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ISSN 0036-0244, Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2008, Vol. 82, No. 7, pp. 1098–1103. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.

, 2008.
Original Russian Text © L.M. Ramenskaya, E.P. Grishina, A.M. Pimenova, M.S. Gruzdev, 2008, published in Zhurnal Fizicheskoi Khimii, 2008, Vol. 82, No. 7, pp. 1246–1251.


The Influence of Water on the Physicochemical Characteristics

of 1-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium Bromide Ionic Liquid
L. M. Ramenskaya, E. P. Grishina, A. M. Pimenova, and M. S. Gruzdev
Institute of the Solution Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Ivanovo, Russia
Received December 20, 2006

Abstract—A modified synthesis of 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium bromide (BMImBr) was suggested and per-
formed, and some physicochemical properties of the product containing 0.64–13.6 wt % water were deter-
mined. Water increased the electrical conductivity and decreased the viscosity and melting point of the sub-
stance but weakly influenced its density. Water in amounts of 5–8 wt % (45–50 mol %) caused structural
changes. The BMImBr · 0.5H2O crystal hydrate was found to be stable thermodynamically.
DOI: 10.1134/S003602440807008X

INTRODUCTION BMImBr and studies of the influence of water on them

are therefore problems of current interest.
Salts-ionic liquids (ILs) molten at room temperature
as a rule consist of N- or P-containing organic cations
and bulky organic or inorganic anions [1]. Thanks to EXPERIMENTAL
their unique properties (high electrical conductivity, a
broad temperature range of the liquid state, thermal sta- We used N-methylimidazole (Acros organics, 99%)
bility, and low volatility), they are treated as new prom- and freshly distilled 1-bromobutane of ch. (pure) grade
ising green (environmentally friendly) solvents in as reagents. Acetonitrile and ethyl acetate of kh. ch.
organic synthesis and chemical analysis and electro- (chemically pure) grade were dehydrated following
lytes in electrochemical energy accumulators [1, 2]. standard procedures [6].
The quartenization reaction was performed using a
Successful use of ILs requires thorough studies of modified procedure with the direct interaction of the
their properties. The purpose of this work was the prep- reagents in a small excess of alkyl halide [7, 8]. We sug-
aration and determination of some physicochemical gested the procedure with adding butyl bromide drop-
characteristics of 1-butyl-3-methylimidazole bromide wise to N-methylimidazole under intense stirring
(BMImBr) with various water contents, strictly at 70°ë. The reaction mixture was treated with
activated carbon and recrystallized from a mixture of
– acetonitrile and ethyl acetate. The product was dried in
H3C N N C H Br .
4 9 a rotary vacuum evaporator at a pressure of 0.66 kPa
until its weight ceased to change and stored in a desic-
Although 1,3-substituted imidazolium halides are cator at a residual humidity of 5 × 10–3 mg/l. This pro-
extensively used for the preparation of other more com- cedure gave 1-butyl-3-imidazolium bromide in the
plex ILs with complex anions, their physicochemical form of a white crystalline mass. The purity and struc-
properties have been studied incompletely. According ture of the product were controlled by melting point
to the Catalog of Ionic Liquids (Merck Darmshtad, measurements and using thin-layer chromatography,
Germany [3]), the melting point of BMImBr (99.9% chromato-mass spectrometry, and NMR and IR spec-
major component) is 76°ë. The density (1.77 g/cm3, troscopy.
20°ë), melting point (65°ë), and decomposition tem- The yield was ~97.5%, Tm = 76.4°ë, water content
perature (275°ë) of crystalline BMImBr containing 0.64 wt %. The 1ç NMR spectrum (D2O, ppm): δ = 0.8
1.09–1.62 wt % water were reported in [4]. According (triplet, J = 7.1 Hz, 3H, –CH3), 1.21 (sextet, J = 7.6 Hz,
to [5], the density obtained from the X-ray diffraction 2H, CH3–ëH2–(ëH2)N), 1.73 (quintet, J = 7.6 Hz, 2H,
data on BMImBr crystals is 1.44 g/cm3. N–ëH2–ëH2–), 3.81 (singlet, J = 7.01 Hz, 3H, N–ëH3),
As is well known, water is an inevitable ionic liquid 4.07 (triplet, J = 9.1 Hz, 2H, N–ëH2–), 7.31 (doublet,
impurity [1], and the properties of ionic liquids, espe- J = 5.01 Hz, 2H, N–ëH–ëH–N), and 8.6 (singlet, J =
cially those of hydrophilic 1-butyl-3-methylimidazo- 5.01 Hz, 1H, N–ë(H)–N). The 13ë NMR spectrum
lium halides, depend strongly on its content. The deter- (D2O, ppm, external reference cyclohexanol): δ =
mination of the physicochemical characteristics of 15.72, 34.21, 36.04, 38.69, 54.14, 124.16, 126.39, and


