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Project Name (Client Name) TutorialsNinja Web Application (TutorialsNinja)

Prepared By Solaytic (Arun Motoori - Test Lead)

Vesion No Version 1.0
Version 2.0
Version 3.0
Updated with Client Feedback
Added Test Cases for new functionalilities
Project Name TutorialsNinja Web Application
Client TutorialsNinja
Reference Document Application URL (BRS Document not provided)
Created By Solaytic (Arun Motoori - Test Lead)
Creation Date Dec 14th, 2020
Approval Date Dec 17th, 2020

Test Scenario ID Reference

(TS_001)Register FunctionalityApplication URL

(TS_002) Login Functionality Application URL

(TS_003)Logout Functionality Application URL

(TS_004)Forgot Passsword Application URL

(TS_005)Search Functionality Application URL

(TS_006)Product Compare Application URL

(TS_007)Product Display Page Application URL

(TS_008)Add to Cart Application URL

(TS_009)Wish List Application URL

(TS_010)Shopping Cart Application URL

(TS_011)Home Page Application URL

(TS_012)Checkout Application URL

(TS_013)My Account Application URL

(TS_014)My Account Information

Application URL

(TS_015)Change Password Application URL

(TS_016)Address Book Application URL

(TS_017)Order History Application URL

(TS_018)Order Information Application URL

(TS_019)Product Returns Application URL

(TS_020)Downloads Application URL

(TS_021)Reward Points Application URL

(TS_022)Returns Page Application URL

(TS_023)Transactions Application URL

(TS_024)Recurring Payments Application URL

(TS_025)Affiliate Application URL

(TS_026)Newsletter Application URL

(TS_027)Contact Us Application URL

(TS_028)Gift Certificate Application URL

(TS_029)Special Offers Application URL

(TS_030)Header Menu Footer Options

Application URL

(TS_031)Currencies Application URL

TutorialsNinja Web Application
Application URL (BRS Document not provided)
Solaytic (Arun Motoori - Test Lead)
Dec 14th, 2020
Dec 17th, 2020

Test Scenario Description

Verify the working of Register Account functionality

Verify the working of Login functionality

Verify the working of Logout functionality

Verify the working of Forgot Password functionality

Verify the working of Search functionality

Verify the working of Product Compare functionality

Verify the Product Display Page functionality for the different types of Products

Verify the working of 'Add to Cart' functionality

Verify the working of 'Wish List' functionality

Verify the working of 'Shopping Cart' functionality

Verify the working of Home Page functionality

Verifty the working of Checkout functionality

Verify the My Account functionality

Verify the working of My Account > Account Information functionality

Verify the working of My Account > 'Change Password' functionality

Verify the working of My Account > 'Address Book' functionality

Verify the working of My Orders > 'Order History' functionality

Verify the working of My Orders > 'Order Information' functionality

Verify the working of My Orders > 'Product Returns' functionality

Verify the working of My Orders > 'Downloads' functionality

Verify the working of My Orders > 'Reward Points' functionality

Verify the working of My Orders > 'Returned Requests' functionality

Verify the working of My Orders > 'Your Transactions' functionality

Verify the working of My Orders > 'Recurring Payments' functionality

Verify the working of 'Affiliate' functionality

Verify the working of 'Newsletter' functionality

Verify the working of 'Contact Us' page functionality

Verify the working of 'Gift Certificate' page functionality

Verify the working of 'Speal Offers' page functionality

Verify the working of 'Header' options, 'Menu' options and 'Footer' options

Verify the complete Application functionality for different currencies

Priority Number of Test Cases

P0 27

P0 23

P0 11

P2 25

P1 22

P4 24

P1 37

P1 09

P4 21

P1 33

P2 10

P1 20

P2 9

P3 13

P3 13

P3 21

P3 12

P3 8
P3 11

P3 13

P3 10

P3 17

P3 11

P3 9

P4 29

P4 13

P4 13

P4 11

P4 16

P4 22

P2 3
Test Case ID Test Scenario Test Case Title
<< Test Scenarios
Verify Registering an Account by
providing only the Mandatory

Register Functionality

Verify 'Thank you for registering'

email is sent to the registered
email address as a confirmation for
registering the account

Register Functionality

Verify Registering an Account by

providing all the fields

Register Functionality

Verify proper notification

messages are displayed for the
mandatory fields, when you don't
provide any fields in the 'Register
Account' page and submit

Register Functionality
Verify Registering an Account
when 'Yes' option is selected for
Newsletter field

Register Functionality

Verify Registering an Account

when 'No' option is selected for
Newsletter field

Register Functionality

Verify different ways of navigating

to 'Register Account' page

Register Functionality

Verify Registering an Account by

entering different passwords into
'Password' and 'Password Confirm'

Register Functionality
Verify Registering an Account by
providing the existing account
details (i.e. existing email address)
Register Functionality

Verify Registering an Account by

providing an invalid email address
into the E-Mail field

Register Functionality

Verify Registering an Account by

providing an invalid phone number

Register Functionality

Verify Registering an Account by

using the Keyboard keys

Register Functionality

Verify all the fields in the Register

Account page have the proper
(TS_001) placeholders
Register Functionality

Verify all the mandatory fields in

the Register Account page are
(TS_001) marked with red color * symbol
Register Functionality
Verify the details that are provided
while Registering an Account are
stored in the Database

Register Functionality

Verify whether the Mandatory

fields in the Register Account page
are accepting only spaces
Register Functionality

Verify whether the Password fields

in the Register Account page are
following Password Complexity

Register Functionality

Verify whether the fields in the

Register Account page are
according the Client requirements
(TS_001) (Examples- Height, Width, Number
Register Functionality of characters etc.)

Verify whether the leading and

trailing spaces entered into the
Register Account fields are

Register Functionality

Verify whether the 'Privacy Policy'

(TS_001) checkbox option is not selected by
Register Functionality default
Verify Registering the Account
without selecting the 'Privacy
Policy' checkbox option

Register Functionality

Verify the Password text entered

into the 'Password' and 'Password
Confirm' field of 'Register Account'
(TS_001) functionality is toggled to hide its
Register Functionality visibility

Verify navigating to other pages

using the options or links provided
(TS_001) on the 'Register Account' page
Register Functionality

Verify Registring an Account, by

filling 'Password' field and not
filling 'Password Confirm' field
Register Functionality

Verify the Breadcrumb, Page

(TS_001) Heading, Page URL, Page Title of
Register Functionality 'Register Account' Page

Verify the UI of the 'Register

(TS_001) Account' page
Register Functionality

Verify 'Register Account'

(TS_001) functionality in all the supported
Register Functionality environments
Pre-requisites Test Steps

1. Open the Application 1. Click on 'My Account' Drop menu

( in any 2. Click on 'Register' option
Browser 3. Enter new Account Details into the Mandatory Fields (First
Name, Last Name, E-Mail,Telephone, Password, Password
Confirm and Privacy Policy Fields)
4. Click on 'Continue' button (ER-1)
5. Click on 'Continue' button that is displayed in the 'Account
Success' page (ER-2)

1. Open the Application 1. Click on 'My Account' Drop menu

( in any 2. Click on 'Register' option
Browser 3. Enter new Account Details into the Mandatory Fields (First
Name, Last Name, E-Mail,Telephone, Password, Password
Confirm and Privacy Policy Fields)
4. Click on 'Continue' button
5. Check the email address used for registering the account
(Verify ER-1, ER-2. ER-3)
6. Click on the Login page link from the Email body (Verify

1. Open the Application 1. Click on 'My Account' Drop menu

( in any 2. Click on 'Register' option
Browser 3. Enter new Account Details into all the Fields (First Name,
Last Name, E-Mail,Telephone, Password, Password Confirm,
Newsletter and Privacy Policy Fields)
4. Click on 'Continue' button (ER-1)
5. Click on 'Continue' button that is displayed in the 'Account
Success' page (ER-2)

1. Open the Application 1. Click on 'My Account' Drop menu

( in any 2. Click on 'Register' option
Browser 3. Don't enter anything into the fields
4. Click on 'Continue' button (ER-1)
1. Open the Application 1. Click on 'My Account' Drop menu
( in any 2. Click on 'Register' option
Browser 3. Enter new Account Details into all the Fields (First Name,
Last Name, E-Mail,Telephone, Password, Password Confirm
and Privacy Policy Fields)
4.Click on 'Yes' radio option for Newsletter
5. Click on 'Continue' button (ER-1)
6. Click on 'Continue' button that is displayed in the 'Account
Success' page (ER-2)
7. Click on 'Subscribe/unsubscribe to newsletter' option (ER-

1. Open the Application 1. Click on 'My Account' Drop menu

( in any 2. Click on 'Register' option
Browser 3. Enter new Account Details into all the Fields (First Name,
Last Name, E-Mail,Telephone, Password, Password Confirm
and Privacy Policy Fields)
4.Click on 'No' radio option for Newsletter
5. Click on 'Continue' button (ER-1)
6. Click on 'Continue' button that is displayed in the 'Account
Success' page (ER-2)
7. Click on 'Subscribe/unsubscribe to newsletter' option (ER-

1. Open the Application 1. Click on 'My Account' Drop menu

( in any 2. Click on 'Register' option (ER-1)
Browser 3. Click on 'My Account' Drop menu
4. Click on 'Login' option
5. Click on 'Continue' button inside 'New Customer' box (ER-
6. Repeat Steps 3 and 4
7. Click on 'Register' option from the Right Column options

1. Open the Application 1. Click on 'My Account' Drop menu

( in any 2. Click on 'Register' option
Browser 3. Enter new Account Details into all the Fields (First Name,
Last Name, E-Mail,Telephone, Newsletter and Privacy Policy
4. Enter any password say '12345' into the 'Password' field
5. Enter any different password say 'abcde' into the
'Passsword Confirm' field
6. Click on 'Continue' button (ER-1)
1. Open the Application 1. Click on 'My Account' Drop menu
( in any 2. Click on 'Register' option
Browser 3. Enter existing Account Details into all the Fields (First
Name, Last Name, E-Mail,Telephone, Password, Password
Confirm, Newsletter and Privacy Policy Fields) - <Refer Test
4. Click on 'Continue' button (ER-1)

1. Open the Application 1. Click on 'My Account' Drop menu

( in any 2. Click on 'Register' option
Browser 3. Enter new Account Details into all the Fields (First Name,
Last Name,Telephone, Password, Password Confirm,
Newsletter and Privacy Policy Fields)
4. Enter invalid email address into the E-Mail Field - <Refer
Test Data>
5. Click on 'Continue' button (ER-1)

1. Open the Application 1. Click on 'My Account' Drop menu

( in any 2. Click on 'Register' option
Browser 3. Enter new Account Details into all the Fields (First Name,
Last Name,E-Mail, Password, Password Confirm, Newsletter
and Privacy Policy Fields)
4. Enter invalid phone number into the Telephone Field -
<Refer Test Data>
5. Click on 'Continue' button (ER-1)

1. Open the Application 1. Click on 'My Account' Drop menu

( in any 2. Click on 'Register' option
Browser 3. Enter new Account Details into all the Fields (First Name,
Last Name, E-Mail,Telephone, Password, Password Confirm,
Newsletter and Privacy Policy Fields) by using Keyboard keys
(Tab, Spacebar and Enter)
4. Click on 'Continue' button (ER-1)

1. Open the Application 1. Click on 'My Account' Drop menu

( in any 2. Click on 'Register' option
Browser 3. View the First Name, Last Name, E-Mail, Telephone,
Password, Password Confirm fields for Placeholders (ER-1)

1. Open the Application 1. Click on 'My Account' Drop menu

( in any 2. Click on 'Register' option
Browser 3. Check the Fields - First Name, Last Name, E-Mail,
Telephone, Password, Password Confirm and Privacy Policy
1. Open the Application 1. Click on 'My Account' Drop menu
( in any 2. Click on 'Register' option
Browser 3. Enter new Account Details into all the Fields (First Name,
Last Name, E-Mail,Telephone, Password, Password Confirm,
Newsletter and Privacy Policy Fields)
4. Click on 'Continue' button (ER-1)

1. Open the Application 1. Click on 'My Account' Drop menu

( in any 2. Click on 'Register' option
Browser 3. Enter spaces into the Mandatory Fields (First Name, Last
Name, E-Mail,Telephone, Password and Password Confirm)
4. Click on 'Continue' button (ER-1)

1. Open the Application 1. Click on 'My Account' Drop menu

( in any 2. Click on 'Register' option
Browser 3. Enter new Account Details into all the Fields (First Name,
Last Name, E-Mail,Telephone, Newsletter and Privacy Policy
4. Check entering simple passwords (Not following Password
Complexity Standars' i.e. Size of password as 8, password
should contain atleat one number, symbol, lower case letter
and upper case letters) - <Refer Test Data>
5. Click on 'Continue' button (ER-1)

1. Open the Application 1. Click on 'My Account' Drop menu

( in any 2. Click on 'Register' option
Browser 3. Check all the fields (all the Fields (First Name, Last Name,
E-Mail,Telephone, Password, Password Confirm, Newsletter
and Privacy Policy Fields) including the 'Continue' button

1. Open the Application 1. Click on 'My Account' Drop menu

( in any 2. Click on 'Register' option
Browser 3. Enter new Account Details into all the Fields (First Name,
Last Name, E-Mail,Telephone, Password, Password Confirm,
Newsletter and Privacy Policy Fields) - by adding leading and
trailing spaces to the applicable fields (First Name, Last
Name, E-Mail,Telephone, Password, Password Confirm)
4. Click on 'Continue' button (ER-1)

1. Open the Application 1. Click on 'My Account' Drop menu

( in any 2. Click on 'Register' option
Browser 3. View the 'Privacy Policy' checkbox option (ER-1)
1. Open the Application 1. Click on 'My Account' Drop menu
( in any 2. Click on 'Register' option
Browser 3. Enter new Account Details into all the Fields (First Name,
Last Name, E-Mail,Telephone, Password, Password Confirm
and Newsletter Fields)
4. Don't select the 'Privacy Policy' checkbox option
4. Click on 'Continue' button (ER-1)

1. Open the Application 1. Click on 'My Account' Drop menu

( in any 2. Click on 'Register' option
Browser 3. Enter some Password text into the 'Password' and
'Password Confirm' fields (ER-1)

1. Open the Application 1. Click on 'My Account' Drop menu

( in any 2. Click on 'Register' option
Browser 3. Try clicking on 'login page' link, 'privacy policy' link, 'Right
Column' options, Menu options, Header and Footer options
and any other options

1. Open the Application 1. Click on 'My Account' Drop menu

( in any 2. Click on 'Register' option
Browser 3. Enter new Account Details into all the Fields (First Name,
Last Name, E-Mail,Telephone, Password, Newsletter and
Privacy Policy Fields)
4. Don't enter into 'Password Confirm' field
5. Click on 'Continue' button (ER-1)

1. Open the Application 1. Click on 'My Account' Drop menu

( in any 2. Click on 'Register' option

1. Open the Application 1. Click on 'My Account' Drop menu

( in any 2. Click on 'Register' option

1. Open the Application 1. Click on 'My Account' Drop menu

( in any 2. Click on 'Register' option
Test Data

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Not Applicable
Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Not Applicable
First Name - Arun
Last Name - Motoori
E-Mail -
Telephone - 09246812111
Password - 12345
Password Confirm - 12345

Try all below invalid email address

1) amotoori
2) amotoori@
3) amotoori@gmail
4) amotoori@gmail.

Try all below invalid phone formats:

1) 111
2) abcde

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Not Applicable
Not Applicable

Not Applicable


Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Not Applicable
Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Not Applicable
Expected Result (ER)

1. User should be logged in, taken to 'Account Succcess' page and proper details should be
displayed on the page
2. User should be taken to 'Account' page and a confirm email should be sent to the
registed email address

1. Verify a confirmation email for registering the account is sent to the registered email
2. Verify the Email subject, body and from address of the received email.
3. Verify there is a link to the login page provided in the Email body
4. User should be taken to the Login page

1. User should be logged in, taken to 'Account Succcess' page and proper details should be
displayed on the page
2. User should be taken to 'Account' page

1. The below warning messages should be displayed for the respective fields:
For First Name field, the warning message 'First Name must be between 1 and 32
characters!' should be displayed
For Last Name field, the warning message 'Last Name must be between 1 and 32
characters!' should be displayed
For E-Mail field, the warning message 'E-Mail Address does not appear to be valid!' should
be displayed
For Telephone field, the warning message 'Telephone must be between 3 and 32
characters!' should be displayed
For Password field, the warning message 'Password must be between 4 and 20
characters!' should be displayed
For Privacy Policy field, the warning message 'Warning: You must agree to the Privacy
Policy!' should be displayed on the top
1. User should be logged in, taken to 'Account Succcess' page and proper details should be
displayed on the page
2. User should be taken to 'Account' page
3. 'Yes' option should be displayed as selected by default in the Newsletter page

1. User should be logged in, taken to 'Account Succcess' page and proper details should be
displayed on the page
2. User should be taken to 'Account' page
3. 'No' option should be displayed as selected by default in the Newsletter page

1. User should be taken to 'Register Account' page

1.Account should not be created, instead a warning message - 'Password confirmation

does not match password!' should be displayed under 'Password Confirm' field
1. Account should not be created again, instead the warning messsage - 'Warning: E-Mail
Address is already registered!' should be displayed

1. Account should not be created, instead a proper field level warning message or page
level warning message to provide valid email address should be displayed

1. Account should not be created, instead a proper warning message should be displayed

1. User should be logged in, taken to 'Account Succcess' page and proper details should be
displayed on the page

1. Proper Placeholder texts should be displayed in these fields

1. All the specified Fields in the Test Steps should be marked with red color * symbol
1. All the details entered while registering the account are successfully stored in the

1. Warning message should be displayed for these Mandatory fields

1. Warning message should be displayed for following Password Complexity Standards

1. Text fields should abide to the Client requirements

1. The leading and trailing spaces entered into these fields should automatically get
trimmed on successful account creation

1. 'Privacy Policy' checkbox option is not selected by default

1. Warning message - 'Warning: You must agree to the Privacy Policy!' should be displayed

1.Password text entered into 'Password' and 'Password Confirm' fields need to be toggled
to hide its visibilty (It should be hidden by displaying * or . Symbols)

1. User should be navigated to the respective pages without any problems

1. Warning message - 'Password confirmation does not match password!' should be

displayed under 'Password Confirm' field

1. Proper Breadcrumb, Page Heading, Page URL and Page Title should be displayed

1. Proper and good UI should be displayed on the 'Register Account' page

1.'Register Account' functionality should work in all the supported environments

Actual Result Priority Result Comments
Test Case ID Test Scenario Test Case Title
<< Test Scenarios
Verify logging into the Application
using valid credentials

Login Functionality

Verify logging into the Application

using invalid credentials (i.e.
Invalid email address and Invalid
Login Functionality

Verify logging into the Application

using invalid email address and
valid Password)
Login Functionality

Verify logging into the Application

using valid email address and
invalid Password)
Login Functionality

Verify logging into the Application

without providing any credentials
Login Functionality

Verify 'Forgotten Password' link is

available in the Login page and is
(TS_002) working
Login Functionality
Verify logging into the Application
using Keyboard keys (Tab and

Login Functionality

Verify E-Mail Address and

Password text fields in the Login
(TS_002) page have the place holder text
Login Functionality

Verify Logging into the Application

and browsing back using Browser
back button

Login Functionality

Verify Loggingout from the

Application and browsing back
using Browser back button

Login Functionality

Verify logging into the Application

using inactive credentials

Login Functionality
Verify the number of unsucessful
login attemps

Login Functionality

Verify the text into the Password

field is toggled to hide its visibility
Login Functionality

Verify the copying of the text

entered into the Password field

Login Functionality

Verify the Password is not visible in

the Page Source
Login Functionality

Verify Logging into the Application

after changing the password

Login Functionality
Verify Logging into the Application,
closing the Browser without
loggingout and opening the
application in the Browser again

Login Functionality

Verify timeout of the Login Session

Login Functionality

Verify user is able to navigate to

different pages from Login page

Login Functionality

Verify the different ways of

navigating to the Login page

Login Functionality

Verify the Breakcrumb, Page

(TS_002) Heading, Page Title and Page URL
Login Functionality of Login page

Verify the UI of the Login page

Login Functionality

Verify the Login page functionality

(TS_002) in all the supported environments
Login Functionality
Pre-requisites Test Steps

1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'My Account' Dropmenu

( in any 2. Click on 'Login' option (Verify ER-1)
supported Browser 3. Enter valid email address into the 'E-Mail Address' field -
2. Login credentials for an existing <Refer Test Data>
account are required 4. Enter valid password into the 'Password' field - <Refer
Test Data>
5. Click on 'Login' button (Verify ER-2)

Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'My Account' Dropmenu

( in any 2. Click on 'Login' option
supported Browser 3. Enter invalid email address into the 'E-Mail Address' field
- <Refer Test Data>
4. Enter invalid password into the 'Password' field - <Refer
Test Data>
5. Click on 'Login' button (Verify ER-1)

Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'My Account' Dropmenu

( in any 2. Click on 'Login' option
supported Browser 3. Enter invalid email address into the 'E-Mail Address' field
- <Refer Test Data>
4. Enter valid password into the 'Password' field - <Refer
Test Data>
5. Click on 'Login' button (Verify ER-1)

Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'My Account' Dropmenu

( in any 2. Click on 'Login' option
supported Browser 3. Enter valid email address into the 'E-Mail Address' field -
<Refer Test Data>
4. Enter invalid password into the 'Password' field - <Refer
Test Data>
5. Click on 'Login' button (Verify ER-1)

Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'My Account' Dropmenu

( in any 2. Click on 'Login' option
supported Browser 3. Don't enter anything into the 'E-Mail Address' field
4. Don't enter anything into the 'Password' field
5. Click on 'Login' button (Verify ER-1)

Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'My Account' Dropmenu

( in any 2. Click on 'Login' option (ER-1)
supported Browser 3. Click on 'Forgotten Password' link (ER-2)
Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'My Account' Dropmenu
( in any 2. Click on 'Login' option
supported Browser 3. Press Tab keyboard key until the control comes to the E-
Mail Address text field and enter the valid email address -
<Refer Test Data>
4. Press Tab keyboard key to move the control to Password
text field and enter the valid password - <Refer Test Data>
5. Press Tab keyboard key until the control comes 'Login'
button and press 'Enter' key to submit (ER-1)

Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'My Account' Dropmenu

( in any 2. Click on 'Login' option (ER-1)
supported Browser

Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'My Account' Dropmenu

( in any 2. Click on 'Login' option
supported Browser 3. Enter valid email address into the 'E-Mail Address' field -
<Refer Test Data>
4. Enter valid password into the 'Password' field - <Refer
Test Data>
5. Click on 'Login' button
6. Click on Browser back button (ER-1)

Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'My Account' Dropmenu

( in any 2. Click on 'Login' option
supported Browser 3. Enter valid email address into the 'E-Mail Address' field -
<Refer Test Data>
4. Enter valid password into the 'Password' field - <Refer
Test Data>
5. Click on 'Login' button
6. Click on 'My Account' Dropmenu and select 'Logout'
7. Click on Browser back button (ER-1)

Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'My Account' Dropmenu

( in any 2. Click on 'Login' option
supported Browser 3. Enter valid email address of an inactive account into the
'E-Mail Address' field - <Refer Test Data>
4. Enter valid password of an inactive account into the
'Password' field - <Refer Test Data>
5. Click on 'Login' button (ER-1)
Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'My Account' Dropmenu
( in any 2. Click on 'Login' option
supported Browser 3. Enter invalid email address into the 'E-Mail Address' field
- <Refer Test Data>
4. Enter invalid password into the 'Password' field - <Refer
Test Data>
5. Click on 'Login' button
6. Repeat Step 5 for 4 more times (ER-1)

Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'My Account' Dropmenu

( in any 2. Click on 'Login' option
supported Browser 3. Enter any text into the 'Password' field (ER-1)

Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'My Account' Dropmenu

( in any 2. Click on 'Login' option
supported Browser 3. Enter any text into the 'Password' field
4. Select the text entered into the 'Password' field, right
click to select 'Copy' option (ER-1)
5. Select the text entered into the 'Password' field and press
(Ctrl+C) shorcut for copying (ER-2)

Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'My Account' Dropmenu

( in any 2. Click on 'Login' option
supported Browser 3. Enter any text into the 'Password' field
4. Inspect the Password text field (ER-1)
5. Click on 'Login' button and inspect the Password text field

Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'My Account' Dropmenu

( in any 2. Click on 'Login' option (Verify ER-1)
supported Browser 3. Enter valid email address into the 'E-Mail Address' field -
<Refer Test Data>
4. Enter valid password into the 'Password' field - <Refer
Test Data>
5. Click on 'Login' button
6. Click on 'Change your password' link
7. Enter new password into the 'Password' and 'Password
Confirm' fields
8. Click on 'Continue' button
9. Click on 'My Account' Dropmenu and select 'Logout'
10. Repeat steps 1 to 5 (ER-1)
11. Enter new credentials given in Step 7 and click on 'Login'
button (ER-2)
Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'My Account' Dropmenu
( in any 2. Click on 'Login' option (Verify ER-1)
supported Browser 3. Enter valid email address into the 'E-Mail Address' field -
<Refer Test Data>
4. Enter valid password into the 'Password' field - <Refer
Test Data>
5. Click on 'Login' button
6. Close the Browser
7. Open the Browser and open the Application URL (ER-1)

Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'My Account' Dropmenu

( in any 2. Click on 'Login' option (Verify ER-1)
supported Browser 3. Enter valid email address into the 'E-Mail Address' field -
<Refer Test Data>
4. Enter valid password into the 'Password' field - <Refer
Test Data>
5. Click on 'Login' button
6. Wait for more than 30 minutes without performing
anything on the Application
7. Perform any action on the Application

Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'My Account' Dropmenu

( in any 2. Click on 'Login' option
supported Browser 3. Click on 'Continue' button under 'New Customer' section
4. Navigate back to Login page and click on different options
like (Right Column options, Header options, Menu Options,
Footer options and any other options) (ER-2)

Open the Application URL Verify all the below ways of navigating to the Login page:
( in any Way 1 - Click on 'Login page' link in the 'Register Account'
supported Browser page (ER-1)
Way 2 - Click on 'Login' option from the 'Right Column'
options (ER-1)
Way 3 - Select 'Login' option from the 'My Account'
Dropmenu (ER-1)

Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'My Account' Dropmenu

( in any 2. Click on 'Login' option (ER-1)
supported Browser

Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'My Account' Dropmenu

( in any 2. Click on 'Login' option (ER-1)
supported Browser

Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'My Account' Dropmenu

( in any 2. Click on 'Login' option (ER-1)
supported Browser
Test Data Expected Result (ER)

1.User should be navigated to Login page

2.User should get logged in and taken to the 'Account'
Email Address - page

Password -

1. Warning message with the text 'Warning: No match

for E-Mail Address and/or Password.' should be
Email Address - displayed

Password -

1. Warning message with the text 'Warning: No match

for E-Mail Address and/or Password.' should be
Email Address - displayed

Password -

1. Warning message with the text 'Warning: No match

for E-Mail Address and/or Password.' should be
Email Address - displayed

Password -

1. Warning message with the text 'Warning: No match

for E-Mail Address and/or Password.' should be
Not Applicable

1. User should be taken to 'Login' page and 'Forgotten

Password' link should be displayed in the page
2. User should be taken to 'Forgotten Password' page
Not Applicable
1. User should be able to log into the application

Not Applicable

1. Proper place holder text should be displayed inside

the 'E-Mail Address' and 'Password' text fields
Not Applicable

1. User should not logged out

Email Address -

Password -

1. User should not get loggedin again

Email Address -

Password -

1. User should not be able to login

Test Data for this is pending

1. Warning message with the text ' Warning: Your
account has exceeded allowed number of login
attempts. Please try again in 1 hour.' should be
Email Address - displayed for the 5th time of clicking the 'Login' button with the same invalid credentials
Password -

1.Text entered into the Password field should be

toggled to hide its visibility (i.e. Instead of entered
Not Applicable characters getting dispalyed, the Password field should
show either * or . Symbols)

1. Copy option in the Right click menu should be

2. Password text should not be copied

Not Applicable

1. Password text should not be visible in the Page


Not Applicable

1. User should not be allowed to login

2. User should be able to login

Email Address -

Password -
1. Loggedin Sesion should be still maintained and User
should not get logged out

Email Address -

Password -

1. User should get automatically logged out with a

proper message stating your session got expired.

