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Chapter 2

Recommended specification practice :

1- Describe requirements in a testable way
2- Use document templates
3- Model goals
4- Model the user interface
5- Model system functions
6- Model interactions
7- Document rationals
8- Document developer requirements
9- Document customer requirements
10- Model usage & maintenance scenarios
11- Model business processes
12- Model domain data

Several Standards for Requirements Documents exist:

1- IEEE standard 1362
- Guide for information
- System definition
- Concept of operations documents
2- IEEE standards 830
Recommended practice for software Requirements specifications
3- Volere templates

Done by Mariah Brashi

Standards tackle different levels of abstraction:
- Problem clarification
1- IEEE 362
2- Volere template
- Basis for development
1- IEEE 830
2- Volere template

Templates basically contain sections to describes :

1- System context
- Business process
- Stakeholders
- Rationale ( why is the software developed )
2- Organizational Requirements
- Constraints
- Standards
3- Project information
- Cost and effort information
- Risk
4- Functional Requirements
- what should the system do!
5- Non-functional Requirements
- How good should the system do its job

Done by Mariah Brashi

Volere template :
Presents a template that may be used to specify user requirements as well as
developer requirements.
- some templates sections describe very detailed information about the system while
other sections are very high level ( developer vs user )
- some templates section can be used for a developer audience as well as a user

IEEE-1362 template :
Developed by IEEE
Present a template that may be used to specify user requirements
The template describes:-
- Current situation ( without system )
- Justification for change ( why new system )
- Description pf proposed system ( high level )

IEEE-830 template:
Developed by IEEE
Present a template that may be used to specify developer requirements ( some times
it is partially used to describe user developer requirements as contain parts on
higher level )
The template describes:-
- Overview of the system
- Justification for change ( why new system )
- Description pf proposed system ( high level )
*Note : the template provides characteristics for good software requirements specification

Done by Mariah Brashi

Product Quality:
1- Functionality
- Adequacy - Security - Precision of calculation
- Interoperability - Conformity with standards
2- Efficiency
- Time response - Consumption
3- Reliability
- Maturation - Fault tolerance - Recovery
4- Changeability
- Analyzability - Modifiability - Stability - Verifiability
5- Usability
- Comprehensibility - Learnability - Operability
6- Portability
- Adaptivity - Installability - Conformity with standards - Replaceability

Types of quality requirements :

Quality in use ( Relative to human use )
- Effectiveness - Freedom of risk - Efficiency
- Context coverage - Satisfaction
Product quality ( intrinsic )
- Functional Suitability - Reliability - Performance efficiency - Security
- Compatibility - Maintainability - Usability - Portability

Done by Mariah Brashi

Standards summary :
Standards provide means to structure requirements documents
- better overview - higher readability - overall raise in understandability
Standards indicates what should be the content of a requirements specification
- provides mean to raise completeness
Standards do not indicates HOW to specify different parts or HOW to guarantee the
characteristics of a good document
- No support to choose notation to specify a certain section
- No support in how to achieve for example completeness ore traceability

Done by Mariah Brashi

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