Application Acknowledgement
workflow to this event. Add the Application Acknowledgement workflow to the Job Application Status
Change HR event.

Solution: Associate the Application Acknowledgement Workflow with the Job

Application Status Change HR Event
Path: Workflow Administration > HR Events
1. Locate the Job Application Status Changed HR Event and select it.
2. In the Triggered Workflows section, click Add.
3. Click under the Workflow column and click the drop-down arrow.
4. Select Application Acknowledgement Notification.
5. Type “1/1/2020” for the Effective Start.
6. Click Save.

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44 Automated Notifications in the Recruiting Process Creating Recruiting Workflows

Offer Letter Form

When recruiters are ready to create the offer letter for a candidate, they must select an approval
process that the offer letter will go through before it can be sent to the candidate.
The approval process for an offer letter form is defined in a workflow, and there are two types of
• Defined approval levels workflow, which is when the approvers are defined, typically by role
• Define approvers for each offer letter form workflow, which is when you’d like recruiters to be
able to define a list of approvers directly in the Create/Edit Offer form when creating the letter

At least one of these workflows must be created because the offer letter form has different processing
requirements than other forms in Recruiting.

Once the appropriate workflows have been created, you must assign the workflow to the offer letter
form to ensure when the offer letter form is created it will go through the approval channels.

Create the Offer Letter Form Approval Workflows

Path: Workflow Administration > Workflow Designer
Offer letter workflows only define the process that occurs before the system sends the offer letter to
the candidate. This typically include one or more approval steps where approvers (e.g., HR
administrators, managers) must either accept or reject the offer letter form. If the approvers accept, the
status in Recruiting is changes to Offer Sent and the system sends the offer to the candidate. If they
reject the offer, the status is changed to Offer Rejected in Recruiting and the recruiter would have to
submit a new offer for approval.

The system does not come preconfigured with offer letter workflows, and you must create them. There
is no limit to the number of offer letter workflows you can create.

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Creating Recruiting Workflows Automated Notifications in the Recruiting Process 45

Create a Defined Approval Level Workflow

The first type of workflow that can be used to define the approval process an offer letter form must go
through is one where the approvers are defined, typically by role. Pictured below is an example of an
offer letter workflow with one approval step. The workflow routes the offer letter form to HR, who must
either accept or reject the offer letter form.

Note the two Observing Class Notification objects above. In an offer letter workflow, the Accept and
Reject response must always pass through these objects, otherwise the offer process will not complete.

The objects in the above Offer Letter – 1 Level Approval by HR workflow should be set up with the
following Properties:
• For the Routing object, select the HR user responsible for approving or rejecting offer letters in
Send to User.
• For the Decision object, create a descriptive Message Subject and Message Body to be sent to
the HR user, along with an option to Accept or Reject the request.
• The Accept and Reject responses must each always pass through an Observing Class
Notification object before reaching the End object, otherwise the offer approval process will not
complete. Offer letter workflows must end with an Accept or Reject response. Other responses
are not supported and will also prevent the offer process from completing.
• Unlike the Process object used in other Recruiting workflows, the Observing Class Notification
object handles processing for when the offer letter form is accepted or when it is rejected.
o If the approver accepts the offer letter form, Dayforce sends the offer letter to the
candidate, and will also update the candidate’s status from Offer Pending Approval to Offer
Sent in Recruiting.
o If the approver rejects the offer letter form, Dayforce does not send the offer letter to the
candidate. Instead, the candidate’s status is updated from Offer Pending Approval to Offer
Rejected – Workflow in Recruiting, and the recruiter must submit a new offer letter form to
a completely new workflow.

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46 Automated Notifications in the Recruiting Process Creating Recruiting Workflows

• The Observing Class Notification objects must be specified as an Letter or Approval in the
Observer class Type in the object’s Properties. Without this being selected, the workflow will
end in error.
• No Notifications are included in this workflow, as this is optional.

The objects in the Offer Letter – 1 Level Approval by HR with Notification workflow are set up similar to
the workflow without notifications.
See the Self-Service Administration Guide and the Recruiting Guide for more information on building
workflows with no approval or multiple approval steps.