Email Address -

Password -

1. User should be navigated to 'Register Account' page

2. User should be navigated to the Appropriate pages

Not Applicable

1. User should be navigated to 'Login' page

Not Applicable

1. Proper Breadcrumb, Page Heading, Page URL and

Not Applicable Page Title should be displayed

1. Login page UI should adhere to the UI checklist

Not Applicable

1. Login functionality should work correctly in all the

Not Applicable supported environments
Actual Result Priority Result Comments
Test Case ID Test Scenario Test Case Title
<< Test Scenarios
Verify Logging out by selecting
Logout option from 'My Account'
Logout Functionality

Verify Logging out by selecting

Logout option from 'Right Column'
(TS_003) options
Logout Functionality

Verify the Application session

status, after logging and closing
(TS_003) the Browser without logging out
Logout Functionality

Verify logging out and browsing

(TS_003) back
Logout Functionality

Verify Logout option is not

TC_LG_005 displayed under 'My Account'
Logout Functionality
menu before logging in
Verify Logout option is not
displayed under 'Right Column'
(TS_003) options before logging in
Logout Functionality

Verify logout from an Account

from a single place after logging
into it from different places
Logout Functionality

Verify logging out and loggin in

immediately after logout
Logout Functionality

Verify 'Account Logout' page

Logout Functionality
Verify the UI of the Logout option
and the 'Account Logout' page
Logout Functionality

Verify the Logout functionality in

(TS_003) all the supported environments
Logout Functionality
Pre-requisites Test Steps

1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'My Account' Dropmenu

2. User is logged in 2. Select 'Logout' option (Verify ER-1)
3. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-2)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'Logout' option from the Right Column (Verify
2. User is logged in and is on 'Account' ER-1)
page 2. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-2)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Close the Browser without Logging out
2. User is logged in 2. Open the Browser and navigate the application (Verify

1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'My Account' Dropmenu

2. User is logged in 2. Select 'Logout' option
3. Click on Browser back button (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'My Account' Dropmenu (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application 1. Click on 'My Account' Dropmenu

2. Select 'Regiser' option (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'My Account' Dropmenu in Firefox Browser
2. User is logged in Firefox Browser of 2. Select 'Logout' option
your laptop 3. Perform any operation which requires the user to log, say
3. User is logged in with the same navigating to Address Book page in the Chrome Browser of
acccount of step2 in Chrome browser of Mobile device (Verify ER-1)
your Mobile device

1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'My Account' Dropmenu

2. User is logged in 2. Select 'Logout' option
3. Login immediately again with same or different account
(Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'My Account' Dropmenu

2. User is logged in 2. Select 'Logout' option
3. Check the Page Heading, Page Title, Page URL and
Breadcrumb of the displayed 'Account Logout' page (Verify
1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'My Account' Dropmenu
2. User is logged in 2. Select 'Logout' option (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'My Account' Dropmenu

2. User is logged in 2. Select 'Logout' option (Verify ER-1)
Test Data Expected Result (ER)

1. User should be taken to the 'Account Logout' page

and User should see Login option inplace of Logout
under the 'My Account' dropmenu
2. User should be taken to the Home page
Not Applicable

1. User should be taken to the 'Account Logout' page

and User should see Login option inplace of Logout
Not Applicable under the 'My Account' dropmenu
2. User should be taken to the Home page

1. Application should not get logged out, instead the

user loggedin session need to be mainitained
Not Applicable

1. User should not get logged in

Not Applicable

1. Logout option should not be displayed under 'My

Not Applicable Account' dropmenu

1. Logout option should not be displayed in the 'Right

Not Applicable

1. User be logged out in Mobile device too, instead of

getting navigated to the Address book page

Not Applicable

1. Same Account or Differnet Account should get

Not Applicable

1. Proper Page Heading, Page Title, Page URL and

Breadcrumb are displayed for 'Account Logout' page
Not Applicable
1. Proper UI adhering to the UI checklist should be
displayed for Logout option (My Account DropMenu
Not Applicable and Right Column) and 'Account Logout' page

1. Logout functionality should work correctly in all the

Not Applicable supported environments
Actual Result Priority Result Comments
Test Case ID Test Scenario Test Case Title
<< Test Scenarios
Verify User is able to reset the

Forgot Passsword

Verify an email is sent with the

proper details on resetting the
Forgot Passsword

Verify logging into the Application

with the old password after
(TS_004) resetting it
Forgot Passsword

Verify logging into the Application

with the old password when you
have initiated the resetting
password process and have not
(TS_004) reset the password
Forgot Passsword

Verify resetting the password for a

non-registered account
Forgot Passsword
Verify how many times the User is
able to reset the password using
the reset link sent over email

Forgot Passsword

Verify the User has given the same

password into the 'Password' and
'Confirm' fields of the 'Reset your
Password' page

Forgot Passsword

Verify the placeholders are

displayed in the 'Password' and
(TS_004) 'Confirm' fields of 'Reset your
TC_FP_008 password' page
Forgot Passsword

Verify resetting the password

without giving the new password
(TS_004) in the 'Password' and 'Confirm'
TC_FP_009 fields of 'Reset your Password'
Forgot Passsword

Verify clicking 'Back' button on the

'Reset your Password' page
Forgot Passsword

Verify 'Right Column' options are

displayed in the 'Reset your
(TS_004) Password' page
Forgot Passsword
Verify the Breadcrumb of the
'Reset your Password' page
Forgot Passsword

Verify Page Heading, Page URL and

Page Title of the 'Reset your
(TS_004) Password' page
Forgot Passsword

Verify the UI of the 'Reset your

Password' page
Forgot Passsword

Verify reseting the Password

(TS_004) without providing the registered
Forgot Passsword email address

Verifty Placehold text is displayed

in the 'E-Mail Address' field of
(TS_004) 'Forgotten Password' page
Forgot Passsword

Verify 'E-Mail Address' fied on the

(TS_004) 'Forgotten Password' page is
Forgot Passsword marked as mandatory

Verify entering invalid format

email address into the 'E-Mail
Address' field of 'Forgotten
Password' page
Forgot Passsword

(TS_004) Verify Back button on the

TC_FP_019 'Forgotten Password' page
Forgot Passsword
Verify navigating to 'Forgotten
(TS_004) Password' page from 'Right
Forgot Passsword Column' options

(TS_004) Verify Breadcrumb of the

TC_FP_021 'Forgotten Password' page
Forgot Passsword
Verify the email address provided
in the 'E-Mail Address' field of
(TS_004) 'Login' page, need to be carry
TC_FP_022 forwarded to the 'Forgotten
Forgot Passsword
Password' page
(TS_004) Verify the UI of the 'Forgotten
TC_FP_023 Password' page
Forgot Passsword
Verify the Password entered into
the 'Password' and 'Confirm' fields
(TS_004) of 'Reset your Password' page is
TC_FP_024 toggled to hide its visibility
Forgot Passsword

Verify the Password Reset

(TS_004) functionality in all the supported
Forgot Passsword environments
Pre-requisites Test Steps

1. Open the Application URL and 1. Click on 'Forgotten Password' link from Login page (Verify
navigate to Login Page ER-1)
2. An existing Account is required 2. Enter the email address of an existing account for which
you have forgot the password
3. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-2)
4. Check the registered email address for which the
password got reset (Verify ER-3)
5. Click on the link for resseting the password from the
received email body (Verify ER-4)
6. Enter new password into the 'Password' and 'Confirm'
7. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-5)
8. Enter the email address into the E-Mail address field and
the new resetted password into the 'Password' field
9. Click on 'Login' button (Verify ER-6)

1. Open the Application URL and 1. Click on 'Forgotten Password' link from Login page
navigate to Login Page 2. Enter the email address of an existing account for which
2. An existing Account is required you have forgot the password
3. Click on 'Continue' button
4. Check the registered email address for which the
password got reset (Verify ER-1 and ER-2)

1. An existing Account is required and 1. Enter registered email address into the 'E-Mail address'
we have reset the password field
2. Open the Application URL and 2. Enter new password into the 'Password' field
navigate to Login Page 3. Click on 'Login' button (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and 1. Click on 'Forgotten Password' link from Login page
navigate to Login Page 2. Enter the email address of an existing account for which
1. An existing Account is required you have forgot the password
3. Click on 'Continue' button
4. Enter registered email address into the 'E-mail Address'
5. Enter old password into the 'Password' field
6. Click on 'Login' button

1. Open the Application URL and 1.Click on 'Forgotten Password' link from Login page
navigate to Login Page 2. Enter an email address for which the Account doesn't
exist in the application
3. Click on 'Continue' button
1. Open the Application URL and 1. Click on 'Forgotten Password' link from Login page
navigate to Login Page 2. Enter the email address of an existing account for which
you have forgot the password
3. Click on 'Continue' button
4. Check the registered email address for which the
password got reset
5. Click on the link for resseting the password from the
received email body
6. Enter new password into the 'Password' and 'Confirm'
7. Click on 'Continue' button
8. Repeat steps 5 to 7 for 2 to 3 times (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and 1. Click on 'Forgotten Password' link from Login page
navigate to Login Page 2. Enter the email address of an existing account for which
2. An existing Account is required you have forgot the password
3. Click on 'Continue' button
4. Check the registered email address for which the
password got reset
5. Click on the link for resseting the password from the
received email body
6. Enter a password into the 'Password' field
7. Enter a different password into the 'Confirm' fields
8. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-1)

1. An existing Account is required, we 1. Click on the reset password link available in the email
have reset the password for this account 2. Check whether the 'Password' and 'Confirm' fields in the
and a reset password email is sent to the 'Reset your Password' page (Verify ER-1)
registered email address

1. An existing Account is required, we 1. Click on the reset password link available in the email
have reset the password for this account 2. Don't enter any password into the 'Password' and
and a reset password email is sent to the 'Confirm' fields of the 'Reset your Password' page
registered email address 3. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-1)

1. An existing Account is required, we 1. Click on the reset password link available in the email
have reset the password for this account 2. Click on 'Back' button on the 'Reset your Password' page
and a reset password email is sent to the (Verify ER-1)
registered email address

1. An existing Account is required, we 1. Click on the reset password link available in the email
have reset the password for this account 2. Check for 'Right Column' options (Verify ER-1)
and a reset password email is sent to the
registered email address
1. An existing Account is required, we 1. Click on the reset password link available in the email
have reset the password for this account 2. Check the Breadcrumb (Verify ER-1)
and a reset password email is sent to the
registered email address

1. An existing Account is required, we 1. Click on the reset password link available in the email
have reset the password for this account 2. Check the Page Heading, Page URL and Page Title (Verify
and a reset password email is sent to the ER-1)
registered email address

1. An existing Account is required, we 1. Click on the reset password link available in the email
have reset the password for this account 2. Check the UI of the Page (Verify ER-1)
and a reset password email is sent to the
registered email address

1. Open the Application URL and 1. Click on 'Forgotten Password' link from Login page
navigate to Login Page 2. Don't enter anything into the 'E-Mail Address' field
3. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and 1. Click on 'Forgotten Password' link from Login page
navigate to Login Page 2. Check Placeholder text for 'E-Mail' Address field (Verify

1. Open the Application URL and 1. Click on 'Forgotten Password' link from Login page
navigate to Login Page 2. Check the 'E-Mail' Address field (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and 1. Click on 'Forgotten Password' link from Login page
navigate to Login Page 2. Enter any invalid formatted email address into the 'E-Mail
Address' field (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and 1. Click on 'Forgotten Password' link from Login page
navigate to Login Page 2. Click on 'Back' button (Verify ER-1)
1. Open the Application URL and 1. Click on 'Forgotten Password' option from the 'Right
navigate to Login Page Column' (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and 1. Click on 'Forgotten Password' link from Login page
navigate to Login Page 2. Check the working of Breadcrumb (Verify ER-1)
1. Open the Application URL and 1. Enter email address into the 'E-Mail Address' field of the
navigate to Login Page Login page
2. Click on 'Forgotten Password' link (Verify ER-1)
1. Open the Application URL and 1. Click on 'Forgotten Password' link from Login page
navigate to Login Page 2. Check the UI of the Page (Verify ER-1)
1. An existing Account is required, we 1. Click on the reset password link available in the email
have reset the D1:D25password for this 2. Enter any text into 'Password' and 'Confirm' fields on the
account and a reset password email is 'Reset your Password' page
sent to the registered email address

1. Open the Application URL and 1. Click on 'Forgotten Password' link from Login page
navigate to Login Page
Test Data Expected Result (ER)

1. User should be taken to 'Forgotten Password' page

2. Success message with text - 'An email with a
confirmation link has been sent your email address.'
should be displayed in green color
3. Verify that an email is received regarding resseting of
the password to the registered email address
4. User should be taken 'Reset your Password' page
5. Success message with text - 'Success: Your password
has been successfully updated.' should be displayed in
green color and User should be navigated to 'Login'
Not Applicable page
6. User should be able to login with the new password

1. An email should be recevied by the registered email

address with the details of resetting the password.
2. Email should contain proper Subject, Body, from
Not Applicable address and the link for resetting the password

1. User should not be able to login with old password

Not Applicable

1. User should be able to login

Not Applicable

1. Success message with text - 'An email with a

confirmation link has been sent your email address.'
Not Applicable should be displayed in green color
1. User should be allowed to use the link sent in the
email for resetting the password only once

Not Applicable

1. A field level warning message with text - 'Password

and password confirmation do not match!' should be
displayed under 'confirm' field

Not Applicable

1. Proper placeholder texts are displayed inside the

'Password' and 'Confirm' fields of the 'Reset your
Password' page
Not Applicable

1. Field level warning message with text - 'Password

must be between 4 and 20 characters!' should be
displayed for 'Password' field
Not Applicable

1. User should be navigated to 'Login' page

Not Applicable

1. 'Right Columns' options should be displayed in the

'Reset your Password' page
Not Applicable
1. A proper working Breadcrumb should be displayed
on the 'Reset your Password' page
Not Applicable

1. A proper Page Heading, Page URL and Page Title

should be displayed for 'Reset your Password' page
Not Applicable

1. Proper UI adhering to the UI checklist should be

displayed for 'Reset your Password' page
Not Applicable

1. Field level warning message with text - E-Mail must

Not Applicable be between 4 and 20 characters!' should be displayed
for 'E-Mail Address' field

1. Proper Placeholder text is displayed inside the 'E-Mail

Address' fields of the 'Forgotten Password' page
Not Applicable

1. 'E-Mail' Address field in the 'Forgotten Password'

Not Applicable page should be marked as mandatory

Try all below invalid email address 1. Field level warning message informing the User to
formats: provide a valid formatted email address should be
1) amotoori displayed
2) amotoori@
3) amotoori@gmail
4) amotoori@gmail.

1. User should be taken to 'Login' page

Not Applicable
1. User should be navigated to 'Forgotten Password
Not Applicable page

1. A proper working Breadcrumb should be displayed

Not Applicable on the 'Forgotten Password' page
1. User should be taken to 'Forgotten Password' page
and email address given in the Login page should be
displayed in this page by default [Usability point of
Not Applicable view]
1. Proper UI adhering to the UI checklist should be
Not Applicable displayed for 'Forgotten Password' page
1. Text entered into the 'Password' and 'Confirmed'
fields should be toggled to hide its visibility (i.e. * or .
Symbols should be displayed)
Not Applicable

1. Reset Password functionality should work correctly in

Not Applicable all the supported environments
Actual Result Priority Result Comments
Test Case ID Test Scenario Test Case Title
<< Test Scenarios
Verify searching with an existing
Product Name
Search Functionality

Verify searching with a non

existing Product Name
Search Functionality

Verify searching without providing

any Product Name
Search Functionality

Verifty searching for a product

after login to the Application
Search Functionality

Verify searching by providing a

search criteria which results in
(TS_005) mulitple products
Search Functionality

Verify all the fields in the Search

functionality and Search page have
(TS_005) placeholders
Search Functionality

Verify searching using 'Search

Criteria' field
Search Functionality

Verify Search using the text from

the product description

Search Functionality
Verify Search by selecting the
category of product

Search Functionality

Verify Search by selecting to

search in subcategories

Search Functionality

Verify List and Grid views when

only one Product is displayed in
the search results

Search Functionality
Verify List and Grid views when
multiple Products are displayed in
the search results

Search Functionality

Verify navigating to Product

Compare Page from Search Results
(TS_005) page
Search Functionality

Verify User is able to sort the

Products displayed in the Search
Search Functionality

Verify the User can select how

many produts can be displayed in
the Search Results
Search Functionality

Verify 'Search' textbox field and

the button having search icon are
(TS_005) displayed on all the page of the
Search Functionality Application

Verify navigating to Search page

(TS_005) from the Site Map page
Search Functionality

Verify Breadcrumb of the 'Search'

Search Functionality
Verify we can use all the options of
(TS_005) Search functionality using the
TC_SF_019 Keybaord keys
Search Functionality

Verify Page Heading, Page URL and

Page Title of the 'Search' page
Search Functionality

Verify the UI of Search

functionality and Search page
(TS_005) options
Search Functionality

Verify the Search functionality in

all the supported environments
Search Functionality
Pre-requisites Test Steps

1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Enter any existing product name into the 'Search' text
supported browser box field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Enter non existing product name into the 'Search' text
supported browser box field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Don't enter anything into the 'Search' text box field
supported browser 2. Click on the button having search icon (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Enter any existing product name into the 'Search' text
supported browser box field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Login to the Application 2. Click on the button having search icon (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Enter the search criteria in the 'Search' text box field
supported browser which can result in mutliple products - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Don't enter anything into the 'Search' text box field
supported browser 2. Click on the button having search icon (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Don't enter anything into the 'Search' text box field
supported browser 2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Enter any existing product name into the 'Search Criteria'
text box field - <Refer Test Data>
4. Click on 'Search' button (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Don't enter anything into the 'Search' text box field
supported browser 2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Enter any text from the Product Description into the
'Search Criteria' text box field - <Refer Test Data>
4. Select 'Search in product descriptions' checkbox option
5. Click on 'Search' button (Verify ER-1)
1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Don't enter anything into the 'Search' text box field
supported browser 2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Enter any Product Name into the 'Search Criteria' text
box field - <Refer Test Data>
4. Select the correct category of the given Product Name
into 'Category' dropdown field - <Refer Test Data>
5. Click on 'Search' button (Verify ER-1)
6. Select a wrong category in tthe 'Category' dropdown field
- - <Refer Test Data>
7. Click on 'Search' button (Verify ER-2)

1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Don't enter anything into the 'Search' text box field
supported browser 2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Enter any Product Name into the 'Search Criteria' text
box field - <Refer Test Data>
4. Select the Parent category of the given Product Name
into 'Category' dropdown field - <Refer Test Data>
5. Click on 'Search' button (Verify ER-1)
6. Select 'Search in subcategories' checkbox field
7. Click on 'Search' button (Verify ER-2)

1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Enter any existing product name into the 'Search' text
supported browser box field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Select 'List' option (Verify ER-1)
4. Click on the Image of the Product and name of the
product (Verify ER-2)
5. Repeat Steps 1 to 2 and Select 'Grid' option (Verify ER-3)
6. Click on the Image of the Product and name of the
product (Verify ER-4)
1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Enter the search criteria in the 'Search' text box field
supported browser which can result in mutliple products - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon (Verify ER-1)
3. Select 'List' option (Verify ER-2)
4. Select 'Grid' option (Verify ER-3)

1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Enter any existing product name into the 'Search' text
supported browser box field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on the 'Product Compare' link (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Enter the search criteria in the 'Search' text box field
supported browser which can result in mutliple products - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon (Verify ER-1)
3. Select serveral options from the 'Sort By' dropdown
(Verify ER-2)

1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Enter the search criteria in the 'Search' text box field
supported browser which can result in mutliple products - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon (Verify ER-1)
3. Select the number of Products to be displayed from the
'Show' dropdown (Verify ER-2)

1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Navigate to all the pages of the Application (Verify ER-1)
supported browser

1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Click on 'Site Map' link in the footer options
supported browser 2. Click on the 'Search' link from the 'Site Map' page (Verify

1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Enter any existing product name into the 'Search' text
supported browser box field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Check whether the Breadcrumb option
1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Press Tab and Enter keys to perform Search operation
supported browser and select several options in the Search page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Enter any existing product name into the 'Search' text
supported browser box field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Check the Page Heading, Page URL and Page Title of the
'Search' page

1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Enter any existing product name into the 'Search' text
supported browser box field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Enter any existing product name into the 'Search' text
supported browser box field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon (Verify ER-1)
Test Data Expected Result (ER)

1. Searched product should be displayed in the search

Product Name: iMac

1. 'There is no product that matches the search criteria'

should be displayed in the Search Results page
Product Name: Fitbit

1.'There is no product that matches the search criteria'

should be displayed in the Search Results page
Not Applicable

1. Searched product should be displayed in the search

Product Name: iMac

1. More than one products should be displayed in the

search results page
Product Name: Mac

1. Proper placeholder text is displayed in the below

Not Applicable - Search text box field
- Search Criteria text box field

1. Searched product should be displayed in the search

Not Applicable

1. Product having the given text in its description should

be displayed in the search results

Text in Production description of iMac

Product: iLife
1. Product should be successfully displayed in the
search results.
2. 'There is no product that matches the search criteria'
should be displayed in the Search Results page

Product Name: iMac

Correct Category Name: Mac
Wrong Category Name: PC

1. 'There is no product that matches the search criteria'

should be displayed in the Search Results page
2. Searched product should be displayed in the search

Product Name: iMac

Parent Category Name: Desktops

1. Single product should be dislayed in the List view

without any problems and all the options (Add to Cart,
Wish List and Compare Product) are working
2. User should be navigated to the Product Display Page
of the product
3. Single product should be dislayed in the Grid view
without any problems and all the options (Add to Cart,
Wish List and Compare Product) are working
Product Name: iMac 4. User should be navigated to the Product Display Page
of the product
1. More than one products should be displayed in the
search results page
2. Multiple product should be dislayed in the List view
without any problems and all the options (Add to Cart,
Wish List and Compare Product) are working. Also User
should be able to navigate to Product Displaye Page of
products by clicking on Images and Product Name.
3. Multiple product should be dislayed in the Grid view
without any problems and all the options (Add to Cart,
Wish List and Compare Product) are working. Also User
Search Criteria: Mac should be able to navigate to Product Displaye Page of
products by clicking on Images and Product Name.

1. User should be navigated to the Product Compare

Product Name: iMac

1. More than one product should be displayed in the

search results page
2. Products are sorted according to the options selected
in the 'Sort By' dropdown field
Product Name: Mac

1. More than one product should be displayed in the

search results page
2. The selected number of products should be displayed
in the current search page
Product Name: Mac

1. Search box field and the button with 'Search' icon

should be displayed on all the page of the Application
Not Applicable

1. User should be navigated to 'Search' page

Not Applicable

1. Breakcrumb option should be working correctly

Product Name: iMac

1. User should be able to perform Search operation and
select several options in the Search page using the
Not Applicable Keyboard keys Tab and Enter

1. A proper Page Heading, Page URL and Page Title

should be displayed for 'Search' page
Not Applicable

1. Proper UI adhering to the UI checklist should be

displayed for the complete Search functionality
Not Applicable

1. Search functionality should work correctly in all the

supported environments
Not Applicable
Actual Result Priority Result Comments
Test Case ID Test Scenario Test Case Title
<< Test Scenarios
Verify adding the product for
comparision from Product Display

Product Compare

Verify adding the product for

comparision from List View of
Search Results page

Product Compare

Verify adding the product for

comparision from Grid View of
Search Results page

Product Compare

Verify adding the product for

comparision from List View of
Product Category or Sub Category

Product Compare
Verify adding the product for
comparision from Grid View of
Product Category or Sub Category

Product Compare

Verify adding the product for

comparision from Related Product
section on Product Display Page

Product Compare

Verify adding the product for

comparision from Featured
section on Home Page

Product Compare

Verify navigating to 'Product

Compare' page from Search results
(TS_006) page
Product Compare

Verify navigating to 'Product

Compare' page from Product
(TS_006) Category page
Product Compare

Verify 'Product Compare' page

when no products are added for
(TS_006) comparison
Product Compare
Verify the working of 'Continue'
button on the 'Product Compare'
(TS_006) page
Product Compare

Verify the Breadcrumb that is

displayed on the 'Product
Compare' page
Product Compare

Verify the success message which

will be displayed after adding the
Products for Comparison

Product Compare

Verify the 'Product Comparison'

page when only one producted is
added to the page for comparison

Product Compare
Verify the 'Product Comparison'
page when only two products are
added to the page for comparison

Product Compare

Verify the 'Product Comparison'

page when the same product is
added twice to the page for

Product Compare

Verify the 'Product Comparison'

page when three products are
added to the page for comparison

Product Compare
Verify the 'Product Comparison'
page when four products are
added to the page for comparison

Product Compare

Verify that more than 4 products

cannot be added to the 'Product
Comparison' page

Product Compare

Verify adding the Products to cart

from the 'Product Comparison'

Product Compare

Verify removing the Products from

the 'Product Comparison' page

Product Compare
Verify Page Title, Page Heading
and Page URL of the 'Product
Comparison' page

Product Compare

Verify the UI of 'Compare this

Product' option and the 'Product
Comparison' page
Product Compare

Verify the 'Product Comparison'

functionality in all the supported
Product Compare
Pre-requisites Test Steps

1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
supported browser field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on the Product displayed in the Search results
4. Hover the mouse cursor on 'Compare this Product' option
from the displayed Product Display Page (Verify ER-1)
4. Select 'Compare this Product' option (Verify ER-2)
5. Click on 'product comparision' link from the displayed
success message (Verify ER-3)

1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
supported browser field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Select to view the search results in 'List' view
4. Hover the mouse cursor on 'Compare this Product' option
available on the Product that is displayed in the Search
Results (Verify ER-1)
5. Select 'Compare this Product' option (Verify ER-2)
6. Click on 'product comparision' link from the displayed
success message (Verify ER-3)

1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
supported browser field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Select to view the search results in 'Grid' view
4. Hover the mouse cursor on 'Compare this Product' option
available on the Product that is displayed in the Search
Results (Verify ER-1)
5. Select 'Compare this Product' option (Verify ER-2)
6. Click on 'product comparision' link from the displayed
success message (Verify ER-3)

1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Hover the mouse on any Menu say 'Desktops' and select
supported browser 'Show All Desktops' option
2. In the displayed 'Desktops' category page, select 'List' View
3. Hover the mouse cursor on 'Compare this Product' option
available on the Product that is displayed in the Product
Category page (Verify ER-1)
5. Select 'Compare this Product' option (Verify ER-2)
6. Click on 'product comparision' link from the displayed
success message (Verify ER-3)
1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Hover the mouse on any Menu say 'Desktops' and select
supported browser 'Show All Desktops' option
2. In the displayed 'Desktops' category page, select 'Grid'
View option
3. Hover the mouse cursor on 'Compare this Product' option
available on the Product that is displayed in the Product
Category page (Verify ER-1)
5. Select 'Compare this Product' option (Verify ER-2)
6. Click on 'product comparision' link from the displayed
success message (Verify ER-3)

1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
supported browser field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on the Product displayed in the Search results
4. Hover the mouse cursor on 'Compare this Product' option
from the Related Products section of Product Display Page
(Verify ER-1)
5. Select 'Compare this Product' option (Verify ER-2)
6. Click on 'product comparision' link from the displayed
success message (Verify ER-3)

1. Open the Application URL in any 1.Hover the mouse cursor on 'Compare this Product' option
supported browser from one of the Product displayed in the Featured section of
Home Page (Verify ER-1)
2. Select 'Compare this Product' option (Verify ER-2)
3. Click on 'product comparision' link from the displayed
success message (Verify ER-3)

1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
supported browser field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on 'Product Compare' link displayed in the Search
Results page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Hover the mouse on any Menu say 'Desktops' and select
supported browser 'Show All Desktops' option
2. In the displayed 'Desktops' category page, click on 'Product
Compare' link (Veirfy ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Hover the mouse on any Menu say 'Desktops' and select
supported browser 'Show All Desktops' option
2. In the displayed 'Desktops' category page, click on 'Product
Compare(0)' link (Veirfy ER-1)
1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Hover the mouse on any Menu say 'Desktops' and select
supported browser 'Show All Desktops' option
2. In the displayed 'Desktops' category page, click on 'Product
Compare(0)' link
3. Click on the 'Continue' button

1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Hover the mouse on any Menu say 'Desktops' and select
supported browser 'Show All Desktops' option
2. In the displayed 'Desktops' category page, click on 'Product
Compare(0)' link
3. Check the working of Breakcrumb available on the 'Product
Compare' page

1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
supported browser field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on the Product displayed in the Search results
4. Select 'Compare this Product' option from the displayed
Product Display Page (Verify ER-1)
5. Click on the 'Product Name' link in the displayed success
message (Verify ER-2)
6. Click on the 'Product Comparison' link in the displayed
success message (Verify ER-3)

1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
supported browser field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on the Product displayed in the Search results
4. Select 'Compare this Product' option from the displayed
Product Display Page
5. Click on the 'Product Comparison' link in the displayed
success message
6. Check the 'Product Comparison' page having one product
added to the page for comparison (Verify ER-1)
1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
supported browser field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Select 'Compare this Product'option on the Product that is
displayed in the search results
4. Enter any other existing Product name into the Search text
box field - <Refer Test Data>
5. Click on the button having search icon
6. Select 'Compare this Product' option on the Product that is
displayed in the search results
7. Click on the 'Product Comparison' link in the displayed
success message
8. Check the 'Product Comparison' page having two products
added to the page for comparison (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
supported browser field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Select 'Compare this Product'option on the Product that is
displayed in the search results
4. Enter the same Product name into the Search text box field
- <Refer Test Data>
5. Click on the button having search icon
6. Select 'Compare this Product' option on the Product that is
displayed in the search results
7. Click on the 'Product Comparison' link in the displayed
success message
8. Check the 'Product Comparison' page having the same
product added twice to the page for comparison (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
supported browser field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Select 'Compare this Product'option on the Product that is
displayed in the search results
4. Repeat Steps 1 to 3, three times until three different
products are added to the 'Product Comparison' page
5. Click on the 'Product Comparison' link in the displayed
success message
6. Check the 'Product Comparison' page having three
products added to the page for comparison (Verify ER-1)
1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
supported browser field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Select 'Compare this Product'option on the Product that is
displayed in the search results
4. Repeat Steps 1 to 3, four times until four different products
are added to the 'Product Comparison' page
5. Click on the 'Product Comparison' link in the displayed
success message
6. Check the 'Product Comparison' page having four products
added to the page for comparison (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
supported browser field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Select 'Compare this Product'option on the Product that is
displayed in the search results
4. Repeat Steps 1 to 3, five times with a different product
added to the 'Product Comparison' page
5. Click on the 'Product Comparison' link in the displayed
success message
6. Check the 'Product Comparison' page having five products
added to the page for comparison (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
supported browser field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Select 'Compare this Product' option on the Product that is
displayed in the search results
4. Click on the 'Product Comparison' link in the displayed
success message
5. Click on 'Add to Cart' button of the Product from the
'Product Comparison' page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
supported browser field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Select 'Compare this Product' option on the Product that is
displayed in the search results
4. Click on the 'Product Comparison' link in the displayed
success message
5. Click on 'Remove' button of the Products from the 'Product
Comparison' page (Verify ER-1)
1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
supported browser field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Select 'Compare this Product' option on the Product that is
displayed in the search results
4. Click on the 'Product Comparison' link in the displayed
success message
5. Check the Page Title, Page Heading and Page URL of hte
displayed 'Product Comparison' page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
supported browser field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Select 'Compare this Product' option on the Product that is
displayed in the search results
4. Click on the 'Product Comparison' link in the displayed
success message (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
supported browser field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Select 'Compare this Product' option on the Product that is
displayed in the search results
4. Click on the 'Product Comparison' link in the displayed
success message (Verify ER-1)
Test Data Expected Result (ER)

1. Tool tip with the text - 'Compare this Product' should

be displayed
2. Success message with text - ' Success: You have
added Product Name to your product comparison!'
should be displayed
3. User should be taken to the 'Product Comparison'
Product Name: iMac page with the details of the Product that we have
added for comparision.

