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Department of Biotechnology
Ministry of Science & Technology
Government of India
1. Overview 06
2. Building Capacities:
- Human Resource Development, Training and Workshops 37
- Research Resources, Service Facilities and Platforms 52
3. Research and Development
- Agriculture and Allied areas 60
- Bioenergy, Bioresources, Environment & Forest 86
- Healthcare and Medical Biotechnology 111
- Knowledge Generation, Discovery Research, New Tools and Technologies 151
- Biotechnology Science Clusters 166
4. Promoting Entrepreneurship and Industrial Growth
- Make in India 172
- Start up India 174
- Biodesign Programme 175
- Biotechnology Parks and Incubators Parks 178
5. Building International Collaborations and Partnership 183
6. Special Section: COVID 19 201
7. Societal Programs
- Biotechnology Based Programme for Societal Development 205
8. Promoting Biotechnology in North Eastern Region 219
9. Data Monitoring and Impact Analysis Studies 229
10. DBT Autonomous Institutions and Public Sector Undertakings 252
11. Regulation, Intellectual Property and Legislations 323
12. Administration and Finance 327
13. DBT @ IISF2021 334
Abbreviations 341


OVERVIEW In order to develop and emphasize on thematic

areas of biology & biotechnology, DBT has
The Department of Biotechnology (DBT), established 15 theme-based autonomous
Ministry of Science & Technology, Government institutions and is supporting one international
of India has laid emphasis on creating a strong center. These institutions facilitate flow of
ecosystem for promotion of excellence and knowledge from basic science to translational
innovation for discovery, blue sky research, basic, research in the areas of agriculture, animal and
early and late stage translational research in the marine science, health, energy, bio-resource,
areas of agriculture, animal biotechnology, basic and emerging technologies. Besides
affordable healthcare and medical technology, research, these institutions play a cardinal role in
food and nutritional security, environmental capacitybuilding, training and skilling of young
safety, clean energy and bio-fuel, bio- scientists, students and researchers. DBT has
manufacturing etc. The mandate of the also established two public sector undertakings,
Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Ministry of BIBCOL for manufacturing of biologicals and
Science & Technology is to make India globally BIRAC as an interface agency, as a single window
competitive in biotechnology research, for the emerging biotech industries to
innovation, translation, entrepreneurship and strengthen and empower the emerging biotech
biotech industrial growth. Innovation driven enterprise to undertake strategic research and
research in biotechnology and modern biology is innovation, addressing nationally relevant
being facilitated and supported by the product development needs.
Department through various schemes such as
The Department has been on the fore front to
centers of excellence, units of excellence, virtual
address the COVID-19 pandemic with its 15
network centers, grand challenge programs,
autonomous institutes, one International Center
public-private partnerships, translational
for Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology and
research platforms and bio- clusters across the
two Public Sector Undertakings i.e.
country. The Department has also formulated
Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance
several guidelines/policies/legislations in all
Council (BIRAC) and Bharat Immunologicals and
sectors of biotechnology. Capacity building in
Biologicals Corporation Ltd. (BIBCOL). Major
cutting edge areas of research, infrastructure
efforts are on the development of vaccines,
development, forging new national and
diagnostics, therapeutics, establishment of
international partnerships, translation of
biorepositories and genomic surveillance.
technologies for product development, their
validation, testing and commercialization for a
The Department has signed a MoU with the
robust bio-economy and establishment of India
as a world class bio-manufacturing hub for Ministry of Earth Sciences for the Setting up of
developing and developed markets are the major DBT MOES Polar Research Centre to explore the
thrust of the Department. This Department is possibility of cooperation, convergence and
also contributing through its various synergy to bring out the expertise and services of
programmes/schemes to the National Missions both the organizations under one roof and work
launched by our Hon'ble Prime Minister such as hand-in-hand for addressing relevant questions
Swasth Bharat, Swachh Bharat, Start-up India, in the field of polar biology. Initially these efforts
Make-in-India and Digital India. would be taken up through collaborative
proposal by the researchers at MOES institutes
making use of the presently available set ups of
MOES at Polar Regions.



Consortium (INSACOG):
(INSACOG), jointly initiated by the Union Ministry
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, 'Mission of Health, and Department of Biotechnology
COVID Suraksha- the Indian COVID-19 Vaccine (DBT) with Council for Scientific & Industrial
Development Mission', was launched as part of Research (CSIR) and Indian Council of Medical
the third stimulus package, Atmanirbhar Bharat Research (ICMR), is a consortium of 28 National
3.0, for promoting research and development of Laboratories to monitor the genomic variations
Indian COVID-19 vaccines. The Mission is led by in the SARS-CoV-2.
the Department of Biotechnology (DBT) and is
implemented by Biotechnology Industry INSACOG is a multi-laboratory, multi-agency,
Research Assistance Council (BIRAC), a Public Pan-India network to monitor genomic variations
Sector Undertaking (PSU) of DBT, at a total cost of in the SARS-CoV-2 by a sentinel sequencing
₹ 900 Cr for 12 months. The Mission is supporting effort. The network carries out whole genome
the development of 04 vaccine candidates in sequencing of SARS-CoV-2 virus across the
advanced clinical development and 01 vaccine nation, aiding the understanding of how the virus
candidate in pre-clinical stage of development; spreads and evolves, and provide information to
PAN-India 19 clinical trial sites; 06 facilities for aid public health response. Initially, ten Regional
immunogenicity assays and 05 facilities for Genome Sequencing Laboratories (RGSLs)
animal challenge studies. Also, efforts have been spread across the country were identified to
made to strengthen COVID-19 vaccine carry out genome sequencing of positive samples
manufacturing capabilities of Indian industry, by from different states which is facilitated by the
way of augmentation of facilities, so as to ensure National Centre for Disease Control (NCDC),
optimal vaccine production. Within a year of Delhi involving the Central Surveillance Unit
implementation, the Mission demonstrated (CSU) under Integrated Disease Surveillance
major outcomes / achievements, which are as Programme (IDSP). In view of the increasing
under: realization of disease spread, it was decided to
increase the sequencing efforts in the country. In
Ÿ Development of the World's first DNA addition, as the reported cases of reinfection and
Vaccine for COVID-19 by Cadila Healthcare; vaccine breakthroughs is being recorded,
the vaccine received Emergency Use including these samples for sequencing assumes
Authorisation (EUA) on 20 August, 2021. importance. INSACOG also aims to focus on
Ÿ Supporting development of nation's first sequencing of clinical samples to understand the
mRNA Vaccine against COVID-19 and India's disease dynamics and severity.
first intranasal vaccine candidate against
Ÿ Facility augmentation for COVAXIN
production at Indian Immunological Limited
(IIL), whereby, a production capacity of ~20
lakh doses/month equivalent Drug
Substance (DS) of COVAXIN®, was achieved.
The validation of the BBIL facility at Malur,
Bengaluru is complete and production of
Drug Substance (DS) started in August 2021.


Components of the developed

A summary of the cumulative data of INSACOG
and other state sequencing initiatives can be
found at the INSACOG data portal link The initial version of the test has been transferred
( to Xcyton Diagnostics Ltd. The test should be a
along with other INSACOG information at very useful tool in monitoring the sustainability New web-based of IgG response after the infection and
query tool is now available on the data portal. All vaccination and will have value even when the
data presented on the portal is organized by date pandemic is over. The team has also developed a
of sample collection, state, assigned lineage and lateral flow rapid POC assays for detecting anti-
mutations found on analysis. INSACOG: · Total SARS-CoV-2 antibodies. The developed rapid test
number of samples sequenced: 1,18,044. has higher sensitivity than the commercial assays
in the same format and has been found to be in
COVID 19 Diagnostics high concordance between serum neutralization
test titers and the signals (UCNP fluorescence)
To address gaps in indigenous diagnostics
from the LFA. The aim is to further develop this
development during the COVID-19 pandemic,
assay as a surrogate virus neutralization test for
the Department has sanctioned 16 projects
the point of care settings keeping in mind the
through a special call “DBT-BIRAC Covid-19
utility of this test for assessing the vaccine
Research Consortium” call. Some of the salient
response and to determine the need for the
developments are reported below:
booster dose in future
F Translational Health Science and
F IISc, Bangalore has developed RT-LAMP
Technology Institute (THSTI) has developed
assay against the S-gene of SARS-CoV2
a rapid and stable Receptor Binding Domain
having significant analytical sensitivity. The
(RBD)- based IgG ELISA test. The test has
specificity of the assay lies in the strength of
shown higher sensitivity compared to few
designing of the primers, which are unique
of the kits available in market.
in the genome of SARS-CoV2 and are absent
in other related coronaviruses.


Thus, it would ensure that the LAMP reaction months. The preliminary study shows that
would proceed by loop formationexclusively in presence of GI symptoms was associated
the presence of SARS-CoV2 target RNA, leading with a severe illness and fatal outcome on
to high specificity of the assay. Pilot validation has multivariate analysis. Independent
been performed and the working prototype of predictors of GI symptoms included the
the kit is ready for ICMR evaluation. absence of contact history, presence of non-
GI symptoms, and comorbid illnesses.
F The Department supported Centre for
Human Genetics, Bangalore to develop an Testing Count
IgG ELISA Test kit for sero- surveillance. The
kit which has been submitted for ICMR DBT has identified 21 City /Regional clusters to
evaluation/validation will help to check for scale up Covid testing as a part of the Hub and
Spoke model. Nine Autonomous Institutes (AIs)
of DBT have been approved as testing centres for
COVID-19 diagnosis. These DBT AIs have also
been identified as hubs for their respective
regions. Till date, more than 70.24 lakh tests have
been performed by these Clusters.
To ramp up the COVID-19 testing in rural and
inaccessible areas, India's first I-lab (infectious
disease diagnostic lab) which was launched in
June 2020 and attached to the THSTI, Faridabad
hub have tested more than 29990 samples in
the immunity by testing SARS-CoV2 total, till date from the Faridabad region.
antibodies generated by individuals with a
history of SARS COV2 infection or
downstream of receiving the vaccination. BUILDING CAPACITIES – HUMAN RESOURCE
The team has developed two ELISA tests DEVELOPMENT, TRAINING & WORKSHOPS
Lady Bird and Paras, which identifies SARS
CoV2 antibodies with high specificity and Human resource is one of the major pillars
sensitivity. The peptides (RBD) arrays could supporting scientific research and development
be used to develop quantitative estimates/ in the country. It is critical to have a robust human
titres of IgA Antibody as an indicator of the resource development programme in order to
immune response (protection) or maintain, perpetuate and leverage scientific
neutralising activity. knowledge to achieve our socio-economic
development goals. The Human Resource
F Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Development Programme of the Department of
Medical Sciences, Lucknow is studying an Biotechnology is aimed at providing holistic
important aspect of Covid 19 wherein the development and support to students, young
team is looking for relationship between researchers and scientists working in the
digestive symptoms and morbidity, multidisciplinary areas of Biotechnology. Since its
mortality and fecal excretion of the virus inception, the Department has been supporting
among patients with COVID-19. The Biotechnology teaching atpostgraduate level for
researchers have recruited patients for quality hands on training in niche areas of
sample collection and are being followed up Biotechnology.
for various intervals like 1, 3 and even for 6


The Department has implemented integrated Ind-CEPI Mission

human resource development programmes for
enhancing the Biotechnology ecosystem in the The Ind-CEPI Mission entitled “Epidemic
country, including the Star College scheme at p r e p a r e d n e s s t h r o u g h ra p i d v a c c i n e
undergraduate level, Skill Vigyan Programme in development: Support of Indian vaccine
close collaboration with respective State Science development aligned with the global initiative of
and Technology Councils, doctoral and the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness
p o std o c to ra l fe l l o ws h i p s , a wa rd s fo r Innovations (CEPI)”, is another initiative under
recognitions of young, mid-career and implementation since 2019, for supporting
distinguished scientists, programmes for vaccine development for emerging epidemics.
retaining young pool of researchers under M K The initiative is being implemented as part of the
Bhan - Young Researcher Fellowship Programme 'Atal Jai Anusandhan Biotech Mission -
and Ramalingaswami Re-entry Fellowship Undertaking Nationally Relevant Technology
Programme. The Department has also supported Innovation (UNaTI). Under the Partnerships for
young investigators' meetings, webinars for Advancing Clinical Trials (PACT) Initiative of the
awareness about science and technology Ind-CEPI Mission, 2 series of e-training sessions
opportunities in the country among researchers on strengthening clinical trial research capacity
and faculties, as well as workshops, popular in neighbouring countries, were held between
lectures, and exhibitions for doctoral and Sep- Dec 2020 and Feb- Apr 2021, for more than
p o st g ra d u ate st u d e nt s . A n u m b e r o f 2400 candidates across 14 neighbouring and
international partnerships are being supported friendly countries.
for capacity building in cutting edge technologies
and priority areas. National Bio-Pharma Mission (NBM)

MISSION PROGRAMS Innovative funding mechanisms are being

facilitated through the National Biopharma
GARBH-Ini Mission (NBM) - an Industry-Academia
Collaborative Mission, being implemented by
GARBH-Ini (interdisciplinary Group for Advanced BIRAC, a Public Sector Undertaking of DBT. The
Research on BirtH outcomes) recognized as one availability of affordable and accessible vaccines
of the five Atal Jai Anusandhan Biotech Missions in India is a priority area of the Mission and is
of Department, is a unique pregnancy cohort supporting vaccine candidates in different stages
comprising more than 8000 women has been of development. The Mission has played a crucial
established using an interdisciplinary approach role in fostering a vibrant research and
comprising methodologies of clinical, translation ecosystem across the country, with a
epidemiological, statistical, genetic, proteomic focus on delivering Make-in-India solutions for
and imaging sciences to study Pre Term Birth societal challenges. The Mission has made major
(PTB). The GARBH-Ini platform comprises of a contributions in the launch and implementation
biorepository (Rakshita) of well characterized of the DBT-BIRAC COVID-19 Research
clinical phenotypes with around 1 million bio- Consortium.
specimens and 600,000 ultrasound images.


Mission Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) pathogens (both on WHO and Indian priority
pathogen list) amongst these 10 projects.
Considering Antimicrobial Resistance as a global
threat, the Department had launched an Ø Under an ambitious initiative with NERC
ambitious “Mission Program on Antimicrobial (Natural Environment Research Council)
Resistance” in 2018-2019, with the vision to through UKRI, the department supported
develop indigenous and cost-effective therapies five projects focused on “AMR in the Enviro-
against AMR; categorization of AMR- specific nment from Antimicrobial Manufacturing
pathogen priority list of India; establishment of Waste”.
Bio-repository for AMR-specific pathogens; and
development of rapid and cost-effective Ø DBT has supported a CoE on One health with
diagnostic kits to identify AMR- specific PCMU at NIAB, Hyderabad. This will
pathogens. Following achievements have been strengthen surveillance systems of zoonotic
diseases throughout the country and
made so far under this Mission Program:
important transboundary animal diseases in
Ø The Department has notified National the Northeast, through existing and newer
Centre for Microbial Resource (NCMR), diagnostics.
National Centre of Cell Sciences, Pune (an
Autonomous Institute of DBT) to function as RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT
a Bio-repository for resistant microbes/
infective agents (Bacteria and Fungi)” and to
carry out collection, storage, maintenance, The Department has been supporting
preservation and characterization of these agricultural research (crops, livestock and
microbes across the country. Nearly 1200 fisheries) through adoption of biotechnological
samples have been deposited so far. advances in research, strengthening research
infrastructure and capacity building of
manpower in cutting edge areas. Support has
Ø Department while working with WHO,
been extended to basic research for
Country Office, New Delhi has developed the
understanding and addressing the complex
Indian Priority Pathogen List to guide
problems in wake of climate change, blue sky
research, discovery and development of new
research and applied research with an aim to
antibiotics in India.
provide improved crop varieties/livestock/fish
brood-stock and other products to the farmers
Ø Department of Biotechnology (DBT) in
and other stakeholders through advancements in
collaboration with Biotechnology Industry
biotechnology. The Department has created an
Research Assistance Council (BIRAC) has
ecosystem of Agriculture R&D across the country
announced support for Projects in the area
involving Universities/State Agriculture
of development of new antibiotics and
Universities and National Institutions. Various
alternatives to antibiotics to counter AMR.
improved crop varieties, improved technologies,
Under this Call, 378LoIs were received by the
vaccines and diagnostics have been developed.
Department and after two rounds of
screening , total 10 projects were
DBT has also launched R&D in the interface of
recommended for financial support. DBT has
Agri-nutrition to augment the quality/quantity of
supported a project on PPEF, bacterial
proteins and micronutrients in cereals especially
topoisomerase inhibitor against ESKAPE


in wheat and rice. A “National Mission Mode Biotechnology, Hyderabad, is one of the biggest
Program on Nutritional improvement of one health programs launched by Govt. of India
digestible protein content and quality in rice” in post-COVID times.
focusing on enhancing the digestible protein
quantity and quality to address India's battle BIOENERGY, BIO RESOURCE AND
against protein malnutrition has been ENVIRONMENT
commissioned. Department has taken an
initiative to set up a Centre of Excellence (COE) Energy Bioscience and Waste to Value
under the umbrella of G S Khush Institute of
Genetics, Plant Breeding and Biotechnology and Department is promoting research, develop-
a speed breeding facility under the project ment, and demonstration in these areas to
“Development and Integration of Advanced harness the potential available for cleaner
Genomic Technologies for Targeted Breeding”. solutions for community welfare for holistic
contribution to the national bioeconomy. The
Animal Biotechnology vision is to make available cost-effective and
sustainable biofuel technology by improving
Animal Biotechnology programme is an feedstock or developing new feedstock,
important part of our National economy in terms improvement of biofuel production technologies
of employment; rural development; agricultural including nation's broad vision about biomass to
production and allied areas. The major emphasis energyproduction. The broad objectives of the
of this program is towards enhancement of program are to promote innovation R&D in
livestock production & productivity, and Biofuel areas through various schemes like the
improving animal health through biotechno- Centre of Excellence, extramural projects,
logical interventions. The focused areas of the fellowship schemes, and international coope-
Animal Biotechnology are animal reproduction, ration.
molecular characterization of indigenous breeds,
development of transgenic animal, animal Demonstration of waste to energy project funded
nutrition, utilization of animal by-products, by DBT entitled “Demonstration of waste to
development of animal vaccines, diagnostics and energy project by anaerobic co-digestion of food
therapeutics, technology for bovine sperm waste and septage” led by Investigators from BITS
sexing, production of bio-pharmaceuticals Pilani, K. K. Birla Goa campus undertook the
through transgenic and animal products. demonstration of treatment of two different
waste streams. This treatment led to the
Department launched the First 'One Health' production of 150- 200 cu.m. biogas per day from
programme of DBT, consisting of 27 organizations 5-ton reactors. The biogas was converted to
for inter-sectoral collaboration among electricity and was utilized for plant operations.
veterinary, medical, agricultural, environmental,
forestry, meteorological and other areas to
detect, prevent and control zoonosis and
transboundary animal diseases. The programme
is led by DBT-National Institute of Animal


This system can lead towards a circular economy, technologies associated with conversion or
by utilizing the electricity generated for production of value added products and
miscellaneous purposes. processes from natural resources. DBT has
initiated theme based specific projects on
Inventorisation, characterization, evaluation and
value addition of novel bioresources leading to
their sustainable utilization and conservation.
Efforts have also been initiated on capacity
development and public outreach on
bioresources diversity and conservation. During
this year, efforts are being continued to support
the research for bioprospecting, inventorization
and characterization, value addition and
sustainable utilization of bioresources along with
Environmental Biotechnology relevant training, capacity building and
awareness generation. Various Brainstorming-
Programs under Environmental Biotechnology cum- Consultation meetings were organized for
have been envisioned to provide cost-effective, prioritization of R&D areas based on available
alternative,clean and green solutions for the research leads. A Marine Bioresource and
management of climatic and environmental Biotechnology network has been implemented
issues like pollution,biomedical waste, soil with strong linkages with the Deep Ocean
degradation, xenobiotics, and many other Mission of Ministry of Earth Sciences.
burning issues. Broader objectives of the
program are to support R&D activities including Translational Research on Medicinal and
translational research, knowledge generation, Aromatic Plants
demonstration of the technology on a pilot scale,
large-scale application of proven technologies, DBT is providing research support across the
and capacity building, and addresal of major country towards developing products and
challenges such as anthropogenic pollution and processes from medicinal and aromatic plants
climate change through R&D intervention in the following multi-disciplinary approach. DBT is also
form of extramural projects and network projects providing research support for conducting R&D
for efficient monitoring of environmental health, utilizing rich traditional knowledge disciplines on
treatment of solid & liquid wastes, bioremedi- the basis of conventional traditional knowledge
ation of polluted sites. The development of novel in the country following any of the two available
technologies using insights from environmental regulatory frameworks: (a)DCGI- Phytopharm-
processes is the key to achieving the vision. aceutical Drugs, and (b) AYUSH mode. The aim is
to develop a herbal drug pipeline. DBT is making
Bioresources and Secondary Agriculture efforts for taking forward already available
research leads in medicinal plants to pre-clinical
The aim of the programme is to support R&D and clinical level so as to bring them on global
projects in the related areas of Bioresources and scene.
Secondary Agriculture biomass biotransfor-
mation, bioresource systems analysis, and


The support of public institutions along with productivity, enhancing the quality and
industry participation would enable to develop utilization of by-products in both mulberry
viable products either in form of AYUSH drugs or sericulture as well as non-mulberry (Vanya silk)
phytopharmaceutical drugs in DCGI mode. sectors; developing novel applications of silk
During this year, the Department has initiated a proteins (both fibroin and sericin) in biomedical,
programme on developing a pipeline of pharmaceutical and cosmeceutical areas;
phytopharmaceuticals in view of recent Gazette developing network programme on
Notification of DCGI, Govt. of India for biotechnology applications for developing
improved varieties of mulberry and; developing
recognizing a new category of phytopharma-
network programmes on Vanya silk (tasar, muga
ceutical drugs along with recognition of Indian
and eri) on biotech applications towards
medicinal plants in US / British and Japanese improving the productivity of silk as well as
Pharmacopeia.Some of these are: Under the improvement of host plants.
Inter-Ministerial Cooperation program of CSIR,
DBT and ICMR on 'Phytopharmaceutical' drug Forest Biotechnology
development, a pipeline of phytopharmaceutical
drugs has been developed. This include:
The Department of Biotechnology has taken this
developing phytopharmaceutical drug from Ficus initiative to facilitate research and development
semicordata for diabetes; developing in emerging areas of forest biotechnology. The
phytopharmaceutical drug from Trachyspermum overall emphasis is on addressing research gaps
ammi for Post Kala-azar Dermal Leishmaniasis in ecology, genomics and biotechnology to
(PKDL); CBD-THC Enriched phytopharmaceutical improve the growth and quality of forest for
drug for cancer pain management; cannabis conservation and suggest ways for sustainable
b a s e d p hy t o p h a r m a c e u t i c a l d r u g fo r use as well as tools for mitigation of climate
management of resistant pediatric epilepsy; change impact. The research on biotechnological
development of Boswellia serrata based interventions for improving forest productivity,
phytopharmaceutical drug for osteoarthritis. quality of forest produce, and good quality
certified seed for important forest trees having
Silk Biotechnology commercial and medicinal importance needs to
be prioritised. Department is closely working
The programme on application of biotechnology with ICFRE, CSIR, ICAR, State Forest Departments,
towards developing newer and emerging and other research institutions for taking efforts
technologies in silk and its applications in on modelling and control of invasive species in
biomaterials continued during the year. forest, terrestrial carbon sequestration,
Programme has been reoriented during the year technologies for measuring and maintaining
2014-15 with focus on addressing newer and ecosystem services, and use of biotechnological
emerging technologies for improving the approaches on afforestation and regeneration of
productivity and enhancing the quality of silk and degraded forest area.
its applications in biomaterials. The major
Priority R&D areas of this programmes are-
technology development both in silkworm and
host-plants by employing tools and techniques of
biotechnology towards improving the


HEALTHCARE & MEDICAL BIOTECHNOLOGY clot retriever stent have been developed.

Providing affordable healthcare for all in a Chronic Disease Biology

populous country like India is a challenging task.
DBT's mandate for Healthcare & Medical Non-Infectious diseases, including cancer,
Biotechnology has been coordination and diabetes, chronic lung disease etc., pose
promotion of Biomedical research, devastating health consequences for individuals,
understanding the causes of human diseases families and communities and threatens health
such as non- communicable diseases, emerging systems. Diseases addressed in the program
infections, anti-microbial resistance, genetic include but are not limited to Cancer, Diabetes,
disorders, maternal and child health, nutrition Hypertension, Cardiovascular Diseases, Lung
issues at the genetic and molecular level, early Diseases, Kidney Disorders, Autoimmune
detection, preventive measures, development of Disorders, Eye Diseases, Osteoporosis & Bone
vaccines, innovative tools and therapies, Biology, Diseases of the Gastrointestinal System,
healthcare delivery systems and development of Neurological Disorders etc.
products for medical applications. Over the
years, Department of Biotechnology has funded The socioeconomic costs associated with these
projects in different thematic areas that include, chronic diseases make the 'Non Communicable
Bioengineering, Chronic Diseases, Drug Disease Control Programme' as a major
Development, Human Genetics, Genetics, development imperative for any country. The
Infectious Diseases, Maternal & Child Health, Department is working to provide leadership and
Public Health & Nutrition, Stem Cells & the evidence base actions on surveillance,
Regenerative Medicine & Vaccines. prevention and control of Non Communicable
Diseases and to reduce the burden of NCDs. The
Biomedical Engineering aim of the Program Division is to develop &
support competitive R&D programs and generate
Biomedical engineering is a highly interdiscipli- new programmes from basic to clinical and
nary area of research involving cross disciplinary translational research identified under non-
knowledge from engineering and other infectious disease conditions.
quantitative sciences for unravelling the
complexities of biological systems and provide Neuroscience
cost-effective solutions for improved quality of
Neuroscience is a multidisciplinary science that
life. With a priority to study emerging diseases, to
involves study of structure and function of the
manipulate/engineer genomes, develop
nervous system for understanding the
transgenic systems and develop genome-based
behavioural, cognitive, development aspects of
diagnostics the department significantly
the nervous system at cellular and molecular
contributes towards biomedical engineering field
level. The Department has a focus on
for development of affordable devices,
understanding the basic biology, biotechnology
diagnostics, bio composites, tissue engineering,
of neurological disorders such as dementia,
biosensors etc. During the year a non- invasive
stroke, epilepsy etc.
method for measuring beat-to-beat blood
pressure variability in humans (CMC NIBP) and a


and neurological injuries such as brain and spinal technology with the aim to cater the needs of the
cord injury as well as neuro-infections and affected people and facilitate employment
neuromuscular and movement brain and spinal generation through training and skill
cord injury as well as neuro-infections and development.
neuromuscular and movement disorders, Brain
Cancers etc. The two population based cohort Human Genetics & Genome Analysis
studies on Stroke & Cognitive Decline and
Human Genetics and Genome Analysis program
Dementia were taken in order to understand
of the DBT supports research to uncover the role
their occurrence in Indian Population. Three
that the genome plays in human health and
CoE's are supported in the area of Basic
disease. The program support research across a
Neurosciences and Neuroengineering platform.
spectrum: basic research, translational research
In addition, the Department also advertised a Call
and clinical research to establish how to use
for proposal for developing Neurotools,
genomic information to advance medical care.
Techniques, and Procedures for Brain disorders
Overall aim of the program is to support R&D
and Pathological conditions. The Department has
activities for i) understanding the role of genetic
also conducted Brain storming session for
component in health and disease, and the cross-
initiating the 'Impact of malnutrition on Child's
talk of these components with environmental
Brain Development'.
and lifestyle factors, ii) translating the understan-
Drug Development Program ding thus acquired for the improvement of
human health, iii) development of genomics-
With the aim to put India on the global map in based strategies for prediction, diagnosis,
terms of R&D innovations in the area of drug treatment and prevention of disease, iv)
development, the Department has initiated a development of early- warning minimally
new program on “Drug Development” with a invasive diagnostic biomarkers for diseases with
vision to develop indigenous and cost-effective a genetic basis, v) building capacity in human
new drugs against diseases prevalent in our genetics and genomics by promoting training on
country. Department of Biotechnology (DBT) in technology platforms and methodologies for
collaboration with its Public Sector Undertaking, genome analysis in relation to human health and
Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance disease, and vi) expansion of the UMMID
Council (BIRAC) announced a Joint Call in 2020 to initiative for diagnosis and management of rare
invite proposals in the area of “Development of genetic disorders etc.
Drugs from existing leads with established proof
of concept” and 6 proposals have been Infectious Disease Biology
recommended for financial support. Department
Under the aegis of Infectious Disease Biology
also announced a Joint call with BIRAC on
program, the Department is supporting basic and
“Globally Accessible and Cost-Effective Novel
applied research to better understand and
Antibodies” in 2020 and 3 proposals have been
ultimately provide solutions in terms of
recommended for financial support. A Mission
therapeutics, diagnostics and preventive
program on Snakebite envenoming i.e. Mission-
measures for infectious diseases of global
Next Generation Treatment for Snakebite (NGTS)
concern such as HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis (including
was recommended with a vision to develop an
MDR & XDR TB), vector borne diseases;
indigenous, cost-effective and globally accessible


emerging or re-emerging threats such as Public Health & Nutrition

influenza, Japanese Encephalitis; neglected
tropical diseases such as Malaria, Leishmania, The programme has a mandate to provide
Dengue etc. Under the Mission Antimicrobial technological and clinical solutions for public
Resistance Department of Biotechnology (DBT) in health nutrition issues. The Public Health
collaboration with Biotechnology Industry Nutrition programme is concerned with
Research Assistance Council (BIRAC) has promotion of good health through prevention of
announced support for Projects in the area of nutrition–related illnesses / problems in the
development of new antibiotics and alternatives population, and the government policies and
to antibiotics to counter AMR. Under this Call, programmes that are aimed at solving these
378LoIs were received by the Department and problems using organised and multidisciplinary
after two rounds of screening, total 10 projects approaches that affect the population i.e.,
were recommended for financial support. DBT people for whom collective action is needed. The
has supported a project on PPEF, bacterial Department is leveraging its focus on the
topoisomerase inhibitor against ESKAPE application of nutrition and public health
pathogens (both on WHO and Indian priority principles to design programs, policies to
pathogen list) amongst these 10 projects. improve or maintain the optimal health of
populations / targeted groups.

Stem Cells & Regenerative Medicine

The aim of the Stem Cells & Regenerative

Medicine program is to promote basic, early and
late translational research in the area of stem
cells and regenerative medicine. Scientific
strategies include: basic biology of all adult stem
cells, early and late translational research,
developing gene editing technology for possible
therapeutic applications, creation of animal
models for various human diseases, trainings and
workshops, and formulation of regulatory
framework for stem cell research in India.

“Accelerator program for discovery in brain

disorders using stem cells (ADBS)” has
established a cohort of large dense families with
major psychiatric disorders. The ADBS program
includes a strong component of capacity building
Fig. Antibiogram of Drug Resistant Microbes in stem cell technology in India.
against PPEF andb) Schematic diagram of
the mechanism of PPEF


The program organizes an annual training overarching goal of this programme is to engage
program in iPSC technology with the Centre for clinicians and research communities to design
iPSC Research, Kyoto University (CiRA), Japan appropriate clinical interventions and generation
and also iPSC training programs at inStem, of novel research hypothesis to prevent
Bengaluru. prevalence of multitude of problems associated
with women's health from menarche to
Vaccine Research and Development menopause and developmental and disease
biology associated with infancy and early
Considering vaccines as one of the most cost-
effective health interventions for combating
infectious diseases, the Department of The Division supports competitively submitted
Biotechnology (DBT) has made concerted efforts, projects as well as develops programme support
over the past three decades, to strengthen the depending on the disease burden and
Indian vaccine research and development requirement in the area.
ecosystem, through adoption of pioneering
strategies like fostering active partnerships with Under the Women's Health initiative, about
relevant global leaders and implementation of fifteen proposals have been approved this year in
innovative funding mechanisms. The most the broad domains of ovarian stimulation on
significant international partnership that ovarian pathophysiology (PCOS, recurrent
contributed immensely towards development of implantation failure and endometriosis), cost
indigenous vaccine science is the Indo-US effective tools for non-invasive prenatal
Vaccine Action Programme (VAP), a bilateral screening, osteoporosis and auto immune
programme being jointly implemented by DBT, disorders specific to women.
and the National Institutes of Health (NIH), USA,
since 1987. The programme demonstrated major In the area of Developmental disorders and
achievements like the development of the low- diseases of infancy and early childhood, about
cost Rotavirus vaccine which became part of the thirteen projects have been approved this year in
Universal Immunization Programme (UIP) and the broad domains of Chronic Malnutrition and
development of vaccines for diseases like Cognitive Development, Autism Spectrum
Malaria, Dengue and Tuberculosis. In the wake of Disorder (ASD), Birth Asphyxia, Hyperbilirub-
COVID-19, a special meeting focused on inemia and Hypothermia and Infections:
emerging variants of COVID-19 and potential Management in vulnerable groups and
areas of collaboration, was held in May 2021, Congenital Heart Diseases (CHDs).
under the aegis of Indo-US VAP.
Under the programme, Healthy Life Trajectories
Women & Child Health Initiative (HeLTI) was also launched as a joint
initiative between Canada, India, China and
Women & Child Health is an important priority South Africa in collaboration with the World
area for the country's health needs and the Health Organization to address the increasing
program continues its endeavour towards better burden of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs)–
understanding of disease pathogenesis in including obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular
problems exclusive to women and mechanistic disease.
paradigms involved in early development. The


It aims to test the hypothesis that integrated support cross disciplinary research bringing
interventions administered pre-conceptionally about collaborative activities between the
and at appropriate points across the life-course faculty of the Division of Biological Sciences and
(pregnancy, infancy and childhood) will reduce the faculty from various other science and
childhood adiposity, improve cardiovascular and engineering divisions. Through these high quality
m eta b o l i c h e a l t h , a n d i m p ro ve c h i l d research projects more than 230 research articles
neurodevelopmental outcomes. have been published, 10 international and
national patents have been filed and 4
technologies have been developed.
A multi-institutional and multidisciplinary
network program has been supported to further Theoretical and Computational Biology
the understanding of the causative and (Bioinformatics, AI and Big Data)
confounding factors associated with neonatal
sepsis, and towards reducing the burden of Realizing the immense importance of this
sepsis. The high incidence and case fatality rate, discipline, DBT is supporting the programme
unique pathogen profile, source of causative Theoretical and Computational Biology
pathogens, alarmingly high rates of Anti- (Bioinformatics, AI and Big Data) to bridge the
Microbial Resistance (AMR), and distinct lack of inter- disciplinary gaps in Biotechnology
reliable point-of-care diagnostics make it information and establish linkages between
imperative to understand the biology of neonatal scientists in organisations involved in R&D and
sepsis in a more comprehensive manner and find manufacturing activities in the country. The focus
context- specific solutions. of the programme is to build up information
resources, prepare databases on Biotechnology
KNOWLEDGE GENERATION, DISCOVERY and to develop relevant information handling
RESEARCH, NEW TOOLS AND TECHNOLOGIES tools and techniques and to continuously assess
information requirements, organise creation of
Basic Research in Modern Biology necessary infrastructure and to provide
The focus of the programme has been in information and computational support services
understanding the fundamental biological to the national community of users working in
processes/ mechanism leading to application of Biotechnology and allied areas through one of
fundamental concepts and encouraging the the key programme BTISNet which has been
discovery enabled and use inspired research. supported for more than three decades. BTISNet
During the period, Department has supported has emerged as a very sophisticated scientific
more than 120 projects to increase the infrastructure for Bioinformatics involving state-
understanding of basic principles and to provide of-the-art computational and communication
scientific information and theories that lays facilities. Considering the immense importance
down the foundation for the applied science of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology at
which have resulted in several good publications the intersection of various disciplines of Bio-
in high impact journals. Six Centre of excellence Sciences, Department has revamped the BTISNet
(CoE) have also been supported. DBT-IISc programme to accelerate R&D in biotechnology
Partnership Program Phase-II is also being sector through supporting projects in the broad
implemented at IISc, Bengaluru with an aim to sub-areas i.e. Structural Bioinformatics, Drug


discovery and drug development, Chemiinfor- Nanobiotechnology

matics, Database, Tools, Machine Learning,
Genome Informatics, Metagenomics, Systems Nanobiotechnology program of the Department
Bio/Microbial, Agriculture, Plants, Animal, of Biotechnology (DBT) supports application/
Aquaculture and Marine, Human diseases, translation-oriented projects that aim use
Disease informatics, Biodiversity, Proteomics and nanotechnology for addressing issues in health,
Metabolomics. Currently, 48 projects are being energy, agriculture and environment. Since its
funded under BTISNet programme. inception in 2007, department has supported
over 300 projects in nanobiotechnology.
Genome Engineering Technologies (GET) Some of these projects have delivered important
and their Applications products/leads specially in drug delivery,
therapeutics and drug development. The
With an aim to nurture new and innovative Department has supported nanobiotechnology
technologies such as CRISPR/Cas9, the projects for diagnosis and developing
Department of Biotechnology (DBT) has therapeutics via targeted drug delivery against a
supported several R&D projects under the variety of diseases including liver disease and
Genome Engineering Technology program. The cancer. The investigators in inStem have
vision of the program is to promote development synthesized silyl oxime compounds and
of Genome-wide Analysis and Engineering demonstrated that Silyl-Iodo-Oxime functional-
Technologies and make them accessible and ized fabric could deactivate organophosphate
affordable for wider use in diverse sectors based pesticides. The clothing and masks
including agriculture, health, and environment. fabricated using this technology can prevent
At present, over 80 ongoing projects are being pesticide exposure through dermal and
supported and more than 50 research inhalation route in farmers during spraying of
publications have emanated from the R&D pesticides.
projects supported under this program.
Investigators at IISER Bhopal, have designed a
sensitive reporter-based assay to determine the Accelerated Translational Grant for
efficiency of genome editing in human cells. With Commercialization
the help of this assay, the investigators
established editing of a defined locus in the cells Fundamental Science frequently yields
using virus-like particles (VLPs). Lgr5-specific discoveries that promise societal benefits in
Atoh1 or relevant gene loss using CRISPR/Cas9 areas such as health care, sustainable energy,
was evaluated in cell-based assay at genomic animal and marine biotechnology, agriculture
locus and it was found that the locus is being etc. To encourage technological innovation, DBT
targeted. This platform can improve the is providing funding opportunities for
efficiency of genome editing in human cells and fundamental research that is explicitly aimed
may find application in medical interventions in towards application development. To take
health and disease. advantage of research results with potential for
commercialization, DBT has enabled academic
researchers to take their fundamental research
to next phase via translational research


opportunities that launch their idea towards an common facilities of the Cluster.
end-use under Accelerated Translational Grant
for Commercialization (ATGC). This is a new The Biotech Science Cluster has already achieved
program launched by DBT in 2019. Since its a unique blend of a variety of multiple biotech
inception 5 calls have been announced in disciplines, in as much as, co-existence of RCB as a
partnership with BIRAC and projects with University, Research institutions as partner
promising leads have been implemented in the institutions connected with all the support
areas of Energy, Agriculture, Animal & Healthcare systems and common facilities like Advanced
Biotechnology. Technology Platform Centre (ATPC), BSC BioNest
Bio-incubator (BBB), Small Animal Facility (SAF),
BIOTECHNOLOGY SCIENCE CLUSTERS M.K. Bhan Auditorium, BSL-3 Facility, Bioreposit-
ory and Hostels to support the innovation,
Considering the importance of building synergy translational research and commercialization
and promoting networking in the biotech sector endeavours in inter-disciplinary areas of
in the country, the Department conceptualized biotechnology and life sciences.
the idea of setting up Bioclusters in its National
Bangalore Life Science Cluster, Bengaluru
Biotech Strategy document. Following this, the
Department has established four Bioclusters at Bangalore Life Science Cluster (BLiSC) is a unique
Faridabad (Haryana), Bangalore (Karnataka), hub of excellence in biological research in India
Kalyani (West Bengal) and Pune (Maharashtra). that aims to build the necessary infrastructure,
and human resources to enable research and
NCR Biotech Science Cluster-Faridabad
innovation activities across life sciences and
Regional Centre for Biotechnology (RCB), biotechnology domains with emphasis on
Translational Health Science and Technology Structural Biology and Bioinformatics tools. With
Institute (THSTI), National Institute of partnering Institutions like Institute for Stem Cell
Immunology (NII), National Institute of Plant Science and Regenerative Medicine (inStem)
Genome Research (NIPGR), and National Brain Bangalore; National Centre for Biological
Research Centre (NBRC) have collaborated to Sciences (NCBS), Bangalore and Centre for
jointly form the NCR Bio-Cluster, envisaged to Cellular and Molecular Platforms (C-CAMP),
support innovation, research, education, and Bangalore, Bangalore Life Science Cluster aims at
e n t r e p r e n e u rs h i p i n v a r i e d a r e a s o f developing best practices for inter- institutional
biotechnology through creative partnerships collaborations in India.
with Biotech & Pharmaceutical industry. While
The System Medicine Cluster (SyMeC),
THSTI, NII, NIPGR, and NBRC are institutions
Kalyani, West Bengal
primarily focused on research and development
activities, RCB is an institution for academic SyMeC Biocluster spearheaded by the National
training and research. The five partner Institute of Biomedical Genomics – comprises
institutions of the NCR Biotech Science Cluster five other institutions: Bose Institute, CSIR-Indian
together with participation from industry Institute of Chemical Biology, Indian Institute of
partners bring synergies in multi-disciplinary
research, and operational efficiencies in the
creation, management, and operation of the


Science Education & Research, Indian Statistical PROMOTING ENTREPRENEURSHIP

Institute and Tata Medical Centre. The three main AND INDUSTRIAL GROWTH
aims of SyMeC are: (a) To investigate and
understand the dynamic systems of the human The Department of Biotechnology along with
body as part of an integrated whole, BIRAC is playing a fundamental role in
incorporating biochemical, physiological, and implementing the flagship programs of the
environment interactions that sustain life, and Government of India such as 'Make-in -India' and
identify perturbations that cause disease,in 'Start-up India'. To make India a manufacturing
order to implement Systems Medicine; (b) hub for the emerging economy, DBT and BIRAC
Provide improved tools for prediction, have taken visionary steps for burgeoning the
prevention and treatment of diseases using a biotech ecosystem in the country.
systems biology approach; and (c) Create a
platform for multi- disciplinary training to build a BIRAC supports innovators and start-ups at all the
cadre of scientific, clinical and technical stages of product development by support
personnel require to drive and to sustain systems through various schemes, industry-academia
medicine. SyMeC's research has already resulted interaction for strengthened innovation,
in the development of a powerful statistical and technology transfer, IP management, and several
bioinformatics method to integrate genotype handholding services. BIRAC also provides
and gene-expression data for dissecting the infrastructural support -it has established
genetic architecture of a disease. BioNEST incubators, pre-incubation centers,
biotech parks and is planning to establish
Pune Bio-Cluster Technology clusters and Manufacturing zones.

The Biotech science cluster at Pune has been The potent biotech ecosystem will spur
conceived as a hub for interactions amongst innovation in the country, start-ups will emerge
scientists of Pune and nearby locations with the that will open new avenues and subsequently can
theme - “Model Organisms to Human Disease”. generate large employment.
The two leading institutes at Pune, namely:
National Center for Cell Science (NCCS) and Make-in-India Programme in Biotechnology
Indian Institute of Science & Engineering
Research (IISER) have collaborated to develop The Make-in-India Cell of BIRAC is enterprising for
shared facilities and expertise. The focus of this a variety of initiatives. It has been facilitating
cluster is on molecular and cellular imaging investment for the biotech sector, providing
extending to whole animal disease models and regulatory support, and helping protect
establishment of a proteomics facility to Intellectual Property. MII Cell has done state
investigate molecular correlates of human partnership to expand the biotech innovation
diseases. ecosystem and created global start-ups connect.
The rigorous steps taken by BIRAC and Make-in-
India Cell have contributed significantly to the
growth of the biotech sector in India.


Biodesign Biotechnology Parks and Incubator Parks

Realizing the importance of affordable, The Department of Biotechnology has

indigenous and accessible medical technologies established Biotechnology Parks/ Incubators to
in the country, Biodesign program has been translate research into products and services
implemented as a flagship program to foster and across the country by providing necessary
promote development of indigenous affordable infrastructure support. It provides facilities to
scientists, and Small and Medium sized
Enterprises (SMEs) for technology incubation,
technology demonstration and pilot plant studies
for accelerated commercial development of
biotechnology sector in the country. So far, the
Department has supported 9 Biotechnology
Parks in various States for accelerating the
commercialization of new technologies,
nurturing and maintaining emerging ventures
and assisting new enterprises to forge
appropriate linkages with other stakeholders of
biotechnology sector including academia and
government. These are:
ª Biotech Park, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh.
medical technologies and creating an ecosystem ª Biotechnology Incubation Centre,
for Med-Tech innovations and entrepreneurship Hyderabad, Telangana.
in the country. Under the programme four ª Tidco Centre For Life Sciences (TICEL)
biodesign centres have been established. School Biotech Park, Chennai, Tamil Nadu.
of International Biodesign (SIB) centred at AIIMS ª The Golden Jubilee Biotech Park For
and IIT Delhi; Centre for Biodesign and in-vitro Women, Chennai, Tamil Nadu.
Diagnostics (CBD) at Translational Health Science ª Biotech Park Technology Incubation
& Technology (THSTI), Faridabad; Biodesign and Centre, Guwahati, Assam.
Bioengineering Initiative (BBI) program at IISc., ª Biotechnology Incubation Centre, Cochin,
Bengaluru; and Healthcare Technology Kerala.
Innovation Centre (HTIC) at IIT Madras, Chennai. ª Biotechnology Park, Bangalore, Karnataka;
In the current year, a new centre at KGMU ª Industrial Biotechnology Parks (IBTPs),
Lucknow & IIT Kanpur has been supported by the Jammu & Kashmir.
Department. During the year, five technologies ª Chhattisgarh Biotech Park, Naya Raipur,
have been developed by SiB Fellows and one Chhattisgarh.
technology was Licensed to the start-up Cureous
Labs Private Limited formed by SiB Fellow of 2018 BUILDING INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATIONS
batch. Six patent applications were filed and four AND PARTNERSHIP
were granted during the year.
The Department of Biotechnology is actively
engaged to bridge the technological and capacity


building gap in frontiers areas of life sciences Monash University Australia, and Heidelberg
through International Collaboration programme. University Germany as well as NGOs Nobel
The International Collaboration programme is Media, Prakash labs are providing scope for
providing opportunities for exchange of ideas, leapfrog jump in translational research, capacity
collaboration and get trained for innovation as building, outreach and frugal science areas in
well as technology interventions with global best India. Aim of the International programme
labs in research on mutually agreed areas. through bilateral, multilateral and partnership
Partnerships of the department includes Science engagements is to create opportunities and
and Technology organizations, councils, bridge the gap in emerging areas of science and
philanthropic organizations, NGO's and technology by creation of capacity and sharing of
research/academic institutions. Active bilateral knowledge and resources. The International
partnerships with Australia, Brazil, Canada, Cooperation Programme has broad coverage on
Denmark, European Union, Finland, Germany, mutually agreed areas such as COVID-19, Vaccine
Japan, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, South Development, Systems Medicine, Diagnostic
Africa, U.K, USA and The Netherlands in mutually devices, Fundamental and Basic research, One
agreed areas are providing several platforms for Health and AMR, Maternal and Child Health,
scientific interactions. Multilateral Partnerships Waste to Value, Bio-fuels, Animal Health,
with BRICS, TaSE, and Globalstars (EUREKA) and Aquaculture, Key Enabling Technologies for
contribution partnerships with HFSPO, EMBO are Agriculture, Healthcare, Water, and Agriculture
state of the art platform for scientific and Allied sciences. During year the department
interactions. Partnerships of the Department has focus through several joint initiatives for
with Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF)- addressing challenges created by the COVID-19
the USA, Wellcome Trust (WT)-UK), Cancer pandemic for understanding the
Research UK (CRUK) Philanthropic Organizations pathophysiology, epidemiology, development of
and Universities (Cambridge University UK, vaccine, diagnostics and therapeutics.

Figure: India's participation in 6th MI Ministerial: hosted by Chile June 2021


SPECIAL PROGRAMS Biotech-Krishi Innovation Science Application

Network (Biotech-KISAN)
Biotech-KISAN is a scientist-farmer partnership
Department has been supporting projects aiming scheme launched by Department of
to promote use of biotechnological processes Biotechnology (DBT) in 2017 for agriculture
and tools for the benefit of society specially innovation with an objective to connect science
farmers and unemployed youth in Aspirational laboratories with the farmers to find out
districts and rural areas through Biotech Based innovative solutions and technologies to be
Programmes for Societal Development. DBT also applied at farm level. The establishment of
has Biotech-Krishi Innovation Science Application Biotech-KISAN Hubs in different agroclimatic
Network (Biotech-KISAN) program that zones willstrengthen and empower the KVKs with
empowers farmers, especially women farmers. It latest and innovative technologies by linking
aims to understand the problems of water, soil, them with national scientific labs and
seed and market faced by the farmers and institutions. This programme will be working on
provide simple solutions to them. the basis of cluster approach for economic uplift
of small and marginal farmers, rural youths and
Biotechnology Based Program for Societal woman by infusion of biotechnology-based
Development solutions in agriculture and allied sectors,
development of bio-based agri-enterprises in
Biotechnology based Program for Societal
rural areas based on affordable technologies and
Development was initiated by DBT in 1990 to
providing support to them. The Biotech-KISAN
benefit the vulnerable section of the society
Hubs/Incubators that have been established so
particularly farmers, women and SC/ST
far covers all 15 agro-climatic zones of the
population. From 2018-19, the focus of the
country and their activities have been
program has shifted to socio-economic
implemented in a total of 169 districts including
upliftment of the underprivileged section of the
112 Aspirational Districts. The scheme has
society in Aspirational Districts. In last 5 years, the
benefitted over three lakh farmers (directly and
Department has supported 66 projects under this
indirectly, both) by increasing their agriculture
program and nearly 39,000 rural, SC/ST and
output and income. Over 200 entrepreneurships
women population including youth have been
have also been developed in the rural areas.
benefitted through the implementation of the
projects in agriculture and allied sector including Biotech-Krishi Innovation Science Application
animal husbandry, dairy, fisheries; integrated Network (Biotech-KISAN)
farming system; health & nutrition; environment No. of Ongoing Biotech-KISAN Hubs supported 36
& biodiversity conservation. Satellite Centerss 169
No. of Aspirational Districts covered 112
During 2021-22, Department has screened 52 No. of Demonstrations carried out 8000
proposals received under call for establishment No. of Interventions carried out 55
of Rural Technology Clusters (RTCs) in No. of Farmer beneficiaries covered under training 3,00,000
Aspirational Districts. 27 proposals have been programmes and workshops
recommended for implementation. Entrepreneurships developed in the rural areas 200


PROMOTING BIOTECHNOLOGY IN THE facility is expected to be fully operational by

NORTH EASTERN REGION December, 2022. North East Centre for Biological
Sciences and Healthcare Engineering (NECBH), at
The North East Region of India has been IIT, Guwahati aims to bolster the scientific
identified as one of the biodiversity hotspots of research and innovation in the field of biological
the world. The region, though endowed with one sciences and healthcare engineering of the entire
of the best bioresources of the country faces North-East Region by promoting dissipation of
several challenges in terms of poor agricultural/ knowledge through collaborative research
horticulture outputs, high disease burden in the activities with IIT-Guwahati and providing
homogeneous ethnic communities, degradation training programs and workshops on instrument
of the fragile ecosystem, lack of skilled facilities and scientific research. Six facilities of
manpower, good research infrastructure etc. biological sciences and six facilities of healthcare
Rich bioresources spread across NER's diverse engineering have been established as part of
ecosystems and nurtured by indigenous NECBH. These include X-ray diffraction, Nuclear
communities, provide ample opportunities for Magnetic Resonance (NMR), Scanning Tunnelling
furthering economic development of the region Microscopy, Confocal microscopy, Field Emission
through scientific and technological Scanning Electron Microscope (FESEM) facility,
interventions. Flow Assisted Cell Sorter.
In order to give focused attention for the region,
the Department has earmarked 10% of its annual AUTONOMOUS INSTITUIONS
budget every year for implementing special
programmes for NER in 2010. The specialized Centre for DNA Fingerprinting and
programme for NER aims at promoting and Diagnostics (CDFD), Hyderabad
strengthening biotechnology related activities
for addressing local challenges and harnessing Centre for DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics
endemic bioresources for economic (CDFD), Hyderabad is well equipped with world
development of the region. To effectively class state-of-the-art instrumentation and
manage the programme, NER Biotechnology computing infrastructure to facilitate working in
Management Cell (NER-BPMC) has been set up frontier areas of research in Life Sciences. The
by DBT and is being managed by DBT- Institute of major areas of research in the institute centered
Life Sciences (DBT-ILS), Bhubaneshwar. around Cell Signaling, Transcription, Structural
B i o l o g y, C o m p u t a t i o n a l B i o l o g y a n d
Animal House Facility at RMRC, Dibrugarh is Bioinformatics, Immunology, Genetics and
being setup in NER with the objectives to develop Molecular Pathogenesis. CDFD has successfully
advanced animal facilities for housing/holding completed twenty -five years of its significant
small laboratory animals in different levels of existence. During this year, CDFD has provided
biosafety environment (excluding containment high quality forensic DNA fingerprinting services,
level BSL-3 and above), to make the facility genetic diagnostic, prenatal diagnosis and clinical
accessible to biomedical/biotechnology genetic counselling services. It also rendered
researchers from all the 8 states of NER and to plant DNA fingerprinting services to test purity of
provide appropriate training to the biomedical Basmati Rice for 607 samples which has
research staff in SOPs for caring, maintenance contributed to the increase in Basmati exports.
and handling of small lab animals. The regional


During the year 2021, several important events Institute of Bioresources and Sustainable
like workshops, lecture, organ donation Development (IBSD) is working under different
awareness program, vaccination of students, research verticals including Phytopharmaceuti-
staff and their family members, celebrations of cal Mission, Ethnopharmacology & Drug
Foundation Day and National Science Day etc Development; Plant Resources; Microbial
were organized by the institute. The Paediatric Resources including Fermented Food; Animal
Rare Genetic Disorders Laboratory was Resources; Eco-Restoration including Water
inaugurated by the Hon'ble Vice President of Quality Management & Surveillance. Under
India, Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu in the month of phytopharmaceutical mission, traditional
February, 2021. healthcare practices and medicinal plants are
targeted for their documentation, extraction,
C e nte r o f I n n o vat i ve a n d A p p l i e d
isolation, characterization, value-addition,
Bioprocessing (CIAB), Mohali development of marker compounds, qualitative
The mission of CIAB is to test, validate, translate, evaluation and standardization. Major focus is on
innovate, improve, up-scale and integrate mass multiplication of Gaultheria sp., Swertia
approaches and technologies related to chirayita, Cinnamomum sp., Parkia sp., ginger
bioprocessing of agrifood/agri-mass for and turmeric; characterization of Biosilica
promotion of secondary agriculture. During the (Vanshlochan) from bamboo resources of NER
year, several research activities have been with potential application in Chavanprash
undertaken. CIAB's flagship research program is formulation; mass scale extraction, quality
on utilization of rice residues for value added evaluation,development of phytomarker
compounds from essential oils of aromatic plant;
product development. Under this, processes development of antidiabetic, anti-arthritis and
have been developed for xylitol and levulinic acid immuno-modulatory phytomarker compounds
production. Fruits and vegetables waste biomass and formulations from selected medicinal plants
is being explored for the development of valuable of NER; screening of medicinal plants for anti-
compounds of commercial importance. microbial resistance; developing DNA barcodes
Furthermore, processes have been developed for for medicinal plants. IBSD is also working on
the extraction of pectin, dietary fibers, essential documentation, evaluation and validation of
oils, proteins and citrate. Bioprocesses have been traditional healthcare practices of NER to
developed for the production of functional promote the drugs from our ancestors, drugs
molecules like oligosachharides and rare sugars from nature and to explore the tradition to
from agro-biomass. Synthetic biology, translation with innovation. To explore the native
nanobiology and biotechnological approaches biodiversity, a compendium has been developed
have been used in the biomass valorization. for anti-viral plants of North East Region. The
Efforts have been put to explore the productions seventy plants compiled in this compendium are
of platform chemicals and biochemical from reported for their anti-viral activities and
agrobiomass. practiced as well as proven for its medicinal
properties. Under plant resources vertical, IBSD is
involved in plant tissue culture of medicinal,
Institute of Bioresources and Sustainable
aromatic and horticulture plants for mass
Development (IBSD), Imphal


multiplication and production of quality planting accelerate the translation of discoveries made in
material. of medicinal plants of NER. Main focus the institute's laboratories. The cell and gene
is on identification, taxonomy, phylogenic therapy unit of inStem, the Centre for Stem Cell
analysis, development of molecular markers and Research, is set for the first gene-therapy trial in
genomic resources for medicinal plants of NER. India for Hemophilia A. The Science Setu
Under microbial resources vertical, a large webinars of inStem attracted a diverse set of
number of Bacteria, Actinomycetes, Yeast and speakers and an expanding participant base,
Fungi have been explored from different unique successfully communicating cutting edge science
ecological niches of NE India viz., cave ecosystem, to the masses.
forest ecosystem, fermented food, endophytes,
hot-spring, cold spring, lime stone deposits, high
altitude ecosystems including wild mushrooms
etc and preserved at the Microbial Repository
Centre of IBSD, Imphal. To assess the safety of
naturally fermented foods, IBSD is working on
the development of rapid diagnostic kit for the
detection of common fermented food-borne
pathogens in locally available fermented foods
and products. Also working on the flavour
profiling and developing flavour sensors for
Ngari and Soibum fermented products of NER.
Under animal resources vertical, IBSD is working
on plant derived insecticides for pest International Centre for Genetic Engineering
management. and Biotechnology (ICGEB), New Delhi

The ICGEB New Delhi component has

In stitu te fo r Stem C ell Scien ce & successfully maintained its pace of research
Regenerative Medicine (inStem), Bangalore activities and efforts in the year 2021, despite the
worse wave of covid-19 in India. This year, the
The Institute for Stem Cell Science and component has published around 120 research
Regenerative Medicine (inStem) has been articles and filed 2 national and 15 (6
established by DBT for accelerating research in International & 9 National Phase) international
stem cell biology & regeneration in the context of Patent applications. 14 students have been
disease. During the year, inStem has reported key graduated. Currently, 15 international students
advances in areas of skin repair and are undergoing training in various laboratories. In
regeneration, metabolic regulation of cell fate,
collaboration with Department of Biotechnology,
identified the first of its kind genetic linkage
New Delhi component has been conducting
between cardiac disease and obesity in India, and
transferred new technologies. inStem has risen lecture series for the college students. So far, 8
in rankingsbased on published work, and its lectures are delivered in the series. The scientists
faculty has been recognized by prestigious have also actively participated in around 15
awards. inStem has also contributed via multiple international seminars this year. In order to
avenues to the National COVID-19 response. A support the outreach efforts of ICGEB, plans to
seminar- series that fosters interactions with the establish a science museum is also underway.
clinic and industry has been initiated to


Institute of Life Sciences (ILS), Bhubaneshwar complex processes that form the basis of brain
mechanism using innovative multidisciplinary
The research activity of DBT-ILS focuses on basic, approach in basic and translational research.
applied, translational and interdisciplinary areas. NBRC has been recognized as an “Institution of
Several significant research output of ILS during Excellence” by the Government of India. NBRC
the year has enhanced the understanding of produces unique manpower resources and has
basic cellular and molecular mechanisms of gene developed into a role model for integrative
function and their role in growth and research. M.Sc. and Ph.D. programs impart
development, disease progression and specialized knowledge and skills for conducting
management. In Cancer Biology, scientists have interdisciplinary research in neurosciences.
established the role of ERRβ – NEDDylation axis in NBRC has developed project SWADESH, a unique
Breast cancer tumorigenesis and Tamoxifen brain initiative focusing on certified neuroimag-
resistance,CMTM6 mediated cisplatin resistance ing, neurochemical, neuropsychological data and
in Oral cancer, and have established role of analytics that are made accessible to researchers
circRNA in regulation of Insulin gene as well as for managing brain disorders. SWADESH is the
developed magnetic nanoparticle based therapy. first large-scale multimodal neuroimaging
Under Infectious disease group some of the database designed specifically for Indian
significant highlights include the validation of population with big-data architecture and
MBZM-N- IBT as a potent anti-CHIKV compound, analytics for various disease categories under
understanding of NCoR1 in response to one platform.
tolerogenic and an antiviral behavior,
establishing suppression of inflammation by National Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute
IRMG and postulating that Th2 immunity are (NABI), Mohali
predisposed to systemic fungal infection.
Developing reference grade genome for National Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute
m a n g ro v e s p e c i e s Av i c e n n i a m a r i n a , (NABI) aims to improve nutritional quality and
understanding the role of HSPs in Moringa, availability of affordable agri-food and food
identifying miRNA for salt tolerance, generating products through innovations. During the year,
genomic resources from pulses and species from they have developed low glycemic wheat lines
tribal region and discovering a Novel containing high amylose and improved
microorganism Glutami-cibactermishrai sp. nov agronomic traits through non-transgenic EMS
from the coral reef are some of the key highlights mutagenesis approach. Biofortified colored
of the research undertaken by the Plant and wheat with high anthocyanin content has been
Environmental Biotechnology group. developed by the breeding approach. Under the
area of food and GM crops biosafety, NABI has
National Brain Research Centre (NBRC), developed carbohydrate, aptamer, and gold
nanostars-based biosensors against different
foodborne pathogens to increase sensitivity and
selectivity. The technology of anthocyanin
NBRC is an autonomous deemed-to-be university
biofortified antioxidant rich colored wheat has
dedicated to research in frontier areas of
neuroscience and brain function in health and
disease. The institute devotedly studies brain
functions in health and diseases and understands


been commercialized and transferred to 22 supported for the 'National Genomics Core' to
companies by signing MOU/NDA with them. serve nation-wide interests in this field. Genome
sequencing has led the NIBMG faculty to identify
National Centre for Cell Science (NCCS), Pune several leads associated with the diseases. Efforts
NCCS, an autonomous institute of DBT, is involved are in progress to translate these leads from
in cutting-edge research in cell biology and 'bench to bedside'. NIBMG is proud to be a
contribute to national development through partner of the Asian Immune Diversity Atlas, and
capacity-building and value-added services that hence the first recipient of the prestigious Chan-
facilitate cell biology research across India. Zuckerberg Initiative in the field of Biological
During the year, institute has carried out various Sciences in India. The state-of-the-art
research activities, including Covid-related infrastructure for proteomics research, imaging
research initiatives, services and outreach and Zebrafish facility has been established for
programs. functional validation of genomic alterations
associated with the diseases. NIBMG has
expanded scope of cell culture facility, initiated a
microbiome research facility, also established
Biosafety level II (BSLII) for handling infectious
samples. Currently, the institute is in the process
of setting up BSLIII facility to work with infectious
pathogens like Mycobacterium tuberculosis and
SARS-CoV-2 for functional studies of genomic

NIBMG has played a major role in genomic

Fig: In service of the nation: DBT-NCCS is honoured surveillance, leading PAN-India 1000 SARS- CoV-2
to now also serve as a CDL for testing RNA Genome Sequencing Consortium of DBT AIs
COVID-19 vaccines along with the clinical collaborators and
subsequently Indian SARS-CoV-2 Genomics
National Institute of Biomedical Genomics Consortium (INSACOG) for early detection of
(NIBMG), Kalyani SARS-CoV-2 genomic variants with public health
implication. Scientists at NIBMG strived for
NIBMG has been promoting the concept of academic excellence and has immensely
genomics for health, accelerating research, contributed to scientific intervention of SARS-
training and focusing on capacity building in the CoV-2, extended service to scientific society
area of Biomedical Genomics. The focus of the providing access to our high-end and high-
institute is to understand the genetic throughput technology platforms.
underpinnings of all major human diseases,
particularly those that are of public-health
importance in India, translate the research
findings to reduce the burden of disease, and
build a formidable team of enablers through
collaboration and training. NIBMG has been


National Institute of Animal Biotechnology in 1998, has focused scientific program both in
(NIAB), Hyderabad basic science and translational work with a
mission to undertake research of high caliber in
NIAB aims to take up research in the cutting edge plant molecular biology and to seek applications
areas for improving animal health and of the same. The Institute is actively engaged in
productivity by integrating novel and emerging research on topics ranging from genome analysis
biotechnological interventions. Institute and molecular breeding, plant development and
research activities are mainly focussed on animal architecture, adaptation to abiotic stresses,
genomics and genetics, transgenic technology, molecular mechanisms of host-pathogen
reproductive biotechnology, animal diseases, interactions, plant immunity, computational &
bioinformatics and nutrition enrichment. structural biology, nutritional genomics and
Institute has special thrust on basic research emerging areas covering cutting-edge research.
having potential to develop novel vaccines, During the year, the Institute has made significant
diagnostics and improved therapeutics for farm progress in its research activities, which are
animals. The whole genome sequencing of Indian reflected in high-quality publications and some
cattle breeds has led to development of IndiGau promising technology leads.
cattle genomic chip for conservation of
indigenous cattle breeds. In addition, institute is National Institute of Immunology (NII), New
working on improvement of fertility of cattle Delhi
through prolongation of shelf life of oocytes,
development of assays or platforms for estrous The National Institute of Immunology
detection. Also research projects in areas of perpetually strives to expand its intellectual and
infectious diseases such as brucellosis, academic horizons in the life sciences. Each year
leptospirosis, staphylococcosis, Newcastle brings with it scientific achievements and
disease, Theileriosis, Toxoplasmosis are aiming to accomplishment, as well as demonstration of
develop novel vaccine and diagnostics are under ever-higher levels of technical expertise and
process. NIAB is contributing towards skills. The Institute caters to various disciplines
understanding the existence and spread of AMR ranging from description of the structure and
in microbes associated with poultry birds function of biomolecules, to immune pathways
through Indo-UK collaborative program. Host that help preserve organismal homeostasis
pathogen interactions, virulence mechanisms, during periods of health, to the elucidation of
and molecular pathogenesis are being studied mechanisms of pathophysiology that operate in
with ultimate objective of technology and infectious and non-infectious diseases, and
product innovation for development of efficient onward to the development of novel diagnostics,
diagnostic tools and novel vaccines. NIAB has the rapeutics and vaccines. Medical afflictions of
established a One health consortium to address particular concern to the country form a special
the issues related to spread of zoonotic, food focus. NII's contributions primarily lie in the fields
borne and transboundary diseases. of: - Immunology and Vaccines; Infectious
Diseases; Cancer Biology and Immunotherapy;
National Institute of Plant Genome Research Metabolic Disorders and Chronic Diseases;
(NIPGR), New Delhi Structural and Computational Biology, and
Genetics; Cell and Development Biology. During
The National Institute of Plant Genome Research the year NII has undertaken various initiatives for
(NIPGR), an autonomous institute of Department Covid research and testing along with high-end
of Biotechnology (DBT) starting from its inception research insights into various life processes.


Regional Centre for Biotechnology (RCB), breast cancers. RGCB has established a
Faridabad nationwide investigator network for research on
Head and Neck Cancer (HNC) and established one
Regional Centre for Biotechnology (RCB), an of the best HNC Bio-repository in the country.
Institution of National Importance imparts Similarly, the central cell and tissue repository
education and training, and conduct research in continue to generate large number of model
the frontier areas of biotechnology. RCB offers cancer cell resources and patient derived
structured degree programs as well as short-term xenografts to enable drug discovery and
training programs in highly specialized areas of genomics analysis of specific tumors. RGCB has
biotechnology and life sciences. More than 100 an established pathogen biology group working
students are pursuing doctoral degree programs on host factors of broad-spectrum antivirals and
and so far 43 RCB students have been awarded disease pathogenesis modifiers associated with
PhD degrees. RCB also has an integrated MSc- Chikungunya, dengue, identification and early-
PhD degree program where students with stage development of antimicrobial agents,
bachelor's degrees are admitted. A total of 37 antimicrobial drug resistance, population studies
students are currently registered for this on distribution and transmission of infectious
programme. After due diligence, RCB has granted agents, infection biology and response to
recognition to the MSc, MSc-PhD (integrated), or vaccines. Cardiovascular research program
PhD programs at ten centers across the nation. involves the study of molecular mechanisms
More than 300 students from these recognized involved in human cardiovascular diseases and
centers are registered for their degrees with RCB. diabetes and translation of bench findings to new
During the year, RCB scientists have published bedside strategies for diagnosis and therapy.
103 research articles in the journals of national RGCB is also working on identification of factors
and international repute. Besides, the institute responsible for increased risk for vascular disease
has organized various training activities for in patients with type II diabetes mellitus with the
students, researchers and scientists in the aim of discovering diagnostic biomarkers and
advanced areas of life sciences and biotech possibly develop diagnostic tools as well as
sciences. strategies to reduce the risk. The chemical
biology division of RGCB has been working on
Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology specialized bacterial nanopore CymA of
(RGCB), Thiruvananthapuram sophisticated architecture and elucidates the
molecular mechanism of carbohydrate polymer
translocation and bioactive peptides. Recently, a
The Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology
new campus has also been established on the
(RGCB), has several discovery and translation
land provided by the State government at
research programs which are spread over
Aakulam with the support of core fund of the
specializations such as Cancer Research,
institute. The new campus has been named as
Pathogen Biology, Chemical Biology, Cardiovas-
“Shri Guruji Madhav Sadashiv Golwalkar National
cular & Diabetes Biology, Neurobiology,
Centre for Complex Disease in Cancer and Viral
Reproduction Biology and Plant Disease Biology.
The primary focus of cancer research is drug
discovery and clinical studies on common cancers
of India including oral cancer, cervical, colon and


Translational Health Science and Technology facilitate novel, high quality affordable products
Institute (THSTI), Faridabad development through cutting edge technologies.
BIRAC also integrates with National Missions
The Translational Health Science and Technology (Make in India, Startup India, National
Institute (THSTI), is engaged in cutting edge Biopharma Mission, Ayushman Bharat), Policy
research in many areas of public health initiatives, G2G and Multilateral collaborations
importance which include mother & child health, for International Ecosystem Connect to scale the
tuberculosis, dengue, SARS CoV-2, autoimmune Biotechnology Innovation Ecosystem across
diseases and non-alcoholic fatty liver diseases. India. BIRAC also contributes to the
THSTI has made seminal contributions to COVID- Government's national programs such as “Make
19 research during this year which has helped in in India”, “Startup India”, “Swachh Bharat”,
developing vaccines, evaluating therapeutic "Ayushman Bharat", international alliances
molecules and establishing diagnostic assays. through program management units for National
THSTI has been recognized nationally and Biopharma Mission, Bill & Melinda Gates
internationally as an excellent hub of basic, Foundation, Wellcome Trust and USAID.
translational and clinical research.
Bharat Immunologicals and Biologicals
Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance
Corporation Limited (BIBCOL), Uttar Pradesh
Council (BIRAC), New Delhi
Bharat Immunologicals and Biologicals
BIRAC since its inception has closely nurtured
Corporation Limited (BIBCOL), a Central Public
more than 1500 entrepreneurs, start-ups, SMEs
Sector Unit (PSU) in India, promoted by the
as well as large industries. As a strategic
Department of Biotechnology (DBT), has
alignment with several national missions, BIRAC
contributed in the vision of Government of India
has successfully inculcated a culture of
to eradicate the polio from the country. In the
entrepreneurship in biotech domain in the
pharmaceutical segment, BIBCOL has been
country. A world class incubation facility network
manufacturing and marketing dispersible Zinc
of 60 BioNEST bioincubators has been
Tablet and Diarrhea Treatment Kit. Besides, two
established creating about 6,45,674+ sq. ft. of
projects namely Oral Cholera Vaccine and plasma
dedicated incubation space reaching to tier 2
derived medicines are under execution. The
cities. More than 10,000 people have been
company is likely to start the production of life
trained with high-end skills. These entrepreneurs
saving drugs and Vaccines for the country at very
and Startups have created an intellectual
affordable prices. In the year 2020-21 BIBCOL has
property wealth reflected in 200+ patent filing.
produced and supplied 1731.44 lakhs doses of
Importantly, there are 150+ biotechnology
Oral Polio Vaccine and 4704.10 litres of Hand
products and technologies that have been
Sanitizer to fight against COVD pandemic.
commercialized in the market by these Startups.
Additionally, 125+ covid solutions (diagnostics, Indian Vaccines Corporation Ltd. (IVCOL),
assistive, preventive and monitoring) have been New Delhi
launched in the market by the startups from
BIRAC's incubator ecosystem. BIRAC has Indian Vaccines Corporation Limited (IVCOL) was
established national and international strategic incorporated in March 1989 as a Joint Venture
partnerships, networks and platforms involving Company promoted by the Govt. of India
industry-academia Innovation research and (Department of Biotechnology-DBT); Pasteur


Meraux Serum & Vaccines (PMSV) France; and biosamples/biospecimen from Biorepsitory,
Indian Petrochemicals Corporation Ltd. (IPCL 2021” was notified to ensure biosafety during
merged with the Reliance Industries Limited in the collection, processing, storage and
2007). However, P.M.S.V. exited from the joint transaction of biosamples/biospecimens which
venture in 1998 by selling its shares to DBT. The require BSL-2 or above containment facility for
company has no trading or commercial activity at undertaking research and development
present and is maintaining establishment to look activities; and is applicable for both public and
after its site and complying with the statutory private organisations engaged in research and
obligations under the company's act 2013. development activities and handling of GE
organisms and non-GE HMOs. With the
REGULATION, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY & notification of Guidelines for the Establishment
LEGISLATIONS of Containment Facilities: BSL2 and BSL3 and
Certification of BSL3 facility 2020 in 2020-21; DBT
The Department of Biotechnology is committed has initiated the certification of the nationwide
to promote the advancement of research and BSL-3 facilities and has certified 10 facilities till
teaching activities, by ensuring that all November, 2021.
experiments involving Hazardous
During the year, the RCGM evaluated more than
Microorganisms/Genetically Engineered
653 applications from public/private
Organisms are conducted in compliance with
/autonomous organizations including
(Rules, 1989) under the Environment
universities in 20 meetings in the areas of
(Protection) Act, 1986 (EPA 1986). The Rules,
agriculture, healthcare and industrial products
1989 delegated the Department to administer
specifically for authorization to import, export &
the functioning of i) Institutional Biosafety
exchange of high risk group microorganisms and
Committees (IBSCs) which operate directly from
recombinant DNA research (rDNA) related
the premises of the institutions and ensures on-
materials including seeds, gene constructs,
site assessment and monitoring of adherence to
plasmids, vectors and genetically engineered
the biosafety guidelines with overall oversight of
(GE)/living modified (LM) organisms; to conduct
the regulatory process, at the institutional level
pre-clinical toxicity studies; for evaluation of pre-
and ii) Review Committee on Genetic
clinical study reports; to conduct confined field
Manipulation (RCGM) which monitors & reviews
trials on GE crops viz. cotton, corn, rice etc. for
all ongoing research projects involving high risk
generation of biosafety data; and to conduct
category and confined field experiments and
rDNA research in pharmaceutical & agriculture
ensure the compliance of biosafety rules &
sectors. This included 244 COVID 19 related
regulations. Framing and implementation of
applications for the research and product
safety measures and guidelines, while
development of vaccines, and therapeutics and
conducting research on high risk group
import/export/exchange. 8 rDNA products were
microorganisms and GE organisms have also
permitted by RCGM for conducting pre- clinical
been entrusted upon RCGM.
study reports, 18 rDNA were recommended to
Drug Controller General of India [DCG (I)] for
Guidelines Issued During 2021-22: appropriate phase of human clinical trials.

The document “SOPs for exchange of infectious


Patent Facilitation Cell during the period of April 2014 to March 2020 for
carrying out detailed analysis. Based on the list of
DBT has established the “Biotechnology Patent completed projects during 2014-20, the Study
Facilitation Cell (BPFC)” to bridge the gap Team prepared a list of about 2,700 projects and
between the research outcome and its use for the 290 samples were selected for detailed analysis
benefit of the stakeholders, scientists and in the first phase. The study has covered the
policymakers need information and facilities for socio- economic impact of various schemes, such
protecting their research. The cell provides a as Building Capacities, Mission Programme (Bio-
single window awareness-cum-facilitation tech KISAN Programme, Bio-Pharma Mission
m e c h a n i s m to c re ate awa re n e s s a n d Programme, Mission Innovation etc), Research &
understanding about Intellectual Property Rights Development (Medical Biotechnology, Agricult-
among the scientists and researchers. In the year ure & Allied Areas, Knowledge Generation,
2021-22, two patent applications have been Discovery and research, new tool and
granted so far. Awareness and patent facilitation technologies, Energy Environmental and Bio-
is a part of the support, and there is a huge need Resource Based Application, Bio-informatics,
to actively license the technologies to Human Genetics, Bio-Design), Translational &
commercialize research outcomes for the benefit Industrial Development Programme, Special
of the society. Programme (Bio-technology of Societal
STUDIES The study has highlighted DBT's cardinal role in
creating world class infrastructure and facilities
Socio–Economic Impact Assessment & for advancing biotech teaching, study, research,
Analysis of the various Schemes and and productization and commercialization;
Programs of the Department of human capital development through its various
Biotechnology innovative programmes and fellowships and
knowledge advancement in areas of healthcare,
The Department of Biotechnology commissioned energy, environment, agriculture, marine and
a study on “Socio–Economic Impact Assessment animal biotechnology.
& Analysis of the various Schemes and Program-
mes of the Department of Biotechnology. The ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCE
objectives of the study were to assess socio-
economic impact of DBT interventions in various DBT Administration is responsible for ensuring
sectors. The study looked into the macro- smooth functioning of the Department by
economic impact of the DBT Programmes and providing amenities, infrastructure and
assessed the impact of DBT interventions in ambience to the scientists, officers and staff
specific areas of Human Resource Development, working in the Department. DBT Administration
Agriculture, Health, Environmental, regional, and has also provided all the logistics and technical
societal aspects. This study covered the socio- support to organize the India International
economic impact of projects that have been Science Festival 2021 in Goa. The establishment
completed during April 2014 to March 2020. For section of DBT has efficiently handled
sampling, the Study Team chose more than 10 recruitment, promotion and reimbursement
percent of the DBT funded projects completed matters.


HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT, The HRD Programmes of DBT have had a

significant impact on the development of
TRAINING & WORKSHOPS Biotechnology in the country. The significant
Human resource is one of the major pillars achievements made during the year under
supporting scientific research and development various HRD Programmes are highlighted below:
in the country. It is critical to have a robust human
resource development programme in order to Significant achievements:
maintain, perpetuate and leverage scientific
knowledge to achieve our socio-economic (A) TEACHING PROGRAMME:
development goals. The Human Resource
Development Programme of the Department of (i) Postgraduate Teaching Programmes
Biotechnology is aimed at providing holistic (M.Sc./ M.Tech./ M.V.Sc)
development and support to students, young The Post Graduate Programmes in
researchers and scientists working in the Biotechnology are being implemented by
multidisciplinary areas of Biotechnology. Since its DBT since the year 1985. The aim is to ensure
inception, the Department has been supporting a high quality standard of teaching and
Biotechnology teaching at postgraduate level for providing state of the art infrastructure
quality hands on training in niche areas of facilities to universities and institutions
B i o t e c h n o l o g y. T h e D e p a r t m e n t h a s across India and promote an ecosystem of
implemented integrated human resource trained manpower in the country required
development programmes for enhancing the for industrial and academic activities.
Biotechnology ecosystem in the country, Financial support was provided for
procurement of laboratory equipment and
including the Star College scheme at
facilities essential for class room teaching,
undergraduate level, Skill Vigyan Programme in
re c u r r i n g g ra n t fo r c o n s u m a b l e s ,
close collaboration with respective State Science studentship, books and journals, travel,
and Technology Councils, doctoral and visiting faculty, contingency, thesis grant
postdoctoral fellowships, awards for recognitions for in-house dissertation, equipment
of young, mid-career and distinguished maintenance etc. In-house dissertation
scientists, programmes for retaining young pool has been made mandatory for all the
of researchers under M K Bhan - Young participating institutions and Department
Researcher Fellowship Programme and is providing thesis grant of Rs. 50,000/- per
R a m a l i n ga s w a m i Re - e n t r y F e l l o w s h i p student to ensure intensive hands on
Programme. The Department has also supported training. All selected candidates are paid
young investigators' meetings, webinars for student ships under DBT support. The
awareness about science and technology implementation and progress of the
opportunities in the country among researchers programme is then constantly evaluated
and faculties, as well as workshops, popular through an intensive monitoring and
lectures, and exhibitions for doctoral and assessment process throughout its duration.
Selection of students to these courses is
p o st g ra d u ate st u d e nt s . A n u m b e r o f
made through the Graduate Aptitude
international partnerships are being supported
Test-Biotechnology (GAT-B), a computer
for capacity building in cutting edge technologies
and priority areas.


based national entrance examination scheme the Department identifies colleges

conducted annually, consisting of multiple with potential for excellence and provides
choice questions in the areas of Life sciences support for developing infrastructure for
and Biotechnology. GAT-B 2021 was held on academics and laboratory activities. This
14 August, 2021 at 51 cities pan India, 6900 support is in turn expected to invigorate
candidates appeared (Figure) , competing teaching and provide unique exposure of
for 1217 DBT sanctioned seats distributed in students to experimental science. Starting
63 postgraduate courses at 56 participating with a meagre 30 colleges in 2008, this pan
universities/institutes. India scheme has supported science
departments in more than 300 colleges all
over the country till date. Overall, it has been
observed that the support received by
colleges have resulted in a considerable
decrease of student dropout rates in science
subjects. Keeping in mind that this is the only
scheme implemented by the Department to
support science education at the
undergraduate level, the Star College
Scheme acts as a gateway and provides
exposure to students about other schemes
of the Department (and the GOI) to support
higher education (post graduate level),
graduate research (Ph.D), post-doctoral
r e s e a r c h , i n t e r n a t i o n a l e xc h a n g e
programmes, short term industry oriented
training courses in science. The scheme also
acts as a catalyst in igniting young minds
(faculty and students) to engage in
Figure Map showing location of GAT-B 2021 Exam networking, exposure visits to research
Centres and Number of Candidates appeared institutes and industries and apply for
research grants in order to prepare them for
(ii) DBT Star College Scheme future challenges after the successful
completion of their undergraduate courses.
The Star College Scheme was initiated by The key objectives are to promote
DBT in 2008 to support colleges and networking & strengthen ties with neighbor-
universities offering undergraduate ing institutions & other laboratories, to
education to improve science teaching conduct specialized training programmes
across the country. This Scheme was for faculty improvement for optimizing
launched for improving critical thinking and technical capabilities, to increase capabilit-
encouraging 'hands on' experimental ies of core instrumentation resources by
science at undergraduate level in basic procuring new equipment and upgrading of
science subjects. On a larger perspective, existing facilities to provide access and
the scheme was initiated envisioning that it exposure to students to research
shall encourage more students to take up
higher education in science. Through this


laboratories and industries in the country, to help that have been conferred with the prestigious
in devising standard curricula and Standard “Star Status” will adopt a higher role of
Operating Procedures (SOP's) / kits for practicals, mentoring the colleges that have currently
to provide better library facility to students and initiated their journey under the “Strengthening
teachers. Component” implementing the scheme's
mandate, and also to make the colleges aware of
other programs of the Department/Ministry.
Major Initiatives during the year: These Star Colleges, apart from serving the
Science Setu Programme: purpose of improving intellectual caliber of
students, shall also assume the role of “torch
The Science Setu Programme is to “Discovering bearers of knowledge” and shall extend and
Possibilities” and aims to build awareness about expand their efforts into networking, hand
the importance of science in our lives and holding and outreach with a special focus on
through engagements with practitioners, colleges from Aspirational districts of the
showcases the excitement, the challenges as well country. Here the role of Mentors become
as the opportunities arising from a career in extremely important and they shall also be
science. Science Setu covers research in expected to connect the colleges to local
contemporary areas, highlighting key outcomes academic and industrial R&D units to foster
in basic research, clinical translation and industry collaborations. The role of mentors shall be
in the country. Virtual lab visits and lectures are purely academic in nature and not administrative
planned as well as discussions on career or financial.
opportunities for participating UG and PG
students. Each webinar covers a topic in a
manner accessible to college students and apart Significant notable outcome and achievements
from contemporary cutting-edge research, of the Programme:
involves colleagues who have faced challenges
A total of 240 undergraduate colleges across the
and success in allied areas such as science
country are currently being supported under the
journalism, publishing, communications, history
DBT Star College Scheme. The categorization of
of science etc. The programme will include
the scheme into urban and rural categories
interactions with established leaders in Industry
during 2018-19 has ensured a level playing field
as well as innovators and heads of technical hubs
for applicants hailing from rural and urban areas
in the city and beyond. The programme is
of the country. With each passing year, the rural-
organised under the aegis of the Atmanirbhar
urban divide is significantly diminishing. This is
Bharat, India@75 campaign. In this programme,
further evident from the fact that 55 colleges
the 15 Autonomous Institutes engaged 225
from rural areas and 8 colleges from Aspirational
colleges and they organized 125 seminars out of
district are being supported under the scheme.
which more than 7500 students benefitted under
the programme.

Star College Mentorship Programme

The special programme was launched by Hon'ble
Minister of State (Independent Charge) of the
Ministry of Science and Technology & Earth
Sciences. Under this programme the colleges


Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) Energy and Space, Dr Jitendra Singh today
Science & Technology; Minister of State launched the DBT Star College Mentorship
(Independent Charge) Earth Sciences; MoS PMO, Programme for Young Innovators to mark the
Personnel, Public Grievances, Pensions, Atomic 75th Year of India’s independence.

