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CH 1 : HISTORICAL BACKGROUND - Strong military system to ensure

BEFORE INDEPENDENCE and controlled situation ( they serve

of the sultan Malacca and come
Define Historical background from its vast territories)
- The policy of extend its power base
Modern Malaysia is a direct product of British to other states (to the whole
colonisation. In 1957, Malaya began peninsula and part of sumatera)
independence as are relatively liberal - Governing by two main written
democracy. laws:
a) The Malacca law
b) The Malacca law of the
Malacca – is very famous and prosperous, in sea
has no comparison in the world, it is a city
more suitable for trading products than any iii. Economic factors
in the world. - Reasonable taxation system
- Officials specially for managing the
The Golden Age of Malacca marine trade & commercial affairs
- Usage of currency system facilitate
1- Version 1 trade transaction.
Parameswara names the place Malacca
after the name of the tree he was leaning iv. Social Factors.
against when he witnessed the unusual - Malay is lingua franca for better
event. communication (malay is a
2- Version 2 medium of communication even
Melaka originated from the Arab word though there were more than 82
“Malakat” which means market, because languages spoken in Malacca, it
many people stopped over to trade there. was a language of administration,
commerce, daily interaction,
Three (3) thing that Malacca was developed missionary & learning)
to be a well-known as :- - Centre for the spread of Islam
- (existence of Madrasah , palace as
1- A centre of maritime trade a centre of Islamic teaching &
2- The spread of Islam, leaning, ulama was called Malacca
3- A great empire in the Malay Archipelago to teach islam and sent to malacca
territories to spread the dakwah)
Four (4) factors to the Prosperity of Malacca - The impact of social factors can
be seen until today in our
i. Geographical Factors government.
- Strategic location midway trade
routes between India and china TWO (2) factors to the decline of Malacca
- A famous port to all merchant from
the east & west as its location is in a Internal factor
middle of trading route. – Weak administration caused the Malays
- A centre of the spread of Islam in the become hostile to india, muslim disunity among
order parts of peninsular and the whole people.
of archipelago - Tun Perak successor, but Tun Mutahir was
a weak leader.
ii. Political factors - There a struggle of power
- Efficient administration that - Sultan Mahmud paid little attention to the
ensure order and peacefulness state administration
- Strong trade and diplomatic with Continued misunderstanding and disputes
foreign countries namely china & caused segregation among people.
India. (china protect Malacca from - Betrayal among ministries
siam subjugation & threat. / Java - Bribery and corruption were common and
also envy with Malacca prosperity) high taxes forced merchant to divert to other
port to Johore.

External factor Three (3) impact administration under the
- The discovery of Cape of good hope. british
- The west were competing to conquer trades in
the east. 1- Divide and rule concept (china, malay,
- The attention to spread Christianity by the west india)
Existence of other ports which offer lower tax 2- Imbalance development (urban area kl,
- Foreign traders turn off from Malacca. penang)
- Portuguese strong band of soldiers with
3- Monopoly economy
modern equipment and led by mastermind
alfonso d’ Albuquerque and lopez de sequira.
THREE (3) made British defeated with
THREE (3) reason for intervention in Malay
a) Majority of British soldier Indian, young
states Sabah & Sarawak
in experience.
1- Internal weakness in Malays states.
b) British was not prepared for the war.
2- The presence the economic resources.
c) British military was lack spirit war.
3- Strong competition among western
Winning factor of Japanese
a) Attack from north
THREE (3) aspect the administration system
b) Comprehensive plan (spies)
under the British
c) Use bicycle
d) Intensive training (yamashita, tsuji)
Political and Admin aspect
1- One resident will be put in every Malay
Why Japanese Surrender – Menyerah Kalah
state to advise the sultan in certain
Apabila Dibom Dan Perluasan Kuasa Oleh
matter and has power over the state
2- Every state was divided into districts.
THREE (3) effect of the Japanese invasion
Divisions, residency, parish and villages
1- Economy aspect
with its own head.
- Malaya was in complete confusion
3- Police force was established for peace
- Economic infrastructure was
destroyed and economic activities
were disrupted
Economic aspect
- Lives of people to become worse
1- Public infrastructure (road, railways)
and inflation continued to escalate
2- Develop new agro activity (rubber)
2- Political aspect
3- Get the natural resources
- Raised political awareness among
4- create new district, wilayah, mukin
the Malays
5- create police post
- The Malays was attracted to the
slogan “Asia for Asians” which
Social aspect
stirred them to build their own
1- Taxation system imposed
2- Divide and rule
- The Chinese on the other hand,
3- Imposition of licenses on boats &
established the Malayan people anti
Japanese army (MPAJA) to fight the
4- Ban of slavery (mansuhkan hamba)
Japanese and strengthen the
5- Encourage immigrants from china &
Malayan communism party.
India to assist development
- The Japanese used the police force
(china - lombong)
to fight MPAJA.
(India - estate)
3- Social aspect
(Malay – pantai, kg, tepi sungai)
- Worsened Malays – Chinese
- Japanese against Chinese and on
the side of Malay
- MPAJA vs special Malaysian

