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Unit Test 6
Exercise 1

Listen and choose the correct answer.

- :

1 When she finishes school, the girl is going to

leave home immediately.
get a job.
study at a university close to home.

2 At the start of the conversation, the boy is feeling

happy about trying new things.
quite worried about the future.
excited about making new friends.

3 The man is going to

get a haircut.
get a piercing.
grow a moustache and a beard.

4 The women agree that the worst thing about having a baby is feeling

5 The girl wants to know

the good and bad things about growing old.
when her grandfather was happiest.
when her grandfather met her grandmother.

Unit Test 6
Exercise 2

Match the sentence halves.

I'm thinking about taking out our results tomorrow.

Sarah and I get on however difficult things get.

We'll find for my phone.

I always put on very well.

Lucy always carries up a new sport.

I'm looking off my chores for as long as possible.

Exercise 3

Complete the text with the missing word. The first letters are given.

When I leave school, I think I'll go to university in New York. I'll move in with friends and we'll rent a flat.

After university, I'll find a job and settle down. I might get married one day too!

Unit Test 6
Exercise 4

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use be going to or the
Present Continuous.

0 I 'm seeing (see) the dentist at 8.15am tomorrow.

1 We are having (have) lunch at Bellini's tomorrow at 1pm.

2 Jan is going to study (study) medicine at university after he finishes school.

3 Tessa is coming round (come round) at 8pm tonight.

4 Which countries are you going to visit (you / visit) next year?

5 Where are you meeting (you / meet) Sophie for lunch tomorrow?

Exercise 5

Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

0 Be careful on the stairs! You 're going to fall.

2 Look at the lovely, clear sky. It isn't going to rain today!

3 I'm sure that you 'll pass your driving test.

4 Look, the bus is about to leave. We 're going to miss it!

5 I think tat Newtorn Utd will win the Cup this year.

Unit Test 6
Exercise 6

Choose the correct option to complete the text.

I'm going to change my look for the new year. I want to look like an adult instead of a little

kid. I'm thinking about joining a gym and seeing a personal trainer. I'm sure this will help me to get

in shape.

Also, I might dye my hair a different colour. I'm not sure. What do you think? I'm sure I'll feel more

self-confident and positive about life if I change my hair colour!

Exercise 7

Choose the correct option to complete the dialogue.

0 X: How can I get fit?
Y: _____
Why don't you take up a sport?
You should check out this sport.
Why not give up a sport?

1 X: Get on with your work!

Y: _____
Probably, but I'm not sure.
I will, in a minute.
Perhaps it will later.

2 X: You look happy. What's happened?

Y: _____
X: Great! When do you start?
I've just moved away.
I've just got engaged.
I've just found a job.

3 X: How do you feel about going to university?

Y: _____
I'm going to take care of it.
I'm looking forward to it.
I'm about to go now.

4 X: Have you put on weight?

Y: _____
No, I'm on a diet.
Yes, I often go running.
I'm sure you won't.

5 X: How can I make myself look older?

Y: _____
Have you grown a beard?
I'm not keen on beards.
You could grow a beard.

Unit Test 6
Exercise 8

Read the article. Match the sentences with gaps. There are three extra sentences.

As a result, you will feel happier for longer. If you feel depressed, you should ask for help.

In fact, spending time outside can make you feel even happier.

Six ways to a happier you

Sometimes we have good days and sometimes we have bad days. But when we're feeling miserable, is there anything

we can do to help ourselves feel more cheerful? The answer is yes!


Doing some form of work out is a brilliant way to feel good! Also, it helps you to relax if you're feeling stressed.

What's more, scientists at the University of Turku have found that people who exercise usually feel more self-



Smiling at people is a friendly way to greet them. Our smiles make other people feel happy.

Some people believe that the way that you look at yourself in the mirror can have the same effect. If you smile at

yourself, you'll feel better! Also, scientists at the University of Cardiff in Wales have found that people who smile

more often feel happier!


Make time to notice the positive things about yourself. You might say something about the way you look, for example

your suntan or haircut.

Or you might comment on something about you as a person, for example, the fact that you're a good friend.
What's more, scientists from the University of Illinois have found that people who talk to themselves are more likely

to find good jobs and feel self-confident.


Don't take life too seriously.

Laughing and joking are two great ways to feel good and to make people around you feel good too. They can even

help you in difficult situations. That's because they can help you to feel less tense. Laughter helps our muscles to

relax, so we feel less stressed.


What can you do if you find yourself in a situation where you feel insecure? One technique is to act confident. This

will mean that other people will see a confident person and this will make you really feel confident. On the other

hand, if people see a person who isn't confident, you will feel even more insecure. It's not hard to act as if you are

confident. Just stand up straight and make eye contact. Or if you prefer, think about a time that you felt confident

in the past and try to remember how you behaved.


Being kind is a great way to make other people feel happy and make yourself happier at the same time. Make an

effort every day to do something kind for another person.

For example, help someone to carry bags or offer to do some chores at home. Also, scientists from the University

of Oxford have found that being kind makes people happier because


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