17 New Colleges supported this year

278 UG Colleges being supported 17 Urban Colleges
10 Rural Colleges

3 Star Status College this year 242 New Proposals received

02 Urban Colleges 130 Urban Colleges
01 Rural Colleges 112 Rural Colleges

Star College Mentorship Programme


(iii) Skill Vigyan Programme (Skill Department is providing fellowships to

Development Programme) in biotechnology students for pursuing
Biotechnology doctoral research at universities and
research institutions across the country. The
programme has contributed in building
This programme has been implemented human resource capital and institutional
with an objective to provide hands-on- capacity and nurtured excellence in basic
training in tools and techniques in and applied research in Biotechnology.
Biotechnology and allied areas to generate Students are selected through computer
skilled manpower. This programme has been based Biotechnology Eligibility Test (BET)
designed for providing skill training under conducted at national level. Students are
five categories (a) Students training selected under two categories. Under
(b) Technician training (c) Faculty training (d) Category-I, there is a provision to select up
Entrepreneurship Training (e) Biotechnology to 500 fellows for award of DBT-JRF
F i n i s h i n g S c h o o l P ro g ra m m e . T h e fellowship, candidates in the merit list
programme has been implemented in nine beyond this number fall under category-II
states viz., Arunachal Pradesh, Himachal and are eligible for fellowship equivalent to
Pradesh, Meghalaya, Odisha, Punjab, NET qualified candidates from extramural
Uttarakhand, Karnataka, Telangana, and R&D project funds being supported at
Andhra Pradesh through State Science and universities/institutes. However, it is not
Technology Councils of respective states. binding on Project Investigators/institutions
During 2021-22, Expert Committee on Skill to select project personnel from category II.
Vigyan recommended the proposals of six During 2021-22, a total of 11956
States viz., Assam, Chhattisgarh, Madhya applications were received, out of which
Pradesh, Odisha (Finishing School 10588 students appeared for the
Programme), Sikkim, and Uttarakhand examination organized at 92 centers located
(Faculty Development Programme), which across the country in 51 cities. Under
are under active consideration for support. Category-I, 445 students were selected for
Efforts are being made to partner with all award of DBT-JRF and in Category-II, 216
States/UTs Science and Technology students were selected. This year, a total of
Councils/Department for implementation of 795 ongoing students have been supported
DBT- State Partnership Skill Vigyan and 193 new fellows have joined so far
Programme across the country. During the under the DBT-JRF Programme. A total of
year 2021-22, Expert Committee on Skill 170 research articles and reviews in journals
Vigyan also recommended the extension of of national and international repute have
DBT support to ongoining 15 Certificate/ been published by DBT-JRF fellows and 52
Diploma courses for imparting skill training fellows have reported getting job
in areas of Biotechnology. placement. A total of 29 DBT-JRF fellows
submitted their PhD theses in 2021-22 and
(B) NATIONAL FELLOWSHIP PROGRAMME 29 were awarded doctoral degree of
respective institutions.
(i) DBT Junior Research Fellowship (DBT-JRF)


(ii) DBT Research Associateship (DBT- RA) seeing the success of the scheme in past
Programme years, number of the fellowships have now
been increased from 50 to 75 per year from
DBT Research Associateship programme 2017-18 onwards. So far, 515 fellows have
was initiated in the year 2001 with the been supported under this programme, out
objective to train post-doctoral students in of which 283 fellows have already secured
frontier areas of research in life sciences and permanent faculty positions in Indian
biotechnology at premier institutions in institutions. As evident from the increasing
country and enhance the post-doctoral number of applications for the fellowship,
culture in the country. This programme is more and more number of people are
being coordinated by Indian Institute of showing interest to come back to India and
Science, Bangalore. There is a provision for serve the nation. In last few decades, Indian
100 fellowships per year. The fellowship is laboratories have also gained capacities,
initially awarded for a period of two years quantitatively as well as qualitatively, to
and can be extended based on review of provide excellent facilities for the fellows to
progress. During the year 2021-22, a total of pursue their scientific endeavors. In doing
1055 applications have been received in so, fellows have published their research
response to advertisement, and the process work in peer reviewed National and
is underway for screening of the applications International scientific journals; developed
by expert committee, followed by new technologies; filed patents and created
presentation of proposal by applicant before a few spin-off companies. Currently, 276
the expert committee for evaluation. In ongoing fellows are working under this
2021-22, a total of 148 ongoing fellows were programme. Selection of fellows for the year
supported and 38 candidates selected for 2021-22 is under process.
award of fellowship under this programme
and 7 fellows reported placement in jobs. (ii) MK Bhan - Young Researchers Fellowship
The DBT-RA fellows have published 49 Programme
re s e a rc h a r t i c l e s i n n at i o n a l a n d
international journals of repute in 2021-22. The Department has launched a new
programme named “M K Bhan - Young
(C) Building Critical Mass of Science Leaders Researcher Fellowship Programme (MKB-
YRFP)”, with an aim to encourage young
(i) Ramalingaswami Re-entry Fellowship bright researchers to continue their research
in the country after PhD. The scheme is to
The idea behind starting Ramalingaswami offer an independent research grant of Rs.
Re-entry Fellowship in 2006-07 was to 20 lakh/year and a fellowship amount of Rs.
attract high quality Indian brains working 75,000/- per month to young Post-Doctoral
abroad to pursue their research interests in Fellows for 3 years, so as to enable them to
life sciences, biotechnology and other emerge as future leaders and take up cutting
related areas in India. It was thought that edge research focused on issues of national
this step will create a pool of highly skilled relevance.
and trained researchers working on cutting
edge technologies in Indian laboratories. By


This fellowship will be awarded for diagnostic tests for mitochondrial

research work to be carried out at DBT- diseases which is not available at this
Autonomous Institutes only. There is a point anywhere in India other than in
provision to provide 50 fellowships per year Bangalore. This facility is supporting the
under this program. The Department has patients from Maharashtra and nearby
selected 50 fellows during the current year. states in diagnostics and treatment.
ŸIn another study at the Department of
Mechanical Engineering at Indian
(iii) Biotechnology Career Advancement and Institute of Science, Bangalore, microbi-
Re-orientation (BioCARe) Programme ally -induced calcite precipitation
(MICP) has yielded encouraging results
The program aims to promote women in receiving accolades from the scientific
science and is an attempt to enhance the community as well as the media
participation of Women Scientists in worldwide. The bio-consolidation of
Biotechnology Research. The purpose of the loose mass especially its application on
scheme is to build capacities for Women lunar soil simulant (LSS) and Martian
Scientists in universities, research soil simulant (MSS) for the
laboratories and institutions especially after manufacturing of bricks presents a
a career break so as to help them undertake promising and highly sustainable
independent R&D projects. This programme potential route for in situ utilization of
was launched in the year of 2011. The available resources for the production
programme aims to support career of structural elements on extra-
development of Women Scientists for terrestrial habitats.
whom it is the first extramural research
grant. Five calls have been announced so far
under the programme and 361 women
scientists have been supported in various
areas of Life Sciences. In the year 2021-
2022, 02 women scientists have been
supported for their new projects; 43 papers
have been published and 02 patents have
been filed. The scientists have made poster
and oral presentations and got awards on
various platforms. Some studies under the
programme have been highlighted here:
Figure: An eco-friendly approach towards
ŸA study is being carried out at Bai Jerbai bio-consolidation via co-culture technique
Wadia Hospital for Children, Mumbai on
genetic characterization of paediatric
mitochondrial diseases in children with
an aim to develop a diagnostic facility
for mitochondrial OXPHOS disorders in
Maharashtra state. With this grant, the
PI was able to standardize the


ŸIn another study at ICAR-Indian institute basis of their binding energy (-12.29
of Rice Research, Hyderabad, the Kcal/mol) with Mtb-PtpB crystal
chromosome segment substitution structure. This needs to be validated
lines (CSSLs) from inter-specific crosses further.
are being explored to decipher the
genetics of grain weight and earliness.
The CSSLs derived from wild accessions
were phenotyped for target traits for
earliness and thousand grain weight.
Population derived by crossing 2 NPS
CSSLs derived from Swarna/ O.nivara
IRGC81848, were phenotyped in the
irrigated field conditions at IIRR farm,
Hyderabad and phenotyped for target
traits and genotyping is under progress
for QTL mapping. The identified 30 lines
which are positively different and 14
lines which are negatively different
from the checks are potential breeding
lines for grain yield improvement and A. PCA results for MptpB- ZINC08618164 trajectory with
were identified for further fine instantaneous conformations (i.e. trajectory frames) colored
mapping. from blue to red in order of time. B. Dynamical cross-
correlation map (DCCM)

ŸA study is being conducted at ICMR-

National Institute for Research In
Reproductive Health, Mumbai on Triple
Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC) patients
with the aim to evaluate the status of
Toll like receptor expression, and its
ŸAt Central University of Rajasthan, prognostic significance in predicting
Ajmer, a study is being carried out to chemotherapy response patients. Their
Identify the role of Mycobacterium data suggests a differential expression
indicus pranii (MIP) in activating host pattern of TLRs in TNBC patients. Also,
innate immune response for in TNBC tumors, TLR4/TLR8 signaling
development of new intervention network is significantly enriched in
strategy to combat Tuberculosis. A monocytes/macrophages/dendritic cell
virtual inhibitor screen against Mtb PTP- populations which could be important
B was performed and potential inhibitor for regulating the immune response of
were selected. ZINC8618164 {(3S)-6- TNBC-Tumor microenvironment.
(3,4-Dihydro-2H-1,5-benzodioxepin- Treating TNBC cells with TLR agonists
7ylamino)-5-oxo-3-(3,4,5- alone may not be an efficient strategy to
trimethoxyphenyl) hexanoic acid} was induce growth inhibition of TNBC
identified as the best inhibitor of Mtb- tumors.
PtpB. This drug has great potency on the


Transcriptome analysis of TNBC-TCGA

cohort suggest that TLR4/8 signaling
pathway can act synergistically with
IFNG-signaling axis to induce anti-tumor
response in TNBC tumors and may be a
good strategy to initiate antitumor
response and prolong sur vival
probability of TNBC patients.

Fig. Comparative performance of promising lentil

accessions under Control and Drought conditions
compared to drought tolerant check FLIP-96-51
and susceptible check JL-3

Another study is being carried out at Indian

Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi
that aims at chromosomal localization and
fine mapping of Aegilops speltoides Tausch
derived novel leaf rust resistance in bread
wheat stock Selection 2427. Under this
ŸIn another study aimed at identifying project, a molecular cytogenetic facility in
QTLs/genomic regions associated
their wheat lab was established with the
with drought tolerance in lentil (Lens
fluorescence microscope and imaging
culinaris) at ICAR-National Bureau of
system. The Ae. speltoides derived bread
Plant Genetic Resources, New Delhi,
wheat line Sel. 2427 was proven to have the
drought tolerant lentil genotypes
alien S genome of Ae. speltoides.
(IC559769, IC560337, IC385822,
Phenotyping of leaf rust resistance (LrS2427
IC559713, IC560246, IC559647,
gene) and gametocidal (Gc genes) activity
IC559744, IC559696, IC560051,
was undertaken in mapping population
IC559757 and IC560032) have been
developed from the cross Agra Local X Sel.
identified, which can be used as
2427. Utilization of LrS2427 in wheat
donor in the breeding program.
disease breeding was ensured by breaking
the association between LrS2427 and Gc
genes via gamma ray mutagenesis
producing leaf rust resistant gametocidal
gene devoid mutants.

Fig. Aerial view of lentil germplasm evaluated for drought

tolerance in field at ICAR-National Bureau of Plant Genetic
Resources, New Delhi. Left side shows irrigated and right half
shows rainfed condition


ŸAt ICMR-National Institute of Cholera treatment

and Enteric Diseases, Kolkata, the
interactome of HMGB1 in H pylori
infected cells is being studied. The PI
has found that HMGB1 interacted
with numerous autophagy proteins Fig. 1. Effect of miRNA mimics transfection on PD-L1 expression in SKOV-3 cells. A) Western blot
analysis on the expression of PD-L1 in SKOV-3 cells after transfection with miR-Scr, miR-15, miR-
and have found two new interacting 16, miR-28 and miR-424. B) Quantification of PD-L1 expression in miRNA mimic transfected
SKOV-3 cells as measured by Image Lab software. GAPDH was used as loading control. Data are
molecules of HMGB1, TFEB and represented as Mean±SE; *=p<0.05, **=p<0.01,
***=P<0.0001 compared to miR-Scr.
WIPI2, key regulators of autophagy.
TFEB regulates autophagy gene
transcription and WIPI2 interacts
with major autophagy players for
LC3IIB lipidation to reach the end
stage of autophagosome biogenesis.
This finding is important regarding H
p y l o r i i n fe c t i o n a n d f u r t h e r Fig. 2. Effect of miR-424 mimics transfection on colony formation potential in SKOV-3 cells.
investigations are ongoing on the role A) Representative image showing SKOV-3 colonies after transfection with miR-Scr and miR-424. B)
Graphical representation of survival fraction of miR-424 transfected SKOV-3 cells as determined
of these interacting molecules in by colony formation assay. Data are represented as Mean±SE; *=p<0.05, compared to miR-Scr.

regulating H pylori infection which

leads to gastric cancer progression.

ŸAt National Institute of Plant Genome

Research, New Delhi, colonization
phase of the endophyte Piriformospora
indica with chickpea was identified and
RNA isolated and sequenced for
identification of sRNA effectors. SWEET
transporters are involved in
transporting sugars from plant to the
interacting organisms have been
identified in chickpea. The PI has
analyzed their gene structure, motif
composition,chromosomal localization,
and phylogenetic relationship with
Arabidopsis, rice, and Medicago and
ŸAt Indian Institute of Technology, further investigated the expression of
Guwahati, studies demonstrated the the CaSWEET genes in chickpea roots in
tumor suppressive activity of miR- symbiosis with P. indica. More than 2-
424 in ovarian cancer cells via fold change in expression was observed
regulating ovarian cellular survival, in case of transporters SWEET 1-like, 2
autophagy, EMT and angiogenesis and 5. These genes are being analyzed
through targeting PD-L1. Therefore, for sRNA binding domains.
miR-424 can be considered as a
promising candidate for miR
restoration therapy in ovarian cancer


Stages of colonization of Piriformospora indica in chickpea for bruchid resistance. The SNP data will
help to find out the progenies having
maximum background genome recovery.
The resistance lines identified will be
promoted to yield trials.

(D) International Fellowship:

(i) Khorana Programme for Scholars: The
programme is mainly designed to provide
opportunities to Indian undergraduate and
postgraduate students to gain exposure and
access to world class research facilities at
different laboratories of the USA for
internship. The programme promotes
research and capacity building in frontier
areas of biotechnology being implemented
through India- US Science & Technology
Forum (IUSSTF). Proposal for continuation
of programme in 15th Finance Commission is
under consideration for implementation in
ŸA study focused on development of an 2021-22.
improved popular mung bean variety
with high yield combined with bruchid
resistance is being carried out at Tamil (ii) DBT TWAS Fellowship Programme: The
N a d u A g r i c u l t u r a l U n i v e r s i t y, DBT-TWAS Biotechnology fellowships was
COIMBATORE. Five stable breeding lines jointly promoted in 2004 by the Department
viz., BSR-GG-1-49, BSR-GG-1- 56, BSR- of Biotechnology (DBT) and The World
GG-1-170, BSR-GG-1-198 and BSR-GG- Academy of Science (TWAS), Trieste, Italy to
1-160 were identified. GCMS analysis bring foreign scholars from developing
was carried out to identify the countries who wish to pursue their research
biochemical compounds responsible in new emerging areas of biotechnology in


the Laboratories/Institutes in India. The aim education and training in Biomedical

is to address societal challenges through Sciences in India. India Alliance has
application of S&T in emerging areas such as pioneered a globally recognized grants
affordable health care, water security, funding model in India and developed an
climate change adaptation, agriculture effective mechanism to nurture outstanding
science, renewable energy and natural biomedical scientists in India. It provides a
disaster prediction and management in their global platform to perform competitive,
countries. DBT provides fellowship and world-class biomedical research by devising
contingency grant to the selected candidates
new ways to promote basic, clinical, and
tenable at Institutes in India under three
public health research.
(a) Full Time Postgraduate Fellowship to In addition to its research funding, India
pursue doctoral programme Alliance supports an integrated research
ecosystem that values ethics, good
(b) Sandwich Postgraduate Fellowship to the management, and public communication of
Students (registered for doctorate in their research.
own countries) for training in India to help in
their PhD. Internationally Recognized Research Fellowship
(c) DBT-TWAS Postdoctoral Fellowship to
pursue a postdoctoral research programme I n d i a A l l i a n c e o f fe rs t h re e t y p e s o f
in India. Total 25 fellows have been selected fellowship programmes in Basic Biomedical
for the year 2021-22. Research as well as Clinical and Public Health
Research domains that support researchers at
(iii) PhD Fellowship Programme under Indo- different stages of their careers. In the current
Australia Collaboration (Indian Institute of year, 09 Early Career; 10 Intermediate; and 06
Technology, Bombay - Monash University): Senior Fellowships have been awarded for
The broad scope of the Programme is to cutting edge research in biomedical sciences.
enable joint PhD degree from IIT Bombay Team Science Grants and Clinical/Public Health
and Monash University. This will include one Research Centres
year of research at Monash University.
Students get a good exposure to Industry The ongoing pandemic is one such medical
Academia Partnership and new areas of challenge that reaffirmed our belief in constant
research under this programme. Currently research to devise specific interventional
43 students are undergoing PhD at various strategies. This has led BRCP to focus more on
enhancing India's research ecosystem and major
departments of IITB - Monash Research
health challenges across the world. BRCP also
offers funding for Collaborative Research
(iv) Biomedical Research Career Programme Projects and Clinical Research Training through
(BRCP):Biomedical Research Career Team Science Grants, Clinical Research Centres,
Programme (BRCP) is administered by the and Clinical Research Training Programs.
DBT-Wellcome Trust India Alliance (IA), a
public charity funded by the Department of
Biotechnology, Govt. of India and the
Wellcome Trust, UK, striving to promote


Significant achievements/outcomes model for implementation of DBT-BITP

Programme, and linkages have been
During the year, six BRCP fellows including Dr.
developed with Life Science Sector Skill
Anurag Agrawal, Dr. Bushra Ateeq, Dr. Dhiraj
Kumar, Dr. Mahalakshmi Radhakrishnan, Dr. Arun Development Council (LSSSDC), New Delhi
Shukla, and Dr. Amit Singh have received awards for selection of partnering industries for
from the National Academy of Sciences, India providing apprenticeship in Biotechnology
(NASI) Swarna Jayanti Fellowships were awarded sectors. Provision has been made for the
to Dr. Siddhesh Kamat, Dr. Sridharan Devarajan, selection of 800 students/year (including
and Dr. Nitin Gupta. 100 for NER candidates) under the DBT-
BITP Apprenticeship Programme. A stipend
No. of Research publications during 2021-22:
of Rs. 10,000/- per month is paid to all
selected candidates for six months' period
No. of Human Resource trained during the and companies are also providing
year 2021-22: apprenticeship to all trainees. In the last five
years (2016-17 to 2020-21), a total of 2182
EMBO Lab Leadership Course: 4 cohorts of the students were placed for training in
course were successfully conducted. 64 Senior industries, out of which 661 trainees were
Researchers from institutions across the country
able to secure jobs. For the 2021-22 session,
have been trained in Research Leadership.
the process is underway for advertisement
Outreach Activities: and call for applications.
During the year, India Alliance has conducted
following outreach activities (F) DBT AWARDS - Recognizing Excellence
(i) Tata Innovation Fellowship: The
Ÿ Outreach programs: 7
Department initiated the Tata Innovation
Ÿ Sci Comm Workshops: 5 Fellowship scheme in 2006 to recognize and
Ÿ Public Engagements Seed Funding: 2 reward scientists up to 55 years of age, with
Ÿ Public Engagement External Events: 2 outstanding track record in biological
Ÿ External Science Events Support: 8 sciences, commitment to find innovative
solutions to major problems in healthcare,
agriculture and other areas related to life
(E) Training Programmes sciences and biotechnology. Each year upto
Biotech Industrial Training Programme 5 fellowships are awarded. Each awardee
(BITP): Industrial training is an essential receives, in addition to regular salary, a
requirement for holistic development of fellowship @ Rs. 25,000/- per month and a
students of biotechnology, enabling them to contingency grant of Rs. 6.00 lakh per
seek careers in both research and industry. annum. The duration of the fellowship is
Department of Biotechnology is supporting initially for three years which can be
Biotech Industrial Training Programme extended further by two years on a fresh
(BITP) for providing six months of hands- appraisal. Selection of fellows for the year
on training to fresh B.E./B.Tech./M.Sc. 2021-22 is under process.
/M.Tech Biotechnology students. The
Department has adopted apprenticeship


(ii) Har Gobind Khorana - Innovative Young Bioscientist Award: The Department
Biotechnologist Award (IYBA): The recognizes the contributions of senior and
Innovative Young Biotechnologist Award young women scientists in the country who
(IYBA), initiated in 2005, is a career-oriented are working in the areas ofBiology and
award to nurture outstanding young Biotechnology. The Janaki Ammal - National
scientists with innovative ideas and desirous Women Bioscientist Award is conferred
of pursuing research in cutting edge areas of under two categories - Senior category and
biotechnology. The awards are conferred to Young category. The senior category award
scientists below 35 years of age, subject to recognizes life time contributions of
relaxation in cases of women, OBC, SC/ST scientists, who have made significant
and physically challenged. Scientists on a contribution in basic/translational research
soft position are also eligible to apply for the with benefit to the society. The award carries
award. The award is Rs.1.00 lakh per annum a cash prize of Rs 5.00 lakh along with
for candidates having permanent faculty citation and a gold medal. The young
positions and Rs. 75000/- per month for category award is given to women scientists
those candidates who do not have a regular below 45 years of age who are active
faculty position, along with a project grant to researchers with focus on basic and applied
pursue their research. Selection of research in various fields of modern biology
candidates for the year 2021-22 is under and biotechnology. Each award carries a
process. cash prize of Rs 1.00 lakh with citation and a
gold medal, and research grant of Rs 5.00
lakhs per annum for a period of 5 years.
(iii) S. Ramachandran - National Bioscience Selection of candidates for the year 2021-22
Award for Career Development: National is under process.
Bioscience Award for Career Development is
conferred in recognition of outstanding
contributions of scientists below 45 years of (v) Distinguished Biotechnology Research
age who are engaged in basic and applied Professorship Award: The Department has
research in Biological Sciences including instituted Distinguished Biotechnology
Biotechnology, Agricultural, Medical, and Research Professorship Award Scheme to
Environmental Sciences and other allied utilize the expertise of superannuated
areas. The award recognizes the significant distinguished scientists, who are still
contributions made by scientists in their scientifically active and capable of making
respective domain research areas with significant research contribution in
potential for product and technology biological sciences, biotechnology and
development. A maximum of 10 awards are related fields. The Scheme enables
conferred every year. Each award carries a distinguished scientists to pursue their
cash prize of Rs 2.00 lakh, a citation trophy research interests in their institution within
along with project research grant of Rs 15.00 India. A maximum of 5 awards can be
lakh (Rs.5.00 lakh per year) for a period of 3 conferred at any point of time. Currently two
years. Selection of candidates for the year fellows are being supported under this
2021-22 is under process. programme.

(iv) Janaki Ammal - National Women


(G) Outreach Activities events supported by DBT under the CTEP

programme provide an international
Po p u l a r i zat i o n a n d P ro m o t i o n o f
forumfor scientific discovery, professional
Biotechnology (CTEP)
networking, research collaboration,
The Department with an aim to popularize interdisciplinary education and
Biotechnology activities in India, provides
dissemination of most recent scientific
financial assistance towards organizing
advances to the academic as well as to the
Conferences, Seminar, Symposiums,
Workshop and Travel support to the industries. More than 2000 participates
researchers for presenting their papers in attended the events supported by DBT from
the conferences which are being organized January- December 2021. The aim of
outside the country. It also extends support exhibitions supported by CTEP is to inform
for organizing DBT stalls in international and the stakeholders about the latest
national exhibitions. Financial support is developments in the country and the
also provided for organizing Popular achievements of different government
Lectures. The collective term for these four departments and public sectors in their
activities is CTEP (Conference, Travel, respective fields in one platform. The DBT
Exhibition and Popular Lectures). The stall contains information about the various
dedicated web portal i.e., Online Submission activities of DBT including the information
and Monitoring System (OSMoSys), acts as a about various schemes and programmes
single- window for the submission, supported by DBT.
processing and settlement of grants. This
portal is not only easing the assistance
p ro c e s s b u t a l s o p rov i d e s t i m e l y Global Bio India 2021
deliverables. The DBT along with its PSU, Biotechnology
Industry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC)
Proposals from the aspirational districts of organized the 2nd edition of Global Bio-India
the country are given preference in order to 2021 from 1st-3rd March, 2021 on a digital
promote science and technology in these platform. The event showcased India's
districts. potential in the biotech sector both within the
country and to the international community.
Due to Covid-19 pandemic and the The theme of this year was 'Transforming Lives'
subsequent travel restrictions and public with the tag line 'Biosciences to Bio-economy'.
gatherings nationally and globally have The event witnessed the participation from
severely disrupted the activities under CTEP >8400 delegates; 40+ countries; >50
d u r i n g 2 0 2 0 - 2 0 2 1 . H o w e v e r, t h e international speakers; >1000 Entrepreneurs &
Department supported virtual/online startups; facilitated 23 Awards; 140+ investor-
events during the said period. startup meetings; 150+ exhibitors; 350+ Bio-
partnering meetings.
Since the government guidelines have
partially been relaxed, CTEP Programme is
now open to support all the activities in
hybrid and/or physical mode along with
support for organizing virtual events. The


Research Resources, Service Facilities Infrastructure): From 2019-20, the

and Platform (Infrastructure) Department has laid special focus on
Institutions from Aspirational Districts to
Department of Biotechnology (DBT) since its ensure equitable percolation of benefits of
inception has been supporting the development the programme across the length and
of research infrastructure at universities and breadth of the country. The DBT-SAHAJ
research institutes across the country with the portal which is now a valuable resource of
primary objective to augment life science and the DBT website was introduced during
2018-19 and has led to the consolidation of
biotechnology research activities at par with the
all facilities supported and established by
international level. The programme has
DBT. Through the SAHAJ portal, potential
understandably evolved during the last 3 users/individuals can obtain information
decades, undergoing multiple changes in and access to these facilities through a
nomenclature and realignment of objectives, and single window.
is now called the Research Resource, Service
Facility and Platform (abbreviated as RRSFP) Presently there are 467 different equipment /
service facilities enlisted on the SAHAJ portal
Programme, which in turn operates through 2
major arms:
ty.aspx) with the charges for academia and
Ÿ DBT- Boost to University Interdisciplinary industry, location details and contact details of
Life Science Departments for Education and the concerned instrument / service facility in
Research Programme (DBT-BUILDER): As charge. Further, in order to ensure better user-
the name suggests, the Department of friendliness of the SAHAJ portal, the Department
Biotechnology (DBT), through DBT-BUILDER has ensured that the list of equipment / service
provides support to establish facilities can be further sorted State-wise or
interdisciplinary School of Life Sciences for instrument-wise, making it easier for any user to
advanced research and education at the locate his / her desired equipment / service
post- graduate level. The specific objective facility while also providing the options for other
is to upgrade the post-graduate teaching alternatives. The response to SAHAJ portal has
and training laboratories by enabling been immense and can be witnessed from the
interdisciplinary advanced research and fact that 2.60 lakhs users have accessed the
teaching capacity emphasizing discovery equipment/services listed under the SAHAJ
and innovation in proposed research areas portal since its inception and Rs 37.75 crores
and addressing emerging technologies with revenue generated. Significantly, 1.20 lakhs users
inter-disciplinary cross talk to realize their have utilized the SAHAJ portal in last year and
full potential. This is achieved by increasing generating revenue around Rs. 19.43 crores (in
number of postgraduate students at M.Sc., last 6 months) despite the restrictions of 2
Ph.D, and postdoctoral levels with quality months due to Covid-19 pandemic; by the
education, skills and research temperament revenuemodel facilities become self-sustainable
and by collaboration with industry through while ensuring that user charges for these
public-private partnership in advanced facilities are uniform and reasonable to ensure
research and education. “Science for All”.
Ÿ DBT - Scientific Infrastructure Access for
Harnessing Academia University Research
Joint Collaboration (DBT-SAHAJ


Central molecular Laboratory, GIPMER, New management and processing. For this purpose,
Delhi and hands-on practical training course had been
arranged that held in the Central Molecular Lab,
Recent trends in Basic Research and Medical
Govind Ballabh Pant Institute of Postgraduate
Sciences need the mutual collaborative
association between researchers and clinicians Medical Education and Research(GIPMER), by
to train new generation for the better two visiting scientist/technical expert from
management and treatment of the diseases and illuminafor Next Generation Training (i.e.MiSeq
to harness the technology for the betterment of a n d N ex t S e q 2 0 0 0 ) . F u r t h e r, t h ro u g h
the suffering humanity. The perspective of comprehensive exome-wide sequence analyses
genomics has shifted from single gene to they are trying to develop molecular markers for
genome wide study. Candidate gene approach different cancers. Beside this they have also
considering few genetic loci for disease risk has targeted their focus on ultra-sensitive
not led to fruitful outcomes. However, Genome measurement of non-invasive circulating cell-
Wide Association Study (GWAS) scan whole free (cfDNA) to identify and established them as
genome to identify the disease susceptible loci. early diagnostic marker various disease including
To address this knowledge gap, GIPMER, New Acute Myocardial Infarction, and for early cancer
Delhi had established a Central Molecular Lab detection based on molecular responses derived
(CML) to ascertain a full understanding of the from liquid biopsies. Overall, the group focuses
genomic wiring and its role in various disease on providing state- of-the-science tools and
process including response and resistance to expertise to help clinicians and patients to
cancer therapy, cardiovascular, metabolic and choose the right clinical path.CML combines the
neurological disorders through integrative scientific rigor and proactive infrastructure
genomic, transcriptomic, single-cell and liquid investment of a leading academic research
biopsy analyses by accompanying basic research institution with the efficiency, flexibility, and
and high throughput research. The research responsiveness of a government reference lab. It
platform is also training the manpower to meet
connects pathologists, clinicians, health systems
the requirement of growing molecular research
and commercial laboratories with the next-
using NGS with bioinformatics in our country.
Infrastructure establishment, installation of generation testing modalities and consultative
equipments and manpower training are some of support needed to meet the challenges of
the major initiatives of this year. Central personalized and precision medicine.
Molecular lab (CML) is well equipped with Next The distribution of samples in various diseases for
generation sequencing platform along with molecular analysis in 21-22:
latest version of various equipment such as
Gradient Conventional thermal cycler, Real time
PCR, Western blotting, Centrifuges, Bioanalyzer,
Deep freezers, Computation clusters etc.,
supporting basic and advance molecular and
clinical research.

During this year the CML has done installation

and calibration of existing and newly procured
lab equipments. Standardization and processing
of molecular techniques and biological sample's Figure1: Next Generation Sequencing Platform
(MiSeq and NextSeq 2000)

Figure2: Computation server Figure3: Bioinformatics Area for Data Analysis

Figure6A: Researchers and technicians

sample segregation and DNA extraction

Figure4: Workstation area of Central

Molecular lab

Figure6B: Students performing Real-time

PCR for gene expression

Figure5: Blood Sample collected for

genetic and epigenetic study
Figure7A: Performing Plasma Figure7B: Processing RNA isolation
separation forcfDNA isolation using and cDNA synthesis in biosafety
cooling centrifuge cabinet


Tuberculosis Aerosol Challenge Facility (TACF) at DEDICATED EQUIPMENTS

ICGEB, New Delhi:

The DBT sponsored Tuberculosis Aerosol

Challenge Facility TACF, a BSL-3 containment
facility, which serves as a national facility, will IVC for Guinea Pigs IVC for Mice Madison Aerosol
complete its 12 years of functioning in the year Exposure Chamber
2020. The tuberculosis research community from
all over the country has used the facility
extensively in the past 12 years, mostly for animal
challenge experiments and more recently for in
vitro experiments. In the past 8-9 years, this Wall-Mounted
facility has resulted in more than 60 very high Autoclaves
Digital Radiography Tissue Homogenizer
quality publications, addressing diverse aspects Machine
of tuberculosis pathogenesis, drug discovery,
diagnostics and vaccine study. Addition Achievements: High Impact Publications
ofinfrastructures like FACS sorter, high 2011-2016: 32 (22 ICGEB, 10 external)
throughput screening and proposed small animal
imaging facility would make it one of its kind
facility globally, supporting cutting edge
discoveries against tuberculosis.

The main objective of the project is to ensure

long- term maintenance of fully functional and
FACS SORTER FACILITY fully operational DBT-TACF at the ICGEB Campus,
New Delhi, so as to facilitate continued and
uninterrupted BSL-3 containment lab facilities
for various TB research projects in the country.
The project is also aimed to improve the utility of
TACF as a TB aerosol challenge facility in the five
years by expanding the scope of experiments,
which can be performed here. (A) To install in-
vivo small animal imaging facility and a live cell
imaging facility within the BSL-3 containment:
This is the new domain in which will expand the
scope of the national facility. Requirement for an


in vivo imaging facility within TACF has been mechanism employed by macromolecular
proposed based on discussion with several users assemblies to achieve biological function. The full
across the institutes which avails this facility for potential of MX and SAXS can only be realized
their tuberculosis research. With the growing through access to high intensity X-rays at a
understanding of tuberculosis pathogenesis, modern synchrotron source. Also, many
understanding the microenvironment of synchrotrons have established a CeM facility to
tuberculosis granulomas and pathogenesis is a enable on-site interrogation of macromolecules
critical need for developing future strategies for using all three methods. The primary objective of
tuberculosis prevention and control. this proposal is to enable renewal of access for
Indian researchers to MX, SAXS and CeM facilities
The facility has been extensively used by located at the European Synchrotron Radiation
tuberculosis researchers from various research Facility in Grenoble, France. As in the past, these
institutions in India over the years. This has resources will tremendously benefit the
resulted in a remarkable list of high-impact peer- StructuralBiology community in India and enable
reviewed publications, each with a significant scientists in India to undertake cutting-edge
potential to eventually develop into novel research and make important discoveries that
preventive or therapeutics strategy against will provide novel solutions for problems faced
tuberculosis. by India in the areas of health, agriculture and

The grant enables access to researchers from all

over India to experimental facilities in ESRF,
France. Therefore, the benefits of the grant are
shared with researchers from different parts of
the country. Since the inception of the program
researchers from 25 different
Average duration of experiments: 3 months Average duration of experiments: 3 months institutes/universities have used the facilities
and generated more than 300 research papers in
Through numerous high-impact publications, international peer-reviewed journals. The
several newer strategies for treatment and program has helped more than 100 PhD
prevention of tuberculosis have been identified. students, many of whom are female, to obtain
Some of the leads developed through works their degree. Since its inception in 2009, the
done at TACF are now reaching pre-clinical project has benefitted researchers from 35
toxicity followed by phase I clinical trial, thus different institutes located in different parts of
there is a significant societal impact of this the country. The experimental time at ESRF is
facility, which may be more visible with time. assigned based on the merit of scientific proposal
by a designated Technical Committee.
Access to Structural Biology Facilities at ESRF,
France The aim of the grant is to primarily enhance
Macromolecular crystallography (MX), Small capacity and skills of Indian researchers and since
angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) and CryoElectron the agreement signed with ESRF is of a non-
Microscopy (CeM) are used to elucidate the proprietary nature, there can be no direct industy


partnerships. However, the users from India are divided into 3 major groups under the following
free to enter into Industry Partnerships using the themes; 1) advanced research in basic biology, 2)
data generated in ESRF. applications of chemistry, physics and material
The project was initially sanctioned in 2009-2014 science to biology,3) computational biology.
and is now in its third phase. During this year an Group 1 is further divided into 4 subgroups that
agreement was signed between the Regional focus on a) infectious disease biology, b)
Centre for Biotechnology and the European neurogenetics of disease, c) autophagy,
Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) that epigenetics and cancer and d) evolutionary
enables India to become a scientific associate biology and animal behaviour. Group 2 is divided
country of the ESRF. Also an account with an into a) diagnostics/ drugs/ vaccines/ sensors and
appropriate courier company was created to b) smart materials.
enable transport of samples from India to ESRF.
Users will request RCB to arrange for shipping
using the courier account in RCB and the bills to Advanced Research Platform for Crop Sciences
the courier company will be paid by RCB after due (ARPCS), NIPGR
The National Institute of Plant Genome Research
The cumulative user statistics for all three phases (NIPGR) is a premier research institute in plant
are as follows: molecular biology and has emerged as one of the
important national and international resource
S No. Parameter Quantity institutes for material, knowledge and
1. Proposals submitted 614 technologies in the areas of functional and
applied genomics of plants, including crop plants.
2. No. of users 253
Genomics research is providing bridges between
3. No. of institutions 35 different branches of natural sciences and has
4. No. of samples processed 17596 seen a logarithmic growth over the last decade.
Over the years, NIPGR scientists have sequenced
5. No. of publications 335
many crop genomes, identified many genes and
proteins that have potential for genetic
Life science research, education and training at enhancement of crops for social benefit. In order
JNCASR to translate some of the fundamental
knowledge, a systematic in planta functional
The research project planned under the characterization of these genes in crop plants by
infrastructure and facilities development overexpression/knockdown is necessary.
programme are interdisciplinary in nature that Proteins are the functional forms of genes and
drew upon the diverse range of skills available at proteomics involves identification of proteins
JNCASR. Probing fundamental questions in present in various sub-cellular organelles.
biology is increasingly dependent on concepts of Proteins function and constitute functional
chemistry, physics, mathematics and engineering pathways by interacting with other proteins.
sciences. JNCASR have an ambitious plan for Identification of proteins that interact with and
conducting cutting edge research in biology and augment the function of the candidate protein is
biomedical sciences that will utilize the diverse essential not only for developing fundamental
skills of the faculty at JNCASR. The project is


knowledge but also useful in manipulation of the generation of transgenic and knock-out mice,
pathway for crop improvement. Like other Rat, Zebra fish models. Currently, we are offering
organisms, hormones play a great role in various services, which has been published on
development, productivity and acclimatization IISER website
of plants. Also, secondary metabolites are part of website. IISER-Pune has become a member of
the defense regimen of plants and help in the International Mouse Phenotyping
warding off various pathogens and pests. In Consortium (IMPC) in February 2019. With this
addition, various plant secondary metabolites highly valuable membership, we have now the
have great commercial value. Therefore, the access to almost 7000 knock-out/transgenic
identification and quantification of plant rodent models.
hormones and primary/secondary metabolites is
of great importance in assessing plant response
to various stimuli. In order to expand the
scientific capability and expertise of NIPGR as
well as the plant science community of the nation *****
in general and the NCR in particular, an Advanced
Research Platform for Crop Sciences with
following three components Component 1: Gene
Function Analysis Platform for Crops Component
2: Advanced Inter-Institutional Proteomics
Facility and Component 3: Plant Analytical
Platform for Phytohormones and low abundant
Molecules has been set up.
National facility for Laboratory Model
A world-class state-of-the-art infrastructure for
generating and supplying transgenic and knock-
out rodents, Zebra fish and Drosophila models
has been established. They are maintaining a
total of 67 transgenic/knock-out mouse strains, 2
Rat strains, 30 zebrafish strains and ~6000
Drosophila Stocks. They are providing these
strains to various Indian academic institutions as
per the requirements.Seven scientists (Two from
IISER-Pune, one each from ACTREC, Navi
Mumbai, NCCS-Pune, IISER-Mohali, IISER-Bhopal
and CCMB-Hyderabad) have been trained at the
Centre for Transgenic & Genetically Engineered
Models (TGEMS), University of Alabama under
this partnership program. They have gained the
expertise in generating transgenic models and
are already performing these activities at their
respective institutes. At IISER-Pune, trained
scientists have standardized all procedure for


AGRICULTURE AND ALLIED AREAS No. of research publication 35

The Department has been supporting during 2021-22
agricultural research (crops, livestock and No. of patent applied 1
fisheries) through adoption of biotechnological
advances in research, strengthening research of proteins and micronutrients in cereals
infrastructure and capacity building of especially in wheat and rice. A “National Mission
manpower in cutting edge areas. Support has Mode Program on Nutritional improvement of
been extended to basic research for digestible protein content and quality in rice”
understanding and addressing the complex focusing on enhancing the digestible
problems in wake of climate change, blue sky protein quantity and quality to address India's
research and applied research with an aim to battle against protein malnutrition. Department
provide improved crop varieties/livestock/fish has taken an initiative to set up a Centre of
brood-stock and other products to the farmers Excellence (COE) under the umbrella of G S
and other stakeholders through advancements in Khush Institute of Genetics, Plant Breeding and
biotechnology. The Department has created an Biotechnology and a speed breeding facility
ecosystem of Agriculture R&D across the country under the project “Development and
involving Universities/State Agriculture Integration of Advanced Genomic Technologies
Universities and National Institutions. for Targeted Breeding”. The project has nine sub-
projects on various field crops (pigeonpea,
Various improved crop varieties, improved maize, cotton, brassica, wheat, basmati rice);
technologies, vaccines and diagnostics have vegetable crops (Pea); fruit crops (Citrus, Guava)
been developed. Achievements through and a proposal for establishment of a Speed
biotechnology interventions for improved crops, Breeding platform. The proposed centre of
livestock and fisheries are detailed below. excellence will focus on development and
integration of advanced genomic technologies in
Agriculture Biotechnology targeted breeding of crop plants. The centre will
also deliver industry oriented products with
Agriculture Biotechnology program of the better processing traits. The department is
department supports R&D projects directed at continuing its support for the major mission
research, translational R&D projects through mode programme on “Characterization of
Mission Programmes, National networks, Genetic Resources” in various crops. Phenotypic
Centers of excellence, International characterization of available germplasm
collaborations, public-private partnership etc. resources in country along with exotic lines from
Programme focuses on developing climate and diverse agro climatic regions & elite lines of
pest-pathogen resilient high yielding varieties for International Institutes has been undertaken for
farmers and addressing other emerging minor oilseeds (Sesame, Linseed, Safflower,
problems in wake of climate change. New Niger), Cereals (Rice and Wheat) and Pulses
varieties/technologies /products are being (Chickpea).
developed through the programme to cater to
the needs of end beneficiaries including farmers,
consumers and export markets.

DBT has also launched R&D in the interface of

Agri-nutrition to augment the quality/quantity


R & D Projects: During the year, R&D projects

were supported both in basic and applied areas
of research in agriculture biotechnology. Some of
the major achievements of the projects
supported are as follows:
A. Cereals:
1. Rice
§Department has been instrumental in
supporting the country's first ever non-
GM (genetically modified) herbicide
tolerant basmati rice varieties for direct
seeded conditions which can
significantly save water and labour
compared to conventional transplanting.
These varieties Pusa Basmati 1979 and
Pusa Basmati 1985 contain a mutated
acetolactate synthase (ALS) which makes
Fig. Drone based field Phenotyping of
it possible for farmers to spray broad-
germplasm accessions
spectrum herbicide to control weeds.
The mutant line (Robin) and the mutant
NGRDI (Normalized ALS gene were identified and
IRG (Red Green red Difference
Rice-2020 RGB Green Index) index)= (Green - Red) / introgressed in existing popular rice
Data and Indices = Red - Green (Green + Red) varieties through a DBT supported
network project. These varieties will
have major implications for reducing
water consumption in rice growing areas
thus addressing problem of depleting
water table and reducing intensive
labour requirement for transplanting.
§A drought tolerant line CBMAS14110
possessing two drought-tolerant QTLs
(qDTY1.1 and qDTY3.1) of Apo was
developed and nominated for evaluation
under AICRIP and State MLT
§Salinity tolerant version of a popular
variety “Improved White Ponni” namely
IWP-Saltol was developed, evaluated
and registered with NBPGR.
§CG Barani Dhan– 2 (R-RF-105) variety
carrying multiple QTLs for drought
tolerance (qDTY 1-1 and qDTY 12-1)


and QTL for root traits has been released §13,517 rice landraces were screened for
and notified for Chhattisgarh in 2021 photosensitivity, 4,014 landraces
characterized for yield and component
traits; 1000 rice landraces (500 in Kharif
2020 and 500 in Kharif 2021) were
screened for various biotic (BB, blast,
bakanae, Sheath blight, false smut, BPH,
root knot nematode) and abiotic stresses
(drought, submergence, anaerobic
germination) and photosynthesis;
Herbarium specimens of 1050 accessions
of rice have been deposited in National
Herbarium of Crop Plants, New Delhi.
Fig. Farmer's first program Rajnandgaon §Prion-like proteins (PrLPs) have been
widely demonstrated to be present in
§CR Dhan 803 (Pooja-Sub1) has been plants, but their role in plant stress and
released for Odisha Sate. It has high yield
memory remains unexplored. The rice
under submergence conditions, high
prionome was found to be significantly
hulling, milling, no grain chalkiness and
enriched in transposons/ retrotranspo-
intermediate amylose content. It is also
sons (Ts/RTRs) and over 60 rice PrLPs that
resistant to stem borer (dead heart),
were differentially regulated in stress and
moderately resistant to white ear head,
d e v e l o p m e n t a l re s p o n s e s w e re
WBPH, leaf folder, plant hopper and case
identified. By integrating the available
worm, neck blast and tungro virus.
rice interactome, transcriptome, and
§A promising short duration variety, ADT regulome data sets, links between stress
55 through marker assisted selection
and memory pathways could be
resistance to bacterial blight was
released for cultivation in Tamil Nadu
during 2020- 21 and tested in All India §Rice pan-genome genotyping array
(RPGA), a 90K SNP genotyping array
Coordinated trial (IET 26770). This variety
based on 3K rice pan-genome had been
possesses all the three resistance genes
developed for genomics-assisted
(xa5 + xa13 + Xa21) and exhibited high
b re e d i n g a n d a c c e l e rate d c ro p
levels of resistance against almost all the
improvement. Contrary to conventional
races (11 races) of Xanthomonas oryzae
SNP genotyping arrays that relies on
pv. oryzae. Its potential yield was 9206
single reference genome RPGA assays
kg/ha (13.7% and 8.4% higher than ADT
variants from entire 3K rice pan-genome.
43 and CO 51 respectively) and suitable
This enables RPGA to tag haplotype
fo r c u l t i vat i o n i n Ka r / Ku r u va i
variation present in entire pan-genome,
/ Sornavari/ Navarai/ Summer seasons
which include both core (genes shared by
of Tamil Nadu especially for bacterial
all accessions) as well as dispensable
blight hot spot areas. This culture was
(subpopulation/cultivar specific genes)
registered as a new germplasm in NBPGR
genome. The usefulness of RPGA for
(Germplasm no: INGR 20002).
large- scale pan-genome based


genotyping applications was demonstrated by B. Oilseeds:

their high- throughput genotyping in the natural 1. Brassica
germplasm accessions and RIL mapping
population of rice. Four Brassica lines with improved rust resistance
developed through Marker-Assisted selection
2. Wheat are under AICRP trials.
A CMS-based pollination control system (named
Three wheat lines (HUWL2036, HUWL2037& 126-1) has been developed in Brassica and the
HUWL2038) developed to incorporate rust- use of the barnase/barstar genes has been
resistant genes along with yield and quality traits improved for developing a very robust GE
showed technology-based pollination control system in
resistance the crop for hybrid seed production.
to Leaf & Genetically Engineered mustard lines resistant to
Stripe Rust herbicide glyphosate for controlling the root
both and parasite Orobanche aegyptiaca were developed.
a m o n g A chromosome-scale genome assembly of B.
t h e s e nigra with long-read ONT sequencing and optical
lines, one mapping and a highly contiguous genome
l i n e assembly of oil type B. juncea Varuna using SMRT
(HUWL203 has been made.
6 ) h a s
been sent

Phenotyping of 4,575 germplasm lines including

checks has been completed against all three
rusts, spot blotch and powdery mildew while,
200 selected named landraces were evaluated Graphic representation of the Brassica Graphic representation of the Brassica
nigra pseudochromosomes. juncea pseudochromosomes.
against Karnal bunt and Fusarium head blight
during 2020-2021. 2. Minor Oilseeds (Linseed, Niger, Sesame and
Phenotyping of 3,200 germplasm lines including Safflower)
checks has been completed for abiotic stress i.e.,
heat and drought tolerance during the main crop 3400 accessions of Niger were phenotyped for
season in 2020-2021. major agronomic traits including crop duration
(days to 50% flowering from 28 days to 85 days),
A set of 400 Chromosomal substitution lines number of capitula (12 to 62 per plant), seed yield
(CSSLs) have been developed for 5U (2.1 g to 18.5 g/plant) and oil content (11.5% to
chromosome of Ae. triuncialis for transfer and 45.2%). Preliminary evaluation resulted in
mapping of multiple disease resistance and grain identification of eight early maturing accessions
softness in elite wheat background and (85 days), 20 self-compatible lines, 27 high
backcrossing of disomic substitution line carrying yielding accessions which will have great impact
chromosome 5U with Ph1b mutant. in niger breeding. Collection of indigenous


lines was augmented with exotic germplasm,

which includes 15 breeding lines from USDA, USA
and 5 varieties from Ethiopia. These exotic lines
are of late duration (120-130 days), tall with high
number of capitula (195) and have high harvest
index including a high self- compatible line (W6
18860) and a good combiner line (PI508079) for Fig. Field view of phenotyping of 2612 linseed germplasm accessions
seed yield, oil content and linoleic acid content.
In addition, four accessions of Guizotia scabra
subsp. Schimperi have been augmented from
Kenya. Hence, utilization of these diverse
genotypes in niger breeding programme would
lead to recovery of transgressive segregants for Fig. Variability in linseed flower colour, aestivation and shape
yield and yield contributing traits.
3. Groundnut

Development and validation of the new cost-

effective mid-density assay on AgriSeq targeted
genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) platform with
5081 SNPs has been achieved. This assay is
available now for use by the groundnut research
community including Indian groundnut breeding

A total of 7096 accessions of safflower along with

the passport data were compiled. A total of 6983
accessions have been purified by selfing and
single plant progeny identified for downstream
genotyping analysis. Traits such as days to 50 per
cent flowering, petal colour, petal colour at faded
stage, leaf shape and leaf dentations were Fig. SNP density plot for polymorphic SNPs among a set
recorded at the vegetative stage. Number of of founder parents and diverse germplasm lines in groundnut
capitula per plant, plant height and 100 seed
weight were recorded at the maturity stage. C. Pulses:

Linseed germplasm (2612 accessions) was Three improved chickpea varieties have been
characterized at three locations for various traits released at national level through the Varietal
including agro-morphological traits, fatty acid Identification and Release Committee.
analysis, Alternaria blight, bud fly and moisture (i) A drought tolerant chickpea variety IPCL4 -14
scarcity etc. has been released for timely sown, rainfed


conditions in north-west plain zone. This variety NIPGR will be executing technology
was developed through department's support transfer in due course. The technology
for marker assisted back crossing and and product developed in this Start-up
introgression of 'QTL hotspot' region for drought has huge market demand in India and
tolerance genes on linkage group-4. internationally ranging from farmers to
(ii) A drought tolerant chickpea variety BG 4005 the transportation, export, import and
has been released for timely sown, rainfed storage companies.
conditions in north-west plain zone. This variety
was developed through department's support §Establishment of an efficient regener-
through introgression breeding in desi chickpea ation system and standardization of
variety Pusa 362. Agrobacterium-mediated transforma-
(iii) A chickpea variety IPCMB 19-3 with wilt tion of papaya through somatic
resistance has been has been released for timely embryogenesis has been achieved.
sown, irrigated conditions in central zone. This §Transmission assays with whiteflies, the
variety was developed through Department's natural vector of Begomoviruses, were
support for marker assisted back crossing and standardized.
introgression breeding in Pusa 256 against race 2 §Genome edited tomato lines have been
of Fusarium wilt. developed for four genes Rin, Lycopene
β- cyclase (CYCB), Phototropin 1, NAC-
Two new Cercospora isolates affecting mung NOR gene, 1- Aminocyclopropane
bean have been identified, sequenced and carboxylic acid 2 (ACS2). For delayed fruit
submitted in NCBI, USA. Accession No. ripening, high lycopene level, extended
MZ475049 & MZ475050 shelf life and variable carotenoids. The
CAS9 free plants were also obtained for
D. Vegetable and Horticultural Crops: these mutated plants.
§An energy efficient, innovative and §An intensive survey was conducted in
cheap device has been developed which south Kashmir districts and out of more
can address the problem of postharvest than 3000 trees visited, a total number
losses in India. A Start-up Fruvetech Pvt 108 walnut samples were collected for
Lt d h a s b e e n r e g i s t e r e d ( C I N : preliminary analysis and subsequently 13
U72900DL2021PTC376517) for elite walnut genotypes were identified.
commercialization of this technology and


§Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus §Leading edge genotyping service and
(ToLCNDV) infection causes severe losses consultancy facility to steer agriculture
in tomato yield worldwide. Lack of biotechnology research and harnessing
information on resistance (R) genes vast Germplasm Resources of the
against ToLCNDV has considerably country “National Genomics and
retarded the pace of crop improvement Genotyping Facility (Phase I)” anchored
against this rapidly spreading pathogen. at National Institute of Plant Genome
An effective defense strategy deployed Research (NIPGR)
by a resistant tomato cultivar against §A Genomic selection and Speed Breeding
ToLCNDV was reported. It employs Sw5a Facility has been established under a
(R gene) that recognizes AC4 protein Network project at IRRI, Varanasi. This is
(viral effector) of ToLCNDV to restrict first of its kind facility in India to facilitate
virus spread. These findings could be faster genetic gains through speed
translated into development of breeding for generation advancement.
resistance in susceptible cultivars of
tomato through modern breeding or
molecular approaches.

Infrastructure Supported:
§A facility for regulating import-export of
the transgenic plant materials and GMO
detection “National Programme for
Quarantine and GM Diagnostics of
Genetically Engineered Plant Material” is
being supported by the Department
since 1999. The V phase of the facility has
been sanctioned recently. The facility
enables keeping a check on illegal GMO
cultivation in the fields and detection of Speed breeding facility is targeted to
GMOs in the food/feed and keeping a undertake haplotype-based backcross
check on transboundary pests/diseases. breeding to transfer the superior
haplotypes from landraces into elite
backgrounds, and training and capacity
development of 40 young plant breeders
from India on breeding innovations.


Capacity Building Field days, Trainings and (ii) Virtual discussion and demonstration on
workshops were conducted on GWAS, Data “Digitalization in Plant Breeding” on August 19,
collection, haplotype based breeding for 2020.
breeders and researchers across the country. (iii) One online training on “Digital data recording
(i) Webinar on “GWAS and its applications in in plant breeding” on September 19, 2020.
crops” on June 12, 2020. (iv) Two-day semi-virtual training on “HTP data
collection and capacity Building” was organized
on 15th& 16th Dec 2020 jointly by BISA, Ludhiana
and ICAR- NBPGR, New Delhi.
(v) Three days basic Training on B4R (digital data
recording and management) was conducted (Feb
3-5, 2021) with a total of 48 participants.
(vi) One-day workshop conducted to estimate
Glycemic Index, Resistant Starch with DBT project
(vii) 21 days training course on Haplotype-based
breeding strategy NARES partners and young
researchers across India.
(viii) The field day was organized jointly by
BISA and NBPGR on 19th March at BISA
Ludhiana. Over 70 scientists from different
institutes/organizations (public and private)
attended field day at BISA Ludhiana.

Wheat Field Day at BISA Ludhiana on 19th March 2021

(ix) Online training on “Digital data recording f o r
phenotyping in sesame” organized by Dr.
Rashmi Yadav on 9th Sep 2021 to different center-
s involved in phenotyping experiment.
( x ) A t w o - d ay t ra i n i n g o n “ S c i e n t i f i c
cultivation and value addition in sesame”
was organized by Dr. V. N. Gohil at Amreli,
Gujarat centre for extension workers on 9th and
10th March, 2021.


Technology Developed:
Improved crop Lines under various stages of AICRP trials in the year 2021

S.No. Crop IR/Code Trial Background/ QTL or Trait

Number/Line Category Parentage Information

1. Rice IR 143216-22-37-2- AVT Swarna qDTY3.1 + qDTY3.1+ qDTY12.1 +

4-31-10-B qDTY12.1+ Xa4 +Xa21+Pi9+GM8

2. Rice IR 143216-26-191- IVT-ETP Swarna qDTY3.1 + qDTY12.1 +Xa21 + xa13

5-3-15-3-B +Xa4+xa5+GM8+BPH17

3. Rice IR 143207-158- IVT-EM Lalat qDTY3.1 + qDTY12.1 +Xa4 +xa5

4. Rice IR 143505-161-154 EDS-IVT Lalat qDTY1.1 + qDTY3.1+ qDTY12.1 +

-11-44-B Xa21 +Xa4

5. Rice IR 143508-61-22-9- EDS-IVT Naveen qDTY1.1 + qDTY2.2+Gm8+ Xa4

6. Rice IR 143214-12-25-5- IME Naveen qDTY2.2 + Xa4+ xa13+ Gm8+ Pi9

7. Rice IR 143216-1-180- ETP Swarna qDTY1.1 + qDTY3.1 + Xa21 + Xa4 +

3- 4-2-23-B-2 xa5+GM8+Pi9

8. Rice IR 143505-134- 154- EDS-IVT Lalat qDTY2.2+qDTY3.1 + qDTY4.1 +

-27-3-B qDTY12.1 +Xa4

9. Rice IR 143505-134- IVT-IM Lalat qDTY3.1 + qDTY12.1+Xa21 +Xa4


10. Rice IR 143508-21-20- EDS-IVT Naveen qDTY1.1 + Gm8


11. Rice IR 143214-12-28-8- IVT-MS Naveen qDTY2.2 + Xa4 + Gm8+ Pi9


12. Rice RP6487-MAID- IVT-IM Krishna Hamsa Pi9


13. Rice RP6488-MAID-1- IVT-IM Krishna Hamsa Pi54+Bph20+Bph21


14. Rice RP6489-MAID-88- IVT-L WGL-14 Xa21+Bph3+Gm8+qDTY1.1+

16-7-6-3-1-1 qDTY2.1

15. Rice RP6490-MAID-100- IVT-L WGL-14 Xa21+Pi54+Gm4+Gm8

25-9-3-3-1 +q DTY2.1+qDTY12.1

16. Rice RP6491-MAID-87- IVT-L WGL-14 Xa21+Bph3+Gm8+q

15-9-3-1-1-1 DTY1.1+q DTY2.1


17. Rice RP6492-MAID- IVT-Aerob Krishna Hamsa Xa5+Xa21+qDTY1.1+qDTY2.1

177-81-14-3-1-1 +qDTY12.1

18. Rice RP6493-MAID-103- IVT-MS WGL-14 Xa21+Gm8+q DTY2.1


19. Rice RP6494-MAID-162- AVT1- WGL-14 Pi54+Gm4+qDTY1.1

27-9-3-1-1-1 NIL-BB

20. Rice RP6495-MAID- AVT1- Krishna Hamsa Xa21+Pi54

378-73-37-7-3-1-1 NIL-BB

21. Rice RP6496-MAID- 241- AVT1- NIL- Krishna Hamsa qDTY2.1

45-24-3-2-1-1 BB+Drt

22. Rice RP6497-MAID- 344 AVT1- WGL-14 Xa5+Xa13+Pi2+Gm4+ Gm8+qDTY1

44-34-4-3-1-1 NIL-Drt .1+qDTY2.1+qDTY3.1+qDTY12.1

23. Rice RP6498-MAID- AVT1- WGL-14 Bph3+Gm4+Gm8+qDTY3.1

451-51-45-5-4-1-1 NIL-Drt

24. Rice RP6496-MAID-246- AVT1- Krishna Hamsa qDTY2.1

24-6-3-1-1-1 NIL-Drt

25. Rice RP6499-MAID-93- IVT-LPT WGL14 Bph3+Gm8+qDTY1.1+qDTY2.1


26. Rice RP6366 -JBC-154- IVT-LPT WGL14


27. Rice RP6500-MAID-90- IVT-LPT WGL14 Xa21+Bph3+Gm8+qDTY1.1+q

9-2-1-1-1-1 DTY2.1

28. Rice RP6468-MAID- IVT-LNT Krishna Hamsa


29. Rice RP6501-MAID-95- IVT-LNT WGL14 Xa21+Bph3+qDTY1.1+qDTY2.1


30. Rice RP6494-MAID- AVT1- Krishna Hamsa Pi9

162-27-9-3-1-1-1 NIL-BB

31. Rice RP6495-MAID- AVT1- Krishna Hamsa Pi54+Bph20+Bph21

378-73-37-7-3-1-1 NIL-BB

32. Rice IET 29401 IVT-A PR 121 qDTY1.1 + Xa4 + xa13+ Xa21

33. Rice IET 29417 IVT-A PR 121 qDTY1.1 + qDTY3.1 +Xa4 + Xa21


34. Rice IET 29262 IVT-IM PR 121 qDTY1.1 + qDTY3.1 +Xa4 + xa13 +

35. Rice PAU 7180-9-17-0- IVT-A PR 121

0-0 (RYT 3853)

36. Rice IET 28452 IVT Dubraj xa5 and xa13

37. Rice IET 28452 AVT Dubraj xa5 and xa13

38. Rice IR64-Sub1-DTY2.2 AVT-2 Ir64 DTY2.2

39. Rice ADT 46-Sub1 AVT-2 ADT 46 Sub1

40. Rice Rajendra Mahsuri- AVT-1 Rajendra Sub1

Sub1 Mahsuri

41. Rice Ranjit-Sub1-BLB AVT-1 Ranjit-Sub1 xa5, xa13 and Xa21,Sub1

42. Rice HUR-105-Sub-1 3rd year HUR-105 Sub1

testing for
release in
UP state

43. Rice MTU1010-Saltol1 Mini kit MTU1010 Saltol1

testing on
field for
release in
AP state

44. Rice Sarjoo 52-Saltol1 AVT2 Sarjoo 52 Saltol1

45. Rice RP 6354-RMS- AVT2 Improved samba Grain number, Grain width and
5- 11-13-43 mahsuri*2/ Panicle branching

46. Rice RMS-1693-13-15- 29 IVT-MS Improved samba Grain number and Panicle
mahsuri*2/ branching
IR 123354:7-15

47. Rice RMS-1421-43-25- 29 IVT-MS Improved samba Grain number and Grain width


48. Rice RMS-1697-35-24- 16 IVT Improved samba Grain number, Strong Culm and
mahsuri*2/ Grain width

49. Rice RMS-1777-56-72- 84 IVT Improved samba Grain number and Panicle
mahsuri*2/ branching
IR 123354:7-15

50. Rice RMS-1778-54-32- 44 IVT Improved samba Grain number, Strong Culm
mahsuri*2/ IR and Grain width

51. Rice RMS-1780-24-12- 74 IVT Improved samba Grain number and Grain width

52. Rice RMS-1783-14-12- 24 IVT Improved samba Grain number, Grain width and
mahsuri*2/ panicle branching

53. Rice RMS-1908-11-22- 19 IVT Improved samba Grain number and Grain width

54. Rice RMS-1911-42-13- 24 IVT Improved samba Grain number, Strong Culm and
mahsuri*2/ Grain width

55. Rice RMS-1916-16-10- 39 IVT Improved samba Grain number, Strong Culm
mahsuri*2/ and Grain width
IR 127075:20

56. Rice RMS-1422-28-19-1 IVT Improved samba Grain number, Strong Culm
mahsuri*2/ and Grain width

57. Wheat HUWL2036 IVT HUW234 and HGPC+Lr24+HGW

Hd2967/PBW723 Lr19-Sr25+Yr10+Lr34


58. Rice CR 4205-3-1-2-1 IVT MTU 1010*2 / Grain number and grain
ST 12 yield Gn1a, OsSPL14

59. Brassica Varuna(A4A5)- AVT2 Varuna White rust resistance


60. Brassica PB(A4A5)-842 AVT2 Pusa bold White rust resistance

61. Brassica Rohini (A4A5)-491 AVT2 Rohini White rust resistance

62. Brassica PJK(A4A5)-21 AVT2 Pusa Jai Kisan White rust resistance

63. Cowpea DC 18-1 AVT Selection from EC High yielding/resistance

724153 to YMV and root rot

64. Cowpea DC 19-6 AVT Selection from EC High yielding/resistance

724157 to YMV and root rot

Animal Biotechnology National Institute of Animal Biotechnology,

Hyderabad, is one of the biggest one health programs
Animal Biotechnology programme is an
launched by Govt of India in post-COVID times. The
important part of our National economy in terms department continued R&D support both in basic and
of employment; rural development; agricultural applied research of animal health and production.
production and allied areas. The major emphasis
of this program is towards enhancement of No. of research publication 40
livestock production & productivity, and during 2021-22
improving animal health through
No. of patent applied 6
biotechnological interventions. The focused
areas of the Animal Biotechnology are animal No. of patent granted 1
reproduction, molecular characterization of
indigenous breeds, development of transgenic No.of human resource trained 300
animal, animal nutrition, utilization of animal by-
products, development of animal vaccines,
diagnostics and therapeutics, technology for
bovine sperm sexing, production of bio-
pharmaceuticals through transgenisis and animal
products. Department launched the First 'One
Health' programme of DBT, consisting of 27
organizations for inter-sectoral collaboration among
veterinary, medical, agricultural, environmental,
forestry, meteorological and other areas to detect,
prevent and control zoonoses and transboundary
animal diseases. The programme is led by DBT-


Brief of Major initiatives taken during the year laboratory capacity, vaccination, specific
2021-22: predictors of outbreak risk and risk mapping.
3. The Department initiated a project on
1. Keeping in view of importance of “One 'Transitional Applications for Therapeutics
Health”, Department of Biotechnology has from Veterinary and Allied Microbials
established a “One Health Center” at (TATVAM)' to establish a platform for
National Institute of Animal Biotechnology translation of the omics data of animal
(NIAB), Hyderabad for inter-sectoral microbiome into potent probiotics, animal
collaboration among veterinary, medical, feed, microbial isolates/consortia like
agricultural, environmental, forestry, products with nutraceutical properties.
meteorological and other areas to detect,
prevent and control zoonoses and Significant notable outcomes and achievements
transboundary animal diseases which was of the program
inaugurated by Dr. Nirmal K. Ganguly, the
former Director General of Indian council of Translational Research Platform for Veterinary
Medical Research and Dr. Renu Swarup, Biologicals (TRPVB): TRPVB phase-III involves
Secretary, DBT on 3 November, 2020. cutting edge technologies such as CRISPR/Cas-
Further, Dr. Renu Swarup, Secretary, DBT based next generation diagnostics, vectored
launched the First 'One Health' mega-project vaccines and expanding the reach of TRPVB
of DBT on 13th October, 2021 consisting of 27 products and services beyond the borders of
organizations led by DBT-National Institute Tamil Nadu.The key achievements of the TRPVB
of Animal Biotechnology, Hyderabad. This is phase III are the development of CRISPR/Cas12a
one of the biggest One Health programs based ultra-sensitive diagnostic platform which
launched by Govt of India in post-COVID can be potentially used to detect specific genome
times. The One Health Consortium consists targets of microbes and parasites.
of AIIMS Delhi, AIIMS Jodhpur, IVRI Bareilly, CRISPR/Cas12a based Ehrlichia canis genome
GADVASU Ludhiana, TANUVAS Chennai, detection from dog blood sample has been
MAFSU Nagpur, Assam agricultural and standardized with the analytical sensitivity of 1
veterinary university and many more ICAR, nanomole level. Macrophage enriched Theileria
ICMR centres and wild life agencies. This annulata cell culture vaccine candidate has been
programme envisages carrying out developed and the haplotyping of the parasite
surveillance of important bacterial, viral and has been done. As a feather on cap of the TRPVB,
parasitic infections of zoonotic as well as a patent has been recently granted for the
transboundary pathogens in India, including “Development of antimicrobial paper egg trays
the North-eastern part of the country. using air-less spray surface coating approach
2. The Anthrax-India Network Project (A-INP), based on antimicrobial hybrid mixture”. A patent
“DBT Network Programme on Anthrax document on “Method for preparing stable
Diagnosis and Control in India” has been probiotic beads for use in poultry species and its
supported by the Department to provide a compositions” has also been filed. As an attempt
multi- disciplinary research consortium with to develop vaccine against the Lumpy skin
involvement of 10 partnering disease (LSD) of cattle, the LSD virus has been
Institutes/Universities. The program will adapted in Vero cell line and its complete genome
strengthen the competences for was sequenced.
surveillance,outbreak investigation,


TRPVB is also proud to announce the

development of Babesia gibsoni antibody
detection ELISA- kit for dogs which is the first
indigenously developed recombinant antigen
based sero-diagnostic kit for screening Babesia
gibsoni infection in dogs. A novel thermo-
reversible polymer has also been developed for
intramammary drug delivery in cattle and
complete sol-to-gel formation of the polymer is
achieved in the temperature above 34oC.

Vitamin beads for

Probiotic Oral

Polymer based in-situ gel for intra-mammary


MyDAN-DBT Network programme on bovine

tuberculosis control: The Mycobacterial
diseases in animals network (MyDAN)
programme is initiated by DBT with seven centres
to understand the incidence of TB in different
spectra, evaluate synthetic peptides as a suitable
Pro Vit Dog simple and confirmatory diagnostic tool (DST),
evaluation of BCG for its efficacy in preventing
disease and onward transmission and to develop
national TB control programme for livestock in
India. The dose optimization of DST in cattle and
buffaloes and initial survey in comparison with
PPD of OIE specifications and IGRA were
completed. Under this project various gaps in the
testing protocol were focussed and it was
observed that there was huge difference
between SIT and SICCT indicating an overlook at
Babesia gibsoni Indirect the usage of SIT.


Alternatively, or in conjunction with present tests Canine Health Research: Department supported
DST could be used which also opens the way for two major PAN India Network programmes at
using the BCG vaccine in Bovines as the DIVA Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences
testing of Synthetic peptides was studied in BCG University (TANUVAS) Chennai, Tamil Nadu and
vaccinated animals and confirmed 100% Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences
specificity for skin test. The BCG immunogenicity University (GADVASU), Ludhiana, Punjab. The
trial in calves indicated promising results which major research purposes of these programs are
will be vital in designing a control programme for on canine haemoprotozoan parasites, oncology,
our country. Another important finding in the canine blood typing, canine enteric virus, canine
project was from sequencing studies of isolates contraception, canine ocular disorders and
at TANUVAS which indicated the M. orygis as canine leptospirosis.
causative agent rather than M. bovis. To correlate
true positive animals, the necropsy studies At GADVASU Canine Research Centre, Veterinary
carried out on the buffaloes at LUVAS gave the Hospital Database Management Unit, Canine
true picture of sensitivity of the diagnostic tests
Blood Bank and Leptospira Diagnostic & Research
employed. Very important findings from this
Laboratory were established at GADVASU. The
study also indicated the important correlation
between the ESR level in the true positive animals DBT-GADVASU-CRCN has developed various
in combination with the results of SICCT & IGRA products and technologies having commercial
will lead in diagnosing true positive animals. potential viz., economical & nutritionally
Chromatographic immunoassay for qualitative balanced dog feed (biscuits & extruded feed),
detection of MTBC from an AFB-smear positive cost effective indigenous nylon fishline sutures
MGIT tube has been carried out at IVRI-ERS. and implants (suture sleeves, string of pearl (SOP)
plates, angled joint arthrodesis plates, toggle pin,
TPLO plates and TTA Cages) for treating
arthropathies, and dental impression trays &
stainless-steel crowns for root canal therapy.
Various novel diagnostic assays for canine
mammary tumor (five-plex assay, SPR biosensor
assay, mixed bead-ELISA & QRT-PCR) & RVL-G
based ELISA for sero- monitoring rabies
antibodies and for the rabies therapeutics and
BD MGIT TBc Identification Test prophylaxis in dogs' synthetic Locked Nucleic
Acids (LNAs) have been developed. The centre
has also optimized the concentration and
protocol of cryoprotectants & extenders for
canine semen preservation and has prepared a
karyotype album of dog breeds for the parentage
determination. For the successful clinical
treatment of chronic gastroenteropathies in
dogs, the common etiologies have been
Indigenous IGRA kit development for
Bovine TB


A recombinant dog zona pellucida protein

coupled to GnRH to be useful in canine

blood type and a modified colorimetric assay to

On the other hand, TANUVAS Canine Research detect ESBL's in dogs. As a part of the outreach
Centre focused on the major problems of canine activities a “Master Health Check-up, Free Anti-
upkeep and maintenance in terms of health, rabies Vaccination and Blood typing” for
nutrition, disease diagnosis, prevention, control indigenous dog breeds of Tamil Nadu was
and therapeutic management etc. Some major organized and a Blood 4 Pet mobile app also had
outputs include Staining kit and lFA kit for been developed to register blood donors.
detecting IMHA, a multiplex and Tetra-ARMS PCR
based assay for CPV typing, aptamers with Early pregnancy diagnostic assay in cattle and
specific binding potential to CPV, a polyclonal buffalo: The Preg-D pregnancy diagnosis kit was
based typing reagent for the DEA 1.1 developed for bovine with Overall Accuracy =
91.40 %; Sensitivity = 95.86% and Specificity =
80.93 %. The kit is suitable for pregnancy
diagnosis as early as day 18 in majority of animals
(cow, buffaloes, goat). In addition, study have
also advanced in the direction of developing
ELISA and Lateral flow assay based kits to
diagnose pregnancy using blood sample. A direct
sandwich ELISA (81.19% Sensitivity, 97.09%
Specificity, 89.22% accuracy) and field applicable
lateral-flow assay (73.27% Sensitivity, 92.23%
Specificity, 82.84% accuracy) have been
Staining kit for IMHA detection by flowcytometry developed having promising diagnostic
and an LFA kit for detection of Immunoglobulin performance potential for screening of early
bound to RBC pregnant cows in the detection window of 17-35
days post-breeding. Neutrophils have been
found to be important indicators of pregnancy in
cattle. Indoleamine-2, 3-dioxygenase 1 (IDO1)
was confirmed as an important marker for
pregnancy in cows.

Preg-D Bovine pregnancy LFIA test showing results of pregnant

diagnosis kit and non-pregnant cows as early as
SMA polymer for single intra-vasal injection early as 17-35 days post AI.
mediated contraception

Genomics for conservation of indigenous cattle vaccine

breeds and for enhancing milk yield: The strains of
department has supported a program for the Marek's
development of high density single-nucleotide disease in
polymorphism (SNP) chip for identification of chicken.
pure indigenous cattle breed as well as elite T h e
animal at National Institute of Animal developed
Biotechnology (NIAB), Hyderabad. Under this colorimetric
project blood sample of 43 indigenous registered PCR assay is
cattle breeds were collected for genotyping and used to
sequencing. Whole genome sequence data screen the
(coverage ~ 30X) of 176 animals was generated samples by non-invasive method i.e., Feather
which included 20 animals, each of five major follicles as a sample for detection of MDV. Final
breeds - Gir, Tharparkar, Kankrej, Red Sindhi and result can be interpreted based on visual
Sahiwal; and 2 animals, each of other 38 breeds detection of positive and negative samples by
(total 43 breed's representation). Further, 7,88, naked eye. The results revealed that combined
496 high resolution polymorphic markers have vaccine (HVT/SB-1) has given more protection
been selected for development of a HD SNP chip. than serotype 2 only vaccine. Overall diagnostic
The Chip named as IndiGau which is the largest sensitivity and specificity of colorimetric PCR
cattle chip of the world. It has 11,496 markers assay was 0.68 and 0.79 respectively. The
(SNPs) more than that placed on famous 777K developed colorimetric PCR assay is used for
Illumina chip of US & UK breeds. All SNP chips in differentiation of serotype 1 (field strain) with
the past were developed for exotic cattle i.e. Bos vaccine serotypes of 2 and 3 in the chicken.
taurus, whereas this is the first chip developed for
Bos indicus (Indian breeds). Further, India's first
Mechanism of host adaptation by
SNP based chip for the conservation of pure
Campylobacter jejuni and strategies to control
varieties of indigenous cattle breeds has been enteric commensalism in chicken: The
released by Dr. Jitendra Singh, Hon'ble Minister mechanism of bacterial adaptation in the chicken
of State (IC), Ministry of S & T on 13th August gut for persistent colonization was studied. The
2021. findings of the study suggested that the
differential ability of C. jejuni to invade chicken
and human cells is tightly regulated by pro-
inflammatory cytokines in the gut and possibly
holds the keys to the observed differences in
pathogenesis between human and chicken cells.
Further, the results of the study suggest their
ability to substantially improve the antigen-
specific local immune responses in the intestine
Work Flow of IndiGau Chip Development along with significant immune protection against
enteric colonization of C. jejuni in chickens.

Colorimetric PCR assay for Marek's disease virus

in Chicken: A colorimetric PCR assay has been
developed for differentiation of the field and


The study suggests that major SECPs of C. jejuni, bacteria (LAB) has been developed, expressing
including JlpA, CadF, and Hcp, could serve severalimmunogenic and surface expressed
aseffective multivalent vaccine candidates proteins of C. jejuni as potential oral vaccine for
against C. jejuni in chickens and other susceptible commercial broiler chickens.
hosts. A bioengineered Lactic Acid producing

Bioengineering and validation of rLAB vector surface expressing major cell adhesion
protein (JlpA) of C. jejuni

Random and targeted mutagenesis of zoonotic security. Fishes and their products have presently
pathogen Leptospira interrogans: A project in emerged as one of the major group in agricultural
the perspective of vaccine development against exports from India. DBT supported the area to
leptospirosis has been supported by the benefit the aquatic and marine sectors by
department at NIAB, Hyderabad. Random and addressing broad areas towards developing
targeted mutant of Leptsopira interrogans novel cell lines, improvement in aqua feed,
serovar Pomona and serovar hardjo were created developing newer diagnostics and therapeutics,
and out of them one mutant was screened which fish genomics and transcriptomics, fish and
was not attenuated in virulence as confirmed in shellfish disease, marine ornamental and bio-
the hamster challenge model. Further, a proof of prospecting etc.
concept has been established that mutants can
be created for other Leptospira, however the Major initiatives taken during the year 2021-
protocol needs to standardize for each serovar. 22:
Attempts were also made to identify the 1. Initiated a programme on National
candidate antigens/ virulence factors for creating Repository of Fish Cell Lines in C. Abdul
mutants and also the role of these antigens in the Hakeem College (Phase II) and research on
modulation of host immune response. application of cell lines in virological and
biomedical research.
2. A programme has been supported for the
Aquaculture and Marine Biotechnology Development of vaccines against Tilapia
lake virus (TiLV) and Cyprinid herpesvirus -2
The Aquaculture and Marine Biotechnology
of fish in Indian aquaculture system.
program is being implemented for enhancing
3. Initiated a programme on Precision
aquaculture production and productivity as well
brackishwater aquaculture technology
as increase and development of useful products
using Machine Intelligence to develop a
and processes from marine resources.
robust and standalone wireless sensor
Aquaculture and marine biology plays a very
network, to collect real time data on a
important role in Indian agricultural economy for
the production of food to provide nutritional


continuous basis from shrimp farming supplied to twenty different research

clusters in different geographical areas. organizations. Cell lines of Tilapia and Rainbow
4. A programme for development of grow- trout were
out technology for mass culture of sand used for
and muddy polychaete worms and isolating
assessment of their seasonal nutritional tilapia lake
profiling for use in shell and fin fish virus and
hatcheries has been supported by the fish noda
Department. v i r u s ,
5. A multi centric project on Evaluation of respective
effect of macrophytes-based feed on the ly. Fish cell
growth, gut physiology, expression of lines were
specific genes involved in the biosynthesis of used to
dha & epa and procution of quality fresh study the Novel cell lines developed from eye (A), spleen (B)
and kidney(C) of Oncorhynchus mykiss (cold water fish)
water fishes was supported by the toxicity of chromium and nicotine. Twenty-one
department. new cell lines have been added and NRFC possess
6. Department initiated a programme for 71 fish cell lines accessions with 59 fully
the development of seed production authenticated cell lines. All the cell lines were
technology for the high value marine revived, re-authenticated by COI sequencing and
fo o d f i s h , t h e G i a n t Tr e v a l l y, cryopreserved. Supply of 67 cell line requests
Caranxignobilis to enhance the seafood were accomplished to researchers across the
production and nutritional security country for R&D purposes. A total of 5 training
programs were conducted to train young
No. of research publication 39 researchers.
during 2021-22 Live feeds in fish and shellfish culture: The
department has supported a program on
No. of patent applied 3 nutritional evaluation, segregation and
production optimization of novel marine
No.of human resource trained 200 microalgae for establishment as live feeds in fish
and shellfish culture. Different microalgal
Significant outcomes and achievements of the cultures isolatedfrom the east and west coast of
program: India have been purified and monocultures of the
s p e c i e s h a d b e e n d eve l o p e d a n d 4 2
National Repository of fish cell lines and monocultures of the microalgal species were
research on application of cell lines in virology, added to the existing culture collection. A total of
toxicology and gene expression studies: The 62 cultures were shortlisted according to the
Phase-II of National Repository of fish cell lines feeding size of the zooplankton. Based on the
has been nutritional segregation of the selected microalgal
established at NBFGR, Lucknow with access species in terms of carbohydrates, protein and
centre at C. Abdul Hakeem College, Vellore by the lipids, amino acids, fatty acids and minerals and
Department. Sixty-four cell lines (48 cell lines the feeding trials with the copepod Oithona
developed at CAHC and 16 obtained from rigida, new isolates of marine microalgal species
NBFGR) have been maintained for scientific such as Nannochloropsis oceanica MACC 24 and
community. Sub-culturing and cryo-preservation MACC 26, Nannochloropsis sp. MACC 22 and
are being carried out regularly for all these 64 cell
lines. Cell lines of different fish species were


Nannochloropsis sp. MACC 27 identified as stand with provisions for gas exchange,
potential candidates as live feeds in aquaculture. temperature sensor and light unit with LED lights
The indigenously developed 50L photobioreactor in the wave length of 450-590-660 nm placed at
has been scaled upto 500L with 12mm 25cm distance from the reactors.
polymethyl methacrylate with a stainless steel

Adult females and eggs of Oithona rigida Copepodites of Oithona rigida under stereo
under stereo microscope microscope

The indigenously developed vertical flat panel photobioreactor with LED light units
National Repository of Aquatic Animal Viruses: Repository of Fish Cell lines, NBFGR and CAHC
The Department has established a National Vellore and available for R&D work. Live viruses
Repository of Aquatic Animal Viruses' in five such as WSSV, IHHNV, HPV, IMNV, MrNV, XSV,
different institutions (CUST -Cochin, CAHC- NNV (FNV), TiLV, CyHV2, CEV, MCV/ISKNV, RSIV
Vellore, SKUAST-K, CIFE & CIFA- Bhubaneswar) as and MBV/PmNV have been cryo-preserved in
facilities for molecular screening, cell culture- host tissues. Novel isolates of viruses such as
based isolation and characterization of finfish WSSV new strains, ISKNV, RISV, TiLV, VNN were
and shellfish viruses. The PCR conditions and isolated. A Manual of Aquatic Animal Viruses as
protocols for 22 fish viruses, 25 Crustacean ready reckoner for the practitioners in aquatic
viruses and 6 molluscan viruses have been animal virology has also been prepared. The
standardized. The protocol for the long-term capability generated would be available for the
storage of live viruses endogenously in Nation to be used for furthering such activities
appropriate cell line has also been standardized. and to meet any eventuality of epidemic due to
Live viruses such as MBV/PmNV, IHHNV, TiLV, virus in aquaculture through diagnostic services.
NNV were generated in the cell lines such as
PmLy0-Sf9, OnH, SSN1, SISK, TG, TH, TE and the
fish cell lines available with the National


Genetic enhancement of freshwater fish Catla Novel anticancer molecules from endophytic
catla: A programme has been supported by the fungi: A programme on search for novel
Department on genetic enhancement of anticancer secondary metabolites from
economically important freshwater fish Catla endophytic fungi of selected marine algae and
catla using genetic and molecular approaches. evaluation of their mechanism of action has been
Three generations of improved catla were supported by the Department. Endophytic fungi
produced by selective breeding from the base of marine alga from Konkan coast, India were
population created by bringing catla from found to be a rich source of bioactive material
different geographical regions. The improved and several anti-proliferative and anti-oxidative
catla showed 30% higher growth rate in bioactive compounds were discovered in extracts
comparison to the normal catla. In total 68.5 lakh of marine-derived endophytic Fungi such us
improved catla spawn were produced and Talaromyces purpureogenus, Aspergillus unguis
distributed. Hormonal profile analyses clearly AG 1.1 (G), Chaetomium globosum and
showed that variations exist in the individual Penicillium chrysogenum. Chaetomium
levels at different months even though the fishes globosum, isolated from a marine green alga was
were of same year class, reared in same pond discovered as a new source of Chrysin while
environment and at same geographical location. Penicillium chrysogenum showed anticancer and
Proteomic analyses of catla eggs revealed three antibacterial activities in its Ethyl Acetate
proteins which could serve as the egg quality extracts. Four fungi isolates were obtained from
markers in catla. For the first time the catla algae samples obtained from Kerala region. The
genome information was deciphered. A high ethyl acetate extracts of all the fungi were
quality draft genome of catla consisting of 5,345 obtained their cytotoxicity and antioxidant
scaffolds was generated. The catla genome was analyses were carried out using two different cell
predicted to contain 25,812 protein coding genes lines viz MG63 and U87. GC- MS and H NMR
and consisted of 47.58 % repeat elements. Catla analyses were performed of the major anticancer
myostatin gene was disrupted successfully using compound obtained from T. epimiltinus and
CRISPR/Cas9 technology. This was validated by found to be 1, 2-benzenedicarboxylic acid, bis (2-
injecting into one cell stage catla embryos and ethylhexyl) ester (diethylhexyl phthalate, DEHP).
found to be integrated into the germ line DNA. A
DNA repository of elite catla individuals were
created and maintained at ICAR-CIFA.

Marine synthetic biology: A programme on

marine synthetic biology has been supported by
the Department for building national capacity
and human resources. Under this programme 45
General Workflow of selective breeding program students were trained in six batches.


The core of the training was to teach fundamental Tannase from marine fungi and its application:
engineering concepts applicable to biological The Department has supported a programme on
engineering, make students familiar with key the process optimization and scale up of tannase
research work from academia & industry towards from marine fungi and evaluation of its
practical applications, impart hands- on training application in the production of value added
in computational and experimental synthetic products from cashew apple. The tannase-
biology, use an example of marine organism for producing fungal strain, Aspergillus niger A20
synthetic biology application and get students was isolated from mangrove forest in Kerala and
acquainted with ethical, biosafety and bio- various factors influencing tannase production by
security aspects of synthetic biology. A. niger A20 using cashew apple bagasse were
identified using a two-level fractional
Sensor based detection method for white spot
Plackett–Burman design. Actinomyectes strain
syndrome virus (WSSV) of penaeid shrimp:
TBGS10 showing high tannin hydrolyzing
Department has supported a programme for the
percentage, were selected for tannase
development of electrochemical immuno sensor
production in starch casein broth. 16S gene
based detection method for white spot syndrome
amplification and sequencing revealed identity of
virus (WSSV) of penaeid shrimp. The selection of
TBGS10 as Streptomyces mirabilis. Further, four
electrochemical platform, optimization of
of the good tannase producers (A. tubingensis
experimental condition, calibration plot, and
KUASR1, A. aculeatus KUASR2, A. aculeatus
comparison of the electrochemical results with
KUASR3 and A. niger KUASR15) after secondary
other molecular methods has been successfully
screening were finally selected and optimized
completed in this study. A PSS-Methylene matrix
submerged fermentation at IUCB, Kannur
and analysed several shrimp real samples using
University. Optimization of process parameters
screen-printed electrodes (SPE) has been
under submerged fermentation for maximum
developed. Finally, the disposable screen-printed
tannase activity using the selected isolates were
electrode based prototype was tested by using
performed and it was found that, maximum
several real samples and validated with
tannase production was obtained during the
conventional assays.
initial stage of incubation within 72hrs for all
isolates and the optimum temperature was 30°C.

Structural characterization of White Spot

Syndrome Viral enzymes involved in nucleotide
synthesis: The thymidylate synthase (TS) is a
highly conserved enzyme and displays sufficient
plasticity to achieve a certain degree of species
specificity which allow certain inhibitors to bind
more efficiently to TS from one species over the
other. The wTS C- terminal region displays
conformational and positional distinctions with
reference to the catalytic Cys residue. Both the C-
terminal region and the RTG loop in wTS are
Electrochemical immunosensor against farther away from the catalytic Cys residue
WSSV in penaeid shrimp compared to that in PvTS, causing a considerable
increase in the distance between the RTG loop


and the C-terminal region. These structural

features could be exploited to develop WSSV-
specific inhibitors. The higher rate of nucleotide
utilization by WSSV could confer an additional
degree of specificity. Altogether, the unique
structural elements in the wTS structure
advocate it as a promising target to develop anti-
WSSV drugs.

Purification and crystallization of recombinant WSSV TK-TMK

Development of diatom culture collection,
Viral vaccine for fish nodavirus: Department has segregation for nutraceuticals and application in
supported a programme on the production, aquaculture: Diatoms from different aquatic
nano-delivery and validation of viral vaccine habitats have been isolated and identified based
against nodavirus of fish. Whole virus vaccine was on Light Microscope, SEM analysis, and
produced using seabass kidney and grouper eye Molecular characterization through 18s RNA. A
cell lines. The nodavirus propagated in these cell new isolation technique based on crosslinking of
lines was confirmed by RT-PCR and viral titer was alginate beads with divalent cation (Ca2+) has
determined by TCID-50 assay. The gene encoding been optimized and standardized. Inductively
major capsid protein of nodavirus was expressed Coupled Plasma (ICP) synthesized nanosilica was
as a recombinant protein with a 6-histidine tag in used in place of normal silica for diatom culturing.
prokaryotic system and will be used as This promotes the faster growth pattern for high
recombinant vaccine. Five novel permanent cell biomass yield in diatoms and metabolite
lines have been established from gill, heart, production. A cost-effective strategy for indoor
kidney, eye and fin of snubnose pompano, mass cultivation of diatoms using ICP nano silica
Trachinotus blochii. Three fish species were has also been established. Wide spectrum
found to be highly susceptible to nodavirus and metabolite production was determined from
will be used in vaccine trials. The nanoparticles of marine diatoms including novel bioactive
ZnO, CaO and HAP were found to be non-toxic to compounds such as EPA, DHA, and fucoxanthin.
the fish cells and used to deliver vaccine in fish. Chaetoceros gracilis and Thalassiosira weissflogii
were successfully immobilized in a Ca-alginate
bead through the gelation method.


Production, nano-delivery and validation of viral vaccine against fish nodavirus

Indoor mass cultivation of diatoms Lipid body size and lipid content of
Thalassiosira sp. and Chaetoceros
E.G. Silas Centre of Excellence and Innovation taxonomic and functional microbiome profiles
(EGS - CoEI) in Marine Fish Microbiome and were generated. To sketch the interplay of
Nutrigenomics: A dedicated laboratory for microbiome on larval health, Rachycentron
marine fish larval microbiome and nutrigenomics canadumwere exposed to 11 h transport stress,
research has been established at Central Marine and microbiome before and after exposure was
Fisheries Research Institute (ICAR-CMFRI), Kochi profiled. Collection of symbiotic microbes
by the Department. Larval preservation methods associated with the larval stages has been
were evaluated in terms of metagenomics initiated to develop microbial and immunity
metrics and an in-depth information on the modulation strategies.


