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Micro Mission 02
(Community Policing)
110 National Police Mission Compendium on Projects
Student Police Cadet Project Micro Mission 02 111

1.0 INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND Student Police Cadet takes it's model

Success of democratic policing methodologies from Kerala, where the project is being
depends on the affinity of the young to successfully implemented in 130 Government/
democratic way of life and resultant Government aided schools by Home and
responsibilities and how close Police is to the Education Departments of Kerala jointly.
younger generation. The children should grow 2.1 Project Title
up knowing that the law exists for their safety "Student Police Cadet"
and security. Children must learn that obeying 2.2 Vision
and enforcing the law is part of general civic
responsibility. They must be proud of the law Moulding a model student community,
and must not grow up either in dread or in an independent action force, the members
contempt of the law. of which will obey law naturally and
strive selflessly for the all-round progress
A developed democracy needs an of the society and uphold high values in
enlightened citizenry who will obey laws not character and conduct. "We learn to
because it is to be enforced by Police, but serve" is the motto of SPC.
because it is the natural and rational thing to do. 2.3 Organisational Objectives
A child miseducated is a child lost. Education
 Moulding a society which is law
as described in this phrase is to strive to develop
a rational personality in tune with reality devoid abiding.
of deviations, be it social or substance. Student  Fostering partnership of students with
Police Cadet is a voluntary student organization, the Police, making them true friends
developed under the leadership of Police of police and the law abiding citizens.
Department, encompassing all other stake holder  Inculcating the values of civic sense,
departments, which has it's goal on the moulding a sense of equality, a secular outlook
up of a vigilant, peaceful and development and the spirit of enquiry, and
oriented society by inculcating sense of leadership qualities.
responsibility, capability, spirit of adventure,  Enabling students to watch and
social commitment and the readiness for selfless appreciate how police works with
service in young minds. Student Police Cadet is community in various Community
proposed to be set up in selected schools. Policing Projects.
2.0 OVERVIEW  Fostering students in social

A well disciplined, socially commited young commitment, readiness of service and

generation of youth can be reared through love of fellow members of society.
submission to law, practiced as way of life.  Equipping students to be responsive
This could be achieved by creating an action against terrorism, communalism, drug
force comprising both girl and boy cadets who addiction, alcoholism etc.
stay everready for rendering their services to  Promoting among students love of
the nation. The Cadets are not used to nature and awareness regarding the
supplement Police. protection of environment.
112 National Police Mission Compendium on Projects

 Promoting among students the 3.2 Police Student Liaison Officer

readiness to serve in times of disaster A Police Officer not below the rank of
or calamities. Circle Inspector may be employed to act
 Bring up Student Police Cadet as an as Police-Student Liaison Officer who
Independent Student Action Force of will deploy sufficient policeman during
the nation like N.C.C, N.S.S etc but training programs. He should also play
with different objective. an important role to maintain good
 Shaping a young naturally law relationship between the police and the
abiding community which strives schools. He has to ensure the smooth
selflessly for the all round progress running of SPC in schools.
of the society. Activities
3.0 THE PROJECT 1. Participate effectively in sports events,
Frame work drills, parades, camps, study classes and
tour programs organized for Student
Student Police Cadets - H.S wing.
Police Cadet.
SPC is to be implemented from 8th standard
2. Conduct law literacy programs for peers in
onwards for 2 years and shall be called by
collaboration with various governmental
name-SPC-HS wing.
and non-governmental organizations.
Student Police Cadet - H.S.S Wing
3. Present short plays, mono acts, film show
Cadets from +1 level shall be named as SPC- etc and organise the public against
Higher Secondary School wing. narcotic drugs, alcoholism, terrorism etc.
Star will be awarded to cadets on completion 4. Keep an eye on instances of indiscipline
of each years training. in and outside the classrooms and bring
3.1 Community Police Officer (CPO) them to the notice of the class teachers
Principal of the school will select two and principals.
dedicated and service minded teachers as 5. Be devotees of patriotism and earnest
Community Police Officer and aspirants of the development of the nation.
Additional Community Police Officer 6. Celebrate National Festivals, salute
who will be responsible for implementing national symbols and feel proud of the
the SPC scheme at schools. One of them growth and prosperity of the country.
must be a lady. Teacher who has
7. Frame a network of young generation to
experience in NSS and Scouts & Guides
stay united with the police force to
may also be considered for the selection
experience Community Policing Projects
as CPO. The District superintendent of
and observe other police activities.
Police will give training to CPOs. On
completion of training, they will be given 8. Popularize phone numbers of such
honorary rank equal to the Sub Inspector services as crime stopper, police helpline
of police. etc among students. Prompt family
members and friends to handover
Student Police Cadet Project Micro Mission 02 113