1. Tool tip with the text - 'Compare this Product' should

be displayed
2. Success message with text - ' Success: You have
added Product Name to your product comparison!'
should be displayed
3. User should be taken to the 'Product Comparison'
Product Name: iMac page with the details of the Product that we have
added for comparision.

1. Tool tip with the text - 'Compare this Product' should

be displayed
2. Success message with text - ' Success: You have
added Product Name to your product comparison!'
should be displayed
3. User should be taken to the 'Product Comparison'
Product Name: iMac page with the details of the Product that we have
added for comparision.

1. Tool tip with the text - 'Compare this Product' should

be displayed
2. Success message with text - ' Success: You have
added Product Name to your product comparison!'
should be displayed
3. User should be taken to the 'Product Comparison'
Not Applicable page with the details of the Product that we have
added for comparision.
1. Tool tip with the text - 'Compare this Product' should
be displayed
2. Success message with text - ' Success: You have
added Product Name to your product comparison!'
should be displayed
3. User should be taken to the 'Product Comparison'
Not Applicable page with the details of the Product that we have
added for comparision.

1. Tool tip with the text - 'Compare this Product' should

be displayed
2. Success message with text - ' Success: You have
added Product Name to your product comparison!'
should be displayed
3. User should be taken to the 'Product Comparison'
Product Name: iMac page with the details of the Product that we have
added for comparision.

1. Tool tip with the text - 'Compare this Product' should

be displayed
2. Success message with text - ' Success: You have
added Product Name to your product comparison!'
should be displayed
Not Applicable 3. User should be taken to the 'Product Comparison'
page with the details of the Product that we have
added for comparision.

1. User should be taken to 'Product Compare' page

Product Name: iMac

1. User should be taken to 'Product Compare' page

Not Applicable

1. 'You have not chosen any products to compare.'

should be displayed on the page
Not Applicable
1. User should be navigated to 'Home' page

Not Applicable

1. Breadcrumb should work without any problems

Not Applicable

1. Success message with text - ' Success: You have

added Product Name to your product comparison!'
should be displayed
2. User should be navigated to the respective Product
Display Page
3. User shluld be taken to the 'Prdocut Comparison'
Product Name: iMac page

1. Verify that a single product is displayed in the

'Product Comparison' page with all the proper product
details and the buttons (Add to Cart and Remove

Product Name: iMac

1. Verify that two products are displayed in the 'Product
Comparison' page with all the proper product details
and the buttons (Add to Cart and Remove buttons)

Product Name: iMac

Any other Product Name: iPhone

1. Verify that the product shoud be displayed in the

'Product Comparison' page only one with all the proper
product details and the buttons (Add to Cart and
Remove buttons)

Product Name: iMac

1. Verify that three products are displayed in the

'Product Comparison' page with all the proper product
details and the buttons (Add to Cart and Remove

First Product Name: iMac

Second Product Name: iPhone
Third Product Name: MacBook Air
1. Verify that four products are displayed in the
'Product Comparison' page with all the proper product
details and the buttons (Add to Cart and Remove

First Product Name: iMac

Second Product Name: iPhone
Third Product Name: MacBook Air
Fourth Product Name: MacBook

1. Verify that lastest four products (Second Product

Name to Fifth Product Name) are displayed in the
'Product Comparison' page with all the proper product
details and the buttons (Add to Cart and Remove
buttons) and the First added Product is automatically
First Product Name: iMac removed from the 'Product Comparison' page as it
Second Product Name: iPhone allows only four products for comparision.
Third Product Name: MacBook Air
Fourth Product Name: MacBook
Fifth Product Name: MacBook Pro

1. Verify that the products are successfully added to the

'Shopping Cart' page from the 'Product Compare' page.
Check this by also adding mulitple products to the
'Product Comparison' page.

Product Name: iMac

1. Verify that the products are successfully removed

from the 'Product Compare' page. Check this by adding
and removing mulitple products to the 'Product
Comparison' page.

Product Name: iMac

1. Proper Page Title, Page Heading and Page URL of the
'Product Comparison' page are displayed.

Product Name: iMac

1. Proper UI adhering to the UI checklist should be

displayed for the complete 'Product Comparison'
Product Name: iMac

1. 'Product Comparison' functionality should work

correctly in all the supported environments

Product Name: iMac

Actual Result Priority Result Comments
Test Case ID Test Scenario Test Case Title
<< Test Scenarios
Verify the Thumbnails of the
Product displayed in the Product
Display Page

Product Display Page

Verify that Product Name, Brand

and Product Code are displayed in
the Product Display Page
Product Display Page

Verify the availabilty status of the

Product in the Product Display
Product Display Page

Verify the Price of the Product with

and without tax is displayed in the
(TS_007) Product Display Page
Product Display Page

Verify the default quanity for the

Product is displayed as 1 in the
Product Display Page, when there
is no minimum quantity set for the
Product Display Page
Verify the negative quantity or
zero quantity or null quantity
should not be allowed in the
Product Display Page

Product Display Page

Verify the Product having the

minimum quanitity set

Product Display Page

Verify the description of the

Product in the Product Display
Product Display Page

Verify the specifications of the

Product in the Product Display
Product Display Page
Verify the User is able to write a
review for the Product from the
'Reviews' tab of Product Display

Product Display Page

Verify the 'Reviews' tab when

there are no reviews or zero
reviews added
Product Display Page

Verify all the fields in the 'Review'

tab are mandatory fields
Product Display Page

Verify 'Write a review' link under

'Add to Cart' button on the
'Product Display' page
Product Display Page

Verify average of the user reviews

should be dispalyed under the
'Add to Cart' button of the Product
(TS_007) Display page
Product Display Page

Verify the count of reviews should

be displayed in the 'Reviews' tab
label of the Product Display page
Product Display Page
Verify 'reviews' link under the 'Add
to Cart' button of Product Display
Product Display Page

Verify submitting a review without

filling the mandatory fields

Product Display Page

Verify the review text given while

writing is accepted according to
the specified number of characters

Product Display Page

Verify adding the product to 'Wish

List' from the Product Display page

Product Display Page

Verify adding the product for

comparision from the Product
Display page

Product Display Page
Verify proper options for liking,
tweeting, sharing the Product
Display page on social platforms
Product Display Page

Verify 'Related Products' section in

Product Display page
Product Display Page

Verify navigating to the Product

Display page by using the Product
(TS_007) image in the 'Wish List' page
Product Display Page

Verify navigating to the Product

Display page by using the Product
(TS_007) Name link in the 'Wish List' page
Product Display Page

Verify navigating to the Product

Display page by using the Product
Name link in Success message on
adding the Product to Cart
Product Display Page

Verify navigating to the Product

Display page by using the Product
Image in the 'Shopping Cart' page

Product Display Page

Verify navigating to the Product

Display page by using the Product
Name link in the 'Shopping Cart'

Product Display Page
Verify navigating to the Product
Display page by using the Product
Name link in the 'Confirm Order'
sectioon of the 'Checkout' page

Product Display Page

Verify navigating to the Product

Display page by using the Product
Image in the 'Cart' button toggle

Product Display Page

Verify navigating to the Product

Display page by using the Product
Name link in the 'Cart' button
toggle box

Product Display Page

Verify the Reward Points displayed

in the Product Display page
Product Display Page
Verify the original price of the
Product without offer in the
Product Display page
Product Display Page

Verify the prices of the Product

when purchased in bulk

Product Display Page

Verify all the extra available

options in the Product Display
Product Display Page

Verify Page Title, Page Heading

and Page URL of the 'Product
Display' page
Product Display Page

Verify the UI of 'Product Display'

Product Display Page

Verify the 'Product Display' page

functionality in all the supported
(TS_007) environments
Product Display Page
Pre-requisites Test Steps

1. Open the Application URL 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on the Product displayed in the Search results
4. Click on the main bigger sized Thumbnail image displayed
on the 'Product Display Page' (Verify ER-1)
5. Click on '<' and '>' options (Verify ER-2)
6. Click on 'x' option or press 'ESC' keyboard key when the
thumbnails are displayed in Light box view (Verify ER-3)
7. Click on the normal sized Thumbnail images and repeat the
steps 5 to 6 (Verify ER-4)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on the Product displayed in the Search results
4. Check the Product Name, Brand and Product Code in the
displayed Product Display Page

1. Open the Application URL 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on the Product displayed in the Search results
4. Check the different availability status of the Products in the
displayed Product Display Page

1. Open the Application URL 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on the Product displayed in the Search results
4. Check the Price with tax and Price Ex Tax in the displayed
Product Display Page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
field, which has no minimum quanitity set - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on the Product displayed in the Search results
4. Check the Qty text field in the Product Display Page (Verify
5. Update the quantity by increasing it to more than one and
click on 'Add to Cart' button (Verify ER-2)
1. Open the Application URL 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
field, which has no minimum quanitity set - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on the Product displayed in the Search results
4. Check the Qty text field in the Product Display Page
5. Update the quantity in the Qty text feild by providing a
negative number or zero number or null quanitity and click
on 'Add to Cart' button (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
field, which has no minimum quanitity set - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on the Product displayed in the Search results
4. Check the Qty text field in the Product Display Page (Verify
5. Fill all the mandatory fields in the Product Display Page of
this product and reduce below the minimum quantity in the
Qty text feild and click on 'Add to Cart' button and navigate
to shopping cart page (Verify ER-2)
6. Increase the Quantity in the Qty field to more than the
minimum quantity and click on 'Add to Cart' button (Verify

1. Open the Application URL 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on the Product displayed in the Search results
4. Click on the Description tab of the Product in the displayed
'Product Display' page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on the Product displayed in the Search results
4. Click on the Specification tab of the Product in the
displayed 'Product Display' page (Verify ER-1)
1. Open the Application URL 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on the Product displayed in the Search results
4. Click on the Reviews tab of the Product in the displayed
'Product Display' page
5. Enter your name into the 'Your Name' text field
6. Enter review text into the 'Your Review' text are field
7. Select any radio button to give the rating
8. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
field for which there are no existing reviews - <Refer Test
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on the Product displayed in the Search results
4. Click on the Reviews(0) tab of the Product in the displayed
'Product Display' page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on the Product displayed in the Search results
4. Click on the Reviews tab of the Product in the displayed
'Product Display' page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on the Product displayed in the Search results
4. Click on 'Write a review' link under 'Add to Cart' button of
the 'Product Display' page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on the Product displayed in the Search results
4. Check the average and number of reviews under the 'Add
to Cart' page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on the Product displayed in the Search results
4. Check the count of reviews in the 'Reviews' tab lable in the
Product Display page (Verify ER-1)
1. Open the Application URL 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on the Product displayed in the Search results
4. Click on the 'x reviews' link in the Product Display page
(Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on the Product displayed in the Search results
4. Select the Reviews tab of the Product in the displayed
'Product Display' page
5. Don't provide Name, Your Review and Ratings and click on
'Continue' button (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on the Product displayed in the Search results
4. Select the Reviews tab of the Product in the displayed
'Product Display' page
5. Provide Name and Ratings
6. Check whether a proper warning message is displayed on
providing the review text which is not according to the
specified range of characters (i.e. 25 to 100 charactres) and
click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and Login 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on the Product displayed in the Search results
4. Click on 'Add to Wish List' option in the displayed 'Product
Display' page (Verify ER-1)
5. Click on 'wish list' link in the success message (Verify ER-2)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on the Product displayed in the Search results
4. Click on 'Compare this Product' option in the displayed
'Product Display' page (Verify ER-1)
5. Click on 'product comparisoin' link in the success message
(Verify ER-2)
1. Open the Application URL 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on the Product displayed in the Search results
4. Check the options for liking, tweeting, sharing the Product
Display page on social platforms (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on the Product displayed in the Search results
4. Click on the 'Related Products' section in the displayed
Product Display Page

1. Open the Application URL and Login 1. Click on the 'Wish List' header option
2.A product is added to the Wish List 2. Click on the Image icon displayed under the 'Image' section
page of the displayed 'Wish List' page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and Login 1. Click on the 'Wish List' header option
2.A product is added to the Wish List 2. Click on the Product Name link displayed under the
page 'Product Name' section of the displayed 'Wish List' page
(Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and Login 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on the Product displayed in the Search results
4. Click on 'Add to Cart' button
5. Click on 'Product Name' link from the displayed success

1. Open the Application URL and Login 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on the Product displayed in the Search results
4. Click on 'Add to Cart' button
5. Click on 'shopping cart!' link from the displayed success
6. Click on the Product image from the displayed Shopping
Cart page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and Login 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on the Product displayed in the Search results
4. Click on 'Add to Cart' button
5. Click on 'shopping cart!' link from the displayed success
6. Click on the Product Name link from the displayed
Shopping Cart page (Verify ER-1)
1. Open the Application URL and Login 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on the Product displayed in the Search results
4. Click on 'Add to Cart' button
5. Click on 'Checkout' button in the displayed 'Shopping Cart'
6. Click on 'Continue' buttons and select any mandatory
checkboxes until you reach the 'Confirm Order' section
7. Click on 'Product Name' link in the 'Confirm Order' section
(Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and Login 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on 'Add to Cart' option on the product that is
displayed in the Search Results
4. Click on 'Cart' button which is in black color beside the
search icon button on the top of the page
5. Click on the Product Image in the displayed toggle box
(Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and Login 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on 'Add to Cart' option on the product that is
displayed in the Search Results
4. Click on 'Cart' button which is in black color beside the
search icon button on the top of the page
5. Click on the Product Name link in the displayed toggle box
(Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and Login 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on the Product displayed in the Search results
4. Check the 'Reward Points' in the displayed 'Product
Display' page (Verify ER-1)
1. Open the Application URL and Login 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on the Product displayed in the Search results
4. Check the original price of the Product without offer in the
displayed 'Product Display' page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and Login 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on the Product displayed in the Search results
4. Check the prices of the Product when purchased in bluk in
the displayed 'Product Display' page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and Login 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on the Product displayed in the Search results
4. Check all the 'Available Options' in the displayed 'Product
Display' page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
supported browser field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on the Product displayed in the Search results
4. Check the Page Title, Page Heading and Page URL of hte
displayed 'Product Display' page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
supported browser field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on the Product displayed in the Search results (Verify

1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
supported browser field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on the Product displayed in the Search results (Verify
Test Data Expected Result (ER)

1. Light box view of the main Thumnail image should be

displayed with options to view the previous and next
Thumnail images in Light box view.
2. User should be able to navigate to other thumbnail
images in the Light box view
3. Light box view should close and the focus should go
to the Product Display Page.
4 Light box view of the selected Thumnail image should
be displayed with options to view the previous and next
Thumnail images in Light box view. User should be able
Product Name: iMac to navigate to other thumbnail images in the Light box
view. Light box view should close and the focus should
go to the Product Display Page.

1. Proper Product Name, Brand and Product Code

should be displayed for the different types of Products
in the Product Display Page.
Product Name: iMac

1. Proper avaialabilty statuses like In Stock, Out of Stock

and Limited Stock should be displayed in the Availabilty
section of the Product Display Page for the different
Product Name: iMac types of Products.

1. Proper price with and without tax should be

displayed for the different types of Products in the
Product Display Page.
Product Name: iMac

1. Default quantity should be displayed 1 for this

product which has not minimum quantity set
2. Quantity should get updated accordingly and the
User should be able to add the Product to cart without
any issues.
Product Name: iMac
1. A field level message - 'Quantity should be a positive
number' or 'Quantity cannot be zero, null or negative'
should be displayed under the Qty text field

Product Name: iMac

1. Default quantity in Qty field should be displayed as

minimum quanity set for this product (This product has
minimum quanity set as 2). Also, the information text - '
This product has a minimum quantity of 2' should be
displayed under the 'Add to Cart' button
2. Warning message stating - 'Minimum order amount
for Apple Cinema 30" is 2!'
3. Product should be added to the cart with the given
quantity without any problems.
Product Name: Apple Cinema 30"

1. Correct Description of the product without any

spelling or grammatical mistakes should be displayed
for different types of Products.
Product Name: iMac

1. Correct Specifications of the product without any

spelling or grammatrical mistakes should be displayed
for different types of Products.
Product Name: Apple Cinema 30"
1. Success message with text - 'Thank you for your
review. It has been submitted to the webmaster for
approval.' should be displayed. This review should be
displayed under this 'Reviews' tab once the webmaster
approves it.

Product Name: Apple Cinema 30"

1. 'There are no reviews for this product.' text should be

displayed under the 'Reviews' tab

Product Name: iMac

1. All the fields in the Reviews tab should be mandatory


Product Name: iMac

1. 'Reviews' tab in the Product Display page should

come to the focus.

Product Name: iMac

1. Correct average review and the number of reviews

count should be displayed under the 'Add to Cart'
Product Name: iMac

1. Correct count of reviews should be displayed in the

'Reviews' tab label of the Product Display Page

Product Name: iMac

1. Reviews given the User so far should be displayed
under the 'Reviews' tab of the Product Display Page.

Product Name: iMac

1. Proper warning messages informing the User to fill

the mandatory fields to submit the review should be

Product Name: iMac

1. Proper warning message with the text - 'Warning:

Review Text must be between 25 and 1000 characters!'
should be displayed

Product Name: iMac

1. Success message with text - 'Success: You have

added Product Name to your wish list!' is displayed
2. User should be taken to 'Wish List page and the
product added is displayed in the 'Wish List' page
Product Name: iMac

1. Success message with text - ' Success: You have

added Product Name to your product comparison!' is
2. User should be taken to 'Product Comparison' page
and the product details are displayed in the page
Product Name: iMac
1. User should be able to like, tweet, share the Product
Display page on social platforms

Product Name: iMac

1. User should see the Product displayed in the 'Related

Products' section and is able ot click it and navigate to
the Product Display Page of it.
Product Name: iMac

1. User should be taken the Product Display page of the

Product that is displayed in the 'Wish List' page
Product Name: iMac

1. User should be taken to the Product Display page of

the Product that is displayed in the 'Wish List' page
Product Name: iMac

1. User should be taken to the Product Display page of

the Product

Product Name: iMac

1. User should be taken to the Product Display page of

the Product

Product Name: iMac

1. User should be taken to the Product Display page of

the Product

Product Name: iMac

1. User should be taken to the Product Display page of
the Product

Product Name: iMac

1. User should be taken to the Product Display page of

the Product

Product Name: iMac

1. User should be taken to the Product Display page of

the Product

Product Name: iMac

1. Correct rewards points should be displayed

Product Name: Apple Cinema 30"

1. Orignal price should be displayed as striked off

Product Name: Apple Cinema 30"

1. Prices when purchased in bluk should be displayed

correctly for 10 products, 20 products and 30 products

Product Name: Apple Cinema 30"

1. User should be able to select all the available options

Product Name: Apple Cinema 30"

1. Proper Page Title, Page Heading and Page URL of the

'Product Display' page are displayed.
Product Name: iMac

1. Proper UI adhering to the UI checklist should be

displayed for the complete 'Product Display' page
Product Name: iMac functionality

1. 'Product Display' page functionality should work

correctly in all the supported environments
Product Name: iMac
Actual Result Priority Result Comments
Test Case ID Test Scenario Test Case Title
<< Test Scenarios
Verify adding the product to Cart
from 'Product Display' Page

Add to Cart

Verify adding the product to Cart

from 'Wish List' Page
Add to Cart

Verify adding the product to Cart

from Search Results Page

Add to Cart

Verify adding the product to Cart

from the Related Products section
of the Product Display Page

Add to Cart

Verify adding the product to Cart

from the Products displayed in the
category or sub-category page

Add to Cart
Verify adding the product to Cart
from the Products displayed in the
(TS_008) 'Featured' section of Home page
Add to Cart

Verify adding the product to Cart

from 'Product Comparison' Page
Add to Cart

(TS_007) Verify the UI of 'Add to Cart'

TC_ATC_008 funtionality
Product Display Page
Verify the 'Add to Cart' page
(TS_007) functionality in all the supported
Product Display Page environments
Pre-requisites Test Steps

1. Open the Application URL 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on the Product displayed in the Search results
4. Click on 'Add to Cart' button in the displayed 'Product
Display' page (Verify ER-1)
5. Click on the 'shopping cart!' link in the displayed success
message (Verify ER-2)

1. Open the Application URL and Login 1. Click on 'Wish List' header option
2. A product is added to Wish List page - 2. Click on 'Add to Cart' icon option in the displayed 'My Wish
<Refer Test Data> List' page (Verify ER-1)
3. Click on 'Shopping Cart' header option (Verify ER-2)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on 'Add to Cart' option on the product that is
displayed in the Search Results (Verify ER-1)
4. Click on 'Cart' button which is in black color beside the
search icon button on the top of the page
5. Click on 'View Cart' option in the displayed box (Verify ER-

1. Open the Application URL 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on the Product displayed in the Search results
4. Click on 'Add to Cart' button on one of the Products
displayed in the Related Products section of the displayed
'Product Display' page (Verify ER-1)
5. Click on the 'shopping cart!' link in the displayed success
message (Verify ER-2)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Hover the mouse on any of the menu option say 'Desktops'
2. Click on 'Show All Desktops' option
3. Select 'Mac' subcategory option from the left side options
4. Click on 'Add to Cart' button that is availble on any of the
Products of the displayed Category or Sub-category pages
(Verify ER-1)
5. Click on the 'shopping cart!' link in the displayed success
message (Verify ER-2)
1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'Add to Cart' button on the product that is
displayed in the 'Featured' section of the Home page (Verify
2. Click on the 'shopping cart!' link in the displayed success
message (Verify ER-2)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'Add to Cart' button on the product that is
2. A product is added to Product displayed in the 'Product Comparison' page (Verify ER-1)
Comparison page - <Refer Test Data> 2. Click on the 'shopping cart!' link in the displayed success
message (Verify ER-2)

1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Check the UI of the functioanality related to 'Add to Cart'
supported browser (Verify ER-1)
1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Check the 'Add to Cart' functionality in all the supported
supported browser environments (Verify ER-1)
Test Data Expected Result (ER)

1. Success message with text - 'Success: You have

added Product Name to your shopping cart!' should be
2. Product should be successfully displayed in the
'Shopping Cart' page
Product Name: iMac

1. Success message with text - 'Success: You have

added Product Name to your shopping cart!' should be
Product Name: iMac 2. Product should be successfully displayed in the
'Shopping Cart' page

1. Success message with text - 'Success: You have

added Product Name to your shopping cart!' should be
2. Product should be successfully displayed in the
'Shopping Cart' page
Product Name: iMac

1. Success message with text - 'Success: You have

added Product Name to your shopping cart!' should be
2. Product should be successfully displayed in the
'Shopping Cart' page
Product Name: Apple Cinema 30"

1. Success message with text - 'Success: You have

added Product Name to your shopping cart!' should be
2. Product should be successfully displayed in the
'Shopping Cart' page

Not Applicable
1. Success message with text - 'Success: You have
added Product Name to your shopping cart!' should be
Not Applicable 2. Product should be successfully displayed in the
'Shopping Cart' page

1. Success message with text - 'Success: You have

added Product Name to your shopping cart!' should be
Product Name: iMac 2. Product should be successfully displayed in the
'Shopping Cart' page

Product Name: iMac 1. Proper UI adhering to the UI checklist should be

displayed for the 'Add to Cart' functionality
1. 'Add to Cart' functionality should work correctly in all
Product Name: iMac the supported environments
Actual Result Priority Result Comments
Test Case ID Test Scenario Test Case Title
<< Test Scenarios
Verify adding a product to 'Wish
List' page from the Product that is
displayed in the 'Related Products'
section of 'Product Display' page

Wish List

Verify adding a product to 'Wish

List' page from the Product that is
displayed in the 'Featured' section
of 'Home' page
Wish List

Verify adding the product to Wish

List from the Products displayed in
the category or sub-category page

Wish List

Verify adding a product to 'Wish

List' page from the Search Results
Wish List

Verify navigating to 'My Wish List'

page using the 'wish list!' link in
the success message

Wish List
Verify navigating to 'My Wish List'
page using the 'Wish List' header
Wish List

Verify navigating to 'My Wish List'

(TS_009) page using the 'Right Column'
Wish List header options

Verify navigating to 'My Wish List'

(TS_009) page from the 'My Account' page
Wish List

Verify navigating to 'My Wish List'

(TS_009) page from the 'Footer' options
Wish List

Verify the Breadcrumb in the 'Wish

(TS_009) List' page
Wish List

Verify the Page Title, Page URL and

(TS_009) Page Heading of 'Wish List' page
Wish List

Verify the 'My Wish List' page

when there are no products added
Wish List

Verify the 'My Wish List' page

when only one product is added to
Wish List

Verify the removing the Product

from 'My Wish List' page
Wish List

Verify adding the product to Cart

from the 'My Wish List' page
Wish List
Verify adding the multiple
products to the 'My Wish List' page
Wish List

Verify adding duplicate products to

'My Wish List' page

Wish List

(TS_009) Verify the UI of 'Wish List'

TC_WL_019 funtionality
Wish List
Verify the 'Wish List' functionality
(TS_009) in all the supported environments
Wish List
Pre-requisites Test Steps

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on the Product displayed in the Search results
4. Click on 'Add to Wish List' option on a product that is
displayed in the 'Related Products' section of displayed
'Product Display' page (Verify ER-1)
5. Click on the 'wish list!' link in the displayed success
message (Verify ER-2)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on the 'Store logo' (Verify ER-1)
2. Scroll down till the 'Featured' section on the Home page is
3. Click on 'Add to Wish List' option on a product that is
displayed in the 'Featured' section (Verify ER-2)
4. Click on the 'wish list!' link in the displayed success
message (Verify ER-3)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Hover the mouse on any of the menu option say 'Desktops'
2. Click on 'Show All Desktops' option
3. Select 'Mac' subcategory option from the left side options
4. Click on 'Add to Wish List' option that is availble on any of
the Products of the displayed Category or Sub-category pages
(Verify ER-1)
5. Click on the 'wish list!' link in the displayed success
message (Verify ER-2)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on 'Add to Wish List' option of a product that is
dispayed in the 'Search Results' page (Verify ER-1)
4. Click on the 'wish list!' link in the displayed success
message (Verify ER-2)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on the Product displayed in the Search results
4. Click on 'Add to Wish List' option in the displayed 'Product
Display' page
5. Click on the 'wish list!' link in the displayed success
message (Verify ER-1)
1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on the Product displayed in the Search results
4. Click on 'Add to Wish List' option in the displayed 'Product
Display' page
5. Click on the 'Wish List' header option (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Wish List' option from the 'Right Column' options
(Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Modify your wish list' option (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Wish List' link in the Footer options (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Modify your wish list' option
2. Check the Breadcrumb that is displayed in the 'Wish List'
page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Modify your wish list' option
2. Check the Page Title, Page URL and Page Heading of the
displayed 'Wish List' page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Modify your wish list' option
2. No products are added to 'My Wish 2. Check the displayed 'My Wish List' page (Verify ER-1)
List' page 3. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-2)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Modify your wish list' option
2. One product is added to 'My Wish 2. Check the displayed 'My Wish List' page (Verify ER-1, ER-2)
List' page 3. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-3)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Modify your wish list' option
2. One product is added to 'My Wish 2. Click on 'Remove' icon option (Verify ER-1)
List' page

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Modify your wish list' option
2. One product is added to 'My Wish 2. Click on 'Add to Cart' icon option (Verify ER-1)
List' page
1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Modify your wish list' option (Verify ER-1, ER-2)
2. Add multiple products to 'My Wish
List' page

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on the Product displayed in the Search results
4. Click on 'Add to Wish List' option in the displayed 'Product
Display' page
5. Repeat Step 4 multiple times
6. Click on 'wish list!' link from the Success message (Verify

1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Check the UI of the functioanality related to 'Wish List'
supported browser (Verify ER-1)
1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Check the 'Wish List' functionality in all the supported
supported browser environments (Verify ER-1)
Test Data Expected Result (ER)

1. Success message with text - 'Success: You have

added Product Name to your wish list!' should be
2. Product should be successfully displayed in the 'My
Wish List' page
Product Name: iMac

1. User should be taken to Home page (In this website,

'Your Store' text is the logo)
2. Success message with text - 'Success: You have
added Product Name to your wish list!' should be
Not Applicable displayed
3. Product should be successfully displayed in the 'My
Wish List' page

1. Success message with text - 'Success: You have

added Product Name to your wish list!' should be
2. Product should be successfully displayed in the 'My
Wish List' page

Not Applicable

1. Success message with text - 'Success: You have

added Product Name to your wish list!' should be
2. Product should be successfully displayed in the 'My
Product Name: iMac Wish List' page

1. User should be taken to 'My Wish List' page

Product Name: iMac

1. User should be taken to 'My Wish List' page

Product Name: iMac

1. User should be taken to 'My Wish List' page

Product Name: iMac

1. User should be taken to 'My Wish List' page

Product Name: iMac

1. User should be taken to 'My Wish List' page

Product Name: iMac

1. Correct Breadcrumb should be displayed in the 'Wish

Not Applicable List' page and should work correctly

1. Correct Page Title, Page URL and Page Heading

Not Applicable should be displayed

1. Text - 'Your wish list is empty.' should be displayed

2. User should be taken to 'My Account' page
Not Applicable

1. Proper details should be displayed under 'Image',

'Product Name', 'Model', 'Stock', 'Unit Price' and
'Action' columns.
2. Clicking on Image or Product Name link should take
Not Applicable the User to Product Display page of the product.
3. Should take the User to 'My Account' page

1. Success message with text - 'Success: You have

modified your wish list!' should be displayed, 'My Wish
List' page should become empty and 'Your wish list is
Not Applicable empty.' text should be displayed on the page.

