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Roll No. .. TMC-306 M. C. A. (THIRD SEMESTER) MID SEMESTER EXAMINATION, Oct., 2022 ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURE USING C# (.NET) Time : 1% Hours Maximum Marks : 50 Note : (i) Answer all the questions by choosing any one of the sub-questions. (ii) Each sub-question carries 10 marks. 1. (@) What is NET ? Explain NET framework compilation process with the help ofa diagram. (col) OR (b) What is namespace ? Write a program to demonstrate the ways for accessing namespaces like by fully qualified name, by using directive, by using alias directives. (Col) 2. (@) Write short notes on the following : (col) (@) DLL Hell (ii) ILDASM and ILASM OR Write a brief note on NET family or ecosystem (Standard, Core and Framework). (con) ) PTO. (2) 3. (a) Explain C# with its features. Create a simple HelloWorld program and define each element used in the program. (co2) OR (b) Give the difference between Console.Read ( ), Console.ReadLine( ), and Console.ReadKey( ) with its code. (co2) 4. (a) Explain boxing and unboxing in C# with the help of its code. (CO2) OR (b) Write a program to check odd or even using conditional (ternary) operator in C#, input should be given by the user. (co2) 5. (a) What is the difference between String and StringBuilder ? In how many ways we can create string object ? Explain with the help of code. (Co2) OR (b) How to create and access class component library (.dll) and consume that library in console application ? Give steps and example by creating two methods in class library. (Co2) “MC-306 230

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