Tissue samples of different life stages of cobia individuals of ornamental shrimps which include
were collected for reference transcriptome data new distributional record were collected.
generation. Digestive enzyme activity of different Currently, more than 3,447 numbers of shrimps
life stages of cobia was analyzed to aid in micro- which belongs to 15 species and 2,085 Sea
feed development. Larval feeds (500-900 anemones (05 species) are available in the
microns) were prepared with extruder- facility. Two potential shrimps (Ancylocaris
spheroniser and fluidized bed processor. brevicarpalis & Thor hainanensis) were captive
bred and up-scaled for production. Further,
Establishing germplasm resource centre for technology was developed for live shrimp
marine ornamental invertebrates: Department transportation, adopting low-cost technology.
along with ICAR-NBFGR has established a
Germplasm resource centre for marine
ornamental invertebrates at Agatti island,
Lakshadweep. More than 25 explorations were
conducted in six islands at Lakshadweep and 150


BIOENERGY, BIORESOURCES AND Engineering Biomass Processing Enzymes

ENVIRONMENT Scientists from IIT Bombay and IIT Guwahati
under DBT funded project, “DBT Pan IIT Center
Energy Bioscience and Waste to Value for Bioenergy” have developed engineered
thermostable and glucose tolerant β-glucosidase
Department is promoting research,
(CtGH1). They aimed to develop sustainable
development, and demonstration in these areas
biofuel solutions to solve the energy- crisis. The
to harness the potential available for cleaner
group of scientists also developed bi-functional
solutions for community welfare for holistic
chimeric β-glucosidase and endoglucanase
contribution to the national bioeconomy. The
without compromising the activity of individual
vision is to make available cost-effective and
enzymes. The engineered enzymes are
sustainable biofuel technology by improving
structurally characterized using crystallography
feedstock or developing new feedstock,
or SAXS and molecular dynamic simulations. The
improvement of biofuel production technologies
study will assist in formulating an efficient
including nation's broad vision about biomass to
enzyme cocktail mixture for improved biomass
energy production. The broad objectives of the
program are to promote innovation R&D in
Biofuel areas through various schemes like the Development of Efficient Cellulolytic Cocktail for
Centre of Excellence, extramural projects and Hydrolysis of Bio-Refinery Relevant Pre-
international cooperation. TreatedLignocellulosics
Salient Achievements-Energy Bioscience and Scientists from Guru Nanak Dev University,
Waste to Value Amritsar under DBT funded project have
developed efficient cellulolytic cocktail for
Development of Cellulase Enzyme Technology
hydrolysis of bio-refinery relevant pre-treated
for 2G Ethanol Production and its scale-up
lignocellulosic aimed to develop high-
Scientists from International Centre for Genetic performance lignocellulolytic enzyme cocktails
Engineering and Biotechnology, New Delhi using breeding approaches integrated with
under the DBT funded Centre of Excellence aimed molecular and system biology approaches. They
to develop technology for second-generation have developed a thermophilic fungal strain and
biofuels have developed cellulase enzyme a cocktail thereof enriched in LPMOs that
technology using engineered fungal strain and performs 20-25% better when compared to the
scaled up the technology to about 15,000L scale. most potent commercial benchmark enzyme
This study will provide an in-house fungal Cellic Ctec 3 for hydrolysis of acid pretreated rice
platform to produce cellulase enzymes at a straw slurry (unwashed) at high solid loading
commercial scale for use in a 2G-ethanol plant. rates (17%) to fermentable sugars. The
production of lignocellulolytic enzymes by the
developed strain was validated at the fermenter
level and is now ready for transfer to the
stakeholders. The environmental impact of the
developed technology was analyzed and it was
found that using catalytically efficient enzyme @
3.1 mg protein/g of substrate for hydrolysis of
lignocellulosics would reduce the greenhouse

Fig. A detailed bioprospecting study


gases required for the process by 3.73 folds. The production of bioethanol. This study will help to
developed technology would be an important establish the production of cheap indigenous
step in self-reliance on the indigenous enzymes bioethanol.
for the up- coming 2 G ethanolplants in the
Development of Efficient Strain for Cellulase
Production as well as Pentose and Hexose Sugar
Engineering of cellulose enzymes of Aspergillus
fumigatus NITDGPKA3 for enhancing Investigators from Banasthali Vidyapith under
theiractivity DBT funded have isolated a potential fungal strain
that can produce cellulase and ferment both
The Investigator from NIT Durgapur has pentose and hexose sugars to ethanol. This study
developed several important recombinant will assist to produce lignocellulosic bioethanol at
enzymes of the cellulase family by protein a low cost on a commercial scale.
engineering method under the DBT supported
project. These enzymes are important for the

D eve l o p m e nt o f N o ve l a n d Ef f i c i e nt successfully applied to deconstruct various

Carbohydrate Enzymes for Bioenergy and Bio- agricultural biomasses like cotton stalk and
Valued Products sugarcane top. This study will provide efficient
Scientists from the Indian Institute of Technology, enzymes to the renewable energy sector to
Guwahati under DBT support, have cloned and p ro d u c e co st - effe c t i ve l i g n o c e l l u l o s i c
characterized (structurally and biochemically) bioethanol.
efficient biomass hydrolyzing enzymes like
cellulase, RfGH5_4, and hemicellulase,
PsGH43_12. These enzymes have been


Development of Process for Increased

Biomethanation of Rice Straw
Scientists from Agharkar Research Institute
under DBT funded project aimed to develop a
process for increased biomethanation of rice
straw have identified an anaerobic gut fungus
Orpinomyces that can improve biomethanation
of even large-sized rice straw particles without
requiring any thermochemical pretreatment.
This study will be useful in the generation of
cleaner energy while helping farmers in getting Impact of Carbon Nanomaterial Based
more revenue from their lignocellulosic produce. Photocatalyst on Microalgae Growth and Lipid
forImproved Biodiesel
Indigenous Ceramic Membrane Based
Microalgal Photobioreactor Re s e a rc h e rs f ro m A m i t y I n st i t u te o f
Scientists from CSIR-Central Glass and Ceramic Biotechnology, Amity University, Uttar Pradesh,
Research Institute under Department supported Noida under DBT funded project aimed to
project have developed indigenous ceramic develop a technology for enhancing microalgae
membrane-based microalgalphotobioreactor growth and lipid for improved biodiesel. They
and membrane- based harvesting prototype. A have developed a carbon-based nanocomposite
membrane integrated bench-scale prototype for to enhance biodiesel productionin microalgae.
the enhanced rate of microalgal biomass Based on the study a provisional patent is filed
cultivation and energy-efficient harvesting of under the IPO, India. This study will establish the
b i o m a s s fo r b i o f u e l p r o d u c t i o n h a s new dimensions in the generation of microalgae-
beendeveloped. This study will provide new based biodiesel and unravel sustainable energy
dimensions in the sustainable and environment- production.
friendly production of biofuel.
Development of Algal Carbon to Enhance
Biomass, Biofuels, and Bioproducts
Scientists from the International Centre for
Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, New
Delhi under DBT funded Bioenergy Centre aimed
to develop a new approach of media engineering
strategy is an excellent perspective for
physiological perturbations within cell factories
as sustainable algal biorefineries have
demonstrated chemical molecules act as growth Large Scale Cultivation of Algal Biomass for
modulators and interact with microalgal cells at Biofuel Production
nanomolar levels to trigger the specific
metabolic pathways, thus rerouting the carbon Scientists from Murugappa Chettiar Research
to enhance biomass, biofuels, and bioproducts Centre in collaboration with their industrial
(B3) productivities. partner, under DBT support, developed a 2-stage


algal cultivation process to increase algal rotating packed bed operation of capacity 0.5- 1
productivity up to 3g DW/L using cheaper TPD CO2 has also been developed. The study will
sources like effluent, the liquid waste from sugar provide industrial carbonization aiming to
mill and CO2, the gaseous waste from a distillery remove CO2 from the flue gas stream of fossil fuel-
to reduce the algal production cost, and based combustion/ power plants. This
demonstrated enhancement of lipid content of technology will be commercialized which will
alga from 8% to 33% through nutrient stress. help to achieve towards NetZero”.
Sustained algal growth in sugar effluent resulted
in increased biomass yield with the design
modification in the existing algal raceway pond
andeffluent stabilization unit, which provides the
dual advantage of reducing the shock load of
varying fluent quality on alga and dosing
appropriate quantity of CO2, which otherwise
used to escape from the open raceway in the
earlier design.

Integrated Design and Demonstration of

Intensified CO2 Capture with Cost-Effective
Advanced Process Fig. Process intensified CO2 Capture
Investigators from Pandit Deendayal Energy rotating packedbed pilot plant
University, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, under DBT
supported project aimed to develop Industrial Investigators from at Indian Institute of
CO2 Capture has developed a 0.5- 1 ton per day Technology Kharagpur under DBT funded project
(TPD) CO2 capture pilot plant (IOT based, fully “ D BT Pa n I I T C e nte r fo r B i o e n e rg y ”
computer-controlled). Another process synergistically integrated algal cultivation,
intensified CO2 Capture Absorber based on carbon sequestration, and municipal wastewater
treatment on a larger scale in 25 L
photobioreactor. The harvested algal biomass
was further utilized for lipid extraction. The
developed bioprocess reduced cost of biomass as
no media components was required for
production and simultaneously can be used
municipal waste-water treatment. This process
will eventually reduce the cost of algal biomass-
based fuel solutions and effectively channel
waste-water treatment.

Fig. Automatic CO2 Capture


Development of Novel Bioenergy and polymers. They have developed a novel

Biopolymer Production System integrated economically feasible agro-waste
biomass-derived bioenergy and biopolymer
Investigators from the Central University of Tamil production system to enhance the rural Indian
Nadu under DBT supported project aimed to economy. This study will provide novel
develop a novel concept for achieving sustainable energyrecovery technologies and also open up
renewable energy generation and its utilization new branches for entrepreneurial activities and
with biorefinery aspect along with the job opportunities via commercialization.
production of industrially valuable chemicals/

Solar Assisted Hydroformylation/ Carboxylation Demonstration of A 3.5 TPD Bio-Methanation

of Olefins Derived from Natural Products Plant to Convert Wet Organic Fraction of MSW
to Bio-Gas and Good Quality Fertilizer
Scientists from CSIR-Indian Institute of
Petroleum, Dehradun under DBT supported
project aimed to develop solar-assisted Scientists from Sardar Patel Renewable Energy
hydroformylation/ carboxylation of olefins Research Institute, Vallabh Vidyanagar under
derived from natural products with CO2have DBT funded project aimed to demonstrate a 3.5
developed unexpected allylic oxidation of olefins TPD bio-methanation plant to convert a wet
i.e. alpha-pinene, beta- pinene, and camphene in organic fraction of MSW to bio-gas and good
place of hydroformylation/ carboxylation with quality fertilizer using their own patented
CO2 using a copper- based heterogeneous hybrid odorless bio-methanation technology. The
photocatalyst under ambient temperature and produced bio-gas would be used in the canteen
pressure conditions. The work is under progress of a 1000 bed charity hospital situated in
concerning the identification of reaction Karamsad, Gujarat. The fertilizer will be sold to
mechanisms by computational studies and the farmers at a subsidized price to make the
intermediate characterizations. This study will whole project run sustainably.
establish the unusual role of CO2 as an oxidant
along with the simultaneous production of CO
that has been never realized in the prior art.


Project also envisage the creations of a waste DBT funded project aimed to demonstrate the
segregation model for hotels, eateries, and workabilityof the pilot-scale anaerobic digester
roadside dhabas which will be helpful for 'B' and for the in-situ generation of Methane from
“C” class cities under this project. Organic Fractions of Municipal Solid Waste in
Development and demonstration of a Chidambaram.
technology for conversion of crop residues into
gaseous bio- fuel and solid bio-fuel for
household applications

Scientists from Sardar Patel Renewable Energy

Research Institute, Vallabh Vidyanagar under
DBT funded project aimed to develop a process
for conversion of rice straw enzymatic
hydrolysate to bio-gasin a lower HRT and good
quality pellets. Under this project, the team
developed a continuous process for converting Fig. Photographic View of Pilot Scale Solid
the enzymatic hydrolysate into methane-rich State Anaerobic Reactor
bio- gas at a lower HRT i.e. 3 days with 68-70% Demonstration of Waste to Energy Project by
methane content using SPRERI's anaerobic Anaerobic Co-Digestion of Food Waste and
hybrid reactor. The biogas yield was found to be Septage
320 L/kg rice straw. The DBT funded project titled “Demonstration of
waste to energy project by anaerobic codigestion
of food waste and septage” led by Investigators
from BITS Pilani, K. K. Birla Goa campus
undertook the demonstration of treatment of
two different waste streams. This treatment led
to the production of 150- 200 cu.m biogas per day
from 5-ton reactors. The biogas was converted to
electricity and was utilized for plant operations.
This system can lead towards a circular economy,
by using the electricity generated for
miscellaneous purposes.

Fig. Thermophilic anaerobic hybrid reactor

Development of pilot-scale anaerobic digester

for the in-situ generation of Methane from
Organic Fractions of Municipal Solid Waste
Investigators from Annamalai University under


Develop Hybrids and Technology for Mass shoot cutting based clonal multiplication process
Multiplication of Biodiesel yielding plants is the technology developed for mass
multiplication of superior high yielding hybrid
Scientist from Forest College and Research clones in jatropha. This technology ensures
Institute, TNAU under DBT funded project aimed genetic uniformity, rapid multiplication with less
to develop hybrids and technology for mass space and time thereby ensuringhigh yielding in a
multiplication has developed 5 improved hybrid short duration time. The HYSR clone developed
clones of Jatropha along with miniclonal through the project can very well be mass
technology for mass multiplication. The multiplied and used by any user agency involved
miniclonal technology which includes mother in Biofuel production.
clonal garden establishment followed by apical

Mother Clonal Garden Rooting of Cuttings

Fig. Miniclonal technology for mass multiplication

Environmental Biotechnology treatment of solid & liquid wastes, bioremedia-

tion of polluted sites. The development of novel
Programs under Environmental Biotechnology technologies using insights from environmental
have been envisioned to provide cost-effective, processes is the key to achieving the vision.
alternative,clean and green solutions for the
management of climatic and environmental Salient Achievements- Environmental
issues like pollution,biomedical waste, soil Biotechnology
degradation, xenobiotics, and many other
burning issues. Broader objectives of theprogram Biorestoration Technology of Degraded
are to support R&D activities including Mangrove Forest Ecosystems
translational research, knowledge generation,
demonstration of the technology on a pilot scale, Scientists from West Bengal State University and
large-scale application of proven technologies, Sarat Centenary College under the DBT funder
and capacity building, and addresal of major project aimed to ecologically bio-restore
challenges such as anthropogenic pollution and degraded mangroves of Indian Sundarbans and
climate change through R&D intervention in the
have developed a site-specific integrative model
form of extramural projects and network projects
for efficient monitoring of environmental health,


bio restoration technology of degraded they resulted in an about 9.3-fold increase in

mangrove forest ecosystems. The site-specific biosurfactant production. The biosurfactant
strategies/ key activities followed were primarily exhibited great stability under diverse
based on novel scientific/ ecological rationales environmental conditions and has been
that are conventionally under-exploited in demonstrated to have huge potential for
mangrove restoration. The barren degraded solubilization of polyaromatic hydrocarbons and
sitewhere this model technology was applied in enhancing the recovery of residual oil from oil
during 2014-2018, is now indicating the gradual reservoirs. Bacterial saponin was successful in
return of functional independence of the solubilizing all the representative polyaromatic
damaged ecosystem and showing self-sustaining hydrocarbons (95% phenanthrene, 100% pyrene,
attributes. This success is in contrast to the 52% naphthalene, and 60% benzopyrene).
conventional monotypic plantation strategy for Saponin-mediated bioremediation can maximize
mangrove forest restoration with barren under- the availability of the chemicals to microbes and
story and no natural regeneration ability, which is will enhance their degradation and
largely applied worldwide for mangrove transformation. Apart from bioremediation, the
ecosystem restoration. This developed research group has also tested saponin for its
technology is now being demonstrated for larger potential in enhancing the recovery of oil from oil
areas, in around 100 acres of degraded reservoirs. The group found that the solution of
mangroves in Indian Sundarbans with differential saponin was capable of recovering 63% of the
site-specific degradation criteria with financial additional oil from the oil reservoirs.
assistance from DBT. This study will open up new
dimensions in the field of degraded ecosystem

Fig. Large scale demonstration of developed

model restoration technology initiated at 2020 Evaluation of High-Pressure Gas Fermentation
fundedby DBT in progress to p r o d u ce s h o r t a n d m e d i u m - c h a i n
Biosurfactant of plant origin discovered in
bacteria: structural and functional
characterization Scientists from CSIR- Indian Institute of Chemical
Technology under the project aimed to
Scientists from the Indian Institute of Technology
selectively enrich and evaluate
Delhi under DBT funded project discovered for
chemolithoautotrophic homoacetogenic
the first-time bacterial production of a
bacteria for sequestering CO2 to produce short
biosurfactant of plant origin. The biosurfactant
and medium-chain carboxylic acids in both gas
was produced, extracted, characterized, and
fermentation and microbial electrochemical
identified as Cauloside C – a plant-based saponin.
Statistical optimization studies were carried and


In this study, they have effectively utilized this selectively enriched chemolitho autotrophic
bio-H2 and CO2 generated during acidogenic consortia for the production of fatty acids from
fermentation for the production of bio-based CO2 reduction and evaluated the potential of
succinic acid using bacterial strain C. selectively enriched chemolithoautotrophic
amalonaticus, and addition of carbon source bacteria as biocatalysts in the gas fermenter for
(Glucose) and 2 bar partial pressure showed a carboxylic acids production.
significant impact on CO2 solubility as well as
succinic acid production. Investigators have

Fig. High-Pressure Gas Fermenter (HPGF) Fabricated in house

Wetland Microbial Fuel Cell System
Similarly, investigators from Charotar University
of Science and Technology (CHARUSAT) under
DBT funded project aimed to develop sustainable
technology for bioelectrogenic treatment of
textile wastewater. CHARUSAT researchers have
developed a pilot-scale Horizontal Sub- Surface
Flow Constructed Wetland Microbial Fuel Cell
System (HSCW-MFC). A novel electrogenic
bacterial consortium was developed to enhance
the treatment efficiency and bioelectricity of the Fig: Pilot-scale sequential two-step horizontal
HSCW-MFC system. This study will help in subsurface flow MFC (HSCW-MFC). Schematic
developing large-scale electroactive bacteria- diagram.
augmented CW-MFC systems for efficacious In
situ treatment of textile wastewaters.


Post-methanated treatment of distillery waste technology of decolorization and detoxification

toxic of distillery effluent can be used for green belt
development around the industry and other
Investigators from Bhimrao Ambedkar a g r i c u l t u ra l p ra c t i c e s fo r s u sta i n a b l e
University Lucknow under DBT funded project development. Investigators are in the process to
has identified various mutagenic compound in come out with technology for combined use of
Post methanated Distillery waste toxic to the bacteria and constructed wetland treatment'
environment. The study also revealed that vide patent number 2021101010'
bacterial metagenome was found as an effective
tool for phytoremediation of heavy metals from
complex organic waste. The developed

Fig. (a) Showing potential weed plants for the phytoextraction of heavy metals from complex organo-
metallic complex of distillery waste (b) TEM observation: Metal accumulation and multi vacuole
formation (c) TEM observation: accumulation of metal crystal at the periphery of the cell wall (d-f)
Metagenomic data of rhizospheric sludge of distillery waste


Demonstrated the Direct Utilization of Brewery

Industrial CO2 Without Any Purification for
Acetic Acid Production
Scientists from the Indian Institute of Science
Education and Research, Mohali under DBT
funded project aimed to establish a CO2 Electro-
biorefinery approach for industrial carbon
dioxide conversion into platform chemicals via
integrated bioelectrochemical and biological
processes have successfully demonstrated the
direct utilization of brewery industrial CO2
without any purification for acetic acid
production for the first time. This study was
published in the Bioresource Technology journal.
The team further demonstrated the enrichment
of methane content in biogas through CO2
conversion into acetic acid via the microbial
electrosynthesis process. These studies will
contribute to developing promising technology
options for both CO2 utilization and biogas
upgradation. Fig. Field experiments to evaluate the calcite
dissolution microbe, amendments with
Nutrient efficient genotypes for calcareous soils efficient crop genotypes
for Maiz and Groundnut Miniaturize Gas Sensors to Monitor the
Scientists from TNAU, Coimbatore under a Emissions from Soil
project aimed to exploit the Plant-Microbial
Scientists from the Indian Institute of Space
interactions to unlock the fixed nutrients in
Science and Technology under DBT funded
calcareous soils for increasing the crop
project aimed to develop technology for different
productivity and soil fertility, have come out with
applications have developed miniaturized gas
the development of Nutrient efficient genotypes
sensors to monitor the emissions from the soil for
for calcareous soils for Maize: COH(M)6, COH(M)
precession agriculture. This Gas sensor
8, CMH 12-686 Groundnut: CO 6, TMV 10, CO 7,
technology will provide new dimensions in the
and effective microbes and amendments for
field of precision agriculture, Air pollution
calcite and nutrients solubilization in calcareous
monitoring system, Coal mines, andmanhole gas
soils. They have also established the application
detection system at low cost. Some pictures of
of 12.5 t FYM + Elemental sulfur + 500 ml calcite
-1 the Developed Products in a different version.The
solubilizing microbes ha for improving the crop
products are undergoing a different stage of
yield and nutrient availability in calcareous soils.
qualifications in the Space Sector.

The development has initiated a lot of interest in

the Space Sector and the Indian Space Research
Organisation (ISRO) along with the Human Space
Fig: (a) Screening experiments for identifying nutrient efficient Flight Centre (HSFC) has agreed to put three
genotypes for calcareous soils. (b) Incubation experiment to
assess the nutrient solubilization potentials of organic & amino acids


modules in the upcoming prestigious Gaganyaan group is actively working with ISRO to develop
Mission as a part of the Environmental Control the first indigenous space-qualified gas sensors
and Life Support System (ECLSS). The PI of this for Human Space Mission (HSP).

Fig. Prototype _1: Optically Activated CO sensors (Version: 1) for Gaganyaan Mission.
The same platform has been optimized for CH4 and NH3 sensors. It has been developed
in collaboration with URSC (U R Rao Space Application Centre).

Fig. Prototype 2: Optically Activated CO, CH4, NH3, and CO2 sensors (Version: 2) for various
applications, including an environment monitoring system, manholes, and coal mines applications.
The same concept has been extended to develop gas sensors for Environmental Control and
Life Support System (ECLSS) in the Gaganyyan mission.


Prototype 3: Nanomaterials based on CO, CH4, NH3, and CO2 sensors (Version: 3) for
Environment Control and Life Support System (ECLSS) in the Gaganyyan mission. An initiative
has been taken up with SCL (Semi-Conductor Laboratory), HSFC (Human Space Flight Centre),
SAC (Space Application Centre) to qualify the sensors for the missions. Necessary optimizations
are going on to incorporate the activation platform.
Study indicates bagasse, wheat, and rice straw effluents characteristics. Hence, the paper
as good sources of cellulose produced by this biotechnological approach
could be an effective solution by utilizing agro-
Investigators from Kurukshetra University, waste, with reducing chemical requirements,
Haryana under the project supported by the higher paper strength properties as well as
department hasshown that bagasse, wheat, and effective solutions to achieve the goal of
rice straw are good source of cellulose, which generating less toxic bleaching effluent. Hence,
indicates the potential as a resource for paper the outcomes of this study could be a better
industries. The bio-bleaching with crude xylano- approach for paper and pulp industries along
pectinolytic enzymes before chemical bleaching with an effective solution for saving the
seems to be an effective solution for improving environment.
the delignification process, quality of paper, and


Development of Phytoremediation Technology Major initiatives taken during the year

Accumulating HCH Residues from Contaminated 2021-22:
HCH Dumpsite During this year, efforts are being continued to
Scientists from CSIR-National Botanical Research support the research for bioprospecting,
Institute, Lucknow under DBT supported project inventorization and characterization, value
aimed to develop phytoremediation technology addition and sustainable utilization of
using non-edible and non-browsable plants bioresouces along with relevant training,
accumulating HCH residues from contaminated capacity building and awareness generation.
HCH dumpsite has earmarked suitable plants Various Brainstorming- cum-Consultation
(Justiciaadhatoda, Abutilon Indicum, meetings were organized for prioritization of
Ricinuscommunis, Prosopisjuliflora, Acacia R&D areas based on available research leads.
auriculiformis, Azadirachtaindica,
Holopteliaintegrifolia, Pongamiapinnata). This Ø A Marine Bioresource and Biotechnology
study will provide a new dimension that plants network has been implemented with
exert a beneficial influence on soil microbiome in
strong linkages with the Deep Ocean
an HCH contaminated soil revealing advantage of
Mission of Ministry of Earth Sciences.
microbe- assisted plant-based HCH remediation
Prospecting, conservation and
of a dumpsite.
exploration of deep sea bio-diversity is an
essential component of this initiative.
Bioresources & Secondary Agriculture Seven network project under this
consortium have been implemented.
The aim of the programme is to support R&D
projects in the related areas of Bioresources and Ø A proposal for the establishment of
Secondary Agriculture biomass “National Microbial Resource Institute
biotransformations, bioresource systems (NMRI)” at Pune: on the existing platform
analysis, and technologies associated with of National Centre for Microbial
conversion or production of value added Resources (NCMR), NCCS, Pune has been
products and processes from natural resources. developed. The proposed Centre will act
Specific objectives of the programme are: as a hub in the country for R&D efforts
related to AMR, zoonosis, transboundary
Ø Inventorisation and characterization on
including exotic infections and other
problems associated with important
Ø Prospecting of bioresources for novel diseases.
genes and genes products, biomolecules
and compounds. Ø A proposal on “Indian Initiative on Earth
Ø Improvement of economically important Biogenome Sequencing (IIEBS)” has been
bioresources. developed towards India's participation in
Ø Technology development of value added the global Earth BioGenome Project with
the aim to sequence about 1000 plants
products from Natural Resources.
and animals (100 Reference Genome and
Ø Capacity building including strengthening 900 Draft Genome) the next five years.
of infrastructure and other biomolecules
components of R&D. Ø A Memorandum of Understanding has
been signed with Ministry of Earth
Sciences for mutual collaboration to


to explore the possibility of cooperation, microbes from all areas of the North-east from
convergence and synergy to bring out the diverse unique ecological niches of North East
expertise and services of both the India which are distinctive from other parts of the
organizations under one roof and work country for research and development purpose.
hand-in-hand for addressing relevant These microbial isolates were isolated from
questions in the field of polar biology. different unique ecological niches of NE India
such as caves, hot spring, cold spring, high
The salient achievements of the programme altitudes, sacred forest, fermented foods and
during the year are as follows: beverages, lakes, forest, endophytes, epiphytes,
National Centre for Microbial Resource (NCMR): mushrooms, and untouched ecosystems
DBT created a central facility, the National Centre collected from Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram,
for Microbial Resource (NCMR) as a Centre of Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim, Tripura, Nagaland
Excellence in 2017, originally established as the and Assam.
Microbial Culture Collection in 2009 to cater the
need of authenticated, reliable biological A multi-institutional project, Bioresource and
materials and associated information for the Sustainable livelihoods in North East India
research fraternity and biotech industry. NCMR comprising six components and 29 teams has
currently holds 1,35,470 bacterial cultures used been supported to develop a baseline
for bioprospecting purpose. These cultures were quantitative inventory of bioresources of NER,
processed for bioactive compounds for anti- improve bioresource-based income through
inflammatory, anti-infective, anti-cancer and promotion of bioresource driven ecotourism,
anti- diabetic activities. NCMR actively processes bioresource products and development of new
microbial samples received under the various biological products and germplasm and enhance
categories of deposits, identification and the scientific capacity of Northeast India in
characterization services for the researchers in biodiversity science. This programme has huge
academia and industry across the globe. A total of potential to establish new pathways for
3,710 bacterial and fungal cultures were bioresource based sustainable livelihoods in the
deposited by various researchers across India in underdeveloped, economically poor but
NCMR for their long-term preservation. NCMR biodiversity rich northeast region of India. The
holds authentic and well characterized microbial systematic large scale data gathered so far in
strains (wild types, mutants, type strains, Bioresources throughout Northeast region is the
genetically modified and engineered and first of its kind and will be very instrumental in a)
patented) that can be supplied to researchers in identifying the most important bioresources in
academia and industry. NCMR has started the terms of economic and livelihood potential b) in
repository of AMR isolates and in 2021-22, it has establishing sustainable limits of harvests and
received 1200 isolated in total. In 2021-22 NCMR identifying new areas of collection and growth
has published 26 research papers including 2 and c) in understanding the different
novel bacterial taxa. opportunities and limitations to bioresource
based livelihood potential. Data on wild edible
A Microbial repository established at IBSD, insects and mollusc shows the magnitude of wild
Imphal has got a total collection strength of edible resources that play pivotal role on the
72586 microbial cultures including bacteria, regional economy to explore for food security
fungi, yeast and actinobacteria. The overall goal related issues in NE region.
of the Repository is to have a collection of the

Apart from that, 60 participants from all the population status of plant resources were
states of NE, including students, young completed for the hot spots- Western Ghats,
researchers, teachers, and local youths have Eastern Ghats, North Eastern and Eastern
been trained through the technical programs Himalayan Regions and Andaman and Nicobar
conducted by the team. Islands with significant achievements. A first ever
systematic attempt has been made for
Prospecting of Genes and Molecules for Product quantitative assessment of plant resources in
Development: Projects have been supported for Madhya Pradesh, Central India. This assessment
prospecting of novel genes, molecules, enzymes has been done in a grid based manner and
etc. from plants, microbes, fungi, lichens for compiled the data in the form of database. The
production of potential products of industrial project provides the baseline data on
importance. A network project has been geographical distribution of plant population and
supported on exploration of native their present population status in the forests of
microorganisms and biocatalysts from traditional Central India. It will also provide satellite based
fermented products of Sikkim Himalayas for observations in terms of plant diversity and
development of lactose free and bioactive productivity for long-term ecological analysis.
peptide enriched milk-based functional This programme documented a total of 335 plant
products. A total of 17 traditional milk products species with various socio-economic and
(Chhurpi and curd) of the Sikkim, Himalaya were ecological significance. 12 research papers have
collected in different seasons. A total of 20 been published in peer-reviewed journals and
antihypertensive predicted peptides were one prize in project outcome-based poster
discovered using in silico molecular docking, with presentation was received in the International
non-bond interactions between hard chhurpi Conference.
peptides and ACE catalytic residues. Under the
IBSD Flagship programme, Conservation, The Indian Bioresource Information Network
Propagation and Mass Multiplication of Selected (IBIN) national project was conceived by the
Orchid species from North-East has been Department of Biotechnology (DBT), as a single
initiated and a pilot project has been sanctioned digital window that brings together all the
for developing bio-based entrepreneurship in available databases and information on the bio-
North-East India. This Flagship programme aimed resources and biodiversity of the country into one
at exploring the potential of few selected species platform. IBIN provides detailed information of
of the North East region for improvement of plants on taxonomic classification, synonyms,
natural products contributing to environment habitat, chromosomes, chemicals, general and
protection, health security and sustainable morphological description, phenology, and
growth of the economy. The project is conservation status. Apart from this, the spatial
implemented through 75 beneficiaries in 15 database associated with the species data can be
clusters of 5 members each. Thus it is an initiative visualized through the IBIN's spatial viewer
to boost orchid floriculture industry and income module. At present, the new IBIN portal is
generation to the beneficiaries through cluster addressing the need of species knowledge bases
formation. by holding data on following diverse categories of
species – plants (22,740), animals (14,318),
Quantitative assessment of plant resources in bacteria (577), chromista (406), fungi (5,790),
hot-spots of the country: protozoa (286) and archaea (24). The Spatial
viewer of the portal is enriched with maps of
The programmes on mapping and quantitative
assessments of geographic distribution and the



biodiversity characterization layers like National Certification System for Tissue Culture
vegetation, fragmentation, biological richness Raised Plants (NCS- TCP): Production of quality
and disturbance index. Apart from this, medicinal planting material:
uses and edible uses of plants are provided in the
portal which has wide usage in traditional and National Certification System for Tissue Culture
modern medicines. Ancient knowledge about Raised Plants (NCS-TCP) is being implemented by
plants and their parts is available in the portal in Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India
the form of shlokas. IBIN has also introduced since year 2006, as per the Gazette of India
mobile applications in the form of 'species loss Notification under the Seeds Act. 1966. It is the
app' and 'species watch app' which is used to National level mandated activity of DBT for
mark the loss and geotag species respectively. strengthening tissue culture sector and uplifting
farmer's economy of country by facilitating
DBT–Department of Space Joint Mission cultivation of quality tissue culture plants of
programme: economical species. NCS-TCP ensures that virus
free and genetically uniform planting material is
Department of Biotechnology (DBT) had under certified and provided to the farmers. Since its
an earlier Mission mode programme with implementation, NCS-TCP has been instrumental
Department of Space (DoS) over 10 years back in building capacities of the tissue culture
taken up “Biodiversity Characterization at companies for producing quality planting
landscape level”. This was the first such network material and also enhancing their market reach
on Spatial and Non-Spatial data. Under this through a certification process. NCS-TCP is the
project, a national level assessment of first of its kind in the world in the area of plant
biodiversity richness was undertaken for the first tissue culture. So far, more than 620 million
time in India using spatial data to identify and to plants have been certified under the system.
map potential biodiversity-rich areas in the NCS-TCP has also encouraged budding
country. So far 84% of the Country's forest cover entrepreneurs to establish their own tissue
has been characterized. The study has brought culture facility. Not only it has benefitted the
out a Spatial Database, first of its kind, adding companies and entrepreneurs but also the
spatial explicitness to understanding of farmers, since labels issued by NCS- TCP accounts
vegetation formation; it provides a wall to wall for the quality of plants. This instills high level of
mapping of natural habitats. Under the DBT- confidence among farmers for adopting tissue
Department of Space new inititatives, new culture plants.
initiative has been implemented in collaboration
with Department of Space on “Biodiversity An online web portal of NCS-TCP has been
Characterization at Community level in India developed for processing of applications from
using Earth Observation Data”. Another initiative companies/organizations involved in production
is “Intensive mapping of Hot-spots and Inventory of tissue culture plants for recognition and
of Indian Coral Reefs: Mapping, monitoring and subsequent renewal, testing and certification of
their Health Assessment”. These initiatives tissue culture raised plants, referral activities,
provide enormous scope to generate rich coordination of meeting and information
scientific database on the status of biodiversity at management, database management and
vegetarian community level and inventory of instant report generation. In order to maintain
coral reefs and provides critical inputs for continuity of the system during the global
planning conservation/protection measures. pandemic, Virtual site visits are being organized
to assess the compliance of TCPFs with NCS-TCP



guidelines, overcoming the travel restrictions in 2014-15 with focus on addressing newer and
place. Comprehensive NCS-TCP guidelines and emerging technologies for improving the
StandardOperating Procedure are in place. These productivity and enhancing the quality of silk and
documents are dynamic in nature by including its applications in biomaterials. The major
recent updates based on experience gained while Priority R&D areas of this programmes are-
implementation of program. Tissue Culture technology development both in silkworm and
S ta n d a rd s fo r D ate Pa l m , P i n e a p p l e , host-plants by employing tools and techniques of
Pomegranate and Teak have recently been biotechnology towards improving the
developed and are in the process of approval. productivity, enhancing the quality and
Standards of eight crops are already in place. utilization of by-products in both mulberry
Protocol for virus indexing has been developed/ sericulture as well as non-mulberry (Vanya silk)
refined for Banana, Potato, Sugarcane, Apple, sectors; developing novel applications of silk
Date palm, Bamboo and Orchid. Protocol for
proteins (both fibroin and sericin) in biomedical,
genetic fidelity has been developed/refined for 5
pharmaceutical and cosmeceutical areas;
tissue culture raised plants namely Sugarcane,
developing network programme on
Potato, Banana, Bamboo, Date palm. Being a part
of NCS-TCP, companies have attained better biotechnology applications for developing
visibility and thereby, access to national and improved varieties of mulberry and; developing
international market particularly, small scale network programmes on Vanya silk (tasar, muga
companies which are established in rural areas and eri) on biotech applications towards
could extend their market-reach and accessibility improving the productivity of silk as well as
for their produce, to fetch better prices providing improvement of host plants.
sustainability to their business. 93 Tissue Culture
Production Facilities (TCPFs) are currently The overall objectives of the programme are as
recognized under the system, this includes follows:
almost all the leading companies. As per the new (1) Technology development both in
arrangement, the NCS-TCP has been anchored to silkworm and host-plants by employing
National Institute of Plant Genome Research, tools and techniques of biotechnology
New Delhi as a NCS-TCP Management Cell of DBT towards improving the productivity,
w.e.f. October 1, 2021 to be implemented with enhancing the quality and utilization of by-
support from Five Accredited Test Laboratories products in both mulberry sericulture as
along with Two Referral Centres and present well as non-mulberry (Vanya silk) sectors.
Organizational Structure. These laboratories (2) Developing novel applications of silk
carry out testing, certification and activities proteins (both fibroin and sericin) in
associated with maintenance of quality of tissue biomedical, pharmaceutical and
culture raised plants. NCS-TCP is well organized cosmeceutical areas.
which includes Management Cell, Referral (3) Developing network programme on
Centre, Accredited Test Laboratories (ATLs), and biotechnology applications for developing
Committee comprising of eminent area experts. improved varieties of mulberry
(4) Developing network programmes on
Silk Biotechnology
Vanya silk (tasar, muga and eri) on biotech
applications towards improving the
The programme on application of biotechnology
productivity of silk as well as improvement
towards developing newer and emerging
of host plants.
technologies in silk and its applications in
biomaterials continued during the year.
Programme has been reoriented during the year



Salient achievements during the year are obtained such as expected genome size of 582
summarized below: Mb (approx), distribution of different A, T, G & C
bases in the genome, genome mapping of A.
A network project on identification of the most- mylitta with A. yamamai, B. mori and B.
active cocoonase of sericigenous insects through mandarina genome indicated that A. mylitta is
molecular characterization being implemented more closely related to A. yamamai and B.
jointly at CTR&TI Ranchi, IISER, Pune and BIT, mandarina than B. mori. Total GC content was
Mesra, cocoons of various ecoraces of A. mylitta 40.24 %. The whole genome sequencing of A.
mylitta using Illumina and PacBio sequencing
have been collected and cocoonase enzyme was
platform will help in the study of molecular basis
extracted as well as purified. Based on
of different qualitative and quantitative traits of
characterization cocoonase variants/analogue A. mylitta. Researchers/scientists can use this
identified. Trypsin and papain identified as sequence as a reference genome to identify the
cocoonase variants from natural sources showed locations of genes and all of the coding regions of
activity in cocoon softening. Characterization genome and to determine the function of various
revealed that no post translational modification genes. It can be also used for various kind of
needed for expression of A. mylitta cocoonase. molecular research, especially for genetic
Cocoonase/its variants trypsin and papain characterization and functional genomics
activity in silk processing done and silk analysis. It can be also used for various kind of
technological properties of obtained silk have molecular research, especially for genetic
been evaluated at laboratory level. characterization and functional genomics
Under a network project on integrated
biotechnological approach towards A project on analysis of DNA and RNA
improvement of quality and productivity of components of nuclear matrix in Bombyx mori
tropical tasar silk implemented jointly at CTR&TI embryos has been supported at GITAM,
Ranchi & NIAB, Hyderabad, de novo whole Visakhapatnam. The study revealed for the first-
genome sequencing of A. mylitta has been time genome-wide MAR regions during silk gland
completed successfully and submitted to the development to understand the dynamics
NCBI database. Till date, only Bombyx mori and associated with chromatin architecture. The
Antheraea yamamai whole genome sequences databases published in NCBI from this study can
are available among commercially exploitable be used as a platform by other researchers
sericigenous insects. Transcriptomics analysis of working on silkworm biology. The developmental
silk gland and ovary of A. mylitta performed. dynamics of silk gland MARs can be taken as a
Transcriptomics study will helps in the analysis of foundation to understand the differences in gene
differential RNA expression/gene expression expression during silk gland development. A
pattern which is involved in silk gland project has been carried out on Gene Expression
development and egg production. De novo whole Profiling for the Identification of
genome sequencing of A. mylitta has been Resistant/Tolerant Genes to Microsporidian
completed and submitted to the NCBI database. Infection in Lamerin Breed of Silkworm, Bombyx
Top hits of BLAST search between A. mylitta and mori implemented jointly at Seri-Biotech
A. yamamai proteins are provided. 86.27% Research Laboratory (SBRL), Bangalore; and
(22,039/25,544) of A. mylitta proteins hits found Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. The study
with A. yamamai proteins. Several important s h o w e d t h e u p re g u l at i o n o f s p e c i f i c
information related to genome of A. mylitta was



antimicrobial genes, serpins in response to drought-specific transcriptome libraries have

microsporidian infection. The upregulation of been generated and analyzed. Diverse stress-
these genes in Lamerin breed in comparison to responsive genes have been identified and
CSR 2 is an indicative of the tolerance/resistance validated. Comparative leaf transcriptomics of
exhibited by the Lamerin breed against the five accessions was carried out and few genes
N.bombycis infection. were identified for structural and functional
validation. Auxin Response Factor (MiARF12709)
Work on Genetic enhancement of Mulberry by was cloned from mulberry; auxin inducibility was
Genomics Approaches: A multi-component tested; and an over-expression vector was
Network Project being coordinated by CSRTI, constructed in K2 genotype. Putative transgenic
Mysore. De novo assembly of Morus indica (K2) plants generated are being maintained for
nuclear genome has been completed. further functional validation. V1, M multicaulis,
Resequencing of 21 diverse accessions/species G4, S36 & G2 recorded high primary metabolites;
revealed ~2.5 million SNPs & ~0.2 million while MR2 and Mysore Local with low quantity.
insertions/deletions. Genetic diversity and inter- GC-MS analysis of secondary metabolites (TBME
relationships among Morus spp. was determined extracts under sonication) is under progress.
through SSR genotyping. Finalized >1 lakh SNPs Better nutritional indices and conversion traits
for chip array development and genotyping. were recorded in V1 & G4 varieties with highest
Phenotyping for drought adaptive traits viz., root ECI to shell (11%); PECS (10%); and better reeling
traits, WUE, stomatal frequency, chlorophyll parameters. No similarity was recorded for Beta-
content was carried out with 209 diverse fructofuranosidase gene in B. mori, Spilosoma
mulberry germplasm lines. A set of 26 obliqa and Spodoptera litura. DNJ inhibition
contrasting lines were identified and are being assay showed growth inhibition in Spodoptera
assessed for field performance. The germplasm larvae.
panel was screened with 29 genomic SSRs for
identifying allelic diversity. Sixteen contrasting A project has been carried out on Design and
genotypes were identified for higher leaf yield development of silk fibroin coatings for
(MI-0066, MI-0523, MI-0024, MI- 0699, ME- biomedical applications at CSIR-National
0246, ME-0169 & MI-0777) based on growth and Chemical Laboratory, Pune. Various macro
yield traits. Phenotypic evaluation of 250 diverse (tensile and bending) and micro/nano
accessions for nutrient use efficiency (I trial) is (Nanoscratch, Nano-indentation, Modified
completed and highest variation was recorded
Atomic Force Microscopy) techniques to
with low dose of nutrients.Three mapping
measure adhesion of natural protein polymers to
populations (200 F1 progenies) for root rot
disease resistance against Fusarium solani and soft substrates like PDMS have been developed.
Lasiodiplodia theobromae were established. SSR Coating process using simple dip coating and
genotyping with six parental polymorphic characterized the coating using various
markers was completed and further genotyping spectroscopic and microscopic techniques have
with 10 SSRs is under progress. 36 putative been developed. Successfully developed a novel
mulberry transgenic lines were developed using formulation based on SF and blends of SF-
three gene constructs and validated by PEO/ELP; Also developed protocols to
glyphosate selectable marker. Two transgenic functionalize the coating with biomolecules.
lines (DREB2A+SHN1) showed better chlorophyll, They have also completed in-vitro tests to show
photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, protein adsorption and stability of coatings in
internal CO2 and leaf temperature. Twelve



simulated body fluids. The formulations and mass-propagation technologies for elite
protocols developed as part of this work have the material, demonstration trials of
potential to be used in biomedical implant medicinal and aromatic crops including
applications. processing and development /
refinement of the agro-technology in
Translational Research on Medicinal and collaboration with industrial partners.
Aromatic Plants Ø Development of improved processes for
extraction of high-value phytochemicals
The DBT is providing research support across the or established drug entities from
country towards developing products and medicinal and aromatic plants.
processes from medicinal and aromatic plants
following multi-disciplinary approach. The DBT is Major initiatives taken during the year 2021-22:
also providing research support for conducting
R&D utilizing rich traditional knowledge During this year, the Department has initiated a
disciplines on the basis of conventional programme on developing a pipeline of
traditional knowledge in the country following phytopharmaceuticals in view of recent Gazette
any of the two available regulatory frameworks: Notification of DCGI, Govt. of India for
(a) DCGI-Phytopharmaceutical Drugs, and (b) recognizing a new category of
AYUSH mode. The aim is to develop a herbal drug phytopharmaceutical drugs along with
pipeline. DBT is making efforts for taking forward recognition of Indian medicinal plants in US /
already available research leads in medicinal British and Japanese Pharmacopeia.
plants to pre-clinical and clinical level so as to Ø A QC and QA facility for medicinal plants
bring them on global scene. The support of public has been established and a cGMP facility
institutions along with industry participation for pilot-scale extraction for
would enable to develop viable products either in phytopharmaceutical products from the
form of AYUSH drugs or phytopharmaceutical medicinal Plants of NE India has been set
drugs in DCGI mode. up at NIPER, Guwahati.
Ø Under the Inter-Ministerial Cooperation
program of CSIR, DBT and ICMR on
The overall objectives of the programme are as
'Phytopharmaceutical' drug
development, a pipeline of
Ø Translational Research for converting phytopharmaceutical drugs has been
significant research leads available in developed. This include: CBD-THC
Medicinal Plants into potential process Enriched phytopharmaceutical drug for
and products such as drugs following any cancer pain management; cannabis
of the three available regulatory based phytopharmaceutical drug for
frameworks: (a) US-FDA-Botanical Drugs, management of resistant pediatric
(b) DCGI-Phytopharmaceutical Drugs, and epilepsy; development of Boswellia
(c) Proprietary Ayurvedic Medicine in serrata based phytopharmaceutical drug
AYUSH mode. The aim is to develop a for osteoarthritis.
herbal drug pipeline. Ø Under the DBT and Ministry of AYUSH
Ø Identification of elite material in joint initiative, a Joint programme has
medicinal and aromatic plants relevant to been identified for validation of
industry, characterization and developing traditional knowledge and biotech-
appropriate markers (molecular and interventions on AYUSH sector.
chemical) for authentication, developing



Ø A Joint Call for R&D Proposals in efficacy of curcumin. Curcumin loaded CHNPs
collaboration with BIRAC has been alone or in combination with 5-FU showed
developed on Anti- SARS-CoV-2 / nCoV-2 significant inhibition of cell viability in primary
Virus Studies using Botanical Ingredients cultures established from clinical breast cancer
and Traditional Formulations to explore specimen as compared to free curcumin. CHNPs
potential source of antiviral drugs and have shown tremendous tumor targeting
various bioactive compounds from potential as evident by enhanced accumulation
botanical ingredients / traditional to tumor site using in vivo imaging studies. These
medicines. Also efforts have been are crucial evidences and indicate that Cur-CHNP
undertaken for creating anti-viral formulation may exhibit significant anti-tumor
screening platforms for COVID-19 and effect in per-clinical PDX models of breast cancer
other viral diseases in different part of the as compared to free curcumin.
country for developing therapeutics
assays. A Joint network programme has been developed
in collaboration with National Medicinal Plants
The salient achievements of the programme Board (NMPB) Ministry of AYUSH to harness the
during the year are as follows: potential of indigenous medicinal plants for
development of plant-based therapeutics to
A Turmeric Mission programme has been treat COVID-19. Three Sub-Networks is being
launched with an aim to generate high-quality implemented: (a) Studies on anti-SARS-CoV-2
raw material for developing nutraceutical activity of selected medicinal plants and
products / dietary supplements from turmeric for formulations in cell culture model of virus
global market as well as developing curcuminoids infection (b) Preclinical and pharmacokinetics
/ curcumin-based therapeutics for various evaluation of selected AYUSH herbal extracts /
disease segments. Two projects focussing on formulations for mitigating SARS-CoV2 and
quality enhancement of turmeric for nutritional associated pathologies and (c) Harnessing the
and quality profiles and efficient post-harvest potential of traditional knowledge-based
management practices and integrated medicinal plants for identifying anti-SARS-CoV2
development of turmeric sector in north eastern compounds. The finding of this study showed
and Bundelkhand regions for improvement of that Kabasura Kudineer (KSK) extract is found to
productivity, quality and post- harvest processing have a substantial activity against SARS-CoV-2.
technology have been undertaken. Three
projects on nanocurcumin-based combinatorial A project has been supported to study the
therapy for tuberculosis, pre-clinical assessment manipulation of Rumen Microbes Using
of novel curcumin formulations as drugs for Medicinal Plants Extract to Enhance the
breast cancer therapy and evaluation of safety Nutraceutical Value of Milk as a Functional Food
and efficacy of curcumin (Biocurcumax capsule) at ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute NDRI,
as an adjunct drug to standard therapy for Karnal The study revealed that dietary
treatment of uncomplicated Plasmodium supplementation of Bacopa monnieri and Aloe
falciparum malaria have been undertaken. Well vera extracts in animal have the potential to
defined and stable curcumin entrapped chitosan manipulate the rumen microbes and enhance the
nanoparticles (Cur-CHNP) formulation have been nutraceutical value of milk via increasing the
successfully developed. Cur-CHNP demonstrated amount of unsaturated fatty acids (UFA) and
higher aqueous solubility as compared to free reducing the saturated fatty acids (SFA) content.
curcumin which plays a crucial role in therapeutic



Supplementation of Bacopa monnieri and Aloe and, Bundelkhand University, Jhansi. This project
vera was found to modulate the rumen is a ray of light in the farmer's community of
fermentation by changing the biohydrogenating Bundelkhand region for adoption of aroma crops
microflora and enhancing the health beneficial to enhance their farm income in rainfed
fatty acids and decreasing the SFA content of milk condition. The selected aromatic crops are
in lactating goats. Milk obtained from boosting the farmers' income from three to four
supplemented groups of Aloe vera was found to folds. Earlier farmers were earning Rs. 10,000 to
have greater antioxidant capacity than other Rs. 15,000 per acre per annum from their existing
groups. Overall, medicinal plants extract crops but now they are earning Rs. 30,000 to
increased the nutraceutical value of goat milk not 45,000 per acre per annum as a net income by
only by modulating the fatty acid profile but also adopting aromatic crops.
the antioxidant potential.
Work has been continued on
A multi-institutional network project entitled P hy to p h a r m a c e u t i ca l D e ve l o p m e nt o f
“Identification of Elite Planting Material of Trachyspermum ammi for Post Kala-azar Dermal
Selected Temperate Medicinal Herbs, Mass Leishmaniasis jointlt at Balaji Utthan Sansthan,
Multiplication, Field Demonstration and Post- Patna, Jadavpur University, Kolkata and ICMR-
Harvest Processing” has been supported to carry Rajendra Memorial Research Institute of Medical
out mass-multiplication and cultivation of elite Sciences, Patna. The in-vitro and in-vivo studies
planting material of Swertia chirayita and on Ethyl acetate enriched fraction of self-grown
Picrorhiza kurroa along with identification of elite and authenticated Ajwain (Trachyspermum
material of Rubia cordifolia and Nardostachys ammi) showed strong anti-leishmanial activities
jatamansi. The project provides a source of with non-significant adverse events of host cells.
livelihood to farmers residing in high altitudes by The four markers named Thymol in very high
facilitating buy-back mechanism and capacity concentration, Ferulic acid, Quercetin and Gallic
building of primary growers to narrow down the acid in low concentration have been analyzed in
farmer-to-industry gap. the effective compound. In a network project
jointly implemented at CSIR-IIIM, Jammu;
I A S ST, G u wa h at i a n d I B S D, I m p h a l o n
Phytopharmaceutical Development of Ficus
semicordata Buch. -Ham. ex Sm. as per regulatory
guidelines of DCGI, the plant material (figs/fruits)
of Ficus semicordata was collected from different
sites of Ukhrul district of Manipur. The
investigations revealed a significant or promising
Fig: Exposure visits of the farmers to Devban blood glucose lowering activity of enriched
Forest Nursery fraction at 150-250 mg/Kg doses when
administered as once daily dose for 14-21 days to
A multi-component Network Project on streptozotocin induced diabetic rats. Under the
demonstration of Cultivation, Processing and phytophamaceutcialc mission for NER, a project
Value Addition of Selected Aromatic Crops in has been implemented at IASST, Guwahati for the
Bundelkhand Region jointly implemented at Setting up a Quality Control (QC) and Quality
CSIR- Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Assurance (QA) Laboratory Facility for quality
Plants CIMAP, Lucknow, Fragrance and Flavour assurance of herbal drugs. The Microbiology and
Development Centre, Kannauj; CSIR-Indian Analytical laboratory of QA/QC are being
Institute of Integrative Medicine (IIIM), Jammu



prepared as GLP Clean Room Class 100000 area approaches on afforestation and regeneration of
as per ISO standards. IASST has recently has degraded forest area. The overall emphasis is on
obtained certificate of the Quality Management addressing research gaps in ecology, genomics
System standard: ISO 9001:2015 (Cert. no. and biotechnology to improve the growth and
281999-2019-AQ-IND-RvA) which will further quality of forest for conservation and suggest
facilitate in obtaining NABL accreditation for the ways for sustainable use as well as tools for
facility. mitigation of climate change impact. The
research on biotechnological interventions for
improving forest productivity, quality of forest
Forest Biotechnology produce, and good quality certified seed for
important forest trees having commercial and
Considering the multidimensional importance of medicinal importance needs to be prioritised.
forest areas, the Department of Biotechnology
initiated this program with the aim to support
Major initiatives taken during the year 2021-22:
Research and Development (R&D) in the area of
Forest Biotechnology. The Priority R&D areas of During this year, efforts are being made to
this programmes are: Development of develop network projects on modelling and
biotechnological mitigation and adaptation
control of invasive species in forest, terrestrial
strategies in forestry sector to meet the
carbon sequestration, technologies for
challenges of climate change; Cutting edge
research using newer technologies like tree measuring and maintaining ecosystem services,
genomics for understanding of forest tree and use of biotechnological approaches on
biology, development of tree diagnostics and afforestation and regeneration of degraded
planting material improvement for improved forest area. These projects have been supported
productivity and biodiversity of forested are mainly focused on study of biotechnological
ecosystems; Development of seed handling and approach to elucidate adaptation mechanism,
molecular marker-based seed testing / migration pattern and reproductive biology of
certification technologies for development of indicator temperate-alpine plants in Himalayas in
good quality seeds and planting materials for response to changing climate, assessment of
industrial forests; Development of site specific adaptive genetic diversity in teak and
technological packages for restoration and sandalwood to guide conservation and genetic
rehabilitation of degraded and fragile forest eco- improvement efforts, Co-management and
systems; Development of technologies for sustainable use of non-timber forest products in
measuring and maintaining ecosystem services three protected areas of Western Ghats,
from forests and; Modelling and control of
efficacious management of wood borers in
invasive species in protected areas using
protected areas of forest by pheromone loaded
biotechnological approaches.
organogel, genome wide and geospatial
approaches for enhancing the adaptive potential
Department of Biotechnology is closely working
of threatened rattan resources in India etc.
with ICFRE, CSIR, ICAR, State Forest Departments,
and other research institutions for taking efforts
on modelling and control of invasive species in
forest, terrestrial carbon sequestration,
technologies for measuring and maintaining
ecosystem services, and use of biotechnological



The salient achievements of the programme pheromones which are involved in the mating of
during the year are as follows: such insects.
In the network project on Genome wide and
geospatial approaches for enhancing the Germplasm collection, characterization and
adaptive potential of threatened rattan development of regeneration protocol of Chironji
resources in India wild populations of several (Buchanania lanzan) from protected forest area
threatened rattan species in the protected areas of Madhya Pradesh are being carried out at
have been surveyed and collected samples. JNKVV, Jabalpur. Detailed survey and collection of
germplasm was undertaken and a mother stock
Phenological characteristics i.e. flower bud
in nursery has been established. Genotyping and
initiation, fruit initiation and maturation, fruit
genetic diversity analysis of collected germplasm
senescence etc across populations were has been carried out. In-vitro mass multiplication
observed and recorded. The draft genome protocol using node and leaf explants has been
sequences of Korthalsia laciniosa and Calamus standerdized and developed. A study on profiling
barandisii (female) were developed, de novo of an alien invasive species in tiger landscapes in
assembled and functionally annotated and India has been undertaken jointly at NCBS,
p r e d i c t e d g e n o m e w i d e S S R s . Tw e n t y Bangalore and Global Tiger Forum, New Delhi.
genomewide SSR primers from C. brandissii The results demonstrate a negative impact of
showed cross species transferability and Lantana on wildlife habitat. The reduction in the
genotyping is completed with 10 genomewide quality of forage habitats in the wildlife core areas
primers in C. nagbettai, C. acanthospathus, C. presents a grim scenario not only in terms of the
andamanicus and C. nambareinsis. investments incurred by the forest managers
towards habitat maintenance and weed control,
but also on the local rural livelihoods in terms of
In a study on efficacious management of Wood
reduced crop yield and productivity as well as
Borers in Protected Areas of Forest by
hampered fodder requirements for the livestock
Pheromone Loaded Organogel first synthesized
due to weeds. These anecdotal evidences
3-pentyl dodecanoate, a semiochemical known
coupled with findings from this study are
to play the main role in the aggregation behavior
indicative of the fact that changing ecosystems
of wood borer female beetles (Lyctus africanus).
and trophic interactions might foster conflict
The survey of Zeuzera coffeae was done in
issues while also building up negative perception
farmers filed at Kaki grama (Ananthapur District),
of local communities towards wildlife and forest
Yellapura (Ramanagara District), Kolar of 5
farmers filed and Telangana of 3 farmers filed to
access the incidence, distribution and nature of
damage of the heartwood borer. The work so far
has implications in developing pest control
agents that are environment friendly and does
not cause any toxic effects. While such
sandalwood teak or mahogany wood are used in
manufacturing furniture and in domestic
household constructions so far nothing is known
how to deal with such menaces like woodborer
insects or termites etc. without intervention of
toxic sprays. One of the main challenges is to find
out the active principles like semiochemicals or



HEALTHCARE AND MEDICAL xenograft in athymic nude mice- a preclinical

BIOTECHNOLOGY No. of research publication 15
during 2021-22
Providing affordable healthcare for all in a
populous country like India is a challenging task. No. of patent applied 8
DBT's mandate for Healthcare & Medical
No. of patent granted 3
Biotechnology has been coordination and
promotion of Biomedical research, No.of human resource trained 66
understanding the causes of human diseases
such as non-communicable diseases, emerging model has been attempted. This study is the first
infections, anti-microbial resistance, genetic to use photoacoustic spectroscopy and machine
disorders, diseases specific to women and learning for evaluating breast tumor progression
children, nutrition issues at the genetic and supported by serum metabolomic analysis. A
molecular level. Towards this end the novel mechanical nitinol-based clot retriever has
Department promotes research on early been developed through research efforts at Sree
detection and prevention, development of Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences &
vaccines, innovative tools and therapies, Technology Trivandrum. The device is expected
healthcare delivery systems and development of to be used in the treatment of acute cerebral
products for medical applications. Over the years, ischemic stroke.
Department of Biotechnology has funded
projects in different thematic areas that include
Disease Biology, Drug Development, Genetics,
Health & Nutrition, Stem Cells & Regenerative
Medicine, Bioengineering etc. Each of these
thematic areas has been detailed below:

Biomedical Engineering

The multi disciplinary domain of biomedical

engineering foster and support innovative ideas
in the field of bio-medical devices, diagnostics,
Implants, bio instrumentation, tissue
engineering for development of affordable
healthcare technologies and enhancing their
access. In current year 10 new projects have been
supported so far. During the year a non- invasive
method for measuring beat-to-beat blood
pressure variability in humans (CMC NIBP) and a
clot retriever stent have been developed.

In a project implemented at Manipal School of

Fig. Comparison of Expansion of stent
Life Sciences Photoacoustic assessment of breast
(continuous and segmented) after retrieval
tumor progression using MCF-7 breast tumor



In a collaborative project between Dr. Reddy's to redefine action of vasoactive drugs whether
Institute of Life Sciences Hyderabad and they act on small arteries/ large arteries or both.
University of Hyderabad a technology has been The information generated will help redefine
developed for manufacturing of microneedles therapeutics in diseases like hypertension.
(MNs) with prototype ready in small scale. The
product is expected to address the specific Under a project supported at Amrita Vishwa
problems in existing intervention strategies for Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore for paper based
iron and vitamin B12 deficiency without involving microfluidic chip for the monitoring of women
skilled personnel, infrastructure or significant health after 40 a highly sensitive device for the
investment. In another collaborative study quantification of the biomarkers for liver function
between IIT Hyderabad, LVPEI Hyderabad and test based on colour intensity has been
CCMB Hyderabad for 3D Bioprinting and developed.
remodeling of corneal stroma and epithelium for
Keratoplasty, it was found that dCMH has many In a project implemented at IISc Bangalore
advantages over existing materials including easy Fluorescence based rapid optical volume
availability, simple formulation procedures, screening system (OVSS) for interrogating
biocompatibility and it can prevent the trans- multicellular organisms has been developed. This
differentiation of corneal stromal keratocytes to system is capable of simultaneous screening of
myofibroblasts in vitro which make it a promising multiple organs during its development. In a
material for prophylaxis against blinding scar Centre of Excellence (CoE) project for
formation in an injured cornea. bioengineering Acetabular socket prototype for
hip implants with dimensions especially suited
In a study supported at CMC Vellore final version for Indian patients has been developed at CIPET
of non- invasive method for measuring beat-to- Chennai and a prototype of ceramic coated
beat blood pressure variability in humans (CMC dental implants using state-of-art coating
NIBP) has been built which is working to deposition techniques has been developed and
satisfaction level. It is used to generate blood pre-clinical tests in animal models are going on.
pressure data. These methods will be employed
Chronic Disease Biology
Chronic non-communicable diseases are
currently the main cause of both disability and
death worldwide. This heterogeneous group of
diseases, including, among others,
cardiovascular conditions, cancers, chronic
respiratory conditions and diabetes, affect
people of all ages and social classes.



Significant Outcomes and Achievements

No. of Research Publications 55 Process/Product/Technology

during 2020-21 Developed

No. of Patents Applied 10 Development of candidate prediction

models for adverse outcomes with the
No of Human Resources Trained 150 training set of participants (n=650).

Cancer Disease Biology: DBT supports and protein dendritic cell (DC) based immunotherapy
promotes Cancer Disease Biology Research in an in cervical, and ovarian cancer and will also be
integrated manner, which includes sponsoring used in breast cancer. The ASPAGNIITM is true
research to identify causes of cancer, screening, example of translational cancer research and is
diagnosis, treatment of cancer, therapy, and an outcome of MAKE IN INDIA initiative
treatment interventions. supported by DBT.
A Unit of Excellence (UoE) implemented at NII International Cancer Genome Consortium -
has given new leads and advancement towards India Project: The International Cancer Genome
the knowledge regarding BLM helicase. The Consortium is a consortium of about 20 countries
investigation has indicated how BLM carries out researching on genomics of cancers of global
its function as a DNA damage response protein importance. India is a founding member of this
(published in Nature Communication) and also consortium. The India project is being driven by
how it enhances the proteasomal degradation of
the Advanced Centre for Treatment, Research
protooncogene c-Jun (published in Cell Reports, a
and Education in Cancer, Mumbai, and the
patent filed). Results have also led to the
identification of a microRNA-based biomarker for National Institute of Biomedical Genomics,
colon cancer (published in Journal of Cell Science Kalyani. During the year under review, the
and a patent filed), and provided results that BLM members of the Consortium have carried out a
tumor suppressor can works inside cells by acting pan-cancer analysis of whole cancer genomes to
as transcriptional repressor of multiple identify genomic alterations that cut across
protooncogenes (c-Fos, c-Jun and c-Myc). multiple cancer types. The group has found that
on an average, cancer genomes contained 4–5
Translational efforts of the Cancer Research driver mutations when combining coding and
Program at NII have resulted in discovery of non-coding genomic elements; however, in
tumor associated antigen SPAG9 that may be around 5% of cases no drivers were identified,
ideal target for early detection and diagnosis and suggesting that cancer driver discovery is not yet
is being used for the targeted complete. The investigators have also described
therapy/immunotherapy for cancer non-coding mutations that drive cancer beyond
management. In recent development, the SPAG9 those in the TERT promoter; identified new
antigen has been given the trademark signatures of mutational processes that cause
“ASPAGNII ”. ASPAGNII is being used in clinical
trials using GMP grade recombinant SPAG9



base substitutions, small insertions and deletions pivotal role of PRAMEF2 in determining YAP
and structural variation; analyzed timings and oncogenic signalling, which has key implications
patterns of tumour evolution; and described the for breast cancer progression. {Proc Natl Acad Sci
diverse transcriptional consequences of somatic USA, (2021)118, e2105523118}
mutation on splicing, expression levels, fusion
genes and promoter activity. The investigators
have created an open, web-accessible database
DBT-AIIMS-NCI India Translational & Clinical
dbGENVOC: database of GENomic Variants of
Research Partnership Centre: DBT has recently
Oral Cancer, with special reference to India
recommended for the establishment of DBT-
(Database Vol. 2021: article ID baab034;
AIIMS-NCI India Translational & Clinical Research
doi:10.1093/database/baab034, 2021; Authors:
Partnership Centre at NCI Jajjar at a total cost of ₹
Pradhan S, Das S, Singh AK, Das C, Basu A,
43 Cr as 'National Cancer Centre for India', for a
Majumder PP, Biswas NK). This database lists
period of five years in a phased manner. The
variants found significantly associated with
partnership centre envisages to (1) Establish a
Indian oral cancer patients, with a user-friendly
state-of-the-art Cancer Genomic Research
interface to enable easy mining.
Facility for Personalized Medicine; (2) Establish
As part of its commitment to address solutions in Early Detection Research Network (EDRN)
contemporary cancer research, DBT launched a Program with International Partnership; (3)
grant call for setting-up of Virtual Network Establish a quality enabled “Bio-bank” for “India
Centres (VNCs) in Cancer Immunology & Centric Cancers” enhancing exploration and
Immunotherapy. Through three rounds of validation of novel diagnostic or therapeutic
evaluation, three VNCs have been recommended modalities, and (4) Establish an advanced animal
for support and implementation; (a) A Phase 2 facility for gene-manipulated and
Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial to Evaluate immunocompromised small animals for
the Role of Metronomic Chemotherapy and preclinical cancer research and technology
Dendritic Cell Vaccine in Recurrent Hormone validation needed for planning of clinical trials.
Receptor Negative Breast Cancer at Adyar Cancer
Institute, Chennai; (2) Development of Indian Chronic Kidney Disease (ICKD) Study: The
Genetically Engineered 'Off-the-shelf' and ICKD Study is an ongoing nationwide,
Inducible CAR-T Cells for Cancer Therapeutics at multicentre, prospective longitudinal cohort
IGIB, New Delhi, and (3) Network Centre for study of patients with mild to moderate chronic
Research on Glioblastoma Stem cell–targeted T- kidney disease (CKD). Started in 2016, the ICKD
Cell Immunotherapy using Non-Genetically study aims to ascertain the risk factors for the
Engineered Mesenchymal Stromal Cells at p ro g re s s i o n o f C K D, d e ve l o p m e nt o f
Siddaganga Institute of Technology, Karnataka. cardiovascular disease (CVD), develop predictive
models to identify high-risk subgroups, assess
PRAMEF2 is a member of the PRAME multi-gene gender-related differences in the risks for
family of cancer testis antigens, which serve as progression of CKD and CVD, identify etiological
prognostic marker for several cancers. PRAMEF2 factors and biomarkers, determine the
regulation has been delineated under conditions consequences of CKD for general health, non-
of altered metabolic homeostasis. PRAMEF2 also cardiovascular morbidity, quality of life, cognitive
triggers YAP nuclear accumulation, which function, social status and cost of care and
induces the expression of proliferative and develop and validate accurate, clinically useful
metastatic genes. These findings highlight the



multivariable equation for GFR estimation in

Indian subpopulation. Funding for the first phase
of the study came to an end in March 2020, and
the second phase was funded thereafter.

The study has also been recognized as unique in Multi-institutional Network Program on
the developing world and has already become an Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, Understanding
important data resource for the global scientific the Diversity of SLE: The cohort has accrued 1768
community. The ICKD Study has been included in subjects since its inception in 2018. Most patients
the International Society of Nephrology's (ISN) are young females from lower or middle
global network of cohort studies in CKD i.e. iNET- socioeconomic status. The clinical presentation is
CKD (International Network of Chronic Kidney similar to that seen across the world. There are
Disease cohort studies), and the cohort has been differences in phenotype in patients from
invited to join other networks for harmonization different regions of India.
of processes.



Patients from South India have higher prevalence upregulates in the fatty liver and circulation. This
of Discoid and subacute lupus and cytopenia. implicates S100 as the crucial hepatokine and
Patients from North India have higher alopecia supports a critical role of S100 as a fatty liver-
and psychosis. Patients from Eastern India have derived circulatory factor in regulating the β- cell
higher prevalence of Oral ulcers and insulin secretion and sequentially link
membranous nephropathy. Indian patients with intrahepatic fat accumulation with impaired β-
SLE have higher prevalence of anti-Sm and anti- cell function in NAFLD.
Ribosomal P antibodies as compared to data from
West. Autoantibodies cluster in 4 clusters. There
is high early mortality due to late presentation
with high disease activity. Samples of 173
patients at baseline, 98 patients at 6 months, 61
at 12 months, 31 patients at 18 months and 36
months at 24 months and 13 patients at 30
months have been stored. This is a rare resource
of longitudinal samples from patients with SLE
which can be used for biomarker analysis. Further
1212 extracted DNA samples are available for
Genome studies. In addition, the project has
helped other PIs to make local biorepositories at Translational Research Studies on some
each center and in total baseline samples are Disorders of the Eye- L.V. Prasad Eye Institute,
available for 1700 subjects. In the Sub-study 1, Hyderabad: The investigation thus far has been
the group found that a low-cost composite score successful in establishing the incidence, causes
having days of fever, anti-dsDNA, low C3/C4, CRP, and risk factors for blindness and visual
TLC and age gives a good discrimination between impairment along with glaucoma and pterygium
flare and infection in SLE and substitution of CRP for molecular analysis and profiling. Global
with procalcitonin improves the discrimination metabolomics analysis of vitreous humor
marginally. In Sub-study 2 on Vitamin D levels in revealed a total of 1437 metabolites that
patients with SLE shows Vitamin D deficiency was significantly correlated with increased severity of
seen in 2/3rd of SLE patients. ROP. Increased CFH and CD11b expression in
retina with early to late changes in epiretinal
Researchers at IIT Mandi in a study entitled' The membranes of DR patients indicated its role as
role of ectopic liver derived systemic factors in marker for predicting disease progression.
regulating beta-cell function' showed a ChREBP Correlation of microvascular changes in diabetic
dependent hepatokine that suppressed retinal tissues indicated that differential
insulin secretion in NAFLD. Using hepatocyte expression of H-VEAL2 Lnc RNA was linked to the
secretomes analysis combined with mouse severity of diabetic retinopathy. Demonstrated
models of High Fat Diet (HFD) induced NAFLD and that the human eye has its own ocular surface
adenovirus-mediated ChREBP overexpression, fungal microbiome and several fungal genera
the researchers identified a low-molecular- were associated with the healthy conjunctiva.
weight calcium-binding protein S100 that



Published the first report indicating dysbiosis in preclinical validation of novel translatable
the fungal microbiome of conjunctival swabs and technologies, new epidemiological investigation
corneal scrapings in individuals with fungal component, the NATRAD database for real-time
Keratitis. acquisition and analysis of point of inception
disease prevalence data and public awareness
The notable achievements of the study thus far programs.
ŸA binocular adaptive optics device for
visual function assessment. support for the Systems Medicine Cluster
(SyMeC) at National Institute of Biomedical
ŸPediatric perimeter used for investigation Genomics, Kalyani for various biological aspects
of visual fields in children with special that predispose and result in cancers of
needs. paramount importance in India – oral and cervical
cancers, the most prevalent forms of cancer
ŸBattery of tests needed to assess visual among males and females, respectively, in India.
status during high-performance sports The research conducted in SyMeC resulted in
identified. many discoveries of which two are; (a) Non-
ŸPredictive testing in age-related eye promoter methylation enhances expression
diseases and development of precision levels of genes in the Central Carbon Metabolism
medicine towards disease management. pathway with important implications for
management of oral cancer: performed
ŸApplication of specific pre- and/or
probiotic therapy to possibly delay the integrative analysis of non-promoter methylation
disease progression, if not reverse the and transcriptome data that has revealed
disease process. significant methylation driven alterations in some
genes that also significantly impact on their
ŸNovel therapeutics for retinal dystrophies transcription levels. These changes result in
and retinoblastoma. Visuo-motor
performance in high-precision sports enrichment of the Central Carbon Metabolism
tasks. (CCM) pathway (b) Monotonic gene expression
changes with progression from normal to
precancer to frank oral cancer identified:
National Alliance for Translational Research in identified a profound role of interferon receptor
Autoimmune Diseases (NATRAD): A consortium signaling in tumour growth by activating immune
program encompassing 26 institutions involving evasion mechanisms. The role of tumor-
basic and clinician scientists is under active infiltrating immune cells further supported the
consideration for financial support and growth and immunosuppressive mechanism of
implementation. The proposed alliance proposal tumour tissues. Some immune evasion genes –
will focus on three major autoimmune diseases in CD274, Cd80, and IDO1 – were found to be
the country; Systemic Lupus, Psoriasis and
activated even in the precancerous tissue. These
Rheumatoid Arthritis and comprises a Flagship
findings provide a clear insight into the sequential
program on Multiplex families with autoimmune
diseases, clinical research projects on genetic dysregulation associated with
randomized control trials on low cost biologics, progression to oral cancer.
basic research on disease mechanisms,



This insight provides a window to the

development of predictive biomarkers and
therapeutic targets for oral cancer.

Fig: Bivariate clustering of gingivo-bucal oral cancer patients and 200 most significantly
differentially expressed genes in the tumour samples of oral cancer patients, whose clinical
and other characteristics are also presented.

Drug Development invite proposals in the area of “Development of

Drugs from existing leads with established proof
With the aim to put India on the global map in of concept” and 6 proposals have been
terms of R&D innovations in the area of drug recommended for financial support. Department
development, the Department has initiated a also announced a Joint call with BIRAC on
new program on “Drug Development” with a “Globally Accessible and Cost-Effective Novel
vision to develop indigenous and cost-effective Antibodies” in 2020 and 3 proposals have been
new drugs against diseases prevalent in our recommended for financial support. A Mission
country. Department of Biotechnology (DBT) in program on Snakebite envenoming i.e. Mission-
collaboration with its Public Sector Undertaking, Next Generation Treatment for Snakebite (NGTS)
Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance was recommended with a vision to develop an
Council (BIRAC) announced a Joint Call in 2020 to



indigenous, cost-effective and globally accessible sequence SARS-CoV-2 from Covid-19 infections
technology with the aim to cater the needs of the in India to monitor the emergence and
affected people and facilitate employment community circulation of viral variants and
generation through training and skill Variants of Interest (VoI)/ Variants of concern
development. (VOC). Since its inception, INSACOG has
sequenced about 1 lakh viral genomes. Genome
Human Genetics, Genome Analysis and sequences have been analyzed and assigned
Precision Medicine Pangolin lineage classification and submitted to
Human Genetics and Genome Analysis program NCDC for clinical correlation. INSACOG is also
of DBT supports research to uncover the role that providing advice to States for scale up
the genome plays in human health and disease. surveillance effort for SARS-CoV-2 variants of
The program supports research across a concern. Efforts have also been made to initiate
spectrum: basic research, translational research Hospital Network and Sewage network for
and clinical research to establish how to use genomic surveillance of SARS-CoV-2.
genomic information to advance medical care.
About 30 research publications emanated out
Unique Methods of Management of Inherited
from the R&D activities supported under this
program and more than 200 human resources in Disorders (UMMID) initiative
form of JRF/SRF/RA/ Other scientific and
The Department launched 'UMMID' initiative to
technical are getting trained in the area of
Human Genetics and Genomics. tackle inherited genetic diseases of newborn
babies. UMMID envisages working at three levels
A Mission Program on Pediatric Rare Genetic
Disorders formulated and it is under evaluation
process to study disease- associated novel
genetic variations and development of new
genomics- based diagnostic tests for pediatric
rare genetic disorders that are relatively more
prevalent in India. Also a mission programme on
Precision Health has been proposed. The vision
for the programme is fully aligned with and
extends the existing commitments of the
government to promote wellness using a fusion
of modern and traditional concepts in harmony
through Ayushman Bharat's Health & Wellness
Centres and NIDAN Kendras for genetic
disorders. The Department has also established
research platform and National Genomics Core
to facilitate pursuit of biomedical genomics at
the national level by opening up its core facilities
of genome sequencing and analysis to
universities and other national labs.
Indian SARS-CoV-2 Genomics Consortium
(INSACOG) has been started with the aim to



of medical care which will work with a close link National Genomics Core:
between training and establishment of
diagnostic services. Under the pilot phase of the 'National Genomics Core' has been initiated to
UMMID initiative, the Department has facilitate pursuit of biomedical genomics at the
supported the establishment of five genetic national level by opening up its core facilities of
laboratories, seven training centres for training genome sequencing and analysis to universities
clinicians in diagnosis and management of and other national laboratories. Through this
genetic diseases and screening of pregnant project, DBT has established the National
women and neonates in nine aspirational Genomics Core (NGC) with its hub in NIBMG,
districts. Under UMMID initiative more than Kalyani, and centres in CDFD, Hyderabad. The
125000 Pregnant mothers and Newborns have Core aims to create a distributed, high-
been screened for genetic disorders. Steps were throughput genomics facility of international
taken for expansion of the UMMID initiative so as standards for stimulating transformative
to cover more districts/regions of the country. research and development of genomics
applications for national economic growth, social
and health benefits, and cultural enrichment of
Genome India and Human Microbiome: communities. In addition, it will also function as a
distributed facility for skill development in
The Department has recently initiated a pan
genomics for utilization of high-throughput
India Genome India project for cataloguing the
technologies and for storage, retrieval,
genetic variation in Indian population. The goal is
computation, and statistical analysis of big data.
to start with and execute whole genome
NGC- NIBMG has been also involved with PAN-
sequencing and subsequent data analysis of
INDIA 1000 SARS-CoV-2 RNA Genome
10,000 individuals representing the country's
Sequencing Consortium and INSACOG projects
diverse population. 20 national institutions in the
during the ongoing pandemic for SARS-CoV2
country are collaborating for this project. So far,
genome sequencing. NGC-CDFD also started
more than 3000 samples have undergone WGS
offering genomic services to all academic and
and genome wide high-throughput genotyping.
industry users and sequencing projects including
Analysis of genetic variants calling in these
whole genome sequencing, transcriptomic, small
genomes is in progress. Further action plan is to
RNA sequencing, amplicon, ChIP sequencing
expedite the project progress against proposed
have been successfully finished at facility. Nation-
plans and deliverables of the Genome India
wide trainings and workshops have been
Project. The Microbiome project aims at
conducted to train more than 250 participants.
mapping microbiome variation in selected
biogeographic regions of the country and study
the correlation between Ayurvedic prakriti and
microbiome. 1739 first time-point and 75 second
time-point samples have been collected and
Ayurvedic Prakriti assessment of 671 subjects
has been completed. DNA extractions from 1283
samples have been completed. Sequencing of a
total of 789 samples (487 Bacterial, 215 Fungal,
44 Archaeal and 43 Micro-Eukaryotic) have been



Centre of Excellence project on Genome of Identity, Ancestry, Phenotype and Lineage with
Sciences and Predictive Medicine: enhanced discrimination, and hypothesis-free
genetic evaluation of patients with unexplained
familial syndromes. CDFD has completed
In the Centre of Excellence project on Genome detailed clinical and radiological evaluation of
Sciences and Predictive Medicine at UDSC and patients followed by next generation sequencing
AIIMS, New Delhi, notable progress has been (NGS) for 47 individuals from 33 families. Exome
made to fulfill the broad objective of this study- sequencing yielded the diagnosis for 14
that is to identify potential drug targets for individuals from 12 families. DNA samples from
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA). Three targets namely 150 unrelated individuals residing across the
ARL15, BTK and MAP3K8 have been taken country were sequenced on Mi Seq platform in
forward for lead molecule development. The first order to get the genotype data of STRs
three-dimensional models of ARL 15 have been (autosomal, Y and X-chromosome) and SNPs
devised; and efforts to solve its three- (identity, ancestry andphenotypic). Analysis of
dimensional structure using X-ray crystallography the autosomal data reveals that the calls from
made; as an alternative, in solution three- this high-throughput system was concordant
dimensional shape of ARL15 using SAXS has been with the previously generated CE data.
obtained; & distinct nucleotide dependent
movement of ARL15 uncovered.

Consortium on Celiac Disease:

In this network project, a national biorepository
is being established for a well-characterized
patient with celiac disease (CeD) where patients
are being recruited from different parts of the
country. The central Biorepository is located at
AIIMS, New Delhi. The exploratory phase of the
study has also provided some protein biomarkers
having potential for the diagnosis of celiac
disease. The validation process is ongoing. Nearly
30 percent of Indian patients with CeD do not Other R&D Projects:
express HLA-DQ2 or HLA-DQ8 haplotype, which
seems to be a novel finding. Such a finding may
In the project on evaluation of WISP3 (Wnt
have a global implication and raises the questions
Induced Secreted Protein 3) in the context of
how other HLA haplotype present the gluten
related peptides to T-cells. PPRD (Progressive Pseudo Rheumatoid
Dysplasia), at IICB, Kolkata, it has been
Development of Genomic Technologies for demonstrated that in Progressive Pseudo
Predictive Genetic Health and Forensic Profiling: Rheumatoid Dysplasia, a debilitating genetic
disorder WISP3 is required for the proper
The project aims to develop high-throughput functioning of the electron transport chain in the
sequencing-based assays for affordable
diagnostics of known monogenic disorders,
identification and validation of SNPs and/or InDel
markers in Indian populations for determination



mitochondria of chondrocytes. Molecular ancestry (75 families) and DNA blood deposits
characterization of X-linked Adrenoleuko established in the project can be used to plan
Dystrophy carried out at NIMHANS, Bengaluru for further genetic studies in this unique population.
unraveling the role of modifier genes. This study Genetic and clinical factors associated with
documents genetically and biochemically aspirin resistance in Indian population with
confirmed cases of X-ALD in India. The ischemic stroke studied at AIIMS, New Delhi. In
information obtained is valuable for diagnosis in this prospective study, 303 patients with an acute
the context of Indian patients. At RMLH, New ischemic stroke were recruited consecutively to
Delhi, study has been carried out for determine the prevalence of biochemical aspirin
identification of putative novel causal genes in resistance, assess various clinical factors that
strabismus using contemporary approaches. could influence aspirin resistance, perform
Identification of 12 putatively causal genes for genetic analysis using next generation
Primary concomitant strabismus (PCS) in this sequencing and its correlation with biochemical
project may lead to the formation of a unique aspirin resistance and also observe association
strabismus gene panel, A familial database with clinical outcomes.
(registry) of subjects with PCS of north Indian

Infectious Disease Biology

Under the aegis of Infectious Disease Biology

program, the Department is supporting basic and

No. of Research 65 Process/Product/ Technology Developed

during 2020-21

No.of Patents 20
Applied/ Granted

No. of Human 128

Resources trained

applied research to better understand and MDR & XDR TB), vector borne diseases; emerging
ultimately provide solutions in terms of or re-emerging threats such as influenza,
therapeutics, diagnostics and preventive Japanese Encephalitis; neglected tropical
measures for infectious diseases of global diseases such as Malaria, Leishmania, Dengue.
concern such as HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis (including



Mission Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) these 10 projects.

l Under an ambitious initiative with NERC
Considering Antimicrobial Resistance as a global (Natural Environment Research Council)
threat, the Department had launched an through UKRI, the department supported
ambitious “Mission program on Antimicrobial five projects focused on “AMR in the
Resistance” in 2018-2019, with the vision to E nv i ro n m e nt f ro m A nt i m i c ro b i a l
develop indigenous and cost-effective therapies Manufacturing Waste”.
against AMR; categorization of AMR-specific l DBT has supported a CoE on One health
pathogen priority list of India; establishment of with PCMU at NIAB, Hyderabad. This will
Bio-repository for AMR-specific pathogens; and strengthen surveillance systems of
development of rapid and cost-effective zoonotic diseases throughout the country
diagnostic kits to identify AMR-specific and important transboundary animal
pathogens. Following achievements have been diseases in the Northeast, through
made so far under this Mission Program: existing and newer diagnostics.
l The Department has notified National
Centre for Microbial Resource (NCMR),
National Centre of Cell Sciences, Pune (an
Autonomous Institute of DBT) to function
as a Bio- repository for resistant
microbes/infective agents (Bacteria and
Fungi)” and to carry out collection,
storage, maintenance, preservation and
characterization of these microbes across
the country. Nearly 1200 samples have
been deposited so far.
l Department while working with WHO,
Country Office, New Delhi has developed
the Indian Priority Pathogen List to guide
research, discovery and development of
new antibiotics in India.
l Department of Biotechnology (DBT) in
collaboration with Biotechnology Industry
Research Assistance Council (BIRAC) has
announced support for Projects in the
area of development of new antibiotics
and alternatives to antibiotics to counter
AMR. Under this Call, 378 LoIs were
received by the Department and after two
rounds of screening, total 10 projects
were recommended for financial support.
DBT has supported a project on PPEF,
bacterial topoisomerase inhibitor against
ESKAPE pathogens (both on WHO and Fig.- a) Antibiogram of Drug Resistant
Indian priority pathogen list) amongst Microbes against PPEF and
b) Schematic diagram of the mechanism



R & D Efforts produce antibiotic resisters at high frequency

due to a specific NADH oxidase which could be a
Saha et al. have uncovered a second tier of novel drug target.
transcriptional activation that is cell cycle
dependent in Leishmania sp. Kumar et al. have A novel zinc metallophore from Mtb that restores
successfully synthesized sixteen (16) new zinc metabolic imbalance has been reported.
thiourea derivatives with different substitutions These diisonitrile lipopeptides, named
& tested these for cytotoxicity and efficacy kupyaphores protects bacteria from host-
against HBV replication and viral gene expression mediated nutritional deprivation and
in cell culture. Three compounds (i.e., DSA-00, intoxication. Kupyaphore Mtb mutant strain
DSA-09 & DSA-11) down-regulated the cannot mobilize zinc and shows reduced fitness
expression of pgRNA and cccDNA in cells similar in mice. Further, Mtb encoded isonitrile
to standard drugs and were non-toxic to cells. hydratase was characterised that could mediate
Chatterjee et al. show that total Treg levels were intracellular zinc release through covalent
not reduced in patients with Tubercular uveitis. modification of kupyaphores. These studies
Mukhopadhyay et al. show that inhibitory effect could provide a molecular link between TB-
of novel α-MSH-based antimicrobial peptides induced altered zinc homeostasis and associated
against staphylococcal biofilms when combined cachexia. (PNAS, 2021, In Press).
with lysostaphin suggests that it might be
considered for the treatment of implant- Membrane engineered vesicles (mEV) of non-
a s s o c i a t e d s ta p hy l o c o c c a l i n fe c t i o n s . pathogenic bacteria for targeted delivery of
Parthasarthi et al. observed that minor firstline drugs against Mycobacterium
subpopulation of short-sized cells exists in tuberculosis (Mtb) were developed. mEVs were
Mycobacterium tuberculosis virulent strain and found to be stable and provided sustained
in the tubercle bacilli population in the freshly release of Rifampicin which was effective in
diagnosed pulmonary tuberculosis patients' reducing the minimum inhibitory concentration
sputum and which possesses the ability to (MIC) of pathogenic Mtb.

Fig. Elucidating the mechanism of small RNAs and RNA chaperone Hfq in antibiotic and
virulence in Acinetobacter baumannii



Taneja et al. in their cross-sectional observational macrophage infection model and in mice.
study of clinical cases of dermatophytosis, Nagaraj et al. demonstrate that targeting parasite
identified several recalcitrant and drug resistant heme synthesis by griseofulvin - a FDA-approved
cases. Whole genome sequencing and antifungal drug, prevents cerebral malaria in
comparative genomics analysis of selected mice and provides a new adjunct therapeutic
isolates mapped distinct variations in key drug option for cerebral and severe malaria. Devarajan
response genes and in ergosterol biosynthesis et al. identified four miRNAs - miR-423-5p, miR-
pathway. Findings of Surolia et al. suggest 328- 3p, miR-21-5p, and miR-16-5p as potential
involvement of P. falciparum autophagy in TB-specific diagnostic markers in aqueous humor
proteostasis mechanisms of artemisinin of the ocular TB (OTB) patients.
resistance, indicating parasite autophagy as a
novel target for developing anti-malarials for the
treatment of artemisinin resistant malaria. Taneja et al. isolated coliphages against XDR UPEC
Mukhopadhyay et al. observed that the N- and observed good efficacy when administered
terminal domain of PPE17 can be used as a experimentally trans- urethrally to treat UTI

Fig. Development of a nanovaccine for protection against shigellosis

potential serodiagnostic marker for the diagnosis infection. Kalia et al. through a high-throughput
of active tuberculosis and latent TB infection. screening platform identified autophagy
Surolia et al. discovered a novel allosteric site on i n d u c i n g F DA - d r u g s a ga i n st J a p a n e s e
MtbArgJ and its inhibitors, Pranlukast and encephalitis virus induced neuronal cell death
Sorafenib inhibited Mtb growth in cultures, in and replication.