(a) (b)

4.5 4.0 3.5 4.5 4.0 3.5

δ, ppm δ, ppm

Fig. 1. Fragments of 1H NMR spectra of 1-butyl-3-methylimidazole (a) before and (b) after purification.

141.16. Mass spectrum, m/z: 219 [M]+, 125 [M–Me]+, design of the cell was determined. After measurements,
97 [å–ëH2–CH2–åÂ]+, and 82 [å–C(H)NC(H)– the content of water was determined as specified above.
ëH2–CH2–CH2–åÂ]+. Changes in the content of water did not exceed 0.3–
The chromatograms and mass spectra were obtained 0.5 wt %.
on a Saturn 2000R chromato-mass spectrometer, car- The conductivity of the solid salt and supercooled
rier gas helium. The 1H and 13C NMR spectra were and moistened molten BMImBr was determined using
recorded on a Bruker AC-200 (200.13 MHz) instrument an R5021 ac bridge in a hermetically sealed tempera-
for solutions in D2O. The IR transmission spectra were ture-controlled conductometric cell with smooth plati-
studied for samples placed between two KRS-5 win- num electrodes. Measurements were taken over the
dows (transmission range 4000–200 cm–1) on an Avatar alternating current frequency range f = 1–20 kHz at
360 FT-IR ESP spectrophotometer. The content of 20°ë following the procedure described in [12]. The
water (x) in wt % was determined by amperometric conductivities G were then extrapolated to an infinitely
titration according to Fischer [9]. We also synthesized high frequency in the G – 1/f coordinates. The cell con-
BMImBr samples with residual water contents of 0.75, stant was determined similarly with the use of a 0.01 N
1.78, and 2.6 wt %. BMImBr samples enriched in water solution of KCl, because the electrical conductivity of
(4–13 wt % ç2é) were prepared by diluting the initial this solution was comparable with that of molten
IL. Water content was controlled according to Fischer. BMImBr.
The phase state and thermal stability of the samples
were studied by thermogravimetry and differential RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
scanning calorimetry. Thermogravimetric (TG) mea-
surements were taken on a NETZCH TG 209 F1 ana- Spectral characteristics.Fragments of the 1H NMR
lyzer in an argon flow (20 ml/min). The differential spectra of BMImBr (0.64 wt % ç2é) (a) before and
scanning calorimetry (DSC) data were obtained on a (b) after purification are shown in Fig. 1. The absence
NETZCH DSC 204 F1 instrument, cell material Al, of the δ = 3.6 ppm singlet responsible for methyl group
sample weight ≈20 mg, heating in N2 from –110 to protons in the spectrum of initial N-methylimidazole
100°ë, heating rate 10 K/min. The cell was prepared was evidence that the product synthesized was a pure
following the standard procedure directly before each individual compound without initial reagent impurities.
measurement. The chromato-mass spectrometry and NMR spectros-
The density of solid and molten BMImBr was deter- copy data and the melting point (76.4°ë) allow the
mined at a constant temperature (20, 40, 60, and 80°ë) product obtained to be identified as 1-butyl-3-meth-
with respect to ethyl acetate and water by the volumet- ylimidazolium bromide.
ric and pycnometric methods [10]. Pycnometer vol- The IR transmission spectra of BMImBr containing
umes were 1, 2, and 5 cm3. The dynamic viscosity of 2.6 (and 6.5, parenthesized values) wt % water over the
molten BMImBr at x = 2.6–10.2 (x is wt % H2O) was frequency ν range 4000–500 cm–1 are presented in
determined on a BROOKFIELD DV-II+Pro viscometer Table 1. The spectra contain the characteristic vibration
at 20°ë in a special small-volume cell, plate radius frequencies of all the structural elements of the BMIm+
7.5 mm, gap between plates 1 mm, interval of angular cation [13]. Anion–cation interactions in IL based on
rotation rates from 10 to 100 rpm. The viscometer was imidazole change C–H ring proton binding (3000–
calibrated against glycerol [11], and a correction coef- 3200 cm–1) [14]. Along with a strong aromatic ring C–H
ficient taking into account the special features of the hydrogen bond at 3082 cm–1, the spectrum of BMImBr