1- The briggs plan 1- Strong opposition from the Malays
2- Psychological warfare – jika menyerah 2- Non support for the non malay
kalah akan diberi pengampunan 3- Wrong timing (br shj pulih dr penjajahan
3- Military measures – telah mengambil jepun, british dth untuk menjajah semula)
tentera dari Negara komenwel untk menjadi 4- Wrong introduction
askar melayu yang pertama 5- oppisition from former british officers
4- The baling negotiation (perjanjian dan
THREE (3) of positive effect of emergency
- The emergency taught What is constitution
Malaysians a few lessons. It - Basic rules that structure a government
challenged the people in the country - A written document stating the fundamental
to work together to defeat the rules by which a political system is governed
communist terrorists. - The federal of constitutions of Malaysia is the
- The British, on the other hand, supreme law of Malaysia.
took immediate action to grant
independence to the country on the THE CONTENT AND AMENDMENTS OF THE
grounds that there was unity among CONSTITUTION
the citizens of Malaya.
- The independence granted was a 1- Malaysia is a federation
severe blow to the MCP who 2- Malaysian is a constitunional monarchy
claimed that they rebelled to free 3- Malaysia is a country that practices
Malaya from British colonialists. parliamentary democracy (Dewan
Negara & Dewan Rakyat)
NATIONALISM 4- Religious freedom with islam as the
official religion of Malaysia
Definition of Nationalism 5- Supremacy of the constitution and the
Love for country and desire to free the country rule of law
from foreign domination. Willingness to sacrifice 6- Validity and transparency of the judiciary
for the goods of the country. 7- National language, citizenship and the
special right of the Malays ant the native
4 MAIN Features of Malay Nationalism tribes of sabah and sarawak
- Early Nationalism (religious and
Nationalistic level) 5 MAIN ARTICLES that can be regarded as
- Partisan Political struggle (social Malaysian Social Contract and cannot be
and economic level) questions/debated
- Negotiation (political level)
- Esprit de Corp (development and 1- The national language
political stability) 2- Religion
3- The special position of the Bumuputeras
Opposition against Malayan union 4- Citizenship
1- Citizenship – mereka member citizen 5- Basic right
kpd india dan non malay
2- Malays rulers powers – kuasa raja-raja
melayu telah dikurangkan , dilihat satu
lambang sovereignty, org melayu dan
bukan melayu tidak setuju tentang
Malayan union.
3- Non- Malays
4- British officers
5- Macmichael threat (gunakan paksaan
agar raja-raja melayu t/tgn
perjanjian/persetujuan Malayan union.)

CH2: FORMATION OF MALAYSIA 4 Immediate issues
1- Negara
The idea of formation of Malaysia proposed by 2- NEP
British in 1931 to protect their interest 3- Rukun Negara
4- Democrat
5 Factors for formation of Malaysia
1- Independence through unifications
2- Understanding for development 4 Obstacles (halangan) of National Unity and
3- Ethnic balance & unity integration
4- Collective right against communism
5- Economic cooperation 1- Differences in descent, language and
6- United international relations religion (stereotype, favor own ethnic
community, beliaf own superiorty)
5 reaction towards the idea 2- Colonial Administration (divide & rule,
issues of special privilages and
1- Singapore – agree because get the cizenship, distinct separation of space
independence and function
2- Brunei – agree but according on the 3- Post World War animosity (Japanese
certain term, they want have a cruel provoked anger between races)
autonomy term of economy and the 4- Physical and social distince
sultan can have the powers (competition in political power and
3- Sabah & Sarawak – agree because economic opportunity).
ditadbir oleh british
4- Malaya – agree Challenges to unity : DISINTEGRATION
5- Britain - agree
1- Ignorence of other groups
13 May 1969 2- Limited socialization process
3- Communal politics
Strategies to handle the crisis 4- Socio economic differences
5- Cultural differences
1- YPDA declared national emergency 6- Physical segregation
2- Both the constitution and parliament
were suspended 6 contribution factors of national
3- Administrative power were transferred to integrations
national operations council headed by
Tun Abdul Razak 1- difference in religion, language, custom
and culture widen the physical
The recovery strategies post in 13th May segregation.
2- divide and rule policy by the british that
1- Establish new mechanism for separated the three major ethnic group
intercommunal dialog and reconciliation in malaya based on the space and
includes the function
- Departments of National Unity was 3- unfair treatment of japanese towards
created. malays and chinese in stilled jealousy,
- National Consultative Council (NCC) prejudice, and animosity
2- Restoring the parliamentary by 4- dispute over certain interests such as
resuming the election in Sabah & malay special right and citizenship in the
Sarawak implementation of malayan union.
3- Promugulation of National 5- the failure of british to control the
ideology/rukunegara migration of china and india into
4- White paper was issued to end malaysia
emergency rule and reconstitute the 6- the establish of education system based
parliament. on curriculum of their home countries