Two drugs, Rilmenidine and Methotrimperazine Indo-South Africa Program on HIV/TB- Under the
showed protective effect in mouse model of bilateral Science and Technology Cooperation
disease. Roy et al. determined structural features Agreement between the Department of Science
with molecular details of a protein named PfAsf1 and Technology, Ministry of Science and
which is involved in regulating the process of Technology, Governments of India and South
packaging of DNA in the nucleus of the cell. Africa, three collaborative projects are ongoing in
Rajavelu et al. identified a dynamic distribution of the area HIV/AIDS and Tuberculosis (the leading
m6A methyl mark on the mRNA of P. falciparum causes of death in adults and children in both
and also identified & functionally characterized India and South Africa). Major Outcomes from
novel m6A-specific binding protein from the collaboration are:
P. falciparum. Sood et al. through reanalysis of
RNA- Seq data from JEV infected cells from l 3 near-native like SOSIP Env trimers
several diverse studies identified novel cross-talk developed in India and South Africa.
among host factors dysregulated in JEV Infection. l Large neutralization assay panels
Chattopadhyay et al. show that Telmisartan (TM) representing circulating viruses in India
inhibits CHIKV infection efficiently in Vero, RAW and South Africa developed.
264.7 and human peripheral blood mononuclear l 2 novel broadly neutralizing antibodies
cells (hPBMCs) in vitro. Additionally, TM (bnAbs) isolated in India.
abrogated CHIKV infection and inflammation in l Potential combination of cytokine
C57BL/6 mice at a human equivalent dose of biomarkers identified in India for
40mg. This anti-CHIKV property of TM was partly prognosis of active TB.
mediated through the AT1/PPAR-γ/MAPKs

National HIV Cohort Program - Cohorts of HIV Neurosciences

Resistance and Progression in Indian Children The Department has a focus on understanding
and Adults (CoHRPICA)- The Program aims to the basic biology, biotechnology of neurological
bring together Centres of Excellence with disorders such as dementia, stroke, epilepsy etc.
interdisciplinary expertise (clinical, socio- and neurological injuries such as brain and spinal
behavioural and biomedical) across India that has cord injury as well as neuro-infections and
enabled establishment of a consortium of CRCs Neuromuscular and movement disorders, Brain
that leverages on their individual strengths to Cancers etc. Department advertised a Call for
accelerate population-based studies for proposal for developing Neurotools, Techniques,
informing effective management of HIV/AIDS. and Procedures for Brain disorders and
Recruitment progress has been as follows- Pathological conditions. The Department also
Screened-347; Enrolment-163 (across 7 activated conducted a Brain storming session for initiating
sites). Progress towards sample management- the 'Impact of malnutrition on Child's Brain
Operationalization of Central Biorepository at Development'.
NARI- Q2 21; Regional Biorepository at NIRT-
Operationalized. Progress towards National
Database- Application developed and 2 rounds of
pilot testing completed.



Outcome and Achievements associated with dementia.

A population based cohort study called A 'Collaborative Neuro-Engineering Platform for
'Longitudinal Cognition and Aging Research on Excellence in Innovation and Translational
Research' in All India Institute of Medical Sciences
Manpower Trained 85 (AIIMS), New Delhi is supported with an aim to
provide unsupervised computerized evaluation
of surgical skills and provide feedback to trainee
Publications 24 neurosurgeons to improve their performance.
Seven different technologies have been
developed and validated in the project including
Patent Filed 3
a virtual repository of neurological instruments,
3D animation modules and virtual 3D tracking
and navigation simulators for neuro-endoscopy.
Population of the National capital region Besides this, three patents have been filed under
(LoCARPoN)' was supported under Indo- the project for trainer, endoscopy and eye gear.
Netherland joint collaboration. At Urban site i.e.
Also at AIIMS, Delhi, in a major programme
AIIMS, New Delhi, 7505 participants were
support in Stroke Biology, a study on 1393
assessed, while at Rural site i.e. Comprehensive
subjects and 1393 controls suggested that IL-6
Rural Health Services Project, Ballabhgarh, 1976 (G174C) gene polymorphism is significantly
participants were assessed. A biorespository has associated with protective effect for overall
been setup in AIIMS for storage of biological Ischemic Stroke, while two genes i.e. MMP3 &
materials (DNA, whole blood, Plasma, Serum, NOS3 (G1407A) polymorphism leads to higher
Dental samples) collected under this study. A chance of Small Vessel Disease (SVD) Stroke. In
recent publication out of the study indicates that another project, the fetal neural stem cells
the prevalence of stroke is 1.5%. The causative (FNSCs) were exposed to hypoxia and it was
factors are Hypertension, diabetes, obesity, concluded that astrocytes probably play a
smoking and chewing tobacco. Hypertension is neuroprotective role in hypoxic brain injury. In
the most prevalent risk factor for stroke another study, it was shown that the altered
occurrences. Department of Biotechnology has kynurenine metabolism may be responsible for
supported a multi-institutional 'Dementia hyperglutamatergic tone in Mesial Temporal
Science Programme' with National Brain Lobe Epilepsy with Hippocampal Sclerosis (MTLE-
Research Center (NBRC), Manesar as the nodal HS) patients.
centre. The programme aims to arrive at reliable
estimate of prevalence and incidence of Zika Virus (ZIKV) infection is associated with
dementia including Alzheimer's disease in the micro encephaly which is manifested as babies
country. The pilot studies were conducted at born with smaller head and under developed
Palwal (rural community site) and Bengaluru brain. WNT2 involved in cell fate determination
(urban community site). The standardization of was found to be downregulated in response to
neurospyschiatric assessment battery across ZIKV protein in human fetal neuronal stem cells.
seven sites in the country is being carried on. This finding provides a basis to ZIKV induced
Preliminary findings of the programme suggest neurological complications in infants born to
that PICLAM gene variant rs3851179 might be



mothers who were infected by the mosquito SWADESH is the first large-scale multimodal
borne virus during their pregnancies. (Brain neuroimaging database designed specifically for
Re s e a rc h B u l l et i n , 1 7 6 , 9 3 - 1 0 2 . D O I : Indian population with big-data architecture and
10.1016/j.brainresbull.2021.08.009. analytics for various disease categories under
one platform. This is the World's first multimodal
brain imaging data and analytics developed
Collaborative research led by clinicians and through the integration of various modules for
scientists analyzing whole exome sequencing early diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease. The
provides insights into the genetic architecture of unique brain initiative focuses on certified
severe mental illness, such as schizophrenia and neuroimaging, neurochemical,
its link to immune factors, especially immune neuropsychological data and analytics that are
related pathways and functions related to innate made accessible to researchers for managing
immunity such as antigen binding were over brain disorders.
presented. The findings give a hint at how
selection pressures in individuals from families
with a severe mental illness may diverge from the
general population. (Scientific Reports: 2021, Public Health Nutrition
The Public Health Nutrition programme is
concerned with promotion of good health
through prevention of nutrition–related illnesses
/ problems in the population, and the
Deep neural networks have revolutionized government policies and programmes that are
computer vision, and their object aimed at solving these problems using organised
representations across layers' match coarsely and multidisciplinary approaches. The areas
with visual cortical areas in the brain. However, u n d e r s u p p o r t i n c l u d e s a d d re s s a l o f
whether these representations exhibit micronutrient deficiencies including anemia,
qualitative patterns seen in human perception or severe acute malnutrition, protein and
brain representations remains unresolved. Some malnutrition, food fortification, probiotics for
neural phenomena in terms of distance human health and well-being, food safety,
comparisons were found to be present in development of low cost foods/ supplements and
randomly initialized networks, such as the global capacity building in the field. The Department has
advantage effect, sparseness, and relative size. initiated new R& D programs that includes “Food
Many others were present after object fortification and newer technologies to improve
recognition training, whereas, other phenomena bioavailability of nutrients” and Geriatric
were absent in trained networks. These findings Nutrition. Recently R&D programs on Agri
indicate sufficient conditions for the emergence Nutrition linkages has been undertaken to
of these phenomena in brains and deep address the protein malnutrition prevalent
networks, and offer clues to the properties that across the country.
could be incorporated to improve deep
networks. (Nature Communications,



researchers showed that skeletal muscles of vdr-

/- exhibit abnormal glycogen accumulation
leading to energy deprivation and concomitant
increase in AMPK activity when they are
subjected to a carbohydrate enriched diet. The
data presented revealed that vitamin D signalling
plays an essential role in metabolic adaptation of
mammals to a carbohydrate rich diet upon
weaning by optimizing glucose utilization in
skeletal muscles. A study is being conducted at St
John's Research Institute, Bangalore to study the
Effect of early stunting on body cell mass and fat
mass in terms appropriate for gestational age
(AGA) infants. Results from the preliminary data
analysis suggest that the body composition
between infants with and without linear growth
Researchers have developed the gold- faltering is similar. Linear growth faltered infants
nanoparticle-based, sandwich-format lateral show significantly lower BCM accretion during 3
flow immunoassay (LFIA) test kit with excellent to 6 months period. The % BCM is higher in SGA
sensitivity allowing the detection of as low as 0.5 infants up to 1.5 months and thereafter the
% (w/w) pork in raw and heat- processed meat significance disappears with increasing age.
mix and commercial meat samples within 15 min
including sample preparation. DBT funded study
in JNU, New Delhi suggests that VDR-SNPs can be
Scientific Sub-Committee of National
associated with diseased states and resistance to
vitamin D. In a DBT funded study at JSS Medical Technical Board on Nutrition (SSC NTBN):
College of Pharmacy, Mysore, researchers
showed Vitamin-D3 and Metformin inhibited Govt. of India has constituted the National
breast cancer cell lines by inducing G2/M arrest Technical Board on Nutrition (NTBN) under the
and promoting the expression of p53, and Chairmanship of Dr. Vinod Paul, Member NITI
Caspase-3/7 activity. Vitamin-D3 is more Aayog to make technical recommendations on
effective compared to Metformin in inhibiting policy relevant issues on nutrition. A Scientific
the breast cancer cells proliferation. In a DBT Sub-Committee of National Technical Board on
funded study at Acharya Institute of Technology, Nutrition (SSC NTBN) was constituted to make
Bangalore, researchers have developed low-cost technical recommendations to the National
and user friendly vitamin D test strips that work Technical Board on Nutrition (NTBN) by NITI
based on the principle of electrochemistry and Aayog and WCD Division. The SSC NTBN is co-
allow detection of nanomolar concentrations of chaired by Secretary DBT and Secretary DHR.
vitamin D bound with a specifically designed Since its constitution five meetings of SSC NTBN
electroactive molecule. The prototype is further
have been organized. Further, two working
interfaced with a smart-phone app “VitaD” that
groups, one for Research Activities and the other
obtains test results from the device in real-time
and compare the results with datasets to provide for Policy Implementation have also been
suitable recommendations of diet and sunlight constituted which will advise the SSC NTBN.
exposure to overcome vitamin D deficiencies. In a
joint study by NII, Delhi and THSTI, Faridabad,



The first meeting of the two

working groups and the fifth
meeting of SSC NTBN was
organized during Oct. 2021.
One of the
recommendations of the
SSC NTBN during the fifth
meeting was to initiate a
program on 'Data Driven
Approaches to Public Health
& Nutrition'.

Stem Cells & Regenerative Medicine

The aim of the Stem Cells & Regenerative

developing gene editing technology for possible
Medicine program is to promote basic, early and
therapeutic applications, creation of animal
late translational research in the area of stem
models for various human diseases, trainings and
cells and regenerative medicine. Scientific
workshops, and formulation of regulatory
strategies include: basic biology of all adult stem
framework for stem cell research in India.
cells, early and late translational research,

Significant Outcomes and Achievements

No. of Research 35 Process/Product/ Technology Developed

during 2020-21

No.of Patents 9
Applied/ Granted

No. of Human 38
Resources trained



R& D efforts: human embryonic stem cells remain pluripotent

on soft substrates (0.2 kPa) while differentiation
Vaidya et al. have shown that inhibiting p38 into definitive endoderm is hindered on soft
MAPK in ex vivo cultured MSCs revitalizes them substrate. Inamdar et al. have successfully
and enhances their regenerative properties. Sen generated and characterized targeted gene
et al. observed low levels of DNA damage and knockout human pluripotent embryonic stem cell
aneuploidy in mouse embryonic stem cells lines using the CRISPR-Cas9 strategy and also
(mESCs) on soft gels and cell derived matrices, transgenic lines for constitutive overexpression,
thus mESCs may be cultured on soft substrates for mitochondrial genes. The lines show
for expansion maintaining genomic integrity. pluripotency marker expression, normal
Thangavel et al. demonstrated the application of karyotype and tri-lineage differentiation. Mishra
their novel culture conditions for gene therapy et al. observed that extracellular matrix stiffness
application and have also developed gene editing in neural stem cell niche is found to upregulate
reagents, validated in Hematopoietic stem cells proliferation and transformation to cancer stem
and in mouse transplantation studies. cell phenotype. Hence, co-targeting ECM fibrosis
Subramanyam et al. show that loss of clathrin and redox mis-regulation can be effective in
heavy chain results in a change in the stiffness of eliminating brain cancer stem-like population.
embryonic stem cells in a manner dependent on Mohanty et al. show Wharton Jelly derived MSCs
the actin cytoskeleton. Pethe et al. show that as emerging source for translational applications.

Fig. CRISPR/Cas9 gene edited human embryonic stem cells showing undifferentiated (top) and
ectoderm differentiated (bottom) colonies.



Centre for Neuro Developmental with focus on two broad research components,
Synaptopathies (CNS) namely “Accelerator program for discovery in
brain disorders using stem cells (ADBS)” and
This collaborative programme at lnStem has a “Novel approaches to hematological disorders
major objective of creating stem cell based (NAHD)” led to some interesting findings.
models of brain disorders, leveraging expertise at
NCBS and the University of Edinburgh. The Centre ADBS program has established a cohort of large
has refined the stem cell research program using dense families with major psychiatric disorders. A
human iPSC technology including a platform of total of 4038 families were screened, and 540
functional neurons and glial cells. Fragile X large dense families have been systematically
syndrome model neurons show wayward evaluated. Eight hundred and ninety-nine
uncontrolled activity than the controls mirroring i n d i v i d u a l s h av e u n d e r g o n e d e t a i l e d
previous network activity changes in animal assessments including magnetic resonance
models of same disease. World's first multi- imaging, psychophysics and neuropsychological
model rat transgenic experimental platform was tests. Healthy controls (N=119) have also been
also set up having 10 rat transgenic lines ascertained and evaluated. Preliminary analyses
modeling 7 of the most penetrant genetic indicate the presence of shared and unique risk
conditions associated with Autism Spectrum factors and endophenotypes across disorders. A
Disorders (ASD). Ongoing analyses reveal that the total of 88HiPSC primary lines were generated at
divergence in behavioural phenotypes between the ADBS program and banked as primary lines of
models of ID/ASD across rodent species contrasts MEF. In addition to generating new HiPSC lines
with the clear convergence at the biochemical and validating their pluripotency, the ADBS
and cellular level. Behavioural consequences of biobanking group works towards sustainable
null mutations are not conserved between mice banking of these HiPSCs benchmarked to
and rats and rodents are resilient to certain international standards. The ADBS program
genetic mutations that give rise to severe ASD. includes a strong component of capacity building
in stem cell technology in India. The program
Programme on Accelerating the application of organizes an annual training program in iPSC
stem cell technology in human disease (ASHD) technology with the Centre for iPSC Research,
Kyoto University (CiRA), Japan and also iPSC
A major multi-institutional collaborative project training programs at inStem, Bengaluru.

Fig. Distribution of the 88 HiPSC lines generated by the ADBS program according to disease types.



Novel Approaches To Hematological Diseases l Developed a technology for preferential

(NAHD): enrichment of specific subsets of
hematopoietic stem cells for gene therapy
NAHD program involves developing modern
methods including gene therapy technologies for application.
hereditary blood disorders such as haemophilia, l Identified multiple novel regulatory
thalassemia and sickle cell disease. This program mutations, in addition to naturally occurring
is led by Christian Medical College (CMC), Vellore mutations, that substantially elevated the
and the Centre for Stem Cell Research (CSCR, a fetal globin level levels up to 47%, without any
unit of inStem, Bengaluru), Vellore. detrimental effects on erythroid
differentiation and provided potential
additional targets for the treatment of SCD
Gene Therapy for Hematological Disorders and β- thalassemia.
l AAV based gene therapy for hemophilia B:
Developed an AAV3 vector to express codon Non-Viral Vector Based Nucleic Acid Transfer
optimized hFIXpadua gene for gene therapy
for hemophilia B and clinical protocol
developed. l Developed a novel Shikimoylated Mannose
l AAV Antibody Assays: TIA based assay
Receptor Targeting (SMART) nanoparticle
standardized for AAV serotypes 3 and 5. An in- system for delivering mRNAs into dendritic
house peptide ELISA established for AAV cells for vaccine development, synthesized
serotypes 3, 5 and 8. There were a total of 892 chemically modified mRNA and validated
samples collected. functionally.

l Lentiviral based gene therapy for hemophilia

Pre-clinical work involving harvest of Musculoskeletal Regeneration Program
peripheral blood stem cells have been
completed. The transduction protocol tested
in three different batches of these cells. Data l Two phase I/II clinical trials for bone and
has been submitted to the CDSCO. CDSCO physeal regeneration using autologous
phase-I clinical trial approval obtained. culture expanded mesenchymal stem cells
and chondrocytes completed and three
l Pre-clinical gene therapy for
ongoing phase I/II clinical trial for physis, bone
haemoglobinopathies (lentiviral): High
(OI) and muscle regeneration (sphincter
expression novel lentiviral vectors for beta
globin expression developed & tested in ex-
vivo erythropoiesis and mouse models.

Genome-Editing Based Gene Therapy

l Developed gene edited hematopoietic stem
cells that are resistant for HIV-1 infection.



The control & management programme for Sickle Influenza strains. The Ind-CEPI Mission is another
Cell Anemia and Thalassemia has been initiative initiated in 2019, in partnership with the
implemented in the State of Odisha. This program global foundation, the Coalition for Epidemic
has been initiated in six districts in Phase I, Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), for supporting
namely: Balasore, Bargarh, Cuttack, Jharsuguda, vaccine development for potential outbreak
Koraput, and Sambalpur. The major components threats up to Phase II testing and enhancing inter-
of this program include: comprehensive testing ministerial co-ordination for rapid vaccine
of the population at risk for carrier status with a development. Innovative funding mechanisms
single blood sample right up to genetic diagnosis are being facilitated through the National
and a major component of Behaviour Change Biopharma Mission (NBM) - an Industry-
Communication targeted activities using all Academia collaborative Mission, being
forms of media to increase knowledge and implemented by BIRAC, a Public Sector
awareness about these diseases among the Undertaking of DBT. The availability of affordable
general population. Towards increasing the and accessible vaccines in India is a priority area
capacity and capability for treatment of major of the Mission and is supporting vaccine
haemoglobin disorders, several training candidates in different stages of development.
workshops are being arranged at different levels
(State/Regional levels) for doctors/other
healthcare workers of Odisha. Major initiatives during the year:

Initiatives under the auspices of Indo-US VAP-

Vaccine Research and Development
Vaccines are the one of the most cost-effective A new initiative to strengthen capacities in
health interventions for combating infectious biomedical research ethics was initiated, in
diseases. Hence, over the past three decades, the collaboration with the Department of Bioethics,
Department of Biotechnology (DBT) has made National Institutes of Health (NIH) Clinical Center,
concerted efforts to strengthen the Indian USA. Under this initiative, a series of webinars on
vaccine research and development ecosystem. 'Clinical Research Ethics', were organized.
The most significant international partnership
t h a t c o n t r i b u t e d i m m e n s e l y t o w a rd s Initiatives to support vaccine development for
development of indigenous vaccine science is the COVID-19- Mission COVID Suraksha
Indo-US Vaccine Action Programme (VAP), a
bilateral programme being jointly implemented The Indian COVID-19 Vaccine Development
by DBT, and the National Institutes of Health Mission', was announced as part of the third
(NIH), since 1987. The programme demonstrated stimulus package, Atmanirbhar Bharat 3.0, for
major achievements like the development of the promoting research and development of Indian
low-cost Rotavirus vaccine which became part of COVID-19 vaccines. The Mission has been
the universal immunization programme. Through intended to be a National Mission with a focus on
the Horizon 2020 Programme the Union bringing to the citizens of the country a safe,
Government and European Union (EU) have efficacious, affordable and accessible COVID-19
collaborated to develop cost-effective and Vaccine, at the earliest with a focus on
affordable universal Influenza vaccine with AtmaNirbhar Bharat.
reactivity against an increased breadth of



The mission was launched to strengthen and dengue, influenza, malaria, pneumococcal
consolidate the ongoing COVID-19 vaccine infection, chikungunya and tuberculosis.
development efforts and to build a strong A Consultation on 'Opportunities for SARS-CoV-2
ecosystem for pre-clinical and clinical vaccine Research Collaboration' was held on 19th May,
development. 2021 under Indo-U.S. Vaccine Action Programme.
The aim of the meeting was to set a foundation
for undertaking important and urgent
Upgradation of DBT's laboratories as Central collaborative research to quickly understand the
Drug Laboratories (CDLs)- Considering the need effect of emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants on the
for enhanced batch testing of Vaccines, two DBT efficacy of vaccines that are being implemented
Autonomous Institutes- National Institute of in various countries. Further, the adjuvant
Animal Biotechnology (NIAB), Hyderabad and Alhydroxiquim-II (from US-based ViroVax) that
National Centre for Cell Science (NCCS), Pune, was developed through NIAID's adjuvant
have been identified for upgradation as Central program was included in the development of
Drug Laboratories (CDLs), for vaccine testing. The Covaxin, the indigenous inactivated COVID-19
facility at NCCS, Pune, was notified as CDL, on vaccine developed by Bharat Biotech. 'India-U.S.
June 28, 2021; the facility at NIAB, Hyderabad Collaborative Research Grants on Vaccine
was notified on 17 August, 2021; by Ministry of Adjuvant Development' is being implemented to
Health and Family Welfare. Support for the same foster collaborations between Indian and U.S.
was provided under PM-CARES funds. investigators to accelerate vaccine adjuvant
research. Under the initiative, four proposals
have been shortlisted for financial support,
Outcomes and achievements of the program: focused on (i) heparinoid-based adjuvants for
a. Achievements under Indo-US VAP- flavivirus vaccine development, (ii) development
of adjuvanted vaccine for FMDV, (iii)
The Department is supporting development of identification of combination adjuvants for RSV
candidate vaccines in various stages of pre- vaccine, (iv) development of endogenous STING
clinical and clinical development, for cholera, agonist adjuvanted BCG vaccine for tuberculosis.



Indo-US Collaborative Research on Human Regional Prospective Observational Research in

Immunophenotyping in collaboration with Tuberculosis (RePORT) India: This is a bilateral
Human Immunology Project Consortium (HIPC) collaborative effort being supported under the
supports human immunology research in India aegis of the Indo-US Vaccine Action Programme
through collaborations of Indian investigators (VAP), to advance tuberculosis (TB) research in
with U.S.-based investigators in the Human I n d i a . T h e i n i t i at i ve h a s b e e n u n d e r
Immunology Project Consortium (HIPC) of the implementation since 2013 with a focus on the
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious establishment of a TB consortium with PAN-India
Diseases (NIAID). In Phase I from 2014 through representation, involving long term longitudinal
2016, 6 projects were supported, which resulted cohorts of TB patients and their household
in 12 high impact publications. The contacts in India. Basic and applied research for
commendable progress that was achieved in development of newer diagnostics and
Phase I, led to the implementation of Phase II of
identification of novel improved biomarkers for
the Programme. DBT-NIAID joint funding support
targeted therapy are being conducted under the
was initiated in 2018/early 2019, as part of which,
RePORT India initiative. RePORT India is the first
5 projects were supported. The study titled
'Systems Vaccinology of the Vi Conjugate Typhoid multidisciplinary, multi-institutional clinical and
Vaccine in Infants' used systems biological translational TB research consortium for India,
approaches to explore the immune response of whereby seven clinical research sites are being
infants in India, vaccinated with Typbar-TCV®. supported. The RePORT sites majorly enrol two
Among the 124 infants who completed the study, sets of cohorts – Patients with active tuberculosis
97% (121/124) infants seroconverted at day 42, (Cohort A) and their healthy household contacts
and at 6 months, 96% (119/124) of infants had (Cohort B).
maintained the 4-fold rise post vaccination, As part of the Phase I of RePORT India Common
similar to previously published data showing a
Protocol, all the biospecimens are stored in an
98.2% seroconversion (age group 12-23 months)
interim biorepository at NIRT, Chennai. The
at day 42 post vaccination. In the study titled
biospecimens collected under the site-specific
'Molecular Dissection of Trained Immunity in HBV
infected Infants' it was found that differential Parent Protocols are housed in the respective
monocyte subsets in pre- vaccine and post sites. All the clinical data acquired through
vaccine blood of healthy, anti HBC+ve adults and Common Protocol is centrally harboured in the
newborns born to HBsAg +ve mothers showed statistical data management unit at Centre for
that post vaccine,classical monocytes Health Research and Development (SAS-CHRD),
(CD14+CD16+) were significantly increased in in New Delhi. Significant achievements of
newborns born to HBsAg+ve mothers. The RePORT India Phase I include: archiving of >
project titled 'Human B cell responses and 2,50,000 biospecimens in the central and
receptor repertoire in dengue patients in India' institutional biorepositories;>90 peer-reviewed
found that the quality, quantity and dynamics of publications emerged in the past 6 years
the plasmablast responses and their receptor addressing key scientific priorities. The cohort
repertoire differ between patients with primary participants of RePORT India are also being co-
and secondary infections - but both primary and enrolled for the Phase III trial of VPM1002, a new
secondary infections can account for a and improved recombinant vaccine for
substantial fraction of the dengue burden of prevention of TB and prevention of recurrence of
illness and severe disease in India. TB.



Outcomes of RePORT India Phase I Studies: l Identified three metabolites (N-

acetylneuraminate, Quinolinate and
l Identified metabolites that regulate pyridoxate) that correctly identified TB
innate resistance against MTB infection status at distinct times during treatment
among household contacts of PTB. among paediatric TB participants.
l Identified biomarkers such as pre- l Elucidated activation of diabetic
treatment IL-6, hair levels of INH and its complication pathway with implications
metabolite, visceral adiposity index and for associated NCD viz Epigenetic
lipid signatures which could predict regulation, Oxidative stress, DNA damage,
treatment outcomes. Cellular senescence, Platelet activation,
l Developed a computational profiling RAGE signaling, CVD biomarkers
platform of TB signature gene sets and
characterized the diagnostic ability of Building on the success of Phase I,
ex i st i n g s i g n at u re ge n e s e t s to implementation of Phase II of RePORT India was
differentiate active TB from LTBI in the initiated in February, 2021, whereby 9 cohort
setting of malnutrition research sites / units, inclusive of 2 additional
l Studied the Gene expression profiles sites from North and North-East, have initiated
among Indian children with confirmed TB enrolments.
and found that they were distinct from
adult-derived gene lists

b. S u p p o r t f o r C O V I D - 1 9 Va c c i n e



Major outcomes from the support provided and mouse infection models are being
through the Department for COVID vaccine supported, for providing services offered
development are enumerated below: to vaccine developers.
l 5 vaccine candidates in advanced stage of l 5 biorepositories for archiving COVID-19
development are being supported under biospecimens have been established and
'Mission COVID Suraksha- The Indian nearly 16,000 samples shared with
COVID-19 Vaccine Development Mission'. industry and academia.
l To scale-up production capacity of l 2 Central Drug Laboratories (CDLs) were
Covaxin, financial support is being set up at DBT-NCCS and DBT-NIAB with
provided to BBIL and three other Public support from PM-CARES Funds.
Sector Undertakings (PSUs). Also,
l Under the Partnerships for Advancing
technology transfer for Covaxin
Clinical Trials (PACT) program, a science
production from BBIL to Gujarat COVID
diplomacy initiative of the Department, in
Vaccine Consortium (GCVC), is being
Archived more than 53,000 COVID -19 biospecimens
and 27 viral isolates; 16,000 samples shared with
industry and academia

Set up at DBT-NCCS and DBT-NIAB ries Generation of hamster challenge models and
with support from PM -CARES Funds mouse infection models; services offered to 6
for testing and batch release of Animal industries
vaccines Vaccine
2 Challenge 5

Enhancing capacities of BBIL, and 3 PSUs

for ramping up Covaxin production to 10 cr. Capacity
Immunoassay Bioassay Laboratory at THSTI recognized by
doses /month. Technology transfer of Enhance-
labs CEPI as one of the 7 global network of
Covaxin production to Gujarat COVID ment laboratories; Offering services to vaccine
Vaccine Consortium; Indian 6 manufacturers
Immunologicals achieved production of 20
lakh doses equivalent of Covaxin Drug

facilitated. Through these efforts, the collaboration with the Ministry of

current manufacturing of Covaxin is External Affairs, 2 series of training
expected to be enhanced by 5-6 times in programmes, for strengthening clinical
the next few months. trial capacities were held for more than
l 54 GCP Compliant clinical trial sites, PAN-
2000 candidates across 14 neighboring
India, have been set-up for facilitating and friendly countries.
quick clinical trials. Each site has access to
a cohort of about 50000 - 100000 healthy
l 6 Immunoassay laboratories and 5
facilities for animal challenge studies for
generation of hamster challenge models



l The Department is coordinating with the b. Biotherapeutics

Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) and
l Biosimilar Insulin Glargine by Stelis
other international agencies to promote
vaccine development and production. Biopharma and Biosimilar Liraglutide by
Levim Biotech completed Phase I clinical
National Biopharma Mission Trial. Biosimilar Liraglutide Phase III
Clinical trial is ongoing.
The National Biopharma Mission (NBM), is a l Three (03) Biosimilar projects
government- industry-academia collaboration Tra st u z u m a b fo r b re a st ca n c e r,
dedicated to 'Accelerating Discovery Research to Ustekinumab for Psoriasis by (Serum
Early Development for Biopharmaceuticals' Institute India Limited)- and Aflibercept
funded at a total cost of INR 1500 Cr co-funded by (Lupin Ltd) have completed the preclinical
the World Bank at 50% cost sharing. NBM's toxicity study.
charter is being implemented by Biotechnology
Research Assistance Council (BIRAC). c. Medical Devices

a. Vaccines l Working prototype endoscopes made by

Grantees Univlabs Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
l Pneumococcal vaccine candidate, a 15 and Irillic Pvt. Ltd. An ISO 13485 facility
valent pneumococcal vaccine successfully established for biological grade polylactic
completed the Stage-1 (Phase I/II CT) and a c i d p ro d u c t i o n b y O r t h o c ra f t s
is currently being supported for Phase III Innovations Pvt. Ltd.
l Another ISO certified facility established
l Two (02) Dengue vaccine candidates for development of MRI scanners by
supported for pre-clinical studies, Indian Voxelgrids Innovations Pvt. Ltd. along
Immunological Ltd. (Live attenuated with setting up of completely indigenous
platform, in-licensed technology from MRI machine scanners at several hospital
NIH, USA) and Sun Pharmaceuticals Ltd. sites in India.
(VLP based platform, indigenous novel
technology) have now transitioned to l Recruitment of patients for clinical trials
Stage-2 and have been recommended for of heart valves initiated by TTK
support for Phase I human clinical trials. Healthcare Ltd.
l Chikungunya vaccine candidate: received
l Advanced Multi spectral Flexible Video
NOC from DCG(I) to commence Phase II
Endoscope, a next generation, 4K+, 60 fps
part of the Phase II/III trials of the
flexible video endoscopy system with
candidate Chikungunya vaccine BBV87.
multi spectral imaging and intelligent
l Rabies vaccine candidate (Cadila image fusion techniques for multi modal
Pharmaceuticals) has been tissue visualization for improved
recommended for support. diagnosis, set up by HealthCare
Technology Innovation Center at IIT



d. Shared Facilities Biologicals, Dharwad, Karnataka is

manufacturing clinical trial lots for
l The manufacturing facility at AMTZ has biologics products from India and other
manufactured the following products: RT- countries. The facility is manufacturing
PCR tests 900 lakhs; Tests, ELISA Test Kits- COVID-19 vaccine Sputnik-V Drug
1.5 Crores, Viral Transport Medium – 11 Substance and few more Biologics
lakh units; IR Thermometers – 5000 units. products for external clients. MJ
Ventilators – 11,000 units. Pulse – Biopharm and Gennova
Biopharmaceuticals Private Limited are
oximeters 5000 units.
also providing PDL services while
expanding their facility to serve different
l Huwel Lifesciences facility developed 200
lakh RT-PCR diagnostic kits, 20 lakhs vial
material transfer medium, 24 lakhs
l The cell line repositories at National
nucleic extraction kits and have initiated
Centre for Cell Science (NCCS) and CSIR-
the commercial production of fluorescent
IMTECH are under development.
probes for molecular diagnostics assays.
Activities are in progress for facility
establishment and establishing MTAs
l The Good Clinical Lab Practices (GCLP)
with the international repositories for
facility focusing on Pneumococcal
acquiring the cell line strains. These will
(bacterial) assays in Bangalore Karnataka
be developed as national centres for cell
and another in Pune are targeting
banking and cell line characterization
serological assays for major viral diseases
affecting the Indian subcontinent
(Dengue and Chikungunya). IRSHA facility
Translational Research Consortium
at Pune has completed validation and
NABL Accreditation of Chikungunya
Under the aegis of National Biopharma Mission,
assay: IgG ELISA, IgG isotyping and re-
Translational Research Consortia (TRC) is a
accreditation of the Chikungunya PRNT50
Partnership Platform to ensure the translational
assay. The facility of IRSHA, inaugurated in
ecosystem to improve, standardize and provide
2020 is providing services to industry and
support for advancing development and
academia. The facility also established
evaluation of vaccines and monoclonal
the immunogenicity evaluation assays for
antibodies against the most prevalent viral
COVID-19 vaccines.
diseases in the country.
l The Centre for Advanced Protein Studies
l “Translational Research Consortium for
at Syngene has served 10 National clients
Establishing Platform Technologies to
including 5 under start-ups or academia
Support Prophylactic and Therapeutic
for analytical services for Biologics. The
Strategies for Dengue Discovery to Proof-
facility is ready with GLP analytical setup.
of-Concept ” is carried out by a
Entrepreneurship Development Centre,
consortium of eight (08) leading institutes
Syngene and CSIR-IICT are providing
of the country. Major accomplishments
services to the industry and academia.
l The cGMP manufacturing facility at Shilpa



- Identification of potent mAbs against all clinical symptoms, joint pain had a
4 serotypes of Dengue and standardized significant co- relation with CHIKV IgM
high throughput assays to monitor positivity.
neutralizing antibody responses. - ILS is in the process of developing
chikungunya acute and chronic model using
- Serum bank establishment with reference strains (S 27/DRDE-06) in adult
hyperimmune sera of 100 Dengue exposed (4-6 weeks) C57BL/6 mice.
patients at the lead institute ICGEB.
l Hepatitis E-Translational Research
- Establishment of Biorepository with
about 50 well characterized strains at Consortium (TRC-HEV): The Mission is
THSTI, the collaborating institute. supporting two (02) TRCs for HEV. Cadila
Healthcare Ltd. has developed a
- The team at THSTI has AG129 mouse recombinant subunit vaccine expressed
model of Dengue. The model will be in prokaryotic system, against HEV
available as a fee for service for researchers. infection in humans targeting the
immunodominant epitope in HEV ORF2
- A provisional patent is filed on Design of protein. The vaccine candidate has been
dengue 4 constructs (DENV4 TVP/360 prM- found to be safe in preclinical toxicology
E4v.2 and DENV4 TVP/360 prM-E4v.3) that studies. The Mission is supporting
leads to generation of soluble, cleaved, collaboration between industry (Cadila)
well-ordered, dimeric, native-like envelope and academic partners, led by JIPMER.
(E) protein from mammalian expression The team will undertake Phase II/ III
system”. The envelope proteins will be used clinical trials of candidate vaccine in India
as antigen baits to identify potentmAbs. and evaluate T-cell response to the
vaccine, identify the immunological
determinants of antibody responses and
l “Translational Research Consortia TRC to determine neutralization potential of
for Chikungunya Virus” is carried out by the antibodies using an in vitro model.
consortium of six (06) leading institutes THSTI-HEV Translational Research
of the country. The main achievements Consortium (THSTI-HEV-TRC) is led by
are as follows: Translational Health Science and
Technology (THSTI), New Delhi. Consortia
- MAHE had implemented the serum Bio- partners include VaxFarm Life Sciences, a
Banking for CHIKV and so-far approximately Start-up company, All India Institute of
3000 aliquots have been banked (including Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi,
300 virus positive aliquots). MAHE had Post Graduate Institute of Medical
performed whole genome sequencing Education & Research (PGIMER),
(WGS) of 24 CHIKV clinical isolates selected Chandigarh, Regional Centre for
by ICGEB based on mutational and Biotechnology (RCB), Faridabad. The
epidemiological analysis. objective of the consortia

- ICGEB had completed quantitative

antibody testing- both IgM and IgG for 170
samples received from MAHE. Out of all the



l M a l a r i a Tra n s l a t i o n a l Re s e a r c h demographic, development and

Consortium (TRC-Malaria): The Malaria environmental surveillance sites and
Translational Research Consortium is associated studies. These network sites are
between Regional Medical Research being sought to bring harmonization in the
Center, Bhubaneswar, National Institute p ro c e s s e s a n d u n i fo r m i t y i n t h e
of Immunology, New Delhi, ICMR- methodology and steps to be followed in
National Institute of Malaria Research, carrying out the study which would ensure
N e w D e l h i a n d M u l t i Va c c i n e s quality of data collected from all the sites
Development Program, New Delhi. A and preparedness of all these sites for
novel combination of antigens will be future clinical trials.
evaluated as potential vaccine
candidates. The antigens will target l Technology Transfer Offices (TTO)- The
different stages of the malarial parasite Mission is supporting establishment of
Plasmodium falciparum such as the seven (07) TTOs which are geographically
sexual stage and pre-erythrocytic stage to spread across the country, the goal is to
try to generate effective antimalarial establish/expand/thrive chosen entities
efficacy. The evaluation will be done in designated as Regional Technology Transfer
small animal models, transgenic parasites Offices (RTTOs). They will function as
and validated using complex assays which strategic drivers of innovation within the
include SMFA. Epidemiological findings host institution and vitally engage with
from high endemicity areas will provide number of affiliate and non-affiliate
additional information in support of the institutions within a geographical region to
antigenic candidates under bring in transformative approach to
consideration. recognition of the value of academic
research results and their translation to
l Clinical Trial Network - Field sites for markets. These are located at:
Vaccines- Efforts are directed towards 1.Innovation Technology Transfer
strengthening already existing Health and Office (iTTO), IIT Delhi
Demographic Surveillance Systems 2., Pune
(HDSS) and establishing new HDSS sites at
different locations in the country. In view, 3. Office of Technology Transfer (OTT),
of the COVID-19 pandemic, these efforts Bangalore
are steered to address the current crisis,
at hand. 4. I K P - P l a t fo r m fo r Re g i o n a l I P
Management Ecosystem (IKP-PRIME),
l Electronic Data Management Hyderabad
(SOMAARTH Platform)- Within the
network, paperless e-data management 5. KIIT-TBI Technology Transfer Office
has been ensured through different (KIIT-TBI TTO), Bhubaneshwar
platforms developed for the studies at
DRIVEN sites. The INCLEN Trust 6. Technology Transfer Office @ BCIL
International, New Delhi has developed (TTO@BCIL), New Delhi.
an electronic data management platform 7. Technology Transfer & Intellectual
namely SOMAARTH-1 and SOMAARTH-3 Property Services @SCTIMST-TIMed
for collecting data, reporting, analysis and (TIPS@SCTIMST-TIMed), Trivandrum
archival of community-based



l Skill Development- Conducting trainings the global initiatives of CEPI (Coalition of

and workshops-across various relevant Epidemic Preparedness Innovations). The Ind-
thematic areas are an integral part of the CEPI Mission is currently supporting 2 vaccine
National Biopharma Mission's (NBM's) projects:
mandate. Several trainings on 'Good
Clinical Practice' (GCP), 'Good Clinical Lab a. SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine- Support is being
Practice' (GCLP) and 'Bioethics' were held provided to Gennova Biopharmaceuticals
in collaboration with CDSA, Faridabad. Limited for the development of “Next-generation
Workshops in the areas of clinical m R N A v a c c i n e a ga i n s t C O V I D - 1 9 fo r
research, regulatory compliances, manufacturing of vaccine candidate, and safety
technology transfer, biopharmaceuticals and immunogenicity in Phase I/II clinical trial.
and medical devices have been majorly Currently the proof-of-concept has been
supported. established and pre-clinical studies in nonhuman
primates for optimum dose identification has
been conducted.
Total Trainings: 42
Total Trained: 6968
Female Participation: 3641 b. Chikungunya vaccine- Support is being
provided to Bharat Biotech International Ltd
(BBIL) for the development of inactivated virus
Ind-CEPI MISSION based Global Chikungunya Vaccine for GMP

The Ind-CEPI Mission is an India centric

collaborative mission of Department of
Biotechnology (DBT), Govt. of India, aligned to



manufacturing of the vaccine in India and anomalies, diseases of neonatal period and early
subsequent manufacture of clinical trial childhood. Several collaborative efforts have
materials. Under the aegis of IndCEPI Mission, been initiated for hypothesis driven original
the India PACT (Partnerships for Accelerating research for answering questions relevant to our
Clinical Trials) programme, a science diplomacy health need in the area.
initiative, has been launched by the Department
of Biotechnology, to promote capacity building,
skill development, and regional coordination in Inter-Institutional Program for Maternal,
the field of vaccine development. In this direction Neonatal and Infant Sciences: A translational
an e-course series “Strengthening Clinical Trial approach to studying preterm birth (PTB)
Research Capacity in Neighbouring Countries”
has been launched in collaboration with CDSA, GarbhINI: Inter discisplinary Group for Advanced
Faridabad. The series was very well received by Research on BirtH outcomes -DBT India Initiative-
the neighbouring countries and proved to be an Under the phase I of this programme, more than
important diplomacy initiative for regional 27000 women have been screened and a unique
networking and coordination. pregnancy cohort comprising more than 8000
women has been established using an
i nte rd i s c i p l i n a r y a p p ro a c h co m p r i s i n g
Translational Health Science And Technology
Institute (THSTI), an autonomous institute of the
Department of Biotechnology, has been
supported under the Ind-CEPI mission for
establishment of BSL-3 facility, a translational
laboratory for platform technologies and a
Bioassay laboratory for development of assays to
measure clinical immunogenicity. The mandate
of the bioassay laboratory at THSTI is to provide
validated assays for vaccine development on par
with global standards. This DBT-THSTI Bioassay
laboratory had been recognized by CEPI as one of
the Global network of Laboratories for
centralized assessment of COVID 19 Vaccines .

Fig. Garbhini Cohort and Biobank

Women and Child Health
methodologies of clinical, epidemiological,
Women and Child Health programme was earlier statistical, genetic, proteomic and imaging
known as the Maternal and Child Health sciences to study Pre Term Birth. The GARBH-Ini
Programme. It has been rechristened as the platform comprises of a biorepository of well
overall mandate of the program has expanded to characterized clinical phenotypes with around 1
include initiatives for addressing various million bio-specimens and ~600,000 ultrasound
problems encompassing women's health . images.
Programmes have been supported on aspects of
pregnancy complications, mechanistic paradigm
governing the outcomes of pregnancy, congenital



l In the cohort, the frequency of preterm attributed to exposure to indoor air

birth has been found to be 13%, with high pollution
rates of other adverse (stillbirth rate 2.3%,
low birth rate 27%, small for gestational l India – specific models of gestational age
age 38%) birth outcomes. estimation: Performance of Garbhini-
GA1 formula (developed from the
l In addition to the well-known risk factors Garbhini anthropometry data), a
like prior PTB, short IP interval and short nonlinear function of crown- rump length
cervix at 3rd trimester, some less (CRL), was equivalent to standard
reported factors such as biomass fuel use formulae used globally, for estimation of
and passive smoking as risk factors of first trimester GA (LoA, -0.46, 0.96
Preterm birth have been identified. weeks). The second & third trimester
models were 40% more accurate than
l An interim analysis of Garbh-Ini data Hadlock & INTERGROWTH-21st models.
showed nearly 9.5% of all PTB could be

Population-specific ultrasound- CALOPUS: Computer-Assisted LOw-cost Point-of-care UltraSound

based models for dating pregnancy
Gold standard: First trimester dating by USG Six Step Risk Assessment Traffic Light
Acquisition Algorithm Decision System
• 2nd & 3rd trimester model – 40% lesser error
than Hadlock Presentation Normal
(no referral)
• USG raw-image based dating- 30% Viability
reduced error than Hadlock Inconclusive
Abnormal (immediate
Placenta referral)
• 2205 videos form 1065 participants
• 97 videos are annotated by expert radiologists
Amniotic fluid

Automation of measurement of fetal anthropometry in antenatal Ultrasonography

Schematic Diagram Deliverables
Biometry RMSE R2Score
Head Initial models • Software with automated
Circumference 0.73 0.98 can estimate measurements
biometry with
Abdominal • Reduces time of scan
a precision of
Circumference 0.8 0.98
± 1 cm
by 50 %
FemurLength 0.21 0.98
Completed & validated • Enables accurate
in Phase 2 measurements
Cervical Length 0.23 0.89

Fig. Tools Emerging from Garbhini Phase II



Phase II of the GARBH-Ini program has been enrolment into prospective observational and
developed and supported to continue the efforts interventional studies, and a well phenotyped
for acquiring deep fundamental knowledge biorepository that is a valuable resource for
about PTB and find efficient and sustainable studies into disease pathogenesis. Biospecimens,
solutions for reducing associated mortality, collected at enrolment and during follow up in a
immediate and long term morbidity. A dynamic subset of patients enrolled into longitudinal
risk prediction model for PTB is proposed to be disease cohorts at 5 of 10 participating centers,
built using multi-dimensional data from clinical, have been stored at one of two biorepositories,
epidemiological, ultrasound sonography imaging namely Translational Health Science and
and multiple omics technologies. This will enable Technology Institute, Faridabad, and St. John's
early & effective risk stratification of mothers Research Institute, Bengaluru. In collaboration
who may deliver preterm and facilitate timely with IIT Roorkee, an App (Utsarjan) that allows
referral to higher level care. remote monitoring of patient clinical status and
enhances parental involvement in the
Pediatric Renal Biology- Nephrotic Syndrome: management of nephrotic syndrome was created
The chief achievements of this network proposal and launched on Google PlayStore in October
have been the creation of a platform for 2020.
collaborative studies on nephrotic syndrome for
investigators across our country, establishing
longitudinal cohorts of patients who are offered



DBT Programme Support for Fetal Programming cord blood multi-OMICs studies have shown that
Research DNA methylation and transcriptomic differences
were more prominent in Vit.B12+MMN group.
This is a longitudinal study based on the Pune Cord blood mononucleocytes of Vit.B12+ MMN
Maternal Nutrition Study (PMNS) and Pune Rural group showed 20 differentially expressedgenes,
Intervention in Young Adolescents (PRIYA), to test which influence cell cycle and mitotic processes.
the hypothesis that intervention with vitamin The proteome of the cord blood in the
B12, multi micronutrients (MMN) and protein in intervention groups have shown many
adolescent girls from before conception will differentially expressed proteins, which are being
favorably influence fetal programming of characterized. An enviable biorepository
'diabesity' in the offspring. The results support spanning three generations in the PMNS study
the primary hypothesis that pre-conceptional has been established, which is ready for multiple
B12 supplementation improves maternal and possible investigations in future (DNA, RNA,
cord B12 status. The vitamin B12 intervention blood plasma and serum, urine and multi-site
group has been found to perform better in the microbiome).
cognitive and language domains than the
placebo control. Intriguingly, the vitamin B12
intervention group also performed better than
the group that received both Vit B12 and
multiple-micronutrient supplementation.

Fig. Pune Maternal Nutrition Study (PMNS) & Pune Rural Intervention in
Young Adolescents (PRIYA)

The PRIYA trial has successfully concluded. Neonatal Sepsis – a detailed study: - Amongst
Supplementation starting in adolescence the problems of infancy and childhood, neonatal
achieved a better Vit.B12 and multi- sepsis is a leading cause of mortality and
micronutrient status in the offspring. Even morbidity among infants. The Indian scenario of
though there was no difference in birth size in the neonatal sepsis is particularly alarming with the
intervention groups, intergenerational increase highest reported incidence in the world. Since
in birth weight was higher in the groups which emerging evidence indicates differences in the
received vitamins. The neurocognitive trends and characteristics of sepsis in low and
performance (cognitive and language) was better middle income countries like India compared
in Vit. B12 only group. Preliminary analysis of



to the developed countries, a context specific Placental angiogenic markers have also been
comprehensive understanding of the biology of examined for their roles in pathogenesis and
neonatal sepsis may help guide clinical practice potential utility in diagnosis of pregnancy related
and prevention strategies. The department has complications. One study assessed whether
therefore initiated a multi-disciplinary, multi- leptin transcript abundance and methylation
institutional network program on neonatal levels are associated with fetoplacental growth in
sepsis with an overarching goal of reducing a set of well-characterized small (SGA) and
the burden of neonatal sepsis, sepsis-related appropriate (AGA) for gestational age full-term
mortality and antimicrobial resistance in singleton births and it showed that placental
neonates. upregulation of leptin may be a plausible
regulator of angiogenesis.

Placental Biology- Placental insufficiency has Reproductive Biology- In the area of

been associated with several pregnancy related reproductive biology, projects to advance
complications including preterm birth. However, understanding in the area of polycystic ovary
direct invasive tissue-sampling from the placenta syndrome (PCOS), endometrial dysfunction,
during pregnancy is not feasible due to recurrent implantation failure and male infertility
inaccessibility and safety concerns. The analysis were supported. A study on the incidence of male
of placenta specific exosomes in maternal blood infertility which is rising sharply with about 15%
during pregnancy may represent a non-invasive of couples facing infertility showed that
test for placental function/dysfunction in alterations in HOXB1 expression correlate with
pregnancy related disorder. Till date, 518 (target male infertility, which may result from HOXB1
n=1550) blood samples from pregnant women mediated changes in the signaling pathways
across gestation have been collected and after important for spermatogenesis, particularly cell
follow-up 18 Early Onset Preeclampsia (EOPE) proliferation, differentiation and meiosis.
cases in different group have been identified. The
study proposes to carry out comparative analysis In an undergoing study on assisted reproductive
of the DNA methylome, miRNA transcriptome technology (ART), it was noted that higher
and proteome of placental exosomes derived maternal age and blood pressure is observed in
from serum of women with EOPE throughout women of the ART group. Preliminary data shows
gestation. Another study aims to use state-of-the a lower trend of placental mRNA expression
art tools involving multi-omics approach for levels of angiogenic factors-vascular endothelial
development of methods to better understand growth factor (VEGF) and placental growth factor
molecular signatures of this feto-maternal (PlGF) in the ART group as compared to the non-
dynamics. The ultimate goal of probing this ART group. A study on polycystic ovary syndrome
understudied organ is to unravel its role in (PCOS), which is a disturbance of ovarian
parturition and use of associated molecular follicular development showed that the
signatures to understand the optimal placental ovulation potential /rate can be improved with
functioning for healthy pregnancy. The study till the treatment of 4 Hydroxyisoleucine (4-HIL)
date reported that levels of Human Leukocyte from the fenugreek seeds in the PCOS condition,
Antigen–G (sHLA-G) protein assayed across indicating a great potential of this natural
pregnancy in maternal circulation at different product in the management of PCOS.
trimesters reveal a higher level during early
pregnancy in mothers delivering SGA neonates.



Healthy Life Trajectories initiative (HeLTi): Early micronutrients; a group parenting program;
Interventions to Support Trajectories for hygiene and infection prevention measures;
healthy life in India (EINSTEIN) -The Healthy Life reduction of environmental pollution exposure.
Trajectories Initiative (HeLTI) was launched as a
joint initiative between Canada, India, China and Extensive formative work and harmonization
South Africa in collaboration with the World across country sites has been completed and
Health Organization to address the increasing target villages (N=105) were mapped and
burden of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) – enumerated (over 37,000 households with a
including obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular population of approximately 1,40,000); Nearly
disease. It aims to test the hypothesis that 3600 eligible women and about 2800 women
integrated interventions administered pre- who would be potentially eligible over the next

conceptionally and at appropriate points across 12 months were identified. Due to current
the life-course (pregnancy, infancy and pandemic, data is being collected using remote
childhood) will reduce childhood adiposity, methods (telephone and portable tablets;
improve cardiovascular and metabolic health, anthropometry and biospecimen collection will
and improve child neurodevelopmental be undertaken soon after the local community is
outcomes. In the HeLTI EINSTEIN (Early comfortable with contact). Approximately 680
Interventions to Support Trajectories for Healthy participants have been recruited so far and
Life in India) study set in rural Mysore, women of baseline data has been collected on about 407.
reproductive age will receive a longitudinal multi-
faceted intervention comprising of multiple



1. No. of Research Publications during
2021-22: 11

2. No. of Human Resources Trained during

the year 2021-22: 338

3. Technology developed- A rapid multiplex

PCR assay for detection of a panel of
bacterial pathogens of early-onset sepsis
was successfully developed with
detection threshold established at 10-2 to
10 CFU with 25 to 100 ng of DNA.
Additionally, the genes reported for
detection of resistance to antibiotics
commonly used were also evaluated and
significant association was observed
between the presence of the gene and
phenotype of resistance.



KNOWLEDGE GENERATION, Centre for Cell Science (NCCS), Pune, Indian

Institute of Science Education and Research
DISCOVERY RESEARCH, NEW (IISER), Pune and University of Hyderabad, on
TOOLS AND TECHNOLOGIES structural perspective of molecular interactions
in pathogenicity to elucidate the role of
regulatory proteins of HIV-1 and heat shock
Basic Research in Modern Biology
proteins of M. tuberculosis (Mtb). In this study, it
The focus of the programme has been is found that CD40 protein can interact with Mtb
u n d erstan d in g f u n d amental b io lo gical HSP70 full length, HSP70 peptide binding
processes/ mechanism leading to application of domain, human HSPA8 full length and HSPA8
fundamental concepts and encouraging the nucleotide-binding domain protein (Figure 1).
discovery enabled and use inspired research. Further, it is also informed that HSPA8, a member
During the period, Department has supported of the HSP70 family, has been identified as an
more than 120 projects to increase the important cellular factor for HIV-1 production.
understanding of basic principles and to provide These are important leads for elucidating the
scientific information and theories that lays down detailed mechanism by which isoforms of heat
shock proteins regulate HIV-1 replication and
No. of research publication 232 infectivity for a potential therapeutic approach.
during 2021-22

No. of patent applied 10

No.of human resource 240


the foundation for the applied science which

have resulted in several good publications in high
impact journals. Six Centre of excellence (CoE)
have also been supported. DBT-IISc Partnership Figure-1. Minimal interacting domain analysis
Program Phase-II is also being implemented at for mtHSP70 and hsHSPA8 proteins with CD40
IISc, Bengaluru with an aim to support cross receptor extracellular domain. A. Schematic
disciplinary research bringing about collaborative ofthe domain architecture for mtHSP70 and
activities between the faculty of the Division of
hsHSPA8 proteins specifying expressed protein
Biological Sciences and the faculty from various
other science and engineering divisions. Through with GST tag is shown. B. SDS PAGE analysis of
these high quality research projects more than domain or full-length protein purified in complex
230 research articles have been published, 10 with His-tagged extracellular CD40 receptor. C.
international and national patents have been SPR analysis for binding of domains and full-
filed and 4 technologies have been developed. length mtHSP70 and hsHSPA8 proteins with
extracellular CD40 receptor. The table shows
Some of the key achievements of the binding parameters for different analytes of CD40
Programme are highlighted below:
A network project is being carried out at National



An epigenetic study is being carried out at IISER, into the regulation of gene expression in hES cells
Pune and Tata Institute of Fundamental especially during differentiation. Their data
Research (TIFR), Mumbai focussing on the role of provide further insights into the differential
SATB1 and SATB2 (chromatin organizer proteins) targets of SATB1 and SATB2 and also throw light
in human embr yonic stem (hES) cell on the differential roles of these global regulators
differentiation and Wnt signalling. The study towards maintenance of pluripotency and
reveals that SATB1 is upregulated whereas SATB2 induction of differentiation (Figure 2).
is downregulated during differentiation of hES
cells. These set of findings provide novel insights

Figure-2: Genome-wide occupancy analysis of SATB1 and SATB2 from H9 hES cells
differentiated using RA treatment. (A). SATB1-bound sites were significant decreased upon
day 3 of RA induced differentiation (B). Venn diagram showing specific and common
genomic targets bound by SATB1 (C) or SATB2 (D) at all the 3 stages.



A study conducted at Centre for DNA far, these constructs have been tested in cultured
Fingerprinting and Diagnostics (CDFD), cells and will be further used to study the
Hyderabad and CSIR-Centre for Cellular and activation of Wntsignalling in vivo. The
Molecular Biology (CCMB), Hyderabad has development of these tools to analyse the
reported several novel and anonymous open- dynamics of Wnt signalling activity will also be
reading frames (ORF) during the basic research essential to study the effect of various upstream
on the classic model bacterium E. coli. These activities on the signalling effect in the nucleus.
ORFs include ybjE encoding a lysine exporter This tool will help analyse the ligand dependent
designated as LysO, yciM that participates in processes and the ligand-independent
regulation of lipopolysaccharide biosynthesis, mechanisms activating the pathway in real-time.
yfiH (re-designated as pgeF) encoding a protein
that protects against mis-incorporation of serine At University of Madras, studies were carried out
or glycine in place of alanine in peptidoglycan, on the Rhusiopathiae surface protein B (RspB) is
the roles of two genes yciB (a fourth anonymous an important adhesin for Erysipelothrix
ORF) and dcrB in envelope integrity, a fifth rhusiopathiae infection. The crystal structure
anonymous ORF ycbK (re-designated as mepK) as analysis of RspB and its homologue Cna of S.
a novel cross-link specific endopeptidase and a aureus revealed that the adhesin structure was
sixth anonymous ORF yafK that encodes the found only in the closed conformation.
protein LdtF that cleaves lipoprotein (Lpp) from Therefore, to get insights about the open
the peptidoglycan sacculus. conformation of RspB/Cna, which will be helpful
in designing the inhibitors to inhibit the collagen
A study carried out at IISER, Bhopal, researchers binding, the molecular dynamics simulation of
have developed a bimolecular fluorescence Cna was carried out in different open
complementation assay to study the dynamics of conformational states in the presence of collagen
Wnt pathway activation in a live cell. Using a split- peptide. The simulations show that when the two
GFP complementation system, they have domains of Cna are far apart (38 Å), the domain
generated fusion protein constructs to closure was not found. However, when the
quantitatively analyze the nuclear import of a domains are at a distance of 18 Å, the closed
transcription cofactor, β-catenin, which is an conformation of Cna was observed as seen in the
essential step in the Wnt pathway activation. So crystal structure presented in Figure 3



Figure 3: MD simuations of S. aureus Cna. Three and returns to uninjured muscle levels by 14 dpi.
models of Cna was made (Model I, II and III) with Investigating the effect of injury on muscle size, it
different degrees of domain opening. The models is found that it decreases significantly at 3, 5 and 7
were subjected to 100 ns simuations. Model I dpi but returns to normal size by 14 dpi. Overall,
which has a wide opening did not exhibit domain these results characterize the dynamics of MyHC
closing whereas models II and III show domain expression and muscle size during injury and
closure. The results suggest that the domains can regeneration This mouse model study is a
close only when the separation between them valuable resource for understanding muscle
should fall below a critical cutoff distance (for eg. regeneration and function and to study Freeman-
18 Å) as in model III. The three chains of collagen Sheldon syndrome, a congenital musculoskeletal
are shown in pink, cyan and yellow. disease caused by mutations in MYH3. The effect
of MyHC-embryonic on muscle regeneration and
A study conducted at University of Delhi targeted stem cell function will provide novel therapeutic
the development of cost-effective, novel and intervention possibilities to combat muscle injury
robust SUMO proteases (Ulp1 and Ulp2) from and disease.
fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. The
use of SUMO (small ubiquitin-related modifier) In another study jointly carried out at RCB,
fusion technology has emerged as a major Faridabad, All India Institute of Medical Sciences
expression platform for targeting the soluble (AIIMS), New Delhi and National Institute of
expression of difficult to express proteins. Pharmaceutical Education and Research
However, the high cost of Ulp protease used for ( N I P E R ) , G u wa h at i , re s e a rc h e rs h ave
the removal of SUMO tag limits the exploitation standardized the type-2 diabetes (T2D) db/db
of this system. The researchers have successfully (Leptin receptor deficient) mice model. These
developed a cost-effective alternative of mice display an elevated thrombo-inflammatory
commercial ScUlp1. The SpUlp1SD was found to phenotype than wild type C57BL6 mice. A high
be highly efficacious in removing the SUMO tag. blood glucose level along with platelet- leukocyte
The efficient production of novel SPUlp1SD is aggregates and elevated platelet microparticles
expected to overcome the high market price of (prothrombotic markers), and an elevated
ScUlp1 which in turn will reduce the overall percentage of inflammatory cells including
production cost of soluble proteins using SUMO monocytes and neutrophil, existed in the
fusion technology. Thus, the ease in producing peripheral blood of db/db mice. Also they
soluble protein will definitely lead to a better describe that the db/db mice with
understanding of different molecules that are hyperglycaemia are susceptible to LPS-induced
difficult to express for clinical studies. lung inflammation and thrombosis, measured by
thrombus size and cellularity score
A study carried out at Regional Centre for (accumulation of inflammatory cells) in the lungs.
Biotechnology (RCB), Faridabad focused to They have further shown that the dietary
characterize the function of the myosin heavy supplementation of a-ketogluterate (aKG) could
chain-embryonic (MyHC-emb) protein in adult alleviate the inflammation and thrombosis in
skeletal muscle regeneration, using gene mice. They also showed that the dietary aKG
targeted mouse models. The researchers found supplementation could rescue the inflammatory
that MyHC-emb is not expressed in uninjured and thrombotic phenotype in db/db mice,
adult muscle, but its expression starts at 3 days' suggesting a rescue effect of the metabolite on
post injury (dpi), peaking at 5-7 dpi and back to the thrombo-inflammatory pathophysiology in
uninjured muscle levels by 14 dpi. MyHC-IIb T2D.
expression declines at 3 dpi, increases at 5-7 dpi



At IIT, Delhi a study was carried out focussing on

structure-function elucidations on a membrane
protein from Chikungunya Virus (CHIKV). Using a coated samples that suggest differences in the
combination of electrophysiology, confocal and integrin types and densities that may be involved
electron microscopy, and molecular dynamics with different ligand coatings. The critical shear
simulations they have shown that CHIKV 6K is an stress for deadhesion increased linearly with
ion channel forming protein that primarily ligand concentrations. This increase was similar
associates with endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to a real change with ligand concentration.
membranes. The ion channel activity of 6K can be Cellular tractions, measured using Reg- FTTC
inhibited by amantadine, an antiviral developed (Fourier Transform Traction Cytometry),
against the M2 protein of Influenza A virus; and increased with exposure to dynamic shear.
CHIKV infection of cultured cells can be Autologous hair follicle grafting is a recent
effectively inhibited in presence of this drug. They therapy to stimulate closure of such non-healing
have shown that the ion-channel properties of 6K wounds. A collaboration between the
are somewhat distinct from its analogues in other academicians and clinicians demonstrated that
alphaviruses and have established scribble as an grafting hair follicles into chronic wounds from
interaction partner for the transframe variant of the patient's own scalp promotes complete
6K, and as a host factor that is required for CHIKV repair of the injured skin. (JID Innovations, Skin
propagation. This study so far provides crucial Science from Molecules to Population Health;
mechanistic insights into the functionality of 6K 2021. DOI
during CHIKV-host interaction and suggests that :
6K is a potential therapeutic drug target, with
amantadine and its derivatives being strong
A body-wide sensory organization of unique
candidates for further development. Amantadine
photoreceptor cells that allows movement of
has also been shown to be an inhibitor of a similar
even headed-removed flatworm was discovered.
ion channel protein in SARS-CoV-2 and a
This work illustrated how eye-independent
promising drug candidate with the ability to
systems can deeply influence animal physiology
inhibit virus propagation in animals and humans.
and behavior (Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.
It is possible that amantadine and its derivatives
118(20):e2021426118. doi:
may be generic inhibitors for enveloped viruses
that utilize analogous ion-channels for assembly
and release.
Timely and tunable stoppage of RNA synthesis is
A study conducted at Indian Institute of Science vital for cellular homeostasis. Extensive and
(IISc) Bengaluru, scientists have fabricated a dynamic network of termination factor r
custom microscope mountable fluid shear device interactions with RNA polymerase, nucleic acids
to measure the de-adhesion strength of cells on and accessory NuS factors were found. Further
substrates. Results have shown the importance factor ρ was found to mediate step-wise
of ligand type and density on the measured de- rearrangements of these contacts and
adhesion strength of fibroblasts. Cell areas t ra n s fo r m s R N A p o l y m e ra s e c o m p l ex
increased linearly with substrate ligand inactivation into a moribund pre-termination
concentration. Cellular de-adhesion from intermediate state (Science: Jan 1; 371 (6524):
substrates show a sigmoidal profile and shift to eabd 1673).
the right with increasing ligand concentrations.
Collagen coated samples show a higher de-
adhesion strength as compared to fibronectin



The mechanistic basis of margin dissection and biology tools. The program will continue to
leaflet initiation in angiosperms has been develop newer technologies relating to the SARS-
inferred primarily by analysing compound-leaf CoV-2 pandemic. Yet another program is
architecture, and thus whether the intact lamina investigating how to develop modern antivenoms
of simple leaves has the potential to initiate to combat the common snake bites. Under the
leaflets upon endogenous gene inactivation programme during the current year, 60 Ph.D were
remains unclear. A conserved developmental awarded, 156 research articles were published, 9
mechanism that promotes simple leaf patents were filed and 4 technologies were
architecture in which CINTCP–KNOX-II forms a developed.
strong differentiation module that suppresses
the KNO7TEDI like proliferating cell factors Theoretical and Computational Biology
network and leaflet initiation. (Nature (Bioinformatics, AI and Big Data)
Communications, (2021) 12:1872).
Realizing the immense importance of this
discipline, DBT is supporting the programme
DBT-IISc. Partnership Programme: Theoretical and Computational Biology
(Bioinformatics, AI and Big Data) to bridge the
A DBT-IISc. Partnership Phase-II programme is inter- disciplinary gaps in Biotechnology
being implemented at IISc, Bengaluru to support information and establish linkages between
the collaborative activities between the faculty of scientists in organisations involved in R&D and
the Division of Biological Sciences and the faculty manufacturing activities in the country. The focus
from various other science and engineering of the programme is to build up information
divisions. Under programme the core and other
essential support facilities such as confocal
Database/ Process/ Product/ 6
microscopes, biacore facility, mass spectrometry
facility, central animal facility, biosafety level-3, Technology Transferred to
SPR Facility, X-ray Crystallography Facility and User Agency/ Industry/
Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorter have raised Stakeholders
the level of biology research at IISc, Bengaluru.
The rapidly changing experimental tools form No. of research publication 30
essential components of the contemporary during 2021-22
biology research and these facilities at IISc, cater
to the needs of researchers from all over the No. of patent/copyright applied 1
country. These collaborative efforts have resulted
in the development of newer drug options for the No. of human resource trained 80
treatment of tuberculosis which continues to be a
major societal problem in the country. The
collaborative efforts have also been useful in resources, prepare databases on Biotechnology
developing newer devices to monitor life and to develop relevant information handling
parameters of various animal models useful in tools and techniques and to continuously assess
carrying out discoveries relating to one health.
Besides, the program was able to support various information requirements, organise creation of
activities to set-up the Covid-19 testing necessary infrastructure and to provide
laboratory. The efforts of the colleagues in the information and computational support services
program have also been useful in predictions for to the national community of users working in
drug repurposing using various computational Biotechnology and allied areas through one of



the key programme BTISNet which has been combining principles of chemistry and biology
supported for more than three decades. A with information technology for genome
supercomputing facility in IIT Delhi and National analysis, protein structure prediction, target
Data Repository Facility at RCB, Faridabad has directed lead molecule design and also validation
also been supported. Under the programme the of the computational approach, experimental/
projects on structural and functional wet-lab testing on the predictions emerging from
bioinformatics, NGS, integrative modelling of the computational tools and methods.
large macromolecular complexes using
computational biology with cryoEM, integrative The centres envisage for development and
omics and systems biology are being supported application of computational biology tools to
apart from application of AI in Healthcare. address the research problems in parasite
biology, medical research, synthetic biology and
Some of the Major Programmes Supported development of artificial intelligence based tools
under the Programme are as follows: for healthcare, multi-targeting molecule for
treating various multi-factorial diseases like
DBT-Biotechnology Information System diabetic complications, cancer, tuberculosis,
Network (BTISNet): Alzheimer etc., develop new bioinformatics
approaches for improved genome analysis,
The DBT-BTISNet programme which was transcriptome data analysis, deep learning
supported by DBT for more than three decades algorithms to predict features from genomic
has emerged as a very sophisticated scientific data, develop high quality, manually curated,
infrastructure for Bioinformatics involving state- disease-specific online databases and
of-the-art computational and communication customizable algorithms for data mining, drug
facilities. Considering the immense importance design and development and also to develop high
of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology at quality and efficient tools/ methods to increase
the intersection of various disciplines of Bio- the accuracy of analysis. Development of cloud
Sciences, Department has revamped the BTISNet based computational facility for bioinformatics,
programme to accelerate R&D in biotechnology big data analytics tools for NGS data, building a
sector through supporting projects in the broad robust pipeline for in silico screening to unearth
sub-areas i.e. Structural Bioinformatics, Drug lead molecules using state-of-art tools and
discovery and drug development, infrastructure are also being done. Development
Chemiinformatics, Database, Tools, Machine of a tool on AMR Information System to map the
Learning, Genome Informatics, Metagenomics, prevalence of AMR in community and in the
Systems Bio/Microbial, Agriculture, Plants, hospital settings and development of mobile App
Animal, Aquaculture and Marine, Human for AMR Information System are being carried out
diseases, Disease informatics, Biodiversity, along with creation of viral bio informatics centre
Proteomics and Metabolomics (Figure-1). for cutting edge research on viruses and
Currently, 48 projects are being funded under development of deep learning/ machine learning
BTISNet programme. The supported BTISNet based software for annotation of stress-tolerant
Centres are conducted advanced research in genes and analysis of genome and transcriptome
structural bioinformatics for development of of major field crops in the supported revamped
multi-scale modelling tools, novel scientific BTISNet Centres. All the centre are coordinated
methods and highly efficient algorithms, by DBT Apex Centre established at ICGEB, New



Figure-1: Revamped DBT-Biotechnology Information System Network (BTISNet)

Biotech-PRIDE Guidelines:
Department has formulated 'Biotech-PRIDE submission of Biological Data to Indian Biological
(Promotion of Research and Innovation through Data Centre (IBDC)'- the National Repository on
Data Exchange) Guidelines' of India to facilitate 30 July, 2021 (Figure- 2b).
and enable sharing and exchange of biological
knowledge, information and data generated
through research conducted within the country
and is specifically applicable to high-throughput
and high-volume data (Figure-2A). Sharing of
'sensitive data' as defined in the document is not
allowed under these guidelines. These guidelines
do not deal with generation of biological data per
se. These guidelines create an enabling
mechanism to share and exchange information
and knowledge that is produced/ generated/
submitted by the Data Producer/ Generator/
Submitter following relevant extant laws, rules,
regulations and guidelines of Government of
India (GoI). These guidelines have been
harmonized with relevant extant norms of GoI.
Dr. Jitendra Singh, Hon'ble Minister of State (IC) of
the Ministry of Science & Technology and Earth
Sciences has released the “Biotech-PRIDE
Guidelines” and launched a 'Web-Portal for Figure 2-A: Biotech PRIDE Guidelines



Figure-2-B: Dr. Jitendra Singh, Hon'ble Minister of State (IC) of the Ministry of Science &
Technology and Earth Sciences has released the “Biotech-PRIDE Guidelines” on 30th July, 2021
Indian Biological Data Centre (IBDC)
The Indian Biological Data Centre (IBDC) is being The Bio-Grid will be a National Repository for all
developed as a major digital data centre for biological knowledge, information and data
archiving and curating life science data in India. generated through research within the country
The data center would archive the data coming (Figure 3) and will be responsible for enabling its
from various fields of life science research. The exchange to facilitate the Research and
data sets would be indexed, curated and Innovation, developing measures for safety,
integrated and made available to all the research standards and quality for datasets and
labs in India. The data centre would also establish establishing detailed modalities for accessing
active collaboration with major international data.
data repositories to ensure implementation of
globally accepted data formats and data sharing
principles. IBDC shall also forge active
collaboration with various life science research
organizations across the nation to ensure free
and seamless data access. The centre would also
provide training programs in the field of 'Big Data'
analytics. Other datasets/ data centres will be
bridged to the IBDC which will be called Bio-Grid.



Figure 3: The Proposed National BIO-GRID

Applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for various malarial stages using machine learning
Affordable and Accessible Healthcare - Big Data and genomics, docking and identification of
and Genomics: prospective drug-like compounds, AI-based
approach to predict the drug biotransformation
In accordance with the NITI Aayog's Policies of
by human gut microbiome, Predictive detection
#AIforAll, Department is supporting projects for
of Osteoporosis, fragility fractures and skeletal
application of 'Artificial Intelligence (AI). Artificial
dysplasia in Indian population based on artificial
Intelligence is an important area which is bringing
intelligence implementation. Two major projects
a paradigm shift to the healthcare sector and
being supported under the programme are as
considering the immense importance of AI
applications, department has supported projects
on AI applications for Affordable and Accessible l Under AI programme, a project on 'Imaging
Healthcare programme in the area of Cancer, BioBank for Cancer' is also being supported
Tuberculosis and Pulmonary Diseases, Diabetic & at Tata Memorial Centre Advanced Centre
Cardiovascular Diseases, Ophthalmological for Treatment, Research and Education in
Diseases, Neurological Disorders and Drug Cancer (TMC-ACTREC), Mumbai, AIIMS,
Development. These projects are being Delhi, IIT, Bombay & Rajiv Gandhi Cancer
supported to develop AI based diagnostics for Institute and Research Centre (RGCIRC), a
different types of cancer, AI based vaccine Unit of Indraprastha Cancer Research
d e l i ve r y syste m , p re d i c t i o n o f a c u te Society, Delhi to develop AI tools and
decompensated heart failure using Machine database for advance research in cancer
Learning algorithm, screening and prediction of and also aiming cancer diagnosis/ prognosis
diabetic retinopathy, development of AI based and cancer care. The project is mainly
accurate refractive outcome prediction model for working to develop a database of two types
post cataract surgery, Machine Learning model of cancer i.e. Head Neck Cancer and Lung
for early diagnosis of stroke, to develop AI based Cancer radiology and pathology images
system for Comprehensive Cerebral Arterial linked to their clinical information and to
Stroke Imaging and Prognostication, Tremor drive the AI based algorithm/application
diagnosis and quantification using artificial d eve l o p m e nt u s i n g t h e B i o B a n k
intelligence, Application of AI and optimal control infrastructure and data. A website is being
in optimizing protein/vaccine production in developed for popularization, facilitating
bioreactor system, Detection of PCOS using data entry, management and hosting the
artificial intelligence based algorithms, data for public use (Figure 4).
Classification of Plasmodium infected RBC into



Figure 4: Landing Page for Imaging Biobank for cancer

l Department is supporting “MANAV: Human Institute of Technology (IIT), Delhi considerable
Atlas Initiative” project for construction of progress has been made on structural and
world's most comprehensive human atlas energetic characterization of the Eukaryotic
by assimilating all the known macro-level Genomes. A software tool named “SEProm” for
and micro-level information from scientific promoter prediction has been developed. The
literature and public databases. The tool uses 31 structural and energetic parameters
proposed human map refers to a to predict promoters from a given DNA sequence.
computational representation, which will Additionally, the methodology for intron-exon
provide knowledge in holistic fashion from boundary characterization has been developed
inter-organ dependencies to intra-organ, and published. Further as a part of strengthening
tissue level, cell and sub-cellular level in-house developed Bhageerath software,
biological reactions. This project helps to researchers have developed and added a data-
deliver an open source annotation driven and knowledge-based algorithm for
platform, organ (skin) model development, protein secondary structure prediction to
up-skilled manpower and community. In eliminate the dependency on PSIPRED software.
this programme 1708 students, 64 faculty Apart from it, indigenous software Bhageerath H-
and 61 reviewers have been enrolled across Strgen for protein conformational sampling has
58 cities in 20 states of India. been improved and as a result, 85% of mid-
Some of the other key achievements in the resolution structures have been improved to high
project supported under Theoretical and resolution structures with an improved beta-
Computational Biology (Bioinformatics, AI and sheet formation feature w.r.t. previous versions.
Big Data) are as follow: Sanjeevini methodologies and software suites
were used to scan (i) FDA approved drugs; (ii)
In Bioinformatics Centre supported at Indian Isatin compounds which showed promise against
3C proteases of Picorna viruses earlier;



(iii) Compounds from Indian medicinal plants; (iv) Department of Biotechnology (DBT) has
Million compounds from Zinc Library to identify supported several R&D projects under the
potential inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2 enzymes. Genome Engineering Technology program. The
Bioinformatics centre established in National vision of the program is to promote development
Institute of Immunology (NII), New Delhi has of Genome-wide Analysis and Engineering
focused on developing RiPPMiner-Genome Technologies and make them accessible and
(Ribosomally Synthesized and Post- affordable for wider use in diverse sectors
translationally Modified Peptides), a significantly including agriculture, health, and environment.
updated version of RiPPMiner, which can take At present, over 80 ongoing projects are being
genomic sequences as input and identify RiPP
biosynthetic gene clusters (BGC) and modifying Technology developed 2
enzymes using HMM profiles. In Bioinformatics
centre at National Institute of Plant Genome No. of research publication 98
Research (NIPGR), New Delhi, researchers have during 2021-22
developed first database of Mediator proteins
and studied different properties of these
No. of patent applied 6
important class of proteins. Computational
pipeline/ software package for accurate
identification of genuine Transfer RNA-derived No. of human resource trained 200
non-coding RNAs (tncRNAs) has been developed.
In a project being supported at Indian Institute of supported and more than 50 research
Science (IISc) Bengaluru, researchers have publications have emanated from the R&D
developed InPharmNet, a robust computational
projects supported under this program. The key
approach to infer the mechanism of drug action
achievements of some of the ongoing projects
from transcriptomics data. For a given drug
dataset, the algorithm outputs a set of highly are mentioned below:
perturbed biological pathways indicating the
drug's primary and secondary target processes. Genome Engineering Technology (GET)
This method of computational approach is tested applications in Agriculture and allied areas
on a variety of drugs, with appropriate datasets,
A project on the use of CRISPR/Cas9 for editing
and the results appear promising. The pipeline
plant genome(s) to develop herbicide resistant
outputs a set of pathways that indicate the
plants was supported at ICGEB. As an outcome of
mechanism of action for the particular drug. In a
the project, rice plants with enhanced tolerance
study carried out at Jawaharlal Nehru University
to glyphosate and sulfonyl urea herbicides were
(JNU), New Delhi a one-step approach to
developed that may facilitate effective weed
classifying high azadirachtin bearing fruits and
management and lead to low cost yield.
leaves using the object detection approach have
been postulated. In addition, a project supported at NCBS,
Bangalore used CRISPR/Cas9 technology to
Genome Engineering Technologies (GET) generate transgenic tobacco, rice and
and their Applications Arabidopsis which are resistant to drought.

With an aim to nurture new and innovative

technologies such as CRISPR/Cas9, the



Scientists at NABI, developed single vector having targeted. This platform can improve the efficiency
sgRNAs against three target genes viz. CCD4 of genome editing in human cells and may find
(carotenoid cleavage dioxygenase 4), BCH3 (β- application in medical interventions in health and
ring carotenoid hydroxylase 3), and LCY-ε disease.
(lycopene ε-cyclase) for high pro-vitamin A
accumulation and its stability in banana. The LCYε A project to elucidate the functional
edited cv. Grand Naine banana plants developed characterization of casein using CRISPR was
using CRISPR_GN-LCYε construct showed six-fold supported at Central University of Haryana. The
increase in β -carotene content as compared to team showed that deletion of Evolutionarily
native crops. Conserved Region (ECR) of the Casein loci in mice
increased the expression of alpha casein
CRISPR-Cas9 mediated genome editing has also precursor isoform protein in the milk, reduced
been used for nutritional improvement of Indian expression of odontogenic ameloblast-
Oilseed Mustard by a team of researchers at associated protein (ODAM) in the salivary gland,
NIPGR wherein gene editing constructs for and affected the mineralization process.
targeting specific and multiple homologs of
BjMYB28 and BjFAE1 were developed and In another study, to dissect the roles of Clta and
successfully transformed into B. juncea cv. Cltb in early mammalian development through
Varuna. selective CRISPR-Cas9- based knockout and
knockin models, the investigators at NCCS
The investigators at NIPGR have successfully successfully generated knockout mouse
developed a novel variant of rice, Bg_9562 embryonic stem cell for the Clta and Cltb genes.
(eBg_9562) via genome based engineering, The mice produced displayed alterations in
which has higher yield, and shows broad intestinal morphology and physiology.
spectrum antifungal activity against pathogenic
plant fungus, including Rhizoctonia solani, In a project aimed at generating cell and animal
Magnaporthe oryzae, Yeast and Candida. models to delineate melanocyte cell fate
decision, the researchers at IGIB have established
Genome Engineering Technology (GET) a CRISPR-based mutagenesis system for targeted
applications in health sector mutagenesis in the Zebrafish model system.
Several mutant lines for carbonic anhydrase
CRISPR/Cas9 system has evolved into a favourite knockout (Ca14fs003) were characterized to
tool for researchers to engineer and understand unravel their role in melanocyte maturation.
the molecular pathways and their genetic Additionally, cell lines with mutations in targeted
underpinnings. The tool offers an opportunity to genes viz. Tyrosinase knockout KO), CA14 (KO),
selectively modify and regulate specific genes H2A.2 (KO), PlxnD1 (KO) were developed to study
study its impact on various diseases. the mechanistic aspects of transitions in the
melanocyte lineage.
Investigators at IISER Bhopal, have designed a
sensitive reporter-based assay to determine the In another project supported at IGIB, it was
efficiency of genome editing in human cells. With established that TRF 2 (Telomere Repeat Binding
the help of this assay, the investigators Factor 2)- mediates regulation of hTERT
established editing of a defined locus in the cells expression which is independent of telomere
using virus-like particles (VLPs). Lgr5- specific looping and that the TRF-2 mediated regulation is
Atoh1 or relevant gene loss using CRISPR/Cas9 hampered by the recurrent clinical mutations at
was evaluated in cell-based assay at genomic the hTERT promoter.
locus and it was found that the locus is being



It was also reported that TRF2 mediated hTERT Nanotechnology interventions in bone disorders
repression occurs via hTERT promoter G
quadruplex binding of TRF2. The TRF2 mediated DBT has supported a project at University of
hTERT repression occurred via deposition of Delhi, wherein the investigators have developed
H3K27Me3 suppressor mark by the PRC2 Methotrexate encapsulated folate conjugated
complex. glycol chitosan (MFGCN) nanoparticle reduced
the symptoms in rat arthritis model.
A study supported at IISc Bangalore aiming to
d i s s e c t n o ve l n i c h e s o f i nt rat u m o ra l Another team at INST, Mohali supported by the
heterogeneity by engineering the sialogenome. It Department have synthesized multiple hydrogels
was reported that specific heterogeneity in containing natural polymers, peptides or
sialylation of cell surface proteins occurred in Polymer-peptide hybrids for supporting
aggressive cancer epithelial cell lines and in tissue chondrogenesis.
sections of patients with breast cancer. The
heterogeneity in glycans is specific to sialic acid Nanotechnology applications against Cancer
linkage and leads to an appropriate change in and liver disease
adhesion of cells to the extracellular matrix The Department has supported
(ECM). It was observed that low expression of nanobiotechnology projects for diagnosis and
2,6-linked sialic acid levels were associated with developing therapeutics via targeted drug
lower glucose uptake indicating the association delivery against a variety of diseases including
of glucose metabolic heterogeneity and its liver disease andcancer. The investigators at IISER
correlation with glycan heterogeneity. Trivandrum have designed a 19F-containing
Nanobiotechnology nanoprobe that can specifically detect Thrombin
by a 19F-NMR technique for cancer diagnosis.
Nanobiotechnology program of the Department
of Biotechnology (DBT) supports In a project supported at IIT Kanpur, the scientists
application/translation-oriented projects that have successfully developed a new class of PDMS
aim use nanotechnology for addressing issues in nanoparticles (NPs) with three different
health, energy, agriculture and environment. approaches (template based, nano-emulsion and
Since its inception in 2007, department has nanoprecipitation) for organelle-specific drug
supported over 300 projects in delivery (nucleus and mitochondria). The PDMS
nanobiotechnology. Some of these projects have NPs were found to improve the therapeutic
delivered important products/leads specially in efficacy of anticancer drug by delivering it
d ru g d eliver y, t h era p eu t ics a n d d ru g specifically to nucleus/mitochondria of cancer
development. The key achievements of some of cells by generating excessive reactive oxygen
the ongoing projects are presented below: species and inducing overexpression of
apoptosis-associated genes.
Technology developed 2 A team of scientists at Central Salt and Marine
Chemicals Research, Bhavnagar, supported by the
No. of research publication 110 Department have designed organelle specific
during 2021-22 pharmaceutical nanocarriers. They have
developed a lysosome specific polymeric
No. of patent applied 6 nanocarrier that allows stimulus-responsive
release of the drug miltefosine and a prodrug
No. of human resource trained 270 showing enhanced cytotoxicity by targeting
mitochondria as compared to free maytansinoid.



With an aim to destroy the ovarian cancer Nanotechnology applications in agricultural

metastatic niche, the researchers at IISc have allied areas
established new bioconjugation protocols to
target spheroids with active magnetic The investigators in inStem have synthesized silyl
nanomotors and have integrated magnetic oxime compounds and demonstrated that Silyl-
hyperthermia with nanomotors as a therapeutic Iodo-Oxime functionalized fabric could
strategy. deactivate organophosphate based pesticides.
The clothing and masks fabricated using this
Further, at ISSER Kolkata a siRNA delivery vehicle technology can prevent pesticide exposure
reagent which can disrupt the late endosomes through dermal and inhalation route in farmers
and inhibit metastasis in breast cancer was during spraying of pesticides.
For detection and treatment of liver diseases, a
series of cyanine-based novel Near Infra-Red
dyes (NIR) were developed at IIT Mandi. These
patented dyes exhibited dual properties of
targeting and non-invasive imaging of albumin in
the liver.

Nanotechnology interventions against

infectious diseases
Researchers at THSTI have developed membrane
engineered vesicles (mEV) of non- pathogenic
bacteria for targeted delivery of first-line drugs
against Mycobacterium tuberculosis. They
demonstrated that mEVs were stable and
provided sustained release of rifampicin which
was effective in reducing the minimum inhibitory
concentration (MIC) of pathogenic Mtb.
In another project at IIT Hyderabad, antifungal
nanoformulation for treatment of fungal keratitis
was developed. Herein, photothermally active
ethosomes (modified liposomes) were
synthesized which were effective against Candida
Furthermore, a Rose Bengal dye was developed
that reduced the bacterial and viral load and may
be useful in development of accessories and
affordable masks for preventing transmission of
endemic outbreaks.



BIOTECHNOLOGY SCIENCE The Biotech Science Cluster has already achieved

a unique blend of a variety of multiple biotech
CLUSTERS disciplines, in as much as, co-existence of RCB as a
University, Research institutions as partner
institutions connected with all the support
Considering the importance of building synergy systems and common facilities like Advanced
and promoting networking in the biotech sector Technology Platform Centre (ATPC), BSC BioNest
in the country, the Department conceptualized Bio-incubator (BBB), Small Animal Facility (SAF),
the idea of setting up Bioclusters in its National M.K. Bhan Auditorium, BSL-3 Facility,
Biotech Strategy document. Following this, the Biorepository and Hostels to support the
Department has established four Bioclusters at innovation, translational research and
Faridabad (Haryana), Bangalore (Karnataka), commercialization endeavours in inter-
Kalyani (West Bengal) and Pune (Maharashtra). disciplinary areas of biotechnology and life
NCR Biotech Science Cluster-Faridabad sciences.
During the FY 2020-21; the NCR Biotech Science
Regional Centre for Biotechnology (RCB),
Cluster has ensured completion of the following
Translational Health Science and Technology
common facilities: a) Office of Connectivity
Institute (THSTI), National Institute of
Building, b) Biosafety Level-3 Facility, c)
Immunology (NII), National Institute of Plant
Genome Research (NIPGR), and National Brain Vertical Extension of Hostel Building.
Research Centre (NBRC) have collaborated to
jointly form the NCR Bio-Cluster, envisaged to T h e O ff i c e o f C o n n e c t i v i t y h a s b e e n
support innovation, research, education, and conceptualized as the cluster office for the NCR
e n t r e p r e n e u rs h i p i n v a r i e d a r e a s o f Biotech Science Cluster and is responsible to
biotechnology through creative partnerships establish a governance structure for the
with Biotech & Pharmaceutical industry. While management and utilization of common facilities.
THSTI, NII, NIPGR, and NBRC are institutions It is working towards creating an innovative and
primarily focused on research and development efficient management structure, so that the
activities, RCB is an institution for academic advantage of having different institutions co-
training and research. The five partner located in a cluster, with their respective
competencies can be nurtured through
institutions of the NCR Biotech Science Cluster
systematic sharing of knowledge and resources.
together with participation from industry
Office of Connectivity is acting as a hub for the
partners bring synergies in multi-disciplinary
whole cluster to focus on seamless connectivity
research, and operational efficiencies in the
for accomplishing best results by bringing
creation, management, and operation of the
common facilities of the Cluster.

