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Dentistry physiology of nerve

and muscle
lecture 8
prof.dr.heba shawky
Action Potential
Definition of an “action potential”: It is the rapid change in membrane
potential following stimulation of the nerve by a threshold stimulus. It
results from sequential change in membrane permeability for Na+ and
Recording A.P.:
A.P. is recorded using two microelectrodes (one inside and the other
outside the nerve fiber), connected to a cathode ray oscilloscope
Shape and phases of A.P.:
1-Latent period: An isoelectric interval which represents the time
taken by the A.P. to travel along the axon from the stimulating to the
recording electrode.
-Its duration depends on the distance between the two electrodes
and the speed of conduction in the nerve fiber.
2-Ascending Limb: (Depolarization)
-Depolarization starts slowly (membrane potential decreases from -90 to
-65 mv).
-Then becomes rapid once it reaches -65mv (the Firing Level).
-It continues until it reaches and overshoots the isopotential (zero
point) and stops when it reaches +35 (reversal of polarity).
3. Descending Limb: (Repolarization)
Repolarization starts rapidly until it is 70% complete then slows down
until it reaches RMP.
4. Hyperpolarization:
- The membrane potential then overshoots slightly in the opposite
direction to form a small but prolonged hyperpolarization.
-Thereafter, the RMP is reached gradually.
Duration of A.P.:
The sharp rise and rapid fall of the tracing on
cathode ray oscilloscope is called "Spike", and it lasts
about 2 msec. While the hyperpolarization lasts
about 35-40 msec.
Ionic Basis of A.P.:
Depolarization is caused by Na+ inflow while repolarization is
caused by K+ outflow through two types of voltage – gated ion
1- Voltage – gated Na+ channel: having 2 gates; an outer
activation gate and an inner inactivation gate.
2- Voltage – gated K+ channel: with only one activation gate.
Once the nerve is stimulated, the gates move in a sequential
manner as follows:
a- The outer Na+ gates open, activating the Na+ channel
b- The inner Na+ gates close, inactivating the Na+ channel
b- The K gates open, activating the K+ channel
Successive movement of gates is essential for production of A.P.
1-During Depolarization:
The stimulus causes initial depolarization, which cause opening of
activation gates on some of the Na + channels, allowing Na+ to enter
the nerve fiber and causing further depolarization.
Depolarization passes in two stages:
a -Slow stage from -90 mv to -65 mv: The flow of Na+ into the nerve
fiber causes the membrane to depolarize further,
which causes more activation gates to open and allows more Na+ to
enter the cell.
This vicious circle process will continue until all the Na channels have
become totally activated (opened).
This occurs at about -65mv, which is called the firing level or threshold
for stimulation.
b-Rapid stage from -65 to +35mv:
Opening of all Na channels will cause Na+ ions to rush into the fiber
causing the rapid rate of depolarization.
Then, within a fraction of a millisecond inactivation of the Na+
channels starts and is completed when membrane potential reaches
However, the gates remain in this state(inactivated) for few
milliseconds before returning to the resting state.

In addition, during the overshoot, the membrane potential is reversed

and this limits Na+ influx, terminates depolarization and initiates
2-During Repolarization:
-Inactivation of the Na+ channels
-Activation of K+ channels produce repolarization.
3-Hyperpolarization: (undershoot)
Caused by the slow closing of the K+ channels.
◼ Na+ and K+ gradients are re-established after action potential by Na+-K+
◼ It should be noted that, only a very minute fraction of Na+ and K+ ions are
sharing in each action potential in relation to their total concentration.
◼ An action potential will not occur until depolarization reaches firing level.

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