1. Success message with text - 'Success: You have

added Product Name to your shopping cart!' should ge
Not Applicable displayed
1. User should be taken to 'My Wish List' page and all
the multiple products added to the page are displayed
no matter what how many we added to this page.
Not Applicable 2. All the details should be correct are all the options in
this page should work correctly

1. User should be taken to 'My Wish List' page and only

one product should be displayed without any
duplications in this page.

Not Applicable

1. Proper UI adhering to the UI checklist should be

Not Applicable displayed for the 'Wish List' functionality
1. 'Wish List' functionality should work correctly in all
Not Applicable the supported environments
Actual Result Priority Result Comments
Test Case ID Test Scenario Test Case Title
<< Test Scenarios
Verify navigating to 'Shopping Cart'
page from the Success message

Shopping Cart

Verify navigating to 'Shopping Cart'

page from the 'Shopping Cart'
header option
Shopping Cart

Verify navigating to 'Shopping Cart'

page from the 'Site Map' footer

Shopping Cart

Verify the Cart button when there

are no products added to the
(TS_010) Shopping Cart
Shopping Cart

Verify navigating to 'Shopping Cart'

page using the 'View Cart' option
in the Cart block

Shopping Cart
Verify the weight of the Product in
the 'Shopping Cart' page

Shopping Cart

Verify Image, Name, Model,

Quantity, Unit Price and Total of
the Product in the 'Shopping Cart'

Shopping Cart

Verify updating the quantity of the

Product in the 'Shopping Cart'

Shopping Cart

Verify updating the quantity of the

Product in the 'Shopping Cart'
page to a negative or zero or a
non-numerical value

Shopping Cart
Verify removing the item from
'Shopping Cart' page

Shopping Cart

Verify Page Heading, Page Title

and Page URL of 'Shopping Cart'

Shopping Cart

Verify Breadcrumb of 'Shopping

Cart' page

Shopping Cart

Verify Coupon code functionality in

the 'Shopping Cart' page by
providing a valid coupon code

Shopping Cart
Verify Coupon code application in
the 'Shopping Cart' page by
providing an invalid coupon code

Shopping Cart

Verify Coupon code functionality in

the 'Shopping Cart' page by
providing an valid coupon code
which got expired

Shopping Cart

Verify Coupon code functionality in

the 'Shopping Cart' page by
providing an valid coupon code
which has reached its usage limit

Shopping Cart
Verify Coupon code functionality in
the 'Shopping Cart' page by not
providing any coupon code

Shopping Cart

Verify Closing the Warning

message in the 'Shopping Cart'

Shopping Cart

Verify Coupon code functionality in

the 'Shopping Cart' page is having

Shopping Cart
Verify Estimate Shipping and Taxes
functionality in the 'Shopping Cart'
page by providing all mandatory

Shopping Cart

Verify Estimate Shipping and Taxes

functionality in the 'Shopping Cart'
page by providing all the fields

Shopping Cart

Verify Estimate Shipping and Taxes

functionality in the 'Shopping Cart'
page by not providing anything

Shopping Cart

Verify Estimate Shipping and Taxes

functionality in the 'Shopping Cart'
page is not applied on cancelling

Shopping Cart

Verify Estimate Shipping and Taxes

functionality in the 'Shopping Cart'
page for Placeholder
Shopping Cart
Verify Gift Certificate functionality
in the 'Shopping Cart' page by
providing a valid Gift Certificate

Shopping Cart

Verify Gift Certificate functionality

in the 'Shopping Cart' page by
providing a invalid Gift Certificate

Shopping Cart

Verify Gift Certificate functionality

in the 'Shopping Cart' page by
providing a used up Gift Certificate

Shopping Cart
Verify Gift Certificate functionality
in the 'Shopping Cart' page by not
providing any Gift Certificate

Shopping Cart

Verify Gift Certificate functionality

in the 'Shopping Cart' page for

Shopping Cart

Verify Checkout from 'Shopping

Cart' page

Shopping Cart
Continue shopping from the
'Shopping Cart' page

Shopping Cart

(TS_010) Verify the UI of 'Shopping Cart'

TC_SC_032 functionality
Shopping Cart
Verify the 'Shopping Cart'
(TS_010) functionality in all the supported
Shopping Cart environments
Pre-requisites Test Steps

1. Open the Applicatoin URL in any 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
supported browser field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on the Product displayed in the Search results
4. Click on 'Add to Cart' button in the displayed 'Product
Display' page
5. Click on the 'shopping cart!' link in the displayed success
message (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Applicatoin URL in any 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
supported browser field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on 'Add to Cart' button on the Product displayed in
the Search results
4. Click on the 'Shopping Cart' header option (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Applicatoin URL in any 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
supported browser field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on 'Add to Cart' button on the Product displayed in
the Search results
4. Click on 'Site Map' footer option
5. Click on 'Shopping Cart' link in the displayed 'Site Map'

1. Open the Applicatoin URL in any 1. Click on Cart button which is displayed in black color on the
supported browser top of the page beside the search icon button (Verify ER-1)
2. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-2)

1. Open the Applicatoin URL in any 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
supported browser field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on 'Add to Cart' button on the Product displayed in
the Search results
4. Click on Cart button which is displayed in black color on the
top of the page beside the search icon button
5. Click on 'View Cart' option in the displayed Cart block
(Verify ER-1)
1. Open the Applicatoin URL in any 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
supported browser field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on the Product displayed in the Search results
4. Click on 'Add to Cart' button in the displayed 'Product
Display' page
5. Click on the 'shopping cart!' link in the displayed success
6. Check the weight of the Prouduct in the displayed
'Shopping Cart' page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Applicatoin URL in any 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
supported browser field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on the Product displayed in the Search results
4. Click on 'Add to Cart' button in the displayed 'Product
Display' page
5. Click on the 'shopping cart!' link in the displayed success
6. Check the Image Image, Name, Model, Quantity, Unit Price
and Total of the Product in the displayed 'Shopping Cart' page
(Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Applicatoin URL in any 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
supported browser field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on the Product displayed in the Search results
4. Click on 'Add to Cart' button in the displayed 'Product
Display' page
5. Click on the 'shopping cart!' link in the displayed success
6. Enter a new quantity into the 'Quantity' field of the
Product in the displayed Shopping Cart page
7. Click on 'Update' icon option (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Applicatoin URL in any 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
supported browser field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on the Product displayed in the Search results
4. Click on 'Add to Cart' button in the displayed 'Product
Display' page
5. Click on the 'shopping cart!' link in the displayed success
6. Enter negative value or zero or non-numerical value into
the 'Quantity' field of the Product in the displayed Shopping
Cart page
7. Click on 'Update' icon option (Verify ER-1)
1. Open the Applicatoin URL in any 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
supported browser field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on the Product displayed in the Search results
4. Click on 'Add to Cart' button in the displayed 'Product
Display' page
5. Click on the 'shopping cart!' link in the displayed success
6. Click on 'Remove' icon option (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Applicatoin URL in any 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
supported browser field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on the Product displayed in the Search results
4. Click on 'Add to Cart' button in the displayed 'Product
Display' page
5. Click on the 'shopping cart!' link in the displayed success
6. Verify Page Heading, Page Title and Page URL of the
dispalyed 'Shopping Cart' page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
supported browser field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on the Product displayed in the Search results
4. Click on 'Add to Cart' button in the displayed 'Product
Display' page
5. Click on the 'shopping cart!' link in the displayed success
6. Check the working of Breadcrubm of the displayed
'Shopping Cart' page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
supported browser field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on the Product displayed in the Search results
4. Click on 'Add to Cart' button in the displayed 'Product
Display' page
5. Click on the 'shopping cart!' link in the displayed success
6. Click on 'Use Coupon Code' section
7. Enter any valid Coupon code into the 'Enter your coupon
here' text field
8. Click on 'Apply Coupon' button (Verify ER-1)
1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
supported browser field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on the Product displayed in the Search results
4. Click on 'Add to Cart' button in the displayed 'Product
Display' page
5. Click on the 'shopping cart!' link in the displayed success
6. Click on 'Use Coupon Code' section
7. Enter any invalid Coupon code into the 'Enter your coupon
here' text field
8. Click on 'Apply Coupon' button (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
supported browser field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on the Product displayed in the Search results
4. Click on 'Add to Cart' button in the displayed 'Product
Display' page
5. Click on the 'shopping cart!' link in the displayed success
6. Click on 'Use Coupon Code' section
7. Enter any valid Coupon code which already got expired
into the 'Enter your coupon here' text field
8. Click on 'Apply Coupon' button (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
supported browser field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on the Product displayed in the Search results
4. Click on 'Add to Cart' button in the displayed 'Product
Display' page
5. Click on the 'shopping cart!' link in the displayed success
6. Click on 'Use Coupon Code' section
7. Enter any valid Coupon code which is already used and
applied into the 'Enter your coupon here' text field
8. Click on 'Apply Coupon' button (Verify ER-1)
1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
supported browser field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on the Product displayed in the Search results
4. Click on 'Add to Cart' button in the displayed 'Product
Display' page
5. Click on the 'shopping cart!' link in the displayed success
6. Click on 'Use Coupon Code' section
7. Don't enter any Coupon code into the 'Enter your coupon
here' text field
8. Click on 'Apply Coupon' button (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
supported browser field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on the Product displayed in the Search results
4. Click on 'Add to Cart' button in the displayed 'Product
Display' page
5. Click on the 'shopping cart!' link in the displayed success
6. Click on 'Use Coupon Code' section
7. Don't enter any Coupon code into the 'Enter your coupon
here' text field
8. Click on 'Apply Coupon' button
9. Click on 'x' option on the displayed warning message
(Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
supported browser field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on the Product displayed in the Search results
4. Click on 'Add to Cart' button in the displayed 'Product
Display' page
5. Click on the 'shopping cart!' link in the displayed success
6. Click on 'Use Coupon Code' section
7. Check the 'Enter your coupon here' text field (Verify ER-1)
1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Click on 'Estimate Shipping & Taxes' section
supported browser 2. Select any Country from the 'Country' dropdown field - -
2. User has aded a Product to Shopping <Refer Test Data>
Cart page - <Refer Test Data> and 3. Select any State from the 'Region/State' field - <Refer Test
navigated to the Shopping Cart page Data>
4. Click on 'Get Quotes' button (Verify ER-1 and ER-2)
5. Select the radio button and Click on 'Apply Shipping' button
(Verify ER-3 and Verify ER-4)

1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Click on 'Estimate Shipping & Taxes' section
supported browser 2. Select any Country from the 'Country' dropdown field - -
2. User has aded a Product to Shopping <Refer Test Data>
Cart page - <Refer Test Data> and 3. Select any State from the 'Region/State' field - <Refer Test
navigated to the Shopping Cart page Data>
4. Enter any Post Code of the above selected State in 'Post
Code' field - <Refer Test Data>
5. Click on 'Get Quotes' button (Verify ER-1 and ER-2)
6. Select the radio button and Click on 'Apply Shipping' button
(Verify ER-3 and Verify ER-4)

1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Click on 'Estimate Shipping & Taxes' section
supported browser 2. Don't select any Country from the 'Country' dropdown field
2. User has aded a Product to Shopping - <Refer Test Data>
Cart page - <Refer Test Data> and 3. Don't select any State from the 'Region/State' field - <Refer
navigated to the Shopping Cart page Test Data>
4. Don't enter any Post Code of the above selected State in
'Post Code' field - <Refer Test Data>
5. Click on 'Get Quotes' button (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Click on 'Estimate Shipping & Taxes' section
supported browser 2. Select any Country from the 'Country' dropdown field - -
2. User has aded a Product to Shopping <Refer Test Data>
Cart page - <Refer Test Data> and 3. Select any State from the 'Region/State' field - <Refer Test
navigated to the Shopping Cart page Data>
4. Enter any Post Code of the above selected State in 'Post
Code' field - <Refer Test Data>
5. Click on 'Get Quotes' button (Verify ER-1 and ER-2)
6. Select the radio button and Click on 'Cancel' button (Verify

1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Click on 'Estimate Shipping & Taxes' section
supported browser 2. Check 'Post Code' text field
2. User has aded a Product to Shopping
Cart page - <Refer Test Data> and
navigated to the Shopping Cart page
1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
supported browser field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on the Product displayed in the Search results
4. Click on 'Add to Cart' button in the displayed 'Product
Display' page
5. Click on the 'shopping cart!' link in the displayed success
6. Click on 'Use Gift Cerrtificate' section
7. Enter any valid Gift Certificate into the 'Enter your gift
certificate code here' text field
8. Click on 'Apply Gift Certificate' button (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
supported browser field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on the Product displayed in the Search results
4. Click on 'Add to Cart' button in the displayed 'Product
Display' page
5. Click on the 'shopping cart!' link in the displayed success
6. Click on 'Use Gift Cerrtificate' section
7. Enter any invalid Gift Certificate into the 'Enter your gift
certificate code here' text field
8. Click on 'Apply Gift Certificate' button (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
supported browser field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on the Product displayed in the Search results
4. Click on 'Add to Cart' button in the displayed 'Product
Display' page
5. Click on the 'shopping cart!' link in the displayed success
6. Click on 'Use Gift Cerrtificate' section
7. Enter any Gift Certificate which is already used up into the
'Enter your gift certificate code here' text field
8. Click on 'Apply Gift Certificate' button (Verify ER-1)
1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
supported browser field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on the Product displayed in the Search results
4. Click on 'Add to Cart' button in the displayed 'Product
Display' page
5. Click on the 'shopping cart!' link in the displayed success
6. Click on 'Use Gift Cerrtificate' section
7. Don't enter any Gift Certificate into the 'Enter your gift
certificate code here' text field
8. Click on 'Apply Gift Certificate' button (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
supported browser field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on the Product displayed in the Search results
4. Click on 'Add to Cart' button in the displayed 'Product
Display' page
5. Click on the 'shopping cart!' link in the displayed success
6. Click on 'Use Gift Cerrtificate' section
7. Check 'Enter your gift certificate code here' text field
(Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
supported browser field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on the Product displayed in the Search results
4. Click on 'Add to Cart' button in the displayed 'Product
Display' page
5. Click on the 'shopping cart!' link in the displayed success
6. Provide complete details into the 'Use Coupon Code',
'Estimate Shipping & Taxes' and 'Use Gift Certificate' sections
7. Click on 'Checkout' button (Verify ER-1)
1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
supported browser field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on the Product displayed in the Search results
4. Click on 'Add to Cart' button in the displayed 'Product
Display' page
5. Click on the 'shopping cart!' link in the displayed success
6. Provide complete details into the 'Use Coupon Code',
'Estimate Shipping & Taxes' and 'Use Gift Certificate' sections
7. Click on 'Continue Shopping' button (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Check the UI of the functionality related to 'Shopping Cart'
supported browser (Verify ER-1)
1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Check the 'Shopping Cart' functionality in all the supported
supported browser environments (Verify ER-1)
Test Data Expected Result (ER)

1. User should be taken to the Shopping Cart page

Product Name: iMac

1. User should be taken to the Shopping Cart page

Product Name: iMac

1. User should be taken to the Shopping Cart page

Product Name: iMac

1. 'Your shopping cart is empty!' should be displayed

2. User should be taken to 'Home' page
Not Applicable

1. User should be taken to the Shopping Cart page

Product Name: iMac

1. Correct weight of the product should be displayed in
the Shopping Cart page

Product Name: iMac

1. Correct Image, Name, Model, Quantity, Unit Price

and Total of the Product should be displayed

Product Name: iMac

1. Success message with text - ' Success: You have

modified your shopping cart!' should be displayed

Product Name: iMac

1. Proper warning message should be displayed

informing the User to provide a postive numberical

Product Name: iMac

1. Product should be removed from the 'Shopping Cart'

Product Name: iMac

1. Correct Page Heading, Page Title and Page URL

should be displayed

Product Name: iMac

1. Breadcrumb should be displayed and should work


Product Name: iMac

1. Coupon code should be applied successfully and the

price details should successfully change.

Pending Data - Valid Coupon Code

1. Warning message with text - 'Warning: Coupon is
either invalid, expired or reached its usage limit!' should
be displayed

Invalid Coupon Code: XYZ

1. Warning message with text - 'Warning: Coupon is

either invalid, expired or reached its usage limit!' should
be displayed

Valid Expired Coupon Code: Pending


1. Warning message with text - 'Warning: Coupon is

either invalid, expired or reached its usage limit!' should
be displayed

Valid Already Used Coupon Code:

Pending Data
1. Warning message with text - 'Warning: Please enter a
coupon code!' should be displayed

Not Appolicable

1. Warning message should dissappear.

Not Appolicable

1. Proper Place Holder text should be displayed inside

the text field.

Product Name: iMac

1. 'Please select the preferred shipping method to use
on this order' dialog should be displayed.
2. Flat Shipping Rate - $5.00 radio button should be
displayed in the displayed dialog and is not selected by
Product Name: iMac 3. Success message with text - ' Success: Your shipping
Country: United States estimate has been applied!' should be displayed
Region/State: California 4. Flat Shipping Rate should be displayed and added to
the Total Price

1. 'Please select the preferred shipping method to use

on this order' dialog should be displayed.
2. Flat Shipping Rate - $5.00 radio button should be
displayed in the displayed dialog and is not selected by
Product Name: iMac 3. Success message with text - ' Success: Your shipping
Country: United States estimate has been applied!' should be displayed
Region/State: California 4. Flat Shipping Rate should be displayed and added to
Post Code: 90007 the Total Price

1.Field level messages with text - 'Please select a

country!' and 'Please select a region / state!' should be
displayed under the respective mandatory fields

Product Name: iMac

1. 'Please select the preferred shipping method to use

on this order' dialog should be displayed.
2. Flat Shipping Rate - $5.00 radio button should be
displayed in the displayed dialog and is not selected by
3. Estimated Shipping & Taxes should not be applied
Product Name: iMac

1. Proper Place Holder text should be displayed inside

the text field.

Product Name: iMac

1. Gift Cerificate should be applied successfully and the
price details should successfully change.

Pending Data - Valid Gift Certificate

1. Warning message with text - 'Warning: Gift

Certificate is either invalid or the balance has been used
up!' should be displayed

Invalid Gift Certificate: XYZ

1. Warning message with text - 'Warning: Gift

Certificate is either invalid or the balance has been used
up!' should be displayed

Valid Already Used up Gift Certificate:

Pending Data
1. Warning message with text - ' Warning: Please enter
a gift certificate code!' should be displayed

Not Appolicable

1. Proper Place Holder text should be displayed inside

the text field.

Product Name: iMac

1. User should be taken to 'Checkout' page

Product Name: iMac

1. User should be taken to 'Home' Page

Product Name: iMac

1. Proper UI adhering to the UI checklist should be

Not Applicable displayed for the 'Shopping Cart' functionality
1. 'Shopping Cart' functionality should work correctly in
Not Applicable all the supported environments
Actual Result Priority Result Comments
Test Case ID Test Scenario Test Case Title
<< Test Scenarios
Verify navigating to Home Page
from 'Shopping Cart' page

Home Page

(TS_011) Verify navigating to Home Page

TC_HP_002 from 'Order Success' page
Home Page
Verify navigating to Home page
(TS_011) from any page of the Applcation
Home Page using Logo

Verify navigating to Home page

from any Category Page which
(TS_011) don't have any products
Home Page

Verify Hero Images and its slider

options in the Home page

Home Page

Verify four featured products

should be displayed in the Home
(TS_011) Page
Home Page

Verify Partner Carousel section and

its slider options in the Home page

Home Page
Verify navigating to Home Page
using 'Home' icon option of the
(TS_011) Breadcrumb in different pages of
Home Page the Application

(TS_011) Verify the UI of 'Home' page

TC_HP_009 functionality
Home Page
Verify the 'Home' page
(TS_011) functionality in all the supported
Home Page environments
Pre-requisites Test Steps

1. Open the Application URL 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on 'Add to Cart' button on the Product displayed in
the Search results
4. Click on the 'shopping cart!' link in the displayed success
5. Click on 'Continue Shopping' button in the displayed
'Shopping Cart' page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and place 1. Click on 'Continue' button in the 'Success' page (Verify ER-
an order 1)
1. Open the Application URL and 1. Click on the Logo 'Your Store' in our application (Verify ER-
navigate to any page of the Application 1)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Hover the mouse on 'Desktops' menu

2. Select 'PC(0)' option which has zero products
3. Click on 'Continue' button in the PC Category page having
zero products displayed (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Check the Hero Images and slider options on the displayed
Home page (Verify ER-1, ER-2,ER-3, ER-4 and ER-5)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Check the Featured section in the displayed Home page
(Verify ER-1 and ER-2)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Check the Paterner Carousel Logo images and slider
options on the displayed Home page (Verify ER-1, ER-2,ER-3,
ER-4 and ER-5)
1. Open the Application URL and 1. Click on 'Home' icon option in different pages (Verify ER-1)
navigate to different pages of the

1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Check the UI of the functionality related to 'Home' page
supported browser (Verify ER-1)
1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Check the 'Home' page functionality in all the supported
supported browser environments (Verify ER-1)
Test Data Expected Result (ER)

1. User should be taken to Home page

Product Name: iMac

1. User should be taken to Home page

Product Name: iMac
1. User should be taken to Home page
Not Applicable

1. User should be taken to Home page

Not Applicable

1. Correct Hero Images should be displayed.

2. Hero Images should automatically slide
3. Manually user should be able to slide the Hero
Images using < and > options
4. Manually user should be able to slide the Hero
Images using Swiper Pagination bullets under the Hero
Not Applicable Images
5. User should be able to scroll the images by selecting,
holding and sliding the Hero images using mouse

1. Four Featured Products should be displayed in the

Featured Section
Not Applicable 2. All the option of the Products in the Featured section
should be working correctly

1. Correct Logo Images of the partners should be

2. Logo Images should automatically slide
3. Manually user should be able to slide the Logo
Images using < and > options
4. Manually user should be able to slide the Logo
Images using Swiper Pagination bullets under the Hero
Not Applicable Images
5. User should be able to scroll the Logo images by
selecting, holding and sliding the Logo images using
1. User should be taken to Home page

Not Applicable

1. Proper UI adhering to the UI checklist should be

Not Applicable displayed for the 'Home' page functionality
1. 'Home' page functionality should work correctly in all
Not Applicable the supported environments
Actual Result Priority Result Comments
Test Case ID Test Scenario Test Case Title
<< Test Scenarios
Verify navigating to Checkout page
when there are no products added
(TS_012) to the Shopping Cart

Verify navigating to Checkout page

from 'Shopping Cart' page


Verify navigating to Checkout page

(TS_012) using 'Shopping Cart' header
Checkout option

Verify navigating to Checkout page

using 'Checkout' option in the Cart
(TS_012) block

Verify Checkout as SignedIn User

( SignIn Checkout ) by using an
existing address during checkout

Verify Checkout as SignedIn User
( SignIn Checkout ) by entering
new address into the mandatory
fields of the Billing Details section
during checkout

Verify Checkout as SignedIn User
( SignIn Checkout ) by entering
new address into all the fields of
the Billing Details section during


Verify text fields in Billing Details of

the Checkout page has

Verify without entering any fields
in the Billing Section of the
Checkout Page


Verify Checkout as SignedIn User

( SignIn Checkout ) by entering
new address into the mandatory
fields of the Delivery Details
section during checkout

Verify Checkout as SignedIn User
( SignIn Checkout ) by entering
new address into all the fields of
the Delivery Details section during


Verify text fields in Delivery Details

of the Checkout page has

Verify without entering any fields
in the Delivery Details Section of
the Checkout Page


Verify adding comments about

your order in the 'Delivery
Method' section of Checkout page


Verify adding comments about

your order in the 'Payment
Method' section of Checkout page

Verify Guest Checkout


Verify Checkout as New User

Checkout by SigningIn


(TS_012) Verify the UI of 'Checkout'

TC_CO_019 functionality
Verify the 'Checkout' functionality
(TS_012) in all the supported environments
Pre-requisites Test Steps

1. Open the Application URL and ensure 1. Click on 'Checkout' header option (Verify ER-1)
there are no products added to the
Shopping Cart

1. Open the Application URL 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on 'Add to Cart' button on the Product displayed in
the Search results
4. Click on the 'shopping cart!' link in the displayed success
5. Click on 'Checkout' button in the 'Shopping Cart' page
(Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and a 1. Click on 'Checkout' header option (Verify ER-1)
product is added to Shopping Cart -
<Refer Test Data>