NCR Biotech Science Cluster



together NCR Biotech Science Cluster stake- themes of Health and Agricultural Sciences. Thus
h o l d e rs b y fa c i l i tat i n g , co o rd i n at i o n , making BLiSC, an ever-growing entity with the
collaboration and sharing of efforts within the idea of different organizations collaborating and
Cluster setting for various multi disciplinary working for their common passion for Science.
collaborative research programs across the
partner institutions along with the establishment
and management of Common Facilities of the
NCR Bio-cluster.
Office of Connectivity BSL-3 Facility

Bangalore Life Science Cluster, Bengaluru: The System Medicine Cluster (SyMeC),
Kalyani, West Bengal:
Bangalore Life Science Cluster (BLiSC) is a unique
hub of excellence in biological research in India
DBT's support for the Systems Medicine Cluster
that aims to build the necessary infrastructure,
(SyMeC) at National Institute of Biomedical
and human resources to enable research and
Genomics, Kalyani for various biological aspects
innovation activities across life sciences and
that predispose and result in cancers of
biotechnology domains with emphasis on paramount importance in India – oral and cervical
Structural Biology and Bioinformatics tools. With cancers, the most prevalent forms of cancer
partnering Institutions like Institute for Stem Cell among males and females, respectively, in India.
Science and Regenerative Medicine (inStem) The research conducted in SyMeC resulted in
Bangalore; National Centre for Biological many discoveries of which two are; (a) Non-
Sciences (NCBS), Bangalore and Centre for promoter methylation enhances expression
Cellular and Molecular Platforms (C-CAMP), levels of genes in the Central Carbon Metabolism
Bangalore, Bangalore Life Science Cluster aims at pathway with important implications for
developing best practices for inter- institutional management of oral cancer: performed
collaborations in India. integrative analysis of non-promoter methylation
Bangalore Life Science Cluster (BLiSC) along with and transcriptome data that has revealed
the partnering entities including University and significant methylation driven alterations in some
genes that also significantly impact on their
Industry have applied against the DBT's
transcription levels. These changes result in
Biotechnology URJIT “University Research Joint
enrichment of the Central Carbon Metabolism
Industry Translational” Cluster programme. The (CCM) pathway (b) Monotonic gene expression
said consortium is building around an Integrated changes with progression from normal to
Structural Biology Platform and Cryo-CLEM precancer to frank oral cancer identified:
capabilities supported by high-end Facilities, and identified a profound role of interferon receptor
Big Data in the Life Sciences spanning two major



signaling in tumour growth by activating immune

evasion mechanisms. The role of tumor-
infiltrating immune cells further supported the
growth and immunosuppressive mechanism of
tumour tissues. Some immune evasion genes –
CD274, CD80, and IDO1 – were found to be
activated even in the precancerous tissue. These
findings provide a clear insight into the sequential
genetic dysregulation associated with
progression to oral cancer. This insight provides a
window to the development of predictive
biomarkers and therapeutic targets for oral

Fig: Bivariate clustering of gingivo-bucal oral cancer patients and 200 most significantly
differentially expressed genes in the tumour samples of oral cancer patients, whose clinical
and other characteristics are also presented.



Pune Bio-Cluster being conducted. For the construction of the BSL-

The Biotech science cluster at Pune has been III facility, MoU has been signed with CPWD,
conceived as a hub for interactions amongst appointing CPWD as the Project Management
scientists of Pune and nearby locations with the Consultant. NCCS also has appointed a
theme - “Model Organisms to Human Disease”. specialized BSL3 consultant and Architect.
The two leading institutes at Pune, namely: Additionally, BSL3 facility drawings, tender
National Center for Cell Science (NCCS) and documents, and Bill of Quantities prepared by the
Indian Institute of Science & Engineering BSL3 consultant were finalized and approved by
Research (IISER) have collaborated to CPWD.
developshared facilities and expertise. The focus The Whole Animal Imaging and Tissue Processing
of this cluster is on molecular and cellular Facility at IISER Pune has been established. As a
imaging extending to whole animal disease part of the facility, IVIS Spectrum and Quantum
models and establishment of a proteomics GX Micro CT has been installed and successfully
facility to investigate molecular correlates of tested and used. Also, a BD Aria Fusion SORP was
human diseases. installed for flow cytometry. Basic and advanced
Under this programme, NCCS is ready with the training programs were organized for potential
basic infrastructure required for setting up the users.
Bio-Imaging Facility. One Confocal Laser Scanning
Microscope (Zeiss LSM 880 with Airyscan) and
the Spinning Disk High-Resolution microscope
(Olympus SpinSR10) have been procured, and
regular workshops and hands-on training are






Make-in-India (MII) Make-in-India Programme in biotechnology

The Make-in-India Cell of BIRAC is enterprising

Promoting Entrepreneurship and Industrial for a variety of initiatives. It has been facilitating
growth investment for the biotech sector, providing
regulatory support, and helping protect
The Department of Biotechnology along with Intellectual Property. MII Cell has done state
BIRAC is playing a fundamental role in partnership to expand the biotech innovation
implementing the flagship programs of the ecosystem and created global start-ups connect.
Government of India such as 'Make-in -India' and The rigorous steps taken by BIRAC and Make-in-
'Start-up India'. To make India a manufacturing India Cell have contributed significantly to the
hub for the emerging economy, DBT and BIRAC growth of the biotech sector in India.
have taken visionary steps for burgeoning the Major activities of Make in India Cell in 2021-22
biotech ecosystem in the country.
Ø Global Bio-India 2021
BIRAC supports innovators and start-ups at all the
stages of product development by support The second edition of Global Bio-India 2021
through various schemes, industry-academia from 1st -3rd March 2021 on a digital
interaction for strengthened innovation, platform. MII Cell at BIRAC steered all
technology transfer, IP management, and several activities of GBI 2021 and the associated
handholding services. BIRAC also provides partners for this event were CII, ABLE and
infrastructural support -it has established Invest India. The theme for this year was
BioNEST incubators, pre-incubation centers, “Transforming lives” with the tag line
biotech parks and is planning to establish “Biosciences to Bio-economy”.
Technology clusters and Manufacturing zones.
The event witnessed 8400+ delegates,
The potent biotech ecosystem will spur 40+countries, 50+ international
innovation in the country, start-ups will emerge speakers, 1000+ Entrepreneurs & start-
that will open new avenues and subsequently can ups, 23 Awards Facilitated, 140+ investor
generate large employment. start-up meetings, 150+ exhibitors, 350+
bio partnering meetings.

Ø Strategy Meets & Stakeholders' Discussion

a) Stakeholders Meeting for Telemedicine,

mHealth, Digital Health Grand Challenge:
The meeting was organized to discuss
proposed Grand Challenges to support



75 Innovations on Telemedicine/mhealth/digital
health and extract key recommendations from
experts. Different subject matter experts &
ecosystem stakeholders participated in the
meeting to deliberate upon the topic & identify
the key thematic areas to structure the RFP for
this challenge.

b) 10th Biotech Innovators Meet- Vigyan se

Amrit grand challenge Jancare programme-
reimagining the healthcare delivery was
launched on 28th Sept 2021. DBT-BIRAC,
NASSCOM in collaboration with Grand
challenge India envisioned to identify 75 b) Realising Investment Potential for Indian
digital healthcare innovations in State-Specific Biotech Industries
telemedicine, mhealthcare, with big data, AI, This report maps the state-specific
blockchain, and other start-ups, companies to investment potential and highlights the
strengthen healthcare in India, in alignment strengths and areas of improvement related
with national digital health mission launched to biotech policies and serves as a guide for
by the Hon’ble Prime Minister. new policy initiatives, investors to assess
potential at the state as well as national level.

Ø Sectoral Reports/Publications Reports

released during Global Bio India 2021
a) India Bioeconomy Report (IBER) 2021 (3rd
New initiatives of Make in India Cell in
edition) BIRAC, through its Make-in-India
Facilitation Cell and the Association of a) Setting up of Project Development Cell (PDC)
Biotechnology Led Enterprises (ABLE) The Project Development Cell (PDC) for
brought out the report. It maps Indian Biotechnology was launched during Global
Bioeconomy status, FDI inflow, number of Bio India 2021 by Secretary, DBT in the
Biotech start-up/ Companies in India, presence of Hon’ble Minister of Commerce &
Bioeconomy's contribution to GDP, Industry. The Biotech PDC unit will be
thecontribution of various subsectors and established within the Make-in-India
policies that could trigger India's Bioeconomy. Facilitation Cell at BIRAC PMU.



b) National Investment Clearance Cell (ICC) for up is up to INR up to 7 crores against equity.
Biotech sector SEED, LEAP, and AcE Fund of Funds schemes
ICC will allow a single-window system for are operational to provide equity-based
Regulatory compliances to promote ease of capital assistance to start-ups and act as a
doing business. The ICC would work closely bridge between promoters' investment and
with Invest India and function within Make in venture/angel investors. SEED & 6 LEAP
India Cell PMU at BIRAC. schemes are implemented through the
BioNEST Incubators.16 SEED & 6 LEAP
c) Technology Cluster and Manufacturing partners have been identified. In the case of
Zones AcE Fund, 13 Ace partners have been
identified, out of which 10 are operational.
To support medium-scale companies and
mature start-ups, it will create common
infrastructure facilities from PoC to Pilot and d) Regional Centers: BIRAC has created 4
Pilot to Manufacturing. Regional Centers (BRIC, BREC, BRBC, BRTC-
E&NE) has extended arms to implement
BIRAC's mandate in the country.
Start-up India Initiative (i) BRIC at IKP Hyderabad
(ii) BREC at C-CAMP Bengaluru
It is a flagship initiative by the Government of
(iii) BRBC at Venture Centre Pune
India to build a strong start-up biotech ecosystem
that will help the emergence of new biotech (iv) BRTC at KIIT-TBI Bhubaneshwar
e) Bio-connect offices: Five bio-connect offices
Major activities under Startup India initiative for
have been established
(i) CCAMP, Bengaluru with California Institute
a) Start-ups supported: 5000+ Startups,
Entrepreneurs & SMEs creating Intellectual for Quantitative Biosciences (Qb3)
wealth (1000+ IP filed) and a robust pipeline (ii) CCAMP- Sister Innovation HUB with Roslin
of 200+ commercialized products and Innovation Centre, University of Edinburgh,
technologies across the country. UK
(iii) CEIIC BioNEST with European Union
b) Bio-Incubators: 60 Bio incubators have been (iv) KIIT BioNEST – with TECHNOPORT SA –
set up across India creating a total incubation BELVAL Business Incubator, Luxembourg
space of 650000+ sq. ft. for budding (v) KIIT BioNEST – with Start-Life Centre,
entrepreneurs. More than 1000 incubates Wageningen University Netherland
have been supported through the scheme so
far. 7 BioNEST clusters have also been
recognized to promote networking & F) Technology Transfer Offices: Technology
resource sharing among BioNEST incubators. Transfer Offices (TTOs) were established to
enhance academia-industry inter-linkages,
C) E q u i t y f u n d i n g : F u n d o f F u n d – strengthen bio cluster ecosystem and
Biotechnology Innovation Fund AcE provide increased opportunities for
(Accelerating Enterprises) is mandated to academia to translate knowledge into
encourage private equity mobilization for products and technologies. 7 TTOs have
Biotech Start-ups through co-investing in been established till date.
SEBI registered AIF. The assistance to a start-



To showcases key activities towards recommended after multiple rounds of

implementation of National Missions such as evaluation. In category I, THSTI in collaboration
Make-in-India, Startup India, and Policy Support with CMC Vellore, PGI Chandigarh, IIT Madras
from the Government of India for the Biotech and NCL Venture Centre, Pune; IIT Bombay
sector, following are the publications from BIRAC. in collaboration with Hinduja Hospital have been
recommended. While in category II (Emerging
centre), IIT Guwahati in collaboration with
Guwahati Neurological Research Center (GNRC)
Hospital, Guwahati Medical College and North
Eastern Indira Gandhi Regional Institute of Health
and Medical Sciences (NEIGRIHMS) Shillong;
AIIMS Jodhpur in collaboration with IIT Jodhpur
were recommended.
Ø During the year, five technologies have
been developed by SiB Fellows and one
technology was Licensed to the start-up
Cureous Labs Private Limited formed by
SiB Fellow of 2018 batch. For patent, six
applications were filed and four were
granted during the year.
Ø HTIC developed two technologies during
Biodesign the year and was granted one patent. The
Realizing the importance of affordable, Centre also transferred one technology.
indigenous and accessible medical technologies Apart from filing ten patents, 4 articles
in the country, Biodesign program has been have also been published in Research
implemented as a flagship program to foster and Journals.
promote development of indigenous affordable Ø Biodesign and Bioengineering initiative at
medical technologies and creating an ecosystem IISc Bangalore has filed 2 patents during
for Med-Tech innovations and entrepreneurship the year with nine publications.
in the country. Under the programme four
biodesign centres have been established. School School of International Biodesign
of International Biodesign (SIB) centred at AIIMS This innovation programme was initiated as the
and IIT Delhi; Centre for Biodesign and in-vitro Stanford-India Biodesign (SIB) Programme by
Diagnostics (CBD) at Translational Health Science the Department at the All India Institute of
& Technology (THSTI), Faridabad; Biodesign and Medical Sciences (AIIMS) and Indian Institute of
Bioengineering Initiative (BBI) program at Technology (IIT-D), Delhi in collaboration with
IISc Bengaluru; and Healthcare Technology Stanford University, USA. The programme was
Innovation Centre (HTIC) at IIT Madras, Chennai. renamed as the School of International Biodesign
(SiB) in 2015 and it ear-marked the indigenization
In the current year, a new centre at KGMU and self-sustainability in terms of training. The
Lucknow & IIT Kanpur has been supported by the SiB programme has built multiple international
Department and to establish more such collaborations with Universities in Australia and
Biodesign centres in the country, a call for Japan wherein the international Fellows from
proposal was announced. In total, 34 proposals Queensland University of Technology (QUT)-
were received against the call and 5 were



Australia, Tottori University- Japan and and 4 patent have been granted during the year.
Hiroshima University-Japan visited India and
immersed in the Indian hospital settings along Licensing of the Technology developed by SIB
with the Indian fellows to develop globally Fellow:
relevant, innovative medical device technologies
as per unmet needs of our country. Over the last 3 “Digital Microscope enabled with AI” technology
years, the dramatic change under the SiB developed by SiB Fellows of 2019 batch, Mr.
programme has been to be able to build Praveen Kumar and Mr. Ashutosh Patra, is an
adequate capacity which has led to the self- automated imaging device for microscopy which
sufficiency of the programme in terms of utilizes Artificial Intelligence (AI) powered
providing specialized training in Biodesign. This detection and analysis that reduces the
marked an important transition – from sending turnaround time taken for general lab tests. Once
students to Stanford University, USA for training a tissue/fluid sample is placed under the lens, the
in Innovation to self-sufficiency in training for user can select the sample type based on the
Innovation in India – for India. interface and the software decides the best
optical condition to analyze the sample. A digital
In 2021, a team of SiB Fellows has initiated their image is created that can be further distributed to
clinical immersion to find out the unmet need. pathologists and bring early diagnosis at reduced
While the fellows of 2020 batch are working on costs.
the prototyping refinement. During the year five The License Agreement for transfer of this
technologies i) Digital Microscope enabled with technology was executed by Dr. Purnima Sharma,
Artificial Intelligence; ii) Indigenous Production of MD, BCIL and Mr. Praveen Kumar Bhagat and Mr.
Novel Personal Protective Equipment for Ashutosh Patra, Co-founders of Neuranics Lab
Healthcare Personnel; iii) Intraoral dental aerosol Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi in the august presence of Dr.
containment device; iv) Ultrasound based Rajesh S Gokhale, Secretary (DBT), Dr. Alka
therapy using low intensity pulsed ultrasound v) Sharma, Senior Advisor (DBT), Prof. Sandeep
A wearable device for preventing fracture have Singh and Prof. Harpal Singh, Executive Directors,
been developed by SiB Fellows. The technology, SiB among other senior officials. Neuranics Lab is
“Multiside Tilt Device” was Licensed to the start- an AI based diagnostic device startup company
up Cureous Labs Private Limited formed by SiB based in New Delhi, India.
Fellow of 2018. Six patent applications were filed



Healthcare Technology Innovation Centre (HTIC) that provides such a comprehensive assessment
of all the clinically established early vascular
HTIC is a leading Med-Tech platform in the
health markers in a reliable and easy to use
country with a unique combination of R&D,
manner suited for routine clinical practice and/or
innovation, clinical validation, technology
large- scale screening. ARTSENS®, has been
commercialization, incubation and
clinically validated by more than 6 clinical
entrepreneurship. With its unconventional
collaborators, and tested in laboratory, hospitals,
approach of bringing together 30+ medical screening camps and rural field-settings,
institutions, industry partners and government cumulatively on 4000+ subjects. Details of the
agencies, the centre is developing affordable technology, publications and clinical studies is
healthcare technologies in the country. available at
HTIC has a dedicated Med-Tech incubator that
houses 30+ Med-Tech start-ups valued at over Rs.
800 crores in areas of devices, digital health and Bioengineering and Biodesign Initiative at IISc
AI, founded by doctors, engineers, serial Bangalore:
entrepreneurs, faculty and students. The
The focus of the centre is in areas of Biomaterials,
incubator has an extensive support network of
biomechanics, computational bioengineering &
medical institutions, public health organizations,
neural engineering. The programme has resulted
government bodies, hospitals, doctors, industry
in significant research output in terms of patents,
strategic partners and venture capitalists and a
publications, incubated companies, and
wide pool of mentors, consultants, subject
collaborations between IISc researchers and
experts in research & technology, business
m a n a ge m e nt , re g u l at i o n s & p o l i c i e s , clinicians. Another significant development led
manufacturing to mentor and guide the start- to the initiation of the interdisciplinary PhD
ups. programme in Bioengineering. Eventually the
Centre for BioSystems Science and Engineering
During the year ARTSENS® technology developed (BSSE) was founded. So far 7 scholars were
by HTIC is on the verge of becoming a full-fledged awarded Ph.D. and have formed a new breed of
product that would be deployed for large scale young scientists at the biology-engineering
pilot studies in hospitals and field settings, interface. More than 25 scholars are pursuing
leading towards commercialization. Key Ph.Ds. State-of- infrastructure for bioengineering
engineering tests were completed during the research has been set- up as a central facility. In
Phase II, a total of 24 projects covering the
objective of Bioengineering, Biodesign and
Translational schemes were implemented.

year making this technology product-ready. Till

date, there is no other single device or system



Biotechnology Parks and knowledge-based economy in biotechnology,

assure benefits of biotechnology to all sections of
Incubator Parks the society, and promote entrepreneurship in
biotechnology-based industry. The Park has been
The Department of Biotechnology has promoting growth of bio-pharma, agri-
established Biotechnology Parks/ Incubators to biotechnology and bio-service sectors by inviting
translate research into products and services biotech industry to the State; work in
across the country by providing necessary collaboration with state agencies and central
infrastructure support. It provides facilities to institutes of R&D and learning; and transform the
scientists, and Small and Medium sized society for higher crop productivity, better
Enterprises (SMEs) for technology incubation, human health, greater employment
technology demonstration and pilot plant opportunities and improved quality of life.
studies for accelerated commercial development Serving the society is a part of the mission
of biotechnology sector in the country. So far, the envisioned by the Biotech Park. It organizes
Department has supported 9 Biotechnology programs for farmers and society to make them
Parks in various States for accelerating the aware of latest advances & applications and
commercialization of new technologies, provide latest biotechnology products accessible
nurturing and maintaining emerging ventures to farmers to improve their agriculture and
and assisting new enterprises to forge horticulture output. The Park has several
appropriate linkages with other stakeholders of programs for Human Resource Development in
biotechnology sector including academia and Biotechnology to generate adequate and
government. These are: i) Biotech Park, Lucknow, appropriate skilled manpower required for
Uttar Pradesh; ii) Biotechnology Incubation Biotechnology sector in the country. The Park has
Centre, Hyderabad, Telangana; iii) Tidco Centre incubated a large number of entrepreneurs.
For Life Sciences (TICEL) Biotech Park, Chennai, Currently Biotech Park is holding hands with 4
Tamil Nadu; iv) The Golden Jubilee Biotech Park new entrepreneurs namely M/s Grassroot
For Women, Chennai, Tamil Nadu; v) Biotech Park Energy technologies India Pvt. Limited, M/s
Technology Incubation Centre, Guwahati, Assam; Helixion Biosciences Pvt. Ltd, M/s Green Vision
vi) Biotechnology Incubation Centre, Cochin, Biotech, M/s ABio Laboratories with total 9
Kerala; vii) Biotechnology Park, Bangalore, entrepreneurs. Presently Park is actively
Karnataka; viii) Industrial Biotechnology Parks expanding its Analytical and Quality Assurance
(IBTPs), Jammu & Kashmir; and ix) Chhattisgarh and Extraction Unit facilities along-with
Biotech Park, Naya Raipur, Chhattisgarh. strengthening of HRD programs. 327 samples
Major achievements of Biotech Parks during were tested by the Analytical Laboratory, which
2021-22 are as follows: has helped many entrepreneurs, industry and
research scholars. The Park is also providing the
Biotech Park, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh: Biotech extraction facility to new venture business for
Park, Lucknow was set up jointly by the agribusiness, pharmaceutical, biochemical,
Department of Biotechnology, Government of nutraceuticals,healthcare and other micro-
India & Department of Science and Technology, manufacturing companies. During this current
Government of Uttar Pradesh and is functioning year 8 companies have utilized services of
from 2007. The mandate of the Park is to usher in extraction unit of Biotech Park, Lucknow. A total
improving the quality of life and economic status of 125 biotech/bioscience students were trained
of people through biotechnological in different areas of Biotechnology for a period
interventions. Park is striving to develop ranging from 1-6 months. Apart of expansion



of Biotech Park's regular training program Park technopreneurs in testing their concept, to
offers more than 50 short term Courses, each one establish strategic linkages with international,
leading to self-employment with a higher degree national and state level institutions in both public
of success. The focus is on low investment high and private sectors, to develop human resource
impact innovative product model. Each Course is for undertaking variety of knowledge based
based on a specific product or a technology that services and techniques specific to
the student should be able to handle biotechnology, to provide business expertise to
independently afterwards. entrepreneurs by international and national
experts from well-known organizations through
Biotechnology Incubation Centre, Hyderabad: consultancy assignments, to provide
This Incubation Centre has been established by bioprospecting facility, medicinal plant
CSIR-IICT and Govt. of AP with support from DBT extraction facility, micropropagation facility,
and is owned by the Society for Biotechnology fermentation facility, bioinformatics facilities for
Incubation Centre (SBTIC). World class facilities its use by the technopreneurs on lease. In the
have been created for use by entrepreneurs on Year 2021-22 nine entrepreneurs were
use and pay basis. There are 12 labs of 350 sq. ft supported by leasing out laboratory space to
each which is given out to companies. There are
them, a virtual internship was conducted on
11 incubatees which are graduated out from the
Molecular Biology, GBP has also entered into
park and operationalize successfully. Advanced
Memorandum of Understandings (MoUs) with
Analytical and Characterization Resource (AACR)
KIIT-TBI, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, Lumos Labs,
facility established by SBTIC and IICT with support
Singapore, Social Alpha, Bangalore, NEATeHUB,
from BIRAC/DBT has advanced instruments like,
Jorhat and Adamas University, Construction of
TIC was completed at the permanent site of GBP
Multimode reader (UV-Vis, Fluorescence,
and the facility has now been shifted to the new
Luminescence). DBT has provided support for
current good manufacturing practices (cGMP)
compliance for Pilot plant facilities, required for KRIBS BIONEST, Kochi, Kerala: KSUM-RGCB
quality manufacturing and for minimizing Innovation and Bioincubation Society (KRIBS)-
contamination. The biotechnology incubator BioNest – Biotech Park – Kochi, supported by
facility has research laboratories, knowledge- Department of Biotechnology, Government of
based service centres and utility generation India, is the 3rd off site center of Rajiv Gandhi
facilities. It is mainly designed for development Centre for Biotechnology (RGCB), functioning
and scale up of bio processes and technologies. jointly with Kerala Start-up Mission (KSUM)
Pilot Plant is in operation and is utilized by M/s within the Kerala Technology Innovation Zone,
Biological Evans Ltd. They are engaged in process Kochi. The facility provides infrastructure and
standardization and scale-up studies. The World scientific support to enable researchers,
Health Organization prequalification of Biological investors and entrepreneurs looking to translate
E's TYPHIBEV -Typhoid Conjugate Vaccine (TCV) biological research, innovations and medical
making BE one of the only two prequalified technologies into mature business ventures.
suppliers of TCV. Spanning over 44,000 sq.ft, it provides bio
incubation space of over 17,000 sq. ft, and a
Technology Incubation Centre, Guwahati
common 1000 sq, ft laboratory to the start-ups
Biotech Park, Assam: The Technology Incubation
housed within the facility. Presently, the facility
Centre in Guwahati Biotech Park (GBP), Assam has 29 physical incubatees, 9 virtual incubatees
was sanctioned by the DBT at a total cost of and 1 YIP fellow. The broad business
Rs.27.99 crores in 2009 with the aim to assist



verticals/laboratories include Analytical industry based contract research projects.

Biochemistry, Phytotechnology, Cell and Incubatees have also made progress in terms of
molecular Biology and Bioprocess Engineering patents, products launched and technology
conducts industry relevant research, supports transfers. Some of the products developed by the
upstream, downstream and testing facility to incubatees include: CoviKwik – a rapid
incubates and contract research operations. immunochromatagraphic test for COVID-19 by
BioNest has been able to collaborate with a Sushruta Innovations and Wellness Pvt. Ltd.;
number of industries to set up Corporate Smartlyse hand sanitizer and wet wipes by Omics
Research Operations. The center also attracts Ggen Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd.; mobile phone
students for curriculum based project training sanitizer by Biophoton Technologies Pvt. Ltd.;
and pre-employment training. The facility over Coliform detection it by Klones Life Sciences Pvt.
the 4 years has witnessed growth in terms of Ltd.; Spice extracts by Spiceor Bionutralites
number of incubates, creating employment Private Limited.
opportunities, training students, and conducting

Figure: Products Developed by Incubatees



Industrial Biotechnology Parks (IBTPs) At Jammu of Rs. 4.49 crores. The Government of
& Kashmir: The two Industrial Biotechnology Chhattisgarh has allocated Rs. 3.00 crore for
Parks (IBTPs) in the State of Jammu & Kashmir building construction of Biotech Incubation
(one IBTP at Kathua, Jammu and another at Centre in the financial year 2020-21. The main
Kupwara, Kashmir Valley) were sanctioned by the purpose of the project Biotech Incubation Centre
DBT at a total cost of Rs 8466.00 lakhs (IBTP- under CG Biotechnology Park is to provide
Jammu: Rs. 4200.00 lakhs + IBTP-Kashmir: Rs. facilities for interface of research institute with
4266.00 lakhs) to be shared between DBT (Rs. industry for better utilization of technology and
6000.00 lakhs) and Govt. of Jammu & Kashmir available bio resources in the State in
State (Rs. 2466.00 lakhs) in June 2018 for a period collaboration with Govt. of India & Govt. of
of three years. The establishment of these IBTPs Chhattisgarh. The Biotech Incubation Centre
will boost the bio-enterprise development along project is implemented by the Chhattisgarh
with employment generation for youth and Biotech Promotion Society. The technical partner
students in the state of Jammu & Kashmir. The of Biotech Incubation Centre is Indira Gandhi
project will be executed through CSIR-Indian Krishi Vishwavidyalaya. At this stage, four
Institute of Integrative Medicine (CSIR-IIIM), Incubation labs, two Common instrumentation
Jammu for setting up IBTPs and on completion, labs equipped with necessary instruments, water
will be handed over the facility to J&K Industrial facilities, waste disposal, disposal of other
Biotech Parks Society. The thrust areas for IBTP, materials, treatment plant, packaging and
Jammu have been prioritized for the current forwarding facility for incubates, utility shed and
phase to include micropropagation, medicinal washing area has been created as infrastructure.
plants extract preparation and enzymes/value-
added biomolecules. The IBTP in Kashmir Valley
will provide the facilities focusing on
micropropagation and aromatic plant extracts.
Both the industrial biotech parks are in the
construction phase and the project duration has
been further extended within the overall
sanctioned cost up to June 2022.

Chhattisgarh Biotech Park: The Chhattisgarh

Biotech Park provides interface to research
institutes with industry for bioresource based
product commercialization. This park was
supported by the Department of Biotechnology
in July 2018. The aim of the park is to provide
facilities for interface of research institute with
industry for better utilization of technology and
available bioresources in New Raipur in the State
of Chhattisgarh in collaboration with Govt. of
Chhattisgarh. The total project cost is Rs. 2968.39
lakhs for Biotechnology Incubation Centre to be
shared between DBT (1473.05 lakhs) and Govt. of
Chhattisgarh State (1495.34 lakhs) for a period of
two years. DBT has released first year instalment



BUILDING INTERNATIONAL department has implemented Phase-II of the

DBT- DFG joint collaborative multi-institutional
COLLABORATIONS AND network project. This has focus on dynamics of
PARTNERSHIP agriculture mediated economic changes focused
on societal impact in urban, peri-urban and rural
areas of Bangalore that may lead to impact on
International collaboration programme and
policy related aspects. The DBT-DFG joint call on
partnership of the Department of Biotechnology
fundamental research in biotechnology the
are state of the art activity platform for
department is implementing five projects on blue
engagements in mutually agreed areas in the
sky research. The 2nd DBT-DFG joint call on
arena of science diplomacy. These engagements
fundamental research in biotechnology is under
are providing opportunities to bridge
evaluation. The Department is in the continuum
technological and capacity building gap in
to engage with Germany to new heights on
frontiers areas of life sciences through exchange
consonance to mutually agreed areas of scientific
of ideas and collaboration. The international
collaboration programme of the department
includes participation of the various Science and
Technology organizations, councils, philanthropic Indo-German partnership has produced several
organizations, NGO's and research/academic scientific achievements. One of the achievement
institutions through bilateral partnerships with is development of new method cisDIVERSITY to
16 countries and multilateral partnerships via explain the whole set of reported regulatory
BRICS, TaSE, and Globalstars (EUREKA). The regions in terms of motifs and their
engagements through Contribution combinations, all de novo. The cisDIVERSITY can
Partnerships, Philanthropic Organizations and be applied on your own dataset from
Universities as well as NGOs are also providing
scope for leapfrog jump in translational research,
capacity building, outreach and frugal science Spain: The Department under an active PoC for
areas in India. technological cooperation in biotechnology with
Centre for the Development of Industrial
Bilateral Cooperation Technology (CDTI), Government of Spain is
Germany: The Department of Biotechnology has cooperating with mandate to promote market
active partnership with the German Federal driven research and technology development as
Ministry of Education, Science Research and well as to encourage partnerships and business
Te c h n o l o g y ( B M B F ) a n d D e u t s c h e led R&D&I collaborative projects in the field of
Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) in the areas of biotechnology. The department is in process of
the biotechnology. The partnership between DBT announcing 7 joint call with CDTI in areas of
and DFG is working under a Programme of biotechnology including health biotechnology,
Cooperation (PoC) which has vapidity up to 24th industrial biotechnology, nano- biotechnology,
October, 2022. The Indo-German partnership has agri-biotechnology, biofules, bioenergy,
implemented 37 projects through various joint bioinformatics and biomedical engineering. The
calls with focus on Medical Biotechnology, Department is willing to cooperate on Anti-
Agricultural Biotechnology, Innovative Food and Microbial Resistance (AMR), Oncology and
Nutrition Technology, Medical devices and Agriculture in coming future.
bioengineering and Environmental
biotechnology with BMBF and DFG. The



This collaboration has produced many scientific O n e o f t h e st u d y h a s d e m o n st rate d

achievements. One of the major achievement b i o p h o to vo l ta i c s ( b i o P V ) d e v i c e w i t h
through academic-industrial collaboration under Synechocystis cyanobacteria under this
this partnership generated information on collaboration where the device similar to dye-
molecules that may emerge as a potential sensitized solar cells has been fabricated and
inhibitor for the treatment of Leishmaniasis in extracted photocurrent.
the future after completion of appropriate
clinical investigations. Belgium: The Department of Biotechnology
alongwith Department of Science & Technology
Switzerland: The Department is actively engaged announced a joint networking call under Indo-
under bilateral partnership with Swiss National Belgian Research and Technology Cooperation.
Science Foundation (SNSF), Switzerland for This call was coordinated by Belgian Federal
promoting science and technology in areas of Science Policy Office (BELSPO) from Belgium side
strategic relevance to India and Switzerland. The and DST as well as DBT from Indian side. The aim
department has eleven ongoing projects under of the joint networking call is to support
Blue Sky Research/ Basic Research in the life exchanges of ideas by organising joint seminar,
sciences under this partnership with Swiss workshop, experts' visits, joint lab or joint field
National Science Foundation (SNSF). The exchanges to leverage long term research
Department alongwith SNSF is in process to cooperation between multiple Belgian and
implement proposals recommended under the Indian Research institutions, based on existing
joint call in “Systems Medicine”. infrastructure, with significant impact on a
priority research area. The focus areas from DBT
This partnership has provided opportunities to
side were Marine Biotechnology and Life science
both Indian and Swiss scientific community in
focused on micro-organisms.
blue sky research to generate new knowledge.
Out of several achievements one of the major
a c h i e ve m e nt o f t h i s co l l a b o rat i o n i s
development of Prototypes of Products for novel
nanotechnology platforms for improved delivery
of cancer vaccine together with prolonged
immune activation in lymphoid organs and
reversal of immunesuppression in the tumor
micro- environment.

Figure: Prototypes of Products developed: Nanoparticle based cancer vaccine (nITC1),

Injectable nanogel based sustained releasing system for cytokines (nITC2), implantable
hydrogel basedtumor microenvironment modulator (nITC3)



United Kingdom: The Department partners with The Department also partnered with the UK to
various Research and Innovation Councils in the support joint research for understanding
UK through UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) in differential response to COVID-19 infection
areas such as COVID-19, Antimicrobial among South-Asian populations based in India
Resistance, Maternal and Child Health, and the UK. The four projects supported under
valorization of Industrial waste, etc. The objective this partnership seek to understand innate
of these partnerships is to complement the immune activation and cardiovascular disease
research expertise across the partnering risk; prospective investigation of the
countries and co-developing knowledge and determinants for COVID-19 outcomes; the role of
technologies for betterment of society and the the oral microbiome & mucosal immunity; and
environment. explaining the differential severity of COVID-19
The Department started a new partnership with
Academy of Medical Sciences (AMS), UK to jointly Another Indo-UK collaborative project led by IIT,
launch AMS-DBT Newton International Delhi in India has done extensive field evaluation
Fellowship. This unique opportunity is offering a in Silchar, Cochin, and Karnal to study the
3-year jointly supported post-doctoral fellowship diagnostic use and impact on AMR with extensive
for Indian scholars. The fellow will spend the first user mapping and baseline mapping of resistance
two years at a UK Laboratory followed by their profile in different settings. Based on the field
final year at an Indian Laboratory pursuing work and user need analysis the team conducted
clinical and patient-oriented research a workshop to develop 'Target Product Profile' to
under joint mentorship. The fellowship aims at address existing challenges. The team has
facilitating the transition of exceptional scholars developed paper strip based cost effective,
from budding young researchers to early- robust, reproducible, sensitive, and selective real
career independent researchers with time assay for detection of mastitis in dairy
strong international mentorship and training animals. The assay kit can be used for routine
experience. The three selected scholars from the monitoring of mastitis in raw milk at dairy farm,
very first cohort are working towards better milk collection center, dairy reception dock, and
understanding of non-functioning pituitary R&D institutions.
tumours; developing novel Antimicrobial Agents;
and designing nanocarrier systems for improved Addressing Urinary tract infection (UTI) as one of
treatment of glioblastoma multiforme. major public health problem with prevalence
rate of > 21%; the team has also developed a next
In order to offer extensive training, information generation urine dip stick suitable for use in rural
sharing, collaboration, and networking setting. This modern strip assay with
opportunities for early career researchers from accompanied service instructions will enable
India and the UK in emerging areas of life individuals to assess the risk of UTI in their homes
sciences; the Department started a new and connect with healthcare system for proper
partnership with British Council for Newton- management if infection is identified.
Bhabha Researcher Link Workshops. Under this
partnership the Department is jointly supporting
interactive workshops under the mentorship of
established researchers from both countries. The
selected workshops focus on AI in Healthcare,
Blue economy, Building Ecological Resilience in
Vulnerable Mangroves, and Epidemic prediction
and risk reduction using Artificial Intelligence.
Figure: UTI strip assay with accompanied
service instructions in regional language



Under a jointly supported project led in India by EU to support research to develop Rapid
Indian Institute of Public Health Hyderabad- Solutions and Higher Preparedness to COVID 19.
Bangalore; a qualitative study for understanding Under this fast-track initiative, the Department is
barriers of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus(GDM) supporting a study focused on epidemiological,
screening and management was carried out. In clinical, microbiological, and genotypic aspects of
order to spread awareness about screening and large population-based cohorts from European
management, video films were developed on and non-European countries with environmental
GDM for pregnant women and health and socioeconomic features. The study also plans
professionals in local languages that were to understand the response of the COVID-19
screened at all intervention PHCs and can be vaccines on these large cohorts and will help
showcased across all PHCs after study model responsiveness to a similar health crisis in
completion. Over 4000 pregnant women's data the future.
on socio-demographic, obstetric history, and
GDM risk factors has been collected and followed One of the projects jointly supported with the
up at 32 week of pregnancy. The intervention is European Commission is working towards
trying to address lack of clear understanding of developing simpler, affordable, accurate
the cause, consequence and management of diagnostic test for TB and Multi-Drug Resistance
GDM that leads to confusion and gets translated (MDR) TB, with a colorimetric read-out that can
into emotional distress and not seeking medical be interpreted and conveyed via a mobile phone
attention. app. These technologies are being developed
keeping in mind LMICs where case load of TB and
Within another jointly funded project, scientists MDR-TB is high and skilled manpower is low in
from CSIR- Indian Institute of Chemical health-care sector. The team led in India by ICMR-
Technology aimed to develop novel processes to National Institute for Research in Tuberculosis,
generate value-added products from the waste Chennai is trying to approach TB diagnostics
of the sugarcane industry. This study has through Rapid 'specific' staining of Mycobacteria
established a sustainable bioprocess for utilizing in sputum (no wash probes), rapid molecular
waste to valorize into commercial viable tests for TB and MDR TB (using DNA extraction),
chemicals in an integrated biorefinery strategy blood-based biomarkers for TB (miRNA detection
with the aim of maximizing resource recovery. device), and development of study based RedCap
The study has led to establishing processes for Database for data collection.
low- cost and sustainable process for the
valorization of microcrystalline cellulose (MCC)
from sugar cane bagasse; and advanced
bioprocess for improved yields of short-chain
fatty acids and biogas from the spent wash of
sugarcane industry. The team aims to exploit the
potential of waste from sugarcane industry for
socio-economic development in sugar growing
and production areas with improved economic
opportunities for Indian sugar industry.
Figure: The first prototype of a portable,
European Union: The Department has been battery-powered, low cost mycobacterial
routinely partnering with the European DNA extraction device
Commission in areas like waste-water treatment,
vaccine development, Tuberculosis Research,
etc. The Department recently partnered with the



Sweden: Department of Biotechnology (DBT) has Department of Biotechnology (DBT), India and
strategic partnership with Sweden for fostering VINNOVA, Sweden; Christian Medical College
research in the medical biotechnology domain (CMC), Vellore and Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
since 2005. In the Year 2018, this was extended to have initiated Boost to Brittle Bones (BOOST2B)
include support to the innovation ecosystem and clinical trials to provide stem cell treatment for
facilitating entrepreneurship development in Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI), a genetic disease
biotechnology along with promoting joint in which the patient has weakand brittle bones.
cutting-edge research. The protocol for intraossoeus injection of fetal
Mesenchymal Stem Cell (MSC) infusion as a
One of the major initiatives under the therapy for Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI) is
collaboration includes Incubator connect developed. 2-year-old male child with severe
programme at Sweden (Stockholm) for type III OI received his first dose of intravenous
facilitating networking of Biotech Incubators (3x106 MSC per kg body weight) and
wherein BIRAC, a Public Sector Undertaking of intraosseous (0.4x 106 per kg) infusion of fMSC
DBT and VINNOVA is facilitating networking of (female donor) into all 4 long bones. After 16
Biotech Incubators, for Startups to gain access to months follow-up, the child with Osteogenesis
Test Beds, KOLs, experts, markets from the two Imperfecta shows improvement in height,
countries. Now, India and Sweden are developing weight, physical functioning and quality of life. 16
a joint call to scale up research and cooperation months following fetal liver derived MSCs
on Circular Economy. Various meeting has been intraosseous and intravenous infusion in a 4 year
held to discuss the key areas of research and old child with Osteogenesis Imperfecta shows
collaboration priorities that would come under improvement in height, weight, physical
the purview of the 3 year partnership. functioning and quality of life
Under the Indo-Swedish collaboration funded by

Pre-transplant 16 months after transplant 16 months after transplant

Child needed assistance Height and weight Child is actively playing,

with many activities improved to normal Baseline physical functioning
before Height less than gaining 13 cm in height and score of 59 increased to
5th percentile Weight , 8kg in weight 100 and Quality of life
less than 25 percentile from 75 to 97



Also, the protocol for exosome isolation from projects have been funded in the areas of
mesenchymal stem cells for preclinical animal biomedical devices, medical biotechnology and
models has been standardised. Instituitional biofuels. 66 publications, two patents and seven
Review Board (IRB) clearance has been obtained technologies have been developed
for generating induced pluripotent stem cells
from fetal liver derived mesenchymal stem cells Indo-Finnish Joint Call on funding for researcher
(fMSC), induced mesenchymal stem cells derived mobility was announced on 11th August, 2021
from fMSC. Protocol for isolation of fetal liver
with Academy of Finland. With this funding
derived mesenchymal stem cells has been
opportunity, the Department of Biotechnology
optiomised and characterised for MSC markers,
(DBT), India in association with Academy of
Karyoptyping, Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA),
osteogenic potency and immunomodulatory Finland, Finland promotes internationalization of
property. Now planning to conduct A Community research environments between the countries
Outreach Programme to Improve Awareness on and brings about international interaction of
Diagnosis & Treatment Modalities for researchers thereby complementing their
Osteogenesis Imperfecta. research activities. Funding can be applied for
mobility to and from India. The aim of the funding
is to support research collaboration between
So far under this partnership, five joint calls for Indian and Finnish researchers. 8 applications
proposals have been announced and 23 joint have been received under the call.
projects had been implemented. Sixty
publications, seven patents and six technologies France: Department of Biotechnology (DBT) has
have been developed. One patent has been re-oriented its cooperation with France. The
granted in 2021 for 'Nano-Hydroxyapatite Based objective is to enable research access to Indian
Porous Polymer Composite Scaffolds for researchers to the high-end research laboratories
Bioactive Molecule Delivery in Musculo-skeletal of Centre national de la recherche scientifique
Regeneration' at Indian Institute of Technology (CNRS) for building leadership in marine biology,
(IIT), Kanpur immunology, biomedical sciences. Further it also
Finland: With Finland, Department of aims to designate few Department of
Biotechnology (DBT) had been promoting Biotechnology (DBT) autonomous institutes as
research programs in biomedical domain for over the International laboratories of Centre national
a decade. Memorandum of Understanding de la recherche scientifique (CNRS). Thus,
(MOU) was signed between Department of Recognizing the importance and benefits of
Biotechnology (DBT) and Academy of Finland in collaborative efforts of India and France in the
July, 2005 and extended till 2018. field of Biotechnology, both the parties (DBT,
India and CNRS, France) agreed to again sign the
Since 2018, this is extended to promote
MOU on 1st June, 2021 for a period of 5 years till
innovation and connecting start-up networks
31st July 2026 to further foster the Indo-French
between both the countries. Memorandum of
bilateral relations on the following points:
Understanding (MoU) between
Innovaatiorahoituskeskus Business Finland and
1.) Exchange of Research Personnel
Department of Biotechnology (DBT) was signed
on 30.11.2018 for period of 3 years to work on 2.) Scientific Fields: Collaborations may be
identified research areas as well as to promote undertaken on identified areas of research in the
and nurture start- ups in both the countries. Till past and newer avenues. The proposed areas are
date ten bilateral calls and one trilateral call for but not restricted to:
proposals has been announced and forty one



a. Structural, Systems and Synthetic The shortlisted proposals are being considered in
Biology the Joint review.
b. Bioengineering and Biotechnology The Indo-Australian Web Symposium 'Recent
c.Marine Biology and Biotechnology Advances in Drug Development 2021' supported
by Indo Australian Strategic Fund (Dept of
3.) Exchange of Technical Information Biotechnology, India) and CSIR-Indian Institute of
4.) Promotion of Joint Research Chemical Biology was held on the 2nd and 3rd of
Department of Biotechnology (DBT) in September 2021 at CSIR-Indian Institute of
association with CNRS, France conducted a Chemical Biology, Kolkata, India. Over 350
virtual workshop on 19th May 2021. Based on the stakeholders from students, scientists etc
mutual interest, Scientists/researchers from participated in the symposium.
both the organizations participated in the event So far under this partnership, fourteen joint calls
and discussed on the priority areas focusing Host for proposals have been jointly announced and
pathogen interaction and Marine Biology & 56 joint projects had been implemented. In 2021,
Biotechnology. 4 articles are published in international journal
and 3 patents on 'STIM', 'KALPANA' and 'GAURI'
Australia: Department of Biotechnology (DBT) (2 national and 1 international) has been filed.
has strategic partnership with Australia for
fostering research in the medical biotechnology Department of Biotechnology collaborates with
domain. The Indo-Australian Biotechnology Fund Canada, Denmark and Netherlands under the
is managed jointly by the Department of Bilateral Cooperation programme to encourage
Biotechnology (DBT), Government of India and and facilitate cooperative activities between
Department of Industry, Innovation and Science research institutions, universities and other
(DIIS), Govt. of Australia. Since its establishment stakeholders in the respective national sciences
in 2006, the IABF has supported collaborative,
and innovation systems of collaborative
leading-edge research between scientists in
countries, where partnerships are being forged
Australia and India across a range of jointly
considering the national priorities to take
agreed upon priority areas. So far, 14 calls have
been announced and this partnership has forward the technologies.
supported 56 joint projects in various areas of life
sciences. Netherlands: Indo-Netherlands Cooperation is
focused to support the research, development
The focus during the year has been on and demonstration based bilateral projects are
Collaborative Research Projects Round 14. The being supported in the areas of “Technology for a
14th Indo-Australia call on 'Indo-Australian
Biotechnology Fund Collaborative Research sustainable Healthcare- Minimally Invasive
Projects (Round 14)' was opened from 1st July, Techniques” and “Water for health”. Department
2021 till 31st August, 2021. The key priority areas has launched, and finalized the new call for
were Biomaterials (including bioplastics), Digital proposal, in the area of Climate Smart Agriculture
health and telemedicine, Infection prevention announced in September 2020.
and control, COVID-19 long-term health impacts.
45 new proposals have been received under the Scientists from Department of Biosciences and
call and were evaluated and shortlisted from the Bioengineering, IIT Guwahati in collaboration
Indian Side during the 3rd Technical/ Advisory with their Netherlands partner under DBT
Core Committee meeting for International
cooperation held on 7th and 8th October, 2021.



funded project aimed to develop affordable

cardiac patches for myocardial infarction has of Advanced Computing, Kolkata in collaboration
developed north-east muga silk-based 3D with their Danish partner under the DBT funded
bioprinted vascularized beating cardiac patches bilateral project on the thematic area for aimed
with oxygen releasing and immunomodulatory to develop technology “Safe Water Index Sensing
potential. This study will assist and establish new System (SWISS)” - an innovative system towards
dimensions in tissue engineering based real-time monitoring of water by detecting series
treatment of myocardial infarction and other of heavy metal contaminants through
Biochemical Sensory Array Device (BSAD)” has
cardiac related anomalies.
developed a “potentiometric based
electrochemical device for the detection of heavy
Researchers from IIT Kharagpur and IIT Delhi in metals in drinking water integrated with BSAD” to
collaboration with their Netherlands partner support the human population with a point of
under DBT funded project aimed to develop a care solution for safe water consumption. This
novel biopsy device having the dual functionality study would benefit the general mass with a
of snap-freezing the acquired biopsy and cooling viable and commercial solution for household
the surrounding tissue, has proposed a design of use of estimating their drinking water quality and
the envisaged modified cryo-needle and safety. This study assists and provides the users
developed tissue specific cooling rates for four with a report for their household drinking water
different types of tumour tissues using extensive quality for better human health.
numerical modelling. The extensive numerical
studies will provide the framework necessary to Investigators from IIT Guwahati, CSIR-Indian
accurately understand freezing patterns in Institute of Chemical Technology (CSIR-IICT), GB
different types of tissues leading to the predictive Pant Agricultural University in collaboration with
acquisition of biopsies. This understanding can their Denmark partner under DBT funded project
aimed to develop an innovative algae platform
then be utilized to optimise the flow parameters
for industrial wastewater valorisation towards
for the modified biopsy needle.
multiple bio-based products (biomass,
biohydrogen, and biogas). Dairy (India), Pulp &
Canada: Department is actively engaged in joint Paper (India) and Potato chips (Denmark)
cooperation IC-IMPACTS, Canada, and wastewaters are being bioremediated using
collaborating for translational projects aims to various strains of microalgae and the resultant
create wealth from Waste. The projects being biomass is being converted to various value
kicked off under this cooperation are focused to added products. Scientist from IICT Hyderabad
use lignocellulosic waste sewage for energy has found that Dairy wastewater is used as a
production, and industrial wastewater feedstock for microalgae growth and maximum
treatment. Collaboration and joint Call in other biomass of 2.6 g L-1 was observed in
areas of mutual interest is under such as 'energy' Kirchineriellalunaris. Microalgae cultivated with
and 'agriculture' are under process dairy waste water showed a significant reduction
in organic pollutants and higher concentration of
Denmark: Recently, this cooperation came to join photosynthetic pigments, carbohydrates and
hands in the area of Bio-Resources and protein content. The results obtained postulate
potential of microalgae in valorizing wastewater
Secondary Agriculture.
and simultaneous increase in biomass
Scientists from the Centre for Development



Figure: Development of modified cryo needle and tissue specific cooling rates for four
different types of tumour tissues

Figure: Cross sectional view of the tip of the envisaged cryo needle

Figure: Simplified 3D Representation of the Breast model geometry of (a) acquired sample and the
(b) surrounding tissue region (all dimensions are in millimeters)



Figu: Representation of the Breast tissue boundary conditions of (a) acquired sample and the
(b) surrounding tissue region

Figure: Temperature contours of acquired tissue sample subjected to cooling power of 8W at

indicated instances of time

Figure: BSAD sensor of the SWISS device



Figure: Left Side of the prototype of the SWISS device with Electronics

Figure: Front side of the prototype of the

SWISS device with Electronics

Figure: Top view of the prototype of the SWISS

device with Electronics



Figure: Tubular membrane after sintering

Figure: Tubular membrane while drying in room

Figure: Schematics details of Work performed



Multilateral Cooperation Foundation, China and The Swedish Research

DBT-EUREKA: EUREKA is an intergovernmental Council for Sustainable
organization for publically funded market driven
Development alongwith the Department of
industrial R&D involving 44 countries. The
Biotechnology (DBT). This initiative has focus on
department under 'GlobalStars Initiative' is
'Human-Environment Interactions and the
implementing three projects with UK,
Sustainable Development Goals'. Under this
Netherlands and Spain on 'One Health'. To
partnership six projects implanted for the
strengthen multilateral collaboration, the
duration of two years. Supported projects has
department is implementing two projects under
provided insights that will be utilised for policy
2nd GlobalStars India joint call with EUREKA within
making inputs on sustainable earth and
the scope: “key enabling technologies for
healthcare, agriculture and water” with The
Netherlands and Sweden. One of the study named as Opportunities for
Climate Mitigation and Sustainable Development
Project supported under this collaboration has
(OPTIMISM) based on Surat & Udaipur cities,
provided several scientific insights. Some of them
provides a new assessment framework to
are mentioned here. The ExoLiv study has
understand linkages between SDGs and deep
developed liver cancer model in Black B6/JL mice
decarbonization scenarios at the city level,
with mice LLC cell line as well as humanized mice
making it a key methodological contribution. The
model was developed for development of
Principle Investigator has presented the project
orthotopic mice model.
findings at COP26 in session “Future of Mobility
Another study on direct 3D bioprinting strategies Through Local Innovation and Transport
to study articular cartilage development and Solutions”.The event can be assessed:
regenerative therapy for osteoarthritis has
recently demonstrated that formation of FWYc; Timestamp: 6:15 – 11:50.
transient cartilage at the expense of permanent
cartilage upon immobilization of developing
embryos is caused by ectopic activation of BMP
DBT-BRICS: The Department of Biotechnology
along with DST had announced a multilateral
joint call dedicated to the COVID-19 under BRICS
STI Framework Programme with two-year project
duration to fund proposals as a proof of concept.
Under this joint call two projects implemented by Another study focused on the Peri-Urbanization
the department. The department is participating and Climate environment interaction (PERI-
in the 5th coordinated call for BRICS multilateral CENE) is looking for impacts/effects of
projects under BRICS STI Framework Programme. periurbanisation on climate change risk creating
DBT-TaSE: Towards Sustainable Earth (TaSE) is a new frameworks of adaptive governance based
multilateral joint collaborative platform between on the experiences of greater Manchester and
The Natural Environment, Economic and Social, greater Chennai, with additional information
Arts and Humanities Research Council of UK from 20 other city-regions around the world.
Research and Innovation; Japan Science and
Technology Agency; National Natural Science



The Opportunities and trade-offs between the officers, workshops and linkages through various
SDGs for food, welfare and the environment in FPOs, research institutions and agricultural
Deltas study for the first time has explored the universities.
attainment and failure of SDG targets at a sub-
national level in a critical climatic hotspot like Mission Innovation (MI) Accelerating the Clean
Sundarbans and came up with important leads Energy Innovation was announced on November
on synergies and trade-offs between prevailing 30, 2015 at COP21 in Paris to commit ambitious
land-use practices, conservation strategies, and efforts to combat climate change. It is a global
adaptation policies. initiative of 22 countries and the European
This multilateral collaboration platform is looking Commission (on behalf of the European Union)
for practical solutions for the Land River Interface working to reinvigorate and accelerate global
(LRI) on/alongside the Sutlej-Beas river basins. clean energy innovation to make clean energy
This will help the people in managing these trade- widely affordable. India has actively participated
offs through suitable technology interventions in all eight global calls (MI Challenges) aimed at
that enhance multiple Sustainable Development accelerating Research, Development, and
Goals (SDGs) Social-Economic-Environmental Demonstration (RD&D) and committed to
Trade-offs in Managing the Land-River-Interface actively participate in MI 2.0 through 'Platform' &
(SEELARI). 'Mission' for Clean Energy Development.
The Pathways of Dispersal for Cholera and India, during MI Phase-I played crucial role in MI
Solution Tools (PODCAST) study is looking for activities at global level by participating through
development and validation of hydrodynamic DBT, DST and CSIR and other line ministries
models to describe the role of ocean currents in leading to develop clean energy solutions
t h e t ra n s p o rtat io n o f p at h o gen s a n d through cutting edge research and development.
vulnerability of coastal areas to cholerae. Since its inception, India has been an active MI
member, co-leading three Innovation challenges
Smart Agriculture – FarmerZone project (Smart Grids, Off-Grid access to Electricity and
implemented by the IIT Mandi with coordinating Sustainable Biofuels) and actively participating in
the first FarmerZone sentinel (potato crop). It was other five Innovation Challenges (Carbon
envisioned to be a Cloud-based service that Capture, Converting Sunlight, Clean energy
collects, collates and curates data from multiple Materials, Affordable Heating and Cooling of
sources to provide key machine-learning Buildings and Renewable and Clean Hydrogen.
analytics that cater to the needs of farmers. The India through DBT & DST conceptualized > 172
IIT Mandi has developed the FarmerZone cloud projects to provide innovative solutions in the
infrastructure that has been able to ingest data area of clean energy.
from IMD, Agmark, and several other sources
through web-scraping. Region-specific package- Mission Innovation Breakthrough Solutions has
of-practices and crop advisory predictions have resulted in Four Clean Energy Success stories in
India covering Off-grid access to electricity,
been obtained from CPRI. Market related advice
Ocean energy, Energy storage and Sustainable
including seed, cold storage and insurance
Biofuels, exemplifying the determination of
schemes were obtained from IORA. The scientists and engineers in universities and
advisories reach farmers through an indigenously industry across India, to continue to drive the
developed FarmerZone smartphone app. Till now phenomenal progress made to date, and to
over 6000 farmers have been registered across 5 succeed in delivering a clean growth revolution.
states (UP, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Gujarat
and West Bengal) through a team of 12 field



The MI India Global Champions (Prof. SP Gon “MI Clean Tech Exchange Platform” aiming to
Chaudhuri and Dr Purnima Jalihal) selected under connect the international incubators and scale
MI Champions program, are scaling the Potential the innovation and startup eco system.
of Clean Energy Innovation in the area(s) of Off-
grid access to electricity (Micro-solar dome and Participation in Other Missions: India actively
solar water pump) and Ocean energy systems. Till supports the following Missions: Hydrogen,
today 15000 Micro-Solar dome installed, Power, Shipping, Innovation driven Urban
benefitting 70,000 people in India. Transition, Carbon Dioxide Removal and Net-Zero
Emission Industry Demo.
Mission Innovation 6th Ministerial (MI 6): India Participation in COP26: launch of Mission
participated in the MI Gathering 2021, reiterating Integrated Biorefineries: 09th November 2021:
India's commitment via the Joint Launch India reiterated and urged the global clean
Statement to MI's next phase focusing on public- energy community at the United Nations Climate
private alliances ("The Missions") and the Global Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) to
Innovation Platform for collaboration and commit to expanding access to sustainable fuels,
acceleration of start-up technologies towards chemicals, and materials as a means of
affordable clean energy solutions. India actively decreasing greenhouse gas emissions and
participated at the 6th Mission Innovation attaining global climate goals. Union Minister for
Ministerial (MI-6) held virtually in May 2021, Science & Technology, Dr Jitendra Singh
hosted by Chile, which was attended by a high- reiterated India's stand and called for
level delegation led by the Hon'bleMoS&T, commitment from the global clean energy
H&FW, and ES, Secretary DBT, and senior officials community for access to sustainable fuels,
from DBT and DST, who reaffirmed India's chemicals, and materials to reduce greenhouse
commitment via the Joint Member Statement to gas emissions and achieve global climate goals as
one of the mitigation measures. To accelerate the
accelerate the pace of innovation and facilitate
commercialization of integrated biorefineries
clean energy transitions by advancing the
and achieve the goal of replacing an additional
solutions and technologies needed to support 10% of fossil carbon equivalent by sustainable
national goals. At the event, under the Global bio-carbon in fuels, chemicals, and materials
Innovation Platform component the following derived from residues and wastes by 2030, the
initiatives were launched: Government of India and the Netherlands-led
Mission Integrated Biorefineries was launched
Integrated Sustainable Aviation Biofuels (ISAF) among the global clean energy community at a
co-led by India and USA, was launched with side event of COP26 (Lead IT Summit).
support from other key members (Netherland,
Denmark, China and EU), aiming to develop cost- Impact so far: With the increase in RD&D
effective strategies for Sustainable Aviation investment, Mission Innovation has initiated
Fuels. R&D activities in advanced areas of clean energy
under the innovation challenges. International
Innovation Community on Affordable Heating
cooperation in these projects has resulted in
and Cooling of Buildings Co-led by India aims to
knowledge sharing. Mission Innovation has
bring together Global R&I community for heating
helped identify cutting-edge innovation and S&T
and cooling of buildings. India also participates in
the Innovation Community on Materials for developments involving larger Stakeholders,
Energy, led by Canada. identifying national research strengths, and
involving the private sector in investment and
To support the Start-up Innovation ecosystem, commercialization. MI- India has successfully
under the “Accelerate” module, India leads the engaged knowledge partners like IEA, IRENA etc.



Clean International Incubation Centre set up by 1. EMBO, EMBC and India: The Government of
DBT-BIRAC has successfully facilitated the Republic of India became an associate
innovations by start-ups with more than 20 clean member in January 2016 of EMBO by signing a
energy solutions to help standalone researchers Cooperation Agreement with EMBC to
is a unique achievement. Takachar, a start-up st re n gt h e n s c i e nt i f i c i nte ra c t i o n a n d
supported by CEIIC, a joint initiative of DBT, collaborative research between India and
Ministry of Science and Technology and Tata Europe. This made Indian scientific community
Trusts, won the EarthShot "Clean our Air" prize eligible to participate in all EMBO Programmes
2021, for the creation of a portable machine and activities.
which turns agricultural waste into sellable
products like fuels and fertilizers. The technology 2. HFSPO: The partnership between India and
reduces smoke emissions by up to 98% which will the International Human Frontier Science
help improve the air quality and if scaled could Program Organization (HFSPO) is since 2006. It
help cut CO2 levels to a considerable extent. supports for frontier research on the complex
Working towards the next phase of MI (2.0), India mechanisms of living organisms through the
is focusing on affordable, reliable, and widely Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP). The
available clean energy, with a focus on research HFSPO support investigators under Research
and innovation, cost reduction, and the discovery grant and Fellowship categories. In 2021, five
of new approaches to how we produce, use, Indians received HFSPO grants support in
store, and distribute energy. Research Grant (1) and Long-Term Fellowship (1)
and Cross-Disciplinary Fellowships (3) for
Partnership Programmes with EMBO, HFSPO conducting joint collaborative research.
and Foldscope

Hon'ble Minister S&T addressing the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the parties
: Launch of Mission Integrated Biorefineries: 09th November 2021

Trigger Talk by Dr. RenuSwarup, Secretary Department of Biotechnology, Govt of India

addressing the global challenges in Clean Energy Transition at MI-6.



S. N. EMBO and HFSPO Awardee Number of

1. The Global Investigator 5
2. EMBO Postdoctoral Fellowships 7
3. EMBO Scientific Exchange 1
4. Indian Scientists attending EMBO Courses & Workshops 40
5. EMBO Travel grant 1
6. EMBO Laboratory Leadership Courses 4
7. EMBO IndiaBioscience Online Seminars 1
8. HFSPO grants support in Research 1
9. HFSPO Long-Term Fellowship 1
10. HFSPO Cross-Disciplinary Fellowships 3

3. Foldscope: Microscopy for all: The 2) Two days hands-on training workshop on use
Department under initiative of “microscope for of Foldscope held at Chaudhary Sehaku Singh
every child” has organized two workshops and Balika Inter College, Dedhgaon, Chandauli, Uttar
distributed Foldscopes to the resource constraint Pradesh on December 09 and 10 December 2021
schools and colleges in 2021. The COVID-19 for the teachers of Aspirational Districts of Uttar
pandemic has adversely affected this activity. Pradesh (Chandauli, Shravasti, Sonbhadra,
However, the changing nature in adoption of ICT Fatehpur, Bahraich, Siddharthnagar, Balrampur
led to organization of two Foldscope workshops and Chitrakoot). A total of 52 school teachers and
at Chandauli, Uttar Pradesh and Chamba, 227 students were trained.
Himachal Pradesh respectively.
The training held on use of foldscope to visualize
1) Two days hands-on training workshop on unicellular and multi cellular cells like bacteria,
use of Foldscope at Government College, fungus, protozoans, plant cells, animal cells,
Sultanpur, Chamba, Himachal Pradesh, held on arthropods and exopolymeric substances. This
November 25-26, 2021 for the teachers of training will provide a platform to the students &
Aspirational Districts of Himachal Pradesh, teachers to use Foldscopes as microscopic tool
Punjab, Haryana, Jammu and Kashmir and for their practicals, detection of samples, etc.
Uttarakhand. Fifty (50) school teachers and 206 These teachers will act as trainers for their
students were trained on use of foldscope. districts to take forward this initiative and
strengthening of the scientific temperament of
the students to pursue science as a career.



COVID 19 Diagnostics assays for detecting anti-SARS-CoV-2

antibodies. The developed rapid test has
To address gaps in indigenous diagnostics higher sensitivity than the commercial
development during the COVID-19 pandemic, assays in the same
the Department has sanctioned 16 projects
through a special call “DBT-BIRAC Covid-19
Research Consortium” call. Some of the salient
developments are reported below:
Ø DBT as identified 30 City /Regional clusters
to scale up COVID testing as a part of the Hub
and Spoke model. 9 DBT AIs (THSTI, ICGEB,
are approved as Hubs for COVID-19 testing.
As on December 17, 2021, DBT supported
COVID Testing centres have tested 70.24
Lakh samples; 29,990 samples have been
tested in the mobile I- lab attached to DBT- Components of the developed
Translational Health Science and Technology
Institute, Faridabad.
Ø DBT supported 'AMTZ COMManD (COVID-19
format and has been found to be in high
Medtech Manufacturing Development)
concordance between serum neutralization
Consortium', an indigenous manufacturing
test titers and the signals (UCNP
facility set up at the Andhra Med Tech Zone
fluorescence) from the LFA. The aim is to
(AMTZ) has achieved a production capacity
further develop this assay as a surrogate
of ~10 Lakh RT-PCR COVID-19 diagnostic
virus neutralization test for the point of care
tests/day and ~1 Lakh VTM/day. AMTZ has
settings keeping in mind the utility of this
been able to achieve production of 9.00 Cr.
test for assessing the vaccine response and
units of Tru-NAT RT- PCR kits; 1.5 Cr. Covid-
to determine the need for the booster dose
IgG ELISA / LFA kits; 08 lakh Viral Transport
in future.
Media (VTM) kits, 3000 IR thermometers,
Ø IISc, Bangalore has developed RT-LAMP
2000 Pulse oximeters along with 11000
assay against the S-gene of SARS-CoV2
ventilators and other critical medical
having significant analytical sensitivity. The
specificity of the assay lies in the strength of
Ø Tra n s l at i o n a l H e a l t h S c i e n c e a n d
designing of the primers, which are unique in
Technology Institute (THSTI) has developed
the genome of SARS-CoV2 and are absent in
a rapid and stable Receptor Binding Domain
other related coronaviruses. Thus, it would
(RBD)- based IgG ELISA test. The test has
ensure that the LAMP reaction would
shown higher sensitivity compared to few of
proceed by loop formation exclusively in the
the kits available in market. The initial
presence of SARS-CoV2 target RNA, leading
version of the test has been transferred to
to high specificity of the assay. Pilot
Xcyton Diagnostics Ltd. The test should be a
validation has been performed and the
very useful tool in monitoring the
working prototype of the kit is ready for
sustainability of IgG response after the
ICMR evaluation.
infection and vaccination and will have value
even when the pandemic is over. The team
has also developed a lateral flow rapid POC



Ø The Department supported Centre for Testing Count

Human Genetics, Bangalore to develop an
IgG ELISA Test kit for sero- surveillance. The DBT has identified 21 City /Regional clusters to
kit which has been submitted for ICMR scale up Covid testing as a part of the Hub and
evaluation/validation will help to check for Spoke model. Nine Autonomous Institutes (AIs)
the immunity by testing SARS-CoV2 of DBT have been approved as testing centres for
antibodies generated by individuals with a COVID-19 diagnosis. These DBT AIs have also
history of SARS COV2 infection or been identified as hubs for their respective
downstream of receiving the vaccination. regions. Till date, more than 70.24 lakh tests have
The team has developed two ELISA tests been performed by these Clusters.
Lady Bird and Paras, which identifies SARS To ramp up the COVID-19 testing in rural and
CoV2 antibodies with high specificity and inaccessible areas, India's first I-lab (infectious
disease diagnostic lab) which was launched in
June 2020 and attached to the THSTI, Faridabad
hub have tested more than 29990 samples in
total, till date from the Faridabad region
COVID Vaccine Development
l World's first COVID-19 DNA Vaccine,
ZyCoV-D, developed by Zydus Cadila,
supported under Mission COVID
Suraksha, received Emergency Use
Authorization (EUA) from the National
Regulatory Authority (NRA) on 20th
August, 2021;
sensitivity. The peptides (RBD) arrays could l The indigenously developed protein
be used to develop quantitative estimates/ s u b u n i t va c c i n e ( C O R B E VA X T M )
titres of IgA Antibody as an indicator of the developed by Biological E is the 2nd
i m m u n e re s p o n s e ( p ro te c t i o n ) o r vaccine candidate under Mission COVID
neutralising activity. Suraksha, to have received EUA on 28th
Ø Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of December, 2021;
Medical Sciences, Lucknow is studying an l Nation's first mRNA-based vaccine
important aspect of Covid 19 wherein the developed by
team is looking for relationship between l Gennova Biopharmaceuticals Ltd. is
digestive symptoms and morbidity, currently in
mortality and fecal excretion of the virus l Phase II/III clinical stage of development;
among patients with COVID-19. The l India's first Intranasal Vaccine developed
researchers have recruited patients for by Bharat Biotech International Ltd.
sample collection and are being followed up (BBIL), supported by DBT-BIRAC under
for various intervals like 1, 3 and even for 6 Mission COVID Suraksha, is in Phase II
months. The preliminary study shows that clinical stage of development;
presence of GI symptoms was associated l Indian Immunolgicals Limited (IIL),
with a severe illness and fatal outcome on supported under Mission COVID
multivariate analysis. Independent S u ra k s h a , fo r a u g m e n t a t i o n o f
predictors of GI symptoms included the manufacturing capacity for COVAXIN®,
absence of contact history, presence of non- has achieved production
GI symptoms, and comorbid illnesses.

capacity of 20 lakh doses/month COVID-19 Genomics

equivalent Drug Substance (DS) in
September, 2021. A total of 56 lakh doses Indian SARS-CoV-2 Genomics Consortium
equivalent DS was transferred to BBIL as (INSACOG) is a consortium of 38 Regional
on date; Genome Sequencing Laboratories (RGSLs)
l Validation of the facility at Bharat Biotech established by DBT and MoHFW for molecular
International Limited (BBIL), supported surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 variants. The
under Mission COVID Suraksha, for INSACOG has sequenced 1,14,972 SARS -CoV-2
augmentation of manufacturing capacity genomes (as on 20.12.2021) of which 1,14,265
for COVAXIN®, at Malur, Bengaluru, is have been analyzed and assigned Pangolin
complete. Approximately 2 Crore doses lineage and results of 87,932 samples have been
equivalent of Drug Substance (DS) of updated in IHIP/ submitted to NCDC.
COVAXIN® have been filled in so far;
l The CEPI Centralized network lab at DBT-
THSTI Faridabad, was inaugurated by the
COVID-19 Therapeutics
Hon'ble Minister of Science & Technology
on January 5, 2021. This NABL accredited DBT-BIRAC supported anti-viral drug – Virafin
Bioassay Laboratory validated COVID-19 (pegylated interferon alpha-2b) – developed by
kits and performed immunogenicity Zydus Cadila, has recently been accorded
testing of vaccine candidates for various restricted emergency use approval, for
industries and academic institutions; treatment of moderate COVID-19. Virafin is
l With support from PM-CARES Funds, two available in 214 hospitals across the country;
DBT Autonomous Institutes- National included in 3 state protocols, supplied to 4 states;
Institute of Animal Biotechnology (NIAB), 6 states actively considering including in
Hyderabad and National Centre for Cell protocol.
Science (NCCS), Pune, have been
upgraded as Central Drug Laboratories *****
(CDLs), for testing and batch release of
vaccines. The facility at NCCS, Pune, was
notified as CDL, on June 28, 2021; the
facility at NIAB, Hyderabad was notified
on 17th August, 2021 by Ministry of
Health and Family Welfare;
l Under the Partnerships for Advancing
Clinical Trials (PACT) programme, a
science diplomacy initiative of the
Department, two series of training
programmes for strengthening clinical
trial capacities in neighboring countries,
were held between Sep-Dec 2020 and
Feb- Apr 2021, for more than 2400
candidates across 14 neighboring and
friendly countries;
l The tableau of DBT for the Republic Day
Parade 2021, titled 'India Fights COVID-
19' adjudged the best among Ministries /
Departments of India;

SOCIETAL PROGRAM diseases like mastitis, severely mar their milk

p r o d u c t i o n c a p a c i t y. D e p a r t m e n t o f
Department has been supporting projects aiming Biotechnology under its societal project has
to promote use of biotechnological processes selected SC/ST population of four villages in
and tools for the benefit of society specially Jammu district and trained over 370 farmers for
farmers and unemployed youth in Aspirational profitable dairy farming using scientific
districts and rural areas through Biotech Based interventions. Skill development workshops
Programmes for Societal Development. DBT also were organised to enhance their technical skills in
has Biotech-Krishi Innovation Science Application farm management. This has motivated and
Network (Biotech-KISAN) program that nurtured many new farmers to venture into start-
empowers farmers, especially women farmers. It ups in the dairy sector. Now they are earning two
aims to understand the problems of water, soil, to five times more than their previous income.
seed and market faced by the farmers and Notably, a high percentage of youth with
provide simple solutions to them. impressive pay packages in the private sector
have started dairy farming. There are around 20
Biotechnology Based Program for Societal success stories under this project where youth
Development have initiated dairy start-ups and have
established successful businesses.
Biotechnology based Program for Societal
Development was initiated by DBT in 1990 to
benefit the vulnerable section of the society
particularly farmers, women and SC/ST
population. From 2018-19, the focus of the
program has shifted to socio-economic
upliftment of the underprivileged section of the
society in Aspirational Districts. In last 5 years, the
Department has supported 66 projects under this
program and nearly 39,000 rural, SC/ST and
women population including youth have been
benefitted through the implementation of the
projects in agriculture and allied sector including
animal husbandry, dairy, fisheries; integrated
farming system; health & nutrition; environment
& biodiversity conservation.
During 2021-22, Department has screened 52
proposals received under call for establishment
of Rural Technology Clusters (RTCs) in
Aspirational Districts. 27 proposals have been
recommended for implementation.
Glimpses of some of projects supported under
Societal Development Programs are as given Fig: Training of usage of milk testing kits and
below: modern dairy equipment to beneficiaries; and
l Jammu and Kashmir imports milk from visit of Hon'ble Minister of State (IC) of Science
neighbouring states as the prevalence of & Technology to a beneficiary dairy farm.



l Two nutraceutical products namely, marketing and selling platform and

Sahjan leaf powder dietary capsules and developing the brand for the products
Sahjan- fortified wheat flour puri have developed through scientifically validated
been developed by CSIR-NBRI under traditional practices. The beneficiaries
another Societal Development Program have started developing the products
of DBT. These products have reduced based on MAPs along with selling in the
malnutrition problem in growing children local markets.
and women of targeted area.
l A project being implemented by Indian l Another project is involved in Millets
Institute of Technology Roorkee aims at Processing & value addition Training at
pursuing the interventions such as Value Farm Gate and marketing linkages.
addition, product development, and Women from a small village of Katti
entrepreneurial skill development-based Tugaon, Bhalki Taluk Bidar district of
innovations for rural and societal Karnataka have started a Self Help Group
development in traditional Medicinal and called “TRIDALA SELF HELP GROUP”. The
Aromatic Plants based products of the hill women were provided training on
areas focused on North-West Himalayan business plan, processing of millets and
Region. The beneficiaries have been market linkages to get remunerative
provided with the quality germplasm of prices for products. The products like
the identified MAPs for cultivation. A

Fig.: Organic cultivation of germplasm and beneficiaries using processing facility.

processing facility housing the Pearl Millet Muruku, Ragi Malt,
i nte r ve nt i o n s fo r p o st - h a r ve st Multimillet Malt, Ragi Masala, Roti
management, and processing of MAPs is Powder, millets Papad and Millets
established for the beneficiaries. The Khichadi Mix etc., are being prepared by
beneficiaries are being trained for organic these SHG members. Many other farm
cultivation, post- harvest processing of women were inspired by this SHG group
MAPs, and product development based and as a result now more than 30
on MAPs along with skill development for members are working in this group and
entrepreneurial practices and support for selling their produce across the country.
m a r ke t d e ve l o p m e nt . I C T - b a s e d Today Tridala women SHG is a role model
interventions are being implemented for to other women in the village.
strengthening the connections, providing



l High altitude livestock such as yak, plays a the highland farming communities of
major role in the economy of the tribal Arunachal Pradesh and North Sikkim. The
population, living in the difficult terrains technologies have been given to the state
of the foot hills of Himalayas. Yaks are developmental agencies; Animal
raised on free range transhumance Husbandry department and Krishi Vigyan
sy s t e m o f r e a r i n g w i t h o u t a ny Kendra of Tawang and West Kameng in
supplementary feed, except some salts at Arunachal Pradesh and North Sikkim for
regular interval. The entire yak rearing further percolation in field. Complete
areas of the country face acute shortage Feed Blocks (CFB), made from locally
of fodder during winter when entire available feed resources to combat winter
pastures remain covered under snow and feed crisis in yaks, has been distributed
due to dormant biomass growth. Beside, and found effective in recouping 25-30%
over grazing of winter pasture due to over of body weight loss in yaks during winters.
stocking with other livestock resulting in
their deterioration. This results in
substantial loss in animal body weight and
production. These losses could be
compensated by supplementation of
complete feed blocks prepared from
locally available fodder resources such as
maize stover, paddy/millet straw and
concentrated feed. Silage making in poly
bags in another technology of
conservation of surplus green forages for
lean period. The technology is found
effective in ensiling high altitude tree
forages like Willow tender twigs and
leaves for offering to the animals during Fig: CFB distribution and technology
feed scarcity periods. Both these demonstration to the farmers in Sikkim
technologies have been extensively
demonstrated and popularised among



l Farmers from Kelambe village in Lanja

Ta l u k a o f R a t n a g i r i d i s t r i c t o f
M a h a ra s h t ra , h a v i n g l i v e l i h o o d
agriculture farming mainly horticulture
crops like coconut, cashew and Amla,
were trained in integrated farming
practice by incorporating fish culture and
utilising waste water from fish culture
unit as a source of nutrient for
horticulture crops. The farmers were
trained for constructing polythene lined
ponds in his unused land of for supporting
irrigation to horticulture crops and fish
culture. The intervention has resulted in
increase in income and productivity of
horticultural crops as well.

Fig: Fish culture farms; Seed stocking and Health check-up and monitoring on site.



Biotech-Krishi Innovation Major highlights of the progress made in

ongoing programmes are as follows:
Science Application Network
Under the Biotech-KISAN Hub in the Aspirational
(Biotech-KISAN) Districts Haridwar and Udham Singh Nagar of
Biotech-KISAN is a scientist-farmer partnership Uttarakhand, the overall crop yield increase
scheme launched by Department of recorded is between 60 to 70% in all crops dueto
Biotechnology (DBT) in 2017 for agriculture use of seeds of improved varieties and cultivation
innovation with an objective to connect science technology packages in paddy and vegetable.
laboratories with the farmers to find out The vermi-compost technology introduced first
innovative solutions and technologies to be time in the area, helped the farmers to reduce
applied at farm level. The establishment of their dependency on costly chemical fertilizers as
Biotech-KISAN Hubs in different agroclimatic well to improve the soil health. The protected
zones will strengthen and empower the KVKs vegetable cultivation (Polyhouse technology)
with latest and innovative technologies by linking was demonstrated and introduced first time in
them with national scientific labs and the project area.
institutions. This programme will be working on
At Biotech-KISAN Hub in the Aspirational Districts
the basis of cluster approach for economic uplift
of small and marginal farmers, rural youths and Nandurbar and Osmanabad of Maharashtra,
woman by infusion of biotechnology-based demonstration activities on groundnut and onion
solutions in agriculture and allied sectors, in Nandurbar district; gram and soybean in
development of bio-based agri-enterprises in Osmanabad district has been carried out. A total
rural areas based on affordable technologies and of 17 Farmers Training programmes have been
providing support to them. The Biotech-KISAN organized benefiting 606 farmers. The
Hubs/Incubators that have been established so technological booklets for each crop are being
far covers all 15 agro-climatic zones of the made for the distribution to the farming
country and their activities have been community.
implemented in a total of 169 districts including Under Biotech-KISAN Hub in aspirational districts
112 Aspirational Districts. The scheme has of Virudhunagar and Ramanthapuram of Tamil
benefitted over three lakh farmers (directly and Nadu forty beneficiaries were identified for
indirectly, both) by increasing their agriculture
imparting training on 'Importance of balanced
output and income. Over 200 entrepreneurships
feeding, improved fodder crop varieties and its
have also been developed in the rural areas.