relevant information to the police for A) School Level Advisory Committee

resisting crimes. Principal as chairman and Circle
9. Put in efforts to bring the police and the Inspector/Sub Inspector of the region,
public closer. P.T.A President, Staff Secretary,
10. Conduct visits at police station, court and representatives from Departments like
prison to understand the procedures and Education, Forest, Excise, Motor Vehicle
prepare activity report. and Local Governing Institution should
be the members.
11. Attend various programs for polishing
personality skills and leadership B) District Level Advisory Committee
qualities. Patron - District Collector
Qualification of a school to apply for SPC Chairman - Supdt. of Police/Deputy
unit. Commissioner of Police.
1. There should be an active and service Members - Deputy Directors under DPI, HSE
oriented PTA Committee. and VHSE.District level officers from Excise
2. There must be one male teacher and one Department, Motor Vehicle Department and
female teacher to work as CPOs. representatives of District Panchayath/
3. There shall be a play ground suitable for Corporation.
physical training. State Level Advisory Committee
4. The institution must be a Government or As per Government Order a State Level
Aided school with a minimum strength Advisory Committee has to be formed.
of 500 students both from High School
Structure of the State Level Committee.
and Higher Secondary School.
Qualifications for the enrollment as SPCs. Chairman : Director General of Police
1. Must have secured a minimum of 50% Convener : Secretary, General Education
marks or C+ grade in the previous annual Department
examination. Members : Director of Public Instructions, Di-
2. Must possess required physical and rector of Higher Secondary Education, Direc-
medical fitness. tor of Vocational Higher Secondary Educa-
tion, Chief Conservator of Forest, Excise
3. Must produce the conduct certificate
Commissioner, Transport Commissioner, Di-
from the Headmaster or Principal and
rector of Panchayaths, State Liaison Officer,
consent letter from parent or guardian.
Draft Government Order forming Student
Advisory Committees Police Cadet is enclosed as Annexure I.
Multi level advisory committee with the
Nodal Officers
responsibilities of making policy decision, and
to greater efficiency and effectiveness in  State Nodal Officer
implementing SPC Project  District Nodal Officer
114 National Police Mission Compendium on Projects

Training arranged preferably in shadow of trees

Special attention has to be paid to ensure that engaging experts.
the policy design and execution of the project 3. Practical Training
is devoid of any sorts of sectarian or narrow Cadets should visit institutions that
interests, as it being a venture for shaping the create, implement and execute law and also
future and in this aspect training plays a sine the places of historical, cultural, technological
qua none role. and national importance. Further it is required
Training programs are to be organized to that the cadet must submit his/her observation
realize the objectives of this project and to and findings in black and white.
equip the cadets with capability to execute  To arrange classes to fellow students on
these responsibilities. the matter of avoidance of law-insults.
Training programs may be broadly grouped  To involve in voluntary medical services.
into three.  To take part as volunteers in school
1. Physical Training (Outdoor Classes) festival and in other educational festivals
For disciplining mind and body and and do volunteer service.
performing the activities to be undertaken in  Queue formation of students to contral
a bold and efficient manner, physical training traffic infront of the schools etc.
is to be given to the cadets. Time duration of CPO with the help of Liaison Officer has to
one and a half hour shall be spared in a week implement the above in accordance with the
(from 7'O clock to 8.30) for this. 45 minutes time schedule of the school.
for PT and 45 minutes for Parade. Opportunity
Training Syllabus
for games shall be provided according to
convenience. Training Includes :
Once in a month (preferably on second Outdoor Classes : 60 Hours
Saturday/Holiday), Route march/ Cross Indoor Classes : 40 Hours
Country should be organised. Practical Training : 30 Hours
2. Study Classes (Indoor Classes) Total Duration of Training : 130 Hours
Study classes on police related topics, Preparation of Cadets Journal
legal matters, constitutional principles,  Organizing legal awareness and
community policing, National movements and awareness classes on crime reduction
development related subjects have to be  Participate in pain and palliative care
conducted with the aim of grooming the cadets activities
to become active and confident citizens. Apart To undertake responsibilities during school
from the vacation classes at least 40 hours functions and District and State level school
should be spent for study classes. Three hours festivals.
should be ear marked for study classes after
performing Route march/ Cross country in a Registers to be maintained
month. Cadet centered study classes must be  Application form submitted by Students
(including photograph)
Student Police Cadet Project Micro Mission 02 115

