4layer An Idea To Bridge The Gap Between Machine Control Units and The Production Planning System

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4layer: An Idea to Bridge the Gap Between

Machine Control Units and the Production

Planning System
Dr. Rolf Pfiffner, Mr. Hans Gfeller, Mr. Thomas Wildi, SW Developer / BYSTRONIC Maschinen AG
CH-4922 Bützberg, Switzerland


1=Architecture 2=SW Concept 3=Data Interface 4=Machine Integration

Abstract factories have not such an equipment. again are supported by the machine
The reasons for this situation are manufacturer.

Process Design
Most present glass factories prepare
manifold, but the most important items The present situation is not specific
their production run with a planning
are the following: for the glass industry, various other
system that optimises the chronology
• The various machine manufacturers industries are facing the same problems
and minimises the waste. The planned
have their own job data format, no [1].
data are transferred by so-called batches
standard data format. Therefore, the In order to overcome the above
of cutting plans or production files. The
production planning system mentioned problems and to simplify
data transfer from the planning system
generates job files for each machine. the future software solution for glass
to the control units of the corresponding
• Today’s data structure for the cutting processing factories, BYSTRONIC
production lines (cutting or IG line) is
line and the IG line distinguish proposes in this paper the so-called
therefore based on an exchange of
basically. 4layer structure. The underlying model
electronic files. On the other side, the
• No standard interface to the various with the corresponding functionality of
status of the machines as well as the
production planning systems exists. each layer and the chosen architecture
progress of the production is usually not
Hence, the production planning is presented in Section 2. The proposed
known by the planning system. These
system cannot reobtain information data structure for jobs and the facility
circumstances are responsible for a
about the status and the schedule of is content of Section 3. A short outlook
quite low ability to react in case of not
the production. concerning possible productivity
foreseen events during production, e.g.
• Optimisation tools are typically not improvements and the future starting
broken panes, machine break down etc.
from the machine manufacturer, but and changing procedure is subject
Although a direct electronic connection
from third parties or the production of Section 4. A short summary will
between the planning system and the
planning system supplier. Other tools conclude the paper.
machine control units could solve the
problem, it is not yet applied due to the
high complexity and variety of the data,
interfaces and technologies used by the
machine manufacturers and production
planning system suppliers.
The 4layer concept is a first
attempt to overcome these problems
by structuring the whole production
process into 4 different layers and the
interfaces between them. A general
interface to the machine control unit
as well as to the production planning
system is proposed in order to reduce
the complexity/variety of the various
manufacturers and suppliers. The
realisation of this concept will lead to
a powerful integration of machines
from different manufacturers, a more
trackable production process, a higher
reaction rate, automatic configuration
of the production planning system and
various other advantages.

1. Introduction
On-line information about the
actual production progress and the
availability of the facility as well as the
chronological data acquisition of these
information are today’s basic conditions
for optimising the production process.
The former permits a high reaction rate,
while the latter can be used to evaluate
improvable items of the whole process. Figure 1:
Unfortunately, most present glass The 4layer model: A functional view to a glass processing facility.

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2. The model location-depending access limitation has • process variables
to be configured in order to guarantee a • operator interface
The underlying model ought to be a
save production. • appearance.
schematic representation of a glass
Usually, each FU has to synchronise
processing factory. In order to get the
2.1 Layer 1: machine with its predecessor and/or its
desired model, a listing of the required
successor. This so-called Sync-Interface
functions of such a factory as well as The smallest element in the proposed
is standardised and kept very simple. In
the allocation of them to different fragmentation of the whole facility is a
case one or more of FUs will be running
hierarchical orders was performed. The so-called function unit (FU). Usually such
at the same PLC, the communication is
result can be examined in Figure 1. a FU is equal to a machine, but actually
made by variables, in case two different
The whole factory is separated into 4 it can be any part of a production
PLCs are involved, the communications
layers which represent the hierarchical process that performs a discrete
is performed by few simple I/Os.
order of it. Layer 1 to layer 3 represent action. Figure 2, for example, shows
the branch of production, whereas layer a schematic line layout of a vertical
2.2 Layer 2: line
4 can be regarded as the office area. cutting and breaking line with a loader
Each layer in the branch of production in front of it (for more information cp. Each line consists of underlying FUs.
(layer 1 to 3) consists of several [2]). Thus the so-called LineManager of any
elements of the underlying layer, but Each FU is represented by two line only has to know of which FUs and
at least of 1. Hence a plant with 2 lines corresponding software objects, in what order the line is composed in
which both are made up of 3 machines, one running at the PLC and one as order to get every information of the
is represented by 1 element in layer 3, 2 the physical mapping of this FU in physical properties of this line. As a
Process Design