Biotech-Krishi Innovation Science Application

Network (Biotech-KISAN)

No. of Ongoing Biotech-KISAN Hubs supported 36

Satellite Centers 169
No. of Aspirational Districts Covered 112
No. of Demonstrations Carried Out 8000
No. of Interventions Carried Out 55
No. of Farmer beneficiaries covered under training 3,000,00
programmes and workshops
Entrepreneurships developed in the rural areas 200



production technologies' comprising of lectures, and marketing of activities enterprises in

discussion, demonstration, exposure visits and Scientific Beekeeping (30 farmers), Tissue
confidence building workshops. At the end of the Culture Banana cultivation (Var. G- 9 in 50 acres),
training/workshops, the beneficiaries were Scientific Goat Farming (290 farmers),
distributed with seeds / planting materials of demonstration of improved Makhana Var.
different improved fodder crops and the (Sabour Makhana I in 75 ha) and Scientific
accessories of hydroponic unit on free of cost to Mushroom cultivation was carried out. Market
establish the nutritional forage cafeteria. linkage with private companies has been
At Biotech-KISAN Hub in selected Seven established for better marketing of makhana.
Aspirational Districts of North East States, a total Tissue Culture Banana cultivation is being
of 574 piglets have been purchased and demonstrated in 50 acres farmers' field and the
distributed to 272 piglet beneficiaries along with crop is now in good condition. Scientific
pig feed (129 packets, 50 kg / packet). A total of B eekeep in g c reated b etter livelih o o d
49 training programmes were organized to opportunity for farmers especially for returned
educate/ aware beneficiaries about Scientific Pig migrant lanour due to COVID 19 Pandemic. Goat
Husbandry under this project by seven Centres farming received huge attention specially to farm
and two numbers by Main Hub (through video women and goat mortally rate is reduced and
conference). Support was provided for Good farmers are getting more price.
quality improved pig breed, feeding techniques, At Biotech-KISAN Hub in Washim and Gadchiroli
low cost pig housing, administration of medicines dstrcits of Maharashtra, technologies were
and vaccines to pigs, formula of low-cost feed, disseminated to adjacent 54 villages of Hingoli,
collection of faecal samples etc. Akola and Amravati district with 120 ha land
covered under demonstration. Total 72 trainings
At Biotech-KISAN Hub comprising of Karauli,
were conducted through which 1828 farmers
Dholpur, and Baran districts of Rajasthan; Mewat
were trained in two year on IPM of pink bollworm
district of Haryana and Balrampur, Baharaich and
in cotton. About 300 demonstrations have been
Sravasti districts of Uttar Pradesh,
laid in the field of 300 farmers beneficiaries from
demonstrations of improved varieties of paddy,
2019 to 2021 with innovative package and
wheat, moong, pigeon pea, mustard and
practices with major emphasis on intervention of
horticultural crops; bio-fertilizers (PSB, VAM,
IPM in cotton for pink bollworm management.
Azotobacter, Trichoderma, Pusa Sampoorn
The techniques viz Pheromone traps, Solar light
(NPK), ZNSB), microbial formulations for pest and
trap, NSKE, Trichocards have saved the money of
residue management and agro-techniques were
farmers on chemical pesticide and due to this
laid out benefitting 1967 farmers. Training on
intervention and innovative package and
crop production, protection and value addition
practices adopted by farmers they have obtained
benefitted as many as 1315 farmers, while
good yield.
farmers-scientists' interactions benefitted 1282
farmers. The use of improved Pusa varieties with At Biotech-KISAN Hub at Central Rainfed Upland
higher yield attributes resulted in enhancing the Rice Research Station (CRURRS), ICAR- NRRI,
productivity of crops, leading to increased Hazaribag, Jharkhand, a total of 13 training
income for the farmers. programmes have been conducted involving 731
farmers / farm women / rural youth on various
Under the Biotech-KISAN Hub in Six Aspirational
activities viz., Lac cultivation, Backyard poultry
Districts (Purnia, Katihar, Khagaria, Banka, Araria
rearing, scientific honey production and goatary.
and Aurangabad) of Bihar promotion, production
Four demonstrations on Lac cultivation, Apiary



(Chatra, Gumla, and Palamau) have been yield by 20%. Direct sown rice technology has
conducted involving 223 farmers / farm women. increased yield by 18% and water saving to the
tune of 30-40%. This technology is adopted by
At Biotech-KISAN Hub at ICAR-National Institute
fellow farmers and it is helpful to increase
of Biotic Stress Management, Raipur, the main
command area by the farmers. By following ICM
objective was the popularization of improved
& IPM technology has resulted pink bollworm
rice varieties such as drought tolerant, BPH
management effectively. Water management by
resistant varieties, nutri-rich rice varieties
following drip, raingun has saved 40% irrigation
(developed through biotechnology approaches),
application / use of bioagents (like Trichogramma
spp, NPV, BT, Trichoderma viride and At Biotech-KISAN Hub in Baramulla and Kupwara
Pseudomonas) along with complete package of districts of Kashmir, demonstrations were carried
practice at farmers level in rice and pulses, out on 3 kanals each accommodating a minimum
demonstration of low-cost protected cultivation of 480 plants of apples in High-density Plantation
of vegetables such as coloured capsicum, established. The orchards have been established
cucumber and tomato and demonstration of on cluster basis keeping in view the overall
scientific goat farming. As a capacity building profitability of the orchard. Overall, eighteen
initiative, 150 field demonstration, 47 trainings Kanals have been covered. A total of 804 Farmers
and 55 farmer-scientist interfaces were including 100 women farmers and have been
organized. Total 879 farmers benefited under this trained in district Kupwara by organising 28
programme. training programmes with nine field level
demonstrations. In district Baramulla, a total of
At Biotech-KISAN Hub in Khammam, Asifabad
675 farmers including 10 tribal and 18 women
and Bhoopalpalli districts of Telangana, Eco-
farmers have been trained by organizing 25
friendly biofertilizers and biopesticides were
training programmes including 10 field level
p ro m o te d to i n c re a s e r u ra l b i o te c h -
demonstration. Overall, 25 villages have been
entrepreneurship for livelihood improvement.
covered in district Baramulla and 23 in district
Under entrepreneurship activity, five women and
three men entrepreneurs were developed for
vegetable seedling nurseries (six units) and two At Biotech-KISAN Hub at Regional Rainfed
on-farm production of Trichoderma (two units). Lowland Rice Research Station (RRLRRS), ICAR-
Field level demonstrations of both bio- fertilizers National Rice Research Institute (NRRI), Gerua,
and biopesticides were conducted covering 200 Hajo, Kamrup, Assam, Cultivation of biofortified
acres with 2,800 litres. Their application rice varieties (CR Dhan 310 and CR Dhan 311) was
effectively contained diseases and enhanced the demonstrated in 26.67 ha area of farmer's field
plant growth and yield in the selected vegetable covering 121 beneficiaries. Efforts were made to
crops vis-à-vis farmers' practices (chemical construct 13 numbers of polyhouses and
applications). cultivation of high value low volume vegetables
like capsicum, broccoli, tomato and king chilli
At Biotech-KISAN Hub in Raichur and Yadgir of
were demonstrated in 4.47 ha areas benefitting
Karnataka, Yellow mosaic disease in green gram
230 farmers. Introduced Vanaraja breed of
has been managed by adopting IP&DM strategies
poultry and khaki campbell, Indian runner breed
like BGS-9 variety, seed treatment with goucho
of duck in 15 villages of Assam which benefitted
and fixing yellow sticky traps, pulse magic
240 numbers of beneficiaries. Two animal health
spraying to pulse like green gram. Redgram has
camps were organized for farmers in each of
shown reduced flower drops and enhanced crop



three aspirational districts. Demonstration site from lab to land. Six hundred eleven numbersof
for Integrated Farming System model and Paddy beneficiaries are covered, out of which 461 are
cum fish culture have been selected in Barpeta male and 150 females. The technology
district. In Baksa and Darrang districts, two sites interventions are integrated pest management,
were selected for IFS model in each district. integrated nutrient management, integrated
Moreover, 17 training programmes and 33 water management, scientific mushroom
interface meetings between scientists and production, goat rearing, poultry and quality
farmers were organized. Three SHGs were planting material production in vegetables and
formed for developing entrepreneurship skill fruit crops.
among the farmers through mushroom Biotech-KISAN Hub at Foundation for
cultivation. Advancement of Agriculture and Rural
At Biotech-KISAN Hub in Balarampur and Sravasti Development (FAARD Foundation), Varanasi has
districts of Uttar Pradesh, ICAR-NBAIM is focus on demonstration of cultivation of latest
popularizing the technologies of microbe based varieties of important crops, including vegetables
rapid decomposition of agro-waste, and production technologies; capacity building
biofortification of compost for its value addition of farmers including women; creating seed hubs
and various microbial formulations. To for saturating villages and districts with seeds of
popularize the technologies, 75 HDPE different crops and verities, and establishing
bioconversion units each of 5 bioconversion bags FPOs / SHGs for creating a strong farmer
(375 bioconversion bags) of capacity 0.8 to 1.0 scientists connect, identifying farmer fellows and
tons per cycle of compost production within 60 entrepreneurs and help them enhance their
days were established at farmers' field in capacity, production and income.
different villages Balrampur. Till now 500 farmers
At B i o te c h - K I SA N H u b at S o u t h A s i a
have been made aware about the rapid
Biotechnology Centre, Jodhpur, the focus is on
composting technology as well as application of
strategically important aspects of the high value
microbial formulations while establishing the
seed spices including cumin, paan methi and
units. The activities will help in reducing
fenugreek and isabgol. The Hub has carried out
dependency of the small and marginal farmers on
baseline assessment including consultation with
synthetic chemical farm inputs, to which farmers
diverse value chain partners from farm inputs,
are using regularly and excessively day by day.
aggregators, processers and exporters in
This compost and fortified compost will also help
Western Rajasthan to create socio-economic
produce organic crops with high commercial
impact in the ensuing period of the
values. By adopting the technologies, the farmers
implementation of Biotech Kisan Hub. The Hub
can also go for enterprising of these products for
sets to benchmark conventional cumin
generating rural livelihood to strengthen their
production to IPM cumin and establishes brand
family economy.
of IPM cumin to fetch higher return to farming
Under the Biotech-KISAN Hub at Odisha community. Secondly, the Hub in collaboration
University of Agriculture and Technology, with ICAR-NRCSS, Department of Agriculture,
Bhubaneswar, there are five numbers of Nagaur and the Spices Board of India tends to
partnering KVKs i.e., Kalahandi, Bolangir, redesignate Kasuri methi to “Nagauri paan
Dhenkanal, Gajapati and Kandhamal covering methi” and registration of geographical
under four different agro-climatic zones with an indication (GI) of Nagauri paan methi. Third, the
aim to hasten the process of technology transfer creation of knowledge base and popularization of



IPM production system of seed spices and isabgol programmes were conducted with 485 farmers.
through large scale demonstrations in cluster Ten events of Seed Distribution Programmes,
mode in identified districts of Western Rajasthan. Awareness Programmes, Webinars and Kisan
Gosthies, Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav with 1207
Under Biotech-KISAN Hub at Indian Society for
beneficiary farmers and one Scientists Training
Human and Rural Advancement (ISHARA),
Programme involving four scientists were
Deoria, high yielding, short duration, dwarf
organized. The total number of farmer
variety of aromatic Kalanamak rice developed by
beneficiaries covered were 2863. The
IARI has been introduced in the Aspirational
technologies like, seed treatment and soil
district Siddharth Nagar. Demonstration of IARI
application of enriched compost with bio-agents
developed High yielding rice variety, Pusa 1850
(bio-fertilizers, bio- pesticides and EPN), use of
and HD 3086 of wheat variety which would
quality seed and planting material, management
replace existing comparably low yielding existing
of white grub by EPN, space management,
varieties in the hub and sub hub districts, breed
intercropping, crop residue management in
improvement in Goatary by introducing Pure
sugarcane crop, soil conservation by using
Barbari Bucks as well as Pure breed female
modern agriculture machinery, production of
Barbari goats especially among women farmers
disease free potato seed in low cost insect free
of disadvantaged groups. Total 327 farmers were
net house were disseminated successfully and
benefitted. The seed treatment with Tricoderma
being adopted by farmers at substantial scale.
strains were multiplied and given to farmers for
FARMER Hub has published 8 publications on
seed treatments. Biocontrol and bioagents were
production and application of organic inputs,
used and demonstrated among all the farmers
management of white grub through bio-control
and significant yield increase was observed.
including EPN, disease-free potato seed
Under the Biotech-KISAN Hub at M.S. production for the distribution among farmers.
Swaminathan Research Foundation, Chennai
Biotech- KISAN Hub Tinkering Lab has been At Biotech-KISAN Hub in Moga and Ferozepur
established in the Main Hub at M.S. districts of Punjab and Chamba district of
Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF), Himachal Pradesh, demonstrations of Integrated
Chennai. Also, a pilot AMF production unit for Farming System (IFS) involving small and
mass multiplication of AMF has been set up marginal farmers were undertaken. Twenty-five
which will serve as a production cum training unit farmers each in Moga and Ferozepur districts and
for farmers. 20 in Chamba district have been covered.
with information on the MSSRF-KISAN Hub Benchmark survey of the selected farmers in
details, activities and news has been developed. Moga and Ferozepur has been completed. The
Online workshop on plant and soil health, pest demonstrations on improved varieties of wheat
and disease management and use of inoculants (HD 3086) and berseem (BL 42), backyard poultry,
has been organised for the YPs and Scientists. mushroom production, goatery, use of mineral
At Biotech-KISAN Hub at Foundation for mixture for milch animals, vegetable nutrition
Agricultural Resources Management and garden, agro-forestry and fruit plants have been
Environmental Remediation (FARMER), carried out. Critical agri-inputs for all these
Ghaziabad, a total of 268 FLDs were conducted demonstrations were supplied to the beneficiary
and 24 Field-Days were organized involving 1167 farmers, who are satisfied with the performance
beneficiary farmers. Fourteen training of all the project interventions and earning good



monetary returns. Rabi crops and booklets on Agricultural Research Institute, Port Blair, a total
'Poultry Rearing', 'Mushroom Cultivation' and of 2,202 farmer beneficiaries have been covered
'Goat Rearing' have been distributed to the so far under the project through skill
farmers of target Aspirational Districts. development on biotechnological tools through
various capacity building programmes such as
Manthan Gramin Evam Samaj Sewa Samiti has fellowship programmes, trainings,
been implementing Biotech-KISAN Hub Project in demonstrations, exposure visits, workshops and
eight Aspirational districts viz., Khandwa, health camps and through field demonstration
units. Application of the biotechnological tool,
Barwani, Chhattarpur, Damoh, Rajgarh, Guna,
Mini Incubator in rural poultry production has
Vidisha and Singrauli of Madhya Pradesh in
increased the availability of desi chicks by 4 to 8
partnership with ICAR-Indian Institute of times. A total of 7 Mini Incubator demonstration
Soybean Research (IISR), ICAR-Central Institute units have been established in four villages and
of Agriculture Engineering (CIAE) and ICAR- two units at the partnering institutes. A total of
Directorate of Weed Science Research (DWR). In 228 desi chicks have been produced. The project
order to identify the major constraints of project has significant impact on development of
area, the extensive survey of the project area was farmers into entrepreneurs. A total of 15 farmers
carried out and found that there is lack of have established their own Mini Incubators and
awareness about the innovative farming have their own source for the chicks.
techniques and farmers are practicing traditional At Biotech-KISAN Hub at KVK, Agricultural
crop cultivation which result into poor crop Development Trust , Baramati, four
yields. In each district, the area has been demonstration activities involving 400 sugarcane
identified where the unprivileged community farmers have been completed covering a total
dominates and further need-based technological area of 400 acres. Thirty-seven Kisan Melas were
interventions identified, especially conservation- organized for 2,039 farmers at various locations
agriculture techniques adopted in order to of the target area. In all these extension activities,
reduce the cost of cultivation, transfer of best about 3,816 farmers were benefited. For the
crop practice of various crops through maximum dissemination of the technology for
technology demos of soybean, sorghum, cotton, the farming community, a website has been
maize, black-gram sesame, rice, wheat, lentil, created by the Communication Cell. The
chickpea, mustard and coriander. Techniques for technology SMSs to the farmers have been
producing quality seed have also been disseminated for better sugarcane production.
The informative leaflets on Bio-fertilizers for
demonstrated to make village self-sustainable
sugarcane production and stress tolerance are
with quality seeds. Processing and value addition
being made available to the sugarcane farmers.
of crop produce and its marketing through FPOs Two Farmers Training Programme for five-days
was found to be effective. The project has for 50 farmers each and two Scientist Training
economically benefited a total of 67,630 farmers. Programme for 15 scientists for 10 days each
About 5,000 farmers received intensive training were organized.
and capacity building support. 1,200 farmers
The Biotech-KISAN Hub at Dr. Rajendra Prasad
adopted biotech-KISAN technologies and 712
Central Agricultural University, Muzaffarpur,
were imparted training on entrepreneurship
Bihar is implementing various activities at three
development in agriculture. Aspirational Districts – Muzaffarpur, Begusarai
At Biotech-KISAN Hub at ICAR-Central Island and Sitamarhi involving partner institutions –



KVK, Muzaffarpur, KVK, Begusarai and KVK, varieties of paddy, pigeon pea, sesame, green
Sitamarhi, respectively. A total of 150 farmer gram, okra and cow pea were laid in total 86.08
beneficiaries have been selected on the basis of ha area involving 263 farmers. There was yield
village survey who were totally dependent upon increase in the range of about 8% to 31% by using
the field crops with imbalanced use of chemical improved varieties as compared to the local
fertilizers and following traditional cropping check in different crops under demonstrations.
systems such as, Wheat-Maize- Rice, or
At Biotech-KISAN Hub at Zandu Foundation for
Sugarcane-wheat cropping cycle. Among
selected farmers, 30 landless women farmers Health Care, Ambach, Gujarat, an area of 56.75
were chosen for entrepreneurship development acre has been brought under medicinal plants
in goatery. 120 acres of farmer's demonstration cultivation by involving 81 farmers from districts
field was geo-tagged and 120 soil health cards of Panchmahal, Navsari, Valsad, Vadodara,
were provided under the project. One hundred Anand, Mahisagar, Surat, Mahesana,
twenty marginal farmers were provided with Ahmedabad and Kheda. The field
high- value horticultural demonstrations were carried out following Good
(spices/fruits/vegetables/flowers) cropping Agricultural Practices (GAP). The farmers were
module along with 12 trainings on scientific made aware about the GAP of targeted species
cultivation of vegetables, fruits and flowers, soil by providing on-site training as well as by
health management, post-harvest management, distributing pamphlets in regional language.
mushroom cultivation with 600 beneficiaries. Farmers have shared their field related problems
The landless women were trained in scientific with experts and got the solution. Useful
goat rearing of improved breed of goat for information on related aspects is also being
assuring additional returns.
shared with connected farmers. A launch
Under Biotech-KISAN Hub at Chitrakoot by ICAR- workshop was organized which was attended by
Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi over 350 farmers. Quality Planting Material was
a total of 2,829 farmers covering 906 SC/ST distributed to selected progressive farmers
farmers and 901 female farmers were benefitted under this project. A “Kisan Mela” with the
through different technological interventions. mandate to display and exposition of the latest
During the Kharif season, 263 demonstrations technologies, equipment's, bio fertilizers etc. was
while 526 demonstrations in Rabi season were
also organized for the farmers. A total of nine
laid out on improved varieties in area of 86.08 ha
training programmes (three five-days training, six
and 95.14 ha, respectively. A total of 181.22 ha
area was covered under demonstrations, and a one-day trainings) were also organized by ZFHC,
total number of 3,045 farmers including 331 Ambach along with the partner Institutes – ICAR-
female farmers were benefitted. As many as 207 DMAPR, Anand and KVK, Ambheti. ZFHC and the
farmers of SC/ST categories were benefitted with partner institutes also participate in “Bharat Ka
the demonstrations. Capacity building Amrit Mahotsav” and organized four training
interventions were made to upgrade the programs in which 351 farmers have
knowledge and skills of farmers. More than 1,000 participated. To facilitate marketing of the
farmers were benefitted through organization of cultivated material, three MoU were singed with
49 training programmes, out of which 264 different vendors and one FPO named “Valsad
farmers belonged to SC/ST categories. During Vibhag Farmer Producer Company Ltd.”
Kharif season, demonstrations of improved (Registration No. 116978) was formed and the



documents for the registration of one more FPO Musk melon, Papaya, Oyster mushroom was
were submitted to the Registrar office. ZFHC and undertaken over a total area of 44.04 ha involving
project partners – ICAR-DMAPR, Anand and KVK, 2,052 farmers in seven Aspirational districts of
Valsad are making all efforts to give direct access Jharkhand and Bihar. For establishment of value
of market to farmers by way of ensuring buy back chain of the target horticultural crops, 41
agreements on mutually agreed price. Farmers' groups with 492 members, 14 numbers
of WhatsApp groups with 564 farmer members
Under Biotech-KISAN Hub in Udalguri, Dhubri
have been formed and 15 numbers of Agri-
and Goalpara districts of Assam, three
Entrepreneurs have been identified for
demonstration programmes on GAP based
marketing of the produce.
cultivation have been conducted for Malbhog
banana and high curcumin variety “Megha Biotech-KISAN Hub Programme implemented in
Turmeric 1”. Demonstration on the improved Nadia, Murshidabad, Birbhum, Maldah and
technology of composite fish culture has been South Dinajpur districts of West Bengal, through
started in Goalpara and Dhubri districts. For West Bengal University of Animal and Fishery
better management of project activities Sciences, Kolkata has conducted 13 front line
including demonstration, capacity building and demonstrations involving 27,700 farmers of 278
market integration, sturdy linkage has been villages in these five districts. A total number of
developed with KVK, Udalguri, KVK, Goalpara and 3530 farmers have been trained through 28
KVK, Dhubri. Farmers-Scientists interface Farmers' training programme on scientific animal
programmes for effective planning and execution husbandry and aquaculture practices. Over 2400
of envisaged activities have been arranged. The quality Black Bengal Goat, 20,000 nos. of 28-days
HUB (AAU-HRS, Kahikuchi) has been serving as old Vanraja chicks and 160,000 quality finger
the Cluster Based Business Organization (CBBO) lings of Indian major carps were distributed to
for promotion of FPO/FPC in Goalpara district 2,015 trained women and marginal farmers. An
with financial assistance from NABARD. average economic gain achieved was 29.72% in
Association has been established with agro one and half year. Establishment of modern and
based private companies for furtherance of mechanized slaughter house for hygienic meat
market oriented organized production through and fully automated Poultry hatchery with
effective demonstration, dissemination and capacity of 10,000 eggs will help the local
spread of select technologies for the economic farmers. Entrepreneurship development by
empowerment. formation of 9 FPOs and 86 FIGs has been made.
Under Biotech-KISAN Hub Jharkhand and Bihar,
the project is being implemented in East At Biotech-KISAN Hub in Kadapa, Vizainagaram
Singhbhum, Khunti, Ramgarh, Bokaro districts of and Visakhapatnam districts of Andhra Pradesh
Jharkhand and Nawada, Sheikhpura and Jamui during the year 2020-21, about 35 fellow farmers
districts of Bihar with an objective to and 185 demo farmers were identified and
demonstrate cultivation of high value conducted demonstrations in 75 ha on improved
horticultural crops and establishment of value agro-technologies in all the three districts. In
chain of the high value horticultural crops. Kadapa district the technology demonstrations
Technology demonstration on cultivation of high have recorded 14.8% increased yield in
value horticultural crops viz. Broccoli, Sweet groundnut as compared with traditional farmers'
corn, Capsicum, Strawberry, Red cabbage, practice with a saving of ₹ 3496/ ha in cost of
Carrot, Pencil bean, Rainy season cultivation of cultivation and net increased benefit of ₹
tomato, Early season cauliflower, Water melon, 17,173/ha.



The Department has announced a Special Call for

North East Region as a part of its Mission
Programme “Biotech-Krishi Innovation Science
Application Network (Biotech-KISAN)” in 2021,
with an aim to understand the local problems of
the NER farmers and provide scientific solutions
to those problems thereby benefitting small and
marginal farmers, especially women farmers of
the region. The Hubs in NER will collaborate with
the top scientific institutions across the country
as well as State Agricultural Universities (SAUs) /
Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs) / existing state
agriculture extension services / system and other
Farmers' organizations in the NER for
demonstrations of available innovative
agriculture technologies and training of farmers.
A total of 17 Biotech-KISAN Hubs have been
recommended for support by the Department in
NE Region. The programme will eventually cover
40 most backward blocks and villages of NER as
identified by Niti Aayog.




PROMOTING BIOTECHNOLOGY IN close to 650 R&D projects has been supported

benefitting around 450 researchers and 2000
THE NORTH EASTERN REGION young researchers / students. Currently 156 of
The North East Region of India has been these projects are ongoing.
identified as one of the biodiversity hotspots of
the world. The region, though endowed with one
of the best bioresources of the country faces
several challenges in terms of poor agricultural/
horticulture outputs, high disease burden in the
homogeneous ethnic communities, degradation
of the fragile ecosystem, lack of skilled
manpower, good research infrastructure etc.
Rich bioresources spread across NER's diverse
ecosystems and nurtured by indigenous
communities, provide ample opportunities for
furthering economic development of the region
t h ro u g h s c i e n t i f i c a n d t e c h n o l o g i c a l
Fig.1 Collaborations under the DBT- Twinning
R&D Programme
In order to give focused attention for the region,
the Department has earmarked 10% of its annual B. Establishment of Biotech Hubs across NER
budget every year for implementing special Since 2011, a network of 126 Biotech Hubs were
programmes for NER in 2010. The specialized established across NER, providing necessary
programme for NER aims at promoting and infrastructure in universities/ colleges/
strengthening biotechnology related activities institutions and the required training in
for addressing local challenges and harnessing sophisticated technologies to support and
endemic bioresources for economic promote biological sciences / biotechnology
development of the region. To effectively education and research.
manage the programme, NER Biotechnology
Management Cell (NER- BPMC) has been set up In the Phase-II, 76 Biotech have been selected for
by DBT and is being managed by DBT-Institute of further support under 3 categories – (i) Advanced
Life Sciences (DBT- ILS), Bhubaneshwar. level State Biotech Hubs (ii) Advanced level
Institutional Biotech Hubs, and (iii) Institutional
Major Initiatives during the Year 2021-22 Biotech Hubs. The Advanced level State Biotech
A. Twinning R&D Programme for NER Hubs will focus on research addressing local
issues, conduct advanced training for students,
The programme was initiated in 2010-2011 researchers and local entrepreneurs, provide
towards developing core competence and mentoring to Institutional level biotech Hubs,
capacity in various areas of biotechnology work on micro-grants with young researchers on
through collaboration of Institutes from North other NE Institutes, conduct awareness
East India with other leading Institutes across the programmes and Popular Lecture series. The
country. The programme has catalyzed vibrant Advanced level Institutional Biotech Hubs will
collaborations between more than 65 focus mainly on focus on research addressing
institutions from NER and those from the rest of local issues, conduct advanced training for
India in various spheres of biotechnology, where students, faculty, researchers and local



e nt re p re n e u rs , p ro v i d e m e nto r i n g to
Institutional level biotech Hubs, work on micro-
grants with young researchers on other NE
Institutes, conduct awareness programmes and
Popular Lecture series. The Advanced level
Institutional Biotech Hubs will focus mainly on
focus on research addressing local issues,
conduct advanced training for students, faculty,
researchers and local entrepreneurs. The
Institutional Biotech Hubs will provide training to
students, teachers and local entrepreneurs.

C. Centers of Excellence in NER

Centre for Bioresources and Sustainable

Development at Kimin, Papum, Arunachal
The Centre is focusing on three major aspects: (i)
Orchidarium at Kimin for conservation and mass
multiplication of priority and endemic orchid
species, establishment of banana fibre extraction
Fig.2 Union Minister of State (Independent
and processing units from local banana and
Charge) Science & Technology; Minister of
establishment of Aroma Unit for promotion of
State (Independent Charge) Earth Sciences,
cultivation of aromatic crops in selected districts
Dr Jitendra Singh inaugurating the Centre for
of Arunachal Pradesh. These programmes will Bioresources and Sustainable Development at
create employment opportunities for the Kimin, Papum, Arunachal Pradesh
prospective young entrepreneurs of the state of
Arunachal Pradesh. These facilities will be
established in four districts of Arunachal Pradesh North East Centre for Agriculture Biotechnology
covering over 50 villages and benefiting over (NECAB), AAU, Jorhat
10000 farmers in next two years. The Centre has The Centre was established to strengthen the
established academic linkages with institutions R&D activities and extend the agriculture
of national repute for fruitful implementation of technologies to North-Eastern states. Stress
these programmes. tolerance in rice, gene based improvement of
chick pea, bioprospecting of soil microbes, novel
biofertilisers and biopesticides and extension
Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) activities were given major emphasis. Under the
Science & Technology; Minister of State center, GM chickpea lines have been developed
(Independent Charge) Earth Sciences Dr Jitendra using Bt Cry genes and these have entered into
Singh inaugurated this Centre for Northeast regulatory pipeline, three promising drought
tribals in remote area of Arunachal Pradesh at tolerant rice lines in Ranjit background along with
Kimin on 9th November 2021. six QTLs for drought tolerance have been



identified and are under validation, 15 Human resource development, traditional

biofertilizer formulations and 10 biopesticides techniques of preservation, etc. Under the
were developed and transferred to five programme a package of mass seed production
companies/firms for commercialization, 3 patent of 2 impotrant food fishes of NE, pengba and
applications have been filed on microbial mass pabda has been established, seeds of pengba
production technologies and 65 workshops for (two million spawn) and pabda (20 thousand
farmers and entrepreneurs in use of biofertilizers fingerlings) have been provided to farmers in
and biopesticides have been conducted. Tripura for propagation in the ponds, on Farm
Training (OFT) of pengba in polyculture with
Indian major carps is being undertaken with
farmers in collaboration with KVK, Khowai,
Tripura, OFT of practical grow-out feed produced
utilizing locally available ingredients is under
progress in collaboration with KVK, Sephaijila,
Tripura, twenty-five farmers have been trained in
culture and utilization of Wolffia as local feed
resource, a mini portable fish smoking kiln for
hygienic and convenience smoking of fish at
household level has been developed.

Fig.3 North East Centre for Agriculture Fig.4 CoE on Fisheries and Agriculture
Biotechnology (NECAB) at AAU, Jorhat Biotechnologyat College of Fisheries
CAU, Agartala, Tripura
Centre of Excellence (COE) on Fisheries and D. Major Infrastructure Facilities
Agriculture Biotechnology, at College of
Fisheries, Central Agricultural University, Animal House Facility at RMRC, Dibrugarh
Agartala, Tripura.
This regional facility is being setup in NER with the
The Centre was established to strengthen R&D objectives to develop advanced animal facilities
activities in the field of aquaculture
for housing/holding small laboratory animals in
biotechnology and extend the developed
different levels of biosafety environment
technologies to farmer's field in Tripura and
other NE states. The major focus of the Centre is (excluding containment level BSL-3 and above),
o n m a s s s c a l e s e e d p ro d u c t i o n a n d to make the facility accessible to
demonstration of alternative food fish species, biomedical/biotechnology researchers from all
culture technology standardisation and the 8 states of NER and to provide appropriate
development of good management practices,



training to the biomedical research staff in SOPs (FESEM) facility, Flow Assisted Cell Sorter.
for caring, maintenance and handling of small lab The instrument facilities of NECBH are dedicated
animals. The regional facility is expected to be to the entire NER. To dissipate the knowledge and
fully operational by December, 2022. train the scientific community on the
North East Centre for Biological Sciences and sophisticated instrument techniques, NECBH
Healthcare Engineering (NECBH), at IIT, conducts regular training programs and
Guwahati workshops. So far NECBH has conducted 15
different workshops on various techniques useful
The Centre, aims to bolster the scientific research
for biological sciences and healthcare
and innovation in the field of biological sciences
engineering. More than 1000 participants mostly
and healthcare engineering of the entire North-
students and young researchers have been
East Region by promoting dissipation of
benefited from these workshops. Through
knowledge through collaborative research
various activities, NECBH has connected itself
activities with IIT-Guwahati and providing
with more than 100 academic research
training programs and workshops on instrument
institutions not only from the NER but from the
facilities and scientific research.
entire country. For the year 2021-22, 215
Six facilities of biological sciences and six facilities students/ researchers have used the facility and 4
of healthcare engineering have been established workshops have been organized where 580
as part of NECBH. These include X-ray diffraction, students participated and benefitted.
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), Scanning
Tunneling Microscopy, Confocal microscopy,
Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope

Fig.5 NECBH at IIT, Guwahati



E. Major Network Projects: Mycobacterium (NTM) in NER and awareness

programme on NTMs and Paragonimiasis.
DBT-NER Banana Programme
The preliminary results indicate high positivity
A major network programme on NER-Banana rate of MDR-TB in NER as compared to the
was initiated in 2017 with 39 institutions. The national average and a possible linkage with
programme focuses on NE banana biodiversity Vitamin A and C deficiency. An important aspect
studies, pathogen detection and control, tissue of the programme was collection of 1000+ M.
culture, value addition, post-harvest loss and tuberculosis isolates from diverse population of
down-streaming & processing studies. Under the NER residing in remote rural regions. During
programme following leads have been obtained: remaining period of the programme, these
a) A total of 250 germplasm accessions strains unique to NER will be characterized
have been collected from all eight NE states further and deposited in a Biobank for future
and characterized. research. A BSL-3 facility has also been
b) The genome of NE banana Bhimkol has established at General Hospital, Arunachal
been sequenced. Pradesh.
c) Four field gene banks for NE Banana have
been established at ICAR-NRC for Banana,
Trichi; Utkal University, Bhubaneswar;
NERIST, Nirjuli, Itanagar and CAU, Tripura.
d) Nursery has been established at CAU,
Tripura for mass production of quality
planting material of location varieties –
Fig.7 BSL-3 facility at Arunachal Pradesh
Sabri, Kachkela and Gopi for supplying to
the farmers. Consortia programme on NER Duck
The programme involving 16 institutions aims at
exploration of the innate and adaptive immune
response in Indigenous duck breeds, genetic
makeup and breeding for improving duck
production, establishing molecular platform for
epidemiology, disease mapping, development of
DIVA diagnostics and vaccine against duck plague
virus, analysis of gut metagenome of duck, value
chain on processing of novel duck meat and egg
Fig.6 (a) In vitro regeneration of Bhimkol; products.
(b) Bhimkol plant maintained in the field
Consortium programme on MDR-TB
The programme involving 22 institutions, aims at
mapping hot-spots of TB and MDR/XDR-TB in
NER, population genetic studies to delineate
predisposing factors, repurposing studies of
drugs, development validation of new tools for
diagnosis of TB & MDR-TB and non-tuberculosis Fig.8 Preparation of different duck egg
and meat products

Advanced Animal Diagnostic and Management and deploy the entrepreneurial outcomes of the
Consortium (ADMaC) programme already available technologies with proven
effectiveness, developed on the priority
As an extension of the phase-I activity, the phase-
resources of NER. These include, mass-
II of the programme was initiated in 2021,
multiplication, value addition and popularization
focusing on following objectives:
of indigenous fruits of NER such as Assam apple
l Bulk production and validation Duck (Docynia indica) and Sohiong (Prunus
Plague virus vaccine and lateral flow test nepalensis), standardization of technologies for
for DPV antigen and antibody detection. popularization of NER ornamental bananas,
l Multiplex PCR and qPCR assays for quality seeds and seedling production of
simultaneous detection of major swine indigenous and commercial vegetables, scaling
viruses viz. CSFV, JEV, PRRSV, PCV2, ASF up of biofertilizers and bio- pesticides for
and PPV. application on local crops, installation of solar
drying plants in several NER districts for
l Validation of peptide-based iELISA for the agricultural products, demonstration of solar-
zoonotic diseases, (a) Brucellosis and (b) biomass hybrid distillation plants for
Q-fever. Litseacubeba, Homalomena and Zanthoxylum,
large-scale production of Shiitake (Lentinula
l DIVA tests for surveillance of brucellosis in edodes) and Maitake (Grifola frondosa)
the NER. mushrooms, pilot-scale production of high
l Implementation of Knowledge Based nutritive ethnic fermented food products of
system (KBS) in NER for disease Meghalaya, creating entrepreneurs towards
surveillance producing nutracetuicals comprising of eri
silkworm for human and animal consumption.

Fig. 9 DBT-NER ADMaC programme Fig 10. Docynia indica in Natural Habitat

Development and Utilization of Bioresources of

NER for Generating Livelihood Security and
The programme was launched in 2021 with the
objective to promote sustainable development
and utilization of the unique bioresources of NER
and linking it with socio-economic upliftment of
the region. The programme aims to demonstrate Young Whole Fruit Mature Whole Fruit



Chemical Ecology Programme for the NER Pest and disease management including Organic
Tea, Nursery and Nutrient management and
The programme, initiated in 2021, aims to bring
abiotic stress mitigation in Tea – Growth
together researchers in complementary
regulators and crop boosters and Waste
disciplines to explore the role chemical signals
plays in shaping the unique ecosystems of the
NER by studying interactions at the molecular
level using advanced metabolomics tools to
answer age old questions by studying how
organisms communicate with each other via
chemical signals and discovering novel molecules
for improving human life and environment.
Under the Chemical Ecology programme areas
such as pheromone based management strategy
would be attempted against the major looper
pest of tea Hyposidra talaca, chemical ecology for
IPM, studies on temperate tasar silk moths,
chemical ecology of high L-DOPA containing
plants, chemical defense in Hemiptera: Fig.11. Tea Plantation
Pentatomidae bug (the gondhi bug) and F. Mission Programmes
understanding the impact of variation in plant
defenses with edaphic factors on tri-trophic Himalayan Bioresource Mission programme
interactions using Brassica plants would be The programme, launched in 2021 and anchored
covered. through DBT-ILS-IBSD Partnership Centre,
primarily aims at bioresource-based
Biotech Interventions for the improvement of development and sustainable utilization through
NE Tea biotechnological interventions for socio-
economic upliftment of the entire Himalayan
Indian tea is among the finest tea in the world. region. The programme has been designed as
India is the second largest tea producer in the translational and transformative and will provide
world and the Assam Tea plays an important role enormous opportunities for increasing
in the economy of the NER. With Tea being a productivity and profitability of the ecosystem,
monoculture, continuous cultivation has brought empower community for value addition and
in challenges to soil health due to reduced marketing of the local products towards
biodiversity. The global phenomenon of climate bioresource-based enterprises development as
change has further created new challenges to the well as creating a cadre of scientific expertise in
sustainability of the industry which needs to be the region. Fifty-one projects under the Mission
addressed with a multidisciplinary and multi- programme have been finalised for support
institutional approach. To help mitigate the under five major verticals (i) Plant Resources
challenges in tea production and management, a (including Agri, Horti resources, etc.), (ii) Animal
consortium programme on “Biotechnological Resources (including Fisheries, Wildlife etc.), (iii)
intervention for the improvement and Microbial Resources (including extremophiles,
management of tea” has been initiated in 2021. etc.), (iv) Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
The programme will focus on Tea Genomics, (including nutraceuticals, phytopharmaceuticals,
Genetic engineering and Genome editing in tea, etc.), and .



(v) Bioresources for Livelihood Security / Societal been demonstrated in open field covering an
Relevance Programme, Training and Capacity area of 15.15 acres in 50 demonstration units in
Building. farmers' fields in East Khasi Hills, West Khasi Hills,
Garo Hills and Jayanti Hills of Meghalaya. Under
Biotech KISAN Mission Programme for the NER the project technologies/ interventions like
runner production, nutrition, pest management
The Department has announced a Special Call for
North East Region as a part of its Mission of the strawberry plants and preparation for the
Programme “Biotech-Krishi Innovation Science land for planting runners of the imported
Application Network (Biotech-KISAN)” in 2021, strawberry variety were demonstrated and
with an aim to understand the local problems of hands on trainings was also provided for the
the NER farmers and provide scientific solutions same. About 600 farmers were trained for
to those problems thereby benefitting small and adopting improved agro- technologies in
marginal farmers, especially women farmers of strawberry during the year. The produce i.e.,
the region. The Hubs in NER will collaborate with strawberries was sold by farmers at an average of
the top scientific institutions across the country ₹ 200/kg in local market, while some also
as well as State Agricultural Universities (SAUs) / converted their produce into value-added
Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs) / existing state products like jam, jellies, wines, etc.
agriculture extension services / system and other
Farmers' organizations in the NER for
demonstrations of available innovative
agriculture technologies and training of farmers.
A total of 17 Biotech-KISAN Hubs have been
recommended for support by the Department in
NE Region. The programme will eventually cover
40 most backward blocks and villages of NER as
identified by Niti Aayog.

Fig.13. Strawberry Cultivation

Demonstration project on the tissue-cultured
cut flower orchid production
Fig.12. Biotech KISAN Activities A network of 25 production-cum-demonstration
units of Dendrobium have been setup at village
level in districts – Kamrup and Goalpara in Assam.
About 1000 farmers and entrepreneurs were
G. Demonstration and Scale-up programmes for
trained in Dendrobium cut flower production
Societal Upliftment in NER systems at homesteads in Assam. Under the
Pilot-scale demonstration of cultivation of project use of soilless media like coco husk,
Strawberry with improved Agrotechnology in charcoal for dendrobium cut flower production,
Farmers field in Meghalaya nutrition and integrated pest management,
harvesting time, method, stage of harvest,
Cultivation of tissue cultured Strawberry precooling, pulsing were demonstrated to the
varieties viz., Camorosa, Sweet Charlie and farmers.
Chandler using improved Agro-technologies have



Fig.14. Cut flower Orchid Production

Field Demonstration of Tissue-cultured Sabri

The project on management of Fusarium wilt in
NER Banana using ICAR-FUSICONT Technology
aims at production and successful demonstration
of 1.5 lakh disease-free Malbhog and Sabri
banana plants in 10 selected districts of Assam
and Tripura. The project will benefit over 800
farmers in these districts.

Fig.15. Tissue-cultured Sabri Banana



Data Monitoring
and Impact

Socio–Economic Impact Application, Bio-informatics, Human Genetics,

Bio-Design), Translational & Industrial
Assessment & Analysis of the Development Programme, Special Programme
various Schemes and (Bio-technology of Societal Development).
Programmes of the Department The executive summary of the report is as
follows: -
of Biotechnology
l DBT which began as a modest entity is now
in the forefront of fostering cutting edge-
The Department of Biotechnology has research and innovation, with strong
commissioned a study on “Socio–Economic emphasis on translational research with a
Impact Assessment & Analysis of the various budget allocation of Rs. 2932.38 (RE) crores
Schemes and Programmes of the Department of in 2021- 22, from Rs.2786.76 crores in
Biotechnology”. The objectives of the study 2020-21.
were to assess socio-economic impact of DBT l As very few people were working on
biosciences in the 1980s, DBT had to focus
interventions in various sectors. The study looked
on four major areas: (i) Developing human
into the macro-economic impact of the DBT
resources, (ii) Creation of appropriate
Programmes and assessed the impact of DBT i n f ra s t r u c t u r e , ( i i i ) Re s e a r c h a n d
interventions in specific areas of Human development, (iv) Creating a regulatory
Resource Development, agriculture, health, framework. Under this initiative, various
environmental, regional, and societal. This study autonomous Institutes of Research were
covered the socio-economic impact of projects brought under the DBT. Over the years DBT
that have been completed during April 2014 to has also made renewed efforts on social
March 2020. On-going projects have not been aspects such as health care, food and
considered for detailed impact assessment agriculture, energy and environmental
except in the case of Star College Scheme and security.
Infrastructure development. For sampling, the l The National Biotechnology Development
Study Team has taken more than 10 percent of Strategy (2007) provided an insight into the
the DBT funded projects completed during the enormous opportunities of biotechnology.
period of April 2014 to March 2020 for doing Convergence between disciplines gave
birth to newer opportunities and
detailed analysis. Based on the list of completed
challenges. The cornerstone of the strategy
projects during 2014-20, the Study Team
was to focus on building coherence and
prepared a list of about 2,700 projects and 290 connectivity between disciplines and bring
samples were selected for detailed analysis in the together variegated skills across sectors to
first phase. The study has covered the socio- enhance synergy.
economic impact of various schemes. The
l The National Biotechnology Development
schemes were Building Capacities, Mission Strategy (NBDS 2015-2020) aimed to
Programme (Bio-tech KISAN Programme, Bio- establish India as a world-class bio-
Pharma Mission Programme, Mission Innovation manufacturing hub through four missions:
etc), Research & Development (Medical (i) Healthcare, (ii) Food and nutrition, (iii)
Biotechnology, Agriculture & Allied Areas, Clean energy, and (iv) Education, which will
Knowledge Generation, Discovery and Research, enable India to achieve $100 bn by 2025.
New tool and technologies, Energy International collaborations have become
Environmental and Bio- Resource Based more strategic, with focus on Young India.



l In keeping with international monitoring, biotechnology in the coming years would have
evaluation, learning and dissemination graduated from these colleges. Major impacts of
(MELD) practices, for the first time in 2019, the Star College Programme are:
DBT decided to conduct a “Socio–Economic l High direct impact in improving standards
Impact Assessment & Analysis of the of teaching, curriculum, and experiential
various Schemes and Programmes of the learning
Department of Biotechnology,” by an l Fostering creative thinking, innovation,
external agency. This is an apt response to exposure to national and international
the growing demand for validating and standards in teaching, research and
justifying investment of financial, human publications.
and scientific resources for societal l Improved admissions to higher studies in
development and to make course National Level Research institutions and
corrections and strategic policy changes in better employability after Post Graduation.
alignment with the country's vision. l Significant improvement in laboratory
capability, including labs in areas like
1.Human Resource Development and Capacity Mathematics, statistics. The scheme
Building Programmes became instrumental in harnessing other
(i) Direct involvement in R&D Projects- DBT resources too.
projects directly train a number of research
fellows, project associates, students and interns (iii) BioCARe Programme- It has enabled women
and plays a vital role in capacity building. Using scientists to return to a research career. It also
data provided by PIs, 375 samples were analyzed helps the host institutions with additional
to track their career path. Over half of them (51%) infrastructure, and skillsets. Out of the 165
are continuing to pursue research, either for their women scientists who were unemployed at the
degrees, post docs, or as research scientists in time of getting their respective BioCARe projects,
public or private establishments, while 12.8 22 (13%) have got permanent employment.
percent had taken up teaching as a profession,
and 10.4 percent had joined the industry in (iv) Ramalingaswami Re-entry Fellowship
various positions. Programme- It has been instrumental in bringing
l Of the 191 scholars pursuing research, 23% over 600 scientists employed in various global
is doing postdoctoral research; 6.3% institutions back to India, and helping them to
pursuing their research abroad (USA, further their research interests as well as
Canada, Australia, Israel, Japan, and UK) addressing issues of national significance. Many
and 29% PhDs. fellows credited the fellowship as a major factor
l Almost equal proportions of women (45%) in their decision to return home with a wide
men (55%) were involved in these project range of expertise and networks.
positions. Typical project duration is 12-36 l RLS fellows are making signal contributions
months, but a few spent up to 4-5 years in to advancing scientific research in the
these projects. country, in building capacities, producing
marketable technologies apart from
(ii) DBT Star College Programme: The Star excelling in academic pursuits.
College Programme is arguably one of the most l Most of the RLS fellows surveyed (81) were
impactful schemes of DBT. Star Colleges have satisfied with the remuneration, working
become the nursery for grooming of future conditions, and opportunities for research
biotechnology researchers and practitioners. A and teaching.
large number of the researchers in the fields of



l Many fellows are concerned about their building and overall satisfaction level are high in
status as non-permanent post-doctoral sample parks surveyed. Technology incubation in
researchers which deprive them of certain 5 sample parks surveyed showed 2.5 times
opportunities for a stable and productive increase, with steady increase in utilization.
career path.
4. BIRAC and Start Ups: Products are mainly
2. DBT Autonomous Institutes facilitate flow of medical devices; companies are a mix of startups
knowledge from Basic Sciences to Translational and established ones. Most of the products have
Research in Health, Agriculture, Bioresource and huge market potential (>Rs.100 Cr) and high
Basic & Emerging Biotechnologies. DBT makes beneficiary reach. The market for these products
substantial investment in promoting research is not limited to regional/national level but caters
and teaching in Autonomous Institutes. Three to global needs. Products are innovative and
Institutes also generated good extramural grants. unique. Majority has been awarded or has filed
In technology development – THSTI (6.6), NCCS for patents. In terms of commercialization, most
(5.8) and NABI (3.6) per year are the leaders. Total companies have already started marketing and
technology developed by 14 institutes for 5 years selling products.
was 152, while technology transferred/
commercialized was 35. No royalty received was 5.Popularization and Promotion of
reported. The scope for reorganization/ Biotechnology: Under the Conference, Travel,
strengthening of DBT Autonomous Institutes Exhibition & Popular Lectures (CTEP) and Travel
needs further deliberation and analysis. support Programme (CTEP) DBT supports
scholars and researchers to share their research
3. DBT Infrastructure Projects: findings at international fora. Funding for CTEP
l Under the 'DBT-Boost to University has been declining while demand and
Interdisciplinary Departments of Life participation has been increasing. Overall: (a)
Sciences for Education and Research (DBT- Student participation is high-average 190, (b)
BUILDER)', DBT has helped in creating Faculties involved- 50 average, (c) Papers and
excellent infrastructure facilities in a posters presented – 87 average, and (d) Industry
number of university departments and also participation is low (av. 6) per samples analyzed.
provided some manpower support during
the project phase. These facilities are 6. Medical Biotechnology - Vaccine Programmes
accessed by 100s of postgraduate students and Bio-Pharma Mission- The talent pool,
and research scholars and produced a quality of manpower and research infrastructure
number of PhDs. coupled with a vision to leverage this capacity to
l Biotech Parks/Incubators: DBT has achieve world class scientific research and
established Biotechnology product development puts India among the
Parks/Incubators across the country to biotechnology leaders in the world. India has
translate research into products and high potential in the research & development,
services by providing the necessary and production of biopharmaceuticals and
infrastructure support to Scientists, and health care management products including
Small and Medium sized Enterprises vaccines, antibiotics, therapeutics, diagnostics,
(SMEs) for technology incubation, stem cell research, healthcare bioinformatics,
technology demonstration and pilot plant antibodies and animal health care. Quality of
studies for accelerated commercial R&D seems to be high as reflected in the large
development of Biotechnology. Impact of number of publications in peer reviewed
support for infrastructure and capacity international journals.



Contribution of the 85 sample projects to commercialization is low, probably due to lack of

intellectual property was limited: 11 Indian
patents filed, 3 granted and only 1 International continuity in personnel and funding. The number
patent filed. of beneficiaries of projects having field
l Product development: Total 8 products implementation, is 3,650. Products sold from a
were developed and one commercialized few projects are over 1.2 lakh, including one lakh
through technology transfer. The 85 orchid plants sold in one project. Only 6 patents
sample studies also have developed 54 have been awarded from these projects, but the
research leads having significant low numbers are a general reflection of the
commercial and therapeutic significance Indian patents granting system. Greater
meriting further research and translation. convergence between the agriculture and allied
l Vaccine development: Nine vaccine institutions and farmer – scientist interactions
candidates are under various stages of and field demonstrations are required.
clinical trial of different diseases l Biotech KISAN: The Biotech-KISAN
supported by DBT under National BIO Programme has made significant progress
Pharma Mission. The Candidates vaccine by expanding its activities in 92
after success, would benefit millions of Aspirational Districts, to establish
affected populations. India as the largest Biotech- KISAN Hub in each of the 15 agro-
vaccine producer in the world has a major climatic zones of India. Each Hub has
role to play in supporting global health by created a network by developing strong
producing affordable vaccines. linkages with top quality scientific
institutions, State Agricultural
7. Agriculture and Allied Projects, and Biotech- Universities (SAUs), Krishi Vigyan Kendras
KISAN Programme (KVKs), state agriculture extension
Agriculture and Allied Projects- For Impact ser vices system, and Farmers'
Evaluation of DBT Projects, 76 sample projects organizations in the region and
from Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and international institutions and
Aquaculture Biotechnology were studied. The organizations. Biotech-KISAN Hubs have a
impacts of projects were measured in terms of tinkering laboratory.
Bibliometrics, Scientific outcomes and Impact of l The Impact Evaluation study team
research by way of commercialization and conducted detailed field studies of a
socioeconomic effects. Bibliometric Outputs: On number of Biotech KISAN Hubs through
an average, a project results in 4-5 publications, 3 field visits, sample surveys of
beneficiaries and interaction with
published papers with average of 8 citations primary and secondary stakeholders.
(some papers even with over 500 citations). Biotech KISAN hub Farmers in ANGRAU
Dissemination of research findings is high covers 350,710 farmers, developed 160
considering the large number presentations in fellow farmers as KVK contact farmers.
research seminars and workshops. Scientific Biotech-KISAN Hub at Himalayan
Outcomes of Agriculture and Allied Projects: The Environmental Studies and Conservation
results are quite impressive, as most projects Organization (HESCO), Dehradun,
lead to development of varieties of seed, vaccine Uttarakhand, has created improved
and bio-fertilizers, and biopesticides. There are agriculture, horticulture practices,
42 available leads, which need more attention sustainable use of bioresource and soil
and support. Product development and and water conservation.



DBT-Assam Agriculture University centre research towards translating them into

Biotech- KISAN – developed large-scale commercial use. The projects studied under the
production of bio fertilizers and spread of the rural development, women, and SC/ST segments
application of bio fertilizers and bio pesticides in have directly improved the lives of 4450
the state. AGRI Biotech Foundation (ABF) beneficiaries in 11 states of the country through
initiated introduction of new Sorted Semen training, dissemination and by hand holding in
technology to enhance the female cattle setting up entrepreneurial ventures. The projects
population. Farmers cultivate over 40 varieties of varied from aquaculture, bakery units, and
organic vegetables, organic papaya and organic piggery units to handicraft and food production.
rice and use smart phone for direct marketing of One of the projects dealt with health issues in
their produce. Tissue culture banana is one of the women. Projects also addressed issues in
great success stories of biotech applications: environmental remediation of soil and water,
Farmers cultivating Microsun tissue cultured rare endangered and threatened species, and
banana plants are getting 3 times more yield than done advanced research in areas like biofuel
from planting conventional banana suckers. ABF production. Some pilot scale demonstrations
Tissue Culture Unit, Anantapur AP is providing TC indicate viability for commercial scale
plants to thousands of acres of banana farms, deployment of technology, and some of the
tripling farmer incomes. research has produced good leads with further
research potential.
8.Knowledge Generation and Discovery
Research- DBT supports several knowledge 10.Promoting Biotechnology in North East
generation and discovery research projects in Region of India- The North east region (NER) of
anticipation of getting technologies for India comprising eight States receives 10% of
translation. In cutting edge and emerging R&D DBT's annual budget as per government
areas, 72 sample projects were analysed. Almost mandate. The Twinning R&D Programme for NER
half of the research projects in the sample initiated in 2010-11 develops core competence
produced research leads that can be taken up and core capacity in different areas of
further in future research (31 leads from 72 biotechnology through joint ventures, between
projects). The bibliometric outputs from two or more institutes, wherein one of the
Knowledge Generation and Discovery Research is institutes is from NER. About 670 Twinning
impressive. On an average, an R&D project projects have been supported since 2010, in 70
results in 9-10 publications, 5 published papers Institutes across NER. About 2000 young
with average of 12 citations (with even some researchers/students of NER have been trained
papers with over 250 citations). in advanced biotechnology. 34 outstanding
scientists from the NER have been funded for
9. Energy, Environment & Bioresource-based their innovative projects across 12 Institutes
Applications for Societal Development- A total of producing 3 patents and 45 research papers.
22 projects on Biotechnology for Societal Under the scented Rice Network Programme for
Development were analysed in this study. Five the NER, 106 aromatic rice germplasm have been
product development and commercialization, collected and characterized. NER Banana
five international patents, and two Indian patents Programme, initiated in 2018, with 39
have also been won. One project produced 205 lt. institutions including 18 from NER Institutes and
of algal oil which could be commercialized. Some 21 other institutes focusses on biodiversity
of the research also has produced 10 leads that studies.
could be eventually taken up for further focused



Advanced Animal Diagnostic and Management only targets the biotech industry but also brings
Consortium (ADMaC) Programme is being in related industries such as manufacture of
implemented with 3 NER Institutes, 4 National medical devices. BIRAC (Biotechnology Industry
Institutes and 8 State Veterinary and Animal Research Assistance Council) has established
husbandry departments as partners. BT has many industries focused schemes such as SBIRI,
established a network of 126 Biotech Hubs across BIPP Biotechnology Ignition Grant, BioNEST,
NER, providing the necessary infrastructure in SITARE, PACE, SIIP, SEED, LEAP, Fund of Funds –
universities/ colleges/institutions and the AcE, etc.
required training in sophisticated technologies to
12. SWOT Analysis, and Self Rating of DBT
support and promote biotechnology education
Grants and Awards Process- Strengths of the DBT
and research. eco-system: (i) Generous and wide spread
funding, (ii) good peer Review. Weaknesses of
11. Extant Biotechnology Policies- India is the DBT grants awarding and management
among the top 12 destinations for biotechnology processes: (i) Delayed and inadequate funding
in the world $63 billion in size. India is also the hindering timely completion of projects, (ii) slow
leader in the global supply of DPT, BCG and communication to queries, and (iii) the short
measles vaccines. Biotechnology sector is duration of projects. Opportunities to optimize
recognized as one of the key drivers for DBT vision and objectives: (i) Global and national
contributing to India's USD 5 Trillion economy collaborations, (ii) the emerging interdisciplinary
target by 2025. Extant biotech policies evolved research engagement, (iii) Network projects, (iv)
over the last two iterations published in 2007 and presence of bio-science clusters, and (v) highly
2015 have been successful in understanding the trained manpower availability. Threats: Delayed,
ground realities, foreseeing potential growth adjusted or cancelled funding. Opportunity to
areas and suggesting growth avenues and overcome threats: Engage with philanthropic
strengthening areas that needs attention. groups and corporates to increase funding
Biotech Strategy III: DBT has built on the previous potential.
strategies and proposed ambitious vision and
goals for 2025. Some salient aspects of the Summary, Conclusions and Way Forward
proposed Strategy-III are: (i) A $100 billion The major findings are:
Bioeconomy by 2025, (ii) 10 million jobs driving
the Bioeconomy led by products and services, l DBT has created world class infrastructure
and (iii) Over 100 “Made in India” Biotech and facilities for advancing biotech
products in global markets. There has been a t e a c h i n g , s t u d y, r e s e a r c h , a n d
significant increase in Government of India's productization and commercialization.
outlays for biotechnology over the years. The l DBT support is producing adequate
DBT budget has gone up from Rs. 2381crores number of human resources within the
revised estimate in 2019/20 to Rs. 2,787 crores country through its various innovative
budget estimate in 2020/21 Revenue budget Programmes such as the Star College and
doubled in the last 7 years. DBT's proposed many types of fellowships.
budget for 2021-22 is 26 percent higher at l Autonomous Institutes funded by DBT are
Rs.3502 crores. The FDI policy for the biotech playing leading roles in promoting
industry is strong and attractive one, which biotechnology research and contributing
results in easy entry of private players into the to bio-economy.
Indian market. It is clear that the FDI policy not



l Socio-economic benefits and impact are

mainly in the form of human capital
development as well as knowledge
l Direct social and economic benefits to
people at large are substantial with every
advance especially in the medical, health
and allied fields. Quantifying these
benefits precisely is rather difficult.
l Impact of social development-oriented
bio-tech projects in the area of agriculture
and allied areas are more tangible and
measurable. Recent initiatives such as
Biotech-KISAN mission are showing
promising results.
l As in any system dealing with thousands
of stakeholders, there is scope of making
the DBT ecosystem more alert, efficient
and responsive to achieve its objectives.

Conclusion: DBT has been making significant

contributions to supporting teaching, capacity
building, research, innovation and translation of
biotechnology outcomes in India for over three
decades. The recent pandemic challenge
highlighted the strength of the Indian
biotechnology sector to contribute to global well-
being. There is immense scope to achieve DBTs

vision of “Attaining new heights in biotechnology

research and innovation for creation of wealth
and ensuring social justice specially for the
welfare of the poor.” These insights are based on
the draft report submitted by the agency.



Research Landscape and Performance Agricultural, Environmental, Industrial and

Benchmarking in Biotechnology (Elsevier Medical Biotechnology. Methodology used- To
Study) calculate metrics related to publications, full
counting was employed. This means that a
publication co-authored, for example, by at least
The Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of
one author at Harvard University and at least one
Science & Technology, Government of India, author at the University of Delhi was counted as
commissioned this study on the Research one publication towards the global publication
Landscape and Performance Benchmarking in count, one publication for the Unites States, one
Biotechnology. The study presents analyses of publication for India, one publication for Harvard
data relating to both publications and patents, University, and one publication for the University
offering a multifaceted view of research and of Delhi. The same logic was applied to
innovation performance in biotechnology, publications in more than one biotechnology
subfields of biotechnology, and related topics. subfield. To estimate the scholarly impact of
Analyses include assessment of output, impact, publications, the metric average Field-Weighted
excellence, and collaboration, globally, for India, Citation Impact (FWCI) was used. It is a
and for the Department of Biotechnology. The normalized measure of citations received by
study “Research Landscape and Performance publications normalized to account for
Benchmarking in Biotechnology” briefs about differences in referencing practices and citation
the achievements of Department of behaviors across fields, publication types, and
publication age. The number and proportion of
Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology,
publications was used that belong to the top 10%
Government of India nationally and
most cited publications globally to gain a view
into research excellence. The international
It had two main objectives: collaboration was also analyzed by assessing the
affiliations of co-authors on publications. A
1) Provide an overview of the global and publication with at least one author listing an
national research and innovation landscape in affiliation in a country and at least one author
biotechnology. listing an affiliation in another country count as
2) Provide insights into the scholarly and an internationally collaborated publication.
inventive impact of DBT schemes and programs
on the field. a) Biotechnology research activity across the
Globe and in India
The key findings of the study are as follows: -
1. Analysis of Scholarly output- This section l In the 1999–2018 period, India produced
analyzed biotechnology research output defined 38,595 of the 502,336 global
as the number of publications published in titles biotechnology publications, accounting
belonging to the All-Science Journal Category for 7.7% of the global scholarly output
(ASJC) "Biotechnology" in Scopus. To identify over the period. India's contribution to
publications in biotechnology subfields, we use the field has been growing over time, its
the Fields of Research and Development (FORD) annual growth rate of publications was
classification defined by the Organization for 10.6%, which was faster than the 6.4%
Economic Co-operation and Development overall rate for the field. The Citations to
(OECD). The four fields of Research and biotechnology publications for India was
Development (FORD) biotechnology categories 533,211 against global
used to break down the analyses were



technology publications, i.e, 11,922,93,

accounting for Average number of citations per
biotechnology publication for India being 13.8
against worldwide average, i.e, 23.7. The number
of internationally collaborated biotechnology
publications for India was 5,327 against global
internationally collaborated biotechnology
publications, i.e, 99,216.

Figure 1: Biotechnology research activity across the Globe

Figure 2: Biotechnology Research Activities in India



b) Contributions of DBT to biotechnology 2014–2018. They are "METAGENOME,

LIGNIN, CELLULASES." India has more than 1,000
This section highlights the Department of publications in these clusters as well as in the
Biotechnology's contributions to India's clusters "PLANTS, RHIZOSPHERE, RHIZOBIUM"
biotechnology research by assessing publications and "ALGAE, MICROALGAE, BIODIESEL." India is a
from DBT institutions (intramural research major player in "PLANTS, RHIZOSPHERE,
output) or by assessing publications resulting RHIZOBIUM" with over 16% of global
from DBT grants and funding streams (extramural publications and superior citation performance.
research output). The period for analyzing the
scholarly output of DBT was defined from 2014 to 2.Patent Analysis (1997-2017) - This section of
2018 to create an overview of more recent the report investigated innovation at DBT
research resulting from DBT's intramural and through its patent output. The data presented in
extramural activities. Publications of DBT this section were based on the PATSTAT database,
institutions or DBT funded projects display a a product of the European Patent Organization
moderate FWCI and contribute to many areas of that covers patent data from dozens of patent
research. Only 10% of these publications are authorities around the world. Analyses
assigned to the subject of biotechnology, while presented was based on either the full data
the majority of DBT publications are within the available in PATSTAT for all patent authorities, or
broader field of Biochemistry, Genetics, and for subsets covering only patent data from the
Molecular Biology. United States Patent and Trademark Office
(USPTO), the European Patent Office (EPO), and
c)Emerging research areas utilizing the World Intellectual Property Organization
biotechnology research (WIPO).

Biotechnology research in 38 thematic clusters

identified as relevant among biotechnology
publications was analyzed. These clusters are
formed from the 96,000 research topics created
using citation patterns of Scopus-indexed
publications. The advantage of taking a citation-
based approach to identify a research topic is
that citation patterns delineate the research area
in the topic, whereby research that appears in the
same citation network is clustered together in
the same topic. This approach provides a more Trends in Patent activity at DBT (1997-2017)
nuanced definition of research topics. Topic
clusters are a higher-level aggregation of these The patent application activity of DBT was
research topics based on the same direct citation relatively stable across the period, ensuring a
algorithm that creates the topics. When the solid pipeline of granted patents for the coming
strength of the citation links between topics years. The majority of applications were filed at
reaches a threshold, a cluster is formed. The WIPO and USPTO. Between 1997 and 2017, DBT
biotechnology field clusters around 38 main applied for a patent application for 256 distinct
themes, two of which are particularly prominent, patent families around the world and 114 patents
with over 26,000 publications each in were granted. The National Institute of



Immunology in Delhi (NII, Delhi) was the most Department of Biotechnology has set annual
active of DBT's institutions according to the targets against each output and outcome
application data, which filed 42 patent indicators to monitor various schemes and
applications. Approximately 70% of patent programmes of the department. All the outputs
applications of DBT are filed with co-applicants, and outcomes identified are measurable,
and the top co-applicants are AIIMS, CSIR, IIS and bringing-in greater accountability in execution of
University of Delhi. Top patenting cluster for DBT schemes and programmes of the Department.
was C12N, with 88 patent families. C12N Output refers to the direct and measurable
biotechnology cluster encompasses patents product of programme activities, often
related to compositions based on expressed in physical terms or units. Outcomes
microorganisms and enzymes (e.g., biocides, are the collective results or qualitative
repellants, fermentates and other materials). improvements brought about in the delivery of
DBT applied for 67 patent families A61K of the these activities. The progress is updated
medical sub-topic which is dedicated to quarterly by DBT on dashboard developed and
preparation for medical, dental, or toilet maintained by NITI Aayog.
Budget Utilization Summary and OOMF
Compliance status:
Analysis Based on Output-Outcome
Monitoring Framework (OOMF) Budget utilization for Department of
Biotechnology (DBT) for past four FY 2018-19,
Output-Outcome Monitoring Framework
2019-20, 2020-21 and 2021-22 is mentioned in
(OOMF) is formulated by NITI Aayog for each
the Table 1 below. Similarly, Figure 4 represents
Department/Ministry to strengthen the
the graph of the financial performance of the
monitoring & evaluation of various activities. The
Department of Biotechnology in past four years.
Table 1: Budget Utilization

Financial Year Budget Estimate Expenditure Funds Released to AIs

(In crore) Statement (In crore) (In crore)
2018-19 2411.53 2379.11 747.93
2019-20 2580.34 2367.17 792.53
2020-21 2786.76 2266.45 577
2021-22 (RE) 2932.38 - 675

Figure 4: Budget Utilization for the

year 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21
and 2021-22



It can be inferred from the Figure 5 that all the

achievements with respect to both R&D and IED
schemes have been reported. Hence, the OOMF
compliance rate is observed to be high for both
the schemes in both FY 2019-20 and 2020-21
Figure 5: OOMF Compliance status for the year 2019-20 and 2020-21

DBT measured the progress of various activities focuses on creating and developing highly
through 2 central sector schemes, i.e., Research trained/skilled manpower in the field of
and Development (R&D) and Industrial and biotechnology through various schemes and
Entrepreneurship Development (IED). programs. Whereas, Industrial and
Entrepreneurship Development (IED) scheme
The core objective of the Research and
focuses to develop high quality basic
Development (R&D) scheme of the department
infrastructure and high-end equipment facilities
is to focus and promote collaborative research to
with research and development, product
address needs for developing technological and
development, piloting and validation by SMEs
clinical solutions to the domain such as
and Biotech industries.
agriculture, medical, environmental and societal
challenges. In addition to this, the scheme also
Figure 6: Progress of Output Indicators of IED and R&D of FY 2019-20 and 2020-2021

*Note: Output indicators include number of ongoing projects, new projects,

workshops, training activities, facilities supported, etc.



The progress of output indicators (include year 2020-21, with total achievements being
ongoing projects, new projects, workshops, 5636. Un d er R & D s ch eme, t h e to ta l
training activities, facilities supported, etc.) for achievements during the year 2019-20 were
Research and Development (R&D) and Industrial 17028, but during year 2020-21 the number of
and Entrepreneurship Development (IED) achievements were 11289. It can be deduced
schemes for the FY 2019-20 and 2020-21 was that irrespective of COVID-19 induced
shown in Figure 6. Under IED scheme, there were disruptions, the Department has notably
total 1041 achievements marked as output performed in accomplishing all the targets for
activities during the year 2019-20. There was high the FY 2020-21 regarding IED.
progression in terms of IED achievements during
Table 2: Progress of Outcome Indicators (IED) for FY 2018-19, 2019-20 and 2020-21

Outcome 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

(IED) Targets Achievements Targets Achievements Targets Achievements

Technologies 10 8 13 15 13 13

International 0 0 5 5 10 13

Patents filed 35 45 40 46 40 43

Affordable Products 18 20 19 12 19 19
(at 5% success rate)

Start-up generating 0 0 25 27 29 29
follow-on funding (<10

No. of incubates 210 377 500 530 550 550

No. of professional 2350 2260 3000 3089 3500 3500

trainings for
high end skills

No. of users - - 150 50 150 450

using facilities in clusters



Figure 7: Achievements of Outcome Indicators (IED) for FY 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21

The Table 2 and Figure 7 represent the past two years. The department has
achievements of outcome indicators for IED outperformed in accomplishing all its outcome
scheme for the FY 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21. indicators for IED scheme in the last two FY that
It can be inferred from the Figure 7 are, 2019-20 and 2020-21. It can be inferred
and Table 2 that, in the current year (2020-21) that department has managed to accomplish
the figures of all the indicators except, the set target for FY 2020-21 and has shown
Technologies Commercialized and Patents quite impressive achievements for the IED
Filed, has seen the rise in comparison to the scheme.



Table 3: Progress of Output indicators (IED) for FY 2018-19, 2019-20 and 2020-21
Output 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
(IED) Targets Achievements Targets Achievements Targets Achievements

No. of Bioclusters 1 1 2 0 2 2

No. of technologies 6 0 5 0 5 7
transfer offices set up

No. of Bio- connect 1 2 6 5 8 8

offices set up

No. of on-going 350 391 400 511 400 400

research projects under
PPP program

No. of Academic 65 74 100 107 100 100

Institutes supported

No. of Companies 275 288 300 294 300 300


No. of incubators
supported & facilities 40 31 50 50 60 61
fermentation, etc.)

No.of Regional &

Entrepreneursh 3 1 5 4 6 6
i p Development

No. of
workshops conducted 8 2 125 70 125 125



Figure 8: Achievements of Output Indicators (IED) for FY 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-

Table 3 and Figure 8 represent the performance of DBT in achieving the various IED output indicators for
FY year 2018-19, 2019-20 and 2020-21. The figure 8 clearly portrays that the performance of the
department in achieving its targets over the past three years have been optimum. For every
consecutive year the achievements for output indicators for the IED scheme has seen the growth.
Despite the COVID-19 induced disruptions in the FY 2019-20, the department has performed
outstandingly in accomplishing all its targets.

Table 4: Progress of Output indicators (R&D) for FY 2018-19, 2019-20 and 2020-21

Output 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

(R&D) Targets Achievements Targets Achievements Targets Achievements

No. of on-going 3540 2160 2080 2566 2434 2295


No. of new projects

supported 245 296 208 269 401 252



Figure 9: Achievements of Output indicators (R&D) for FY 2018-19, 2019-20 and 2020-21

Table 4 and Figure 9 represent the important output indicators of R&D for FY 2018-19, 2019-20 and
2020-21. DBT supported number of on-going and new R&D projects for FY 2018-19, 2019- 20 and 2020-
21 were shown in Figure 9. During the year 2018-19, the numbers of on-going R&D projects were 2160,
which increased to 2566 during the year 2019-20. For the current session, i.e., year 2020-21, till now the
numbers of on-going R&D projects supported were 2295. Secondly, new R&D projects supported by DBT
were 296 and 269 during the year 2018-19 and 2019-20 respectively. For the current session, i.e., year
2020-21, till now the numbers of new R&D projects supported by DBT were 252.

Table 5: Outcome Indicators (R&D) for the FY 2018-19, 2019-20 and 2020-2021

Outcome 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

Targets Achievements Targets Achievements Targets Achievements

Manpower trained 10413 13716 6752 20874 10298 9763

Publications 2700 3737 2570 3758 2254 2450

Patents Filed 117 145 111 122 82 80

Technology Developed/ 100 101 91 136 124 112




Figure 10: Achievements of Outcome Indicators (R&D) for the FY 2018-19, 2019-20 and 2020-2021

The achievements of R&D projects (in terms of manpower trained, publications, Technology
Developed/transferred/ commercialized, and patent filed) for FY 2018-19, 2019-20 and 2020-21 were
shown in Figure 10 and Table 5. Manpower trained for the FY 2018-19, 2019-20 and 2020-21 were 8009,
17402 and 9763 respectively. Publications for the FY 2018-19, 2019-20 and 2020-21 were 3737, 3758,
and 2450 respectively. Technology Developed/transferred/ commercialized for the FY 2018-19, 2019-20
and 2020-21 were 101, 136 and 112 respectively. Patent filed for the FY 2018-19, 2019-20 and 2020-21
were 145, 122 and 80 respectively.

Conclusion: The Department has also faced Covid-19

induced interruptions in the FY 2020-21. Due to
The efforts of the Department of Biotechnology this, some of the achievements pertaining to the
in the development of vaccine and diagnostic IC and HRD indicators of R&D could not attain
methods in tackling the COVID-19 pandemic are the optimum level. However, it has been
well appreciated. The emphasis was on the highlighted that the DBT is one of the best
sustenance of current collaborative agreements departments ensuring 100% compliance on
with the industry, especially in strengthening OOMF dashboard and achieving majority of the
the R&D ecosystem in the country to realize the targets pertaining to OOMF indicators.
vision of Atmanirbhar Bharat.



Gender Responsive Budgeting Initiative programme. The programme is mainly for career
development of employed/unemployed women
Gender Budgeting has been used by the Indian
scientists for whom it is the first extramural
government as a technique for incorporating a
research grant. The scheme gives opportunities
gender perspective into planning and budgeting
procedures. Gender Budgeting is concerned with to unemployed women scientist having a break in
the gender-responsive formulation of legislation, career to be back to the mainstream by getting
policies, plans, programmes, and schemes; the their first grant as Principal Investigator. Women
allocation and collection of resources; the Scientist who are employed or unemployed or
implementation and execution of programmes are desirous of coming back after a break can get
and schemes; monitoring, reviewing, impact back to the mainstream by getting their first grant
assessment and audit of programme and as the Principal Investigator.
schemes from the gender lens; and the follow-up
corrective actions to reduce gender gaps.
Figure 11: Success Outcomes of the
Gender Responsive Budgeting (GRB), as it is more
BioCARe Programme
popularly known, is a mechanism to ensure that
public wealth is distributed in an equal manner in
order to meet the most urgent concerns of
certain gender groups. GRB seeks to view the
projects, programmes and schemes of
Ministries/Departments and overall Government
Budget from a gender lens to gauge the process
of addressing the different needs of women and
Institutional mechanisms and practices
The Department of Biotechnology has also
initiated its work to contribute towards the The Figure 11 portrays the success outcomes of
government's aim of gender equality. The
the BioCARe Programme. It can be inferred from
department launched has various schemes and
the Figure 11 that the BioCARe programme has
programmes wherein special focus has been
given to women. Even more, the department has supported 361 women scientists in their career.
a programme specifically dedicated to women, 300 papers were published by the women
that is, BioCARe. scientist under this programme. Moreover, the
With the vision of Department to promote programme also focused on helping women in
women in science and in an attempt to enhance getting employment. In the FY 2020-21, 7 women
the participation of Women Scientists in scientists were supported under the BioCARe
Biotechnology Research, the Department Programme. Other than this, DBT has done the
launched a Biotechnology Career Advancement hand holding of various PIs and CoPIs. In past
and Re-orientation Programme (BioCARe) for decade, i.e., from, 2010-2021, DBT has supported
women scientists and first call for applications 4774 women PIs and CoPIs.
was announced in the year 2011. Till now, five

calls have been announced under the



Another major program of the Department that Bengal in the year 2019, 4185 women farmers
tries to bring the gender equity is Biotech KISAN were benefited under this program. Moreover,
Mission which aims to work with small and the programme has benefitted 7684 more
marginal farmers to empower them, especially women farmers in various states of India.
the woman farmer for better agriculture Other schemes/programmes and awards
productivity and income through scientific
interventions and evolving best farming practices Department has also identified certain indicators
by linking available science and technology to the to identify and measure the performance of
farm by first understanding the problem of the department in terms of gender responsive
local farmer and providing solutions to those behaviour. For instance, in past 3 Financial Years,
problems. i.e. (2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21) the department
Further, this program also focuses on improving has recorded its output and outcome indicators
the lifestyle of women beneficiaries by improving of various programmes that have benefited
their socio-economic status. In one of the women.
interventions that took place in Sunderban, West
Table 6: Indicators Reflecting Gender Responsive Behaviour for FY 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21

2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

Name of the
Targets Achievements Targets Achievements Targets Achievements

National Women Bio- 2 3 3 3 3 3

Scientist Awards (output

No. of women farmers 35 35 35 0 35 0

trained in current year
(output indicator)

Number of hands- on
training/workshops/ 35 39 20 19 50 52
awareness programmes
provided in current year
in area of agriculture &
animal husbandry:
Women (output

No. of women scientists

getting employment after 5 6 5 10 5 2
working on projects
under BioCARe
(outcome indicator)



Providing training and

demonstration to the
beneficiaries for 700 740 NA NA 90 91
utilization of technologies
in Agriculture and
allied areas including
animal husbandry
practice: Women

Figure 12: Indicators Reflecting Gender Responsive Behaviour

The Table 6 clearly portrays the involvement of advocate for gender responsive initiatives.
women beneficiaries in diverse programs of the Gender Budgeting across various levels of
department. Moreover, it can be inferred from governance have strengthen systems for
the Figure 12 that women participation has seen resource allocation for women and girls. Gender
an upsurge in terms of participation. The Budgeting was adopted as a consequence of the
numbers may have seen a decrease in the year awareness that the ways in which governments
2019-20 due to COVID-19 induced disruptions; plan and budget for women and girls has the
however, this got improved later in year 2020-21. tendency to mitigate gender inequities. As a way
Due to lockdown and other COVID-19 induced forward, the department will organize training /
disruptions some of the field trainings and sensitization / capacity building workshops for
workshop could not be held in the year 2019-20. officials and staff members in order to
mainstream gender concerns in public
All these parameters present that the
expenditure and policy making of any scheme /
Department of Biotechnology is working towards
project / programme. Also, to further build the
the goal of gender inclusiveness. Numerous
capacities of women the department will
awards and fellowships are also given to women
continue to encourage more women and girls to
to motivate and encourage them for their
take the benefits of theprogramme/ projects/
schemes of the department that are presently
Way Forward active. Department will also try to do the gender
auditing of the expenditure, programme
The Department of Biotechnology has
implementation and policies, wherever possible.
continually worked to mainstream gender and



Electronic Project Management System maintain the database properly, a lot of tasks are
(eProMIS) ongoing such as integrating eProMIS with PFMS,
development of input formats for International
eProMIS is a web enabled Project Management Collaboration and Bio-care area and many more.
Information System of the Department of
Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology, To further enhance, the management system of
Government of India. It is hosted at the NIC sever the Department, a way forward is to promote the
at eProMIS self-service in eProMIS. Moreover, redesign and
facilitates for the submission, evaluation, development of formats to record patents,
management, monitoring and closure of publications and technology transfer data is
research proposals in various area of needed. Also, there is a need for incorporation of
Biotechnology. It also captures, manages and business intelligence tools for smart report
monitors the complete life cycle of proposals and generation. Also, DBT has to involve actively in
subsequently approved projects. It is a gateway data cleaning exercise so that only the required
that unifies access to departmental information and relevant information is saved in the
of research proposals/projects on the internet. dashboard. As a way forward, other features
Not only this, eProMIS helps the department in those are required to be added in the eProMIS
managing its data and large volume of system are; integration of SMS gateway, using SSL
information more easily. This data can be derived to encrypt sensitive information, detaching other
to answer RTIs, Parliament Questions and applications from eProMIS and enhancing user-
queries by PIs. friendliness of the application.
Figure 13: Flow Chart of eProMIS
eProMIS helps in the management of all the (existing structure)
schemes, which offers end to end solution for
effective management of all the schemes funded
by the department. eProMIS has multiple
features, which includes facilitating new
investigators to registrar online, submission of
protocols, peer review and processing of
proposals, status of proposal/project, generation
of sanction no., e-signing SAN, intimation of
release of grants, dashboards for various
stakeholders and others. eProMIS facilitates DBT
to answer various parliament questions through
generating reports to various stakeholders.
eProMIS also has reports available area wise, Figure 14: Thematic Areas supported by DBT
region wise and state wise along with other
Recently numerous enhancements and
developments have been made in eProMIS to
enhance its performance. Some of them include
implementation of e-sign utility, SSL
implementation to run the website on secure
channel, development of Star College Area and
system is securely audited to make it safe for
hosting on NIC cloud and many others. To

The Department has established 15 theme- Vision and Mission:

based Autonomous Institutions (AIs) and
supported one International Centre for To carry out scientific research, services and
improving knowledge generation and translating training; to achieve global excellence in
the knowledge to address the societal fundamental and applied research; and
challenges. These institutions are pursuing simultaneous endeavour to transfer the benefits
fundamental, discovery and translational of modern biology to every section of society.
research in areas of agriculture biotechnology & Objectives:
allied areas, animal biotechnology, medical
biotechnology, bioresources and secondary The main objectives of CDFD are to provide DNA
agriculture, clean energy and environmental fingerprinting services to the judiciary and to law
biotechnology. The institutes also reach out to enforcing agencies, to establish DNA diagnostics
human resource development and societal methods for detecting genetic disorders, to use
outreach. The institutes are mainly catalyzing its DNA fingerprinting techniques for authentication
effort to train students, young researchers and to of plant species (e.g. basmati rice), and to
nurture scientific excellence of the scientists. undertake basic, applied and developmental
Apart from AIs, Department of Biotechnology has R&D work. Another important mandate of CDFD
three Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) under its is to provide highly trained and skilled manpower
administrative control wherein various research in the domains of modern biology through its
activities are undertaken. During the year 2021, PhD and various other training programmes.
research outcome of these institutions has
resulted in 866 publications. Besides 24 patents Major Initiatives:
have been granted this year and 54 patents
applications been filed by these AIs/PSUs. In the year 2021, DBT-CDFD has provided:
l High quality forensic DNA fingerprinting
Autonomous Institutes services for 54 cases to the various Courts
of law, law enforcement and investigative
A brief summary of research activities agencies in the country.
undertaken by these autonomous institutions l Genetic diagnostic, prenatal diagnosis and
during the year are depicted as follows: clinical genetic counselling services to 2647
patients with various genetic diseases.
Centre for DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics l Plant DNA fingerprinting services to test
(CDFD), Hyderabad purity of Basmati Rice for 607 samples,
which has contributed to the increase in
The Centre for DNA Fingerprinting and
Basmati exports, and acted as a major
Diagnostics (CDFD) was established as an
deterrent to adulteration in Basmati export
autonomous institute of the Department of consignments
Biotechnology (DBT), Ministry of Science &
Technology, Govt. of India, in the year 1996.
CDFD is the first institute in the country to
incorporate a “hybrid model” amalgamating
services and research, with both components
enriching each other. CDFD has successfully
completed twenty-five years of its significant



Fig.1: Human Finger-printing Services (54 cases have been analyzed; Revenue generated: Rs.

Fig. 2: Genetic Diagnostics (2647 patients' samples have been analyzed; Revenue generated: Rs.



l CDFD offers a wide range of testing of COVID-19 samples from

instrumentation and analytical services of Telangana State on 18th April 2020 after
modern molecular and cell biology; using due approval from DBT and ICMR. The
state-of-the-art, high precision, supreme institute has tested more than 60,000
quality, sophisticatescientific instruments. COVID – 19 nasopharyngeal swab samples
This matchless facility is being made during the year 2021.
accessible to all interested scholars, Ø During the reporting period 55 research
academicians and scientists from papers have been published by various
Universities, R&D institutes, and industry scientific groups.
along with teachers and students from Ø On 20th February, 2021, the Hon'ble Vice
colleges and schools, at a notional cost. President of India, Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu
During the year 2021, the total revenue and Hon'ble Home Minister of Telangana
generated from various Equipment usage is Shri Mohammed Mahmood Ali visited
Rs.37,93,642/-. CDFD and inaugurated the Pediatric Rare
Genetic Disorders Laboratory.
Major Achievement:

Fig. 3: Visit of Hon'ble Vice President of India Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu and Hon'ble Home Minister
of Telangana Shri Mohammed Mahmood Ali to DBT-CDFD, Hon'ble Vice President of India
inaugurated the Paediatric Rare Genetic Disorders Laboratory on 20 February 2021



Center of Innovative and Applied functional molecules like oligosaccharides, rare

Bioprocessing (CIAB), Mohali and functional sugars, platform chemicals,
platform chemicals, natural molecules, etc. Work
Center of Innovative and Applied Bioprocesing has been initiated that involve the synthetic
(CIAB) functions as a nodal research and biology and engineering technologies for the
innovation organization linking leads of improvement of existing technologies as well as
bioprocess and bioproduct R&D system innovative technologies around the biomass
knowledge, technology with production system, valorization.
and serve as incubatorial platform for agri-
process and agri- food-product related Notable Outcomes:
entrepreneurship. It renders a frontal role in
Few significant research outcomes are as follows:
translation, innovation, optimization and
upscaling of approaches and technologies for l Lytic polysaccharide monooxygenase
bioprocessing products through progressive (LPMO) are mono copper enzymes known
f u n c t i o n a l l i n ka g e s a n d n e t w o r k i n g / for the oxidative cleavage of recalcitrant
collaborations with institutions and industries polysaccharides. The enzyme, named as
nationally and globally. LPMO-AOAA17 was recombinantly
expressed in E. coli BL21 and characterized
Vision/Mission and Objectives:
for its substrate specificity. Recombinant
Center of Innovative and Applied Bioprocessing enzyme was found to be oxidising broad
(CIAB) works mainly on Secondary Agriculture range of phenolic and non-phenolic
and development of value added commercial monomers of lignin. Biochemical study
products from different types of bio-resources. revealed the optimum activity of LPMO-
Institute is working towards “Doubling the AOAA17 at pH 7 and was highly stable and
Farmer`s Income” as well as “Waste to Wealth”, active at 100 °C. This study has first time
thus creating start-ups/entrepreneurs as well as documented the identification of a
supporting industries for societal well-being. hyperthermostable LPMO for oxidative
CIAB has four R & D programmes; (i) Value cleavage of β-O-4 linkage of lignin
addition to primary processing residue/wastes compounds to form aromatic products.
for edible products, (ii) Valorization of crop
l Lignin was successfully utilized for the
wastes for specialty products and chemicals, (iii)
development of a lignin-based coating
Nutritionals, nutraceuticals, and upgradation of
through the preparation of titanium
value or use of primary processing bioproducts
dioxide nanocomposites via a green and
and (iv) Biosynthetic technology/synthetic
single-step method. To note, lignin was
biology for low volume-high value products and
used as a sole capping and stabilizing agent
industrial enzymes.
to fabricate the titanium dioxide
Major Initiatives: nanocomposites (TiO2NCs). The
synthesized lignin-based TiO2
CIAB is exploring potential, microbes from niche nanocomposites exhibited promising
areas and, studying their enzymatic potential in antioxidant, antimicrobial, and UV blocking
bioprocessing and biomass valorization. potential in comparison to the bare lignin
Biotechnology, nanobiology and bioprocessing as well as the commercially available.
techniques are being explored for the
development of processes in the preparation of



This TiO2NCs doped lignin coating can find vat

application in disinfecting personal protective
equipment and common surfaces.

Fig. 1. Novel catalytic potential of a hyperthermostable mono copper oxidase (LPMO-AOAA17) for
the oxidation of lignin monomers and depolymerisation of lignin dimer (A) Amino acid sequence
of LPMO-AOAA17 with additional Methionine (highlighted in red). (B) Enzyme structure as
predicted by SWISS-MODELLER showing the conserved His
2, His 87, Tyr 196 to form Cu containing T-loop.

Fig. 2. The schematic diagram for the development of lignin-derived TiO2 nanocomposites using lignin
and development of TiO2 nanocomposites doped lignin coating and their applications



l A two-step approach demonstrated 82% Institute of Bioresources and Sustainable

total removal of hemicellulose and lignin Development (IBSD), Imphal
along with 90.4% of silica removal from rice
straw to obtain cellulose. Furthermore, the Institute of Bioresources and Sustainable
obtained crude CEL is found to be with a Development (IBSD) is working with the mission
purity of 78%. for “Bioresources development and their
l Optimized the maximum production of 5- sustainable use through biotechnological
HMF using glucose over Sn doped Ta2O5 in a interventions forthe socio-economic growth of
binary solvent system. The analytical the North East region”. Main goal of IBSD is
characterizations established that Sn4+ in “Scientific management of bioresources in the
the catalyst interacts with Ta2O5 and offers Indian region falling under Indo-Burma
the Lewis acid sites favorable for glucose Biodiversity Hotspot”.
isomerization to fructose. The catalyst
provided favorable conditions for the
sequential sugar(s) transformation, i. e., (1) To study and document the unique
glucose isomerization followed by fructose biodiversity of bio-geographic junction of the
dehydration, which resulted in a 5-HMF Indian and oriental landmasses,
yield as high as 57 % wt. and 80 % selectivity
under modest reaction conditions in a (2) Biotechnological interventions and
water-DMSO system using ST1 (1 % Sn on translational research for sustainable
Ta2O5). development and promotion of bioresources,
(3) To undertake capacity building in
Societal Impact:
bioresources conservation and management.
CIAB has been contributing towards human
(4) To collaborate with other institutions/
resources development in the areas of
organizations/ universities nationally and
bioprocessing and biotechnology. More than 50
internationally in furthering research pursuits in
students are presently undergoing research
training and 5 students have submitted their PhD
thesis and more than 20 students are pursuing To fulfil these objectives, IBSD is working under
their PhD degrees. CIAB has demonstrated different research verticals including
tech n o lo gies o n b io co a l p rep a rat io n , Phytopharmaceutical Mission,
biomolecules and functional compounds Ethnopharmacology & Drug Development; Plant
extraction from biomass. CIAB has also Resources; Microbial Resources including
demonstrated technologies on value addition of Fermented Food; Animal Resources; Eco-
citrus fruits biomass to the interested incubate. Re s t o ra t i o n i n c l u d i n g Wa t e r Q u a l i t y
Many technologies developed by the CIAB will Management & Surveillance.
have a larger impact on the societal growth at
various levels. CIAB is continuously benefiting
the society by providing training to young minds,
start-ups and entrepreneurs.



Major initiatives: During the year some of the an effort has been made in this part of the
major research initiatives being undertaken by country (Fig. 1). This sequencing platform/
IBSD is as follows: laboratory within Manipur is a big leap in
l IBSD, has established the Indian SARS-CoV- our collective fight and understanding of
2 Genomics Consortium (INSACOG) facility the novel coronavirus that has affected all
at IBSD, Imphal, which is the first time such aspects of our lives.

Fig. 1: The Indian SARS-CoV-2 Genomics Consortium (INSACOG) facility established

at IBSD, Imphal



l IBSD has initiated 'Himalayan Bioresources testing of drinking water of Manipur and
Mission' to connect Eastern-Western Meghalaya in association with respective
Himalayas to explore rich bioresources and State PHED Department for water quality
Fig. 2: Himalayan Bioresources Mission to connect Eastern and Western Himalaya

their sustainable utilization for future monitoring, surveillance and development

socio-economic development (Fig. 2). for rapid water test kit for monitoring water
quality. In this context, MoU has been
l IBSD has initiated a programme on
signed between IBSD, Imphal and State
“Bioeconomy from Bioresources” to boost
PHED Department, Govt. of Manipur to
the economy of North Eastern Region
work in the presence of Hon'ble Member of
through sustainable utilization of available
Parliament (Rajya Sabha), Maharaja
unique bioresources. Thisprogramme was
Leishemba Sanajaoba on October 7, 2021.
inaugurated by the Hon'ble Vice President
l IBSD has set up a 'Science Museum' in
of India on October 5, 2021 (Fig. 3) and
Chandel District of Manipur which is an
addressed by Dr. Jitendra Singh, Hon'ble
Aspirational District of Manipur to develop
Minister of State (Independent Charge) for
Science & Technology and Earth Sciences scientific attitude and to inculcate general
on October 18, 2021 (Fig. 4). awareness about local bioresources among
l IBSD has initiated working on Household the students and common people.
Water Quality Management through
Testing, Surveillance and Technological
Interventions with water testing facility for
drinking water, waste water etc to support
the local people of NER. Major focus is the



Fig. 3: Inauguration of National Seminar on “Bioeconomy from Bioresources of North Eastern

Region of India” by Hon'ble Vice President of India on October 5, 2021 at IBSD, Imphal.

Fig. 4: Visit of Dr. Jitendra Singh, Hon'ble Minister of State (IC) for Science & Technology and
Earth Sciences on October 18, 2021 at IBSD, Imphal to address seminar on “Development of
Bioeconomy from Bioresources of North Eastern Region of India”.