 Academic Register. or a centrally placed Institute. Around 500

 Work Report. selected cadets from the State should be able
to participate in the State Level Camp.
 Monthly Report prepared by CPO.
Around 100 CPOs/ACPOs should also attend
 Written reports submitted by cadets. this camp.
 Cadets Diary National Level Camp
 Accounts Book. In a CPMF Training Academy, National
Registers to be kept in the Circle Inspector Police Academy or State Police Academy
Office. willing to host the camp, a national level
 Register of Applications Annual camp may be organized in which,
 Copy of Monthly Report prepared by around 500 students from all over India may
CPO. get chance to participate.
 Data connected to code number given to Directorate of Student Police Cadets
cadets at State level. A Directorate of Student Police Cadets
 Dociers of each cadet. may be formed at National Level by MHA with
a view to coordinate National level Annual
 Student Police Cadet Work Register Camp, cultural exchange programmes etc.
Holiday Camps Uniform
Mini camps Pants and shirts in khaki (similar to police
Junior cadets and senior cadets should uniform), Black shoe, Kakhi Socks & Blue
take part in three day camp conducted during berret cap. During physical training uniform
vacations. Camps should be organised in their should be white T-shirt, Black pants and
own schools. Camp can be arranged as canvas shoe.
residential or Non-residential as per the 3.1 Purpose
facility available in school.
A well disciplined committed young
Annual District Level Summer Camp generation of youth can be created.
Junior SPCs should take part in 7 days Submission to law if practised as way of
residential camps organised at the end of life, the work load of the Police force is
academic year. Camp should be arranged alleviated and their time and resources can
some where in the institutions like District be fruitfully utilised for ensuring internal
Armed Camp, Battalion Headquarters, Police security and other core policing matters.
Training College or Police Academy. 3.2 Finance
Nature camp is also to be organized to take Plan Funds of Departments of Home,
the cadets near to nature, learn the diverse flora Education, Forest, Excise, Motor
and fauna and learn to preserve it for posterity. Vehicle, Local Self Government etc
Adventure activities also can be organised. from the State Government may be
Annual State Level Summer Camp utilised, apart from Central Government
This is arranged in the Police Academy grant in aid.
116 National Police Mission Compendium on Projects

4.0 SPONSOR : CENTRAL GOVERNMENT Community Policing Projects.

5.0 SITUATIONAL ASSESSMENT It is most desirable for the Police to enter
AND PROBLEM STATEMENT into a meaningful partnership with the
At present in most of the Community student community through an institutional
Policing Programmes, the age group of mechanism so as to get the goodwill of the
citizens involved is above 30 years. younger generation in law enforcement.
In the absence of a legal frame work or Rather a naturally law abiding young
institutional mechanism, Police finds it community can be reared through an active
difficult to penetrate into the student student voluntary organisation named
community through any of the existing Student Police Cadet (SPC).
Student Police Cadet Project Micro Mission 02 117

