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Homework No. 2 Score:

Name: Yousif Mohamed Date: 28th September 2023

Subject: G10 ELA Teacher: Ms. Carmen

Instructions: We are on a mission to find the treasure. There are three levels to reach it. Always
remember our school’s core values: ALIA.

A: Climb the Mountain (6 items x 1 point each) = 6 points

A: Multiple Choice. Answer the following sentences with the correct information
from the selection. Write the letter only on the space provided.

1. What is Elif Shafak perspective about roots ? _______

a) not permanent and can be changed
b) can be added to over time
c) all of the above

2. Which place does the elderly man considers his birthplace _______
a)_Pakistan b) Istanbul c ) Turkey

3. According to Shelfak, what place is a mixture of both Europe and Asia?

a)_Pakistan b) Istanbul c ) Turkey

4. It refers to the shared customs, ideas, and behavior of a particular group of

a)_values b) norms c ) culture

5. Which word is related to urban? _______

a)_cosmopolitan b) pigeonholed c ) burrows

6. Which word is related to wit? _______

a)_satire b) delineation c ) serpentine

7. It is a comparison between two different things that share a quality – typically
in function or purpose. _______
a)_analogy b) apology c ) astrology

8. Identify the cultural perspective in this passage. _______

“Nonetheless a voice inside me spoke up – calmly, to my surprise.” I have a
home in Istanbul and one in London.”
a) The author directly states her concept of home
b) The author explicitly states her concept of school
c) The author directly states her concept of society

9. Identify the cultural perspective in this passage. _______

“As a writer, whichever way I travel, East or west, I treasure meeting with
readers of all background.”
a) The author embraces many cultures and people of different
b) The author considers home to mean a single culture

10. These are punctuation marks that generally, indicate a pause in a sentence.
a)_comma b) full-stop c ) colon

11. These are adjacent adjectives which describes a noun or pronoun. _______
a) Coordinate adjectives b) Coordinate adverbs

12. The other use of comma is to set apart an introductory _______

a.clause b) phrase c ) all of the above

L: Swim the Ocean (4 items x 0.5 points each) = 2 points

A: Write A Response to Literature. Consider what home means to you, to people

in your community, and in popular ideas. Write your ideas below:
What Home Means to Me
Home brings comfort, security, love, and a sense of belonging, allowing myself to be
themselves without judgment. It represents cultural roots, memories, and rejuvenation,
bringing peace after time away.

What Home Means to My Community

Home in my community symbolizes tradition, stability, and togetherness, with
generations of families living in passed-down homes. Neighbors share a sense of
belonging, celebrate local culture through shared meals, and feel part of a larger

What Home Means to Popular Culture
Popular culture often portrays home as a cozy, nurturing, and accepting place, often
depicting happy families. However, it also addresses complexities like dysfunction,
loneliness, and economic instability. These ideals reflect our longing for belonging and

B: Look in the dictionary for some definitions of “Home”. Write one definition
and indicate whether you agree or disagree with this definition.

a house, apartment, or other shelter that is the usual residence of a person, family, or household.

I agree with this definition, as it is the most literal and common understanding of what "home"
means. Home is a physical place where we live and reside. It is a place where we can feel safe and
comfortable, and where we can be ourselves.

IA: Grab the Treasure (2 item x 1 point each) = 2 points

Write three sentences summarizing your thoughts about “Home Sweet Homes”.
In each sentence, use commas in one of the ways shown in the chart. (Literary
Companion: Language Skill: Comma Usage)

Homes, whether large or small, modern or traditional, represent comfort through

familiarity. With furnishings, family photos, cherished belongings, and lived-in
spaces, a house becomes a home. Though often idealized in media, home means,
for many people, a place to relax with loved ones while making new memories

Rubrics: Content: 1 Grammar: 0.5 Mechanics of writing: 0.5

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