1. Open the Application URL and a 1. Click on Cart button which is displayed in black color on the
product is added to Shopping Cart - top of the page beside the search icon button
<Refer Test Data> 2. Click on 'Checkout' option in the displayed Cart block
(Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on 'Add to Cart' button on the Product displayed in
the Search results
4. Click on the 'shopping cart!' link in the displayed success
5. Click on 'Checkout' button in the 'Shopping Cart' page
(Verify ER-1)
6. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-2)
7. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-3)
8. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-4)
9. Select the 'Terms & Conditions' checkbox field
10. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-5)
11. Click on 'Confirm Order' button (Verify ER-6)
1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on 'Add to Cart' button on the Product displayed in
the Search results
4. Click on the 'shopping cart!' link in the displayed success
5. Click on 'Checkout' button in the 'Shopping Cart' page
(Verify ER-1)
6. Select 'I want to use a new address' radio option (Verify
7. Enter details only into the mandatory fields - First Name,
Last Name, Address1, City, Country and Region/State
8. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-3)
9. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-4)
8. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-5)
9. Select the 'Terms & Conditions' checkbox field
10. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-6)
11. Click on 'Confirm Order' button (Verify ER-7)
1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on 'Add to Cart' button on the Product displayed in
the Search results
4. Click on the 'shopping cart!' link in the displayed success
5. Click on 'Checkout' button in the 'Shopping Cart' page
(Verify ER-1)
6. Select 'I want to use a new address' radio option (Verify
7. Enter details into all the fields - First Name, Last Name,
Company, Address1, Address 2, City, Post Code, Country and
8. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-3)
9. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-4)
8. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-5)
9. Select the 'Terms & Conditions' checkbox field
10. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-6)
11. Click on 'Confirm Order' button (Verify ER-7)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on 'Add to Cart' button on the Product displayed in
the Search results
4. Click on the 'shopping cart!' link in the displayed success
5. Click on 'Checkout' button in the 'Shopping Cart' page
6. Select 'I want to use a new address' radio option
7. Check all the text fields - First Name, Last Name, Company,
Address1, Address 2, City and Post Code for Placeholder text
(Verify ER-1)
1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on 'Add to Cart' button on the Product displayed in
the Search results
4. Click on the 'shopping cart!' link in the displayed success
5. Click on 'Checkout' button in the 'Shopping Cart' page
6. Select 'I want to use a new address' radio option
7. Don't enter anything into the fields of 'Billing Details'
Section of 'Checkout' page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on 'Add to Cart' button on the Product displayed in
the Search results
4. Click on the 'shopping cart!' link in the displayed success
5. Click on 'Checkout' button in the 'Shopping Cart' page
(Verify ER-1)
6. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-2)
7. Select 'I want to use a new address' radio option (Verify
8. Enter details only into the mandatory fields - First Name,
Last Name, Address1, City, Country and Region/State
9. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-4)
8. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-5)
9. Select the 'Terms & Conditions' checkbox field
10. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-6)
11. Click on 'Confirm Order' button (Verify ER-7)
1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on 'Add to Cart' button on the Product displayed in
the Search results
4. Click on the 'shopping cart!' link in the displayed success
5. Click on 'Checkout' button in the 'Shopping Cart' page
(Verify ER-1)
6. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-2)
7. Select 'I want to use a new address' radio option (Verify
8. Enter details into all the fields - First Name, Last Name,
Company, Address1, Address 2, City, Post Code, Country and
10. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-4)
11. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-5)
12. Select the 'Terms & Conditions' checkbox field
13. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-6)
14. Click on 'Confirm Order' button (Verify ER-7)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on 'Add to Cart' button on the Product displayed in
the Search results
4. Click on the 'shopping cart!' link in the displayed success
5. Click on 'Checkout' button in the 'Shopping Cart' page
6. Click on 'Continue' button
7. Select 'I want to use a new address' radio option in the
'Delivery Details' section
8. Check all the text fields - First Name, Last Name, Company,
Address1, Address 2, City and Post Code for Placeholder text
(Verify ER-1)
1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on 'Add to Cart' button on the Product displayed in
the Search results
4. Click on the 'shopping cart!' link in the displayed success
5. Click on 'Checkout' button in the 'Shopping Cart' page
6. Click on 'Continue' button
7. Select 'I want to use a new address' radio option
8. Don't enter anything into the fields of 'Delivery Details'
Section of 'Checkout' page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on 'Add to Cart' button on the Product displayed in
the Search results
4. Click on the 'shopping cart!' link in the displayed success
5. Click on 'Checkout' button in the 'Shopping Cart' page
6. Click on 'Continue' button
7. Click on 'Continue' button
8. Enter any text into the 'Add Comments About Your Order'
text field
8. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-1)
9. Select the 'Terms & Conditions' checkbox field
10. Click on 'Continue' button
11. Click on 'Confirm Order' button (Verify ER-2)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on 'Add to Cart' button on the Product displayed in
the Search results
4. Click on the 'shopping cart!' link in the displayed success
5. Click on 'Checkout' button in the 'Shopping Cart' page
6. Click on 'Continue' button
7. Click on 'Continue' button
8. Click on 'Continue' button
9. Enter any text into the 'Add Comments About Your Order'
text field
10. Select the 'Terms & Conditions' checkbox field
11. Click on 'Continue' button
12. Click on 'Confirm Order' button (Verify ER-1)
1. Open the Application URL and don't 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
login field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on 'Add to Cart' button on the Product displayed in
the Search results
4. Click on the 'shopping cart!' link in the displayed success
5. Click on 'Checkout' button in the 'Shopping Cart' page
(Verify ER-1)
6. Select 'Guest Checkout' option in the 'New Customer'
section of the displayed 'Checkout' page
7. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-2 and ER-3)
8. Enter details into all the fields
9. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-4 and ER-5)
10. Click on 'Continue' button (Veriy ER-6 and ER-7)
11. Select 'Terms and Conditions' checkbox
12. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-8 and ER-9)
13. Click on 'Confirm Order' button

1. Open the Application URL and don't 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
login field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on 'Add to Cart' button on the Product displayed in
the Search results
4. Click on the 'shopping cart!' link in the displayed success
5. Click on 'Checkout' button in the 'Shopping Cart' page
(Verify ER-1)
6. Select 'Regiser Account' option in the 'New Customer'
section of the displayed 'Checkout' page
7. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-2 and ER-3)
8. Enter details into all the fields
9. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-4 and ER-5)
10. Click on 'Continue' button (Veriy ER-6 and ER-7)
11. Select 'Terms and Conditions' checkbox
12. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-8 and ER-9)
13. Click on 'Confirm Order' button
1. Open the Application URL and don't 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
login field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on 'Add to Cart' button on the Product displayed in
the Search results
4. Click on the 'shopping cart!' link in the displayed success
5. Click on 'Checkout' button in the 'Shopping Cart' page
(Verify ER-1)
6. Enter credentails of existing account in the 'Returning
Customer' section of the displayed 'Checkout' page
7. Click on 'Login' button (Verify ER-2 and ER-3)
8. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-4 and ER-5)
10. Click on 'Continue' button (Veriy ER-6 and ER-7)
11. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-8)
12. Select 'Terms and Conditions' checkbox
13. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-9 and ER-10)
13. Click on 'Confirm Order' button

1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Check the UI of the functionality related to 'Checkout'
supported browser (Verify ER-1)
1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Check the 'Checkout' functionality in all the supported
supported browser environments (Verify ER-1)
Test Data Expected Result (ER)

1. User should be taken to an empty 'Shopping Cart'

page instead of 'Checkout' page
Not Applicable

1. User should be taken to the checkout page

Product Name: iMac

1. User should be taken to the checkout page

Product Name: iMac

1. User should be taken to the checkout page

Product Name: iMac

1. 'I want to use an existing address' radio option should

be displayed as selected by default in the 'Billing
Details' section and the correct address details should
be displayed in the text field
2. 'I want to use an existing address' radio option should
be displayed as selected by default in the 'Delivery
Details' section and the correct address details should
be displayed in the text field
3. 'Flat Shipping Rate - $8.00' radio option should be
displayed as selected by default in the 'Delivery
Method' section
4. 'Cash On Delivery' radio option should be displyaed
Product Name: iMac as selected by default in the 'Payment Method' section
5. Proper details to be displayed in the 'Confirm Order'
6. Order should be placed and User should be taken to
Success page (Proper details should be displayed in the
Order Success page)
1. 'I want to use an existing address' radio option should
be displayed as selected by default in the 'Billing
Details' section and the correct address details should
be displayed in the text field
2. New address fields - First Name, Last Name,
Company, Address1, Address2, City, Post Code,
Country, Country and Region/State should be displayed
3. 'I want to use an existing address' radio option should
be displayed as selected by default in the 'Delivery
Details' section and the correct address details should
be displayed in the text field
4. 'Flat Shipping Rate - $8.00' radio option should be
displayed as selected by default in the 'Delivery
Method' section
5. 'Cash On Delivery' radio option should be displyaed
Product Name: iMac as selected by default in the 'Payment Method' section
6. Proper details to be displayed in the 'Confirm Order'
7. Order should be placed and User should be taken to
Success page (Proper details should be displayed in the
Order Success page)
1. 'I want to use an existing address' radio option should
be displayed as selected by default in the 'Billing
Details' section and the correct address details should
be displayed in the text field
2. New address fields - First Name, Last Name,
Company, Address1, Address2, City, Post Code,
Country, Country and Region/State should be displayed
3. 'I want to use an existing address' radio option should
be displayed as selected by default in the 'Delivery
Details' section and the correct address details should
be displayed in the text field
4. 'Flat Shipping Rate - $8.00' radio option should be
displayed as selected by default in the 'Delivery
Method' section
5. 'Cash On Delivery' radio option should be displyaed
Product Name: iMac as selected by default in the 'Payment Method' section
6. Proper details to be displayed in the 'Confirm Order'
7. Order should be placed and User should be taken to
Success page (Proper details should be displayed in the
Order Success page)

1. Proper Place Holder texts should be displayed in the

text fields - First Name, Last Name, Company, Address1,
Address 2, City and Post Code

Product Name: iMac

1. Proper field level warning messages should be
displayed for all the mandatory fields in the Billing
Details section

Product Name: iMac

1. 'I want to use an existing address' radio option should

be displayed as selected by default in the 'Billing
Details' section and the correct address details should
be displayed in the text field
2. 'I want to use an existing address' radio option should
be displayed as selected by default in the 'Delivery
Details' section and the correct address details should
be displayed in the text field
3. New address fields - First Name, Last Name,
Company, Address1, Address2, City, Post Code,
Country, Country and Region/State should be displayed
4. 'Flat Shipping Rate - $8.00' radio option should be
displayed as selected by default in the 'Delivery
Method' section
5. 'Cash On Delivery' radio option should be displyaed
Product Name: iMac as selected by default in the 'Payment Method' section
6. Proper details to be displayed in the 'Confirm Order'
7. Order should be placed and User should be taken to
Success page (Proper details should be displayed in the
Order Success page)
1. 'I want to use an existing address' radio option should
be displayed as selected by default in the 'Billing
Details' section and the correct address details should
be displayed in the text field
2. 'I want to use an existing address' radio option should
be displayed as selected by default in the 'Delivery
Details' section and the correct address details should
be displayed in the text field
3. New address fields - First Name, Last Name,
Company, Address1, Address2, City, Post Code,
Country, Country and Region/State should be displayed
4. 'Flat Shipping Rate - $8.00' radio option should be
displayed as selected by default in the 'Delivery
Method' section
5. 'Cash On Delivery' radio option should be displyaed
Product Name: iMac as selected by default in the 'Payment Method' section
6. Proper details to be displayed in the 'Confirm Order'
7. Order should be placed and User should be taken to
Success page (Proper details should be displayed in the
Order Success page)

1. Proper Place Holder texts should be displayed in the

text fields - First Name, Last Name, Company, Address1,
Address 2, City and Post Code

Product Name: iMac

1. Proper field level warning messages should be
displayed for all the mandatory fields in the Delivery
Details section

Product Name: iMac

1. Comment entered should be displayed as it is in the

'Payment Method' section
2. Order should be placed and User should be taken to
Success page (Proper details should be displayed in the
Order Success page)

Product Name: iMac

1. Order should be placed and User should be taken to

Success page (Proper details should be displayed in the
Order Success page)

Product Name: iMac

1. Checkout Page should be displayed
2. User should be taken to 'Billing Details' section
3. 'My delivery and billing addresses are the same'
checkbox should be displayed as selected by default
4. User should be taken to 'Delivery Method' section
5. 'Flat Shipping Rate - $5.00' radio button should be
displayed as selected by default
6. User should be taken to 'Payment Method' section
7. 'Cash On Delivery' radion button should be displayed
as selected by default
8. User should be taken to 'Confirm Order' section
9. Correct and Proper details should be displayed in the
Product Name: iMac 'Confirm Order' section
10. Order should be placed and User should be taken to
Success page (Proper details should be displayed in the
Order Success page)

1. Checkout Page should be displayed

2. User should be taken to 'Billing Details' section
3. 'My delivery and billing addresses are the same'
checkbox should be displayed as selected by default
4. User should be taken to 'Delivery Method' section
5. 'Flat Shipping Rate - $5.00' radio button should be
displayed as selected by default
6. User should be taken to 'Payment Method' section
7. 'Cash On Delivery' radion button should be displayed
as selected by default
8. User should be taken to 'Confirm Order' section
9. Correct and Proper details should be displayed in the
'Confirm Order' section
Product Name: iMac 10. Order should be placed and User should be taken to
Success page (Proper details should be displayed in the
Order Success page)
1. Checkout Page should be displayed
2. User should be loggedin and taken to 'Billing Details'
3. 'I want to use an existing address' checkbox should
be displayed as selected by default
4. User should be taken to 'Delivery Details section
5. 'I want to use an existing address' radio button
should be displayed as selected by default
6. User should be taken to 'Delivery Method' section
7. 'Flat Shipping Rate' radio button should be displayed
as selected by default
8. User should be taken to 'Payment Method' section
Product Name: iMac 9. User should be taken to 'Confirm Order' section
10. Order should be placed and User should be taken to
Success page (Proper details should be displayed in the
Order Success page)

1. Proper UI adhering to the UI checklist should be

Not Applicable displayed for the 'Checkout' functionality
1. 'Checkout' functionality should work correctly in all
Not Applicable the supported environments
Actual Result Priority Result Comments
Test Case ID Test Scenario Test Case Title
<< Test Scenarios
Verify navigating to 'My Account'
(TS_013) page from the 'Order Success'
My Account page

Verify navigating to 'My Account'

page on login

My Account

Verify navigating to 'My Account'

(TS_013) page using 'My Account' option
My Account

Verify navigating to 'My Account'

(TS_013) page using 'Right Column' options
My Account

Verify navigating to 'My Account'

page using 'My Account' option in
(TS_013) Site Map page
My Account

Verify Breadcrump in 'My Account'

My Account

Verify Page URL, Page Heading and

Page Title of the 'My Account'
(TS_013) page
My Account

Verify the UI of 'My Account' page

(TS_013) functionality
My Account

Verify the 'My Account' page

(TS_013) functionality in all the supported
My Account environments
Pre-requisites Test Steps

1. Open the Application URL, login and 1. Click on 'my account' page link in the displayed 'Order
place an order for a product - <Refer Success' page (Verify ER-1)
Test Data>

1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'My Account' Dropmenu

2. Click on 'Login' option
3. Enter valid email address into the 'E-Mail Address' field -
<Refer Test Data>
4. Enter valid password into the 'Password' field - <Refer Test
5. Click on 'Login' button (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'My Account' dropmenu
2. Click on 'My Account' option (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'My Account' option from any page say 'Order
History' page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Site Map' link in the Footer options
2. Click on 'My Account' link in the displayed 'Site Map' page
(Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'My Account' dropmenu
2. Click on 'My Account' option
3. Verify the Breadcrumb in the displayed 'My Account' page

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'My Account' dropmenu
2. Click on 'My Account' option
3. Check the Page URL, Page Title and Page Heading that is
displayed in the 'My Account' page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Check the UI of the functionality related to 'My Account'
supported browser page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Check the 'My Account' page functionality in all the
supported browser supported environments (Verify ER-1)
Test Data Expected Result (ER)

1. User should be taken to 'My Account' page

Product Name: iMac

1. User should be able to login and taken to 'My

Account' page
Email Address -

Password -

1. User should be taken to 'My Account' page

Not Applicable

1. User should be taken to 'My Account' page

Not Applicable

1. User should be taken to 'My Account' page

Not Applicable

1. Breadcrumb should be displayed in the 'My Account'

page and is working properly
Not Applicable

1. Correct Page URL, Page Title and Page Heading

should be displayed
Not Applicable

1. Proper UI adhering to the UI checklist should be

Not Applicable displayed for the 'My Account' page functionality

1. 'My Account' page functionality should work

Not Applicable correctly in all the supported environments
Actual Result Priority Result Comments
Test Case ID Test Scenario Test Case Title
<< Test Scenarios
Verify navigating to 'My Account
Information' page from 'My
(TS_014) Account' page
My Account Information

Verify navigating to 'My Account

Information' page using 'Edit
(TS_014) Account' Right column option
My Account Information

Verify navigating to 'My Account

(TS_014) Information' page from 'Site Map'
My Account Information page

Verify updating the Account

Details in the 'My Account
Information' page

My Account Information

Verify making all the fields in the

'My Account Information' page
empty and update

My Account Information

Verify all the fields in the 'My

Account Information page have
My Account Information

Verify all the fields in the 'My

Account Information page are
marked as mandatory
My Account Information
Verify providing invalid email
format into the 'E-Mail' Address
My Account Information

Verifty Back button in the 'My

Acccount Information ' page

My Account Information

Verify Breadcrumb in the 'My

Account Information' page
My Account Information

Verify Page Heading, Page Title

and Page URL in the 'My Account
Information' page
My Account Information

Verify the UI of 'My Account

(TS_014) Information' page functionality
My Account Information

Verify the 'My Account

(TS_014) Information' page functionality in
My Account Information all the supported environments
Pre-requisites Test Steps

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'My Account' dropmenu
2. Select 'My Account' option
3. Click on 'Edit your account information' link on the
displayed 'My Account' page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Edit Account' Right Column option (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Site Map' footer option
2. Click on 'Account Information' link in the displayed 'Site
Map' page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'My Account' dropmenu
2. Select 'My Account' option
3. Click on 'Edit your account information' link on the
displayed 'My Account' page
4. Update all the details in the fields - First Name, Last Name,
E-Mail and Telephone
5. Click on 'Continue' buttton (Verify ER-1 and ER-2)
6. Logout and login with new updated Email Address (Verify
7. Logout and login with old Email Address (Verify ER-4)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'My Account' dropmenu
2. Select 'My Account' option
3. Click on 'Edit your account information' link on the
displayed 'My Account' page
4. Clear all the fields - First Name, Last Name, E-Mail and
Telephone in the displayed 'My Account Information' page
5. Click on 'Continue' buttton (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'My Account' dropmenu
2. Select 'My Account' option
3. Click on 'Edit your account information' link on the
displayed 'My Account' page
4. Clear all the fields - First Name, Last Name, E-Mail and
Telephone in the displayed 'My Account Information' page
(Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'My Account' dropmenu
2. Select 'My Account' option
3. Click on 'Edit your account information' link on the
displayed 'My Account' page
4. Check all the fields in the 'My Account Information' page -
First Name, Last Name, E-Mail and Telephone (Verify ER-1)
1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'My Account' dropmenu
2. Select 'My Account' option
3. Click on 'Edit your account information' link on the
displayed 'My Account' page
4.Update the 'E-Mail' field in the 'My Account Information'
page with invalid email format - <Refer Test Data>

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'My Account' dropmenu
2. Select 'My Account' option
3. Click on 'Edit your account information' link on the
displayed 'My Account' page
4.Update the fields in the 'My Account Information' page
5. Click on 'Back' button (Verify ER-1)
6. Click on 'Edit your account information' link (Verify ER-2)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'My Account' dropmenu
2. Select 'My AccouA8:E8nt' option
3. Click on 'Edit your account information' link on the
displayed 'My Account' page
4. Check the Breadcrumb in the displayed 'My Account
Information' page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'My Account' dropmenu
2. Select 'My AccouA8:E8nt' option
3. Click on 'Edit your account information' link on the
displayed 'My Account' page
4. Check the Page Heading, Page URL and Page Title in the
displayed 'My Account Information' page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Check the UI of the functionality related to 'My Account
supported browser Information' page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL in any 1. Check the 'My Account Information' page functionality in
supported browser all the supported environments (Verify ER-1)
Test Data Expected Result (ER)

1. User should be navigated to 'My Account

Information' page
Not Applicable

1. User should be navigated to 'My Account

Information' page
Not Applicable

1. User should be navigated to 'My Account

Not Applicable Information' page

1. All the Account details should be updated

2. Success message with text - ' Success: Your account
has been successfully updated.' should be displayed
3. User should be able to login with new Email address
and the old password
4. User should not be able to login with old Email
Not Applicable address

1. Field level validation message information the User

to enter the required details should be displayed for all
the fields

Not Applicable

1. Proper placeholder texts should be displayed in the

all the fields - First Name, Last Name, E-Mail and
Telephone of 'My Account Information' page

Not Applicable

1. All the fields in the 'My Account Information' page -

First Name, Last Name, E-Mail and Telephone are
marked as mandatory (* symbol in red color should be
displayed as a symbol of mandatory)
Not Applicable
Try all below invalid email address 1. Proper Field level validation message informing the
formats: User to provide the valid Email format should be
1) amotoori displayed
2) amotoori@
3) amotoori@gmail
4) amotoori@gmail.

1. User should be taken to 'My Account' page

2. User should be taken to 'My Account Information'
page and the updated details should be lost

Not Applicable

1. Breadcrumb should be displayed in the 'My Account

Information' page and is working properly

Not Applicable

1. Correct Page URL, Page Title and Page Heading

should be displayed

Not Applicable

1. Proper UI adhering to the UI checklist should be

Not Applicable displayed for the 'My Account Information' page

1. 'My Account Information' page functionality should

Not Applicable work correctly in all the supported environments
Actual Result Priority Result Comments
Test Case ID Test Scenario Test Case Title
<< Test Scenarios
Verify navigating to 'Change
Password' page from 'My Account'
(TS_015) page
Change Password

Verify navigating to 'Change

Password' page using 'Password'
(TS_015) Right column option
Change Password

Verify navigating to 'Change

(TS_015) Password' page from 'Site Map'
Change Password page

Verify changing the password

Change Password

Verify changing the password

without entering anything into the
(TS_015) fields in 'Change Password' page
Change Password

Verify entering different password

into the 'Password' and 'Password
(TS_015) Confirm' fields while Changing the
TC_CP_006 Password
Change Password

Verify all the Password fields in the

'Change Password' page are
(TS_015) marked as mandatory
Change Password

Verify the text entered into the

fields in 'Change Password' field is
(TS_015) toggled to hide its display
Change Password
Verify Back button in the 'Change
Password' page
Change Password

Verify Breadcrumb in the 'Change

Password' page
Change Password

Verify Page Heading, Page Title

and Page URL in the 'Change
(TS_015) Password' page
Change Password

Verify the UI of 'Change Password'

(TS_015) page functionality
Change Password

Verify the 'Change Password' page

(TS_015) functionality in all the supported
Change Password environments
Pre-requisites Test Steps

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'My Account' dropmenu
2. Select 'My Account' option
3. Click on 'Change your password' link on the displayed 'My
Account' page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Password' Right Column option (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Site Map' footer option
2. Click on 'Password' link in the displayed 'Site Map' page
(Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Password' Right Column option
2. Enter old password into the 'Old Password' field
3. Enter new password into the 'Password' and 'Passwrod
Confirm' fields
4. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-1)
5. Logout and Login with old password (Verify ER-2)
6. Logout and Login with new password (Verify ER-3)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Password' Right Column option
2. Don't enter anything into Password fields
3. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Password' Right Column option
2. Enter new password into the 'Password' field
3. Enter a different password other than the one entered in
the above step
4. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Password' Right Column option
2. Check whether the Password fields in the displayed
'Change Password' page are marked as mandatory (Verify ER-

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Password' Right Column option
2. Enter the Password text into the Password fields in the
displayed 'Change Password' page (Verify ER-1)
1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Password' Right Column option
2. Enter the new Password into Password and Password
confirm fields
3. Click on 'Back' button (Verify ER-1)
4. Click on 'Change Password' link in the displayed 'My
Account' page (Verify ER-2)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Password' Right Column option
2. Check the Breadcrumb in the displayed 'Change Password'
page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Password' Right Column option
2. Check the Page Heading, Page Title and Page URL in the
displayed 'Change Password' page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Check the UI of the functionality related to 'Change
Password' page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Check the 'Change Password' page functionality in all the
supported environments (Verify ER-1)
Test Data Expected Result (ER)

1. User should be navigated to 'Change Password' page

Not Applicable

1. User should be navigated to 'Change Password' page

Not Applicable

1. User should be navigated to 'Change Password' page

Not Applicable

1.Success message with text - ' Success: Your password

has been successfully updated.' should be displayed
2.Warning message with text - 'Warning: No match for
E-Mail Address and/or Password.' should be displayed
3. User should login successfully and taken to 'My
Not Applicable Account' page

1. Field level warning message should be displayed

under the Password fields by not allowing the user to
update the account with a blank password
Not Applicable

1. Field level warning message should be displayed

under the Password Confirm field with the text -
'Password confirmation does not match password!
Not Applicable

1. All the fields in the 'Change Password' page should be

marked as mandatory using the Red color * symbol
Not Applicable

1. Text entered into the Password fields - Password and

Password Confirm should be toggled to hide its display
Not Applicable (Instead of entered text, we should see . Symbols)
1. User should be taken to 'My Account' page
2. Newly entered password text in the Password and
Password Confirm fields should be lost
Not Applicable

1. Breadcrumb should be displayed in the 'Change

Password' page and is working properly
Not Applicable

1. Correct Page URL, Page Title and Page Heading

should be displayed
Not Applicable

1. Proper UI adhering to the UI checklist should be

Not Applicable displayed for the 'Change Password' page functionality

1. 'Change Password' page functionality should work

Not Applicable correctly in all the supported environments
Actual Result Priority Result Comments
Test Case ID Test Scenario Test Case Title
<< Test Scenarios
Verify navigating to 'Address Book
Entries' page from 'My Account'
(TS_016) dropmenu
Address Book

Verify navigating to 'Address Book

(TS_016) Entries' page from Right Column
Address Book options

Verify navigating to 'Address Book

(TS_016) Entries' page from 'Site Map' page
Address Book

Verify navigating to 'Address Book

Entries' page from Right Column
options before logging into the
Address Book

Verify default address displayed in

the 'Address Book Entries' page
Address Book

Verify deleting the default address

in the 'Address Book Entries' page
Address Book

Verify updating the Address in the

'Address Book Entries' page

Address Book

Verify changing the Default

Address when there is only one
address in the 'Address Book
Entries' page
Address Book
Verify updating the Address by
clearing all the non-mandatory
Address Book

Verify clearing all the fields in the

'Edit Address' page and updating
the Address
Address Book

Verify Back button in the 'Edit

Address' page

Address Book

Verify Back button in the 'Address

Book Entries' page
Address Book

Verify adding new Address by

providing only the mandatory
Address Book

Verify selecting the newly added

Address as default address

Address Book
Verify new address given for Billing
Details while placing the order
should get added in 'Address Book
Entries' page

Address Book

Verify new address given for

Delivery Details while placing the
order should get added in 'Address
Book Entries' page

Address Book

Verify the Breadcrumb, Page URL,

Page Heading and Page Title of
(TS_016) 'Address Book Entries' page
Address Book
Verify the Breadcrumb, Page URL,
Page Heading and Page Title of
'Edit Address' page
Address Book

Verify the Breadcrumb, Page URL,

Page Heading and Page Title of
'Add Address' page
Address Book

(TS_016) Verify the UI of Address Book

TC_AB_020 functionality
Address Book
Verify the 'Change Password' page
(TS_016) functionality in all the supported
Address Book environments
Pre-requisites Test Steps

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'My Account' dropmenu
2. Click on 'My Account' option
3. Click on 'Modify your address book entries' link (Verify ER-

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Address Book' option from Right Column options
(Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Site Map' footer option
2. Click on 'Address Book' link in the displayed 'Site Map' page
(Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'My Account' dropmenu

2. User has not logged in 2. Click on 'Register' option
3. Click on 'Address Book' option from the Right Column
options in the displayed 'Register Account' page (Verify ER-1)
4. Enter valid credentials - <Refer Test Data> and click on
'Login' button (Verify ER-2)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'Address Book' option from Right Column options
2. Newly register an account (Rember 2. Check the default address displayed in the 'Address Book
the address given while regsitering the Entries' page (Verify ER-1)
3. Login with the new account

1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'Address Book' option from Right Column options
2. Newly register an account (Rember 2. Click on 'Delete' button of the single address displayed in
the address given while regsitering the the 'Address Book Entries' page (Verify ER-1)
3. Login with the new account

