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Thomas CAMUS, NFM Technologies, France, Gilbert FONTANILLE, NFM Technologies, France, Jean-Luc CHAMPEAUX, NFM Technologies, France, Juan MARGARETO, FCC, Spain, Fernando FAJARDO, Acciona, Spain,

Spain has launched a huge high-speed railway programme over the last 20 years. This network will soon be when all the track sections under construction will be operational Europes largest highspeed train network with more than 3,500 km. The programme required building a number of civil engineering structures among which the Pajares tunnels discussed hereafter. This project is located along the Leon-Asturias line in the Northwest of Spain between the cities of Len and Oviedo. It is a new by-pass that allows passing under the Cantabrian mountain range separating Asturias from Leon-Castile, with peaks over 2,500 m (see figure 1).

The project includes: The main tunnel (Pajares base tunnel), 25 km in length; An additional section (Sotiello-Pajares tunnel) of 6.1 km; An access tunnel for safety and ventilation. Both the Pajares and Sotiello tunnels are built as twin tubes of 8.5 m internal diameter, with connecting galleries every 400 m. The project was split in 5 contracts that the end user ADIF (the Administrator of Railway Infrastructures) awarded to 4 consortiums as follows: Contract 1: Pajares base tunnel, South side, East tube (9.9 km) and West tube (15 km): UTE FCC - ACCIONA Contract 2: Access gallery and a 4.2 km section of the Pajares base tunnel (South side, East tube): UTE Dragados - Obras Subterrneas Contract 3: 10.3 km of the Pajares base tunnel, North side, East tube: UTE Ferrovial Agroman Sacyr - Cavosa Contract 4: 9.5 km section of the Pajares base tunnel, North side, West tube: UTE Copcisa - Constructora Hispnica Brues and Fernndez Construcciones - Azvi Contract 5: Sotiello-Pajares tunnel, both tubes (5.9 km each): UTE FCC - ACCIONA Four TBMs were used to bore the two base tunnel tubes from both ends, while a fifth machine built the access and ventilation gallery (see figure 2).

The overall tunnel length (30.3 km) is bored in a complex geology with the following 3 main formations: Shales and argillaceous shales: high plastic deformations are anticipated when tunnelling in these sections, even more so because of their thickness. UCS 60 MPa

Figure 1 Geographical location of the Pajares project

Sandstone and quartzite: rock in these sections is micro-fractured and therefore exhibits a low resistance and allows for water ingress. UCS 80 MPa

Carbonatite: these are dolomitic calcareous rocks from which water ingress and karts can be expected. UCS 60 MPa The remaining other sections are conglomerates and volcanic rock.

Figure 2 Layout of the Pajares tunnels All the rock formations follow an arrangement of alternating vertical layers of approximately 400 m in thickness oriented in the tunnel direction (see figure 3).

Figure 3 Simplified geological profile of the Pajares tunnel

Initially the project was planned to be built using conventional tunnelling methods that would be specifically adapted to the local context and challenges. In order to reduce the construction time, this solution was finally rejected and a TBM approach was initiated. Spain had gained significant experience with TBMs used in similar geological contexts. Worth mentioning are (also for the high speed railway) the Abdalajis tunnel (twin tubes, 7 km long on the CordobaMalaga line) and the Perthus tunnel (twin tubes, 8.4 km long on the cross-border FigueresPerpignan line). These projects had shown how crucial it was that the TBM be adapted to the local geological conditions and how the machines should implement mitigation approaches for the identified risks, even if their occurrence was considered as very small.

The TBM specifications were set up in a collaborative effort from the end-user ADIF and the Spanish contractors. This task took more than a year after which the TBM manufacturers were also invited in order to fine-tune the specifications. The Pajares project encompasses many different geological problems: High risks of rapidly converging ground under a high overburden. Calculations made on the rock behaviour predicted a convergence of up to 100 mm over more than 25% of the TBM drive; A most varying rock strength, high in the sandstone sections and low in the carboniferous shales; Significant water ingress estimated to reach 500 litres per second under a 800 m overburden; Risks of hitting methane pockets in the carboniferous shale sections;

A high abrasiveness reaching up to 5.75 (Cerchar Index) resulting in risks of intense wear and related frequent maintenance operations. Single shield machines were chosen for multiple reasons: The shield should be as short as possible in order to avoid being trapped in the quickly squeezing rock: single shield machines are shorter than double shields. Single shields can be sealed, therefore precluding water inflows inside the machine and in the tunnel; water can be pumped out until all groundwater is drained. This situation was made even worse for the South tunnel (contract 1) as both these tubes were bored with a downward slope, increasing the potential risk of flooding the tunnel. The productivity edge of double shields over single shield TBMs is effective in competent ground only. In incompetent ground the gripper thrust mode of double shields is not operative and single shields attain similar levels of performance. In the present case, the sections in incompetent rock were quite long, cancelling the theoretical advantage of double shields.