elements in layer 2 and 2 x 3 elements the lowest layer of the 4layer model matter of fact, the information available
in layer 1. running at a PC. Only a predefined set by the properties of the FUs and by the
The layers have a similar structure, of commands can be processed at this layout of the line suffice for a proper
but consist of layer dependent FU at the PLC in order to simplify the operation of the LineManger.
functions. Process data (Jobs) are Communication-Interface between the The main element of the
delivered from the next higher layer. PLC and the PC world. This interface is LineManager is the JobList, cp. Figure
These process data are validated, different for any type of PLC, but will 2. This list contains the job data of a
converted and distributed to the various be encapsulated by the PLC-Manager certain line. It can be manipulated either
elements of the underlying layer. On the in order to get independent of any type by the operator via GUI or by any layer
other hand, events (facility information, of PLC hardware. Thus for integrating 2 or 3 component. The load function
job status) from the underlying layer are any third party machines (FUs), only for the JobList performs all relevant
acquired, filtered and forwarded to the the Communication-Interface to the validations and returns a detailed
next higher layer. corresponding PLC-Manager and the report to the caller in order to enable a
A predefined interface between each software object of this machine have purposeful error handling.
of the corresponding layers guarantees to be generated. Thereby, the software The LineManager is responsible to
an easy expansion or changing of object of each FU has to contain the distribute the appropriate job data
elements in any layer, i.e. in order to add following properties: for each FU to perform a certain job
a new machine to a line, an additional • physical restrictions of the machine from the JobList. The other way round,
element of layer 1 with a standard • type of treatment that can be each FU supports the LineManager
interface to layer 2 included has to be performed with detailed information about the
generated. • physical restrictions of the product actual production state of the current
The whole architecture is designed for each treatment job. Hence, a separate FailedItemList
as a distributed system. Thus it will be • definition of a predefined small set of is available, where the LineManager
possible to access all of the functions in commands that can be processed collects the failed jobs (e.g. broken
the different layers from any computer • job data converter, i.e. converts the panes) to enable a purposeful error
in the LAN. For this reason, a user- and job data into a list of the predefined handling for the production planning
commands system or a simple optimisation/
planning tool which will be already
integrated in layer 2.
The GUI for the operator has to
support an easy manipulation of the
JobList as well as a creation of new
jobs. Hence a JobEditor with some
basic waste-minimisation has to be
integrated already in layer 2, at least for
the cutting line. In case the line has an
integrated storage device for residual
plates as in [2], the LineManager has to
provide updated inventory data for the
production planning system or a simple
optimisation/planning tool.

2.3 Layer 3: plant

A plant consists of underlying lines and
these lines again of underlying FUs as
described in Chapter 2.2. Therefore,
the same structure and functionality
as for layer 2 can be mapped to layer
3 but on a higher level. The so-called
PlantManager manages the plant jobs
received from the production planning
system. It also distributes the batches to
the corresponding LineManagers and
Figure 2:
notifies the production planning system
Layer 1 and 2 for a vertical cutting line with an automatic loader each controlled by a separate PLC. in case it cannot manage the plant

2 GLASS PROCESSING DAYS 2005 - www.gpd.fi

jobs, e.g. breakdown of a line, machine Figure 3:
etc. In case the planned production The proposed tech-
can be handled within the plant by nological architecture
to realise the 4layer
using another line or other appropriate concept.
arrangements, the production planning
system will not be notified.

2.4 Layer 4: factory

Layer 1 (without the PLC part) to layer
3 represent the so-called Production
Control and Operating Software, see
Figure 3. This software is running
on distributed PCs in the branch of
production using remote technology.
On the other hand, the PPS as well
as the MIS are systems build up for
working in the office area. Therefore,
a sophisticated electronic interface
between them has to be provided by
layer 3. For that reason, XML Web- Figure 4:

Process Design
Services are chosen since they are Class design for the job
independent of the operating system data.
which the office applications are
running and they provide many useful
methods to get on-line information
about the available interface.
Since the PlantManager knows the
layout configuration of the whole plant
including all of its lines and FUs, this
information will be provided by layer
3 to configure the PPS directly. Other
information which are very useful to
exchange via this interface from layer 3
to layer 4 and vice versa are discussed in
Chapter 3.