1100 RAMENSKAYA et al.

Table 1. Characteristics of vibrational-rotational transmission spectrum of 1-butyl-3-methylimidazole bromide (2.6 wt % H2O)

This work [13]
ν, cm–1 I, % group bond ν, cm–1
νs 3442 11.04 (28.10) H2O O–H 3500–3200
δas 652 41.88 (50.11) 600–200
δs 622 32.72 (45.75)
νas 2960 15.74 (32.86) –CH3 C–H 2975–2950
νs 2873 23.14 (38.04) 2885–2860
δas 1465 29.29 (43.21) 1470–1435
δs 1382 41.31 (50.97) 1385–1370
νas 2929 weak –CH2– C–H 2940–2915
νs 2973 23.14 (38.04) 2870–2845
2733 weak N–CH3 C–H 2820–2730
ν 3143 (3144) 20.27 (35.46) –CHarom C–H 3095–3010
ν 3082 (3085) 18.19 (36.8) 3000–3100
ν 841 (844) 46.08 (53.59) 900–700
ν 1628 34.79 (45.55) C–Cnonconj C–C 1680–1620
ν 1571 21.59 (38.44) C–Carom C–C 1600–1500
ν 1520 45.04 C–Ncycl C–N 1600–1480
1429 39.48 (49.67) C–C, C–N C–C, C–N 1400–900
950 53.29 (58.87) C–C C–C 1100–900
δ 1337 42.63 (51.88) –(CH2)n– C–H 1350–1180
ν 1279 weak C–N C–N 1360–1000
δ 1169 15.74 (33.02) CHarom C–H 1175–1125
δ 1113 44.78 (53.16) C–H 1110–1070
δ 1022 50.75 (57.09) (1,3-substitution) 1070–1000
δ 754 38.82 (48.98) 810–750
Note: ν and δ are the stretching and bending vibrations, respectively; νs (δs) and νas (δas) are the symmetrical and asymmetric vibrations,
respectively; values for BMImBr with 6.5 wt % H2O are given in parentheses; I is the intensity.

contains a weaker band at 3143 cm–1 corresponding to perature, it can remain a viscous liquid indefinitely or
ring proton binding with the bromide ion. Water weak- experience spontaneous solidification during several
ens C–H interactions and causes hypsochromic shifts minutes. Crystallization can be initiated by the intro-
of maxima by 1–3 cm–1 and an increase in the intensity duction of crystallization centers or mechanical or tem-
of transmission, especially at high frequencies, because perature actions.
of the superposition of natural O–H bond vibrations
(3500–2500 cm–1) on the characteristic vibrations of 1-Butyl-3-imidazole bromide is infinitely miscible
atomic groups in this spectral region. with water and intensely absorbs it from air. Its hygro-
scopicity decreases as the amount of absorbed water
Crystallization and hygroscopicity. At room temper- grows. At 20°ë and a humidity of 78%, BMImBr with
ature, BMImBr (less than 1 wt % ç2é) is a solid salt, various initial contents of water reaches maximum sat-
and BMImBr containing more than 1 wt % and less uration of 10–11 wt % ç2é (Fig. 2). The influence of
than 6.5 wt % water can exist in both solid and liquid water on physicochemical characteristics was studied
states (as a supercooled melt). BMImBr enriched in for systems containing more than 2.6 wt % water,
water (7 wt % ç2é) stratifies into two phases, transpar- which are stabler toward the action of atmospheric
ent crystals of the composition BMImBr · 0.5ç2é moisture.
(3.5 wt % ç2é) and liquid BMImBr (8 wt % ç2é).
BMImBr with more than 7–8 wt % ç2é is a homoge- Thermal data. The thermodynamic parameters
neous liquid system that does not form crystals. A obtained from DSC (Fig. 3) and TG (Fig. 4) heating
supercooled melt is in a metastable state. At room tem- cycles for the initial solid BMImBr salt samples at x =