The TBMs were equipped with an exceptional 2 level of thrust of 232 tons per m , which exceeded the standards for this type of machine. Together with a shield dimensioned for ground pressures up to 4 bar this allowed sustaining high advance rated in highly converging ground. A powerful dewatering system was implemented 3 including a 200 m buffer tank on the backup and 3 four 450 m /h pumps meeting the predicted large flow rates. Because the Abdalajis project had suffered from a methane explosion in May 2004, ADIF set particularly high standards in terms of gas hazards. The machines were equipped with an overdimensioned ventilation system offering an air 3 flow of 52 m /s with a 2-inlet extraction from the 3 excavation chamber (2 x 25 m /s), and a swirling air diffuser in the shield ensuring a gas mix below the ignition point. The extracted air was blown behind the backup. Several gas detectors installed throughout the machine monitored the methane concentration continuously. Part of the electrical distribution hardware was contained in an ATEX cabinet completing the safety approach and equipment. It was foreseen that ground treatment would be required so a drill was made ready for use at all times. The drill was attached to a specific annular support positioned forward of the ring erector, allowing for storage of the folded back drill at the crown. This arrangement provided a capability of drilling umbrella arches at a 10 angle with 17 and 5 injection points in the upper and lower parts respectively. Type of tunnelling Excavation diameter Extended diameter Overall length (including back-up) Number of 17 disc cutters Total power Drive unit power Nominal thrust Unlocking thrust Nominal torque Unlocking torque Variable speed Weight of shield Total weight Single Shield TBM 9.9 m up to 10.1 m 290 m with california switch 69 (+ 2) 8 000 kVA 5 000 kW 130 000 kN 180 000 kN 25 000 kN.m 30 000 kN.m 0 to 5 rpm 1 150 tonnes 1 850 tonnes

Figure 4 NFM machine on site NFM supplied two machines for this project as part of contracts 1 and 3 (East tubes). The machines were designed and built in compliance with the above requirements and had the following distinctive characteristics: The cutter head featured translational motion by 600 mm longitudinally and an adjustable vertical offset of 100 mm. This allows extending the diameter by 200 mm thereby preventing jamming the shield in the highly squeezing ground conditions. Wedging the gage cutters and installing two additional disc cutters was the only manual operation needed to change the excavation diameter from 9.9 to 10.1 m.

Table 1 Main characteristics of the NFM TBMs

Figure 5 Contract 3 jobsite and tunnel portals. The NFM machine is on the left.

As shown in figure 5, installing tunnelling job sites in a mountainous area is bound to be problematic. Special care was given reduce to the environmental impact as much as possible, resulting in the following approach for contract 3: Space was only available for a one-day storage of segments at the job site. The precast concrete segment plant was located in the plain 10 km away from the tunnel portal, with a temporary storage 1.5 km away. Access to the jobsite was made through a narrow mountain road on which traffic was kept as low as possible. The extraction of the excavated materials was done with a belt conveyor extending from the tunnel entrance to a controlled dump site 2 km away. Assembling the TBMs was a challenge in itself because of the tight space available at the portal. Careful logistics planning was developed including temporary storage of equipment and parts organised in the plain. All waste water was treated in a large capacity plant built as several small units deployed on the mountain slope. Figure 6 shows the contract 1 jobsite to which the access was much easier, resulting in fewer and more usual constraints.

Figure 6 Contract 1 jobsite. The NFM machine is on the right. The key events of the tunnel construction were in accordance with the planned geological accidents. The TBM team had to handle high inflows of groundwater, crown collapses due to the poor cohesion of rock, steering problems due to the low tunnel face strength requiring very low thrust, unlocking the TBM trapped in squeezing rock during maintenance stops, and intense wear of disc cutters in the sandstone sections. However the machines progressed well and faster than planned. Breakthroughs occurred respectively 9 months (contract 1) and 7 months ahead of time (contract 3). Average and record advance rates are listed in Table 1.


Start date

Breakthrough Days 608 875 350

Total Metres 9856 10236 5862

Average m/days 16.2 11.7 16.7


20/09/2005 08/04/2006 09/10/2008

21/05/2007 30/08/2008 24/09/2009

Best boring performance (meters per) Day Week Month 51 238.5 860 48 234 800 46.5 276 1142

Table 1 NFM machines performance summary

4.1 Contract 1
As shown in figure 7 the machine availability was high, with 50% of the time spent in production activities (excavation and ring erection). Stoppages were caused by cutter head maintenance (4% of time), geological problems (5.7% of time i.e. 30 days), and only 30 minutes because of a hazardous gas presence.
Contract 1 NFM
16% 26% 7% 7% 24%
Stops for TBM or backup maintenance Stops due to muck conveyor, service trains and cabling/ducting Stops due to ground conditions Excavation time

Tunnelling started in a highly weathered shale area, where a small collapse was observed (see figure 8), which considerably slowed down the TBM progress: 30 weeks were needed to bore through the first 150 metres.