contributed the greater communal control the behaviors of society
identities. members.
3 STRATEGIES EFFORTS TOWARDS practices noble behavior such as
INTEGRATION respect one another, be fair, trustworthy,
cooperative, tolerant to ensure peace
1- Political Efforts
- National Ideology (Rukun negara) STRATEGIES TO PROMOTE OF RUKUN
- Federal Constitution NEGARA
- Alliance party
1- Rukun Negara song
2- Economic Effort 2- School to recite rukun negra pledge
- New economic policy weekly during assembly
- Vision 2020 3- Pledge reading after negarku
4- Reading of rukun Negara compulsory at
3- Social and cultural Efforts official functions
- National Education Policy 5- Rukun Negara behind cover exercise
- National culture policy book/mineral water
- National social policy
- 1 malaysia EFFORT (langkah) TOWARD INTEGRATIONS
- Malaysia boleh
- Gtp - Formal education
- Kongsi raya - Co-curriculum activities
- Rumah terbuka - Continues education
- Sambutan kemerdekaan - Social group
- Dasar kebudayaan Negara - Social activities
- Media massa - Media campaign

Objective National day CH 3 :NATIONAL AND STATE ELECTION

1- Achieving greater unity among the
people Election is the essence of democracy
2- Maintaining a democratic way of life
3- Creating a just society in which a nation Three (3) types of election in Malaysia
wealth can be enjoyed together in a fair 1- National / General election – 5 years
and equitable manner only
4- Ensuring a liberal attitude towards the 2- State election – memilih dewan
rich and diverse cultural traditions undangan negeri
5- Building a progressive society which 3- By election – p/raya kecil jika kosong
shall be oriented toward modern science krn letak jwtn atau meninggal dunia
and technology.


1- BELIEF IN GOD – emphasize the
importance of religion because all The main functions of election commission
religion provides positive teaching & 1- Review and delimit – parliament and
practices state constituencies at interval of not
2- LOYALTY TO KING AND COUNTRY – less than eight years
Develop the feeling of love and concern 2- Carry out registrations of elector and
for the country and king inculcate sense revision of electoral roll
responsibility & patriotism 3- Conduct general election
Respect the constitution as the social
contract to all citizens.
4- SOVEREIGNTY OF LAW – laws as a
mechanism to guartee social order to

4 Function for Malaysian election STRENGHT & UNIQUENESS (BN)
1- BN was not create based on ideology
1) make studies and redrawing parts 2- The concept of moderation and
Parliamentary Elections and the State pragmatic
of not less than 8 years after the date of 3- Unity in diversity
completion of the course of study and 4- The spirit of cooperation can be looked
the previous boundary; upon as one aim, one heart
5- Sharing power concept
2) Conduct voter registration and 6- Justice for all slogan
revision of electoral rolls, and
3) Conduct elections to the House of
Commons and the Legislative 1- Challenges From The Opposition
Assembly, and conducting elections in 2- In Dealing With Racial Issue And
the event of vacancy. Religion
3- Globalisation Era And Information
DEMAND OF BERSIH 4- Threat In The Form Of Political,
Economical And Social
1- Cleanup the electoral roll to address
5- Problem Within BN Itself
6- Deal With The Younger Generation In
2- Reform postal voting
3- Use indelible ink
7- Media massa, media electronic –(fb,
4- Establish a minimum campaign period
twitter, song)
21 day
5- Ensure free and fair access for all
political parties to the media
1- Malaysia boleh
6- Put a stop to dirty politics
2- Barisan national boleh
3- Rakyat Malaysia amat boleh

A strong supporter of a group, person or cause CH 4: MALAYSIAN GOVERNMENT

Biased and willing to listen to other opinions
when supporting a particular person, group. 3 Component body in Government Structure
The political partisan is the opposite of non
1- Legislative body – YDPA, Dewan
partisan, open minded, tolerant, and unbiased
Negara, Dewan Rakyat
They want to capture the power of the 2- Executive body – YDPA, Jemaah
government menteri/cabinet,
As an organised groups of citizens who hold 3- Judicial body – Mahkamah atasan
common views on public question and acting as
a political unit to obtain control of the
government. , juvana,penghulu)