∆m, % exe

2 1, 1'

0 4 8 12 –60 –20 20 60 100
τ, days t, °C

Fig. 2. Increase in the weight (∆m) of 1-butyl-3-methylimi- Fig. 3. DSC curves of 1-butyl-3-methylimidazole bromide
dazole bromide depending on the content of water at 20°C, with water contents x = (1, 1') 0.64, (2, 2') 1.78, and (3, 3')
x = (1) 0.64, (2) 1.78, (3) 2.6, and (4) 7 wt % water; humid- 2.6 wt %; (1–3) the first heating and (1'–3') the second heat-
ity 78%. ing.

0.64–2.6% are listed in Table 2. Vitrification is observed the ρ(T) straight line is maximum at x = 5.5%. Presum-
for virtually all the salt compositions at temperatures ably, water-containing BMImBr experiences structural
from –60 to −70°C. It is accompanied by a heat capac- changes at x = 5–6 wt % (~45 mol % water).
ity change ∆Cp of 0.3–0.4 J/(g K). The glass transition Densimetric measurements (20°ë) were used to cal-
Tg and melting Tm temperatures decrease as the content culate the molar volume of solid BMImBr with x =
of water increases. The Tg(x) dependence has an extre- 2.6% (153.1 cm3) and its supercooled melt (168.4 cm3).
mum related to polymorphism. During cooling in the It follows that the solid liquid phase transition is
presence of solvent particles (ç2é), not only the ther- accompanied by a ~10% increase in the molar volume,
modynamically stable rhombic polymorph characteris- which closely agrees with the data on melts of other
tic of anhydrous BMImBr, but also the less stable mon- organic salts [16].
oclinic polymorph is likely formed [5]. A decrease in Viscosity. The dynamic viscosities η of BMImBr
Tm is caused by the formation of BMImBr · nç2é crys- melts with x = 2.6–13.6% determined at 20°C are listed
tal hydrates characterized by lower melting points com- in Table 3. The η values were calculated as slopes of the
pared with the anhydrous salt [4, 7, 15]. Water destabi-
lizes the crystal lattice of 1-butyl-3-methylimidazo-
lium bromide. For this reason, glass crystal and ∆m, %
crystal melt phase transitions are not reproduced 120
during heating of BMImBr containing more than 1 wt
% water (Fig. 3). These transitions are, however, 1
observed for the anhydrous salt (x < 1%).
The decomposition of BMImBr (Fig. 4) occurs with 80
the loss of virtually the whole mass. It follows from
Table 2 that water decreases the temperature at which
decomposition begins and increases weight loss (∆m) 1
before the beginning of thermal destruction. 2, 3
Density. The densities ρ of BMImBr samples with
x = 2.6–13.6% at various temperatures are listed in
Table 3. The densities of solid BMImBr with x = 0.64,
1.78, and 2.6% (1.42, 1.40, and 1.43 g/cm3, respec- 0
tively) are in satisfactory agreement with the data from 300 600 900
[5]. The density of molten BMImBr, like the densities t, °C
of other ILs [1, 7, 15], decreases insignificantly as the
content of water and temperature increase. The temper- Fig. 4. TG curves of 1-butyl-3-methylimidazole bromide
ature expansion coefficient KT calculated as the slope of with water contents x = (1) 0.64, (2) 1.78, and (3) 2.6 wt %.


