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Date 2 December 2021

1. Opening Prayer.
2. Communication from the Chairperson.
3. Matters arising from the Chairman’s communication.
4. Review of minutes of the previous meetings.
5. Review of major proposals in the Rubuguri town board local physical development plan/detailed plan 2016-2021
6. Formation of the Enforcement /Development control team.
7. Closure.
Members present:
Mr Mbonye Emmanuel - Town clerk- Chairperson
Mr Wabusa Fredrick- Urban Physical Planner-Secretary
Mr Bwambale Selestine- Town engineer
Mr Niwamanya Vian -Environment Officer
Mr Byamukama William- Assistant health inspector
Mr Turuhukire Precious - Office Attendant

Minutes Secretary:
Mr Wabusa Fredrick-urban physical planner
The meeting was chaired by the Chairperson Mr Mbonye Emmanuel - Town clerk and started at 9:35am.

Minute no.& item Discussion Decision and action to be taken officer/s responsible

MIN 1/PPC/2/2021 The meeting was opened with a word of prayer

Opening Prayer by Mr Niwamanya Vian.

Min 2/ PPC /2/2021 The Chairperson welcomed members present in

Communication from the the meeting.
a) He informed the meeting about the on-
going COVID 19 pandemic and how this
affected most of the activities of the
town council.
b) He informed the meeting that the main
purpose of the meeting was to review
Rubuguri town board local physical
development plan/detailed plan 2016-
2021, focus on the major proposals that
were put forward in the past and find
ways of reinventing.

Min 3/ PPC /2/2021 On a) The Engineer said that there was I Town Clerk
Matters arising from the needed not much done in terms of enforcement 1. The Physical Planner to Physical Planner,
Chairman’s communication. due to the national wide lock downs and that disseminate a soft copy of Town Engineer
most of the staff were not working due to the Rubuguri town board local
presidential directives. physical development
On b) The physical planner laid on table the plan/detailed plan 2016-2021 to
Rubuguri town board local physical development all members of the physical
plan/detailed plan 2016-2021 focusing planning committee.
specifically on the major proposals that were
made in the plan.

MIN 4/ PPC /2/2021 All members present reviewed the minutes and 1. Minutes of previous meeting were Town Clerk
Review of minutes of the there being no major adjustments the minutes certified and signed. Physical Planner
previous meetings were certified. Town Engineer

Min. 5/ PPC /2/2021 The physical planner led the review session and 1. The Physical planner, engineer to Town Clerk
Review of major proposals in called the meeting to review page 66 of the plan, embark of drawing the area action Physical Planner
the Rubuguri town board local according to the Rubuguri town board local plan for Kashija village to Town Engineer
physical development physical development plan/detailed plan 2016- operationalize the detailed Environmental Officer
plan/detailed plan 2016-2021. 2021, chapter 6 of the report lays out the most aspects of the plan. Assistant health inspector
crucial development proposals and strategic 2. To budget for surveying, marking
interventions that the committee needs to focus naming and opening of new
on; streets.
3. To give priority for the Abattoir,
Page 79, table 13 specifies the land use Public open Space, Bus/Taxi
proposals and area requirements. Park, Town board (Town Council
Offices, All types of residential
densities, Sanitary landfill
Sewage lagoon, Police Station, 5
star Tourist Hotels, Golf course
and an Airstrip.
Min. 6/ PPC /2/2021 The Town Clerk, brought to the attention of the 1. The Enforcement/ Development Physical Planner
Formation of the Enforcement meeting the need to form an enforcement / control team to be immediately Town Engineer
/Development control team. development control team backed up by town formed to include the physical Environmental Officer
agents; planner, the engineer, the health Assistant health inspector
He stated that it is important to have this team inspector and the environment
and build the teams capacity to interpret the officer.
physical development plan such as they carry
out field work activities they can always
effectively guide the communities of how they
should develop.

Min.7 /PPC/2/2021 There being no other business to conduct, the

Closure meeting was adjourned at 02:00 pm.

Chairperson Secretary any other member

Signed Date:……………………. Signed Date:……………………. Signed Date:…………………….

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