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When an article is sold at 20% discount, the selling price is Rs. 24.
What will be the selling Price when the discount is 30%.

a) Rs. 25
b) Rs. 23
c) Rs. 21
d) Rs. 20
Two lots of onions with equal quantity, one costing Rs. 10 per kg
and the other costing Rs. 15 per kg, are mixed together and whole
lot is sold at 15 per kg. What is the profit or loss?

a) 10 % loss
b) 10% profit
c) 20% profit
d) 20% loss
The value of a single discount on some amount which is equivalent
to a series of discounts of 10%, 20% and 40% on the same amount, is
equal to
a) 43.35 %
b) 45%
c) 56.8%
d) 70%
A shopkeeper increases the cost price of an item by 20% and offers
a discount of 10% on this marked price. What is his percentage gain?

a) 15%
b) 12%
c) 10%
d) 8%
A shopkeeper sells his articles at their cost price but uses a faculty
balance which reads 1000g for 800g. What is his actual profit
a) 25%
b) 30%
c) 20%
d) 40%
A shopkeeper sells his goods at 7% profit. If he sold it for Rs. 4248
more then he would gain 13% profit. Find intial cost price.

a) ₹70800
b) ₹65000
c) ₹62500
d) ₹71800
Ramesh sells his goods at 20% profit. If he had purchased it for 10%
less and sold it for Rs. 18 less then he would gain 30%. Find the
initial cost price of the goods.

a) ₹600
b) ₹590
c) ₹610
d) ₹620
Ahmad sells a television at 25% profit, if he had purchased it for
Rs. 900 less and sold it for Rs. 900 less, then he would gain 5%
more profit. Find initial cost price.
a) ₹5400
b) ₹5210
c) ₹5350
d) ₹5500
A man purchase some number of articles at Rs. 5400 and he sells
2/3rd of these at 5% profit. At what profit percentage did he sell
the remaining to gain 13% overall?
a) 29%
b) 28%
c) 30%
d) 35%
Length of rectangle is incresed by 20% and its breadth is by 25%.
Find percentage change in its area.
a) 10%
b) 12%
c) 15%
d) 18%
The length of rectangle is increased by 80%. By how much percent
must be the width decreased to maintain same area.
a) 44.44%
b) 42.45%
c) 34.25%
d) 45.35%
A student multiplied a number by 3/5 instead of 5/3. Find % error
in calculation.
a) 64%
b) 36%
c) 74%
d) 26%
If X earns 25% more than Y. What % less does Y earn than X?

a) 20%
b) 30%
c 25%
d) 15%
If P is 6 times as large as Q. By how % does Q less than P?

a) 83.33%
b) 73.25%
c) 85.25%
d) 68.78%
The marked price of a water cooler is rupee 4650. The shopkeeper
offers an off season discount of 18% on it find it selling price in
a) 3813
b) 3823
c) 3873
d) 4013
An article is sold at a profit of 32%. If the cost price is increased by
20% and the sale price remains the same, then the profit percentage

a) 12%
b) 10%
c) 15%
d) 20%
The marked price of a watch is rs 1000. retailer buys it at rupee
810 after getting to successive discounts of 10% and another rate
with is invisible. what is the second discount rate?
a) 15%
b) 10%
c) 8%
d) 6.50%
At what percent above the cost price must an article be marked so
as to gain 33% after allowing a customer discount of 5%?
a) 35%
b) 38%
c) 40%
d) 42%
A shopkeeper marks up his goods to gain 35%. But he allows 10%
discount for cash payment. His profit on the cash transaction
therefore, in percentage, is
a) 13(1/2)
b) 25
c) 21(1/2)
d) 31(1/2)
The difference between a discount of 35% and two successive
discounts of 20% and 20% on a certain bill was rupee 22. Find the
amount of the bill
a) 1100
b) 200
c) 2200
d) None of

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