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Address Book' option from Right Column options
2. Click on 'Edit' button of an address in the displayed
'Address Book Entries' page (Verify ER-1)
3. Update all the fields in the displayed 'Edit Address' page
with new details (First Name, Last Name, Company,
Address1, Address2, City, Post Code, Country and
4. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-2)

1. Open the Application URL and login to 1. Click on 'Address Book' option from Right Column options
the Account having only one address in 2. Click on 'Edit' button of an address in the displayed
its Address book 'Address Book Entries' page
3. Change the 'Default Address' to 'No' when there is only
one address in the Address Book
4. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-1)
1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Address Book' option from Right Column options
2. Click on 'Edit' button of an address in the displayed
'Address Book Entries' page
3. Clear the details from all the non-mandatory fields of the
address in the displayed 'Edit Address' page
4. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Address Book' option from Right Column options
2. Click on 'Edit' button of an address in the displayed
'Address Book Entries' page
3. Clear all the fields of the address in the displayed 'Edit
Address' page
4. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Address Book' option from Right Column options
2. Click on 'Edit' button of an address in the displayed
'Address Book Entries' page
3. Update all the fields of the address in the displayed 'Edit
Address' page
4. Click on 'Back' button (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Address Book' option from Right Column options
2. Click on 'Back' button in the displayed 'Address Book
Entries' page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Address Book' option from Right Column options
2. Click on 'New Address' button (Verify ER-1)
3. Enter details into only mandatory fields (First Name, Last
Name, Address 1, City, Post Code, Country and Region/State)
4. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Address Book' option from Right Column options
2. Click on 'Edit' button on the newly added address (Verify
3. Select 'Yes' radio option for the 'Default Address' field
4. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-1)
1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on 'Add to Cart' button on the Product displayed in
the Search results
4. Click on the 'shopping cart!' link in the displayed success
5. Click on 'Checkout' button in the 'Shopping Cart' page
6. Select 'I want to use a new address' radio button in the
'Billing Details' section of displayed 'Checkout' page
7. Fill all the address fileds and Click on 'Continue' button
8. Click on 'Continue' button and select any mandatory
checkbox fields until the order is placed
9. Click on 'My Account' dropmenu and select 'My Account'
10. Click on 'Address Book' option from Right Column options
(Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on 'Add to Cart' button on the Product displayed in
the Search results
4. Click on the 'shopping cart!' link in the displayed success
5. Click on 'Checkout' button in the 'Shopping Cart' page and
click on 'Continue' button
6. Select 'I want to use a new address' radio button in the
Delivery Details' section of displayed 'Checkout' page
7. Fill all the address fileds and Click on 'Continue' button
8. Click on 'Continue' button and select any mandatory
checkbox fields until the order is placed
9. Click on 'My Account' dropmenu and select 'My Account'
10. Click on 'Address Book' option from Right Column options
(Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Address Book' option from Right Column options
2. Check Breadcrumb, Page URL, Page Heading and Page Title
of 'Address Book Entries' page (Verify ER-1)
1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Address Book' option from Right Column options
2. Click on 'Edit' button of any address in the 'Address Book
Entries' page
3. Check Breadcrumb, Page URL, Page Heading and Page Title
of 'Edit Address' page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Address Book' option from Right Column options
2. Click on 'New Address' button in the 'Address Book Entries'
3. Check Breadcrumb, Page URL, Page Heading and Page Title
of 'Add Address' page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Check the UI of the functionality related to 'Address Book'
functionality (Verify ER-1)
1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Check the 'Address Book' functionality in all the supported
environments (Verify ER-1)
Test Data Expected Result (ER)

1. User should be taken to 'Address Book Entries' page

Not Applicable

1. User should be taken to 'Address Book Entries' page

Not Applicable

1. User should be taken to 'Address Book Entries' page

Not Applicable

1. User should get loggedin

2. User should get loggedin and directly taken to
Email Address - 'Address Book Entries' page

Password -

1. Address given while registering the account should

be displayed as default address in the 'Address Book
Entries' page
Not Applicable

1. Warning Message with text - 'Warning: You can not

delete your default address!' should be displayed and
the address should not get deleted.
Not Applicable

1. User should be taken to 'Edit Address' page

2. Warning message with text - 'Your address has been
successfully updated' should be displayed along by
taking the User back to 'Address Book Entries' page

Not Applicable

1. Warning Message with text - 'Warning: You cannot

update the Default Address status as there is only one
address in your address book' should be displayed aned
'Default Address' should not be updated.
Not Applicable
1. Success message with text - ' Your address has been
successfully updated' should be displayed

Not Applicable

1. Field level warning messages should be displayed for

all the mandatory fields (First Name, Last Name,
Address 1, City, Country and State/Region)

Not Applicable

1. User should be taken to the 'Address Book Entries'

page and the changes to the fields should be lost
without getting updated.

Not Applicable

1. User should be taken to 'My Account' page

Not Applicable

1. User should be taken to 'Add Address' page

Not Applicable

1. User should be taken to 'Address Book Entries' page

and the new address should become the default
address and the old address should not be default
address anymore.
Not Applicable
1. Address given in the 'Billing Details' Section while
creating the order should be displayed in the 'Address
Book Entries' page

Product Name: iMac

1. Address given in the 'Delivery Details' Section while

creating the order should be displayed in the 'Address
Book Entries' page

Product Name: iMac

1. Breadcrumb should be displayed and properly

working in the 'Address Booke Entries' page. Correct
Page URL, Page Heading and Page Title should be
Not Applicable displayed in the 'Address Book Entries' page
1. Breadcrumb should be displayed and properly
working in the 'Edit Address' page. Correct Page URL,
Page Heading and Page Title should be displayed in the
Not Applicable 'Edit Address' page

1. Breadcrumb should be displayed and properly

working in the 'Add Address' page. Correct Page URL,
Page Heading and Page Title should be displayed in the
Not Applicable 'Add Address' page

1. Proper UI adhering to the UI checklist should be

Not Applicable displayed for the 'Address Book' functionality
1. 'Address Book' functionality should work correctly in
Not Applicable all the supported environments
Actual Result Priority Result Comments
Test Case ID Test Scenario Test Case Title
<< Test Scenarios
Verify navigating to 'Order History'
(TS_017) page from 'My Account' page
Order History

Verify navigating to 'Order History'

(TS_017) page from 'My Account' dropmenu
Order History

Verify navigating to 'Order History'

(TS_017) page using 'Address Book' Right
Order History Column option

Verify navigating to 'Order History'

(TS_017) page from 'Site Map' page
Order History

Verify navigating to 'Order History'

page from Right Column options
before logging into the Application
Order History

Verify all the orders made till date

are displayed in the 'Order History'
(TS_017) page
Order History

Verify Continue button in the

(TS_017) 'Order History' page
Order History

Verify navigating to 'Order

Information' page from 'Order
(TS_017) History' page using 'View' icon
Order History option

Verify the Breadcrumb of 'Order

(TS_017) History' page
Order History

Verify the Page URL, Page Heading

(TS_017) and Page Title of 'Order History'
Order History page

Verify the UI of 'Order History'

(TS_017) page functionality
Order History

Verify the 'Order History' page

(TS_017) functionality in all the supported
Order History environments
Pre-requisites Test Steps

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'View your order history' link in the displayed 'My
Account' page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'My Account' dropmenu
2. Select 'Order History' option (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Order History' Right column option (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Site Map' footer option
2. Click on 'Order History' option in the displayed 'Site Map'
page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'My Account' dropmenu

2. User is not logged in 2. Select 'Register' option
3. Click on 'Order History' Right Column option in the
displayed 'Registered Account' page (Verify ER-1)
4. Enter the credentials and click on 'Login' button (Verify ER-

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Order History' Right column option
2. Check whether the orders placed till date and time are
displayed in the 'Order History' page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Order History' Right column option
2. Click on 'Continue' button in the 'Order History' page
(Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Order History' Right column option
2. Click on 'View' icon option of any order displayed in the
table of 'Order History' page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Order History' Right column option
2. Check the Breadcrumb of 'Order History' page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Order History' Right column option
2. Check the 'Page URL', 'Page Title' and 'Page Heading' of
'Order History' page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Check the UI of the functionality related to 'Order History'
page functionality (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Check the'Order History' page functionality in all the
supported environments (Verify ER-1)
Test Data Expected Result (ER)

1. User should be taken to the 'Order History' page

Not Applicable

1. User should be taken to the 'Order History' page

Not Applicable

1. User should be taken to the 'Order History' page

Not Applicable

1. User should be taken to the 'Order History' page

Not Applicable

1. User should get loggedin

2. User should be taken to 'Order History' page

Not Applicable

1. All the orders placed till date and time should be

displayed in the 'Order History' page with correct
details displayed under the table columns - 'Order Id',
Not Applicable 'Customer', 'No. of Products', 'Status', 'Total' and 'Date

1. User should be taken to 'My Account' page

Not Applicable

1. User should be taken to 'Order Information' page

Not Applicable

1. Breadcrumb should be displayed and properly

Not Applicable working in the 'Order History' page.

1. Correct Page URL, Page Heading and Page Title

Not Applicable should be displayed in the 'Order History' page

1. Proper UI adhering to the UI checklist should be

Not Applicable displayed for the 'Order History' page functionality

1. 'Order History' page functionality should work

Not Applicable correctly in all the supported environments
Actual Result Priority Result Comments
Test Case ID Test Scenario Test Case Title
<< Test Scenarios
Verify all the required details of
the Order are displayed in the
'Order Information' page

Order Information

Verify the working of 'Reorder'

icon option in the 'Order
Information' page
Order Information

Verify the working of 'Return' icon

option in the 'Order Information'
(TS_018) page
Order Information

Verify the 'Continue' button on the

'Order Information' page
Order Information

Verify the Breadcrumb in the

'Order Information' page
Order Information

Verify the Page URL, Page Heading

and Page Title of 'Order
(TS_018) Information' page
Order Information

Verify the UI of 'Order Information'

(TS_018) page functionality
Order Information

Verify the 'Order Information' page

(TS_018) functionality in all the supported
Order Information environments
Pre-requisites Test Steps

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Order History' Right column option
2. This account has few order placed 2. Click on 'View' icon option of any order displayed in the
already table of 'Order History' page (Verify ER-1)
3. Check all the details of the Order are displayed in the
'Order Information' page (Verify ER-2)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Order History' Right column option
2. This account has few order placed 2. Click on 'View' icon option of any order displayed in the
already table of 'Order History' page
3. Click on 'Reorder' icon option in the displayed 'Order
Information' page (Verify ER-1)
4. Click on 'shopping cart' link in the displayed success
message (Verify ER-2)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Order History' Right column option
2. This account has few order placed 2. Click on 'View' icon option of any order displayed in the
already table of 'Order History' page
3. Click on 'Return' icon option in the displayed 'Order
Information' page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Order History' Right column option
2. This account has few order placed 2. Click on 'View' icon option of any order displayed in the
already table of 'Order History' page
3. Click on 'Continue' button in the displayed 'Order
Information' page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Order History' Right column option
2. This account has few order placed 2. Click on 'View' icon option of any order displayed in the
already table of 'Order History' page
3. Check the Breadcrumb in the displayed 'Order Information'
page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Order History' Right column option
2. Click on 'View' icon option of any order displayed in the
table of 'Order History' page
3. Check the 'Page URL', 'Page Title' and 'Page Heading' of
'Order Information' page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Check the UI of the functionality related to 'Order
Information' page functionality (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Check the'Order Information' page functionality in all the
supported environments (Verify ER-1)
Test Data Expected Result (ER)

1. User should be taken to 'Order Information' page

2. Correct Order details should be displayed for the
Order Details section - Order ID, Payment Method, Date
Added and Shipping Method
Payment Address and Shipping Address
Not Applicable Product Name, Model, Quantity, Price, Total, Sub-Total,
Flat Shipping Rate and Total
Order History, Date Added, Status and Comment

1. Success message with text - 'Success: You have

added iMac to your shopping cart!' should be displayed
2. User should be taken to 'Shopping Cart' page and the
product of the order should be displayed as added in
Not Applicable the 'Shopping Cart' page

1. User should be taken to 'Product Returns' page

Not Applicable

1. User should be taken to 'Order History' page

Not Applicable

1. Breadcrumb should be displayed and should be

working correctly.
Not Applicable

1. Correct Page URL, Page Heading and Page Title

should be displayed in the 'Order Information' page
Not Applicable

1. Proper UI adhering to the UI checklist should be

Not Applicable displayed for the 'Order Information' page functionality

1. 'Order Information' page functionality should work

Not Applicable correctly in all the supported environments
Actual Result Priority Result Comments
Test Case ID Test Scenario Test Case Title
<< Test Scenarios
Verify navigating to 'Product
Returns' page
Product Returns

Verify submit the Product for

return by filling all the fields and
selecting all the options in the
'Product Returns' page

Product Returns

Verify clearing all the fields in the

'Product Returns' page and submit

Product Returns

Verify Placeholders for all the date

and text fields in the 'Product
Returns' page

Product Returns

Verify Back button on the 'Product

Returns' page

Product Returns
Verify E-Mail field in the 'Product
Returns' page

Product Returns

Verify Order Date field in the

'Product Returns' page

Product Returns

Verify the Breadcrumb in the

'Product Returns' page

Product Returns

Verify the Page URL, Page Heading

and Page Title of 'Product Returns'
(TS_019) page
Product Returns

Verify the UI of 'Product Returns'

(TS_019) page functionality
Product Returns

Verify the 'Product Returns' page

(TS_019) functionality in all the supported
Product Returns environments
Pre-requisites Test Steps

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Order History' Right column option
2. This account has few order placed 2. Click on 'View' icon option of any order displayed in the
already table of 'Order History' page
3. Click on 'Return' icon option in the displayed 'Order
Information' page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Order History' Right column option
2. This account has few order placed 2. Click on 'View' icon option of any order displayed in the
already table of 'Order History' page
3. Click on 'Return' icon option in the displayed 'Order
Information' page
4. Fill all the fields and select all the options in the 'Product
Returns' page (First Name, Last Name, E-Mail, Telephone,
Order ID, Order Date, Product Name, Product Code, Quantity,
Reason for Return, Product is opened and 'Faulty or other
5. Click on 'Submit' button (Verify ER-1 and ER-2)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Order History' Right column option
2. This account has few order placed 2. Click on 'View' icon option of any order displayed in the
already table of 'Order History' page
3. Click on 'Return' icon option in the displayed 'Order
Information' page
4. Clear all the fields in the 'Product Returns' page
5. Click on 'Submit' button (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Order History' Right column option
2. This account has few order placed 2. Click on 'View' icon option of any order displayed in the
already table of 'Order History' page
3. Click on 'Return' icon option in the displayed 'Order
Information' page
4. Clear all the fields in the 'Product Returns' page
5. Check the Placeholders for all the date and text fields in
the 'Product Returns' page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Order History' Right column option
2. This account has few order placed 2. Click on 'View' icon option of any order displayed in the
already table of 'Order History' page
3. Click on 'Return' icon option in the displayed 'Order
Information' page
4. Change or Provide the details into the fields of 'Product
Returns' page
5. Click on 'Back' button (Verify ER-1)
1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Order History' Right column option
2. This account has few order placed 2. Click on 'View' icon option of any order displayed in the
already table of 'Order History' page
3. Click on 'Return' icon option in the displayed 'Order
Information' page
4. Enter invalid email address into the E-Mail field in the
displayed 'Product Returns' page
5. Provide/Select all the mandatory fields and click on
'Submit' button (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Order History' Right column option
2. This account has few order placed 2. Click on 'View' icon option of any order displayed in the
already table of 'Order History' page
3. Click on 'Return' icon option in the displayed 'Order
Information' page
4. Enter any future date into the 'Order Date' field in the
displayed 'Product Returns' page
5. Provide/Select all the mandatory fields and click on
'Submit' button (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Order History' Right column option
2. This account has few order placed 2. Click on 'View' icon option of any order displayed in the
already table of 'Order History' page
3. Click on 'Return' icon option in the displayed 'Order
Information' page
4. Check the Breadcrumb in the displayed 'Order Information'
page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Order History' Right column option
2. Click on 'View' icon option of any order displayed in the
table of 'Order History' page
3. Check the 'Page URL', 'Page Title' and 'Page Heading' of
'Product Returns' page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Check the UI of the functionality related to 'Product
Returns' page functionality (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Check the 'Product Returns' page functionality in all the
supported environments (Verify ER-1)
Test Data

1. User should be taken to 'Product Returns' page

Not Applicable

1. User should be taken to 'Product Returns' page with

text - 'Thank you for submitting your return request.
Your request has been sent to the relevant department
for processing. You will be notified via e-mail as to the
status of your request.'
2. An e-mail should be received to the registered email
address regarding the status of the return request.
Not Applicable

1. Field level validation messages for all the mandatory

fields in the 'Product Returns' page should be displayed
and the request to submit the product return should
not be processed
Not Applicable

1. Proper placeholder text for all the date and text fields
should be displayed

Not Applicable

1. 'Product Returns' request should not get processed

and the User should be taken to 'My Account' page

Not Applicable
Try all below invalid email address 1. Field level validation messages for the E-Mail field
formats: should be displayed informing the user to provide valid
1) amotoori email address
2) amotoori@
3) amotoori@gmail
4) amotoori@gmail.

1. Field level validation messages for the 'Order Date'

field should be displayed informing the user to provide
the correct date. As this date cannot be in future.

Not Applicable

1. Breadcrumb should be displayed and should be

working correctly.

Not Applicable

1. Correct Page URL, Page Heading and Page Title

should be displayed in the 'Product Returns' page
Not Applicable

1. Proper UI adhering to the UI checklist should be

Not Applicable displayed for the 'Product Returns' page functionality

1. 'Product Returns' page functionality should work

Not Applicable correctly in all the supported environments
Actual Result Priority Result Comments
Test Case ID Test Scenario Test Case Title
<< Test Scenarios
Verify navigating to 'Account
(TS_020) Downloads' page from 'My
Downloads Account' page

Verify navigating to 'Account

(TS_020) Downloads' page from 'My
Downloads Account' dropmenu

Verify navigating to 'Account

Downloads' page using
(TS_020) 'Downloads' Right Column option

Verify navigating to 'Account

(TS_020) Downloads' page from 'Site Map'
Downloads page

Verify navigating to 'Account

Downloads' page from Right
Column options before logging into
(TS_020) the Application

Verify 'Account Downloads' page

where the User has not placed any
(TS_020) downloadable orders

Verify 'Continue' button on the

(TS_020) 'Account Downloads' page

Verify 'Account Downloads' page

where the User has placed few
(TS_020) Downloadable orders

Verify user is taken to 'Order

Information' page from 'Account
(TS_020) Downloads' page

Verify the Breadcrumb of 'Account

(TS_020) Downloads' page

Verify the Page URL, Page Heading

(TS_020) and Page Title of 'Account
Downloads Downloads' page
Verify the UI of 'Account
(TS_020) Downloads' page functionality

Verify the 'Account Downloads'

(TS_020) page functionality in all the
TC_DL_013 supported environments
Pre-requisites Test Steps

1. Open the Application URL and 1. Click on 'Downloads' link in the displayed 'My Account'
loginB1G10C2:D2A1:D2 page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'My Account' dropmenu
2. Select 'Downloads' option (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Downloads' Right column option (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Site Map' footer option
2. Click on 'Downloads' option in the displayed 'Site Map'
page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'My Account' dropmenu

2. User is not logged in 2. Select 'Register' option
3. Click on 'Downloads' Right Column option in the displayed
'Registered Account' page (Verify ER-1)
4. Enter the credentials and click on 'Login' button (Verify ER-

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Downloads' Right column option (Verify ER-1)
2. User has not placed any
Downloadable Orders till date using this

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Downloads' Right column option
2. Click on 'Continue' button on the 'Account Downloads'
page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Downloads' Right column option
2. User has already placed few 2. Check the table in the 'Account Downloads' page (Verify
Downloadable orders ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Downloads' Right column option
2. User has already placed few 2. Click on 'View' icon option in the 'Account Downloads'
Downloadable orders page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Downloads' Right column option
2. Check the Breadcrumb of 'Account Downloads' page
(Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Downloads' Right column option
2. Check the 'Page URL', 'Page Title' and 'Page Heading' of
'Account Downloads' page (Verify ER-1)
1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Check the UI of the functionality related to 'Account
Downloads' page functionality (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Check the'Account Downloads' page functionality in all the
supported environments (Verify ER-1)
Test Data Expected Result (ER)

1. User should be taken to the 'Account Downloads'

Not Applicable page

1. User should be taken to the 'Account Downloads'

Not Applicable page

1. User should be taken to the 'Account Downloads'

Not Applicable

1. User should be taken to the 'Account Downloads'

Not Applicable page

1. User should get loggedin

2. User should be taken to the 'Account Downloads'
Not Applicable

1. User should be taken to the 'Account Downloads'

page and the text - 'You have not made any previous
downloadable orders!' should be displayed on the page
Not Applicable

1. User should be taken to 'My Account' page

Not Applicable

1. All the details of the downloadable orders placed by

the User should be displayed under the Table columns -
Not Applicable Order ID, Customer, Status, Total and Date Added

1. User should be taken to 'Order Information' page and

all the details of the Downloable order should be
Not Applicable displayed there.

1. Breadcrumb should be displayed and properly

Not Applicable working in the 'Account Downloads' page.

1. Correct Page URL, Page Heading and Page Title

Not Applicable should be displayed in the 'Account Downloads' page
1. Proper UI adhering to the UI checklist should be
Not Applicable displayed for the 'Account Downloads' page

1. 'Account Downloads' page functionality should work

correctly in all the supported environments
Not Applicable
Actual Result Priority Result Comments
Test Case ID Test Scenario Test Case Title
<< Test Scenarios
Verify navigating to 'Your Reward
(TS_021) Points' page from 'My Account'
Reward Points page

Verify navigating to 'Your Reward

(TS_021) Points' page from Right Column
Reward Points options

Verify navigating to 'Your Reward

Points' page by selecting the
option from Right Column options
(TS_021) before login
Reward Points

Verify 'Your Reward Points' page

when there are no reward points
Reward Points

Verify 'Continue' button in the

'Your Reward Points' page
Reward Points

Verify User purchases the products

having reward points and checks
(TS_021) the 'Your Reward Points' page for
TC_RP_006 details
Reward Points

Verify the Breadcrumb of 'Your

(TS_021) Rewards Points' page
Reward Points

Verify the Page URL, Page Heading

(TS_021) and Page Title of 'Your Reward
Reward Points Points' page

Verify the UI of 'Your Reward

(TS_021) Points' page functionality
Reward Points

Verify the 'Your Reward Points'

(TS_021) page functionality in all the
TC_RP_010 supported environments
Reward Points
Pre-requisites Test Steps

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Your Reward Points' in the displayed 'My Account'
page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Reward Points' from the Right Column options
(Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'My Account' dropmenu

2. User is not logged in 2. Select 'Register' option
3. Click on 'Reward Points' Right Column option in the
displayed 'Registered Account' page (Verify ER-1)
4. Enter the credentials and click on 'Login' button (Verify ER-

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Reward Points' from the Right Column options
2. User have not purchased anything so 2. Check the 'Your Reward Points' page (Verify ER-1 and ER-2)
far, which adds the reward points (i.e.
No reward points are added)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Reward Points' from the Right Column options
2. Click on 'Continue' button in the displayed 'Your Reward
Points' page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Reward Points' from the Right Column options
2. User purchases few products having 2. Check the Reward Points details for all the Products
the reward points purchased in the displayed 'Reward Points' page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Reward Points' Right column option
2. Check the Breadcrumb of the displayed 'Your Reward
Points' page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Reward Points' Right column option
2. Check the 'Page URL', 'Page Title' and 'Page Heading' of
'Your Reward Points' page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Check the UI of the functionality related to 'Your Reward
Points' page functionality (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Check the 'Your Reward Points' page functionality in all the
supported environments (Verify ER-1)
Test Data Expected Result (ER)

1. User should be taken to 'Your Reward Points' page

Not Applicable

1. User should be taken to 'Your Reward Points' page

Not Applicable

1. User should be taken to Login page

2. User should be taken to 'Your Reward Points' page

Not Applicable

1. Text - 'Your total number of reward points is: 0.'

should be displayed
2. Table having the columns - Date Added, Description
Not Applicable and Points should be displayed without any details.
Instead a text - 'You do not have any reward points!'
should be displayed

1. User should be taken to 'My Account' page

Not Applicable

1. Table having the columns - Date Added, Description

and Points should be displayed with proper reward
points details for the products purchased by the User
Not Applicable

1. Breadcrumb should be displayed and properly

Not Applicable working in the 'Your Reward Points' page.

1. Correct Page URL, Page Heading and Page Title

Not Applicable should be displayed in the 'Your Reward Points' page

1. Proper UI adhering to the UI checklist should be

Not Applicable displayed for the 'Your Reward Points' page

1. 'Your Reward Points' page functionality should work

correctly in all the supported environments
Not Applicable
Actual Result Priority Result Comments
Test Case ID Test Scenario Test Case Title
<< Test Scenarios
Verify navigating to 'Product
(TS_022) Returns' page from 'My Account'
Returns Page page

Verify navigating to 'Product

(TS_022) Returns' page using Right column
Returns Page option

Verify navigating to 'Product

Returns' page by selecting the
option from Right Column options
(TS_022) before login
Returns Page

Verify navigating to 'Product

Returns' page when there are no
(TS_022) products returned by the User
Returns Page

Verify 'Continue' button on the

(TS_022) 'Product Returns' page
Returns Page

Verify the Table containing the

Product Return details of the
(TS_022) products returned by the User
Returns Page

Verify navigating to 'Return

Information' page from 'Product
(TS_022) Returns' page
Returns Page

Verify the Breadcrumb of 'Product

(TS_022) Returns' page
Returns Page

Verify the Page URL, Page Heading

(TS_022) and Page Title of 'Product Returns'
Returns Page page

Verify the UI of 'Product Returns'

(TS_022) page functionality
Returns Page

Verify the 'Product Returns' page

(TS_022) functionality in all the supported
Returns Page environments
Verify the details in the 'Return
Information' page

Returns Page

Verify 'Continue' button in the

'Return Information' page
Returns Page

Verify the Breadcrumb of 'Return

Information' page
Returns Page

Verify the Page URL, Page Heading

and Page Title of 'Return
(TS_022) Information' page
Returns Page

Verify the UI of 'Return

(TS_022) Information' page functionality
Returns Page

Verify the 'Return Information'

(TS_022) page functionality in all the
Returns Page supported environments
Pre-requisites Test Steps

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'View your return requests' from the 'My Account'
page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Returns' from the Right Column options (Verify

1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'My Account' dropmenu

2. User is not logged in 2. Select 'Register' option
3. Click on 'Returns' Right Column option in the displayed
'Registered Account' page (Verify ER-1)
4. Enter the credentials and click on 'Login' button (Verify ER-

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Returns' from the Right Column options
2. User has not returned any products 2. Check the 'Product Returns' page (Verify ER-1)
till date

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Returns' from the Right Column options
2. Click on 'Continue' button on the displayed 'Product
Returns' page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Returns' from the Right Column options
2.User has returned few products till 2. Check the details of the Proucts in the Table having
date columns - Return ID, Status, Date Added, Order ID and
Customer in the displayed 'Product Returns' page(Verify ER-

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Returns' from the Right Column options
2.User has returned few products till 2. Click on 'View' icon option of any returned product in the
date displayed 'Product Returns' page(Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Returns' Right column option
2. Check the Breadcrumb of the displayed 'Product Returns'
page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Returns' Right column option
2. Check the 'Page URL', 'Page Title' and 'Page Heading' of
'Product Returns' page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Check the UI of the functionality related to 'Product
Returns' page functionality (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Check the 'Product Returns' page functionality in all the
supported environments (Verify ER-1)
1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Returns' from the Right Column options
2. Click on 'View' icon option of any returned product in the
displayed 'Product Returns' page
3. Check the details in the 'Return Information' page (Verify

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Returns' from the Right Column options
2. Click on 'View' icon option of any returned product in the
displayed 'Product Returns' page
3. Click on 'Continue' button in the 'Return Information' page
(Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Returns' from the Right Column options
2. Click on 'View' icon option of any returned product in the
displayed 'Product Returns' page
3. Check the Breadcrumb of the displayed 'Return
Information' page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Returns' from the Right Column options
2. Click on 'View' icon option of any returned product in the
displayed 'Product Returns' page
3. Check the 'Page URL', 'Page Title' and 'Page Heading' of
'Return Information' page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Check the UI of the functionality related to 'Return
Information' page functionality (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Check the 'Return Informaton' page functionality in all the
supported environments (Verify ER-1)
Test Data Expected Result (ER)

1. User should be taken to 'Product Returns' page

Not Applicable

1. User should be taken to 'Product Returns' page

Not Applicable

1. User should be taken to Login page

2. User should be taken to 'Product Returns' page

Not Applicable

1. Text - 'You have not made any previous returns!'

should be displayed on the page
Not Applicable

1. User should be taken to 'My Account' page

Not Applicable

1. Details of all the products returned by the user till

date should be displayed under the Table columns
Not Applicable

1. User should be taken to 'Return Information' page

Not Applicable

1. Breadcrumb should be displayed and properly

Not Applicable working in the 'Product Returns' page.

