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Lesson: Half A Day

Worksheet No. 3 Score:

Name: Date:
Subject: ELA – G10 Teacher: Ms. Carmen Estacio
A: Climb the Mountain (12 items x 0.5 point each) = 6 marks

Multiple Choice. Answer the following sentences with the correct information from the selection.
Write the letter only on the space provided.
______1. Which word is related to conjurers?
a. technicians b. politicians c. magicians
______2. Which word is related to grandly?
a. majestically b. gallantly c. benevolently

______3. Which word is related to courteously?

a. majestically b. gallantly c. benevolently
______4. A question for which the narrator does not expect answers.
a. rhetorical questions b. plot twist c. allegory
______5. An unexpected turn of events.
a. allegory b. rhetorical questions c. plot twist
______6. A story with characters and events that are symbols representing truths about human life.
a. plot twist b. allegory c. rhetorical questions
______7. It refers to the speed at which a story unfolds. It engages readers in a story by making them
read more quickly or slowly.
a. pacing b. foreshadowing c. suspense
______8. The use of clues that hint at what will happen later in a story. The se clues might appear in
a story’s dialogue, symbols, or setting.
a. pacing b. foreshadowing c. suspense
______9. A feeling of anticipation about what will happen next.
a. pacing b. foreshadowing c. suspense
______10. What does the “closing of the gate” symbolize?
a. end of the boy’s early childhood
b. end of the boy’s first day in school
c. end of the boy’s story “Half a Day”
______11. What does it mean when the narrator says that the path would be “totally sweet and
unclouded” but “dust-laden winds and unexpected accidents” came.
a. Life is equally mixed with good and bad experiences
b. Life on a larger scale gives beautiful experiences only.
c. Life is full of painful accidents and memories
______12. At what point in “Half a Day” do events suggest that the narrator is not a little boy
a. when he meets the woman at the school
b. when he meets the other students at the school
c. when he meets the middle-aged man in the street
d. when he sees the circus performers

L: Swim the Ocean (2 items x 1 point each) = 2 marks

A. Compare and contrast this photo with the narrator’s description of the street when he was young.
How has the street changed? How does the narrator feel about these changes? Use 3-4 sentences

Rubrics: Content: 0.5 _________ Grammar and Mechanics: 0.5 _________

B. Explain the meaning/s of the title “Half a Day”. Do you think it is an appropriate title for the
story? Why or Why not? Use 3-4 sentences.
Rubrics: Content: 0.5 _________ Grammar and Mechanics: 0.5 _________

IA: Grab the Treasure 2 marks

In the story “Half A Day”, the narrator begins the day a young boy, but hours later he appears to be
an old man. Think back when you were a child. Are some childhood experiences fresh in your mind,
as if they happened just yesterday? Discuss some of your memories and describe your feelings about
the passage of time. Use 5-8 sentences in your answer.

Rubrics: Content: 1 _________ Grammar and Mechanics: 1 _________

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