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Creating Recruiting Workflows Automated Notifications in the Recruiting Process 47

Define approvers in the Offer Letter Form Workflow

If you would like recruiters to be able to define a list of approvers for an offer directly in the Create/Edit
Offer form, you will need to create a separate workflow so it will be available to select from the offer
letter creation.

When recruiters select this type of workflow from the Select Workflow list, a Workflow Approvers list
will appear. In the Workflow Approvers list, a recruiter will be able to search for any user in the
organization and add them to the list. When a user is selected, a unique approval stage is added to the
workflow. The order in which the users are added to the Workflow Approvers is the order in which the
approval stage occurs. Only one user can be assigned to one approval stage in the workflow. Once the
offer letter is submitted by the recruiter, the process is the same for a standard workflow. Let’s look at
how this type of workflow should be created.
The workflow that allows the recruiter to define approvers has all of the same elements of a standard
offer letter workflow, except that it adds a Route To All from a List object. This object serves to route
approval requests to various users, as defined by the Recruiter in the Workflow Approvers list. You must
only include one of these objects in a workflow.

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48 Automated Notifications in the Recruiting Process Creating Recruiting Workflows

You will only need to add a Name and Description for the Route To All from a List object, but it must
have the following connections:
• A connection from the Start object to the Route To All from a List object.
• A Route to a list member connection going from the Route To All from a List object to a
Decision object.
• An Accept connection going to the Route To All from a List object from a Decision object.
• An End of the list connection that goes from the Route To All from a List object to an Observing
Class Notification object.

If the first approver in the list approves the offer, the Decision object routes the approval process back
to the Route To All from a List object so it can search for any more users specified in the Create/Edit
Offer Letter. This process continues until there are no more approvers specified, and then would
progress to the Observing Class Notification object connected by the End of the list connection.
From there, the workflow passes through the following elements:
• The Observing Class Notification object that performs the function of updating the candidate’s
status to Offer Sent in Recruiting, and sends the offer to the candidate.
• A Notification object, if included, to send notifications of the offer being sent to a recruiter or
any other user.
• The End object.
If anyone in the approver list rejects the offer, the workflow would pass through the following elements:
• The Reject connection from the Decision object.
• The Observing Class Notification object that performs the function of updating the candidate’s
status to Offer Rejected – Workflow in Recruiting.
• The Notification object, if included, to send notifications to the recruiter or any other user to let
them know the offer has been rejected in the workflow approval process.
• The End object.

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Creating Recruiting Workflows Automated Notifications in the Recruiting Process 49

Activity: Create the Workflow Diagram for the Offer Letter – 1 Level Approval by
HR Workflow
Time 8 minutes
XYZ Company would like to create an offer letter workflow with one level of approval required by an HR
Administrator. The first step in creating this workflow is to create the workflow with that one level of
approval. You will want to create the workflow so that if the HR Administrator approver accepts the
offer as presented, Dayforce will send the offer to the candidate. Also, be sure to set the workflow up so
that if the approver rejects the offer as presented, the offer goes back to the Recruiting module, and the
Recruiter will be required to submit a new offer with a new workflow.
Workflow Diagram details:
• Name: Offer Letter – 1 Level Approval by HR workflow
• Reference Code: OLONELEVELHR
• Effective from Jan 1, 2000

And once you have created the 1 Level Approval by HR workflow, you need to set up the properties for
each object located in the workflow. Be sure to rename the objects to match the action that is being
Workflow Diagram Object Properties:
• The workflow should route the offer letter form to the HR Administrator, Barbara White, for
approval. Her username is 1522.
• The HR Administrator decision should include the option to accept or reject the request.
• The message subject of what will be sent to Barbara should read “Offer Letter Approval Request
for (candidate’s name).”
• The message body of what will be sent to Barbara should read “Please accept or reject the
request to send an offer letter to (candidate’s name) for the (job posting title) position.”
• Select the Observing Class Notification type to be offer letter approval.

Solution: Create the Workflow Diagram for the Offer Letter – 1 Level Approval
by HR Workflow
Path: Workflow Administration > Workflow Designer
1. Click Add.
2. Type “Offer Letter – 1 Level Approval by HR” for the Name and Description.
3. Type “1/1/2000” for the Effective From date.
4. Type “OLONELEVELHR” for the Reference Code.
5. Click the Diagram tab.
6. Drag the following palette objects to the Diagram
a. One Start object.
b. One Routing object.