Societal Impact: Institute for Stem Cell Science & Regenerative

Medicine (inStem), Bangalore
IBSD has organized various trainings and
outreach programmes for students and farmers The Institute for Stem Cell Science and
of NER. During Corona Pandemic, IBSD has Regenerative Medicine (inStem) has been
initiated an international webinar series on established by DBT for accelerating research in
“Reimagine Ethnopharmacology ” where stem cell biology & regeneration in the context of
scientists/ academicians from all over the world disease.
have shared their ideas. Currently, IBSD is running
46th online session under this webinar series. IBSD Mandate and Objectives
has organized another webinar series for college inStem's mandate is to address complex
students of NER under “Science Setu 2021” to problems in areas of directed differentiation and
celebrate the 75 years of Independence where tissue regeneration with disease relevance,
s c ient ist s g u id ed st u d ent s a b o u t t h e through collaborative research programs
opportunities to explore bioresources of this involving interdisciplinary teams. inStem's
region. Many interaction programmes on “Orchid research programs connect basic discovery with
cultivation and floriculture” organized at Imphal, translational outcomes, the development of
Mao in Manipur and at Shillong, Meghalaya. technologies and efforts based in the clinic.
During this year, IBSD has also organized online inStem has built core strengths in stem cell
programme on International Women's Day, IBSD biology and manipulations, in injury repair in skin,
Foundation Day, International Yoga Day, World lung and muscle, disorders of the brain, cardiac
Environment Day and also seminar on “Managing disease and the development of gene therapy
Bioresources of NER for Atamnirbhar Bharat”, approaches for blood disorders. inStem hosts a
workshop on “Water quality management repository of iPSC cell lines and offers resources
through testing, surveillance and technological and training in stem cell technologies.
intervention for socioeconomic development of
Manipur”. Recently, IBSD has established Major Initiatives
“Science Museum” in Chandel, Aspirational
district of Manipur to develop scientific attitude l inStem took initiatives to turn the
and to inculcate general awareness about local challenges posed by the COVID-19
bioresources among the students and common pandemic into opportunities that can be
people. IBSD has initiated webinar series on leveraged for public health. The testing
“Bioeconomy from Bioresources” with special laboratory at inStem has processed more
reference to North Eastern Region of India to than 80,000 samples in the current
commemorate the 75 years of Independence and financial year. As an INSACOG Genome
celebrate the “Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav”. Sequencing Laboratory (GSL), upwards of
5000 samples have been sequenced for the
Research publications (2021-22): 26 national virus sequence surveillance effort.
Human Resources trained: Ph.D. thesis inStem hosts a COVID-19 Bioresource and
submitted: 04, Ph.D. awarded: 01 also oversees the validation of indigenously
Patents Filed: 02 developed diagnostic kits.
Monograph: 01 (Compendium)



l Laboratories at inStem reported key position us to tackle future challenges.

advances in areas of skin repair and
regeneration, metabolic regulation of cell
fate and immune function, and its
researchers have identified the first of its
kind genetic linkage between cardiac
disease and obesity in India.
l inStem began the Science Setu bimonthly
webinars under the aegis of Azadi ka Amrit
Mahotsav (
instem-science-setu). This has been a
successful mechanism to communicate
science to the public as evidenced by the
expanding participant base.
l A monthly invited seminar series titled F i g . 1 : COV I D 1 9 r e s p o n s e a t i n S te m :
“Mechanisms to Medicine” has been Establishment of a COVID19 Bioresource and
launched as a forum where academia, SARS-CoV- 2 testing centre; viral genome
industry and clinicians find common sequencing as an RGSL in INSACOG; and
ground to discuss specific areas of distribution of hACE-2 transgenic mice
biomedical relevance. developed at inStem to academic institutions for
l The Stem Cell Core initiated activities in research.
2021. Its repository will store patient- l Stem cell therapy for non-healing wounds
derived iPSCs that can be differentiated
into specific tissue cells and organoids. There is an exponential growth in the incidence of
l Gene therapy for Hemophilia A, developed chronic non-healing ulcers associated with
at the Centre for Stem Cell Research, has diseases such as diabetes. Autologous hair follicle
received approval from CDSCO for carrying grafting is a recent therapy to stimulate closure of
out clinical trials. This is the first gene such non-healing wounds. In collaborative work
therapy clinical trial approved in India. from the Jamora laboratory (DBT-inStem) and
clinicians from Rajiv Gandhi University of Health
Salient Achievement: Sciences (Bangalore Medical College) have
l Contribution to the COVID 19 effort demonstrated that grafting hair follicles into
chronic wounds from the patient's own scalp
The Covid testing laboratory, supported by the promotes complete repair of the injured skin
DBT, DAE and Government of Karnataka at inStem (Saha et al, JID Innovations 2021). The research
has tested more than 80,000 samples. As a finding illustrates how this approach not only
INSACOG RGSL, inStem has contributed to the closes the open wound, but can promote
national virus sequence surveillance efforts and regeneration of critical components required for
sequenced upwards of 5000 samples. inStem normal skin function - blood vessels, nerves,
hosts a recognized COVID-19 Bioresource, which sweat glands, fat cells, and extracellular matrix.
includes swabs, PBMC as well as Saliva and The research team showed that the grafted stem
Bronchoalveolar lavage. These have supported cells associated with the hair follicle are also able
efforts to validate indigenously developed kits as to reduce inflammation. This therapeutic
well clinical studies based from hospitals. approach can potentially also be used for large
Together, these capabilities will have an non-healing wounds such as third-degree burns.
immediate impact in the current pandemic and



Fig 2: Stem cells in autologous hair follicle grafting as a therapy to stimulate closure of such non- healing
wounds. Collaborative study between the Jamora Laboratory at DBT-inStem and clinicians at Bangalore
Medical College.

l Stem cell neighbourhoods regulate environment is critical for maintaining quiescent

quiescence properties.
The skin is the largest organ in the human body,
and its outermost part, called the epidermis, is
replenished every three weeks. The cells fuelling
this renewal of the epidermal stem cells, found in
specialized areas or niche, within a region of the
hair follicle (or root) is known as the 'bulge
compartment'. The bulge compartment resident
stem cells contribute to the repair of skin when
it's injured, and also regenerate the hair follicles
during normal development. The Raghavan
laboratory at DBT-inStem, studies the less well-
understood stem-cell niche and extrinsic factors
that influence stem cells fate (Biswas et al.,
Developmental Cell, 2021). Their work showed
that mechano-transducer proteins that signal by Fig 3: Insights into the mechanisms of hair follicle
generating forces within cells, in response to the (or root) resident stem during normal development.



Metabolic control of cellular responses Societal Impact:

Sunil Laxman's laboratory identified molecules Genetic blood disorders such as sickle cell
that control cellular responses to nutrient poor disease, thalassemia, and haemophilia pose a
or changing environments (Rashida et al Science significant socio-economic burden in India. A
Advanced, 2021). The observations conceptually control program for reducing the burden of
advance the understanding of how cells grow in Thalassemia major and Sickle Cell disease,
varying nutrients, manage to balance carbon flux coordinated by Centre for Stem Cell Research
for growth in changing nutrient environments; (CSCR) and CMC Vellore for counselling,
and resolves findings from cancers where awareness and management is active in seven
molecules reported to play opposing roles in districts (including an aspirational district) in
nutrient sensing are important for tumour Odisha. A gene therapy developed at CSCR for
progression. Dasaradhi Palakodeti's group at Hemophilia A has received approval of CDSCO for
inStem showed that the mitochondrial state, clinical trial.
determines functionality in stem cell population
(Haroon et al., Stem Cell Reports, 2021). This Outreach and engagement with UG and PG
students is being done through the Science Setu
work was based on a comprehensive analysis of
Program, connecting ten colleges in Bengaluru,
mitochondrial function in stem cells and
Gadag, Ujire, Mangalore, Chennai and Anchal,
differentiated cells.

Fig. 4: Science Outreach and Engagements at inStem: The Science Setu bimonthly webinars under the
aegis of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav; and monthly invited seminar series “Mechanisms to Medicine”, a
forum where academia, industry and clinicians find common ground to discuss specific areas of
biomedical relevance.



Details of Process/Product/ Technology tuberculosis and the malaria parasite

Developed: 1 respectively, and found that it reduced the
Research Publications: 47; Chapters & NAD+ levels and thereby induced
proceedings: 3 necroptosis and eryptosis resulting in
No. of Patents Applied: 3 premature dissemination of pathogen.
No. of Human Resources Trained: 6 students Targeting TNT in M. tuberculosis or induced
defended their PhD Thesis; Training given to 10 eryptosis in malaria parasite interferes with
personnel to work in the COVID19 testing centre pathogen dissemination and reduction in
and for sequencing. the propagation of infection. Group further
also synthesized and screened some novel
International Centre for Genetic Engineering compounds that showed inhibition of
and Biotechnology (ICGEB), New Delhi NAD+- glycohydrolase activity and
pathogen infection in the nanomolar range
ICGEB encourages innovative research in the field (Cell Death Discov. 2021.13;7(1):10)
of life sciences with special emphasis to fulfil l Cellular Immunology group reported that
needs for the benefit of developing countries. mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) plays an
The ICGEB New Delhi component has important role to help Mtb to tolerate anti-
successfully maintained its pace of research TB drugs. MSCs readily take up Mtb and
activities and efforts in the year 2021, despite the allow unabated mycobacterial growth
worse wave of covid-19 in India. This year, the despite having a functional innate pathway
of phagosome maturation. Additionally,
component has published around 120
the classic pro-inflammatory cytokines
publications and filed 2 national and 15 (6
IFNγ and TNFα aid mycobacterial growth
International & 9 National Phase) international within MSCs. Mechanistically, evading
Patent applications. drugs and inflammatory cytokines by MSC-
resident Mtb is dependent on elevated
Salient Outcomes: PGE2 signaling. Moreover, MSCs are
A brief description of the progress highlights in observed in and around human
three research domains are as follows: tuberculosis granulomas, harboring Mtb
(i) Molecular Medicine bacilli. Therefore it is proposed that
targeting the unique immune-privileged
l The Dengue Botanical drug has entered niche, provided by MSCs to Mtb, can have a
into clinical trials in July, 2021 after major impact on tuberculosis prevention
receiving all necessary regulatory and cure (Nature Communications. 2020.
approvals. It will be the first botanical drug 11: 3062)
against Dengue. ICGEB has been l The Translational Health Group made
collaborating with Sun Pharmaceutical constant progress on the work of Drug
Limited for this project. resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
l Immunobiology Group conducted a study Recently, the group has reported the draft
to highlight the fundamental importance of whole-genome sequence of drug-resistant
pathogen- mediated modulation of host M. tuberculosis strain S7, which was
NAD+ homeostasis for its infection isolated from a patient from Tripura, India,
propagation. Tuberculosis necrotizing toxin who was diagnosed with pulmonary TB.
(TNT) in macrophages and erythrocytes (Microbiology Resource
was expressed in the host cells for M. Announcements.2020. 9,17.)



l Malaria Biology Group synthesised 10.1007/s13337-021- 00734-2021, Int J of

artemisinin-peptidyl vinyl phosphonate Mol Sciences, 2021. 22(1), 323).
hybrid molecules that show superior l ICGEB-Emory Vaccine programme have
efficacy than artemisinin alone against successfully generated over 200 human
chloroquine-resistant as well as multidrug- monoclonal antibodies from single cell
resistant Plasmodium falciparum strains sorted memory B cells derived from COVID-
with EC50 in pico-molar ranges. These 19 recovered individuals in India. A patent
hybrid molecules showed complete application on this work is about to be filed.
parasite clearance in-vivo using P. berghei
mouse malaria model in comparison to (ii) Integrative Biology
artemisinin alone. (Eur J Med Chem. 2021 . l The Translational Bioinformatics Group for
14;220:113454) the first time, reported the molecules like
l Parasite Cell Biology group reported that cyclosporine, calcitriol, and estradiol as
the transient down regulation of the candidate drugs for Covid-19 with the
parasite phospholipase (P. falciparum binding ability to the host proteases that
lysophospholipase, PfLPL1) in the parasite enable SARS-CoV-2 entry to the host cell
disrupt lipid homeostasis and caused a and found cyclosporine as a potential drug
reduction in neutral lipids essentially molecule as apart from interacting with
required for heme to hemozoin conversion. SARS-CoV-2 entry receptors, it also
Thus, a crucial link is suggested between interacts with most of SARS-CoV-2 target
phospholipid catabolism and generation of host genes; thus it could potentially
neutral lipids (TAGs) with the host interfere with functions of SARS-CoV-2
haemoglobin degradation pathway proteins in human cells. (ACS Chem
(BMC Biol. 2021.11;19(1):159) Neurosci. 2021 3;12(5):930- 944).
l The Membrane Protein Biology Group l The Transcriptional Regulation Group
depicted the role of Zinc in SARS-CoV-2. It is deciphered the structural basis of target
showed that ionic Zinc not only inhibits search performed by the key regulator of
SARS-CoV-2 main protease (Mpro) with expression of c-myc proto-oncogene, the
nanomolar affinity but also viral human RBMS1 protein. In this study,
replication. The structural basis of viral requirement of the structural
replication inhibition was also provided. It reorganization of c-myc proto-oncogene
is showed that Zn2+ coordinates with the for recognizing the specific c-myc promoter
catalytic dyad at the enzyme active site sequence is shown. The study suggested
along with two previously unknown water that a synergy between structural re-
molecules in a tetrahedral geometry to organization and thermodynamics is
form a stable inhibited Mpro-Zn2+ necessary for the recognition of target
complex. Further, natural ionophore sequences and presented another
quercetin increases the anti-viral potency perspective of looking at the DNA-protein
of Zn2+. interactions. (Nucleic Acids Res. 2021 May
l The Vector Borne Disease Group evaluated 17; gkab 363. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkab363)
the significance of concurrent dengue and
its clinical implications (Ind J Med Res,
2021. Ahead of Publication). The group also
identified the interacting partners of Aedes
and CHIKV (Virus Disease. 2021. DOI



l Structural Immunology Group analysed the l The Systems Biology for Biofuel Group
dicotomy between the presence of recently tested the effect of two different
promiscuous antibodies against influenza RBS sequences (RBS1: GGAGGA and RBS2:
infection and immune escape mechanisms AGGAGA) and three different promoters
suggesting that the antibody promiscuity (PcpcB, PcpcB 560, and PrbcL 2) on the
may be responsible for reducing the growth and glycogen production in Sodium
frequency of infection. Also, while dependent bicarbonate transporter, SbtA
attempting to explore therapeutic overexpressing Synechococcus sp. PCC
antibodies against tuberculosis, several 7002 cells. The results showed that PcpcB
monoclonal antibodies against specific or PcpcB 560 were more effective than
designed epitopes of the M. tuberculosis PrbcL 2 in increasing the growth and
surface proteins were made. glycogen content (Front Microbiol.
l Yeast Biofuel Group conducted a study to 2021.13;12:607411.)
characterize the dynamics of Sphingolipids l Metabolic engineering group conducted a
(SLs) of Candida auris clinical isolates, study to optimise the large scale algae
which were either resistant to fluconazole (Chlorococcum sp.) cultivation on
(FLCR) or amphotericin B (AmpB) or both, unhydrolysed waste molasses syrup to
by using high throughput ESI-MS/MS. produce higher biomass (18g/L) and lipid
Based on the structures, the analysis accumulation (80%).(3 Biotech. 2021.11:
confirmed the presence of 140 SL species 287)
within nine major SL classes and defined l Penicillium funiculosum NCIM1228
the SL molecular species imprints specific produces high-quality secretome for
to drug resistance. Among SLs, lignocellulosic biomass saccharification.
Phytoceramides were most abundant and But, due to its drug tolerability, it can't be
glucosylceramides were typically abundant used for industrial purposes. Microbial
in AmpB resistant isolates. (Biochim Engineering Group addressed drug
Biophys Acta Mol Cell Biol Lipids. 2020. tolerability of P. funiculosum and
1866(1):158815.) developed an optimized toolkit for its
l Small chemical molecules act as growth genome modification. (Biotechnol
modulators and interact with microalgal Biofuels. 2021 Jan 25;14(1):31)
cells at nanomolar levels to trigger the
specific metabolic pathways, thus (iii) Plant Biology Group
rerouting the carbon to enhance biomass, l Plant Stress Biology Group found the rice
biofuels and bioproducts (B3) prionome being significantly enriched in
productivities. Omics of Algae group transposons/retrotransposons (Ts/RTRs)
highlighted that such an engineering and identified over 60 rice prion-like
strategy is an excellent perspective for proteins (PrLPs) that were differentially
physiological perturbations within cell regulated in stress and developmental
factories as sustainable algal biorefineries. responses. By integrating the available rice
(Chemical Engineering Journal,2021. 418: interactome, transcriptome, and regulome
129413; Frontiers in Microbiology,2021. data sets, links between stress and memory
12: 693106; Algal Research, 55:102285, pathways could be explored. (Front Plant
2021.) Sci. 2021.12:707286)



l The Plant RNAi Biology Group showed that Nos. of technologies developed during 2021-22:
adaptability of Pokkali rice (PK) variety to 08 Nos. of technologies transferred to User
excess salt is due to the genetic regulation Agency/Industry: 04 (2 under negotiations)
of different cellular components by a panel Nos. of Research Publications: 120
of miRNAs (Goswami et al., 2020, Nos. of Patent applied: 02 national and 15 (6
Biomolecules, 10, 498). The miRNA-target International & 9 National Phase)
interaction nodes were mapped to the Nos. of Patent granted: 02 (national)
Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) to identify the Nos. of human resources trained: 14 Graduated,
correlated root traits for understanding 14 Webinars organized
their significance in the adaptation of PK
under saline environments (Biomoecules Institute of Life Sciences (ILS), Bhubaneshwar
2020, 10:498). They also used RNA The research programme of ILS strategically
silencing suppressor encoded by insect plans to address issues on cancer biology,
Flock House virus to modulate the host infectious disease biology and environmental
miRNA levels leading to tolerate high and plant biotechnology.
concentrations of salt (Sinha et al., 2021,
Phytoparasitica, 1). This indicated the Vision/Mission and Objectives:
involvement of key miRNA regulatory
The mission of the institute is to use cutting edge
nodes by which plants deal with diverse
technology in modern biology to acquire insights
environmental stresses.
into pathogen biology, immune-regulation and
l The Nutritional Improvement of Crops
protective immunity and inflammatory
group reported that one of the key
processes at cellular and molecular levels. The
pathways that get activated in plants to
research programs also include innovative use of
impart stress tolerance is ascorbate
nanotechnology for effective targeted delivery of
glutathione (AsA-GSH) pathway. To
existing drugs, development of transgenic plants
demonstrate the effect of this pathway in
for expression of viral, bacterial and parasite
tomato, group developed the AsA-GSH
proteins and development of DNA chip-based
overexpression lines. The exposure of
assays as tools for diagnosis.
transgenic seedlings to varying stress
The objectives of DBT-ILS include developing
regiments exhibited that pyramiding of
systematic and scientific approaches to tackle
AsA-GSH pathway genes is an effective
issues in the area of cancer biology, infectious
strategy for developing stress resistant
disease biology, environmental and plant
crops. (Plant Cell Rep. 2021.12.)
biotechnology. In addition, it is constantly
l The Plant Insect Interaction group has
introducing and implementing programs
continued its work on brown plant hopper
benefiting the tribal and aspirational people of
(BPH). In a study, expression of various genes
the state. The training of a large pool of
coding for phytohormones was analyzed in
internationally competitive manpower for
different plant tissue samples, at different
undertaking basic laboratory research is also an
time points. The plant tissue samples
objective towards which DBT-ILS is constantly
included BPH-infested samples, uninfested
working for.
samples, mechanically wounded host tissue
samples and samples treated with a mix of
purified BPH salivary gland proteins. Data
from preliminary screening suggested that
the salivary gland proteins influence
expression of some of the host genes.



Major Initiatives: Union Minister of Skill Development and

The major initiatives undertaken during the year Entrepreneurship, Govt. of India. ILS has also
2021-2022 are as follows: taken the lead for establishment of the
Bhubaneswar Biotech URJIT-CLUSTER in
Ø New Initiatives and Partnerships partnership with as many as 13 Universities,
DBT-ILS has been working in close collaboration Research Institutions, industries and incubators.
with many national and international research
organizations and universities in furthering its Ø Promoting Entrepreneurship
research agenda. During this year a number of During the year DBT-ILS has established the
Clinical collaboration were established with a bioincubator for promoting Bio-
number of hospitals and research institutions. e n t r e p r e n e u rs h i p w i t h s u p p o r t f ro m
During this year the ILS-IBSD Partnership center Department of Biotechnology, BIONEST Program
aimed at skill and capacity development of the of BIRAC and the Science & Technology
Northeast Students and Scientists. ILS is currently Department, Govt. of Odisha. The Bio-incubator
working with IBSD for the Himalayan Bio- was inaugurated by Hon'ble Chief Minister of
Odisha Shri Naveen Patnaik on 15th April 2021 in
resources Mission program that aims at
the presence of Dr. Renu Swarup, ex-Secretary,
conservation, value addition and sustainable use
DBT. The Bio-incubator with a dedicated facility
of bio resources for enhancing the bio economy of nearly 12000 square feet and all desired
of the region. A major program on establishment infrastructure facilities and equipment are in
of a center for excellence for Marine place and currently 12 incubatees have been
Biotechnology is being formulated as per the provided space for initiating their activities.
suggestion of Shri Dharmendra Pradhan, Hon'ble



Major Achievement:
The notable outcomes during the year 2021-22 testing have been conducted for more than 2.5
have been essentially on two fronts: 1) the lakhs samples collected from 26 of the 30
initiative undertaken to mitigate the COVID-19 districts of Odisha. ILS has its own strength for
pandemic and the DBT-ILS flagship program. The working on various infectious diseases and
outcomes under the two categories are initiated several research initiatives in the area of
highlighted below. COVID-19.
l Program 1: ILS Response to COVID-19
Pandemic With the emergence of the
devastating COVID-19, the ILS Students and
Scientists provided significant research
work in the area of testing, diagnostics and
therapeutics. With the commissioning of
BSL-3 facility, ILS undertook testing of
COVID-19 infections and RT-PCR based



Fig. A) BSL-3 facility at DBT-ILS and the sample Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India,
analysis protocols, B) Phylogenetic analysis of Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY), and the
SARS-CoV-2 genomes C) A donut chart Govt. of Odisha. These programs are being
representing the sequenced sample (n=202) implemented in partnership with ICMR-RMRC
distribution across the clades (clade and KISS Deemed-to-be University,
nomenclature obtained using Nextstrain), D) Bhubaneswar, and 10 other ICAR, CSIR, and
Cytopathic effect (CPE) in SARS-CoV-2 infected ICMR institutions located in Odisha. In addition,
cells, Immunofluorescence of SARS-CoV2 ILS is also undertaking societal development
infected cells, E) Syrian golden hamsters
projects in the Tigiria block of Cuttack district
(Mesocricetusauratus), K18-hACE2 transgenic
with support from the National Academy of
mice (procured form The Jackson Laboratory), F)
(a) Representative immunofluorescence (IF) Sciences (NASI), Prayagraj.
image of SARS-CoV-2 (ILS-isolate) infected The interventions include:
hamster lung tissue section shows presence of l Developing integrated farming systems (IFS)
SARS-CoV-2 nuclear capsid protein (NC) in with integration of fisheries, horticulture,
bronchial epithelial cells, (b) Micrographs poultry, and goatary with crop-based
showing IF staining of hamster lung and kidney activities.
tissues for ACE2 expression. l Promoting low water-requiring crops in lands
that are not fertile, with focus on cultivation
l Program 2: Tribal Health and Nutrition - ILS of medicinal and aromatic plants that
Flagship Program produce essential oil such as lemongrass,
ILS program on Tribal health and nutrition has the palmarosa, and mentha.
l Educating communities about health and
overall goal of contributing towards providing a
nutrition, and establishment of nutrition
comprehensive outcome through Identifying
gardens and backyard poultry for nutritional
potential locally used bioresources.
security and dietary diversification.
Ø Understanding host genomic diversity
l Providing technological and skill
and differentiation. empowerment, focusing on on-farm, off-
Ø Linking immune-metabolic variations to farm, and non- farm interventions.
prevent diseases.
Ø Understanding gut microbiome diversity
and their contribution to/ or influence on
human nutrition and diseases, in
ethnically distinct, well differentiated and
geographically distributed tribal
populations at the state of Odisha.

Societal Impact:

The Institute of Life Sciences, Bhubaneswar, has Nos. of Research Publications: 58;
been implementing several interventions aimed Book Chapter: 01
at empowerment of tribal farming communities Nos. of Patent applied/granted: Nil
of Nabarangapur district since the last three
years. These initiatives are supported by the



National Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute national and international repute.

(NABI), Mohali l Establishment of Accredited Test
Laboratory (ATL) for Tissue Culture Raised
National Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute Plants (NCS-TCP): This project for setting up
(NABI) was established with the objectives to
the National Certification System for Tissue
promote and coordinate research of high calibre
Culture Raised Plants (NCS-TCP) at NABI has
in basic and translational aspects at the interface
of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition. The major been sanctioned by DBT with five-year
areas of the institute include five core areas that financial support. This project is being
deals with, improving Cereals for nutrition and implemented through NIPGR, New Delhi as
processing quality; improving fruits for post- NCS- TCP management Cell of DBT w.e.f.
harvest quality and nutrition; basic Biology for October 1, 2021.
crop improvement; diet and health, and l Establishment of Bio-Incubator: NABI has
computational biology approaches for marker also established a bio-incubator with the
and gene discovery. vision of catalyzing Agri-Food
Biotechnology Innovations and
Vision/Mission and Objectives: entrepreneurship for sustainable food and
l Vision: Food and nutritional security for all nutritional security. In the next 5 years,
through agri-food biotechnology research NABI plans to incubate multiple companies
and innovation. and develop a model of a self-sufficient
l Mission: To be a centre of excellence and incubator.
provide leadership in agri-food
biotechnology research. Notable Outcomes:
l Goal: Improving nutritional quality and
availability of affordable agri-food and food l Wheat lines containing high amylose that
products through innovations. have shown low glycemic index (GI) and
improved agronomic traits have been
Major Initiatives: developed. These improved genotypes
l Establishment of advanced provide nutritional benefits and good
Supercomputing Facility: In a major step processing of high amylose for consumer
towards R&D excellence, Hon'ble Minister acceptance. Quantitative trait loci (QTL)
of State (Independent Charge) for Science mapping has identified a few major QTLs
& Technology and Earth Sciences, Dr. for high amylose in selected wheat lines
Jitendra Singh inaugurated the advanced which will be further validated using back
650 terraflops supercomputing facility at cross-population and functional genomics
National Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute tools.
(NABI), Mohali on 2nd November 2021 l Biofortified colored wheat with high
through online mode. The facility has come anthocyanin content has been developed
up under the National Supercomputing by the breeding approach and would be
Mission (NSM) in collaboration with C-DAC, exploited for different nutraceutical
Pune. This high-end facility will be a boon applications. Different food products
for the analysis of BIG DATA accruing from prepared from colored wheat have shown
the large-scale genomics, functional better storage life, higher retention of
genomics, structural genomics and antioxidant activity and lower amino acid
population studies being carried out at losses than the traditional white wheat.
various Institutes and universities of



During this year, MOU/NDA has been sensitivity and selectivity.

signed with 22 companies for the c l Edible coating material from agricultural and
ommercialization of colored wheat. food processing by-products (e.g. wheat
l The ambitious banana biofortification straw, oat bran and potato peel) has been
project has now been extended further developed and demonstrated an increase in
with support from BIRAC for the multi- the post-harvest shelf life of fresh fruits. The
location event selection trials. The most use of this technology has been shown in
promising ten banana (cultivar Grand apples and banana and now it has been
Naine) events have shown close to 50-folds extended to increase the shelf life of peach
higher accumulation of pro- vitamin A in by 6 days, thereby providing an alternative to
fruit-pulp of ratoon crops (2nd generation) animal-derived shellac coating in India.
and has been considered for the multi- (Figure 2).
location event selection trails (Figure 1).

Fig. 1: Visual observation of pro-vitamin A (PVA) content in ripe-fruit-pulp.

l Previously identified Transient Receptor
Potential (TRP) channels were linked with
dietary constituents like capsaicin, menthol
and cinnamaldehyde and have shown a
potential role to prevent weight gain and its
related complications like type-2 diabetes
and cardiovascular complications in mice
model. The current study has
demonstrated dietary capsaicin has
produced anti-obesity effects in mice. Fig. 2: Change in color (hue angle) and ripening
l Under the area of food and GM crops index of peachesafter 6 days storage at 22°C
(±2) with 85% RH (SH: Commercial
b i o s a f e t y, N A B I h a s d e v e l o p e d
Shellac coating).
ca r b o hyd rate, a pta m er, a n d go ld
nanostars-based biosensors against
different foodborne pathogens to increase



l Ultrasensitive, portable, and rapid l NABI has generated provitamin A (PVA)

biosensor for the detection of heavy enriched genetically engineered banana
metals, pesticides and food contaminants lines and was recently highlighted in the
using functional hybrid nanostructure has news. This study will provide β-carotene,
been developed. This spectroscopic and essential for human health.
color-based sensing probe can detect l NABI has developed an edible coating
arsenic lower down to 0.002 and 0.004 ppb, material from agricultural crop residues to
respectively in water and food samples
maintain post-harvest qualities of various
(Figure 3).

Fig. 3: Work-flow of ultra-sensitive, easy to use sensor for detection of arsenic in food and water.
Societal Impact: fruit crops. The development of coating
material will benefit the farmers to
minimize postharvest losses of fruits and
l NABI has developed antioxidants rich bio-
fortified coloured wheat (Black and Purple)
l NABI has developed novel class of
showing health benefits. For its wide
functional foods (cobiotics) which could
dissemination, initiatives have been made
further prevent double nutritional burden
to gather the attention of farmers,
(under nutrition and over nutrition) in
consumers and industry and it is expected
to increase to significant levels in the
l NABI is developing aptamer-based and
coming years.
Indian spice-based smell testing kits for
l NABI has developed low-glycemic wheat
detection of Covid-19 virus.
lines through EMS mutagenesis (non-
l Ultrasensitive, portable, and rapid
transgenic approach) in the background
biosensor for the detection of heavy metals
Indian bread wheat variety (var. C 306). The
such as arsenic has been developed and
developed low- glycemic wheat will be
covered by different print and broadcast
highly beneficial for diabetic and obese
individuals in India.



Nos. of Process/Product/Technology transferred role in that it acts as a node with linkages to other
to User Agency/Industry/Stakeholders: 03 Nos. centers conducting neuroscience research in
of technology/process/product commercialized India, acting as the “hub of the wheel” rather
during 2021-22: 01 than the wheel itself.
Research publications (2021-22): 48
Human Resources trained: Trainees (4 to 6 Major Initiatives:
Months): 28; Trainees (1/2/3 Months): 10;
Research Scholar (JRF, SRF and Research l NBRC continued its Flagship Program
Associate): 100 “Comparative mapping of common mental
Patents filed/applied: disorders (CMD) over the lifespan” that
04 Patent granted: Nil studies how information processing
networks in the brain are affected in
National Brain Research Centre (NBRC), common mental disorders, such as anxiety
Manesar and depression. The goal is to understand
National Brain Research Center (NBRC) is a underlying brain network mechanisms that
premier research and education Institute differentiate between these disorders and
dedicated to conducting advanced research in if these networks are affected in the same
Neuroscience, and excel in providing education manner in patients of different age groups.
and training. NBRC is a Deemed -to-be-University, l The second major national-level initiative
which runs M.Sc. and Ph.D programs besides “Dementia Science Program” determines
other post- graduate and postdoctoral programs incidence and prevalence of dementia in
to generate trained human resources with India, analyze risk factors causing the
knowledge and skills required to conduct progressing MCI to dementia, and develop
interdisciplinary research in advanced potential therapies. Three community-
neurosciences. based sites exist in north (Palwal), south
Mandate and objectives: (Bengaluru), and east (Mawphalang) India.
There are four hospital-based sites at AIIMS
The mandate of NBRC includes: 1) pursuing basic New Delhi, NIMHANS Bengaluru, SCTIMST
research to understand brain function in health Thiruvananthapuram, and BIN Kolkata.
and disease, 2) generating trained human Harmonized protocols for data collection
resources with the capability to carry out inter- have been finalized and pilot runs have
disciplinary research in neuroscience, and 3) been done, and patient recruitment phase
promoting neuroscience in India through will soon begin as the pandemic subsides.
networking among national institutions. NBRC
l The third major initiative continued since
envisions to not only grow into a world-class
2020 is understanding basic biology of
institute for brain research but also create a
vibrant active neuroscience community by SARS-CoV- 2 and search for potential ways
catalyzing overall growth of this discipline in to reduce virus load. NINS lab has
India. NBRC generates skilled manpower in conducted the first global study to analyze
neuroscience research. This would help India structural, spectroscopic, and behavioral
achieve an international leadership in changes (brain mapping) in the brains of
neuroscience and present a platform for Indian recovered/asymptomatic patients using
neuroscientists to participate in global research MRS.
efforts as equal partners. NBRC plays a unique



Salient Research Outcomes: Sahu's lab addresses this very question by

Few significant research outcomes are as follows: understanding how DCV proteins regulate
l JEV-caused viral encephalitis is a major neuronal, metabolic, and physiological
health problem in India. Prof. Anirban functions.
Basu's team has developed a technique, l Research studies into understanding
which is a successful combination of both pathways through which SARS-CoV-2
basic and translational research in virus- damages human brain cells, particularly
induced encephalitis area. They observed neurons, are of high clinical relevance as
that atorvastatin effectively reduces viral huge number of long-COVID survivors
load in the subventricular zone of infected reports neurological symptoms and
animals and decreases resultant cell death. cognitive deficits. In fact, soon after the
Ator vastatin abrogates microglial viral outbreak, Prof. Pankaj Seth and his
activation and proinflammatory team proposed that SARS-CoV-2 is more
cyto/chemokine production post JEV than a respiratory virus, in that it has the
infection in vivo. They demonstrated that potential to affect human brain functions.
host innate antiviral response plays a This has now been proven by several clinical
critical role in deterioration of motor reports and research studies. His lab also
functioning and pathogenesis of flaccid developed a well-characterized model of
paralysis upon neurotropic virus infections. primary cells of human brain-derived
l Rehabilitation strategies are beneficial in neural stem cells (hNSCs). They have been
promoting functional recovery after the using a recently developed model of
nervous system injuries in vertebrate human blood–brain barrier (BBB)
models, including humans. However, it is comprising primary cultures of human
unclear how these interventions affect brain microvascular endothelial cells and
nerve regeneration process at molecular human astrocytes. The model is used for
level. Using swim-exercise model in studying the effects of Zika virus proteins
nematode C. elegans, Dr. Ghosh-Roy's lab on BBB.
showed that exercise session following l Study from Prof. Ellora Sen's lab indicated
axonal injury in mechanosensory neuron that the expression of SARS-COV-2 viral
improves functional restoration through proteins in lung epithelial cells contributes
the regeneration of the injured axon. This to hyper-inflammation by triggering
study sets a paradigm in C. elegans model release of pro- inflammatory mediator
to address how other tissues with injured HMGB1. Treatment with HMGB1 inhibitor
ner vous system communicate for Glycyrrhizin dampened SARS-CoV-2 viral
functional rewiring process. protein-induced inflammation-mediated
l DCVs are specialized sub-cellular organelles death in lung cells and viral replication.
present in neuronal/neuro-endocrine cells. Thus, glycyrrhizin serves as anti-viral and
They regulate diverse physio-metabolic anti-inflammatory. It is an active ingredient
f u n c t i o n s a n d u n d e rgo st i m u l u s - of Yashtimadhu or Mulethi widely
dependent regulated secretion. Despite prescribed for lung ailments and
extensive research, several aspects related inflammation in Ayurveda and constitutes a
to sub-cellular trafficking/secretion yet therapeutic option.
remain unknown. Dr. Bhavani Shankar



l Prof. Ranjit Kumar Giri's lab works on activity at a threshold point. These
Alzheimer's disease (AD) strongly suggest regulator y control points involve
the involvement of multiple receptors coordinated control of protein synthesis
instead of any specific death receptor in and degradation that remodel miRNA-
prion disease. The team has also containing RNA-induced silencing complex
established the differentiation of
in neurons to tune synaptic transmission by
neuroblastoma to investigate the
expression profile of CPEB (cytoplasmic modulating key components of the synaptic
polyadenylation element binding protein) proteome.
transcript splice variants. Moreover, Prof. l Research at NINS Laboratory involves
Shiv Sharma's lab focuses on understanding identifying early diagnostic markers for AD
how memories are formed in the brain, and using noninvasive imaging modalities, e.g.,
to examine the processes involved in the M R I , M R S , f M R I , a n d
memory impairment condition. They magnetoencephalography. Prof. Pravat
recently discovered that a small peptide Kumar Mandal's team conduct quantitative
reduces amyloid pathology and improves assessment of neurochemical levels and
memory in an animal model of AD.
functional performance and their
l Prof. Dhruba studies the mechanism of
correlation with disease progression. They
complex neurodevelopmental and
develop tools and platforms for processing
neurodegenerative disorders using
neuroimaging data. Their team has recently
Drosophila model system to readout the
developed a user-friendly toolbox
phenotype caused by gene knockdown,
PRATEEK—a unique novel revolutionary
leading to autism and intellectual disability.
package to generalize and integrate data
He is interested in finding novel genetic
received from multiple neuroimaging
modifiers of neurodegenerative disorders,
techniques. Prof. Mandal also developed a
including Huntington's disease and AD,
MATLAB- based automated software
with therapeutic potential.
package NINS-STAT to identify appropriate
l Prof. Soumya Iyengar's lab studies self-
statistical tests for hypothesis testing
awareness in songbirds by using “mark
according to study design, objectives, and
test.” Attempts at removing the mark while
data provided. ANSH is the first Indian
looking at their reflection suggests that the
neuroimaging database management
bird possesses a sense of self. They found
system facilitating the management of
that house crows do not recognize
subject data and can be scaled according to
themselves in mirrors, but a small number
study requirements.
of zebra finches display heightened
responses towards the mark. These
findings need to be confirmed with large
sample size, considering high variability of
mirror-directed behavior, even within a
l Synapse Biology Laboratory led by Dr.
Sourav Banerjee elucidated microRNA-
dependent synaptic plasticity mechanism
that plays a pivotal role to keep synaptic



Significant Achievement: early diagnostic biomarkers of AD. The design

included a Hadoop-based big-data framework
SWADESH: World's first multimodal brain integrating MRI, MRS, and neuropsychological
imaging data and analytics developed by test scores. The team is working to expand the
integration of various modules for early project to include rich multimodal neuroimaging
diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease (AD): In datasets for healthy and diseased cases.
computational neurosciences, NeuroImaging
and NeuroSpectroscopy (NINS) team recently Societal Impact:
developed project SWADESH, a unique brain
initiative, focusing on certified neuroimaging, NBRC fulfils its societal responsibilities through
neurochemical, neuropsychological data and various ways. DALI, a tool in Indian languages for
analytics that are made accessible to researchers dyslexia assessment in children, developed at
for managing brain disorders. SWADESH is the NBRC remains in high demand nationally.
first large-scale multimodal neuroimaging Developed in-house BRAHMA and ANSH
database designed specifically for Indian integrate inputs from neuroimaging data and the
population with big-data architecture and clinical information to help diagnosis brain
analytics for various disease categories under diseases. BRAHMA is standardized on a robust
one platform. Presently, SWADESH has data of Indian population-specific brain template. NBRC
500 AD and Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) offers neurological outpatient department
patients and 70 Parkinsons Disease patients. It services at Civil Hospital, Gurgaon, to citizens and
also includes data of 600 healthy old individuals those from surrounding districts. Patients with
and 800 healthy young individuals in the control epilepsy visit the campus for free-of-cost medical
group. NINS team has developed several clinical check-ups conducted collaboratively with AIIMS,
research tools through SWADESH. GAURI system New Delhi. Along with HelpAge India, NBRC
uses adaptive pattern recognition and learning conducts awareness programs for senior citizens
schemes for predictive single or differential regarding mental health and neurodegenerative
diagnosis, designed with MRI modalities and diseases associated with old age. In this
neuropsychological batteries. NINS-STAT is a pandemic, NBRC collaborated with Civil Hospital
high-performance state- of-the-art automated to avail vaccination drives to students and
statistical test selection and execution software employees. Immediate appointment of Resident
package with high applicability in clinical Medical Officer implemented preventive and
research. KALPANA is an integrative package for curative measures at NBRC and special medical
visualization, preprocessing, and quantitation of attention was given to those suffering from
MRS data. PRATEEK analyzes multimodal COVID-19.
neuroimaging data that minimizes the need for
expertise in handling different neuroimaging Research publications (2021-22): 61
tools for processing and analyzing multimodal
Human Resources trained: 11 + NSD 2021
data. STIM includes a versatile paradigm design
Public Lecture Live Views of total 144
system, presentation system, and real-time
participant response-collection system for Patents Filed/Obtained: Nil
functional MRI-related purposes, mapping brain
activity non-invasively in normal healthy
condition and clinical evaluation of various brain
disorders. Dr. Mandal's team subsequently
launched BHARAT, a big-data analytic model for



National Centre for Cell Science (NCCS), Pune COVID-related research.

d) Serving as a CDL for testing COVID vaccines:
NCCS is involved in cutting-edge research in The Government of India proactively decided to
several areas of cell biology relevant to human set up additional Central Drug Laboratories
health, including the biology of diseases like (CDLs) to expedite the process of vaccine testing
cancer, malaria, tuberculosis, metabolic & batch release certification. NCCS is honoured
disorders like diabetes and obesity, as also to be bestowed with the Government's
neurobiology, stem cell biology, immunology and confidence to function as a CDL as an additional
microbiology. It contributes immensely to the facility in respect of testing Covid-19 vaccines,
capacity building of the nation through high- after the one currently functional at Kasauli.
quality human resource development in cell Through diligent efforts, a state-of-the-art
biology research and serves to support cell facility was constructed at NCCS on a war
biology research across India. footing, with generous support from the PM
CARES Trust Fund, & with invaluable guidance
Vision/ Mission and Mandate
f r o m t h e S e c r e t a r y, D e p a r t m e n t o f
To carry out cutting-edge research in cell biology Biotechnology, Government of India, the Central
and contribute to national development through Drugs Standard Control Organisation (CDSCO),
capacity-building and value-added services that and CDL-Kasauli. The CDL at NCCS is now geared
facilitate cell biology research across India. NCCS to test the existing COVID-19 vaccines as well as
was established at Pune with a mandate of three upcoming newly-developed vaccines, as and
main functions: when required. NCCS is proud to have been given
(a) To carry out research in cell biology this opportunity to offer its expertise in
biotechnology and infrastructure to benefit the
(b) To serve as a national cell repository
society at large.
(c) Human resource development. e)COVID-related outreach performed through
various means in the local language and English.
Major Initiatives:
l Initiatives to facilitate the national efforts
against COVID-19
As soon as COVID-19 hit the world, NCCS swiftly
rose to the challenge, and joined hands with
other members of the scientific community and
the industry to collectively fight it. NCCS has been
contributing to the national efforts against the
pandemic through various initiatives. During the
current year, these activities have included:

a) Viral genome sequencing as a participant of

b) Different research projects to identify
potential therapeutic and diagnostic targets and
facilitate vaccine development.
Fig 1: The Central Drug Laboratory (CDL) at
c) Serving as a biorepository for COVID-related DBT-NCCS forCOVID-19 vaccine testing and
resources and providing cell cultures required for he team involved in setting it up



Fig 2: Responding to the nation's urgent need during the peak of the pandemic: construction of the
CDL was initiated & successfully completed within four months

Fig 3: A glimpse inside the CDL set up at DBT-NCCS for testing COVID-19 vaccines

l Contributions of the National Cell ii. Speak Your Science (SyS) webinar
Repository: NCCS has facilitated cell biology series: Ten webinars were organized to celebrate
research across India, including COVID- contemporary science in India, delivered by
related research, by providing 2480 cell young Indian scientists, including NCCS alumni
cultures to 423 organizations. and other early-career scientists, postdoctoral
l Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav: The 75 year of fellows and PhD students, and one webinar was
India's independence was commemorated in organized to celebrate the scientific excellence of
various ways: the Indian diaspora, delivered by a scientist of
i. Science Setu: Three webinars (public Indian origin from the USA.
talks) were organized to create awareness
about the scientific activities and
achievements of NCCS. These were
especially aimed at engaging students and
faculty members of DBT Star Colleges and
other academic organizations through
DBT's 'Science Setu' programme.



Other Research Iniatives: is a valuable tool for diabetes research. It can

l be used as an in vitro assay system to screen
l Studies by NCCS have identified that β-TrCP GLUT4 translocation modulators, which are
proteins could serve as potential new small molecules with therapeutic potential
therapeutic targets for cancer. for therapeutic diabetes mitigation. This cell
l Other studies have revealed that the line is now available commercially and listed
presence or absence of oxygen can influence on the company's website.
how microbes respond to antibiotics. l During the year NCCS has filed 7 patents and
l It was discovered that CCR9 signaling in 3 patents have been granted this year to the
dendritic cells suppresses the allergic IgE Institute.
response in the gut. l Covid-related outcomes:
l For the first time, NCCS developed chimeric Ø Using machine learning, NCCS designed
proteins effective against all three a peptide which showed ability to
complement pathways. This would have neutralize the COVID-19 pseudovirus.
immense clinical utility to combat These outcomes serve as a proof-of-
uncontrolled complement activation leading concept, which could be explored
to inflammatory reactions in the human further.
body. Ø Another research initiative involved
l A new software was developed for ex p l o r i n g a nt h ra q u i n o l o n e a n d
microbiome studies, which was found to be quinolizine derivatives as potential
better than other similar software tools therapeutics against COVID-19, using
available. machine learning. A paper based on this
l Kainate receptors are important for neuronal work was published in Nature Scientific
signalling in the brain. Our research provides Reports.
the first biophysical and low-resolution Ø About ten clones producing human
structural insights into how the GluK2, a monoclonal antibodies (hmAbs) were
subtype of kainate receptors, is regulated by generated from B cells isolated from
the Neuropilin and tolloid-like protein, Covid-19 patient samples, which showed
Neto1. the ability to neutralize the SARS-CoV2
l The mechanism by which FBXL20 promotes virus. Four more clones obtained yielded
breast cancer malignancy was identified. antibodies that bind strongly to the RBD.
l Studies by NCCS scientists reveal the impact Their supernatants have been sent to
of environmental changes on bacterial BBIL to test for neutralization with SARS-
communities in Antarctic soil. CoV-2. Five selected clones are being
l The promise of CCR9+ dendritic cells in processed for antibody generation &
adoptive cellular therapy to control chronic characterization.
allergies was identified. Ø Further studies revealed the prevalence
of certain opportunistic pathogens in
Significant Outcomes: COVID-19- infected individuals, which
may trigger secondary infections in
l Cell culture licensed to private company for them.
commercialization: A stable clone
(CHO‐HIRc‐ mycGLUT4eGFP cell line)
developed by NCCS was licensed to Applied
Biological Materials Inc. Canada. This cell line



Ø NCCS is part of a multi-institutional l COVID-related outreach:

multi-city project that will look at l 4 Marathi articles published in
antibody response in Covaxin and newspapers and magazines.
Covishield vaccinated individuals. NCCS l 2 webinars and pandel discussions in
is facilitating the isolation of plasma & Hindi and Marathi participated in.
PBMCs, and setting up biobanking at l 5 English webinars / panel discussions
CSIR-NCL, & will eventually be involved in organized or participated in
studies on B cell memory.
Ø Production of pseudotyped SARS-CoV-2 Societal Impact:
in BSL-2 setting using VSV platform for
candidate vaccine development and DBT-NCCS has been facilitating the national
biomedical research use (BIRAC-funded): COVID-19 surveillance efforts to track viral
This project was submitted to BIRAC by variants across the country by participating in
IIT, Indore, with NCCS as a collaborator. INSACOG. Since the beginning of FY 2021 to date,
SARS-CoV-2 pseudovirus was obtained DBT- NCCS has sequenced viral genomes from
using two different strategies, and tested over 1700 samples. Moreover, the research
for neutralization with patient sera. efforts undertaken by NCCS towards identifying
Pseudovirus production was established. potential targets to develop diagnostics, vaccines
Mice were immunized with the and therapeutics for COVID-19, are aimed at
pseudovirus and their antibody response serving the society at large. The biomedically-
was tested. A single injection of the relevant research in cell biology is also aimed at
pseudovirus induced a strong antibody benefiting society in the long run, by helping to
response. The subsequent booster dose address human health issues.
induced a potent IgG response. In
addition to IgG, IgM and IgA antibodies
were also induced. The NCCS component Nos. of Technology/Process/Product developed
of this project has been completed. This during 2021-22: 07 Nos. of technology
platform is being used at NCCS to Commercialized during 2021-22: 01
characterize antibody response in Research publications (2021-22): 79
Covishield vaccine recipients, in
collaboration with AFMC, on a separate Human Resources trained: Over 500 people
project with support from NCCS core trained in various initiatives of NCCS
funds. Patents filed/applied: 7
l INSACOG: During the FY 2021 to date, DBT- Patent granted: 3
NCCS has sequenced viral genomes from
over 1700 samples.
l Services to facilitate COVID-related
research: 124 plasma &peripheral blood
mononuclear cells (PBMCs) samples of the
127 samples stored in the COVID
biorepository were shared with researchers
from within NCCS and from the industry.



National Institute for Biomedical Genomics l NIBMG is coordinating Indian SARS-CoV-2

(NIBMG), Kalyani genome sequencing surveillance being
conducted by the Indian SARS-CoV-2
The National Institute of Biomedical Genomics Genomics Consortium (INSACOG). Till date,
(NIBMG) has been established as an autonomous NIBMG has sequenced the viral whole
institution by the Government of India, under the genome from 16,000 individuals, mostly
aegis of the Department of Biotechnology. This is from West Bengal and NER.
the first institution in India explicitly devoted to
research, training, translation and service and l NIBMG has conducted genome wide DNA
capacity-building in Biomedical Genomics. It is methylation and genotyping of 6,200
located in Kalyani, West Bengal, India, near pregnant women of the GARBH-ini cohort in
Kolkata. the Grand Challenge Program on Preterm
Vision and objectives:
l NIBMG is participating in building the
The vision of NIBMG is to enhance knowledge of catalogue of human genomic variation with
human health and disease through genomics and special reference to India in the Genome
to translate the knowledge using appropriate India Project which aims to collect 10,000
technologies for promotion of well-being and genetic samples from citizens across India, to
improvement of genetics-based health care. The build an Indian reference genome. Till date,
institute aims to achieve this by creating NIBMG has conducted genome wide
necessary physical infrastructure to serve as the genotyping and whole genome sequencing
expert base for the principles and practice of of 1,000 Indians.
biomedical genomics, to conduct and promote
cutting edge research in biomedical genomics for l In addition to above, scientists of NIBMG
better understanding of public health need and have conducted research studies on
to build capacity in biomedical genomics. genomics of cervical, breast and pancreatic
Research and related activities undertaken by cancer, non-alcoholic fatty lever disease,
NIBMG enable prediction, prevention, vaginal and skin microbiome, viral infections,
deceleration of progression, therapy and gain of tuberculosis and sepsis as well as developed
biological knowledge of human diseases. data analytic pipelines and tools for genomic
data analysis.
Major Initiatives:
l NIBMG is working on Oral squamous cell
carcinoma -gingivobuccal oral cancer (OSCC-
GB). The research activities being
undertaken by NIBMG in International
Cancer Genome Consortium (ICGC) – India
Project and Systems Medicine Cluster have
resulted in identification of somatic
alterations in the genome, epigenome and
transcriptome in this cancer type in 540
Indian patients. The importance of these
alterations with respect to prognosis and
therapeutics is being investigated.



Significant Outcomes: l T h e I n d i a n S A RS - C o V - 2 G e n o m i c s
Consortium (INSACOG), jointly established
l NIBMG has generated large-scale genomic by MoH&FW, DBT, CSIR and ICMR, is
data on oral cancer patients, identified coordinated by NIBMG. It is a consortium of
associations and catalogued genomic 28 National Laboratories to monitor the
variants in the ICGC and some other National genomic variations in the SARS-CoV-2. The
initiatives. Using this information, it has now main aim of the consortium is to assess virus
developed the first Database of GENomic variants from Indian patients. This network
Variants of Oral Cancer (dbGENVOC), a carries out whole genome sequencing of
browsable online database framework for SARS-CoV-2 virus across the nation to assist
storage, retrieval and analysis of large-scale with the understanding of how the virus
data on genomic variants of oral cancer. This spreads and evolves, and provide
user-friendly database allows easy mining information to aid public health response. It
and comparative geographical and/ethnic covers the entire country through 28
analyses with data obtained from other laboratories, 300+ sentinel sites and a
global populations. It allows users to query network of hospitals.In addition to being
the database by a single gene, multiple major sequencing and analysis hub in this
genes, multiple variant sites, genomic region, program, we have established the INSACOG
patient ID and pathway identities. It is a Data Hub, which provides lineage and variant
resource of approximately 24 million somatic information of SARS-CoV-2 genome
and germline variant data from 105 Indian sequences generated in INSACOG from
Oral cancer patients. Additional data of different regions in India.
variants from non-Indian patients has also
been incorporated to identify common and
unique variants specific to Indian population-
specific oral cancer data. To our knowledge,
dbGENVOC is the most comprehensive
population-specific large-scale open access
database of Oral cancer genomic variants.

Fig 2: Indian SARS CoV-2 Genomics

Sequencing Consortium (INSACOG)

Fig 1: Creation of GENetic Variants Database

in Oral Cancer patients (dbGENVOC)



l Other COVID-related research at NIBMG minor/ancestral alleles of both

reported the molecular, biological and rs28416813and rs4803217, together have a
evolutionary model for the higher observed strong inhibitory effect on reporter gene
virulence of the 614G subtype of the virus, in expression. An interaction has been shown
terms of causing higher morbidity in the host between the two principal transcription
(higher infectivity and higher viral load), than factors regulating IFNL3 promoter: IRF7 and
the non-mutant 614D subtype. Researchers NF-kB RelA/p65. The three genetic variants in
from NIBMG have also published reviews INFL3: rs28416813, rs4803217 and
and other reports in the area. rs72258881 also have been reported which
l Using whole exome sequencing we have could have functional roles in controlling its
identified reported as well as novel variants gene expression. In another study comparing
for the first time in Indian patients with the effect of IFNL3 and IFNL4 on immune
Congenital Muscular Dystrophy and cells, it has been found for the first time that
Congenital Myopathy. The researchers at IFN-λ4 may influence immune responses by
NIBMG have also contributed to the immunomodulation.
finding that specific Lactobacillus species l Another study shows that contrary to
and few other facultative anaerobes are assumptions in many previous studies and
associated with birth outcomes. The despite having linguistic commonality, Indian
maternal and foetal genetic factors have also Austroasiatics (AAs) have a distinct genomic
been reviewed which may be associated with structure compared to Malaysian AAs. This
spontaneous preterm birth. linguistic-genetic discordance is reflective of
l The two novel buccal mucosal cancer cell the complex history of population migration
lines 'GBC02' and 'GBC035' derived from and admixture shaping the genomic
non- tobacco users have been established landscape of South and South East Asia
and characterized. These cells are capable of (S&SEA). It is postulated that pre-Neolithic
forming 3-D spheroids which can be used for ancestors of today's AAs were widespread in
preclinical investigations of oral cancers S&SEA, and the fragmentation and
caused independent of tobacco usage. dissipation of the population have largely
l In the study on SNPs in Interferon lambda 3 been a result of multiple migrations of East
gene, it has been shown that the Asian farmers during the Neolithic period.

Fig. 3: Isolation and characterization of novel buccal mucosal cancer cell lines



National Institute of Animal Biotechnology Major Initiatives:

(NIAB), Hyderabad
The ongoing research projects in the area of
NIAB aims to take up research in the cutting edge infectious diseases include those on brucellosis,
areas for improving animal health and leptospirosis, staphylococcosis, Newcastle
productivity by integrating novel and emerging disease, babesiosis, theileriosis and
biotechnological interventions. Institute toxoplasmosis. Host-pathogen interactions,
research activities are mainly focussed on animal virulence mechanisms, and molecular
genomics and genetics, transgenic technology, pathogenesis are being studied with an ultimate
reproductive biotechnology, animal diseases, objective of technology and product innovation
bioinformatics and nutrition enrichment. for development of efficient diagnostic tools and
Vision/Mission and objectives: novel vaccines. NIAB is working on cattle
genomics using state of art next generation
Vision: To demonstrate excellence in promoting sequencing to determine purity of breeds and
and commercializing leads in biotechnology and help in conservation of valuable indigenous
to produce globally competitive livestock breeds of cattle. Zoonotic and transboundary
products, pharmaceuticals and biologicals for animal diseases impose a huge pecuniary burden
animal health care. on any nation, but particularly on lower- and
middle-income countries. NIAB has established a
Mission: Development of sustainable and One health program including major medical
globally competitive livestock industry through hospitals and veterinary universities for
innovative technology. understanding the pervasiveness of the animal
pathogens under study and their potential threat
Objectives: to human health.
1. To undertake directed, basic and applied Major Achievement:
research towards technology and product
innovation. Ø Genomic Selection for conservation of
2. To develop human resource across the value indigenous cattle breeds and enhancing
chain, primarily for translational research milk yield Using whole genome sequencing
3. To contribute to national policy formulation of 176 animals of 43 indigenous registered
related to animal biotechnology, animal breeds of indigenous cattle, millions of SNPs
biosafety issues and ethical issues. have been divulged using next generation
4. To promote intellectual property protection, sequencing technology. Out of the 1290488
business development, technology transfer, and markers, 788496 SNPs, were spaced to
academia-industry partnerships. develop the final Chip and named as IndiGau.
5. To develop collaborative programmes with This is the largest cattle chip of the world. The
national and international partners with focus on IndiGau chip was released by the honorable
translational research and product development. Minister of State (Independent Charge) for
6. To provide incubation facilities for Science & Technology and Earth Sciences, Dr.
entrepreneurs/start-up companies. Jitendra Singh on 13th August, 2021.This chip
was validated and found to have a call rate of
greater than 98%. This chip was further
validated among duplicates, trios



and across breeds and found to have 97.4% highly dire need for continued dialogue at various levels
recommended markers. The concordance among to address the issue of zoonoses through a OH
duplicates was found to be 99.9%. Discriminative approach. NIAB has been funded a multicentric
SNPs were identified among six breeds (Gir, One Health project by DBT which has 27
Sahiwal, Tharparkar, Binjarpuri, Kankrej and partnering institutions, including AIIMS (Delhi &
Hallikar) and the probability of assignment was Jodhpur), MGR Medical University, Chennai;
found to be 90% on cross validation. Nazreth Hospital, Shillong; Gandhi hospital,
Assam veterinary college and wildlife institution
etc. This is first consortium of India with so many
partners committed to a single cause of disease
surveillance as well as disease forecasting to
address Zoonotic diseases. Recent disease
outbreaks have highlighted the need to shift to a
holistic and proactive paradigm, which can be
achieved using the OH approach. The key
objective of the programme is to
strengthen/maintain decentralized laboratory-
based IT enabled disease surveillance system for
epidemic prone diseases.

Fig 1: Release of IndiGau chip by Hon'ble Minister of State (IC)

for Science & Technology and Earth Sciences, Dr. Jitendra Singh
Ø One Health Programme
Although the concrete impact indicators of One
Health (OH) are difficult to project but, there is a

Fig.2: DBT-One health consortium with institutes



Ø Animal Diseases l Leptospirosis is a zoonotic and emerging

infectious disease in India. Using
l Toxoplasma gondii, is a parasite of comparative genomics and reverse
medical and veterinary importance. The vaccinology approaches, several novel
research carried out at NIAB has shown surface antigens have been identified as
that antibodies to T. gondii are widely potential vaccine candidates.
prevalent in small ruminants, which may Development of conjugate and mucosal
cause public health problems. A lateral vaccine for Leptospira has also been
flow based diagnostic has been initiated. Standardization of time point
developed and validated to detect its for Leptospira infection in mouse, human
antibodies in the serum of animals and and bovine cells in vitro has been done
humans. and samples are being prepared for
l Brucellosis accounts for huge loss to the transcriptomic analysis.
livestock sector and poses a serious l The pathogenomics of Japanese
threat to public health. A BM5 protein encephalitis (JE) infections in different
based ELISA based assay having DIVA hosts studies has been initiated in in vivo
capability has been developed and the and in vitro conditions. Pig samples
technology has been transferred to a (PBMCs) both control and infected
private company. samples have been collected and are
l Newcastle disease is an economically being sent for transcriptome data
important poultry disease across the generation. Two samples from Assam
globe caused by Newcastle disease virus that were found positive for JE were
(NDV) and is a highly contagious identified to be genotype III isolates
respiratory, neurological and/or enteric based on envelop gene sequence.
disease. In India, NDV is endemic and Proteomics data has been generated
episodes of outbreaks despite strict from pig and human infected cells and
vaccinations are common. Work is data analysis is underway.
ongoing to develop reverse genetics
system which is a valuable tool to study Societal Impact:
viral molecular biology, host-virus
interactions and to establish viral vectors The chip developed under livestock genomics
for developing effective multivalent program will help in conserving all native breeds
vaccines. A PCV-2 free PK15 cell line has of cows with superior qualities. Diagnostic Kits
been developed and is ready for d e v e l o p e d fo r d e t e c t i n g a n t i b i o t i c s ,
commercial application. toxoplasmosis, brucellosis, mastitis etc will be of
l Theileriosis causes huge economic losses great help to farmers. If therapeutic proteins can
to the farmers. The current vaccine has be generated at cheaper cost in milk, it will
lots of drawbacks such as need to become affordable by general masses for health
maintain a cold chain, high cost, and benefits and livestock centric proteins for various
short shelf life. Hence, there is need for treatments to animals.
development of novel subunit vaccine(s) N o s . o f P ro c e s s / P ro d u c t / Te c h n o l o g y
for theileriosis. A multiepitope vaccine transferred/developed during 2020-21: 04
candidate has been designed which No. of Research Publications (2021-22): 23
contains T cell epitopes from the No. of Patents Applied: 05
antigenic proteins of T. annulata. No. of Human Resources Trained: 10



National Institute of Plant Genome Platform for Crop Science (ARPCS) a Gene
Research (NIPGR), New Delhi Functional Analysis platform (GFAPC),
Metabolomics facility and Advanced
The National Institute of Plant Genome Research Proteomics facility (AIIPF) had been
(NIPGR), is engaged in generation of new established and providing services both to
knowledge in the area of plant genomics, internal and external users. Six papers have
assimilate it with current knowledge, and been published in internationally reputed
translate the same for genetic enhancement of journals using proteomics and metabolomics
plants for social benefits. Today NIPGR's vision is services in last one year.
to be recognized as a centre of excellence not Ø The National Genomics and Genotyping
only in the Asia-pacific region, but also among top Facility (NGGF) has been established and
plant science institute in the world. To fulfil the would be providing service to the scientific
vision, the mission is to continue to call for community very soon. A first ever pan-
research and innovation to have transformative genome based SNP genotyping array has
impact on society. been developed in crop plants, rice and
chickpea, which would enormously help the
Vision/Mission and Objectives: rice and chickpea mission programs
The Mission is to undertake, aid, promote, guide launched by DBT on germplasm
and coordinate research of high caliber in basic characterization for trait discovery.
and applied plant molecular biology. The Ø NIPGR during this period has run nine
objectives of the Institute are as follows: international and seven national
collaborative programs, besides
l Providing effective linkages between various participating in various national mission
scientific and research agencies in India and mode projects.
abroad. Ø The Institute has implemented a Multi-
l Utilizing molecular biology approaches along institutional National Mission Mode
with tissue culture, genetic engineering, program on “Characterization of Chickpea
gene editing and molecular breeding to Germplasm Resource to Accelerate
identify important genes, understand gene Genomics-assisted Crop Improvement” in
regulation and manipulate them for partnership with ICAR, ICRISAT and SAUs.
developing plants with improved agronomic Ø The Institute has prepared to launch mega-
and nutritional characters and abiotic stress projects in nationally important areas. One
and pathogen resistance. such program on “Protein nutrition” has
l Imparting advance training and undertaking been developed in collaboration with
collaborative programmes in the above- different ICAR and ICMR institutes and
mentioned fields. currently under consideration by DBT.
Ø Earlier another study revealed differential
Major Initiatives: modulation of specific induced defense
responses in local, older, and younger
Ø Institute is continuously upgrading its systemic leaves in Solanum lycopersicum
research infrastructure in order to effectively upon Spodoptera litura herbivory using
pursue the twin goals of conducting high- Metabolite profiling, biochemical assays,
quality basic research and seeking its and transcript analysis.
application towards product development.
Towards this, under the Advanced Research



A MoU has been executed between NIPGR

and Mayhco, to check efficacy of one such
metabolite chlorogenic acid as an anti-
herbivore defence molecule against wide
range of insect pests.
Ø The institute's first start-up has been
established based on an innovative
technology to enhance shelf-life of fruits and
vegetables during post-harvest. This
technology accentuates the importance of
nitric oxide (NO) in plants which is
conceptualized as a formulation in an
engineered device to enhance shelf-life
without using any gene interrupting
molecular procedure. A BIRAC-BIG grant has
been obtained to support a start-up venture
with a name Fruvetech Pvt. Ltd. The start-up
company has been registered and incubated
via Biotechnology Business Incubation Fig. 1: (a) Workflow describing steps
Facility, FITT, IIT, Delhi. involved in designing of Rice Pan-genome
Genotyping Array. 3K RGP: 3000 Rice
Significant Achievements: Genomes Project; HDRA: High Density Rice
Ø Development of Rice Pan-genome Array; MAF: Minor Allele Frequency. (b, c)
Genotyping Array (RPGA) for accelerated Pan-genome wide distribution and
genomics- assisted crop improvement structural annotation of SNPs tiled on rice
Rice pan-genome genotyping array (RPGA), a pan-genome array. (b) The density of SNPs
90K SNP genotyping array based on 3K rice in 100 Kb bins across twelve chromosomes
pan- genome had been developed for from Nipponbare reference genome. (c) The
genomics-assisted breeding and accelerated density of SNPs in 100 Kb bins across sub-
crop improvement. Contrary to conventional population/varietal group-specific contigs
SNP genotyping arrays that relies on single of 3K rice pan- genome.
reference genome RPGA assays variants
from entire 3K rice pan-genome. This Using RPGA-based genotyping data of RILs, many
enables RPGA to tag haplotype variation dispensable genes/genomic sequences which
present in entire pan-genome, which include are absent from the Nipponbare reference
both core (genes shared by all accessions) as genome could be assigned to twelve rice
well as dispensable (subpopulation/cultivar chromosomes. RPGA-driven QTL and association
specific genes) genome (Figure 1). The mapping delineated many novel genomic regions
usefulness of RPGA for large-scale pan- (which otherwise would have missed with
genome based genotyping applications was conventional reference genome-based
demonstrated by their high-throughput genotyping) associated with diverse grain
genotyping in the natural germplasm size/weight traits in rice. This highlights the utility
accessions and recombinant inbred line (RIL) of RPGA for genomics-assisted breeding and
mapping population of rice. accelerated crop improvement of rice by optimal
use of resources.



Ø Proteomic identification of wheat 2-Cys accumulation of AGPase has been observed

peroxiredoxin that plays a dual role in in the silenced plants, indicating an
chlorophyll biosynthesis and increased interaction of AGPase with NADP-
thermotolerance thioredoxin reductase C in the absence of
Ta2CP. Additionally, Ta2CP acts as a cellular
High temperature stress (HTS) affects plant death regulator through balancing
growth and development, and causes autophagic and apoptotic pathways under
serious losses in crop production worldwide. severe stress condition. This study has been
Since global warming is a major threat to published in Plant Journal and findings of
food security, there is an urgent need to this study would pave the avenue for
develop crop species with higher developing climate-resilient wheat in
thermotolerance. In a recent study particular and crop species in general.
published in Plant Journal, using proteomics
approach NIPGR researchers have examined
the HTS- modulated adaptive responses of a
resilient wheat cultivar (Figure 2). The study
characterized the physiological and
photosynthetic responses of wheat against
HTS. Comparative proteomics of the
thermotolerant cultivar revealed
differentially expressed proteins involved in
cell metabolism and defense response. The
screening for HTS-responsive targets in the Fig. 2: Predictive model of Ta2CP function in wheat.
cytosolic proteome landscape led to the (a) The penultimate reaction of chlorophyll
identification of a potential candidate, biosynthesis is catalyzed by PORB. Interaction of
designated Ta2CP. Ta2CP was functionally TaPORB with Ta2CP plays an important role in
characterized in various model organisms conversion of protochlorophyllide to chlorophyllide
such as yeast and Arabidopsis, besides a. Modulation in Ta2CP level affects the interaction
native system i.e., wheat. Heterologous and hence chlorophyll biosynthetic pathway. (b)
complementation in yeast mutants, and Downregulation of 2CP might enhance the
Ta2cp- silenced as well as Ta2CP- interaction efficacy of NTRC with AGPase and
overexpressing plants demonstrated a key stimulate starch biosynthesis. (c) Ta2CP fine-tunes
the autophagic and apoptotic pathways to maintain
role of Ta2CP in thermotolerance. We
the cellular homeostatic system under extreme high-
systematically demonstrated how Ta2CP temperature stress (HTS) conditions. Red bold
plays a crucial role in chlorophyll arrows indicate the effect of downregulation of
biosynthesis through interaction with Ta2CP under unstressed condition, while yellow bold
protochlorophyllide reductase b, TaPORB. arrows indicate the effect under HTS conditions. Glu,
The Ta2cp- silenced plants showed glutamic acid; Pchlide, protochlorophyllide; chllide,
photobleaching-like phenotype, and chlorophyllide, Chl a, chlorophyll a; Chl b, chlorophyll
phenotypic manifestations were severe b; PS, photosystem; NTRC, NADPH-dependent Trx
when exposed to elevated temperature. reductase C; AGPase, ADP-glucose
Increased starch content and higher pyrophosphorylase; ROS, reactive oxygen species
(the figure was created with the help of



Ø Conversion of intracellular defense function The RNase activity is prominent on NGJ1 as

into extracellular antibacterial weapons in well as prey bacterial RNA while DNase
Burkholderia bacteria activity is pertinent to only prey bacteria. The
associated immunity (TsiTBg) proteins
Bacteria use various kinds of toxins to either demonstrate transcriptional repression
inhibit growth of co-habiting bacteria or activity, similar to the antitoxins of type II
when needed control their own growth. In a toxin–antitoxin (TA) systems. Genome
recent study published in EMBO reports, it analysis of diverse bacteria revealed that
has been shown that Burkholderia and various TseTBg orthologs are either encoded
certain other bacteria have altered potential as TA or T6SS effectors. Overall the results
defensive function of Tox- REase-5 domain indicate that transposition of IS3 elementhas
containing toxins into offensive function. led to operonic fusion of certain T6SS related
Burkholderia gladioli strain NGJ1 encodes genes with TA genes resulting in their
such toxins as T6SS effectors (TseTBg) and conversion into T6SS effectors. Such a
potentially deploys them to kill co-habiting genetic change has enabled bacteria to
rice endophytic bacteria. The TseTBg protein utilize novel toxins to precisely target co-
exhibit DNase and RNase activities (Figure 3). habiting bacteria.

Fig. 3: Model depicting the intracellular and extracellular functions of antibacterial effector
TseTBg protein of B. gladioli strain NGJ1



Ø GTR1 and GTR2 transporters differentially flowering and high yielding (high flower
regulate glucosinolates and defense number) chickpea variety has been
response in the oilseed crop Brassica juncea developed using CaCLV3 (CLAVATA 3) gene
using integrated genomics assisted breeding
GTR1 and GTR2 transporters are components in a recent study published in Theoretical and
of the source to sink translocation network of Applied Genetics. Event selection trial of low
glucosinolates, which constitute a major glucosinolate transgenic mustard BjMYB28-
defence arsenal of the Brassicaceae. Towards RNAi lines established the stability of the
nutritional improvement, in a recent Plant trait in the open field in a study under the
C ell & E nv iro n m ent p a p er, NI P G R collaborative program with UDSC.
researchers have functionally characterized
two groups of glucosinolate transporters Societal Impact:
(GTR1 and GTR2) from Brassica juncea.
Although both GTRs showed ubiquitous The advanced high-yielding and protein-rich
expression pattern and broad substrate chickpea lines with dense cropping, early
spectra, the single-gene knockdown lines flowering and drought tolerance developed
displayed different phenotypes. The GTR2- by marker-assisted breeding will ensure
knockdown plants showed drastic reduction pulse self-sufficiency, productivity as well as
of glucosinolates in seeds and higher food and nutrition security amidst climate
accumulation in leaves and pod wall, while change scenario and also useful to eradicate
the GTR1-knockdown plants displayed less malnutrition for the majority of vegetarian
reduction of glucosinolates in seeds and India population. This can also essentially
drastic glucosinolate reduction in leaves. facilitate the achievement of better
Knockdown of GTR2 also conferred plants remunerative outputs by farmers with
with higher resistance towards the generalist rational land use, thus ensuring global food
pest, Spodoptera litura. Overall, the study security in the present scenario of an
highlights the distinctive roles of B. juncea increasing population density and shrinking
GTRs in shaping tissue-specific accumulation per capita land area.
of glucosinolates and potential of The Pan-genome SNP Genotyping Array is a
manipulating BjuGTR2 for enhanced f i rst - e v e r p a n - g e n o m e b a s e d S N P
nutrition and plant defense. genotyping assay developed for crop plants.
It enables researchers to target population-
Ø Application oriented research at NIPGR specific genomic variation by assaying SNP
Large seeded, high yielding, high protein markers unique to different populations in
content Improved JG11 and KAK2, desi and addition to markers from reference genome.
kabuli chickpea varieties, respectively using Therefore, Genotyping Array provides higher
ABC transporter gene have undergone genomic coverage across diverse
second year of testing (Advanced Varietal populations compared to other genotyping
trial 2; AVT-2) in 2020-2021 at 9 locations in arrays available for rice and chickpea. This
India. Similarly, a semi-dwarf and optimum makes Genotyping Array ideal SNP
plant width chickpea variety using Basic helix genotyping solution for pan-genome based
loop helix gene 121 and a drought tolerant genetic studies including complex trait
high yielding improved JG 11 chickpea dissection and molecular breeding
variety using Basic helix loop helix gene 10 applications to drive genetic improvement of
have been tested in AVT-2 in 2020-2021 at 9 rice and chickpea.
locations in India. Furthermore, an early



The low glucosinolate lines could be utilized as an prevention and treatment of diseases. Over the
excellent genetic stock for developing Canola years NII has established itself as a premier center
Quality Indian mustard. The development of low in modern biology in general and basic
glucosinolate lines in Indian oilseed mustard will immunology, infection and immunity, host-
broaden the scope and acceptability of this crop pathogen interactions, development, structural
in the global market for its food and feed value. and chemical biology in particular. These
research programmes have been built based on
While humanity faced a unique challenge of the unique blend of expertise at the Institute.
COVID19 pandemic, NIPGR has ventured in the
area of plant-based therapeutics against COVID Vision
19. Five different phyto-metabolites and To undertake fundamental research of the
variouspotent glucosinolates have been highest standard in the area of immunology and
identified, purified and their cytopathic effect related areas with a view to develop modalities
against COVID- 19 infected transformed cell lines for combating various diseases.
are currently under study in collaboration with
RCB. Mission
l To undertake, aid, promote, guide and
With a view to popularize science and showcase coordinate research of a high caliber in
the various facets of research and development basic and applied immunology.
to young innovators, students, teachers, and l To carry out research for development of
individuals interested in the field of plant new vaccines, immuno-diagnostic kits,
sciences, the Institute had organized several immunological reagents.
events. Further, NIPGR in collaboration with l To interact with industry for the transfer of
Cambridge University, INSA, DST KARYA, IASc, technology for the leads developed from
COAR and OpenVirus has contributed in the research.
online capacity building in computational biology l To provide and promote linkages between
under WE-VIDYA initiative during the pandemic various scientific research
through which more than 12,800 students were agencies/laboratories in the field of
reached in 6 months' time. immunology, vaccine development and
related areas.
Details of Process/Product/ Technology
Developed during 2021: 7 Major Initiatives:
Research Publications during 2021: 45 l NII did not waver its commitments or its
Patents Filed: 04 efforts towards Covid pandemic. In service to
Patents obtained: 02 the nation's containment efforts, the
No. of Human Resources trained: 204 Institute now runs a SARS-CoV-2 qPCR
diagnostic facility. In addition, several
National Institute of Immunology (NII), New scientists are contributing towards a better
Delhi understanding of the biology of SARS-CoV-2
infection, as well as of immune responses
National Institute of Immunology (NII) was elicited upon infection or vaccination.
conceived in the early eighties to address health
care needs of the country. The idea was to
conduct research to study the body's defenses
and use that knowledge to provide solutions for



l The establishment of immunological l Muscle wasting is associated with several

memory subsequent to infection or chronic disorders. Studies are aimed at
vaccination is the basis of protective investigating the crosstalk between different
immunity. CD4+ cytotoxic memory T cells organs during muscle wasting and recovery;
(CD4-CTLs) constitute a population of cells the influence of nutritional intervention in
whose contributions to protective these events is being assessed. Data suggests
immunological responses remain relatively that myopathies associated with a deficiency
obscure. The study of such cells, and of Vitamin D are characterized by an increase
delineation of the factors that propel their in the uptake of glucose by skeletal muscle,
growth, could aid in the development of as well as by abnormal accumulation of
more effective vaccination strategies. The glycogen.
program seeks to study CD4-CTLs in viral
infections (CMV, EBV, Dengue Virus and Major Achievement:
Influenza Virus) using multi-omics and Ø Tumorigenesis is characterized by the
immunological approaches. aberrant expression of several proteins; in
l Nano-immunotherapeutic platforms for many instances, consequences remain
cancer are being developed. Along with unknown, however, PRAMEF2, a cancer-
other approaches, artificial antigen- testis antigen, was demonstrated to form
presenting cells displaying MHC molecules part of the Cullin-2 Based E3 Ubiquitin Ligase
(bound with tumor-associated peptides) Complex. PRAMEF2 mediate degradation of
along with co-stimulatory molecules have the LATS1 kinase and cause the nuclear
been designed in order to engender potent accumulation of YAP; the depletion of
anti-tumor responses. Anti-chaperone PRAMEF2 reduced tumor cell invasion. (Proc
strategies are also being employed to Natl Acad Sci U S A. doi:
enhance antigen presentation. 10.1073/pnas.2105523118, 2021)



Fig. 1: YAP is critical for PRAMEF2-promoted IFN-γ −/− mice. The study highlights the
aggressive tumor phenotype. (A) MCF-7Luc2 cells essentiality of histidine biosynthesis in
were stably transfected (pooled zeomycin- Mycobacterium tuberculosis pathogenesis.
resistant population) with control (scrambled), (Commun Biol. doi:10.1038/s42003-021-
PRAMEF2, LATS1, or PRAMEF2 along with LATS1 01926-4, 2021).
shRNA as indicated. MCF-7Luc2 and PRAMEF2 Ø Mycobacterium tuberculosis has evolved
knockdown cells were stably transfected with diverse stress responses. Transcription
Flag-tagged YAPS127A (pooled G418- resistant factors essential for bacterial survival were
population). These cells were orthotopically identified. The transcription factor AosR was
injected into the mammary fat pad of nude mice. shown to mitigate oxidative and nitrosative
Bioluminescence imaging was performed weekly. stress and promote mycobacterial growth in
(B) Bioluminescence quantification (A, Above) vivo. Oxidative stress- induced intra-subunit
was performed at indicated time points. (C and D) disulphide bond formation in AosR
At the end of 4 wk, organs from mice facilitated its interaction with SigH.
orthotopically implanted with MCF-7Luc2 Upregulation of the CysM-dependent non-
PRAMEF2/LATS1 knockdown cells in A (Above) canonical cysteine biosynthesis pathway
were harvested and examined by ex vivo imaging occurred (critical in detoxifying host-derived
(C) as well as hematoxylin and eosin staining (D) oxidative and nitrosative radicals),
to examine metastases. (E) Representative enhancing bacterial survival in a hostile
images of immunostaining of PRAMEF2, LATS1, intracellular environment. (EMBO J. doi:
and phosphorylated-YAP on sections of normal 10.15252/embj.2020106111, 2021).
breast tissue and different grades of human Ø The polymerase γ subunit (PolγA) plays a key
breast carcinoma. DAPI was used to counterstain role the replication of mitochondrial DNA.
nuclei. (Scale bar, 20 μm.) (F) Quantification of Data indicated that the E3 ligase MITOL
PRAMEF2 levels in normal breast tissue and ubiquitylates PolγA; only non-ubiquitylated
different grades of human breast carcinoma. (G) PolγA was shown to be capable of entering
Quantification of LATS1 levels in normal breast the mitochondrial matrix to exert its
tissue and different grades of human breast function. In patients of progressive external
carcinoma. (H) Quantification of ophthalmoplegia, mutant PolγA proteins are
phosphorylated-YAP levels in normal breast hyper-ubiquitylated and therefore cannot
tissue and different grades of human breast enter the mitochondria, diminishing
carcinoma. mitochondrial genome integrity. (PLoS Biol.
Ø While Mycobacterium tuberculosis can doi.10.1371/journal.pbio.3001139, 2021).
utilize host amino acids to fulfil its metabolic Ø Apicomplexan parasites cause several
needs, it also possesses de novo amino acid human diseases. CDPK7, critical for the
biosynthesis pathways. As host cells up- d eve l o p m e nt o f b o t h P l a s m o d i u m
regulate histidinecatabolizing enzymes via falciparum and Toxoplasma gondii, is an
IFN-γ-mediated signalling (which works to atypical member of the calcium dependent
starve the bacillus of host histidine), protein kinase family, and may constitute a
Mycobacterium tuberculosis synthesizes its novel drug target. Phosphoproteomics of T.
own histidine, sustaining bacterial growth in
wild-type mice; while histidine auxotrophs
fail to grow in such mice, they do grow as well
as wild-type Mycobacterium tuberculosisin



gondii lacking TgCDPK7 has led to the infection have continued; current studies
identification TgCDPK7 substrates involved have employed both unexposed healthy
in phospholipid synthesis and vesicular donors and mild COVID-19 subjects. SARS-
trafficking, and the kinase was shown to CoV-2 cross-reactive CD4 T cells have been
regulate phosphatidylethanolamine levels. identified in a majority of unexposed
These studies provide insights into individuals, and data for immune memory
processes critical for parasite development. (predominantly directed against the spike
( P l o S P a t h o g . d o i : glycoprotein) in the CD4 T cell and B cell
10.1371/journal.ppat.1009325, 2021). compartments has been collated. Such
Ø The canonical NF-κB signalling pathway, work has implications for the development
which can be triggered by several stimuli and and implementation of vaccines against
mediates a large number of inflammatory SARS-CoV-2 (Front Immunol. doi:
responses, is critical to organismal health. 10.3389/fimmu.2021.636768, 2021)
Context-specific control of such responses is Ø Small molecules which modulate
important, since dysregulated signalling is protein–protein interactions have potential
associated with several disorders. Data uses as therapeutic agents in cancer and
suggests that the specific composition of the microbial infections. Machine learning
NF-κB complexes in the nucleus have a classifiers have been developed for
significant bearing on cellular responses. prediction of new small molecule
Systems-level readouts are beginning to modulators, with prediction accuracies
provide deeper mechanistic insight into the above 90%. Of relevance to the SARS-CoV-2
factors that influence inflammatory pandemic, docking studies show that some
responses and help maintain homeostasis. compounds can inhibit RBD-hACE2

Fig. 2: Tuning RelA: p50-driven inflammatory gene expressions by non-RelA: p50 NF-κBfactors
(Curr Opin Immunol. 68: 21-27, 2021) interaction by high affinity interaction with
Ø Work to further understand the causes of RBD.(Brief Bioinform.doi:
diverse outcomes upon SARS-CoV-2 10.1093/bib/bbab111, 2021).



Societal Impact: setting for translational biotechnology, including

expert and high technology resources for
By providing cutting-edge training in potential clients and customers, platforms for
biotechnology, NII continues to strengthen productive and sustainable partnerships with
scientific aptitude among a large number of biotechnology, life science, medical and
undergraduates. Under the “Science Setu” pharmaceutical industry besides opportunities
Programme, NII scie ntists are also delivering for consultancy, contract research and
online scientific lectures to undergraduate commercialization of potential products.
colleges across India. To further promote
scientific temperament, NII is now setting up a Vision/Mission and objectives:
science museum in one of the aspirational
districts of the country. In response to the RGCB has identified the following Themes and
ongoing pandemic, NII has set up a laboratory for Strategic Goals as priority areas
testing SARS-CoV-2 in human samples. The
i. Fundamental Research
Institute has also trained 65 medical lab
Understanding the biology that defines basic
technicians, with the support of Gates
mechanisms involved in the disease process and
Foundation, further augmenting the testing its implications for human health.
capacity of India. Webinars were also conducted
by NII scientists to disseminate useful ii. Translational Science
information about the pandemic. Trans-disciplinary health science to benefit
No. of Research Publications during 2021-22: 53 individual, clinical, and public health decision
No. of Patents Applied during 2021-22: 07 making to improve health
No. of Patents Obtained during 2021-22: 02
iii. Technology Development
No. of Human Resources Trained: Trainees:46;
Turning research into technology innovation and
PhD students joined: 21
on to business
Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology (RGCB), iv. Training and Education
Thiruvananthapuram Developing and retaining a sustainable pipeline
of biotechnology professionals across a range of
DBT-RGCB currently functions from three related disciplines including fundamental
campuses. The main campus is located at Jagathy science, technology development, translation,
in Thiruvananthapuram where the bulk of the policy and outreach through efforts in education,
discovery research programs are implemented. training, and career development.
The second campus located at the KINFRA Park in
Thiruvananthapuram functions as the transit v. Social interventions
facility for the Bio-Innovation Center where Touching the lives of weaker sections of the
RGCB's core Bio-Imaging, Genomics and society through various S&T interventions. As
Laboratory Medicine & Molecular Diagnostic part of the tribal heritage study, the
core facilities are located in addition to establishment of 8 community enterprises for
laboratories for Chemical Biology, and Tropical the empowerment of tribal communities.
Disease Biology. The third campus located in
Kalamaserry, Kochi is called the Bio-Nest, a



Major Initiatives: EGFP ACE-2 that is inhibited by neutralizing

Beating the Pandemic: COVID-19 initiatives at vi. "COVID-Anosmia checker", a tool for Covid-
RGCB: In a quick response to the emergence of 19/olfactory dysfunction screening, developed
the COVID-19 pandemic, RGCB formed a core by RGCB has been transferred to Instigator e-
Corona virus Research & Intervention Group, Supporting Services Private Ltd,
consisting of scientists from infectious disease Thiruvananthapuram.
biology, cell biology, immunology, diagnostics
services, public health epidemiology and Major Achievement:
technology development group, who are
currently involved in all research & development Ø COVID-Anosmia Checker
/ service activities on Covid-19. A brief DBT-RGCB has developed a new handy
description of these activities and outcomes in device, which has been proved useful to
specific areas are highlighted below. detect the presence of the COVID-19 virus in
i. CoVID-19 diagnostic product developed by humans. Loss of smell is reported as a major
Sperogenx Biosciences, Bangalore and POCT symptom of COVID-19, however, a precise
Service, New Delhi, in Collaboration with RGCB olfactory testing tool to identify COVID-19
ii. Q-Line® Molecular nCoV-19 RT-PCR Kit was patient is still lacking. To quantitatively
designed to detect Novel Coronavirus (nCoV-19) check for the loss of smell, RGCB developed
based on single tube multiplex real-time RT PCR an odor strip, “COVID-Anosmia checker”,
(rRT-PCR) assays in respiratory and serum spotted with gradients of coffee and lemon
specimens. grass oil. It was observed that COVID
iii. Q-line Viral RNA extraction kit developed positive participants were hyposmic instead
using silica column chemistry for the isolation of of being anosmic when they were subjected
highly pure RNA from CoVID-19 patient sample to smelling higher odor concentration. The
that will be used for downstream process such as tool identified 97% of symptomatic and 94%
RT-PCR analysis for screening the CoVID-19. of asymptomatic COVID-19 positive subjects
iv. Molecular Determinants for Virus-Host after excluding most confounding factors
Interaction: Using a high fidelity bioinformatics like concurrent chronic sinusitis. Further, it
pipeline, RGCB has analysed 31,403 SARS-CoV-2 was possible to reliably predict COVID-19
genomes across the globe, and identified 444 infection by calculating a loss of smell score
non-synonymous mutations that cause 49 with 100% specificity. This tool has been
distinct amino acid substitutions in the RBD. The coupled with a mobile application, which
study identified key molecular arrangements in takes the input response from the user, and
RBD- ACE2 interface that help virus to tolerate can readily categorize the user in the
mutations and prevail. appropriate risk groups. The tool has now
v. Developed bead based assays that utilizes been made available to the public as Inster
recombinant protein immobilization on beads COVI-SMELL, manufactured and marketed
with affinity tag or nanobody. Nanobody by Inster e-Supporting Services Pvt. Ltd.,
mediated bead capture of orange fluorescent Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala.
protein tagged Spike (SI) protein of SARS-CoV-2
showed rapid binding of soluble recombinant



PCR analysis for screening the CoVID-19. The

silica column-based RNA extraction system
is lysis enzyme proteinase-K free and it can
be performed in room temperature that will
help and increase the users experience
which is not possible in other extraction
methods available in the market. Further,
RGCB has designed a lysis and working
reagents specific to the CoVID-19 viral RNA
isolation from the nasal-swap samples and
showed better viral RNA quality and
quantity as compared to the other available
extraction methods. The developed kit was
in- house validated at RGCB and performed
well as compared to gold standard methods.
Further, our viral RNA isolation kit was
validated and approved by NIV-ICMR with
98% analytical performance for commercial
Ø Development of Annexin V FITC Kit and
Annexin V - Cy3 Kit: The most popular assay
kit used for the discrimination of apoptosis
Ø Development of Q-line CoVID-19 RT-PCR from necrosis is Annexin V FITC - PE kit.
kit: DBT-RGCB has developed Q-Line® Currently available kits are imported and are
Molecular nCoV-19 RT-PCR Kit designed to expensive. DBT-RGCB has developed
detect Novel Coronavirus (nCoV-19) based Mammalian expressed recombinant
on single tube multiplex real-time RT PCR Annexin V using a low cost expression and
(rRT-PCR) assays in respiratory and serum purification approach through the
specimens. The developed kit was validated engineering of stable cells. The recombinant
and approved by National Institute of Annexin V FITC –PE kit developed using this
approach has been validated for microscopy
Virology-ICMR, Pune with the sensitivity of
and flow cytometry application. A new
98.7% and specificity of 100% for
apoptosis necrosis kit that can be employed
commercial use. The kit is currently using in with GFP or FITC multiplexing has been
CoVID-19 screening centers of both developed using the recombinant Annexin V
government organization as well as private Cy3 or OFP. These kits are currently available
hospitals. from Layog Life Sciences, a start-up
Ø Development of Q-line Viral RNA extraction company incubated at the Bio-Incubator
kit: DBT-RGCB has developed Viral RNA facility of RGCB, Bio- Nest.
extraction method using silica column
chemistry for the isolation of highly pure
RNA from CoVID-19 patient sample that will
be used for downstream process such as RT-



Fig.2: Annexin V OFP fluorescent protein based Kit: Validation Results

Ø Recombinant Cell lines for Drug Discovery: 27th May 2017) and Canadian patent
DBT-RGCB has developed recombinant cell (Application No. 3,026,426 dated 27th May
lines expressing fluorescent protein based 2017, Date of issue: April 13th, 2021). As
sensors for screening compounds that can p a r t o f t e c h n o l o g y
interfere with key cancer targets such as cell transfer/commercialization, an MOU has
death, cell cycle, growth factor and been signed between RGCB and Oklahoma
proteasomes. These cell lines were validated Medical Research Foundation (OMRF), USA
using multiple platforms such as fluorescent for the clinical translation of the compound
microscopy, flow cytometry and high- in liver cancer patients. The technology has
throughput imagers. In addition, panel of cell been transferred to the multi-national
lines expressing ACE2 EGFP have been company, QBioMed and the first mile-stone
developed to be used for COVID 19 viral payment has been received. Recently,
propagation and pseudovirion assay. RGCB uttroside B received orphan drug
has signed an agreement with the global designation from FDA, against HCC.
non-profit business unit of Cancer Research,
UK, Ximbio for making these drug discovery
tools available to all researchers and drug
discovery companies.
Ø Plant derived compound Utroside-B for the
Treatment of Liver Cancer: The team of
Scientists in the Division of Cancer Research,
have isolated and identified a saponin,
uttroside B, from the leaves of the medicinal
plant, Solanum nigrum Linn (Black
nightshade; Manathakkali), which is well
demonstrated as a hepatoprotective agent
in traditional Ayurveda literature. The study
reveals that uttroside B is ten times more
potent than Sorafenib, and does not Fig.3: Source of Utroside B:
manifest significant side-effects. This work Solanum nigrum Linn
was published in the Nature group journal,
'Scientific Reports' (Lekshmi et al.,2016) and
the innovation obtained US patent
(Application No. PCT/ IN20 17/050204 dated



samples in the repository. The lab also helps the

government understand the dominant strains
and the genetic variations based on whole-
genome sequencing. RGCB is the only participant
from Kerala on INSACOG (Indian SARS-CoV- 2
Genomic Consortia (INSACOG), coordinated by
the Department of Biotechnology (DBT) along
with MoH & FW, ICMR, and CSIR. LMMD is one
among the 7 VRDL labs under ICMR that are
authorized to validate PCR, Antigen, Antibody,
and VTM kits supplied in the country to screen
SARS CoV 2. The Division is also allowed to
validate disinfectants and instruments for
· Inclusive Technology Interventions for Tribal
Heritage Resilience of Kerala
Fig.4: Structure of Utroside B DBT-RGCB has conducted various technology
Societal Impact: interventions for the empowerment of tribal
communities along with the protection of their
· Medical Laboratory Services: heritage. Documented the traditional
RGCB in collaboration with the Department of knowledge/traditional crop varieties/art and
Health and Family Welfare, Government of craft etc from the two targeted districts, Idukki
Kerala, implements Public Health and Research and Wayanad. Ethno-veterinary formulation for
Service Programme all over the State. A major wound healing has been successfully evaluated
activity under this programme is the using in vitro, in silico and in vivo models. RGCB
establishment of Medical Laboratory Service has created 9 tribal community groups (Self Help
(MLS) units in the Government Hospitals. RGCB Groups/Societies) for establishing various social
have established the testing facility during the enterprises for the empowerment of tribal
beginning of the outbreak itself under the communities and also to protect their rich
guidance of Government of India protocol with heritage. Community Enterprises on Traditional
the approval of ICMR. MLS is having a dedicated Pepper Nursery (with 26 varieties) by Mala
team of field sample collection unit who collects Arayan Tribes, two Bamboo Craft Units by Urali
samples for Hematological Investigations as well tribes at Idukki and Field Distillation of Essential
as Antigen/RT-PCR Testing. Oils by Ulladan tribal community at Idukki,
Laboratory Medicine and Molecular diagnostic Kurichya and Paniya communities at Wayanad
(LMMD), ICMR Viral Research and Diagnostic were established. Regarding the traditional
Laboratory (VRDL), grade 1 Laboratory of Rajiv paddy varieties, as of now, 44 landraces have
Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology (RGCB) is one of been documented and conducted genetic and
the significant laboratories in India which handles nutritional analysis of the samples. Moreover,
more than 220 infectious and non- infectious we have distributed seeds of 19 traditional paddy
disease diagnostics. The lab initiated the SARS varieties to establish around 7.5 hectares of field
CoV 2 as soon as the first case was reported in gene bank in various parts of Wayanad district.
Kerala. A total of 1 lakh 86 thousand samples
were processed in the Division to date. The
Division maintains approximately 10,000 positive



l Outreach activities: mandate of the Centre is to provide a platform

l DBT- RGCB has celebrated the National for biotechnology education, training, and
Science Day 2021 with students of tribal research at the interface of multiple disciplines.
colonies in Idukki and Wayanad. The
team of scientists visited the tribal Major Initiatives:
colonies and demonstrated various · Academic Programs:
experiments for the students to inculcate RCB offers structured degree programs as well as
scientific temperament among students. short-term training programs in highly
l "Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav" is an initiative specialized areas of biotechnology and life
of the Government of India to celebrate sciences. More than 100 students are pursuing
a n d co m m e m o rate 7 5 ye a rs o f doctoral degree programs in Biotechnology,
independence of progressive India and Bioinformatics, and Biostatistics in different RCB
the glorious history of its people, culture laboratories. So far, 43 RCB students have been
and achievements. As part of the awarded PhD degrees. RCB also has an
programme, DBT-RGCB is conducting integrated MSc-PhD degree program where
students with bachelor's degrees are admitted. A
various programmes like popular lecture
total of 37 students are currently registered for
series, open day events, etc. for the public
this programme.
The RCB Act 2016 empowers the Centre to
Nos. of Research Publications during 2021-22:
recognize higher learning institutions for their
102 various academic programs. In this direction,
Nos. of Patent Applied: Nil after due diligence, RCB has granted recognition
Nos. of Patent granted during 2021: 05 to the MSc, MSc-PhD (integrated), or PhD
Nos. of Human resources trained: PhD students programs at ten such centers. More than 300
passed: 15; MSc. Students passed: 40; Project/ students from these recognized centers are
internship training has been given to 33 registered for their degrees with RCB.