1102 RAMENSKAYA et al.

Table 2. Thermochemical parameters of 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium bromide (x is the content of H2O, wt %)

Vitrification Crystallization Melting Decomposition

–tg , °C ∆Cp , J/(g K) tc , °C ∆Hc , J/g tm , °C –∆Hm , J/g tinit , °C –∆m, %

0.64 60.5 0.40 30.4 69.2 77.4 66.2 230 0.7

0.75 73.9 0.34 37.0 56.0 69.8 45.8 224 1.75
1.78 76.6 0.28 None None 50.7 54.4 219 2.03
2.60 – – – – 55.2 30.8 117 3.48
2.85 72.6 0.38 None None 2.4 0.12 110 3.75
7.0 1.60
Note: The data on melting at x = 2.6 wt % were obtained from the first heating cycle without preliminary cooling.

Table 3. Density (ρ, g/cm3), temperature expansion coefficient (KT , g cm–3 K–1), specific conductivity (χ, S m–1), and dy-
namic viscosity (η, cP) of molten BMImBr

x –KT × 104 χ20 η20
20°C 40°C 60°C 80°C

2.6 1.30 1.29 1.28 1.26 6.5 0.027 830

2.6* 1.43 – – – – 0.016 –
4.2 1.29 1.28 1.26 1.25 7.3 0.076 320
5.5 1.28 1.26 1.25 1.23 8.2 0.229 185
6.8 1.28 1.27 1.24 1.24 6.2 0.453 130
8.1 1.29 1.28 1.26 1.25 6.6 0.645 105
10.2 1.27 1.26 1.24 1.23 7.3 0.551 99
13.6 1.27 1.25 1.24 1.23 6.1 – –
* Solid salt.

dependences of shear stress τ on the rate of shear D tak- solid state at 20°ë. In this work, we measured the con-
ing into account the correction coefficient [17]. The ductivity of a supercooled melt and solid BMImBr with
results obtained show that, unlike ρ, η strongly depends x = 2.6%. The supercooled melt was placed into a cell
on the concentration of water. BMImBr melt is a vis- and crystallized, after which conductivity was mea-
cous liquid at room temperature even at x = 2.6%. High sured. A change in the state of aggregation of the salt
η values distinguish imidazolium halides from the
majority of ILs [1]. For instance, η = 1110 cP (25°ë) (liquid solid) decreases its conductivity almost
for BMImI at x = 0.19% [15]. twofold (Table 3). The specific conductivity of the solid
salt is commensurate with the χ value of the melt, likely
The dependences of η on D for BMImBr melts because of strong structure imperfection of BMImBr
with various water contents are shown in Fig. 5.
Water-containing BMImBr behaves similarly to crystals and mobility of ions caused by the presence of
other ILs (as a Newton liquid), whose dynamic vis- water. The influence of water on χ of molten BMImBr
cosity is independent of the rate of shear [1]. More is shown in Table 3. The dependence of χ(BåImBr)
viscous BMImBr (x = 1.78%) is, however, not a on the content of water has a maximum at x = 7–8%
Newton liquid and exhibits properties of a highly (~50 mol % H2O). After correcting χ for viscosity (χη),
structured crystal-like liquid [18]. the maximum remains, as is characteristic of systems
Electrical conductivity. There are no literature data with pronounced intercomponent interactions (mole-
on the electrical conductivity of 1-butyl-3-methylimi- cules, salt dissociation products, and water mole-
dazolium bromide, because this salt is usually in the cules) [19].



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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Experimental Methods of Solution Chemistry: Densime-
This work was financially supported by the Russian try, Viscometry, Conductometry, and Other Methods
Foundation for Basic Research, project no. 06-03- (Nauka, Moscow, 1997) [in Russian].
96345-p-tsentr-a. 18. Practical Manual on Colloid Chemistry, Ed. by
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REFERENCES 19. M. M. Usanovich, Investigations in the Theory of Solu-
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