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50 Automated Notifications in the Recruiting Process Creating Recruiting Workflows

c. One Decision object.

d. Two Observing Class Notification objects.
e. One End object.
7. Connect the objects:
a. Connect the Start object to the Routing object.
b. Connect the Routing object to the Decision object
c. Connect an Accept response from the Decision object to one Observing Class Notification
d. Connect a Reject response from the Decision object to the other Observing Class
Notification object.
e. Connect both Observing Class Notification objects to the End object.
8. Your workflow diagram should appear as follows:

Enter Routing Properties:

9. Click the Routing object.
10. In the Node Properties panel, type “Route to HR” for the Name and Description.
11. Click the Send to User drop-down arrow.
12. Select 1522.
13. Click anywhere off the list.

Enter Decision Properties:

14. Click the Decision object.
15. In the Node Properties panel, type “HR Approval” for the Name and Description.
16. For the Message Subject, click the Create Expression button.
17. Copy and paste the following:
Offer Letter Approval Request for <<CandidateCommunicationData.CandidateFirstName>>

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Creating Recruiting Workflows Automated Notifications in the Recruiting Process 51

18. Click OK.

19. For the Message Body click the Create Expression button.
20. Copy and Paste the following:
Please accept or reject the request to send an offer letter to
dateLastName>> for the <<CandidateCommunicationData.JobPostingTitle>> position.
21. Click OK.

Enter Observing Class Notification properties:

22. Click the first Observing Class Notification object.
23. In Node Properties, click the Observer Class Type drop-down arrow.
24. Select Letter or Offer Approval.
25. Click anywhere off the list.
26. Click the second Observing Class Notification object.
27. In Node Properties, click the Observer Class Type drop-down arrow.
28. Select Letter or Offer Approval.
29. Click Save.

Assign the Workflow(s) to the Offer Letter Form

Path: Workflow Administration > Role Privileges
Once you create the necessary workflow(s), you need to make them available in the Offer Letter form.
This is done using the same method that you use to grant users access to other forms. However, instead
of assigning a workflow to different forms, you add the workflows to the same form. For each workflow,
select Offer Letter in the Form list, Offer Letter in the Parent Feature list, and select Hiring in the
Category list. There is no limit to the number of workflows you can add to the Offer Letter form. If you
give a User Role access to more than one workflow, they will be able to select the appropriate workflow
from the Select Workflow list of the Create/Edit Offer form in Recruiting.

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52 Automated Notifications in the Recruiting Process Creating Recruiting Workflows

Activity: Assign the Workflow to the Offer Letter Form

Time: 3 minutes
Now that the Offer Letter – 1 Level Approval by HR workflow has been created, you can assign the
workflow to the Offer Letter form, and define that the Recruiting Administrative role should have access
to it.
Role Privileges details:
• Workflow: Offer Letter – 1 Level Approval by HR
• Form: Offer Letter
• Parent Feature: Offer Letter
• Make the form available to the Recruit Admin role
• Assign the form to the Hiring Category

Solution: Assign the Workflow to the Offer Letter Form:

Path: Workflow Administration > Role Privileges

1. Click Add.
2. Click under Parent Feature and then click the drop-down arrow.
3. Select Offer Letter.
4. Click under Form and then click the drop-down arrow.
5. Select Offer Letter.
6. Click under Workflow and then click the drop-down arrow.
7. Select Offer Letter - 1 Level Approval by HR.
8. Click under Category and then click the drop-down arrow.
9. Select Hiring.
10. Confirm that the Recruit Admin role is in the Role column.
11. Click Save.

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Creating Recruiting Workflows Wrap-Up 53

In this class, you learned how to use Self-Service features and workflows to automate recruiting business
processes. You also learned how to set up and use notification workflows, as well as various recruiting
workflows to use throughout the recruiting process.
You should now know how to:

• Understand how create workflows for recruiting.

• Create automated notifications for recruiting.
• Create offer letter approvals.

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