Regional Centre for Biotechnology (RCB),


Regional Centre for Biotechnology (RCB) is an

Institution of National Importance established by
the Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Govt. of
India, under the aegis of UNESCO with a mandate
to impart education and training, and conduct
research in the frontier areas of biotechnology.

Vision and Mandate:

The vision of RCB is to produce human resources
tailored to drive innovation in biotechnology,
particularly in areas of new opportunities and
also to fill the talent gap in deficient areas. The



l Scientific Programs: RCB's scientific virtual workshops were conducted on 'Mass

achievements in terms of quality of Spectroscopy Based Proteomics' (12-13
publications and the ability of the faculty to October, 2021); 'Basics of Electron
attract extramural grants have shown Microscopy' (October 20, 2021); Confocal
consistent growth. RCB continued to conduct Microscope-based drug screening (High
cutting-edge scientific research in the broad content imaging)' (October 22, 2021).
areas of Structural Biology, Infectious l As a part of Science Setu and to
Disease Biology, Molecular Medicine, Cancer commemorate 75th year of Indian
and Cell Biology, Agricultural Biotechnology, Independence, RCB is organizing webinar
and Systems and Synthetic Biology. series (till August 2022) where the life and
l Training activities: Towards human resource works of eminent Indian scientists who have
development in the advanced areas of life made a difference to science and lives of
sciences and biotech sciences, RCB people, and who have furthered science to
conducted several training programs. its current glory in India and around the
Notable among these was a 7-days' long world are being showcased.
international webinar series to celebrate the l The BIRAC-funded Bio-Incubator is currently
'Brain Awareness Week' from March 15-21, incubating 24 start-ups giving employment
2021. During this event, various speakers to nearly
(international and national) were invited to l 120 people. Bio-Incubator has also
discuss and unite on one platform to increase conducted several entrepreneurial
the awareness about nervous system development activities including IDEA,
disorders, its implications on mental health EMPOWER, IDEATHON, BBB WEBINAR
and diseases. A workshop on 'Mass SERIES, INNOVATION CHALLENGE FINE,
Spectrometry Based Proteomics' was LEARN etc., thus actively promoting the
th th
organized on 04 & 18 February, 2021 entrepreneurial aptitude among young
during which researchers were trained for innovators through its strategic programs &
Routine Workflows for MS- based outreach activities.
proteomics, Sample preparation for IDA and l RCB continues to provide the Indian
iTRAQ, Data Analysis: Protein pilot, Mascot, researchers access to the ESRF synchrotron
radiation facility. This program has provided
Virtual demonstration on Triple TOF 5600.
tremendous support to the Indian structural
Another workshop on 'Basics of Electron
biologists and has benefited a large number
Microscopy' was conducted on 03rd March, of young research students.
2021 where the participants were trained for
samplepreparation for Transmission Electron
Microscope, recent advances in single
particle cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM)
to determine the structure of biological
macromolecules, sample preparation for
Cryo- TEM, Basics of Scanning Electron
Microscopy and sample preparation for
Scanning Electron Microscopy. During
October, 2021, three UNESCO-sponsored



Notable Research Outcomes: carried out an RNA interference based study

l The Agribiotech group developed insights targeting the membrane trafficking network
into Upregulation of SUMO-conjugations in neuronal cells thus showing an essential
and differential SUMO1-modification during role of the dynamic actin network and actin
innate immune responses or in an auto- filament associated proteins for the
active defensive mutant of Arabidopsis infection of Japanese encephalitis virus.
thaliana. A novel protocol for transient gene l Under the DBT-funded RCB Flagship
expression in rice was developed. This Research Program, a couple of small
protocol, although developed in rice, molecules have been identified that show
represents a model system for monocots and anti-Chikungunya virus activity in cell
may facilitate the rapid deciphering of the culture as well as in the animal model of
functions of genes. Besides, a plant sugar disease. These are being further evaluated.
transporter that confers resistance against l RCB continued to nurture the young
the pea powdery mildew pathogen through investigators though the various funding
host defense activation was also identified, mechanisms such as RCB Young Investigator
indicating its applicability in powdery disease Award, INSPIRE Faculty Award, and National
management in legumes. Post-Doctoral Fellowships etc.
l The Cancer & Cell Biology group showed l Besides, RCB has also carried out national
Structure-activity studies demonstrating and international collaborations with
that cholic acid amphiphile can disrupt the various institutions and industries.
fungal membranes, and are effective International collaborations
fungicidal in nature. Another group of
scientists illuminated the role of Orai3 Ca2+
channel in cancer progression and the
potential therapeutic targeting of Orai3 for
better cancer management and treatment
was also elaborated.
l The structural biology group determined the
structure of basal pilin SpaB from
Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG with a view to
understand the overall architecture of
SpaCBA pilus. A structural model for the
whole SpaCBA pilus was proposed which
also reveals the mucus binding sites on the
l Scientists in the area of Infectious Disease
Biology described a comprehensive analysis
of microRNAs (miRNAs) circulating in plasma
of dengue virus-infected patients and
identified miRNA signatures with biomarker
potential for dengue infection and disease
National collaborations
progression. Anothergroup of scientists



Societal Impact: the public sphere. In fulfilment of its vision, the

RCB has contributed significantly to the human THSTI will work with other institutions of the
resource development by training students and biotechnology cluster in the NCR through long
young researchers for their skill enhancement term partnerships.
and academic degree programs. RCB has been
Mandate: The institute has a mandate to act as a
catalyzing the entrepreneurial activities in the
catalyst to translate fundamental discoveries by
National Capital Region through its Bio-
building rigorous clinical research capacity and to
Incubatorwhich is supporting several start-ups in
enable a faster transition of discoveries from
the area of life sciences. RCB Flagship program
bench to bedside.
aims to develop prophylactics and therapeutics
against viral diseases highly prevalent in the Objectives: The institution is a dynamic
Indian population. enterprise with a mission to conduct innovative
Nos. of Research Publications during 2021-22: 103 translational research and develop research
Nos. of human resources trained during the year collaborations across disciplines and professions
2021-22: to translate concepts into products to improve
human health.
>1000 Nos. od research grant obtained: 71
Major Initiatives:
Translational Health Science and Technology
Institute (THSTI), Faridabad l GARBH-Ini (interdisciplinary Group for
Translational Health Science and Technology Advanced Research on Birth outcomes-DBT
Institute (THSTI) was established with the goal to INdia Initiative): THSTI has established
integrate multidisciplinary scientific teams from GARBHINI which is a large longitudinal
the fields of medicine, science, engineering and cohort of pregnant women in LMIC with an
technology for generating translational extensive well phenotyped biorepository
knowledge and make the biomedical innovations and serial ultrasonographic parameters. The
accessible to improve the public health. THSTI phase-II of this initiative to start a birth
has made seminal contributions to COVID-19 cohort has been sanctioned by DBT (Fig 1).
research during this year which has helped in
developing vaccines, evaluating therapeutic
molecules and establishing diagnostic assays.
THSTI has been recognized nationally and
internationally as an excellent hub of basic,
translational and clinical research.
Epidemiology & predictor/
Vision/Mandate and Objectives: clinical risk factor risk factor

Vision: As a networked organization linking many Important risk factors for

Biomarker identification pre-term birth
centers of excellence, THSTI is envisioned as a
collective of scientists, engineers and physicians
that will effectively enhance the quality of human Mechanistic
Pathway analysis
life through integrating a culture of shared
excellence in research, education and Fig1: GARBH-Ini (interdisciplinary Group for
translational knowledge with the Advanced Research on Birth outcomes-
entrepreneurial spirit to take technologies into DBT INdia Intitiative)



l THSTI is a part of the consortium for COVID- as a dedicated medical research centre
19 research which has been established by for clinical research.
DBT. l Bioassay Lab (BAL) partnered with
l School of Diagnostic Innovation in Bio-design Foundation for Innovative New
(SiB) has been started at THSTI in Diagnostics (FIND) for developing a
collaboration with leading institutions in the chatbot for COVID-19.
country viz. Indian Institute of Technology-
Madras (IITM), Christian Medical College Significant Achievement:
Vellore, PGI-Chandigarh and Venture Centre- I. Responding to the COVID-19 challenge
Pune. The focus of this program is on l Establishment of clinical cohorts:
medtech innovation for the development of a) A large cohort of patients with COVID-19: This
affordable and accessible medical diagnostic
cohort is being studied for understanding
l Respiratory & Influenza Virology Group durability of immunity, risk of re-infection and
(RIVG) has been established at THSTI to deal long COVID. Similarly, a cohort of vaccinated
with respiratory viruses such as influenza people has been established to understand
virus, corona virus and other similar viruses. waning of immunity and break through infection.
l THSTI is now a part of INSACOG for viral b) Collaboration with Research Institutes &
sequencing. secondary-tertiary care hospitals in different
l To enhance research programs at THSTI, 20 countries: to study Severe COVID-19 among
intramural projects have been funded. pregnant women and children
c) A pan India multicenter network of hospitals
l THSTI signed MoUs with Delhi
Pharmaceutical Sciences & Research has been established for COVID-19 research
University and Manipal University to
strengthen its academic programs. l Vaccine Development:
l Infrastructure: a) THSTI provided animal challenge models viz
hamster and ACE2 Tg mice to industries and
l A large state of the art new BSL-3 Facility academia for pre-clinical vaccine testing and
has been established anti-viral screening (Fig 2). THSTI contributed
l Immunology Core lab and Ferret Facility immensely in the clinical trials/development of
(first in India) have been established to vaccines for COVID-19 including Dr. Reddy's
support clinical and translational (Sputnik), Zydus Cadilla (DNA vaccine), and
research Biological E and entered into an international
l Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)
collaboration with Nanogen Pharmaceutical
Research Program has been initiated at
Biotechnology JSC, a Vietnamese
pharmaceutical company which is developing a
l Bio info rmatics C o re a n d High -
new vaccine for COVID-19.
throughput Computational Facility
b) The immunology core lab provided cellular
developed for system biology and big
data analysis a s s a y p l a t fo r m fo r d e t e r m i n i n g t h e
l The proposal for 'Establishment of a immunogenicity of COVID-19 vaccines.
Medical Research Centre (MRC) at THSTI
in NCR- Biotech Science Cluster' has been
approved by DBT. The MRC will function



Fig.2: Animal models provided to companies and academia for vaccine development
l COVID-19 kit validation: THSTI validated expressed across pregnancy (at
COVID-19 kits for various industries and enrolment, 18- 20 and 26-28 weeks)
academic institutions have been identified in the high vaginal
l Researchers at THSTI are working fluid of pregnant women.
towards developing indigenous vaccines
l In a study conducted to determine the
(mRNA and subunit) for COVID-19 which
association between circulatory levels of
have shown promising results
Soluble Human Leukocyte Antigen-G
l T H ST I h a s d e ve l o p e d p o te nt i a l
(sHLA-G) in pregnant mothers and Small
therapeutic monoclonal antibodies for Gestational Age (SGA) births, no
against COVID-19 difference was observed in the trajectory
l In-vivo evaluation of AYUSH products of sHLA-G during the period of
against SARS CoV-2 pregnancy in mothers delivering SGA as
l Biorepository houses more than 5000 compared to those delivering
clinical samples of SARS-CoV-2 Appropriate for Gestational Age (AGA)
II. Maternal and Child Health:
l Evaluated impact of Immediate kangaroo
mother care (iKMC ) in very low birth III. Infection & Immunology:
weight in 5 countries and the results l Novel anti-Tuberculosis molecule: THSTI
indicate a 25% reduction in neonatal in collaboration with Sphaera Pharma
death in iKMC group Ltd. and Wellcome Trust, has developed
l Gestational Weight Gain (GWG) a novel anti-tuberculosis molecule, SPR
trajectories in GARBH–Ini pregnancy 113 which is in advance stages of further
cohort in North India and a comparative development for clinical use.
analysis with global references: The l Identified small molecules that display in
results suggest that single interventions vitro and in vivo activity against both
are unlikely to bridge the gap between drug- susceptible and drug-resistant M.
g e n e ra l I n d i a n p o p u l a t i o n a n d tuberculosis.
international references.
l Sixty-one proteins that are differentially



l Building up a repository of CRISPRi IV. Multidisciplinary Clinical and Translational

mutant strains of mycobacteria: In the Research:
last one year, 50 CRISPRi plasmid l POCT for the detection of anti-HCV
constructs have been added in the antibodies: A lateral flow POCT using
repository resulting in ~200 constructs upconverting phosphor nanoparticles
distinctly targeting genes in Mtb, M. has been developed with a sensitivity of
smegmatis and M. marinum. THSTI has 98.23% and specificity: 99.16% in
developed a specialized guide sequence comparison with Bio-Rad anti-HCV
expressing plasmid, namely pGrna2 to ELISA.
facilitate cloning and expression of
l THSTI developed DNA aptamers-based
multiple guide sequence cassettes
assay for the detection of Bungarus
targeting a versatile set of Mtb genes
caeruleus (Indian Krait) venom.
from a single plasmid.
l THSTI has developed novel DNA
l Engineered the capsid protein of
aptamers against HspX, an antigen-
Hepatitis E Virus (HEV) to produce soluble
based biomarker of M.tb and shown its
virus-like particles (VLPs) using a bacterial
utility to detect both EPTB (TBM and
expression system. This VLP is now being
pTB) and pulmonary TB in clinical
evaluated as a vaccine candidate against
specimens which is in advance stages of
HEV by establishing a translational
research consortium between THSTI,
AIIMS (New Delhi), PGIMER (Chandigarh) l Two prototypes for rapid pathogen
and Vaxfarm Life Sciences (industry capture and culture have been
partner). developed:
l Researchers at THSTI first time reported l On 21st September 2021, an invention
the composition, diversity and functions entitled “Aptamer Against M.Tb Hupb
of gut microbiome of healthy Indians And Use Thereof” was granted to THSTI.
living in the urban and rural areas. The
team has decoded the difference of gut V. Non Communicable Diseases:
microbiome in healthy vs (i) l THSTI launched an indigenously
malnourished children (ii) IBD patients developed web-based application,
and (ii) type 2 diabetes patients. Very “konnect2prot” which is freely available
recently the team has identified vaginal for academic purposes only. It will
microbial signatures of preterm birth identify the triggering proteins, which
delivery in Indian women. are possible causal agents between
various pathological or
l NABL accredited Bioassay Laboratory
pathophysiological conditions.
(BAL) has been recognized as a part of
Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness l Developed in vitro and in vivo models
Innovations (CEPI) centralized network relevant to NASH phenotype (steatosis,
labs. BAL hasreceived its second NABL inflammation and fibrosis) to support
accreditation for SARS-CoV-2 ELISAs and small molecule drug discovery as well as
PRNTs and Chikungunya PRNT assay. It the development of herbal extracts as
has processed more than 1,36,000 therapeutics for Non-alcoholic Fatty
clinical COVID samples using RT-PCR. Liver Disease (NAFLD).



l Developed a new project on the biology has resulted in numerical tools to dissect
development of herbal extracts as large-scale data for the identification of
therapeutics for NAFLD in collaboration potential drug targets. With respect to vaccine
with Dabur. development against Dengue, our work on
l On 29th October 2021, an Indian patent developing a soluble, cleaved, well-ordered,
for the invention entitled “Chemical native-like E (envelope) protein dimers with
Process Utilizing Carbon Dioxide as a desirable antigenic properties and structural
Source of carbon" was granted in India. integrity may lead to a potent vaccine. Similarly,
Influenza research platform will be a valuable
VI. Clinical Development Services Agency tool for evaluating antivirals and vaccine
(CDSA): candidates against the pathogen. Findings of the
l CDSA is supporting the investigators for gut microbiome compositions and its diversity in
the conduct of 17 multi-centre clinical rural and urban healthy Indian population will
trials/studies which includes a large ICMR certainly help clinicians to identify ideal donor
TB vaccine trial. for faecal microbiome transplant. Similarly, the
vaginal microbiome study of the reproductive
l Good Clinical Practice Professional
age Indian women and its association with birth
Certification Scheme (GCPPCS) was
outcomes will help clinicians for early prediction
launched on 15th August, 2021 for
of preterm birth. THSTI is working on the
certifying training as well as individual
development of diagnostics for acute febrile
professionals using international best
illnesses (e.g., dengue, malaria, typhoid), blood-
practices for assessment and certification
borne infections, SARS-CoV-2, TB, snake bite,
like ISO 17024.
AMR, and tests for rapid identification of
l CDSA conducted Version 3.0 of the online bacterial pathogen and phenotypic AST.
course on “Current regulatory Diagnostic technologies and product that are
requirements for conducting clinical developed/being developed by THSTI will
trials in India for investigational new certainly help in addressing the nation priorities
drugs/new drug.” on better healthcare as well as self-reliance in
l Ind-CEPI training Series 2 “Strengthening healthcare.
Clinical Trials Research Capacity in India's
Friendly Countries” (Bahrain, Bhutan, Nos. of technology transferred to Industry: 01
Gambia, Kenya, Oman, Myanmar, Nepal, Nos. of Research Publications during 2021-22: 42
and Vietnam) was conducted by CDSA. Nos. of Patent Applied: 03
Nos. of Patent granted during 2021: 03 (2 Indian
and 1 International)
Societal Impact: Nos. of Human resources trained: 1314

Extensive work done by THSTI on SARS-CoV-2 has

helped in the approval of vaccines and diagnostic
tests in the country. THSTI has contributed to the
clinical trials for COVAXIN, SPUTNIK V, CORBEVAX
and ZyCoVD in the country by providing animal
challenge studies and humoral & cellular assays.
The work on computational and mathematical



Public Sector Undertakings The programme provides impetus for pulling the
translational ideas past PoC and taking them
Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance further along the innovation chain for validation,
Council (BIRAC), New Delhi scale-up, demonstration and pre-
BIRAC, a Government of India Enterprise, not-for- commercialization of products and technologies.
profit, Section-8 company, under Department of The programme is operated through two
Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology schemes based on the Technology Readiness
facilitates Biotechnology sector by nurturing a Level (TRL):
pipeline of entrepreneurs, Start-ups, capacity Ø Small Business Innovation Research
building, connecting Academia-Industry, Initiative (SBIRI): Supports development
Investors, Policy initiatives for Medium and Large and initial validation of
scale industries in the country. This includes products/technologies (up to TRL6).
dedicated schemes and programs meant for Under the SBIRI scheme, 56
providing risk capital, targeted funding, products/technologies have been
establishing high-end Bioincubation centres;
commercialized so far and are market
technical, business mentorship; legal, IP and
ready or have been transferred. Many
regulatory guidance; technology management
technologies have reached early stage of
that help bring innovation excellence for
biotechnology firms and making them globally validation. In addition, 45 IPs have been
competitive. generated through various projects. In
the current financial year, one challenge
call and one regular call for proposals was
Vision and Mission:
announced. The theme of the challenge
call was decided after deliberations with
The vision is to “Stimulate, foster and enhance area experts. 7 new projects were added
the strategic research and innovation capabilities in addition to 46 ongoing projects. 5
of the Indian biotech industry, particularly start- projects were successfully completed
ups and SMEs, for creation of affordable products achieving TRL 3 – 6.
addressing the needs of the largest section of Ø Biotechnology Industry Partnership
society.” Programme (BIPP): Supports validation,
MISSION demonstration and pre-
c o m m e r c i a l i z a t i o n o f
Facilitate and mentor the generation and products/technologies (TRL7 and above).
translation of innovative ideas into biotech Under BIPP Program, 2 calls for proposals
products and services by the industry, promote were announced during the current
academia – industry collaboration, forge financial year (2021-22). In the 53rd call
international linkages, encourage techno
(challenge call aligned to the Mission
entrepreneurship and enable creation and
Programs of the Government of India)
sustainability of viable bio enterprises. th
that closed on 16 August, 2021, 36
Major Initiatives: proposals were received out of which 4
l Intensifying the Impact of Industrial are currently under evaluation. As on 1
Innovation (i4) April, 2021, 39 proposals under various
thematic areas were ongoing under BIPP.



The same along with the new sanctioned Agri-Tech (including reducing post-harvest
proposals are being mentored and monitored losses). The 14 Centres currently housed a
through Technical Expert Committee Meetings group of 65 Social Innovators working on
and Online Interactions with PMC Experts. In the various problems of the society. 33 social
current financial year, the BIPP project executed innovators in three thematic areas namely,
by Kuantum Papers Ltd., Chandigarh got “Maternal and Child Health” “Ageing and
successfully completed at TRL 8 wherein Ethanol Health” and “Waste to value” are already
Production Plant & Technology for Ethanol graduated, and several novel and interesting
Production from Rice Straw has been ideas to tackle related problems were
demonstrated. The pilot plant was run generated.
continuously to demonstrate production of 20 Ø Innovation clean technology – Scale –up:
Kilolitres ethanol. The Company now intends to Program was launched as a part of the 100
set-up a commercial plant. days agenda of the Department of
Ø Promoting Academic Research Conversion to Biotechnology under the Swachh Bharat
Enterprise (PACE- AIR and CRS): The Mission. Few promising technologies in the
Programme has two components as below area of waste management/waste to energy
l Academia Innovation Research (AIR):
have been taken forward for Scale
The objective of AIR program is to
up/implementation in association with
promote development of Proof-of-
Municipal Corporations/Urban local bodies
concept (PoC) for a process/product by
academia with or without the (ULBs) identified by the companies. These
involvement of industry/LLP. projects are being implemented with the
municipality of Goa; Gram panchayat
l Contract Research Scheme (CRS): CRS Bangalore, Municipal corporation of greater
aims at validation of a process or
Mumbai and Bicholim Municipal Council,
prototype (developed by the academia)
Goa. The pilot plants have been erected and
by the industrial partner/LLP.
data collection is ongoing.
Since inception of the scheme, 25 calls have been Ø Waste treatment at Barapullah Drain: DBT
launched and 133 projects have been supported has leased a land from DDA at the Barapullah
involving 59 sole and 74 collaborative projects. So d r a i n s i t e . A “ C l e a n Te c h n o l o g y
far, 7 technologies/products developed under Demonstration Park” has been proposed to
the scheme have achieved TRL7 and 13 IPs have
be developed at this land which will be
been generated. More than 80% of the projects
showcasing technologies for treatment of
funded under AIR category of PACE so far have
achieved TRL3. sewage at Barapullah drain. The proposal for
setting up the demo plant has been received
Ø Social Innovation programme for Products and is under processing.
Affordable & Relevant to Societal Health
(SPARSH): Under the program, 14 SPARSH
Centres spread over 9 states are established.
These Centres are working in six thematic
areas of social relevance viz. (i) Maternal and
Child Health, (ii) Ageing and Health, (iii) Food
and Nutrition, (iv) Waste to Value, (v)
Combating environmental pollution and (vi)



Ø DBT-BIRAC COVID-19 Research Consortium l Schemes for students and young

Call: DBT-BIRAC COVID-19 Research researchers
Consortium Call was one of the earliest
responses from Govt. side for supporting SITARE (Students Innovations for Translation
technologies under Diagnostics, Vaccines, & Advancement of Research Explorations):
Novel Therapeutics, Repurposing of Drugs or SITARE scheme is aimed at supporting
any other intervention for control of COVID- innovative student projects in the area of
19. Overall from two calls that were biotechnology. The scheme has two
announced, around 1073 applications were components-SITARE GYTI and SITARE-
received and around 120 proposals Appreciation. The scheme is implemented in
wereselected. Out of these, 46 proposals partnership with SRISTI, Ahmedabad.
have been supported by BIRAC and T h ro u gh SI TA R E GY T I t ill n ow 7 5
remaining under National Biopharma student/entrepreneurs/start-ups have been
Mission, INDI-CEPI and DBT. awarded till now.
Ø Early Translation Accelerator: BIRAC is
supporting Early Translation Accelerators E-YUVA (Encouraging Youth for Undertaking
(ETAs) to focus on catalysing transformation Innovative Research through Vibrant
of young academic discoveries Acceleration) scheme (erstwhile UIC): The
(publications/patents) with possible scheme is implemented through E-YUVA
co m m e rc i a l l y v i a b l e ve nt u re s a n d Centres (EYCs) housed within the
technologies. In the year 2021-22, two ETAs University/Institute set up and mentored by
have been established: i. Yenepoya a BIRAC BioNEST supported bio-incubator
Foundation for Technology Incubation, (EYUVA Knowledge Partner). Till now there
established for health care products, and ii. are 5 E-YUVA Centres and 5 new EYUVA
BETIC –IIT Bombay for devices & Diagnostics. Centres were selected and identified in the
Ø Product Commercialization Program Fund FY 20-21.
(PCP-Fund): BIRAC has launched the Product
Commercialization Program Fund (PCP Fund) l Schemes supported under Ideation to
under the BIRAC Product Commercialization Proof-of-Concept stage:
Program (PCP) with the objective “To hasten Biotechnology Ignition Grant (BIG): BIRAC's
the market launching and large-scale flagship funding scheme provides the right
commercialization process of BIRAC admixture of fuel and mentoring support to
supported products/ technologies from young start-ups and entrepreneurial
Indian Start-ups having high commercial individuals to establish proof-of-concept for
potential or societal impact. ideas with translational potential with
Product/technologies from three start-ups funding support of up to INR 50 lakhs (as
(Aspartika, Aarna Biomedicals and grant-in-aid).
Innaumation) were approved for funding and
first tranche of funds were released to the
start-ups in March 2020. Four more
technologies have been recommended for
funding in 2021-22.



l Schemes for promoting Incubation, Ø 1900+ Students inspired through Awareness

Translation and Scaling Workshops
B i o N EST ( B i o i n c u b ato rs N u r t u r i n g Ø 600+ entrepreneurs provided specialized
Entrepreneurship for Scaling Technologies): domain
BioNEST bioincubators are mandated to Ø 500+ One-on-one meetings with between
provide incubation space to entrepreneurs Investors &Start-ups
and Start- ups along with access to high end Ø 6300+ Registrations for NBEC from across 32
infrastructure, specialized and advanced States, Cash prizes and investment
equipment, business mentorship, IP, legal opportunities worth INR 6.00 Cr mobilized
and regulatory guidance and networking Ø 175+ entrepreneurs and start-ups mentored
opportunities to start-ups. BIRAC has through annual bootcamp involving
established 60 BioNEST bioincubators across international faculty
the nation with the cumulative area of BIRAC Regional Bio innovation Centre (BRBC)
6,50,000 sq. Impact (2018-2021)
l Schemes for Equity Funding Ø 250+ entrepreneurs connected with
Equity schemes of BIRAC offer funding mentors
support for the early-stage start-ups which Ø 200+ one to one follow up meetings
have potential for differential growth. It also
Ø 250+ participants provided domain
helps the entities to attract investment
knowledge through Venture Base Camps
opportunity from prospective investors.
SEED (Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Ø 40 Incubation managers trained
Enterprise Development), LEAP (Launching Ø 350+ students/entrepreneurs provided
Entrepreneurial Driven Affordable Products) insights into essentials of scientific
and Biotechnology Innovation (AcE – entrepreneurship
Accelerating Entrepreneurs) Fund of Funds Ø 50+ start-ups assisted for solving regulatory
are few equity schemes offering support to
early start-ups.
BIRAC Regional Techno Entrepreneurship
l Engaging with Regional Clusters to map
innovations and support entrepreneurs Centre for East & NE (BRTC) Impact (2020- 2021)
BIRAC Regional Innovation Centre (BRIC) Ø 2000+ Innovators reached out through
Impact (2013-2021) awareness programs such as Roadshows,
Ø Pan India Clusters mapping to be completed Training programmes and design workshops
by Aug 2021 Ø 85 startups across the NER were provided
Ø 800+ innovators engaged one-on-one mentoring sessions.
Ø 250+ Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) Connected Ø Mobilized 27 Innovative proposals from
Ø 65+ workshops, idea expositions and North East and 90 from East for funding
n e t wo r k m e e t i n g s o n I P, f u n d i n g support from BIRAC.
opportunities, regulatory guidance and Ø BRTC signed MoU with various institutes like
capacity building through Incubation in Tier IASST Guwahati, NIPER Guwahati, Manipur
II and III cities University, NEHU, Tura Campus, Tripura
University, Rajiv Gandhi University, Itanagar,
BIRAC Regional Entrepreneurship Centre College of Fisheries, CAU and Green
(BREC) Impact (2017-2021)



Foundation, Imphal promoting Indian arm of Global Grand Challenges and is the
entrepreneurship and technology flagship program managed by the PMU at BIRAC.
development. Till date, GCI has supported seven open call
Ø Launched an initiative to map the Change programs and twenty specialized programs in
Makers of Northeast Region to identify the sectors covering maternal and child health to
the budding entrepreneurs and prepared agriculture, nutrition, infectious diseases,
a compendium of the region. vaccines, AMR, health systems strengthening,
· Grand Challenges India at BIRAC big data, and Medical Technologies (MedTech),
etc. It is also supporting programs on Sewage
Grand Challenges India (GCI) is a collaboratively Surveillance, Sero-Surveillance, Mobile
funded partnership of the Department of Diagnostic Labs to find solutions for the COVID-
Biotechnology (DBT) and the Bill & Melinda Gates 19 pandemic. In the coming year GCI is proposing
Foundation (BMGF), launched in 2012. GCI is the to launch programs on neglected tropical
diseases, capacity building and other areas.
Major Achievement:
1. Details of Process/Product/ Technology Developed during 2021-22: 19
S.No Company Scheme Technology One line running Picture
description of
Technology developed

1 Prantae Covid- Embargo Embargo

Solutions 19 MagnaLISA MagnaLISA-SARS
Private Consorti -SARS (IgG-IgM kit) is
Limited um call (IgG-IgM ICMR cleared
OPC kit) diagnostic kit based
on gold magnetic
technology. ICMR
sensitivity of 98%,
specificity of 92%

2 Achira Labs Covid- Achira Achira SARS COV-

Pvt. Ltd 19 SARS 2 IgG ELISA
Consorti COV-2 IgG Validated by ICMR
um call ELISA with 92% sensitivity
and 98% specificity

3 Qawach Bio Covid- InstaCOVI InstaCOVIDAg is

Pvt. Ltd. 19 D- Antigen ICMR approved kit
Consorti test kit awaiting CDSCO
um call manufacturing



4 Nuverse Covid- DSAS Digital Sanitation

health 19 Contactless Assurance System
solutions Consorti Digital (DSAS) provides
adequate sanitation
Pvt Ltd um call Sanitation
and temperature
Entry Exit checks and also
System provide the user
based on sanitation ratings.
multi-gas The system
sensors achieved an
accuracy rate of
98.06% with 567
users over 90 trials.
5 Biological E Covid-19 CORBEVA CORBEVAX is a
Limited Consorti X™ vaccine Spike- RBD protein
um call sub-unit vaccine.
& Mission Phase II Trials
Covid Completed
Surakhsa Successfully

6 Persapien Covid- AIRLENS 5 Units

Innovations 19 Activated manufactured and
Pvt. Ltd Consorti Water Mist validated. Design
um call AWM based for manufacture
sanitization (DFM) ready for
technology scale-up
to prevent manufacturing. The
spread of AWM product was
Covid-19 tested to be 99%
effective against

7 Mag Covid- MagGenom ICMR Validation of

Genome 19 e Covid-19 RT-PCR kit
Technologie Consorti Single Tube completed
s Pvt. Ltd um call Multiplex
RT-PCR kit



8 Dr. Amit Covid- Smart Device has

Singh 19 system for ultrasonic sensors,
Consorti contactless IR sensors and
um call mass Humidity sensor
screening of and can accurately
COVID-19 detect temperature
for moving of moving subjects
subjects by wirelessly and
every smart display on smart
mobile user phone. The device
has been validated
in 100 subjects

9 InnAccel National Saans- A Saans- Design for

Technologies Biophar low cost manufacture (DFM)
Pvt ma multipowered finalised for scaleup
Limited Mission multifunctio manufacturing
nal neonatal
device for
low resource

10 Proximal SPARSH SOILSENS AI/ML-based

SoilSenS E- An solutions which
Technologie affordable help improving
s Private soil irrigation efficiency,
monitoring disease prediction
system for and other metrics.
precise Validation data
irrigation generated on potato
and tomato



S.No Company Scheme Technology One line running Picture
description of
Technology developed

1 Kuantum BIPP Cellulosic Ethanol production

Papers Ltd., Ethanol has been
Pilot Plant demonstrated
for Rice

2 Cadila Covid- ZyCoV-D ZyCoV-D is

Healthcare 19 Vaccine comprised of a DNA
Limited Consorti plasmid Vector
um call carrying S gene of
2019-nCoV spike-S
protein. EUA
obtained for both
Adolescents (12-18
years) and Adults.
Phase III CT ongoing
3 Health Covid-19 Health Health Sensei iOS &
Sensei India Fasttrack Sensei iOS web application
Private call & web connects any vital
Limited application equipment and
transmits real time
patient vitals,
waveforms and
threshold alerts to a
remote physician's
Development and
implementation at
multiple centres
4 Varsha BioS CRS Biopesticide In vivo multi location/
ciences Pvt ecological zones trials
Ltd & Tea of biocontrol
Research formulation produced
Association, in 20L fermenters for
Nagarkatta CIB registration.



S.No Company Scheme Product One line running Picture
description of

1 Janitri SBIRI KEYAR & KEYAR - An

Innovations DAKSH affordable, easy to use
Private Wearable and wearable fetal
Limited Intrapartum heart rate and uterine
Monitoring contraction monitoring
Device device which
communicates with
DAKSH - AnIntrapartum
monitoring mobile
application. Completed
trials and integrated
products sold in market

2 IMGENEX Covid-19 Antigens Production at

India Pvt. Consorti (Kit Commercial scale of 1
Ltd. um call Component gm per month
S1-RBD, S1 established & achieved
protein & early sales
3 IMGENEX Covid-19 Monoclonal Production at
India Pvt. Consorti and Commercial scale of
Ltd. um call Polyclonal 100 mg per month
Antibodies established & achieved
(Kit early sales
against S1-



4 Cadila Covid-19 VIRAFIN Phase III trials

Healthcare Consorti Pegylated completed and
Limited um call Interferon emergency approval
alpha-2b in received from DCGI
treating for commercial launch
infection in

5 Ubiqare Covid-19 Specialty A digital and mobility

Health Pvt. Fasttrack Medical healthcare technology
Ltd. Care at platform that supports
Home adistributed network
Services (m- ofclinicians for
HaaS delivering the last-mile
platform) interventions.
Telepresence platform
for Non-Covid has
been re-deployed for
Covid Care Protocol
and Triage and
deployed in more than
2 districts in Bengaluru

2. Nos. of Patent Applied during 2021-22: 02

3. Nos. of Patent obtained during 2021-22: 07
Indian Vaccines Corporation Ltd. (IVCOL), Technology to be supplied by PMSV France. The
New Delhi company came into existence after the joint
venture was signed on 1st February 1989. The
Iindian Vaccines Corporation Limited (IVCOL) main objective of the company was to
was incorporated in March 1989 as a Joint manufacture Injectable Polio Vaccines (IPV) to
Venture Company promoted by the Govt. of be incorporated in the mass immunization
India (Department of Biotechnology-DBT); programme of the Govt. of India. However, as
Pasteur Meraux Serum & Vaccines (PMSV) IPV did not get approvals from the World Health
France; and Indian Petrochemicals Corporation Organization, the project was put on “HOLD” in
Ltd. (IPCL merged with the Reliance Industries February 1992. Thereafter P.M.S.V. exited from
Limited in 2007) with a paid-up capital of Rs. the joint venture in 1998 by selling its shares to
1 8 . 7 8 c ro r e s , a n d t h e o b j e c t i v e o f DBT. In the year 1999, National Brain Research
manufacturing vaccines based on Vero cell Centre (NBRC) (An Autonomous Body) was



given 46.20 acres of land on thirty years lease, at In the year 2020-21 BIBCOL has produced and
a nominal lease rent of Rs.11.91 laces per annum. supplied 1731.44 lakhs doses of Oral Polio
This is the only income of the company at Vaccine and 4704.10 litres of Hand Sanitizer to
present. The company has no trading or fight against COVD pandemic. The company has
commercial activity at present and is maintaining continued to deposit a part of hand sanitizer sale
establishment to look after its site and complying in Prime Minister's Citizen Assistance and Relief
with the statutory obligations under the in Emergency Situations (PM CARES) Fund.
company's act 2013. IVCOL is presently being
controlled by a board of Directors, with two
Directors representing RIL and three Directors
representing GOI (DBT). The Company has been
incurring losses for the last two years (Rs.44.51
lakh for 2019-20 and Rs.3.71 lakh for 2020- 21)
and has accumulated losses of Rs.48.22 lakh as of

Bharat Immunologicals and Biologicals

Corporation Limited (BIBCOL), Uttar Pradesh

Bharat Immunologicals and Biologicals

Corporation Limited (BIBCOL) is a Central Public
Sector Unit (PSU) in India, promoted by the
Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Ministry of
Science & Technology, Government of India with
primary objective of eradication of Polio from the
country. With continuous support of Department
of Biotechnology, BIBCOL has achieved this vision
of Government of India and now Company is in
diversification mode and two projects namely
Oral Cholera Vaccine and plasma derived
medicines are under execution. Further the
company is working for getting approvals and
sanction to augment the production of Covaxin®
in the country. In addition to bOPV in vaccine
segment, BIBCOL has been manufacturing and
marketing dispersible Zinc Tablet and Diarrhoea
Treatment Kit in Pharmaceutical segment.
BIBCOL is also in process of developing
candidates like Oral Cholera Vaccine and setting
up the facility for production of the same.



REGULATION, INTELLECTUAL Certification of BSL-3 facilities: With the

notification of Guidelines for the Establishment
PROPERTY & LEGISLATIONS of Containment Facilities: BSL2 and BSL3 and
Certification of BSL3 facility 2020 in 2020-21; DBT
The Department of Biotechnology is committed
has initiated the certification of the nationwide
to promote the advancement of research and
BSL-3 facilities and has certified 10 facilities till
teaching activities, by ensuring that all
November, 2021.
experiments involving Hazardous
Microorganisms/Genetically Engineered
Organisms are conducted in compliance with Biosafety Research: During the year, the RCGM
(Rules, 1989) under the Environment evaluated more than 653 applications from
(Protection) Act, 1986 (EPA 1986). public/private/autonomous organizations
including universities in 20 meetings in the areas
The Rules, 1989 delegated the Department to of agriculture, healthcare and industrial products
administer the functioning of i) Institutional specifically for authorization to import, export &
Biosafety Committees (IBSCs) which operate exchange of high risk group microorganisms and
directly from the premises of the institutions and recombinant DNA research (rDNA) related
ensures on-site assessment and monitoring of materials including seeds, gene constructs,
adherence to the biosafety guidelines with plasmids, vectors and genetically engineered
overall oversight of the regulatory process, at the (GE)/living modified (LM) organisms; to conduct
institutional level and ii) Review Committee on pre-clinical toxicity studies; for evaluation of pre-
Genetic Manipulation (RCGM) which monitors & clinical study reports; to conduct confined field
reviews all ongoing research projects involving trials on GE crops viz. cotton, corn, rice etc. for
high risk category and confined field experiments generation of biosafety data; and to conduct
and ensure the compliance of biosafety rules & rDNA research in pharmaceutical & agriculture
regulations. Framing and implementation of
sectors. This included 244 COVID 19 related
safety measures and guidelines, while
applications for the research and product
conducting research on high risk group
microorganisms and GE organisms have also development of vaccines, diagnostics,
been entrusted upon RCGM. prophylactics and therapeutics and
Guidelines Issued During 2021-22: The
document “SOPs for exchange of infectious During the year under report, 8 rDNA products
biosamples/biospecimen from Biorepsitory, were permitted by RCGM for conducting pre-
2021” was notified to ensure biosafety during the clinical toxicity studies by 6 private/public
collection, processing, storage and transaction of institutions/companies. Based on the evaluation
biosamples/biospecimens which require BSL-2 of pre- clinical study reports, 18 rDNA were
or above containment facility for undertaking recommended to Drug Controller General of
research and development activities; and is India [DCG (I)] for appropriate phase of human
applicable for both public and private clinical trials.
organisations engaged in research and
development activities and handling of GE
organisms and non-GE HMOs.



The Biosafety Support Unit: The Biosafety Facilities: BSL-2 and BSL-3 and Certification of
Support Unit (BSU) established in partnership BSL-3 facility, 2020. Hence, it is imperative to
with Regional Centre for Biotechnology (RCB) acquaint Researchers (Scientists, Principal
evaluated all applications submitted to RCGM for Investigators, Post- doctoral researchers, PhD
approval, and provided support for conducting scholars, MSc students) from Academic
scheduled RCGM meeting. The BSU has also organizations, Institutes, Universities, and Start-
supported Genetic Engineering Appraisal ups, with existing Rules and Regulations to
Committee (GEAC) providing Risk Assessment ensure sustainable and effective implementation
and Risk Management Plan (RARMP) documents of the Biosafety regulation in India.
for various applications considered in GEAC © Accordingly, 13 Interactive Sessions for
meetings. Biosafety Awareness for Researchers have
been conducted upto November 2021,
Owing to several recent reforms in the Indian with participation from academia and
biotechnology regulation which included industry both in public and private sector
decentralized regulatory powers to IBSC and to create awareness on existing
implementation of a user- friendly online regulations for biosafety in research and
transactions mechanism of regulatory process well versed with the existing Rules and
through Indian Biosafety Knowledge Portal Regulations to ensure sustainable and
(IBKP). Further, a number of guidelines have been effective implementation of the Biosafety
notified in past one year including: Revised regulation in India.
Simplified Procedures/ Guidelines on Import, © As a measure to observe strict compliance
Export and Exchange of GE organisms and of biosafety guidelines for rDNA activities
products thereof for R&D purpose, 2020; Rapid by various colleges, universities,
response regulatory framework for COVID-19, institutions, laboratories, and industry
2020; Interim guidance document on laboratory through their Institutional Biosafety
biosafety to handle COVID-19 specimens for R&D Committees (IBSCs), 65 new IBSCs have
purpose, 2020; Handbook for Institutional been constituted, while 38 old IBSCs were
Biosafety Committees (IBSCs), 2020; and renewed.
Guidelines for the Establishment of Containment



Foreign Trade, In-House R&D recognition and commercialize research outcomes for the
other issues: Trade plays an indispensable role benefit of the society. Keeping in view, this need,
and always been a decisive parameter in a proposal to establish patent facilitation and
country's economy. The Department had commercialization of innovation at BIRAC was
communicated comments on 09 applications formulated through various stakeholder
received from DGFT for fixation of I/O norms. consultation meetings and the process for the
Comments on 32 applications pertaining to same is on-going.
export/import of restricted items were also
shared with Directorate General of Foreign Trade
(DGFT). Keeping in view of the technical *****
expertise, merit & essentiality of the projects,
resources & manpower established, and
intellectual property (IP) generated, the
Department had recommended 10 R&D units of
biotechnology firms under in-house R&D
recognition scheme to the Department of
Scientific & Industrial Research.

Patent Facilitation Cell Capacity Building:

Biotechnology Patent facilitation facilitates
research and academic institutes across the
country to successfully protect their innovations.
Two patent applications have been granted in
the current year through this facilitation
mechanism. the value of intellectual property
rights depends on the cost incurred in creating
intellectual property assets and the magnitude
of knowledge & information generated and
disseminated for commercial activities. India
enjoys a large asset of R & D personnel and
infrastructure facilities. To bridge the gap
between the research outcome and its use for
the benefit of the stakeholders, scientists and
policymakers need information and facilities for
protecting their research. The DBT established
the “Biotechnology Patent Facilitation Cell
(BPFC)” to address this need. The cell provides a
single window awareness-cum-facilitation
mechanism to create awareness and
understanding about Intellectual Property
Rights among the scientists and researchers. In
year 2021-22, two patent applications have been
Granted so far. Awareness and patent facilitation
is a part of the support, but there is a huge need
to actively license the technologies to



ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCE A total of 14978 Nos. of e-files are active and 258
Nos. of e-files have been generated during the
General Administration Section month of November, 2021.

The General Administration Section of the Government e-Marketplace(GeM)

Department ensures that all the activities related As per government order, it has become
to Housekeeping, cleanliness, stores, canteen, mandatory to make procurement of such goods
R&I, library, Staff Car Drivers, providing vehicles and services from Government e-Marketplace
to the officers of DBT, purchase of computer (GeM) as are available in it. The Administration is
hardware and maintenance of Computers, also making every effort to procure almost all
Printers and other equipment, issuance of goods and services through GeM as are available
Identity cards etc. are functioning effectively and in it, thereby complying with government
smoothly. Of late, this section is also dealing with instructions and maintaining the transparency
the cases of procurement of specialized under such procurement.
equipment required for research purposes in
various Autonomous Institutes of this
Department under GTE as per Department of Swachh BharatAbhiyan
Expenditure's guidelines in this regard. In its endeavour to maintain Swachhta in the
This Section is also responsible for providing Department premise sweeping, mopping,
clean and healthy working atmosphere to the washing of all the rooms, corridors, floors,
employees working in different sections of the bathrooms, used by officials are done on daily
department and also provides logistic supports basis making it a year-round exercise. Also,
for organizing various official meetings that take keeping In view of COVID-19 situation,
place between DBT Scientists and technical sanitization is done on regular basis. A rapid
experts, specialists, academicians, scholars, survey on Swachhta Status was conducted on
foreign dignitaries from all over the national and 21st October 2021 to ensure the cleanliness of
international fraternity. floor, corridors, stairs, toilets etc. of the

Waste Management
One of the achievements of this department is
the implementation of e-office with the active co- e-waste and other obsolete items were identified
operation of NIC in a full-fledged manner for in the Department for auction as per Govt.
which all the employees have been given in- Norms. Recently, old, dilapidated furniture were
house practical training. Almost 95% of the files auctioned to clear and clean office space.
have been converted into e-files and are moved
through e-office thereby complying greatly to the
Digital India campaign. This being a continuous
process, new files are created in e-mode only and
all the new entrants in the department viz.,
scientists, officers, administrative staff are given
practical training to get acquainted with e-office.



COVID-19 Precautions A Vigilance Cell is functioning in the Department

Adequate precautions for prevention of COVID- to handle vigilance and complaint cases
19 has been taken in the Department following expeditiously. In pursuance of the instructions of
the guidelines issued by Ministry of Health from the 'Central Vigilance Commission', a Vigilance
time to time. Sanitisations/pest/rodent control Awareness Week was observed in the
exercises of the office rooms are done at regular Department and the Autonomous Institutes(AIs)
intervals. Automatic sanitizer dispensation and Public Sector Undertakings(PSUs) under its
machines have been installed at different administration from 26th October, 2021 to 1st
locations of DBT office corridors, sanitizers are November, 2021. An office-wide awareness was
also made available on regular basis as per spread towards the theme of "Independent India
requisitions received and all are encouraged to @ 75: Self Reliance with Integrity – स्वतंत्रभारत@ 75:
wear face masks and maintain COVID appropriate सत्यनिष्ठाकेसाथआत्मनिर्भरता", which was adopted by the
behaviour. Meetings are organized maintaining Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) as theme for
social distancing as per government guidelines the year 2021.
on COVID-19 protocol.
RTI Cell
PVGRC Section RTI Cell is functioning in the Department &
Parliamentary Matters quarterly reports are filed timely on the RTI
portal. A total of 303 RTI applications were
The meeting of the Parliamentary Standing received by the Department, from 1.4.2021 to
Committee on Science and Technology, 23.12.2021, through the RTI portal, out of which
Environment & Forests was held on 17.02.2021 in 272 have been disposed, similarly a total of 27 RTI
the Parliament House Annexeregarding detailed appeals were received by the Department, out of
demand for grants of the Department of which 24 have been disposed respectively.
Biotechnology. Replies to about 15
Parliamentary Questions pertaining to the
Department were duly replied within the Special Campaign
prescribed timeframe. Special Drive/Campaign was launched by the
Government of India during 13 September, 2021
Grievance Redressal to 31 October, 2021 for expeditiously disposing
of various pending issues, namely, Parliament
The Department has established an effective Assurances, Public Grievances, references from
grievance redressalmechanism to deal with the Members of Parliament, State Government
public as well as staff grievance petitions. The references, Inter-Ministerial consultations, etc.
Department regularly updates progress, disposal In addition to this Ministries/Departments were
and pendency of public grievances on the to identify rules and regulations so as to reduce
website of Department of Administrative compliance burden. The Department of
Reforms & Public Grievances. A total of 629 Biotechnology has implemented the Special
grievances were received by the Department, Campaign for disposal of Public Grievances,
from 01.01.2021 to 21.12.2021, through the inspection of Sections, cleanliness drive (indoor
CPGRAMS portal, out of which, 626 have been & outdoor) and Record Management etc., in
disposed. letter and spirit and has made it a grand success.
Vigilance Unit



P RO G R ES S I V E U S E O F H I N D I I N T H E The competition for general knowledge was

D E PA RT M E N T: H i n d i d i v i s i o n e n s u re s especially held for encouraging the multi-tasking
progressive use of Hindi and implementation of staff and speech on scientific thesis for all
Government policies on Official Language in the scientists in the department. Around 76
Department. An Official Language officers/employees participated in various
Implementation Committee constituted under competition, out of which 64 officials won
the chairmanship of the Joint Secretary different prizes.
(Administration) in the Department reviews the
progressive use of Hindi in every quarter and Successful participation in different competitions
suggests corrective measures for promoting the of Hindi fortnight were awarded in a prize
use of Hindi. During the year all documents distribution ceremony. The first prize of ₨.
issued under Section 3(3) of the Official 5000/-, second prize of ₨. 3500/, third prize of
Languages Act, 1963 were in bilingual form and ₨.2500/- and 5 consolation prizes of ₨.1500/-
the letters received in Hindi were replied to in each have been awarded. With a view to
Hindi only. In order to strengthen the monitoring encourage writing of original books on
system of progressive use of Hindi, the biotechnology related subjects in Hindi, the
officerswho signthe papers have been made the Department has been implementing an award
check-points. Under Rule 8(4) ofthe Official scheme namely “Dr. Jagadish Chandra Bose
Language Rules, 1976, Establishment, Hindi GranthLekhanPuraskarYojna” since 2002.
Administration, PVGRC, Cash section and Library Under this scheme, first prize of Rupees one lakh
in the Department have been notified to do their rupees, second prize of rupees fifty thousand,
100% work in Hindi. Hindi fortnight was third prize of rupees twenty-five thousand and
organized in the Department during 01-15th two consolation prizes of rupees ten thousand
September 2021, inwhich 6 different each is given. This year two consolation prizes
competitions namely, Vaigyanikshodh par worth Rs. Ten Thousand only were awarded.
bhashan, Noting & Drafting, Kavita path, General
knowledge competition in hindi and Hindi
Vyavahar competition, Essay writing were held.


Department of Biotechnology (DBT) was allocated an amount of Rs.3502.37 crore in the Budget Estimate
(BE) for FY 2021-22. The allocation has, however, been reduced to Rs.2961.00 crore at RE stage. The
financial statement showing the stage details of Actual Expenditure during 2020-21, BE and RE for 2021-
22, and BE for 2022-23 in respect of various programmes/ Schemes/ autonomous institutions are given
in Table below:

SL No. Name of the Actual BE 2021-22 RE 2021-22 BE 2022-23

Programme/Scheme 2020-21

1 2 3 4 5 6

1 Secretariat Economic



1.01 Secretariat 26.40 35.18 34.82 35.18

2.01 BIRAC 28.00 40 24.80 35.00

2.02 Support to Autonomous 577.00 806.91 697.38 830.82

R&D institutions *

3.01 Biotechnology Research 1287.43 1660.28 1494.00 1315

and Development,
Human Resource
Development , Research
Resource Facilities

4.01 Industrial and 340.90 960.00 710.00 365

Total 2259.73 3502.37 2961.00 2581.00

* Institute includes 16 Autonomous Bodies namely National Institute for Plant Genome Research, New
Delhi, Institute of Life Sciences, Bhuvaneswar, Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology,
Thiruvananthapuram, National Institute of Biomedical Genomics, Kalyani, International Centre for
Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, New Delhi., National Institute of Immunology, New Delhi,
National Centre for Cell Science, Pune, Centre for DNA Finger Printing & Diagnostics, Hyderabad,
National Brain Research Centre, Gurgaon, Institute of Bioresources& Sustainable Development, Imphal,
Translational Health Science & Technology Faridabad, Regional Centre for Biotechnology, Faridabad,
National Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute, Mohali, Institute for Stem Cell Research and Regenerative
Medicine, Bengaluru, National Institute of Animal Biotechnology, Hyderabad, Centre of Innovative and
Applied Bioprocessing, Mohali.



Pending C&AG Audit Paras

The status on Action Taken Notes (ATN) on pending C&AG Paras pertaining to the Department is as

Sl. Para Number and Year No. of Number of Present Position

No. Report paras paras
the year

1. Para No.4.2 of Report Nil One 2nd ATN was sent to C&AG on
No.2 of 2018 -Regarding 04.09.2019. The C&AG after
Irregular Grant of vetting the 2nd ATN, has asked
Promotion and for revised ATN/ additional
entitlement and pertains information. The matter was last
to National Centre for reviewed in the Standing Audit
Cell Science (NCCS), Committee Meeting held on
9.6.2021 under the
Chairpersonship of
Secretary(DBT) and instructions
issued to NCCS for compliance of
C&AG observations. Follow-up is
being done on regular basis. As
soon as the compliance report is
received from NCCS the same will
be forwarded to C&AG Deptt. for
settlement of the Para.

2. Para No. 4.3 of Report Nil One 3 ATN was sent to C&AG on
No. 2 of 2018 regarding 28.09.2021 with a request to
“Non-utilization of land drop the para.
procured for
construction of staff In response, O/o C&AG have
quarters) pertaining to stated that their comments
National Institute of issued vide letter No.339-40
Immunology (NII), New
dated 31.12.2020 may please be
treated as final vetting comments
and the Department has to
upload the final ATN on APMS
portal after completion of the
construction work.



This is to state that as per the

extension received from DDA,
construction of quarters has to
be completed by 31.3.2023. This
implies that the Para will, at least,
continue till 31.3.2023.

3. Para No. 14.2 of Report Nil One The para has been sent to the
No.6 of 2020 regarding nodal officer in the Department
Extra Expenditure as well as NBRC for their
towards grants of comments which are awaited.
allowances to employee
in National Brain Follow-up through meetings is
Research Centre (NBRC), being done on regular basis. Also
Manesar official reminders are also being
issued for compliance of the
Audit para. As soon as the
compliance report is received
from NBRC the same will be
forwarded to C&AG Deptt. for
settlement of the Para.



DBT @ IISF2021

DBT @ INDIA INTERNATIONAL and DBT PSU – BIRAC also showcased their
activities and achievements at the Mega Science
SCIENCE FESTIVAL (IISF) 2021 and Technology Expo.
India International Science Festival 2021, which is
7th edition of IISF was organized at Panaji, Goa Chief Coordinator: Dr. Sangita M Kasture
from December 10 to 13, 2021. The Ministry of (Scientist F, DBT)
Earth Sciences (MoES), Ministry of S&T and
Vijnana Bharati along with the Government of Theme: Creativity in Science for Preserving
Goa together organized the mega event. Ecosystems
This year the theme of IISF was 'Celebrating The ECO-FEST event in IISF 2021 was held from
Creativity in Science, Technology and Innovation 10th -13th December 2021 at Kala academy, Panaji,
for Prosperous India'. IISF 2021 had twelve Goa in hybrid mode. The event was attended
programs including the Mega Science and physically by 150 students and 20 research
Technology Expo all reflecting the spirit and idea Scholars. 1074 participants registered for the
of Aazadi ka Amrit Mahotsav. IISF 2021 was held event and attended virtually.
in hybrid mode i.e. both physical and virtual
mode. The inaugural session of ECO-FEST was adorned
The Department along with co-coordinators from by the gracious presence of Shri Om Prakash
MoES and Vijnana Bharati coordinated two major Saklecha, Hon'ble Minister of S&T, Government
events: of Madhya Pradesh. He emphasised on role of
clean environment for healthy life and need of
1 Eco-Fest contribution of each individual in maintaining
2. New Age Technology Show clean environment as well as spreading the
In addition, the Department showcased its
various programmes and opportunities available
for Scientific Community in the Mega Science and
Technology Expo. DBT Autonomous institutes



This event witnessed discussion by 75 eminent on “Recycle My Battery”-RMB. Dr. Shekhar C.

penal members on Ancient Indian Scriptures & Mande, DG-CSIR, encouraged the students to
Environment, Eco-entrepreneurship, Mitigation take message from these innovators and lead the
& Adaptation measures: Action plan, India's path for sustainable development.
resolves for carbon neutrality, Aquatic Ecology
and Economy: Ideas & Action, Achievements & Round Table Discussions themed on “Clean
Resolves for Water Security, Action & Resolves Energy Transition Challenges and Opportunities”
for Eco-restoration, Energy Policy, Indian Lifestyle was centre of attraction of ECO-FEST. The experts
& Idea of India for Sustainability, India struggle s h a re d t h e i r p e rs p e c t i ve s o n C a r b o n
for conserving ecosystem (Tribal movement), Management Solutions, Wave Energy and their
Environmental education in School curriculum: applications, Solar Energy harnessing, Bio- based
India's Resolve, Waste to wealth: Achievement & plastics and Chemicals and Biofuture: low carbon
Action, Idea of Circular Economy/Impact of Bio-economy. This event has witnessed
colonization areas. participation of two international speakers from

Six Start-Ups innovators were invited and they Germany and Brazil.
shared their views, experiences and given
insights to the audience about their innovation In ECO-FEST event five eminent speakers shared
solutions and contributions towards nature, their thoughts. The “Behavioural changes to
society on Delivering net-zero compatible adopt an eco- friendly lifestyle” by Sharad P. Kale,
solutions with focus on energy access for all. Eminent Scientist and Padam Shri Awardee. Shri
Vidyut Mohan, Innovator-Takachar, EarthShot
The Jagrut Bharat activity has given opportunity Awardee 2021 shared views on “Mobile
to see glimpse of innovation done by Five Young equipment to convert waste biomass into solid
Environment Warriors. In this activity one Young fuel”. The “Developing sustainable technologies
Environment Warrior from USA has shared ideas for ecosystem development” by



by Dr. Anil Prakash Joshi, Padam Bhushan and made students to get enriched on avian
Padam Sri Awardee, Environmentalist, Green biodiversity. The students interacted with CFO
activist, Founder of Himalayan Environmental Sh Paresh Porab who is discoverer of a new
Studies and Conservation Organization species of a caecilian frog. The “Waste to
(HESCO). Prof. Tanu Jindal, Amity University, Energy” site visit at Marmagao, Goa has given
students to learn about clean energy and
Noida shared views on “Circular Economy,
conservation of nature.
Green Technologies, Clean Energy” leading to
Save earth to bring birth to earth. Eminent The Guest of Honour lecture was delivered by
scientist Dr. Raghunath Anant Mashelkar, FRS Shri Jayant Sahasrabudhe Ji on “Panchamrut-
and Former DG-CSIR made audience India's five action on climate change”.
enlightened on “Green hydrogen in India's green Dr. M. Ravichandran, Secretary, Ministry of
future”. Earth Sciences, Government of India, delivered

The Site Visit activities were centre of attraction the valedictory address on 13th December 2021.
among students. The site visits at National He urged the students to take home the
Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Goa has given message of climate awareness and take forward
opportunities to see research environment and the innovations for Clean Energy transitions to
facilities to 55 undergraduate students of Goa. meet the Net Zero Goals.
The site-visit at Dr. Salim Ali Bird Sanctuary, Goa



New-Age Technology Development of COVID-19 Vaccines”, chaired

Chief Coordinator: Dr. Alka Sharma (Senior and moderated by Dr. N. K. Arora, Executive
Adviser, DBT) Director, The INCLEN Trust International,
included distinguished panellists comprising
Theme: Scientific Creativity for Future public health experts, vaccinologists and industry
representatives. Dr. Kapil Maithal, President,
'New Age Technology' event was held from 10-
Vaccine and Diagnostics, Zydus Cadila; Dr. Sanjay
12, Dec. 2021. The event had three dedicated
Singh, Founder-CEO, Gennova
themes, viz. Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine
Biopharmaceuticals Limited; Prof. K Srinath
Learning (ML), Data Analytics; Internet of Things;
Reddy, President, Public Health Foundation of
AR/VR/MR/XR and AI-ML; Innovation showcase
India; Prof. G. Padmanabhan, Former Director,
in New Age technologies in Life Sciences. DBT
IISc, Bengaluru; Prof. Varadarajan, IISc,
organized the dedicated session on 'New Age
Bengaluru; participated in the discussion. The
Technology in Life Sciences' on Day 3 of the event
panellists deliberated on the challenges in the
i.e. December 12, 2021, showcasing the novel
journey towards the development of indigenous
technologies in life sciences and the way they are
DNA and mRNA vaccines in India; public health
shaping human health science endeavours.
perspectives in vaccine development and
The track began with a key note address on 'Gene deployment; the robust vaccine development
therapy -The Need and Possibilities in India', by ecosystem built over the years and the advisory
Prof. Alok Srivastava, Centre for Stem Cell support and facilitation by Government of India.
Research (CSCR), CMC, Vellore. He beautifully
summarized the various approaches to gene In an event, 'Demonstration on New
therapy, the range of applications that gene Technologies in Life Sciences', 14 participants
therapy holds promise for, globally approved from academia and young start-ups presented
gene and gene-modified cell therapy products their innovative technologies in the life sciences
and gene therapy procedures for hematological sector. The interventions were evaluated by a
disorders. DBT supported “first in India” CAR-T jury comprising Dr. Alka Sharma, Senior Adviser,
cell gene therapy in early phase pilot clinical trial DBT; Dr. Krishna Shastry, Scientist G, NCCS, Pune;
and Phase I Clinical trial of lentiviral vector-based Dr. Subhra Ranjan Chakrabarti, Mission Director,
gene therapy for Hemophilia A were highlighted. National Biopharma Mission, Biotechnology
Further, he remarked that community awareness Industry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC), a
and information spread among patient groups PSU of DBT. The results were announced in the
and community engagement programmes, Valedictory Session for “New Age Technology”
especially for hemophilia and sickle cell anemia, held in the later part of the day. The team of R.
will help in increasing acceptance for the Raman & R. Laksmanan, (19-year-old students
treatment. While mentioning that there is huge who founded the Start-up Backyard Creators Pvt.
potential and market for gene therapy, the Ltd., was adjudged the winner of the
speaker noted that successful gene therapy competition. Dr. Deeksha Pandey, Assistant
requires modified / regulated pricing model, for Professor, Kasturba Medical College, Manipal and
making affordable products. the team led by Mr. Ashirbad Jana, from IIT
Guwahati, were selected for the second and third
prizes, respectively.
A Panel Discussion on “Technology Platforms for



During Valedictory session, Shri. Jayant the national priorities. He further stated that
Sahsrabuddhe, National Organizing Secretary these efforts will add tremendous value to
Vijnana Bharathi (VIBHA), in his remarks, strengthen the vision of Atma Nirbhar Bharat
mentioned that the outcomes initiatives of our Hon'ble Prime Minister.
/recommendations of these sessions need to be
taken up further, with all the stakeholders as per



Mega Science and Technology Expo career. There were interesting fun games at
which were enjoyed a lot by the students. The
The Department, its 15 Autonomous institutes displays attracted huge crowds of thousands of
and one of the PSUs – BIRAC showcased their visitors over the four days. These includedpeople
activities and major achievements at Mega from various demographics and backgrounds,
Science and Technology Expo to spread the including school and college students, medical
awareness about the cutting edge research going college and nursing college students, educators,
on in these institutes and possible opportunities parents, and people from diverse professions
for researchers, students and society which the and age groups.
Department offers. The DBT AIs pavilions
highlighted the contributions in COVID-19 The pavilions of DBT-Rajiv Gandhi Centre for
diagnostics, and vaccine and drug development Biotechnology (DBT-RGCB) and DBT- - National
and testing. The youngsters were told about Institute of Biomedical Genomics (DBT-NIBMG),
myriad opportunities in pursuit of scientific won the "Best Conceptual Pavillion award."






AIIMS All India Institute of Medical Sciences
AAYUSH Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, Sowa Rigpa and Homoeopathy
ABLE Association of Biotechnology Led Enterprises
ACTREC Advanced Centre for Treatment, Research and Education in Cancer
ADBS Accelerator Program for Discovery in Brain Disorders Using Stem Cells
AEF Avoided Emissions Framework
AFB Acid- Fast Bacilli
AFM Atomic Force Microscopes
AFMC Armed Forces Medical College
AGR Anaerobic Gas Lift Reactor
AI Artificial Intelligence
AIS Autonomous Institutes
AIS Acute Ischemic Stroke
AMD Age-Related Macular Degeneration
AMG Amniotic Membrane Grafts
AMPs Antimicrobial Peptides
AMR Mission Antimicrobial Resistance
AMTZ Andhra Med-Tech Zone
APL Acute Promyelocytic Leukaemia
ARMS Amplification Refractory Mutation System
ARPCS Advanced Research Platform for Crop Sciences
ASD Autism Spectrum Disorder
ASHD Application of Stem Cell Technology in Human Disease
ATGC Accelerated Translational Grant for Commercialization
ATLs Accredited Test Laboratories
ATN Action Taken Notes
ATO Arsenic Trioxide
ATPC Advanced Technology Platform Centre
AUC Analytical Ultra Centrifuge
AVT1 Advanced Varietal Trial-1
B.E. Bachelor of Engineering
B.Tech. Bachelor of Technology
B4 Building Bharat-Boston Biosciences Programme
B-ACER Bioenergy-Awards for Cutting Edge Research
BBB BSC BioNest Bio-incubator
BCG BacilleCalmette-Guerin
BDIs Biodesign Innovators
BEAMing Beads, Emulsion, Amplification and Magnetics Methodology
BEVS Baculovirus Expression System
BGWL Bermuda Grass White Leaf
BGYMV Bittergourd Yellow Mosaic Virus
BHU Banaras Hindu University



BIBCOL Bharat Immunologicals and Biologicals Corporation Ltd.

BIN Bangur Institute of Neurosciences
BioCARe Biotechnology Career Advancement and Re-Orientation Programme
BIPP Biotechnology Industry Partnership Programme
BIRAC Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council
BiSEP Biotechnology Skill Enhancement Programme
BITP Biotech Industrial Training Programme
BLAST Basic Local Alignment Search Tool
BLiSC Bangalore Life Science Cluster
BLiSS Biotechnology Labs in Senior Secondary Schools
BMGF Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
BMP-2 Bone Morphogenetic Protein-2
BPFC Biotechnology Patent Facilitating Cell
BTCIF Biotechnology Core Instrumentation Facility
BTISNet Biotechnology Information System Network
BTV Blue Tongue Virus
BUILDER Boost to University Interdisciplinary Life Science Departments for Education
and Research Programme
CaCx Cervical Cancer
CAHC C. Abdul Hakeem College
CAP Centre for Aromatic Plants
CAV Chicken Anemia Virus
CBR Cancer Biology Research
C-CAMP Centre for Cellular and Molecular Platforms
CCBT Centre for Cancer Biology & Therapeutics
CDA Congenital Dyserythropoietic Anemia
CDSA Clinical Development Services Agency
CDSCO Central Drugs Standard Control Organisation
CDTI Centre for The Development Of Industrial Technology
CDV Canine Distemper Virus
CEEB Combined Entrance Examination For Biotechnology
CEPI Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations
CEV Carp Edema Virus
CFTRI Central Food Technological Research Institute
cGMP Current Good Manufacturing Practices
CHDs Congenital Heart Diseases
CHIKV Chikungunya Virus
chTOG Colonic Hepatic Tumor Over-Expressed Gene
CIARI Central Island Agricultural Research Institute
CIFA Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture
CIFE Central Institute of Fisheries Education
CII Confederation of Indian Industry
CIMAP Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants



CiRA Centre for iPSC Research, Kyoto University

CMD Common Mental Disorders
CMT Canine Mammary Tumour
CNP Cancer Network Program
CNT Carbon Nanotube
CNV Copy Number Variation
CoE Centre of Excellence
COI Cytochrome Oxidase Subunit I
COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases
COVID-19 Coronavirus Disease 2019
CPV Canine Parvovirus
CPWD Central Public Works Department
CRC Clinical Research Centres
CRISPR Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats
CRTPC linical Research Training Programme
CRUK Cancer Research UK
Cryo-TEM Cryo- Transmission Electron Microscope
CSCR Centre for Stem Cell Research
CSIR Council for Scientific & Industrial Research
CSRTI Central Sericultural Research & Training Institute
CSU Central Surveillance Unit
CTEP Conference, Travel, Exhibition And Popular Lectures
CTL Catalytic Thermo Liquefaction
CTN Clinical Trial Network
CTTI Clinical Trials Toolkit for India
CUST Cochin University of Science & Technology
CVD Cardio Vascular Diseases
CyHV2 Cyprinid herpesvirus-2
DALI Dyslexia Assessment for Languages of India
DBA Diamond Blackfan Anemia
DBH Dopamine Β-Hydroxylase
DBS Dried Blood Spots
DBT Department of Biotechnology
DBT-JRF Junior Research Fellowship
DBT-NECAB North East Centre for Agricultural Biotechnology (DBT-NECAB)
DBT-RA Research Associates
DCFR Directorate of Cold Water Fisheries Research
DCGI Drugs Controller General of India
DDR DNA Damage Response
DEA Dog Erythrocyte Antigen
DHA Docosahexaenoic Acid
DIID Deciphering Idiopathic Intellectual Disability
DIOLC Decoupled Input–Output‐Linearizing Controller



DIVA Differentiating Infected from Vaccinated Animals

DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid
DOHaD Developmental Origins Of Health And Disease
DoS Department of Space
DPITT Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade
DSC Differential Scanning Calorimetry
DTU Delhi Technology University
EAM Electroactive Molecule
EDP Electronics Data Processing
ELISA Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
EMBC European Molecular Biology Conference
EMBL European Molecular Biology Laboratory
EMBO European Molecular Biology Organization
EP I Efflux Pump Inhibitors
EPA Eicosapentaenoic Acid
EPS Exopolysaccharides
ESR Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate
ESRC Economic and Social Research Council
ESRF European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
EUA Emergency Use Authorisation
EVANS Eigen Value Analysis
FAARD Foundation For Advancement of Agriculture and Rural Development
FCR Feed Conversion Ratio
FFIRST Facilitation of Innovation & Regulation For Start-Ups and
FRIGE Foundation for Research in Genetics and Endocrinology
FSSAI Food Safety and Standards Authority of India
FXS Fragile X Syndrome
GABA Gamma Aminobutyric Acid
GADVASU Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University
GAPDH Glyceraldehyde 3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase
GBU Gautam Buddha University
GCI Grand Challenges India
GC-MS Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry
GCP Good Clinical Practice
GD Gaucher Disease
GeM Government E-Market Place
GESPREM Genome Sciences And Predictive Medicine
GETin Genome Engineering/Editing Technologies Initiative
Ginir Genomic Instability Inducing Rna
GIPMER GovindBallabh Pant Institute Of Postgraduate Medical Education And Research
GKVK Gandhi KrishiVignana Kendra



gMECs Goat Mammary Epithelial Cell

GnRH Gonadotropin-releasing hormone
GRP Global Research Programme
GSCs Glioma Stem-Like Cells
GTR Glucosinolate Transporters
Hap Hydroxyapatite
HCPs Host Cell Proteins
HeLTI Healthy Life Trajectories Initiative
hF8 Human Blood Coagulation Factor 8
HFSPO Human Frontier Science Programme Organization
HGW High Grain Weight
HIPC Human Immunology Project Consortium
HITAP Health Intervention And Technology Assessment Program
HLB Huanglongbing
HNB Hydroxynapthol Blue
hPSCs Human Pluripotent Stem Cells
HPV Human papilloma virus
HQ Headquarters
HRD Human Resource & Development
HTIC Healthcare Technology Innovation Centre
hTPA Human Tissue Plasminogen Activator
IA India Alliance
IABF Indo-Australian Biotechnology Fund
IACS Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science
IASST Institute of Advanced Study in Science and Technology
IAVI International Aids Vaccine Initiative
IBAB Institute of Bioinformatics and Applied Biotechnology
iBEC Indian Biological Engineering Competition
IBIN Indian Bioresource Information Network
IBSCs Institutional Biosafety Committees
IBSD Institute of Bioresources and Sustainable Development
IBTPs Industrial Biotechnology Parks
ICAR Indian Council of Agriculture Research
ICGC International Cancer Genome Consortium
ICGEB International Centre for Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology
ICKD Indian Chronic Kidney Diseases
ICMR Indian Council of Medical Research
ICRISAT International Crops Research Institute for The Semi-Arid Tropics
IDSP Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme
IFS Integrated Farming System
iGEM International Genetically Engineered Machine
IGIB Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology
IGKV Indira Gandhi KrishiVishwavidyalaya



IGRA Interferon Gamma Release Assay

IGRA Interferon-Gamma (IFN-Γ) Release Assay
IHBT Institute of Himalayan Bioresources Technology
IHHNV Infectious hypodermal and haematopoietic necrosis virus
IHT Institute of Horticulture Technology
IICB Indian Institute of Chemical Biology
IICT Indian Institute of Chemical Technology
IIIT International Institute of Information Technology
IIL Indian Immunological Limited
IIRR Indian Institute of Rice Research
IISc Indian Institute of Science
IISER Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research
IISF India International Science Festival
IIT Indian Institute of Technology
IITM Indian Institute of Technology Madras
ILBS Institute of Liver And Biliary Sciences
ILS Institute of Life Sciences
IMCs Indian Major Carps
IMNV Infectious Myonecrosis Virus
INAE Indian National Academy Of Engineering
INCLEN International Clinical Epidemiology Network
Ind-CEPI India Centric Epidemic Preparedness Innovation
INMAS Institute of Nuclear Medicine & Allied Sciences
INORMS International Network of Research Management Societies
INSA Indian National Science Academy
INSACOG The Indian SARS-CoV-2 Genomics Consortium
inStem Institute For Stem Cell Science and Regenerative Medicine
IPGMER Institute of Post-Graduate Medical Education And Research
IPN Interpenetrating Network
IRMI India Research Management Initiative
IRRI International Rice Research Institute
ISI Indian Statistical Institute
ISO International Organization for Standardization
IYBA Innovative Young Biotechnologist Award
JAM Joint Admission Test
JIPMER Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education & Research
JNCASR Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research
JNU Jawahar Lal Nehru University
JWG Joint Working Group
KINFRA Kerala Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation
KRIBS KSUM-RGCB Innovation and Bioincubation Society
KUSUM Kerala Start Up Mission
LAMP Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification



LC-HRMS Liquid Chromatography-High Resolution Mass Spectrometry

LED Light-emitting Diode
LFA Lateral Flow Assay
LoI Letter of Intent
LSHTM London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
LSPCA Locality-Sensitive PCA
LSSSDC Life Science Sector Skill Development Council
LUVAS LalaLajpat Rai University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences
M. Tech. Master of Technology
M. V.Sc. Master of Veterinary Sciences
M.Sc. Master In Science
MABC Marker Assisted Back Cross
MACC Microalgal Co-cultivation
MACP Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme
MALF Marine Algal Liquid Fertilizer
MAP Multiple Antigenic Peptides
MBV/PmNV Monodon baculovirus/Penaeus monodon nudivirus
MCI Mild Cognitive Impairment
MCV/ISKNV Megalocytivirus/Infectious spleen and kidney necrosis virus
MDV Marek's disease virus
MFC Microbial Fuel Cell
Mg63 Malignant glioma
MGIT Mycobacteria Growth Indicator Tube
MLL Mixed-Lineage Leukemia
MMP Mission Mode Project
MoEF&CC Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change
MOES Ministry of Earth Sciences
MoU Memorandum of Understanding
MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging
MrNV Macrobrachiumrosenbergiinodavirus
MSMF Mazumdar Shaw Medical Foundation
MTBC 1-methyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-beta-carboline
MTECH Institute of Microbial Technology
MTT 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide
MyDAN Mycobacterial Diseases in Animals Network
NABI National Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute
NABL National Accreditation Board for Testing & Calibration Laboratories
NADES Natural Deep Eutectic Solvent
NAFLD Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
NAHD Novel Approaches to Hematological Disease
NARI National Aids Research Institute
NATRAD National Alliance for Translational Research In Autoimmune Diseases
NBFGR National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources



NBM National Bio-pharma Mission

NBRC National Brain Research Centre
NBRI National Botanical Research Institute
NCBI National Centre for Biotechnology Information
NCBS National Centre for Biological Sciences
NCCS National Centre of Cell Sciences
NCDC National Centre for Disease Control
NCDs Non-Communicable Diseases
NCMR National Centre for Microbial Resource
NCRI National Cancer Research Institute
NCS-TCP National Certification System For Tissue Culture Raised Plants
NDV Newcastle Disease Vaccine
NECBH North East Centre for Biological Sciences and Healthcare Engineering
NEERI National Environmental Engineering Research Institute
NER North Eastern Region
NERC Natural Environment Research Council
NET National Eligibility Test
NGS New Generation Sequencing
NGTS Mission- Next Generation Treatment for Snakebite
NIDAN Kendras National Inherited Disorders Administration Kendras
NIH National Institutes of Health
NII National Institute of Immunology
NIIST National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science And Technology
NIMHANS National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro-Sciences
NIPER National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research
NIPGR National Institute of Plant Genome Research
NIRT National Institute for Research In Tuberculosis
NISER National Institute of Science Education and Research
NLDB National Liver Disease Biobank
NMR Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
NNV Nervous Necrosis Virus
NRCM National Research Centre On Meat
NSCLC Non-Small Cell Lung Carcinoma
NtCD Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Dots
NUS National University of Singapore
OBC Other Backward Classes
OF Oviductal Fluid
OIE Office International des Epizooties (The World Organisation for Animal Health)
OPUS Optoacoustic Ultrasound
OSCC-GB Gingivo-Buccal Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma
OTUs Operational Taxonomic Unit
PACT Partnerships for Advancing Clinical Trials
PAN Presence Across Nation



PARR PCR For Antigen Receptor Rearrangements

PAU Punjab Agriculture University
PBMNCs Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells
PBR Photo Bioreactors
PCOS Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome
PCR Polymerase Chain Reaction
PDMS Poly-Dimethyl Siloxane
PDP Project Directorate On Poultry
PEG Polyethylene Glycol
PEM Proton Exchange Membrane
PG Post Graduate
PGIMER Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education And Research
PhD Doctor of Philosophy
PHST Pre-Harvest Sprouting Tolerance
Pis Project Investigators
PKDL Post Kala-azar Dermal Leishmaniasis
PLAP+ Placental Alkaline Phosphatase Positive
PMNS Pune Maternal Nutrition Study
PoCs Perform Proof-of-Concepts
PPD Purified Protein Derivative
PPI Protein Protease Inhibitor
PRIYA Pune Rural Intervention In Young Adolescents
PSUs Public Sector Undertakings
PTB Pre Term Birth
PUFA Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids
PYMoV Pepper Yellow Mosaic Virus
QRT-PCR Quantitative Reverse Transcription Real-time polymerase chain Reaction
R&D Research & Development
RAD Rapid Anaerobic Digestion
RBCs Red Blood Cells
RBD Receptor Binding Domain
RBIAC Rural Biotech Innovation And Application Centre
RCB Regional Centre for Biotechnology
RCGM Review Committee on Genetic Manipulation
RePORT Regional Prospective Observational Research in Tuberculosis
RF Radio Frequency
RGSLs Regional Genome Sequencing Laboratories
RISE Research Internships In Biotechnology Based - Sciences And Engineering
RISV Riverside Virus
RMRC Regional Medical Research Centre
RNA Ribonucleic Acid
RNA Ribonucleic Acid



R-PAC R-Phenyl Acetyl Corbinol

RSIV Red sea bream iridovirus
RTG Redundant Trunk Group
RT-PCR Real Time Polymerase Chain Reaction
RYD Rice Yellow Dwarf
S&T Science & Technology
SAF Small Animal Facility
SAHAJ Scientific Infrastructure Access For Harnessing Academia University
SAP Swachhta Action Plan
SARS-CoV-2 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2
SAU State Agricultural University
SBE Snakebite Envenoming
SBIRI Small Business Innovation Research Initiative
SBRL Seribiotechnology Research Laboratory
SC/ST Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes
SCC Somatic Cell Count
SCGS Sugarcane Grassy Shoot
SciComm Science Communication
SCTIMST SreeChitraTirunal Institute For Medical Sciences And Technology
SDG Sustainable Development Goals
SECP Surface-Exposed Colonization Proteins
SEM Scanning Electron Microscope
SERS Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering
SFA Saturated Fatty Acids
SGPGIMS Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute Of Medical Sciences
SGRH Sir Ganga Ram Hospital
SHG Self-Help Group
SHRs Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats
SiB School of International Biodesign
SICCT Single Intradermal Comparative Cervical Test
siRNA Small Interfering RNA
SIT Single Intradermal Tuberculin Test
SKAU Sher-E-Kashmir University
SKUAST-K Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences & Technology of Kashmir
SLE Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
SLN Solid Lipid Nanoparticles
SNP Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism
SNSF Swiss National Science Foundation
SOP Standard Operating Procedures
SPCE Screen Printed Carbon Electrodes
SPR Surface Plasmon Resonance
SPRERI Sardar Patel Renewable Energy Research Institute
SR– NBACD S. Ramachandran - National Bioscience Award For Career Development



STAG Scientific and Technical Advisory Group

STEM Science Technology Engineering & Mathematics
STEM Structural Topology-Based Electrostatic Model
SyMeC System Medicine Cluster
TANUVAS Tamil Nadu Veterinary And Animal Sciences University
TaSE Towards Sustainable Earth
TB Tuberculosis
TCPF Tissue Culture Production Facility
TDP1 Tyrosyl DNA Phosphodiesterase I
TEM Transmission Electron Microscopes
TERI The Energy And Resources Institute
TGL Triacylglycerol Lipase
THSTI Translational Health Science and Technology Institute
TiLV Tilapia Lake Virus
TMC Tata Medical Centre
TNBC Triple Negative Breast Cancer
TPD Tonnes Per Day
TPLO Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy
TRC Translational Research Consortia
TRP Translational Research Program
TRPVB Translational Research Platform For Veterinary Biologicals
TSG Team Science Grants
TSWV Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus
TTA Tibial Tuberosity Advancement
TTA Technology Transfer Agreement
TTOs Technology Transfer Offices
TSWV Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus
UAS, Bengaluru University of Agricultural Sciences
UDSC University of Delhi South Campus
U-Excel Units of Excellence
UG Under Graduate
UHMWPE Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene
UIP Universal Immunization Programme
UK United Kingdom
UMMID Unique Methods of Management of Inherited Disorders
UNATI Undertaking Nationally Relevant Technology Innovation
UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific And Cultural Organization
USA United State of America
VAP Indo-US Vaccine Action Programme
VFCW Vertical Flow Constructed Wetland
VLP Virus Like Particle
VNCI Virtual National Cancer Institute



VNN Viral Nervous Necrosis

VNOCI Virtual National Oral Cancer Institute
VNPs Virus Nano Particles
WAO Wet Air Oxidation
WES Whole Exome Sequencing
WHO World Health Organization
WRCB Wadhwani Research Centre For Bioengineering
WSSV White Spot Syndrome Virus
WT Welcome Trust
X-ALD X-Linked Adrenoleuko Dystrophy
XRD X-Ray Diffractometer
XSV Extra Small Virus
YIM Young Investigator Meetings
YVMV Yellow Vein Mosaiv Virus



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