07 Personal Statement To Obey Indonesian Rules

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*Please fill with CAPITAL letters

Complete name :
Sex : □ Male □ Female
Place, date of birth :
Nationality :
Passport number :
Marital status : □ Married □ Unmarried
Address in home country
Street name, street number, :
house number

Village/district :
City :
Province/state :
Zip/postal code :
Major/Department :
Duration of Study : ………………………. *days/months/year
Phone/WhatsApp :
(with country code)

I certify that during my study in Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta, I will obey the university
regulations as follows:
1. I will attend lectures in an orderly manner and will not engage in any activities which have no
relevance to my education/program.
2. I will register myself to the academic system every semester depending on my study permit.
3. I will not get involved in any political organization or movement.
4. I will not work during my study in UNS.
5. I will obey Indonesian law and other relevant regulations.

These statements are made truthfully. If any of them is proven untrue, or I deny the statements in the
future, I will be responsible to take any sanction that may be put on me.

……………., ………………………… *place, date of letter

*sign here


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