1. Correct Page URL, Page Heading and Page Title

Not Applicable should be displayed in the 'Product Returns' page

1. Proper UI adhering to the UI checklist should be

Not Applicable displayed for the 'Product Returns' page functionality

1. 'Product Returns' page functionality should work

Not Applicable correctly in all the supported environments
1. Correct details should be displayed for the below
things in the 'Return Information' page
Return Details - Return ID, Order ID, Date Added and
Order Date
Product Information - Product Name, Model and
Not Applicable Quantity
Reason for Return - Reason, Opened and Action
Return History - Date Added, Status and Comment

1. User should be taken to 'Product Returns' page

Not Applicable

1. Breadcrumb should be displayed and properly

working in the 'Return Information' page.
Not Applicable

1. Correct Page URL, Page Heading and Page Title

should be displayed in the 'Return Information' page
Not Applicable

1. Proper UI adhering to the UI checklist should be

Not Applicable displayed for the 'Return Information' page

1. 'Return Information' page functionality should work

Not Applicable correctly in all the supported environments
Actual Result Priority Result Comments
Test Case ID Test Scenario Test Case Title
<< Test Scenarios
Verify navigating to 'Your
(TS_023) Transactions' page from 'My
Transactions Account' page

Verify navigating to 'Your

(TS_023) Transactions' page from 'My
Transactions Account' Dropmenu

Verify navigating to 'Your

(TS_023) Transactions' page using Right
Transactions Column options

Verify navigating to 'Your

Transactions' page by selecting the
option from Right Column options
(TS_023) before login

Verify 'Your Transactions' page

when the User has not placed any
(TS_023) orders or the payments for the
TC_TS_005 order made is not completed

Verify 'Continue' button in the

(TS_023) 'Your Transactions' page

Verify 'Your Transactions' page

when the User has placed few
(TS_023) orders and have completed the
TC_TS_007 payment for the orders placed

Verify the Breadcrumb of 'Your

(TS_023) Transactions' page

Verify the Page URL, Page Heading

(TS_023) and Page Title of 'Your
Transactions Transactions' page

Verify the UI of 'Your Transactions'

(TS_023) page functionality

Verify the 'Your Transactions' page

(TS_023) functionality in all the supported
Transactions environments
Pre-requisites Test Steps

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Your Transactions' link from 'My Account' page

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'My Account' dropmenu
2. Select 'Transactions' option (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Transactions' Right Column option (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'My Account' dropmenu

2. User is not logged in 2. Select 'Register' option
3. Click on 'Transactions' Right Column option in the
displayed 'Registered Account' page (Verify ER-1)
4. Enter the credentials and click on 'Login' button (Verify ER-

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Transactions' Right Column option
2. User has not placed any orders or the 2. Check the 'Your Transactions' page (Verify ER-1 and ER-2)
payments for the order made is not

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Transactions' Right Column option
2. Click on 'Continue' button in the displayed 'Your
Transactions' page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Transactions' Right Column option
2. User has placed few orders and have 2. Check the 'Your Transactions' page (Verify ER-1)
completed the payment for the orders

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Transactions' Right Column option
2. Check the Breadcrumb of the displayed 'Your Transactions'
page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Transactions' Right Column option
2. Check the 'Page URL', 'Page Title' and 'Page Heading' of
'Your Transactions' page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Check the UI of the functionality related to 'Your
Transactions' page functionality (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Check the 'Your Transactions' page functionality in all the
supported environments (Verify ER-1)
Test Data Expected Result (ER)

1. User should be taken to 'Your Transactions' page

Not Applicable

1. User should be taken to 'Your Transactions' page

Not Applicable

1. User should be taken to 'Your Transactions' page

Not Applicable

1. User should be taken to Login page

2. User should be taken to 'Your Transactions' page

Not Applicable

1. Text - 'Your current balance is: $0.00.' should be

2. Table with columns - Date Added, Description and
Not Applicable Amount should be displayed without any details under
these columns

1. User should be taken to 'My Account' page

Not Applicable

1. Table with columns - Date Added, Description and

Amount should be displayed along with the transaction
details of the orders for which the User has completed
Not Applicable the payment

1. Breadcrumb should be displayed and properly

Not Applicable working in the 'Your Transactions' page.

1. Correct Page URL, Page Heading and Page Title

Not Applicable should be displayed in the 'Your Transactions' page

1. Proper UI adhering to the UI checklist should be

Not Applicable displayed for the 'Your Transactions' page functionality

1. 'Your Transactions' page functionality should work

Not Applicable correctly in all the supported environments
Actual Result Priority Result Comments
Test Case ID Test Scenario Test Case Title
<< Test Scenarios
Verify navigating to 'Recurring
(TS_024) Payments' page from 'My Account'
Recurring Payments page

Verify navigating to 'Recurring

(TS_024) Payments' page using Right
Recurring Payments Column options

Verify 'Recurring Payments' page

when there are no recurring
(TS_024) payments done by the User
Recurring Payments

(TS_024) Verify 'Continue' button in the

TC_RCP_004 'Recurring Payments' page
Recurring Payments
Verify 'Recurring Payments' page
when there are few recurring
(TS_024) payments done by the User
Recurring Payments

Verify the Breadcrumb of

(TS_024) 'Recurring Payments' page
Recurring Payments

Verify the Page URL, Page Heading

(TS_024) and Page Title of 'Recurring
Recurring Payments Payments' page

Verify the UI of 'Recurring

(TS_024) Payments' page functionality
Recurring Payments

Verify the 'Recurring Payments'

page functionality in all the
(TS_024) supported environments
Recurring Payments
Pre-requisites Test Steps

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Recurring payments' link from the 'My Account'
page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Recurring payments' Right Column option (Verify

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Recurring payments' Right Column option
2. User has not done any Recurring 2. Check the displayed 'Recurring Payments' page (Verify ER-
Payments till date 1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Recurring payments' Right Column option
2. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-1)
1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Recurring payments' Right Column option
2. Check the displayed 'Recurring Payments' page (Verify ER-

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Recurring payments' Right Column option
2. Check the Breadcrumb of the displayed 'Recurring
Payments' page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Recurring payments' Right Column option
2. Check the 'Page URL', 'Page Title' and 'Page Heading' of
'Recurring Payments' page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Check the UI of the functionality related to 'Recurring
Payments' page functionality (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Check the 'Recurring Payments' page functionality in all the
supported environments (Verify ER-1)
Test Data Expected Result (ER)

1. User should be taken to 'Recurring Payments' page

Not Applicable

1. User should be taken to 'Recurring Payments' page

Not Applicable

1. Text - 'No recurring payments found!' should be

Not Applicable

1. User should be taken to 'My Account' page

Not Applicable
1. Details of the Recurring Payments made by the User
should be displayed correctly
Not Applicable

1. Breadcrumb should be displayed and properly

Not Applicable working in the 'Recurring Payments' page.

1. Correct Page URL, Page Heading and Page Title

Not Applicable should be displayed in the 'Recurring Payments' page

1. Proper UI adhering to the UI checklist should be

Not Applicable displayed for the 'Recurring Payments' page

1. 'Recurring Payments' page functionality should work

correctly in all the supported environments
Not Applicable
Actual Result Priority Result Comments
Test Case ID Test Scenario Test Case Title
<< Test Scenarios
Verify registering for an affiliate
account as a signedin user by
providing only the mandatory


Verify registering for an affiliate

account as a signedin user by
providing all the details


Verify registering for an affiliate

account as a signedin user by
selecting the payment method as

Verify registering for an affiliate
account as a signedin user by
selecting the payment method as


Verify registering for an affiliate

account as a signedin user by
selecting the payment method as
Paypal by providing invalid email
(TS_025) address format

Verify registering for an affiliate

account as a signedin user by
selecting the payment method as
Bank Transfer


Verify mandatory fields while

registering for an affiliate account
as a signedin user by selecting the
(TS_025) payment method as Cheque

Verify mandatory fields while

registering for an affiliate account
(TS_025) as a signedin user by selecting the
TC_AFL_008 payment method as PayPal

Verify mandatory fields while

registering for an affiliate account
(TS_025) as a signedin user by selecting the
TC_AFL_009 payment method as Bank Transfer
Verify directly regestering a New
Affiliate account by filling only the
mandatory fields


Verify directly regestering a New

Affiliate account by filling all the


Verify registering a duplicate

affiliate account


Verify registering a new affiliate

account by providing invalid email

Verify registering a new affiliate
account by providing different
passwords into the 'Password' and
'Password Confirm' fields


Verify 'login page' link in the

displayed 'Affiliate Program'

Verify 'About Us' link in the

'Affiliate Program' page


Verify Logging into the Application

as a User who has not yet
(TS_025) registered as Affiliate

Verify Logging into the Application

as a User who has registered as
(TS_025) Affiliate

Verify selecting the 'Affiliate'

(TS_025) footer link when the User is
Affiliate already loggedin

Verify the Breadcrumb of 'Your

Affiliate Information' page

Verify the Page URL, Page Heading

and Page Title of 'Affiliate
(TS_025) Information' page

Verify the UI of 'Affiliate

Information' page functionality
Verify the 'Affiliate Information'
page functionality in all the
(TS_025) supported environments

Verify editing the earlier registered

Affiliate information

Verify generating the Affiliate

Tracking link


Verify the Breadcrumb of 'Affiliate

Tracking' page

Verify the Page URL, Page Heading

and Page Title of 'Affiliate Tracking'
(TS_025) page

Verify the UI of 'Affiliate Tracking'

page functionality

Verify the 'Affiliate Tracking' page

functionality in all the supported
(TS_025) environments
Pre-requisites Test Steps

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Register for an affiliate account' link in the 'My
2. User has not yet registered for an Account' page (Verify ER-1)
affiliate account 2. Enter Payee Name into the mandatory field - 'Cheque
Payee Name' field (Verify ER-2)
3. Select 'About Us' checkbox field
4. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-3)
5. Check the 'My Account' page (Verify ER-4)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Register for an affiliate account' link in the 'My
2. User has not yet registered for an Account' page
affiliate account 2. Enter the details into all the fields - Company, Website, Tax
ID, Payment Method as Cheque and Cheque Payee Name
3. Select 'About Us' checkbox field
4. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-1)
5. Check the 'My Account' page (Verify ER-2)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Register for an affiliate account' link in the 'My
2. User has not yet registered for an Account' page
affiliate account 2. Enter the details into all the fields - Company, Website and
Tax ID
3. Select the 'Payment Method' as 'Cheque'
4. Enter the Payee Name into the 'Cheque Payee Name' text
5. Select 'About Us' checkbox field
6. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-1)
7. Check the 'My Account' page (Verify ER-2)
1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Register for an affiliate account' link in the 'My
2. User has not yet registered for an Account' page
affiliate account 2. Enter the details into all the fields - Company, Website and
Tax ID
3. Select the 'Payment Method' as 'PayPal'
4. Enter valid email address into the 'Paypal Email Account'
text field
5. Select 'About Us' checkbox field
6. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-1)
7. Check the 'My Account' page (Verify ER-2)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Register for an affiliate account' link in the 'My
2. User has not yet registered for an Account' page
affiliate account 2. Enter the details into all the fields - Company, Website and
Tax ID
3. Select the 'Payment Method' as 'PayPal'
4. Enter invalid email address format into the 'Paypal Email
Account' text field - <Refer Test Data>
5. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Register for an affiliate account' link in the 'My
2. User has not yet registered for an Account' page
affiliate account 2. Enter the details into all the fields - Company, Website and
Tax ID
3. Select the 'Payment Method' as 'Bank Transfer'
4. Enter Bank Account details into Bank Name, ABA/BSB
number (Branch Number), SWIFT Code, Account Name and
Account Number
5. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Register for an affiliate account' link in the 'My
2. User has not yet registered for an Account' page
affiliate account 2. Don't enter anything into the fields
3. Select 'Payment Method' method as 'Cheque'
4. Select 'About Us' checkbox field
5. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Register for an affiliate account' link in the 'My
2. User has not yet registered for an Account' page
affiliate account 2. Don't enter anything into the fields
3. Select 'Payment Method' method as 'PayPal'
4. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Register for an affiliate account' link in the 'My
2. User has not yet registered for an Account' page
affiliate account 2. Don't enter anything into the fields
3. Select 'Payment Method' method as 'Bank Transfer'
4. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-1)
1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'Affiliate' footer option
2. User account is not created and is not 2. Click on 'Continue' button in the 'New Affiliate' section
loggedin 3. Enter details into all the mandatory fields - First Name, Last
Name, E-Mail, Telephone, Cheque Payee Name, Password
and Confirm Password in the displayed 'Affiliate Program'
4. Select 'About Us' checbox
5. Click on 'Continue' button (Verfiy ER-1)
6. Click on 'My Account' Right Column option (Verify ER-2)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'Affiliate' footer option

2. User account is not created and is not 2. Click on 'Continue' button in the 'New Affiliate' section
loggedin 3. Enter details into all the fields - First Name, Last Name, E-
Mail, Telephone, Company, Website, Tax ID, Payment
Method, Cheque Payee Name, Password and Confirm
Password in the displayed 'Affiliate Program' page
4. Select 'About Us' checbox
5. Click on 'Continue' button (Verfiy ER-1)
6. Click on 'My Account' Right Column option (Verify ER-2)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'Affiliate' footer option

2. User account exists 2. Click on 'Continue' button in the 'New Affiliate' section
3. User is not loggedin 3. Enter the exsting user account details in the displayed
'Affiliate Program' page - <Refer Test Data>
4. Select 'About Us' checbox
5. Click on 'Continue' button (Verfiy ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'Affiliate' footer option

2. User is not loggedin 2. Click on 'Continue' button in the 'New Affiliate' section
3. Enter all the details in the displayed 'Affiliate Program'
4. Enter invalid email address format into the 'E-Mail' field -
<Refer Test Data>
5. Select 'About Us' checbox
6. Click on 'Continue' button (Verfiy ER-1)
1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'Affiliate' footer option
2. User is not loggedin 2. Click on 'Continue' button in the 'New Affiliate' section
3. Enter all the details in the displayed 'Affiliate Program'
4. Enter different passwords into the 'Password' and
'Password Confirm' fields
5. Select 'About Us' checbox
6. Click on 'Continue' button (Verfiy ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'Affiliate' footer option

2. User is not loggedin 2. Click on 'Continue' button in the 'New Affiliate' section
3. Click on 'login page' link in the displayed 'Affiliate Program'
page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'Affiliate' footer option

2. User is not loggedin 2. Click on 'Continue' button in the 'New Affiliate' section
3. Click on 'About Us' link in the displayed 'Affiliate Program'
page (Verify ER-1)
4. Click on 'x' button on the dispalyed 'About Us' dialog
(Verify ER-2)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'Affiliate' footer option

2. Non Affiliate account exits for the 2. Enter valid credentials of the Non Affiliate Account of the
User User - <Refer Test Data>
3. Click on the 'Login' button (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'Affiliate' footer option

2. Affiliate account exits for the User 2. Enter valid credentials of the Affiliate Account of the User -
<Refer Test Data>
3. Click on the 'Login' button (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Affiliate' footer option (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Register for an affiliate account' link in the 'My
2. User has not yet registered for an Account' page
affiliate account 2. Check the Breadcrumb of the displayed 'Yout Affiliate
Information' page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Register for an affiliate account' link in the 'My
2. User has not yet registered for an Account' page
affiliate account 2. Check the 'Page URL', 'Page Title' and 'Page Heading' of
'Your Affiliate Information' page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Check the UI of the functionality related to 'Your Affiliate
2. User has not yet registered for an Information' page functionality (Verify ER-1)
affiliate account
1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Check the 'Your Affiliate Information' page functionality in
2. User has not yet registered for an all the supported environments (Verify ER-1)
affiliate account

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Edit your affiliate information' link in the 'My
2. User has already registered for an Account' page
affiliate account 2. Update the fields in the displayed 'Yout Affiliate
Information' page
3. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Custom Affiliate Tracking Code' link in the 'My
2. User has already registered for an Account' page (Verify ER-1 and ER-2)
affiliate account 2. Click inside the 'Tracking Link Generator' and select any
displayed product say 'iMac' (Verify ER-3)
3. Copy the autogenerated tracking link from the 'Tracking
Link' text field and browser in a new tab (Verify ER-4)
4. Click on 'Continue' button in the 'Affiliate Tracking' page
(Verify ER-5)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Custom Affiliate Tracking Code' link in the 'My
2. User has already registered for an Account' page
affiliate account 2. Check the Breadcrumb of the displayed 'Affiliate Tracking'
page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Custom Affiliate Tracking Code' link in the 'My
2. User has already registered for an Account' page
affiliate account 2. Check the 'Page URL', 'Page Title' and 'Page Heading' of
'Affiliate Tracking' page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Check the UI of the functionality related to 'Your Affiliate
2. User has already registered for an Tracking' page functionality (Verify ER-1)
affiliate account

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Check the 'Affiliate Tracking' page functionality in all the
2. User has already registered for an supported environments (Verify ER-1)
affiliate account
Test Data Expected Result (ER)

1. User should be taken to 'Your Affiliate Information'

2. 'Cheque Payee Name' field should be marked as
mandatory using * red color symbol
3. Success message with text - 'Success: Your account
has been successfully updated.' should be displayed
and User should be taken to 'My Account' page
4. 'Register for an affiliate account' link should not be
Not Applicable displayed any more and in place of that 'Edit your
affiliate information' and 'Custom Affiliate Tracking
Code' links should be displayed

1. User should be taken to 'Your Affiliate Information'

2. 'Cheque Payee Name' field should be marked as
mandatory using * red color symbol
3. Success message with text - 'Success: Your account
has been successfully updated.' should be displayed
and User should be taken to 'My Account' page
4. 'Register for an affiliate account' link should not be
Not Applicable displayed any more and in place of that 'Edit your
affiliate information' and 'Custom Affiliate Tracking
Code' links should be displayed

1. User should be taken to 'Your Affiliate Information'

2. 'Cheque Payee Name' field should be marked as
mandatory using * red color symbol
3. Success message with text - 'Success: Your account
has been successfully updated.' should be displayed
and User should be taken to 'My Account' page
4. 'Register for an affiliate account' link should not be
Not Applicable displayed any more and in place of that 'Edit your
affiliate information' and 'Custom Affiliate Tracking
Code' links should be displayed
1. Success message with text - 'Success: Your account
has been successfully updated.' should be displayed
and User should be taken to 'My Account' page
2. 'Register for an affiliate account' link should not be
displayed any more and in place of that 'Edit your
affiliate information' and 'Custom Affiliate Tracking
Not Applicable Code' links should be displayed

Try all below invalid email address 1. Field level warning message informing the User to
formats: enter a valid email address format should be displayed
1) amotoori
2) amotoori@
3) amotoori@gmail
4) amotoori@gmail.

1. Success message with text - 'Success: Your account

has been successfully updated.' should be displayed
and User should be taken to 'My Account' page
2. 'Register for an affiliate account' link should not be
displayed any more and in place of that 'Edit your
Not Applicable affiliate information' and 'Custom Affiliate Tracking
Code' links should be displayed

1. Field level warning message informing the User to

providing the Cheque Payee Name into the mandatory
field 'Cheque Payee Name' should be displayed
Not Applicable

1. Field level warning message informing the User to

providing the email address into the mandatory field
'PayPal Email Account' should be displayed
Not Applicable

1. Field level warning message informing the User to

providing the Account Name and Account Number into
the mandatory field 'Account Name' and 'Account
Not Applicable Number' should be displayed
1. User should get logged in and taken to 'Account
Success' page
2. User should be taken to 'My Account' page, where
'Edit your affiliate information' and 'Custom Affiliate
Tracking code' links are available

Not Applicable

1. User should get logged in and taken to 'Account

Success' page
2. User should be taken to 'My Account' page, where
'Edit your affiliate information' and 'Custom Affiliate
Tracking code' links are available

Not Applicable

First Name - Arun 1. Account should not be created again, instead the
Last Name - Motoori warning messsage - 'Warning: E-Mail Address is already
E-Mail - registered!' should be displayed
Telephone - 09246812111
Password - 12345
Password Confirm - 12345

Try all below invalid email address 1. Account should not be created, instead a proper field
formats: level warning message or page level warning message
1) amotoori to provide valid email address should be displayed
2) amotoori@
3) amotoori@gmail
4) amotoori@gmail.
1. Field level warning message with text - 'Password
confirmation does not match password!' should be

Not Applicable

1. User should be taken to 'Affiliate Program' login page

Not Applicable

1. 'About Us' dialog with the proper text should be

2. 'About Us' dailog should close

Not Applicable

1. User should not be allowed to login as the Affiliate

Email Address - account doesn't exists for this User
Password - 12345

1. User should be allowed to login as the Affiliate

Email Address - account exists for this User and should be taken to 'My Account' page
Password - 12345

1. User should be taken to 'My Account' page

Not Applicable

1. Breadcrumb should be displayed and properly

working in the 'Your Affiliate Information' page.
Not Applicable

1. Correct Page URL, Page Heading and Page Title

should be displayed in the 'Your Affiliate Information'
Not Applicable page

1. Proper UI adhering to the UI checklist should be

displayed for the 'Your Affiliate Information' page
Not Applicable functionality
1. 'Your Affiliate Information' page functionality should
work correctly in all the supported environments
Not Applicable

1. Success message with text - 'Success: Your account

has been successfully updated.' should be displayed
and User should be taken to 'My Account' page
Not Applicable

1. User should be taken to 'Affiliate Tracking' page and

text - 'To make sure you get paid for referrals you send
to us we need to track the referral by placing a tracking
code in the URL's linking to us. You can use the tools
below to generate links to the Your Store web site.'
should be displayed under the Page Heading
2. Some unique Tracking code should be displayed in
the 'Your Tracking Code' field
3. Tracking Link should autogenerate a page link to the
'Product Display Page' of selected product by
Not Applicable appending the Tracking code with the link
4. User should be taken to 'Product Display Page' and
the Tracking Code should be visible in the Address Bar
5. User should be taken to 'My Account' page

1. Breadcrumb should be displayed and properly

working in the 'Affiliate Tracking' page.
Not Applicable

1. Correct Page URL, Page Heading and Page Title

should be displayed in the 'Affiliate Tracking' page
Not Applicable

1. Proper UI adhering to the UI checklist should be

displayed for the 'Affiliate Tracking' page functionality
Not Applicable

1. 'Affiliate Tracking' page functionality should work

correctly in all the supported environments
Not Applicable
Actual Result Priority Result Comments
Test Case ID Test Scenario Test Case Title
<< Test Scenarios
Verify navigating to 'Newsletter
(TS_026) Subscription' page from 'My
Newsletter Account' page

Verify navigating to 'Newsletter

(TS_026) Subscription' page using Right
Newsletter Column options

Verify navigating to 'Newsletter'

page by selecting the option from
(TS_026) Right Column options before login

Verify navigating to 'Newsletter'

page by selecting the option using
(TS_026) 'Newsletter' Footer option before
Newsletter login

Verify navigating to 'Newsletter'

page by selecting the option using
(TS_026) 'Newsletter' Footer option after
Newsletter login

Verify 'Back' button in the

(TS_026) 'Newsletter Subscription' page

Verify udpating the 'Subscribe'

option in the 'Newsletter
Subscription' page

Register a new Account by opting

for 'Newsletter' and check the
'Newsletter Subscription' page

Register a new Account by not
opting for 'Newsletter' and check
the 'Newsletter Subscription' page


Verify the Breadcrumb of

(TS_026) 'Newsletter Subscription' page

Verify the Page URL, Page Heading

(TS_026) and Page Title of 'Newsletter
Newsletter Subscription' page

Verify the UI of 'Newsletter

(TS_026) Subscription' page functionality

Verify the 'Newsletter

Subscription' page functionality in
(TS_026) all the supported environments
Pre-requisites Test Steps

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Subscribe/unsubscribe to newsletter' link in the
displayed 'My Account' page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Newsletter' Right Column option (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'Newsletter' Right Column option (Verify ER-1)
2. User is not logged in 2. Enter valid credentials and login (Verify ER-2)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'Newsletter' link from the Footer of the page
2. User is not logged in (Verify ER-1)
2. Enter valid credentials and login (Verify ER-2)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Newsletter' link from the Footer of the page
(Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Newsletter' Right Column option
2. Click on 'Back' button in the displayed 'Newsletter
Subscription' page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Newsletter' Right Column option
2. Select 'Yes' radio option if 'No' is displayed as selected by
default or Select 'No' radio option if 'Yes' is displayed as
selected by default
3. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-1)
4. Click on 'Newsletter' Right Column option (Verify ER-2)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'My Account' dropmenu and select 'Register'
2. Enter all the new User registration details in the displayed
'Register Account' page
3. Select 'Yes' radio option for 'Subscribe' field
4. Select 'Privacy Policy' checkbox field
5. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-1)
6. Click on 'Newsletter' Right Column option from the
displayed 'Account Success' page (Verify ER-2)
1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'My Account' dropmenu and select 'Register'
2. Enter all the new User registration details in the displayed
'Register Account' page
3. Select 'No' radio option for 'Subscribe' field
4. Select 'Privacy Policy' checkbox field
5. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-1)
6. Click on 'Newsletter' Right Column option from the
displayed 'Account Success' page (Verify ER-2)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Newsletter' Right Column option
2. Check the Breadcrumb of the displayed 'Newsletter
Subscription' page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Newsletter' Right Column option
2. Check the 'Page URL', 'Page Title' and 'Page Heading' of
'Newsletter Subscription' page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Check the UI of the functionality related to 'Newsletter
Subscription' page functionality (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Check the 'Newsletter Subscriptiog' page functionality in all
the supported environments (Verify ER-1)
Test Data Expected Result (ER)

1. User should be taken to 'Newsletter Subscription'

Not Applicable page

1. User should be taken to 'Newsletter Subscription'

Not Applicable page

1. User should be taken to 'Login' page

2. User should be directly taken to 'Newsletter
Not Applicable Subscription' page

1. User should be taken to 'Login' page

2. User should be directly taken to 'Newsletter
Not Applicable Subscription' page

1. User should be taken to 'Newsletter Subscription'

Not Applicable

1. User should be taken to 'My Account' page

Not Applicable

1. Success message with text - 'Success: Your newsletter

subscription has been successfully updated!' should be
displayed and the User should be taken to 'My Account'
Not Applicable 2. User should be taken to 'Newsletter Subscription'
page and the Updated option shoudl be displayed as

1. User should be taken to 'Account Success' page

2. User should be taken to 'Newsletter Subscription'
page and 'Yes' radio option should be displayed as
selected by default (i.e. The same option which is
selected while registring the account)
Not Applicable
1. User should be taken to 'Account Success' page
2. User should be taken to 'Newsletter Subscription'
page and 'No' radio option should be displayed as
selected by default (i.e. The same option which is
selected while registring the account)
Not Applicable

1. Breadcrumb should be displayed and properly

Not Applicable working in the 'Newsletter Subscription' page.