Ring erection time


Misc. stops

Figure 7 Production data for contract 1 NFM TBM The geological accidents were as follows: Water inflow during several hours at a flow rate of 500 l/s (as predicted) Trapping of TBM after a maintenance stop: the shield remained jammed even when using the maximum thrust, so additional hydraulic jacks were installed in the rear shield. Thanks to this supplementary thrust the team succeeded in releasing the TBM within a few hours. Highly converging ground in the fault areas: a special organisation was set up before crossing such areas. This included checking and preparing the TBM in order to run without needing any maintenance, and reinforcing the logistics team so as to avoid any disruption in the deliveries. At the end of its drive, the TBM was dismantled in a cavern built from the facing tunnel (contract 2). It was then refurbished and slightly modified, and then moved to the Sotiello portal (contract 5).

Figure 8 Collapse at the start of Contract 3 Beyond this point the machine performance was similar to that of the other drives, with an average of 15.2 metres per day. Figure 9 shows the overall production data, confirming the increase of time lost for poor ground conditions.
Contract 3 NFM
15% 19% 19%

Excavation time

Ring erection time


Stops for TBM or backup maintenance Stops due to muck conveyor, service trains and cabling/ducting

7% 26%

Stops due to ground conditions

Misc. stops

Figure 9 Overall production data for contract 3 NFM TBM The machine was dismantled inside the tunnel by cutting off the shield, leaving the outer shell in the ground while other parts of the TBM were salvaged for reconditioning and future use.

4.2 Contract 3
The machine performance was also high along this drive, although it suffered from more geological accidents than for Contract 1.

4.3 Contract 5
This drive was bored using the TBM from Contract 1. Very good performance was achieved thanks to a simpler geological context and a lower overburden, reaching a record of 1142 metres per month.
Contract 5 NFM
Excavation time

The compared advances of all machines used on the project are shown in figure 11.

1% 14%

17% 27%
Ring erection time Stops for TBM or backup maintenance Stops due to muck conveyor, service trains and cabling/ducting Stops due to ground conditions Misc. stops



Figure 10 Production data for contract 5 NFM TBM

Figure 11 Compared performance of the five TBMs used on the Pajares project


The Pajares tunnel project demonstrates that hard rock TBMs can bore tunnels in challenging geological contexts, pass through areas indicated as risky, and complete the drive in minimum time, below the predicted planning. The average daily advance rate of the single shield machines was in the order of 16 m including all stops for maintenance and because of geological accidents. In similar geological conditions double shields performance is 22 to 23 m per day approx as can be observed in Pajares (Contract 2, in the tunnel section) or in Abdalajis ([3]). In gneisses and granite, such as found in Guadarrama (SCS up to 150 MPa), performance measured over an impressive total of 56 km (both tubes) is 16.5 m/day approx. This average figure includes the progress made while operating in single shield mode. In sections where the double shield mode could be used continuously, the advance was stable at 22 m/day. Single and double shields are a most reliable solution for tunnelling in difficult conditions, offering a much higher protection to the personnel than with open (gripper) machines. Thanks to the progress made over the last years, this also applies to the large diameter tunnels such as required for the railway tunnels, whether for standard or high-speed lines. The key lesson learnt from the Pajares project is that the geology must be fully known and understood in terms of potential impact on the TBM operation. Simultaneously, the TBM needs to be perfectly adapted to the geological constraints. The Pajares experience increases our confidence in meeting the challenges of future high-speed railway tunnels to be bored in geologies of similar complexity. As an example, single or double shield TBMs can be used for the Lyon-Turin project tunnels that are planned in extremely changing geologies with very high overburden. Implementing on-board ground prediction ahead of the tunnel face would be a significant plus for such large projects, allowing the operation team to prepare the machine for the potential risks.

Source of photos: ADIF and NFM Technologies [1] [2] Ral Miguez Ballo (2005), The Pajares Tunnel Mario Pelaez Gonzalez, Jose Carlos Arrayo Cedron, Noelia Alfonso Fernandez (2009), Experience Acquired in the Excavation of Railway Tunnels in Spain Using Tunnel Boring Machines, Proceedings of the World Tunnel Congress, Budapest, Hungary Remo Grandori (2006), Abdalajis East Railway Tunnel (Spain) - Double Shield Universal TBMs Cope with Extremely Poor and Squeezing Formations, Proceedings of the World Tunnel Congress, Seoul, Korea Xavier Delaporte, Michel Ducrot, Jean-Luc Trottin (2009), Le Tunnel du Perthus, Tunnels et Ouvrages Souterrains, n213 Luca Dez Cadavid, David Luengo Troitio (2009), Tratamiento de Aguas en la Variante de Pajares, Jornadas Tcnicas de la Variante de Pajares




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