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A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen (1879)

A Doll’s House is a three act problem play written when a revolution was going on in
Europe. The play is a landmark in the development of a new genre-realism, which depicts life
appropriately, thus going against, idealism and utopian thoughts of the preceding ages. The
play deals with the fate of a married woman, who lacked opportunities for self-fulfillment in a
male dominated-world at that time.
Henrik Ibsen describes the story of a married woman who considered her life to be quite
satisfied with her husband in their “doll house” of which she is the doll. However, with the
development of the play, she is insulted by her husband for a forgery that she did for his sake,
even after knowing the truth. When the matter is solved, her husband tried to calm her down, but
she becomes aware of her status in the “doll’s house” and at once leaves it. Thus she is the
modern woman who fights against gender discrimination.
As the play opens, Nora enters her home along with a number of gifts as it is Christmas
Eve. Her husband (manager at a bank) who is reading books, chides Nora for spending lavishly
on these things as the last year they were out of money because she spent too much. However, as
Halmer is about to get a promotion, Nora doesn’t find anything wrong with spending money.
The maid comes and announces that Mrs Linde (A widow who is an old school friend of
Nora) and Dr Rank (a rich family friend who is secretly in love with Nora) have come. While
Halmer goes away, Nora attends Mrs Linde and both ladies start telling about their lives to each
Linde tells about her unhappy life. Her husband died without leaving fortune or children
for her. She further tells Nora that her mother got ill and she had to take care of her brothers as
well. This is why she appears to be older than Nora who seems to be quite young and innocent.
Nora says that her life was equally difficult. Since one last year, they had a hard time as
her husband got ill and she had to take him to Italy for his recovery. The expenses of treatment
were quite high and she had to borrow money from Krogstad by forging her father’s signatures
without telling him and even her husband.
Since then she is secretly saving to pay off her debt. Also, Halmer became a bank
manager and thus their economic conditions got better. Linda tells Nora that she came in search
of a job. Nora assures to help her. Krogstad (an employee at Torvald’s bank) appears and goes
straight to Halmer. His appearance makes Nora uneasy. A little later Halmer comes out and
when Nora tells him about Mrs Linde, he at once agrees to give her a job at his bank. All leave
and Nora remains alone.
Just then Krogstad comes and tells Nora that her husband is about to fire him from the
job and asks her to pursue her husband to let him retain his job or else he will disclose her crime
(forgery) to him. Saying this he leaves. When Halmer returns back, Nora pleads him not to fire
Krogstad from his job but Halmer tells about his hypocrisy and lies and remains unmoved to his
The next day Nora being quite worried again pleads her husband not to dismiss Krogstad
adding that he will defame him, but fails to convince Halmer. Dr Rank comes and as Nora is
about to ask for some financial help, he confesses his love for her as he is about to die of
Tuberculosis. Nora is stunned. She gives up the idea of asking for money from him. A little later
Krogstad comes. Nora asks Dr. Rank to go to Halmer’s study room. Nora tells Krogstad that she
tried her best to persuade her husband but he did not change his mind.
At this Krogstad says that he will write a letter to Halmer telling about the forgery. Nora
begs him not to do so but he puts the letter in the Halmer’s mailbox. Nora tells Linde about the
critical situation. Linde reveals that she was in love with Krogstad before her marriage and even
today they love each other. She assures to help Nora by persuading Krogstad.
When Halmer tries to open his mailbox, Nora uses her charms to prevent him from
opening it saying that he should keep business aside till the next night party. Halmer agrees.
Nora feels guilty and even thinks of committing suicide to save her husband from the shame of
the revelation of her crime. The next night, Linde and Krogstad meet. Linde tells him that she
had to marry a rich man who could support her and her family. She also tells that she is a widow
now and also free from family obligation. She expresses her desire to live with him.
Krogstad is quite pleased. He decides to take back his letter but Linde says that Halmer
should know the truth for the sake of marriage. Nora and Halmer return back. Dr Rank who
secretly followed them finding Nora alone bids final goodbye as his death is near. Halmer reads
Krogstad letter and is quite outraged over his wife’s forgery. He abuses Nora. Just then maid
comes with another letter of Krogstad.
Halmer reads the letter and is overjoyed to learn that Krogstad has had a change of heart
and has returned the bond. He at once forgives his wife. However, Nora realises that her husband
never loved her and she was just a doll whom he played with. She decides to end up living in
Halmer’s house and in spite of his pleas she goes out ‘slamming the door behind her’.