Break-up of budget allocation is placed at Annexure-I

There is no need for a Pilot Project as Community of older generation,
the project is already running already estranged to Police.
successfully in the State of Kerala. Constraints
6.0 CRITICAL ASSUMPTIONS AND 1. The police does not have a legal
CONSTRAINTS framework or institutional
Assumptions mechanism to establish a partnership
1. For a young child, police may be a with the student community.
cruel face. 2. The Police is neither institutionally
2. A young child may not have an equipped, nor trained to communicate
impression about a Police person as effectively with the student community.
somebody who enforces Law for the 3. In the absence of an institutional
safe living of the entire community. mechanism, it is difficult to obtain
3. It is imperative to develop a naturally support of individuals/ organisations
law-abiding society rather than to try to develop the student community,
to better relationship with a crime free and socially dedicated.
118 National Police Mission Compendium on Projects

7.0 Implementation Strategy 7.3 Related Projects

1. Setting up of Student Police Cadet units A Student Police Cadet Project is
consisting of 44 students in selected successfully functioning in Kerala.
schools in all Districts in the initial Maharashtra Police has made some
financial year. By the end of the 5th efforts to bring in college students into
financial year, depending upon the the ambit of Community Policing.
number of schools, atleast 50% of all
Government/ Government aided 7.4 Work Plan
schools in every District can be covered. 1. Issue of advisory by GOI, GO by State
2. Basic training and continuous training Government, SOP by DGP
for CPOs, Additional CPOs and 2. Secure funding
Police Officers handling the units. 3. Set-up a Project Advisory Committee
3. Once it is started in atleast 15 States, at State Level and District Level
National Level Camps to be 4. Depute State Level Nodal officer
organised. 5. Organise training
4. In Phase-II of the project, when more 6. Periodic review
schools are included, retired Police 7. Audit by external agencies
Officers may be recruited as Police
7.5 Monitoring & Controlling
Student Liaison Officers and Drill
Instructors with a consolidated 1. The entire project shall be monitored
monthly pay of Rs.10,000/- and at the State level by DGP, he has to hold
Rs.8,000/- respectively. the State level Monitoring Committee
5. In Phase-II, private schools also may
be included. 2. At District level, District Collector
should be Patron to the Project and
7.1 Deliverables
the Project has to monitored by the
1. Government order to be passed by Superintendent of Police.
each State Government.
3. The District level Nodal Officer
2. Appropriate personnel to be selected as
should supervise and give vital
Police Trainers, CPOs and Addl. CPOs.
leadership to the project.
3. Training module to be developed for
trainers and Student Police Cadets. 4. Training Camps to be organised with
the cooperation of all stake holder
7.2 Stakeholders
1. Government
5. Academic community may be invited
2. Police
to conduct impact studies and critical
3. Student Community.
4. Civil Society
Student Police Cadet Project Micro Mission 02 119

Break-up of Budget allocation

Ist Year NIL

IInd Year
20 School @Rs.2.7 lakh = 20x2,70,000/- = 0.54 Cr
01 State @ Rs.50 Lakh = 1x50 Lakhs = 0.50 Cr 880 Students
Administrative Cost including impact study = 0.03 Cr
Total = 1.34 Crores

IIIrd Year
31 School @Rs.2.7 lakh = 31x2,70,000/- = 0.84 Cr (20+11 Schools)
02 State @ Rs.50 Lakh = 2x50 Lakhs = 1.00 Cr
Administrative Cost including impact study = 0.30 Cr 1364
Total = 2.14 Crores Students

IVth Year
60 School @Rs.2.7 lakh = 60x2,70,000/- = 1.62 Cr
02 States @ Rs.50 Lakh = 2x50 Lakhs = 1.00 Cr 2640 Students
Administrative Cost including impact study = 0.33 Cr
Total = 2.95 Crores

Vth Year
120 School @Rs.2.7 lakh = 120x2,70,000/- = 3.24 Cr
03 States @ Rs.50 Lakh = 3x50 Lakhs = 1.50 Cr 5280 Students
Administrative Cost including impact study = 0.33 Cr
Total = 5.07 Crores

Total = 10164 Students

The cost of Rs. 2,70,000/- is towards uniform for cadets, refreshments, washing & polishing
allowances, Camp Day allowances, study tour and honorarium for CPO, ACPO, Drill instructor
etc. for a unit of 44 students for a year per school. The total amount Rs. 11.50 Cr. of the project
is from Revenue head.

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