Administrative machinery at the federal level

2- Timbalan YDPA
3- Majlis Raja-raja
4- Cabinet
5- Commission
6- National Auditor

Administrative machinery at the state level
1- King- YDPN Although education is the responsible of the
2- Majlis mesyuarat kerajaan negeri/exco federal government each state has an education
3- System pentadbiran berjawatankuasa
4- Dewan undangan negeri cabinet in a) Ministry of Education for matters up
sabah and Sarawak to the secondary level.
b) Ministry of Higher Education for
Administrative machinery at the state level tertiary education
1- Foundation of legislation
2- Akta kerajaan tempatan Issues in Malaysian Education
3- Majlis penguasa tempatan
4- Local authority function a. Poor command of English
b. Genders issues and education
CH 5: CONSTITUTIONAL ISSUES c. The tuition phenomenon
CONCERNING POLITICS d. Mathematics and science studies
e. Universities and university Act
1- A federal constitutions is the most
important in the country. Symbolized the
supremacy of the law
a) Social issues are matters which directly
or indirectly affect many or all members
of a society and are considered to be
problems, controversies related to moral
values or both
b) Social issues include poverty, violence,
pollution, injustice, suppression of
1- The new legislation gives the YDPA
human right, discrimination, and crime
Power which he did not have prior to
as well as abortion, gay marriage, gun
1983 ammendments
control, and religion, to name of few.
2- The constitutional crisis cause confusion
and division between large segment of
populations The impact of modernization toward
3- The government was critic on its control society
over the media from reporting the crisis
4- Before the crisis end up, some members i. Modernization refers to a standardized
of the Chinese community privately evolutionary transition from a pre
voiced concern that the position of modern or traditional to a modern
particular group society
ii. The transition in entirely different ways
The amendment contains two elements
1- The attorney general could indict a ruler
for an alleged crime i. As a developing country, Malaysia has
2- There shall be a court which shall be achieved successes in many field
known as the special court and shall ii. It now aims to become a fully developed
consist of the lord president. nation in its own mould by 2020
iii. In order to become a successful nation
and to further strengthen its
CH 6: THE IMPLICATION OF SOCIAL achievement towards excellence, glory
iv. Malaysia must effectively manage its
successes (NEP, NDP, VISION 2020,
v. Economic and technology progress

vi. Progress in social, cultural, intellectual - Serves the country best interest and
and spiritual fields remain a responsible member of the
international community
Factor attracting migrant workers to
work in Malaysia b) Second, it must be ENLIGHTENED
i. The Pull factor - Take care of the interest of its
- Better economic performance and citizens above all else
prospects - Brings international recognition and
- Offer higher a wages and admiration for Malaysia and allows
opportunities compared to home Malaysia to be good citizens of the
countries world
- Shortage of local workers especially
in agricultural sector and the 3D c) Third, it must be a CONSISTENT AND
jobs (dangerous, dirty, difficult)the COHORET policy
economy and political stability - Makes Malaysia an acceptable and
- Geographical distance reliable partner in interstate affairs
- Succeeds in making Malaysia the
ii. The Push factor preferred brand name in
- Country origins international relations.
- Socio economic status very poor
- Unstable political climate INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS
- Natural disaster
Malaysia Involvement in International Institutions
and Organizations
1- United Nations
2- Organizations Of Islamic Countries
Objectives of Malaysian foreign policy
3- Non-Alliance Movement (NAM)
1- Maintaining peaceful relations with all
4- Relations With Western Countries And
countries regardless of its ideology and
Third World Countries
political system.
2- Adopting an independent, non-
aligned, and principled stance in
regional and international diplomatic
Malaysia Relationship With Other Countries
(Individual State).
3- Forging close relation and economic
partnership with all nation, particular
1- Positive
with ASEAN and other regional friends
- Malaysia and Japan
4- Promoting peace and stability in the
- Malaysia and Korea
region through capacity building and
- Malaysia and China
conflict resolution measures
- Malaysia and USA
5- Projecting Malaysia as a leading
- Malaysia and UK
example of a tolerant and progressive
Islamic nation
2- Crisis
- Malaysia vs Phillines + claim over
sabah, pulau sipadan
- Malaysia vs singaore + water
concession, tambak johor, air
space, pulau batu putih
a) First, it must be a CREDIBLE policy
- Malaysia vs Indonesia +
- Exudes trust and confidence from
confrontation, haze, illegal
other nation.
immigrants, Indonesian maid,
territorial issues.


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