Git Hub Notes

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Git hub user.


Git hub

Git hub pass=#Harshithsj@9480436557#

GIT:-It is a version control system.

A Version control system is a tool to track the changes made in code

IT IS :-popular

Free and open source

Fast and scalable

GITHUB:-It is a website where developer can upload ,store and manage their code using git.

Create a new repository (creating a new project and creating new folder for that project) in github

To create a new repository go to the repository click new

Then click add readme to give brief description,CREATE REPOSITORY

Changes made are called commit in github

For add next line <br>

After git setup we need to do git configure(it means we are saying to git in which account u are changing
the code)
We will open vscode

Create a folder ,open the folder , open terminal press + to start the terminal
git --version

clear(to delete the history in terminal)


CLONE=Cloning a repository on our local machine

git clone <some link>

Now we are in the folder created in local machine

in order to go to the folder that we cloned from git we use

cd cloned folder name (change in directory ,now we are changing directory from local folder to the
cloned folder )
in order to know in which folder we use using

See before > is the folder in which we are working

In order to see the which files are present in working folder


git status(display the status of our code)

It is saying that whatever the code in this cloned folder is same as the code present in git hub

when we made changes in the code of cloned folder ,it is of modified stage,if we do git status it shows
modified and the folder in which it is modified

if we create a new file in cloned folder it is considered as untracked means git does know anything
about it
git add .
To make modified file and untracked file in staged file we use for all the files at

once or we can use individually by git add filename.

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