3. Interface to production planning

A main goal of the 4layer system
is to have unique interfaces to the • the status of a certain treatment as hold a dynamic list of attributes.
production planning system for the feedback to the production planning In order to illustrate an example of the
cutting line as well as for the IG line. system job class design, Figure 5 shows an
The backward compatibility of the so • list of broken panes as feedback to object tree for a cutting plan and an IG
far used production file (IG line) and the production planning system job with IG units. The main benefit of
XYZ-cutting code (cutting line) obviously • free forms (explicit coordinates) and the proposed data concept is the fact
has to be supported. In order to supply parametrised forms (coordinates that the cutting and the IG job data are
a platform and language independent based on parameters). built up with the same basic elements
communication, the interfaces will be Free forms and definitions for (e.g. lite and geometry attribute), but
based on web-services and/or COM parametrised forms will have also a possess line specific composite nodes.
technology. Thus, a main advantage unique XML-based structure and will The nodes in the cutting job object tree
using the proposed structure results in therefore replace the so far used F99 have the following characteristics:
supporting a direct access with powerful and FFM code. • the root object is a batch that
functions such as validating and loading The fundamental design of the contains a number of jobs
job data. proposed job data structure is depicted • a job represents a plan how to cut a
Another advantage will be the in Figure 4. The following characteristics plate
transmitted data structure, which will can be recognized: • a job is usually composed of X-, Y-, Z-
be always XML-based with appropriate • an applied composite pattern enables and W-nodes that define the
XML-schemes. Hence, the data structure a flexible grouping of the job items locations of the lites on the plate
is split into a very flexible basic part and • a job item represents a physical unit • a job can also have subjobs as
into a specific part for the cutting line to be manufactured children to group a certain number
and the IG line, respectively. • CLite, CSpacer and CMuntin of X-nodes, used for example for the
The supported data can be separated represent basic components that can subplate-wise cutting on a verticut
into two categories: job data and facility be composed with any composite (not shown in the example depicted
data. The following sections give a short • derivations of CJobComposite in Figure 5).
survey of the most important aspects. represent specific nodes that could The characteristics of the nodes of the
contain any basic components (CLite, IG job object tree are as follows:
3.1. Job data structure CSpacer…) or again composites • the root object is an IG job that
• each job item can hold a list of contains a number of IG units
The job data comprises every
treatments with its own geometric • an IG unit can be composed of lites,
information concerning the job to be
attributes, form parameters and spacers, muntins etc. (in an unlimited
performed. Using this job data structure,
shape geometry variety of combinations).
the following contents can be managed:
• the treatment contains information A powerful improvement of this
• the job data itself (a batch of cutting
about the type, the current state etc. structure is the fact that a lite object
plans or IG units)
• each job item and treatment can used in an IG unit and planned on a

GLASS PROCESSING DAYS 2005 - www.gpd.fi 3

Figure 5:
Object trees for a cutting job and an IG unit applying the proposed class design.
Process Design

certain cutting job can be identified and of the production planning system for procedure time. The same advantage
clearly assigned by a unique ID. the parts that are machine-dependent will arise by changing the machine
The possibility to extend the proposed like restrictions, capabilities, line and layout of the factory.
concept in a flexible way, when new plant layouts, etc. As mentioned above,
basic components or specific composites all these XML-based data structures 5. Conclusions
need to be added, is another advantage will have defined XML-schemes which
The new software model proposed in
worth mentioning. enable a proper data validation already
this paper is a first attempt to simplify
in the production planning system. Since
the whole software variety of a glass
3.2. Facility data structure the data structure uses XML-schemes,
processing factory as well as to enable
additional services and other data can
The facility data comprises every a work flow from the machine control
be introduced in a similar manner as the
information concerning the status and unit to the production planning
proposed examples.
the conditions of the hardware (i.e. system and vice versa. The presented
machines, lines etc.) as well as superior architecture and data structure are
4. Outlook regarding productivity
services and informations of the designed to work for cutting lines
improvement and starting
production. The following contents and as well as for IG lines so that the
services will be managed: complexity of the data structure can
• a catalogue of standard or The major contribution of the proposed be simplified. Using such an integrated
customized forms, grouped in software system to improve productivity software solution will generate
categories is definitely the on-line acquisition productivity improvements and gives the
• a complete description of the custom of any information occurring at necessary conditions to analyse/optimise
specific layout configuration of the the production plant. This acquired the whole production process.
whole plant information enables the system itself BYSTRONIC has realised this software
• an actual updated inventory of any and/or the superior software, e.g. PPS or concept for a vertical cutting line
storage device MIS, to supervise the actual production, presented in [2] and will extend this
• a current list of broken lites with to react fast to unforeseen events (e.g. concept to future products.
additional information (e.g. failure if broken panes occur) as well as to
reason) that permits a purposeful schedule automatically residual plates References
error handling for the production of an integrated storage device. In [1] M. Rader: XML WebServices
planning system addition, the chronological recording lösen Integrationsprobleme in der
• a job validation which considers the of machine interferences as well as Automatisierungstechnik, wt Werkstattstechnik
current state of the line and other logistic relevant data are the basic online, issue 9, pages 609-613, 2003.
[2] H.Gfeller and R. Pfiffner: Process Orientated
machines requirements to analyse/optimise the Glass Cutting – Vertical Solution “Verticut
• statistic information about whole production process. with Feeder”, Proceedings of the 9th
productivity rate, operation and Since the proposed system provides International Conference on Architectural and
maintenance times etc. the actual information of the whole Automotive Glass (Glass Processing Days),
Tampere, Finland, 2005.
A unique layout data structure of all factory, an automatic configuration
the production lines will be the basis of the production planning system
to enable an automatic configuration will decrease enormously the starting

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