1. Whose signature does Nora forge to secure a loan?
Mrs. Linde's Mother's Father's
2. Which character knows about Nora's forgery?
Torvald Krogstad
Her father Her mother
3. How does Nora envision her death?
Heart attack Strangled by Torvald Drowning in the icy river
Being run over by horses
4. What dance is Nora practicing?
Waltz Marimba Tango Tarantella
5. After Torvald's discovery, what is his biggest concern?
Where they should run away Loss of money Nora's well-being His reputation
6. Nora is raised by her:
Aunt Father Mother
7. Torvald forbids Nora to eat:
Cheese Chocolate Macaroons
At the table
8. What does Nora try to prevent Torvald from doing?
Going away on business Reading the mail
Driving a car Having an affair
9. What does the black cross on Dr. Rank’s calling card mean?
He practices black magic He will die soon
He is an undertaker He is not a Christian
10. Dr. Rank is secretly in love with:
Helene Nora
Mrs. Linde Torvald
To what country did Torvald need to travel for his health?

 Germany
 Norway
 Italy
 Sweden

From whom did Nora borrow money?

 Krogstad
 Torvald
 Mrs. Linde
 Dr. Rank

What does the black cross on Dr. Rank’s calling card signify?

 He is in love with Nora

 He is in a bad mood
 He is deeply religious
 He will soon die

How many children do Torvald and Nora have?

 One
 Three
 None
 Seven

Which of the following nicknames is not a nickname Torvald uses for Nora?

 Squirrel
 Skylark
 Silly girl
 Peaches

Whom did Mrs. Linde abandon for a richer man?

 Torvald
 Dr. Rank
 Krogstad
 Her nanny’s father

Whom did Mrs. Linde work many years to support?

 Her dying mother

 Her children
 Her husband
 Her mad uncle

How did Dr. Rank get his disease?

 He inherited it from his mother

 He inherited it from his father
 He caught it during the war
 He caught from a very ill patient

Who helped raise Nora?

 Her nanny
 Mrs. Linde
 Helene
 Nora’s grandmother

What does Nora eat against Torvald’s wishes?

 Dates
 Bacon
 Shellfish
 Macaroons

Where is the play set?

 Dr. Rank’s study

 The Helmer home
 Krogstad’s house
 Mrs. Linde’s apartment

Whose signature did Nora forge?

 Krogstad’s
 Torvald’s
 Her father’s
 Her daughter’s

What is Mrs. Linde’s first name?

 Kristine
 Diane
 Henrik
 Hedda

What crime earned Krogstad his bad reputation?

 Forgery
 Murder
 Robbery
 Counterfeiting

To what does Nora compare herself at the end of the play?

 A squirrel
 A slave
 A prisoner
 A doll

With whom is Dr. Rank secretly in love?

 Helene
 Nora
 Krogstad
 Mrs. Linde

During what holiday is the play set?

 All Hallow’s Eve

 New Year’s
 Easter
 Christmas

What does Nora do too wildly and too violently for Torvald’s taste?

 Play with her children

 Cook and clean
 Dance
 Argue with Krogstad

How does Torvald learn about Nora’s forgery?

 Krogstad’s letter informs him

 Mrs. Linde tells him
 He overhears a conversation between Dr. Rank and Nora
 Nora tells him

How does Nora feel about Dr. Rank?

 She thinks that he is boring

 She thinks that he is creepy
 She doesn’t know him very well
 She likes him very much

What does Torvald tease Nora about at the beginning of the play?

 Losing her purse

 Spending too much money
 Forgetting to do the laundry
 Mispronouncing the word “metempsychosis”

What does Nora expect Torvald to do when he learns about her forgery?

 Take the blame himself

 Leave her for another woman
 Take the children away from her
 Kill her

What kind of party do the Helmers attend?

 A birthday party
 A going-away party for Dr. Rank
 An Easter party
 A costume party

What will be the benefit of Torvald’s new job at the bank?

 He will work shorter hours

 He will earn more money
 He will be able to take more vacations
 He will be able to spend more time at home, taking care of the kids

What is the last thing the audience of A Doll’s House hears?

 A door slamming
 A gunshot
 A train whistle
 A dog barking

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