HW Lesson 5

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Exercise 1
The number of visitors from 1980 to 1990 declined dramatically.
There was a marked fall in the number of visitors from 1980 to 1990.

From 2002 to 2010, the number of people owning computers increased gradually.
The percentage of people who owned computers experienced a steady rise between
2002 and 2010.

Exercise 2:
a. Over the last few months, the number of books sold increased sharply.
There was considerable climb in the number of books sold over the last few

b. From 1990 to 1995, the amount of money which the nation spent plummeted.
The amount of money that the government spent declined dramatically.

c. In the first two months of 2008, the amount of imported sugar dropped slightly.
There was a marginal dip in the amount of imported sugar in the first two
months of 2008.

d. There was an exponential increase in the number of victims last week.

Last week, the number of victims climbed markedly.
e. The sales of furniture in winter went down gradually.
In winter,the sales of furniture dipped slowly.

f. There was a rapid rise in investment levels in 2016.

Investment levels witnessed a considerable increase in 2016.

g. The proportion of people who made a call to ask about this service decreased
dramatically between 2009 to 2010.
There was a marked fall in the proportion of people who made a call to ask about
this service between 2009 to 2010.

Exercise 3

a.In the first month of 2015, the sales of Ipod dropped slightly.
The Ipod sales experienced a marginal fall in the first month of 2015

b. The price of Plasma TV grew sharply.

The price of Plasma TV witnessed a dramatic climb.

c. The quality of food in supermarkets increased slightly.

The quality of food in supermarkets grew at steady intervals.

d. The quantity of new products went up considerably.

The quantity of new products experienced a marked rise.
e. Chocolate sales rocketed on Valentine’s Day.
There was an exponential climb in chocolate sales on Valentine’s day.

f. Electricity production increased steadily from June to September.

There was a marginal rise in the amount of electricity produced from June to

g. The percentage of car owners decreased rapidly in the first two months of 2018.
The proportion of car owners saw a sudden dip in the first two months of 2018.

Exercise 4
a.The number of books sold -> considerable rise
The number of books sold saw a considerable rise,which was followed by a plunge
between 1990 and 2005

b. There was a jump -> the number of victims.

After dropping substantially, the number of victims saw a jump

c.Before -> After

The quantity of visitors shot up before falling significantly. After that, it fluctuated

Exercise 5
a. After dropping considerably, the number of visitors remained stable at 200.
The number of visitors fell dramatically before declining marginally at 200.
b. The number of visitors witnessed an exponential dip,which was followed by
rapid growth.
After dropping significantly,the number of visitors increased dramatically.

c. The number of visitors rose sharply before declining quickly,then reached a peak
in 2000 .
After increasing wildly, the number of visitors decreased suddenly and started to
grew in 2000.

Exercise 6
a. The number of visitors fluctuated mildly around 200 over the period of 20 years.
There was a period of mild fluctuation in the number of visitors.

b. After fluctuating mildly around at 195 from 1990 to 2000, the number of visitors
started to increase slightly in 2010.
The number of visitors saw a period of stability between 1990 and 2000,which
was followed by a gradual rise in 2010.

c. The number of visitors went through a period of wild fluctuation.

The number of visitors fluctuated sharply with the downward trend over the period
of 5 years, starting from 1990.

d. The number of visitors went down exponentially before remaining

unchanged from 2000 to 2005 then started to grow considerably in 2010.
The number of visitors witnessed a substantial drop from 1990 to
2000,which was followed by a period of stability between 2000 to 2005.Then it
started to rise markedly in 2005 and reached a peak in 2010.
Exercise 3
There was about 150 grams of chicken consumed per person per week in
1979.During the next 20 years, starting from 1979, chicken consumption witnessed
a period of wild fluctuation with an upward trend and finished at 250 in 2004.

In terms of beef, the figure started at about 220 grams in 1979.Then the figure
fluctuated sharply from 1979 to 1989 before falling exponentially to under 150
grams in 2004.

Around 150 grams of lamb were consumed per person per week in 1997.After that
from 1979to 2004. The figure experienced a sharp fluctuation with a downward
trend and ended at 70 grams in 2004.

The consumption of fish started at around 60 grams per person per week in
1979.Then, between 1979 to 2004 the figure fluctuated mildly around 50 grams.

The number of men smoking in Someland was about 600 per 1000 people in
1960.Then, the figure declined steadily from just under 600 to 300 people in 1995
before ending at nearly 200 people in 2000.

In the terms of women who smoked in Someland, around 100 women per 1000
people smoked 1960. After that, from 1960 to 1980, the figure witnessed a
moderate increase and reached a peak of 300 women in 1980 before dropping
gradually to 200 women in 2000.

The line graph illustrates the amount of fish and three different kinds of meat
consumed over a period of 25 years,starting from 1979.Overall,chicken
consumption saw an upward trend meanwhile beef, fish and lamb decreased over
that time.
In 1979, about 220 grams beef were consumed per person per week compared to
approximately 150 grams chicken and lamb.In terms of fish, it was the least
consumption food with around 60 grams weekly
During the next 20 years to 2004, beef consumption in details dropped
significantly to just about 100 grams and lamb also experienced a dramatic decline
in the consumption to nearly 60 grams.Meanwhile, the figure for chicken climb
substanially and reached a peak at 250 grams per week. In terms of fish, which
fluctuated mildly before falling by about 50 grams per phead.

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