1. Correct Page URL, Page Heading and Page Title

Not Applicable should be displayed in the 'Newsletter Subscription'

1. Proper UI adhering to the UI checklist should be

Not Applicable displayed for the 'Newsletter Subscription' page

1. 'Newsletter Subscription' page functionality should

work correctly in all the supported environments
Not Applicable
Actual Result Priority Result Comments
Test Case ID Test Scenario Test Case Title
<< Test Scenarios
(TS_027) Verify navigating to 'Contact Us'
TC_CU_001 page from Header options
Contact Us
(TS_027) Verify navigating to 'Contact Us'
TC_CU_002 page from Footer options
Contact Us
Verify navigating to 'Contact Us'
page from 'Order Success' page

Contact Us

Verify whether the required details

and fields are displayed in the
'Contact Us' page
Contact Us

Verify all the text fields in the

'Contact Us' page are mandatory
Contact Us

Verify submitting the 'Contact

Form' in 'Contact Us' page by
providing all the details
Contact Us

Verify submitting the 'Contact

Form' in 'Contact Us' page by not
(TS_027) providing any details
Contact Us
Verify entering invalid email
address into the 'E-Mail Address'
field and submit the form
Contact Us

Verify submitting the 'Contact

Form' in 'Contact Us' page by
providing all the details after login
Contact Us

Verify the Breadcrumb of 'Contact

Us' page
Contact Us

Verify the Page URL, Page Heading

and Page Title of 'Contact Us' page
Contact Us

Verify the UI of 'Contact Us' page

(TS_027) functionality
Contact Us

Verify the 'Contact Us' page

(TS_027) functionality in all the supported
Contact Us environments
Pre-requisites Test Steps

1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'Phone' icon option from the header options

1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'Contact Us' link from the Footer options

1. Open the Application URL 1. Enter any existing Product name into the Search text box
field - <Refer Test Data>
2. Click on the button having search icon
3. Click on 'Add to Cart' button on the Product displayed in
the Search results
4. Click on the 'shopping cart!' link in the displayed success
5. Click on 'Checkout' button in the 'Shopping Cart' page
6. Click on 'Continue' button
7. Click on 'Continue' button
8. Click on 'Continue' button
9. Select the 'Terms & Conditions' checkbox field
10. Click on 'Continue' button
11. Click on 'Confirm Order' button
12. Click on 'store owner' link in the dispalyed 'Order Success'
page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'Phone' icon option from the header options
2. Check the displayed 'Contact Us' page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'Phone' icon option from the header options
2. Check all the mandatory fields (Your Name, E-Mail Address
and Enquiry) in the displayed 'Contact Us' page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'Phone' icon option from the header options
2. User is not logged in 2. Enter all the fields in the 'Contact Form' with valid details
3. Click on 'Submit' button (Verify ER-1)
4. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-2)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'Phone' icon option from the header options
2. User is not logged in 2. Don't enter any fields in the 'Contact Form'
3. Click on 'Submit' button (Verify ER-1)
1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'Phone' icon option from the header options
2. User is not logged in 2. Enter valid details into the 'Your Name' and 'Enquiry' text
3. Enter invalid email address into the 'E-Mail Address' field -
<Refer Test Data>
4. Click on 'Submit' button (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'Phone' icon option from the header options
2. User is logged in (Verify ER-1)
2. Enter any text into the 'Enquiry' field
3. Click on 'Submit' button (Verify ER-2)
4. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-3)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Phone' icon option from the header options
2. Check the Breadcrumb of the displayed 'Contact Us' page
(Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Phone' icon option from the header options
2. Check the 'Page URL', 'Page Title' and 'Page Heading' of
'Contact Us' page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Check the UI of the functionality related to 'Contact Us'
page functionality (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Check the 'Contact Us' page functionality in all the
supported environments (Verify ER-1)
Test Data Expected Result (ER)

1. User should be taken to 'Contact Us' page

Not Applicable
1. User should be taken to 'Contact Us' page
Not Applicable
1. User should be taken to 'Contact Us' page

Product Name: iMac

1. 'Contact Us' page should have the below details and

- Our Location - Your Store and Telephone (Store details
and Telephone details should be displayed)
Not Applicable - Contact Form - Your Name, E-Mail Address and

1. Fields - 'Your Name', 'E-Mail Address' and 'Enquiry'

should be specified as mandatory fields (i.e. * symbol in
red color should be displayed)
Not Applicable

1. Success Message with text - 'Your Enquiry has been

Submitted!' should be displayed
2. User should be taken to 'Home' page
Not Applicable

1. Field level validation messages informing the User to

fill the mandatory fields should be displayed for all the
Not Applicable fields and the form should not get submitted
Try all below invalid email address 1. Field level validation messages informing the User to
formats: enter a valid email address should be displayed and the
1) amotoori form should not get submitted
2) amotoori@
3) amotoori@gmail
4) amotoori@gmail.

1. Logged in User name and Logged in email address

should be displayed by in the 'Your Name' and 'E-Mail
Address' fields
Not Applicable 2. Success Message with text - 'Your Enquiry has been
Submitted!' should be displayed
3. User should be taken to 'Home' page

1. Breadcrumb should be displayed and properly

working in the 'Contact Us' page.
Not Applicable

1. Correct Page URL, Page Heading and Page Title

should be displayed in the 'Contact Us' page.
Not Applicable

1. Proper UI adhering to the UI checklist should be

Not Applicable displayed for the 'Contact Us' page functionality

1. 'Contact Us' page functionality should work correctly

Not Applicable in all the supported environments
Actual Result Priority Result Comments
Test Case ID Test Scenario Test Case Title
<< Test Scenarios
(TS_028) Verify navigating to 'Purchase a
TC_GC_001 Gift Certificate' page
Gift Certificate
Verify purchasing a Gift Certificate
by providing all the mandatory

Gift Certificate

Verify purchasing a Gift Certificate

by providing all the fields

Gift Certificate
Verify purchasing a Gift Certificate
by selecting the 'Gift Certificate
Theme' as Birthday

Gift Certificate

Verify purchasing a Gift Certificate

by selecting the 'Gift Certificate
Theme' as Christmas

Gift Certificate
Verify purchasing a Gift Certificate
by selecting the 'Gift Certificate
Theme' as General

Gift Certificate

Verify purchasing a Gift Certificate

by providing all the fields after

Gift Certificate
Verify the Breadcrumb of
(TS_028) 'Purchase a Gift Certificate' page
Gift Certificate

Verify the Page URL, Page Heading

and Page Title of 'Purchase a Gift
(TS_028) Certificate' page
Gift Certificate

Verify the UI of 'Purchase a Gift

(TS_028) Certificate' page functionality
Gift Certificate

Verify the 'Purchase a Gift

Certificate' page functionality in all
(TS_028) the supported environments
Gift Certificate
Pre-requisites Test Steps

1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'Gift Certificates' footer option (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'Gift Certificates' footer option

2. Enter the details into mandatory fields - 'Recipient's Name',
'Recipient's e-mail', 'Your Name', 'Your e-mail' 'Gift
Certificate Theme' and 'Amount' fields in the displayed
'Purchase a Gift Certificate' page (Verify ER-1)
3. Select 'I understand that gift certificates are non-
refundable.' checkbox option
4. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-2)
5. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-3)
6. Click on 'Checkout' button (Verify ER-4)
7. User enter the valid credentials and clicks on Login button
in the displayed Checkout page (Verify ER-5)
8. Click on 'Continue' button in the 'Billing Details' section
(Verify ER-6)
9. Select the required Payment Method in the 'Payment
Method' section
10. Select 'Terms & Conditions' checkbox and click on
'Continue' button (Verify ER-7)
11. Click on 'Confirm Order' button in the 'Confirm Order'
section (Verify ER-8)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'Gift Certificates' footer option

2. Enter the details into all the fields - 'Recipient's Name',
'Recipient's e-mail', 'Your Name', 'Your e-mail' 'Gift
Certificate Theme', 'Message' and 'Amount' fields in the
displayed 'Purchase a Gift Certificate' page (Verify ER-1)
3. Select 'I understand that gift certificates are non-
refundable.' checkbox option
4. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-2)
5. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-3)
6. Click on 'Checkout' button (Verify ER-4)
7. User enter the valid credentials and clicks on Login button
in the displayed Checkout page (Verify ER-5)
8. Click on 'Continue' button in the 'Billing Details' section
(Verify ER-6)
9. Select the required Payment Method in the 'Payment
Method' section
10. Select 'Terms & Conditions' checkbox and click on
'Continue' button (Verify ER-7)
11. Click on 'Confirm Order' button in the 'Confirm Order'
section (Verify ER-8)
1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'Gift Certificates' footer option
2. Enter the details into all the fields - 'Recipient's Name',
'Recipient's e-mail', 'Your Name', 'Your e-mail', 'Message' and
'Amount' fields in the displayed 'Purchase a Gift Certificate'
page (Verify ER-1)
3. Select 'Gift Certificate Theme' as 'Birthday'
4. Select 'I understand that gift certificates are non-
refundable.' checkbox option
5. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-2)
6. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-3)
7. Click on 'Checkout' button (Verify ER-4)
8. User enter the valid credentials and clicks on Login button
in the displayed Checkout page (Verify ER-5)
9. Click on 'Continue' button in the 'Billing Details' section
(Verify ER-6)
10. Select the required Payment Method in the 'Payment
Method' section
11. Select 'Terms & Conditions' checkbox and click on
'Continue' button (Verify ER-7)
12. Click on 'Confirm Order' button in the 'Confirm Order'
section (Verify ER-8)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'Gift Certificates' footer option

2. Enter the details into all the fields - 'Recipient's Name',
'Recipient's e-mail', 'Your Name', 'Your e-mail', 'Message' and
'Amount' fields in the displayed 'Purchase a Gift Certificate'
page (Verify ER-1)
3. Select 'Gift Certificate Theme' as 'Christmas'
4. Select 'I understand that gift certificates are non-
refundable.' checkbox option
5. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-2)
6. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-3)
7. Click on 'Checkout' button (Verify ER-4)
8. User enter the valid credentials and clicks on Login button
in the displayed Checkout page (Verify ER-5)
9. Click on 'Continue' button in the 'Billing Details' section
(Verify ER-6)
10. Select the required Payment Method in the 'Payment
Method' section
11. Select 'Terms & Conditions' checkbox and click on
'Continue' button (Verify ER-7)
12. Click on 'Confirm Order' button in the 'Confirm Order'
section (Verify ER-8)
1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'Gift Certificates' footer option
2. Enter the details into all the fields - 'Recipient's Name',
'Recipient's e-mail', 'Your Name', 'Your e-mail', 'Message' and
'Amount' fields in the displayed 'Purchase a Gift Certificate'
page (Verify ER-1)
3. Select 'Gift Certificate Theme' as 'General'
4. Select 'I understand that gift certificates are non-
refundable.' checkbox option
5. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-2)
6. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-3)
7. Click on 'Checkout' button (Verify ER-4)
8. User enter the valid credentials and clicks on Login button
in the displayed Checkout page (Verify ER-5)
9. Click on 'Continue' button in the 'Billing Details' section
(Verify ER-6)
10. Select the required Payment Method in the 'Payment
Method' section
11. Select 'Terms & Conditions' checkbox and click on
'Continue' button (Verify ER-7)
12. Click on 'Confirm Order' button in the 'Confirm Order'
section (Verify ER-8)

1. Open the Application URL and login to 1. Click on 'Gift Certificates' footer option
the Application 2. Check the 'Your Name' and 'Your e-mail' fields (Verify ER-1)
2. Enter the details into all the fields - 'Recipient's Name',
'Recipient's e-mail', 'Message' and 'Amount' fields in the
displayed 'Purchase a Gift Certificate' page (Verify ER-2)
3. Select 'Gift Certificate Theme' as 'General'
4. Select 'I understand that gift certificates are non-
refundable.' checkbox option
5. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-3)
6. Click on 'Continue' button (Verify ER-4)
7. Click on 'Checkout' button (Verify ER-5)
8. User enter the valid credentials and clicks on Login button
in the displayed Checkout page (Verify ER-6)
9. Click on 'Continue' button in the 'Billing Details' section
(Verify ER-7)
10. Select the required Payment Method in the 'Payment
Method' section
11. Select 'Terms & Conditions' checkbox and click on
'Continue' button (Verify ER-8)
12. Click on 'Confirm Order' button in the 'Confirm Order'
section (Verify ER-9)
1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'Gift Certificates' footer option
2. Check the Breadcrumb of the displayed 'Purchase a Gift
Certificate' page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'Gift Certificates' footer option

2. Check the 'Page URL', 'Page Title' and 'Page Heading' of
'Purchase a Gift Certificate' page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Check the UI of the functionality related to 'Purchase a Gift
Certificate' page functionality (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Check the 'Purchase a Gift Certificate' page functionality in
all the supported environments (Verify ER-1)
Test Data Expected Result (ER)

1. User should be taken to 'Purchase a Gift Certificate'

Not Applicable page
1. All the mandatory fields should be specified with *
symbol in red color and the Amount field should have
1$ specified by default
2. Message with text - 'Thank you for purchasing a gift
certificate! Once you have completed your order your
gift certificate recipient will be sent an e-mail with
details how to redeem their gift certificate.' should be
3. User should be taken to 'Shopping Cart' page with
the details of the created Gift Certificated added to the
4. User should be taken to Checkout page
5. User should get logged in and displayed with the
Not Applicable Billing Details section in the Checkout page
6. User should be taken to 'Payment Method' section
7. User should be taken to 'Confirm Order' section
8. User should be taken to 'Order Success' page and the
Gift Certificate purchased should be redeemable

1. All the mandatory fields should be specified with *

symbol in red color and the Amount field should have
1$ specified by default
2. Message with text - 'Thank you for purchasing a gift
certificate! Once you have completed your order your
gift certificate recipient will be sent an e-mail with
details how to redeem their gift certificate.' should be
3. User should be taken to 'Shopping Cart' page with
the details of the created Gift Certificated added to the
4. User should be taken to Checkout page
5. User should get logged in and displayed with the
Billing Details section in the Checkout page
Not Applicable 6. User should be taken to 'Payment Method' section
7. User should be taken to 'Confirm Order' section
8. User should be taken to 'Order Success' page and the
Gift Certificate purchased should be redeemable
1. All the mandatory fields should be specified with *
symbol in red color and the Amount field should have
1$ specified by default
2. Message with text - 'Thank you for purchasing a gift
certificate! Once you have completed your order your
gift certificate recipient will be sent an e-mail with
details how to redeem their gift certificate.' should be
3. User should be taken to 'Shopping Cart' page with
the details of the created Gift Certificated added to the
4. User should be taken to Checkout page
5. User should get logged in and displayed with the
Billing Details section in the Checkout page
Not Applicable 6. User should be taken to 'Payment Method' section
7. User should be taken to 'Confirm Order' section
8. User should be taken to 'Order Success' page and the
Gift Certificate purchased should be redeemable

1. All the mandatory fields should be specified with *

symbol in red color and the Amount field should have
1$ specified by default
2. Message with text - 'Thank you for purchasing a gift
certificate! Once you have completed your order your
gift certificate recipient will be sent an e-mail with
details how to redeem their gift certificate.' should be
3. User should be taken to 'Shopping Cart' page with
the details of the created Gift Certificated added to the
4. User should be taken to Checkout page
5. User should get logged in and displayed with the
Billing Details section in the Checkout page
Not Applicable 6. User should be taken to 'Payment Method' section
7. User should be taken to 'Confirm Order' section
8. User should be taken to 'Order Success' page and the
Gift Certificate purchased should be redeemable
1. All the mandatory fields should be specified with *
symbol in red color and the Amount field should have
1$ specified by default
2. Message with text - 'Thank you for purchasing a gift
certificate! Once you have completed your order your
gift certificate recipient will be sent an e-mail with
details how to redeem their gift certificate.' should be
3. User should be taken to 'Shopping Cart' page with
the details of the created Gift Certificated added to the
4. User should be taken to Checkout page
5. User should get logged in and displayed with the
Billing Details section in the Checkout page
Not Applicable 6. User should be taken to 'Payment Method' section
7. User should be taken to 'Confirm Order' section
8. User should be taken to 'Order Success' page and the
Gift Certificate purchased should be redeemable

1. Login Account User details should be auto populated

in the 'Your Name' and 'Your e-mail' field
2. All the mandatory fields should be specified with *
symbol in red color and the Amount field should have
1$ specified by default
3. Message with text - 'Thank you for purchasing a gift
certificate! Once you have completed your order your
gift certificate recipient will be sent an e-mail with
details how to redeem their gift certificate.' should be
4. User should be taken to 'Shopping Cart' page with
the details of the created Gift Certificated added to the
5. User should be taken to Checkout page
6. User should get logged in and displayed with the
Billing Details section in the Checkout page
Not Applicable 7. User should be taken to 'Payment Method' section
8. User should be taken to 'Confirm Order' section
9. User should be taken to 'Order Success' page and the
Gift Certificate purchased should be redeemable
1. Breadcrumb should be displayed and properly
Not Applicable working in the 'Purchase a Gift Certificate' page.

1. Correct Page URL, Page Heading and Page Title

should be displayed in the 'Purchase a Gift Certificate'
Not Applicable page.

1. Proper UI adhering to the UI checklist should be

Not Applicable displayed for the 'Purchase a Gift Certificate' page

1. 'Purchase a Gift Certificate' page functionality should

work correctly in all the supported environments
Not Applicable
Actual Result Priority Result Comments
Test Case ID Test Scenario Test Case Title
<< Test Scenarios
Verify navigating to 'Special Offers'
(TS_029) page using 'Specials' footer link
Special Offers

Verify navigating to 'Special Offers'

(TS_029) page from 'Site Map' page
Special Offers

Verify the Products which are sold

at offer price are displayed in the
(TS_029) 'Special Offers' page
Special Offers

Verify viewing the Products in

(TS_029) Speical Offers' page in List view
Special Offers

Verify viewing the Products in

(TS_029) Speical Offers' page in Grid view
Special Offers

(TS_029) Verify 'Product Compare' link in

TC_SPO_006 the 'Special Offers' page
Special Offers
Verify Sorting the Products in the
(TS_029) 'Special Offers' page using 'Sort By'
Special Offers field

Verify the number of Products

displayed in the 'Special Offers'
(TS_029) page using the 'Show' field
Special Offers

Verify adding the Product to Cart

from the 'Special Offers' page
Special Offers

Verify adding the Product to Wish

List from the 'Special Offers' page
Special Offers

Verify adding the Product for

Comparison from the 'Special
(TS_029) Offers' page
Special Offers

Verify User is navigating to Product

Display Page from 'Special Offers'
(TS_029) page
Special Offers
Verify the Breadcrumb of 'Special
(TS_029) Offers' page
Special Offers

Verify the Page URL, Page Heading

(TS_029) and Page Title of 'Special Offers'
Special Offers page

Verify the UI of 'Special Offers'

(TS_029) page functionality
Special Offers

Verify the 'Special Offers' page

(TS_029) functionality in all the supported
Special Offers environments
Pre-requisites Test Steps

1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'Specials' footer link (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'Site Map' footer link

2. Click on 'Special Offers' link in the displayed 'Site Map'
page (Verify ER-2)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'Specials' footer link

2. Check the Products dipslayed in the 'Special Offers' page
(Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'Specials' footer link

2. Select the 'List' view option (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'Specials' footer link

2. Select the 'Grid' view option (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'Specials' footer link

2. Click on 'Product Compare' link (Verify ER-1)
1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'Specials' footer link
2. Select any option from the 'Sort By' field (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'Specials' footer link

2. Select any option from the 'Show field (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'Specials' footer link

2. Select 'ADD TO CART' option of any product that is
displayed in the 'Special Offers' page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Specials' footer link
2. Select 'Wish List' icon option of any product that is
displayed in the 'Special Offers' page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'Specials' footer link

2. Select 'Compare this Product' icon option of any product
that is displayed in the 'Special Offers' page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'Specials' footer link

2. Click on Product Thumbnail or Product Name of any
Product that is displayed in the 'Special Offers' page (Verify
1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Specials' footer link
2. Check the Breadcrumb of the displayed 'Special Offers'
page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Specials' footer link
2. Check the 'Page URL', 'Page Title' and 'Page Heading' of
'Special Offers' page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Check the UI of the functionality related to 'Special Offers'
page functionality (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Check the 'Special Offers' page functionality in all the
supported environments (Verify ER-1)
Test Data Expected Result (ER)

1. User should be taken to 'Special Offers' page

Not Applicable

1. User should be taken to 'Special Offers' page

Not Applicable

1. Only the Products that are sold at an offer price are

displayed in the 'Special Offers' page
Not Applicable

1. All the products in 'Special Offers' page are displayed

Not Applicable in List view

1. All the products in 'Special Offers' page are displayed

Not Applicable in Grid view

1. User should be taken to 'Product Comparision' page

Not Applicable
1. All the products in the 'Special Offers' page should
Not Applicable be displayed as sorted according to the selected sorted

1. Only the number of Products that are selected in the

'Show' field should be displayed
Not Applicable

1. Success message with text - 'Success: You have

added Product Name to your shopping cart!' should be
displayed and the Product should be successfully added
Not Applicable to the Shopping Cart

1. Success message with text - 'Success: You have

added Product Name to your wish list!' should be
Not Applicable displayed and the Product should be successfully
added to the Wish List

1. Success message with text - 'Success: You have

added Product Name' to your product comparison!'
should be displayed and the Product should be
Not Applicable successfully added to the 'Product Comparison' page

1. User should be taken to the 'Product Display Page' of

the Product
Not Applicable
1. Breadcrumb should be displayed and properly
Not Applicable working in the 'Special Offers' page.

1. Correct Page URL, Page Heading and Page Title

Not Applicable should be displayed in the 'Special Offers' page.

1. Proper UI adhering to the UI checklist should be

Not Applicable displayed for the 'Special Offers' page functionality

1. 'Special Offers' page functionality should work

Not Applicable correctly in all the supported environments
Actual Result Priority Result Comments
Test Case ID Test Scenario Test Case Title
<< Test Scenarios
(TS_030) Verify correct Phone number is
TC_HMF_001 Header Menu Footer displayed for the 'Contact Us'
Options Header option

(TS_030) Verify Currency header option is

TC_HMF_002 Header Menu Footer displayed with the required list of
Options Currencies

(TS_030) Verify Remove button in the

TC_HMF_003 Header Menu Footer 'Shopping Cart' block
Verify the Menu options
TC_HMF_004 Header Menu Footer

(TS_030) Verify 'About Us' Footer link

TC_HMF_005 Header Menu Footer

(TS_030) Verify 'Delivery Information'

TC_HMF_006 Header Menu Footer Footer link

(TS_030) Verify 'Privacy Policy' Footer link

TC_HMF_007 Header Menu Footer

(TS_030) Verify 'Terms & Conditions' Footer

TC_HMF_008 Header Menu Footer link
Verify 'Brands' Footer link

TC_HMF_009 Header Menu Footer

Verify viewing the Products in

(TS_030) 'Brand' page in List view
TC_HMF_010 Header Menu Footer

Verify viewing the Products in

(TS_030) 'Brand' page in Grid view
TC_HMF_011 Header Menu Footer
Verify 'Product Compare' link in
(TS_030) the 'Brand' page
TC_HMF_012 Header Menu Footer

Verify Sorting the Products in the

(TS_030) 'Brand' page using 'Sort By' field
TC_HMF_013 Header Menu Footer

Verify the number of Products

(TS_030) displayed in the 'Brand' page using
TC_HMF_014 Header Menu Footer the 'Show' field

Verify adding the Product to Cart

from the 'Brand' page
TC_HMF_015 Header Menu Footer

Verify adding the Product to Wish

(TS_030) List from the 'Brand' page
TC_HMF_016 Header Menu Footer

Verify adding the Product for

Comparison from the 'Brand' page
TC_HMF_017 Header Menu Footer

Verify User is navigating to Product

Display Page from 'Brand' page
TC_HMF_018 Header Menu Footer

(TS_030) Verify the Breadcrumb of all the

TC_HMF_019 Header Menu Footer Footer option pages

(TS_030) Verify the Page URL, Page Heading

TC_HMF_020 Header Menu Footer and Page Title of all the Footer
Options option pages

(TS_030) Verify the UI of Footer option

TC_HMF_021 Header Menu Footer pages

(TS_030) Verify all the Footer pages

TC_HMF_022 Header Menu Footer functionality in all the supported
Options environments
Pre-requisites Test Steps

1. Open the Application URL 1. Check the 'Contact Us' icon header option (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on the 'Currency' header option (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on black color shopping cart button beside the
2. Multiple Products are added to 'Search' icon button
Shopping Cart 2. Click on 'Remove' icon button (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Hover the mouse on any Menu header (Verify ER-1)
2. Click on Category options or 'Show all Menu Header Name'
options (Verify ER-2)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'About Us' Footer link (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'Delivery Information' Footer link (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'Privacy Policy' Footer link (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'Terms & Conditions' Footer link (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'Brands' Footer link (Verify ER-1)
2. Click on any Brand Name in the displayed page (Verify ER-

1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'Brands' Footer link

2. Click on any Brand Name in the displayed page
3. Select the 'List' view option in the displayed Brand page
(Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'Brands' Footer link

2. Click on any Brand Name in the displayed page
3. Select the 'Grid' view option in the displayed Brand page
(Verify ER-1)
1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'Brands' Footer link
2. Click on any Brand Name in the displayed page
3. Click on 'Product Compare' link in the displayed Brand page
(Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'Brands' Footer link

2. Click on any Brand Name in the displayed page
3. Select any option from the 'Sort By' field in the displayed
Brand page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'Brands' Footer link

2. Click on any Brand Name in the displayed page
3. Select any option from the 'Show field in the displayed
Brand page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'Brands' Footer link

2. Click on any Brand Name in the displayed page
3. Select 'ADD TO CART' option of any product that is
displayed in the displayed Brand page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL and login 1. Click on 'Brands' Footer link
2. Click on any Brand Name in the displayed page
3. Select 'Wish List' icon option of any product that is
displayed in the displayed Brand page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'Brands' Footer link

2. Click on any Brand Name in the displayed page
3. Select 'Compare this Product' icon option of any product
that is displayed in the displayed Brand page (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'Brands' Footer link

2. Click on any Brand Name in the displayed page
3. Click on Product Thumbnail or Product Name of any
Product that is displayed in the displayed Brand page (Verify

1. Open the Application URL 1. Check the Breadcrumb of all the footer option pages
(Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Check the 'Page URL', 'Page Title' and 'Page Heading' of all
the Footer option pages (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Check the UI of the functionality related to Footer option
pages (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Check all the Footer pages functionality in all the
supported environments (Verify ER-1)
Test Data Expected Result (ER)

1. Correct Phone number in proper format should be

Not Applicable displayed for the 'Contact Us' icon header option beside
the phone icon

1. 'Euro', 'Pound Streling' and 'US Dollar' options should

Not Applicable be displayed

1. Product in the 'Shopping Cart' should be removed

Not Applicable from the Cart

1. Different category options should be displayed along

with 'Show all Menu Header Name' option
2. User should be taken to Category pages or All
Not Applicable Products belonging to the Menu based on the selection

1. User should be taken to 'About Us' page and proper

Not Applicable text/information should be displayed on this page

1. User should be taken to 'Delivery Information' page

Not Applicable and proper text/information should be displayed on this

1. User should be taken to 'Privacy Policy' page and

Not Applicable proper text/information should be displayed on this

1. User should be taken to 'Terms & Conditions' page

Not Applicable and proper text/information should be displayed on this

1. User should be taken to 'Find your Favourite Brand'

page and proper text/information should be displayed
on this page
Not Applicable 2. User should be taken to selected Brand Page and all
the products related to the Brand should be displayed

1. All the products in selected Brand page are displayed

in List view
Not Applicable

1. All the products in selected Brand page are displayed

in Grid view
Not Applicable
1. User should be taken to 'Product Comparision' page

Not Applicable

1. All the products in the 'Brand' page should be

displayed as sorted according to the selected sorted
Not Applicable option

1. Only the number of Products that are selected in the

'Show' field should be displayed
Not Applicable

1. Success message with text - 'Success: You have

added Product Name to your shopping cart!' should be
displayed and the Product should be successfully added
Not Applicable to the Shopping Cart

1. Success message with text - 'Success: You have

added Product Name to your wish list!' should be
Not Applicable displayed and the Product should be successfully
added to the Wish List

1. Success message with text - 'Success: You have

added Product Name' to your product comparison!'
should be displayed and the Product should be
Not Applicable successfully added to the 'Product Comparison' page

1. User should be taken to the 'Product Display Page' of

the Product
Not Applicable

1. Breadcrumb should be displayed and properly

Not Applicable working in all the Footer option pages

1. Correct Page URL, Page Heading and Page Title

Not Applicable should be displayed in all the Footer option pages

1. Proper UI adhering to the UI checklist should be

Not Applicable displayed for al the Footer option pages

1. All the Footer pages functionality should work

Not Applicable correctly in all the supported environments
Actual Result Priority Result Comments
Test Case ID Test Scenario Test Case Title
<< Test Scenarios
Verify the complete functionality
of the Application by selecting
(TS_031) 'Euro' currency

Verify the complete functionality

of the Application by selecting
(TS_031) 'Pound Sterling' currency

Verify the complete functionality

of the Application by selecting 'US
(TS_031) Dollar' currency
Pre-requisites Test Steps

1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'Currency' header option

2. Select 'Euro' option (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'Currency' header option

2. Select 'Pound Sterling' option (Verify ER-1)

1. Open the Application URL 1. Click on 'Currency' header option

2. Select 'US Dollar' option (Verify ER-1)
Test Data Expected Result (ER)

1. The complete functionality of the application should

work correctly according to the selected 'Euro' currency
Not Applicable

1. The complete functionality of the application should

work correctly according to the selected 'Pound
Not Applicable Sterling' currency

1. The complete functionality of the application should

work correctly according to the selected 'US Dollar'
Not Applicable currency
Actual Result Priority Result Comments

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