HQ Armory Extended

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150 Gold Coins
This long-range weapon gives you the attack strength of 1 combat die.
You may fire at any figure you can "see."
However you cannot fire at a figure that is adjacent to you, or directly diagonal to you.
When the sling inflicts damage, you may instead choose to stun that figure so they miss their next turn.
You have an unlimited supply of stones.
This weapon is immune to rust spells.
Stunned targets may make a Feat of Strength to ignore this effect.

Horn of Blasting
350 Gold Coins
This long-range instrument gives you the attack strength of 2 combat dice.
You may blast sound at any figure you can "see."
However, you cannot blast a figure that is adjacent to you, or directly diagonal to you.
Each hit results in 1 Mind Point of damage instead of 1 Body Point of damage.
Targets may recover one mind point from this weapon per round by succeeding at a Feat of the Mind.

War Hammer
750 Gold Coins
This massive hammer gives you the attack strength of 5 combat dice.
However, because it is so heavy, you must subtract 1 square from your movement while using it.
You may not use a shield, torch, or spellbook when using this weapon.
May not be used by the Wizard or Elf.

550 Gold Coins
This long, heavy, double-edged blade gives you the attack strength of 4 combat dice.
Because of its length, the greatsword enables you to attack diagonally.
You may not use a shield, torch, or spellbook when using this weapon.
May not be used by the Wizard or Elf.

275 Gold Coins
This long-range weapon gives you the attack strength of 2 combat dice.
You may fire at any figure you can "see."
However, you cannot fire at a figure that is adjacent to you, or directly diagonal to you.
You have an unlimited supply of arrows.
You may not use a shield, torch, or spellbook when using this weapon.
May not be used by the Wizard.

425 Gold Coins
This long-range weapon gives you the attack strength of 3 combat dice.
You may fire at any figure you can "see."
However, you cannot fire at a figure that is adjacent to you, or directly diagonal to you.
You have an unlimited supply of bolts.
You may not use a shield, torch, or spellbook when using this weapon.
May not be used by the Wizard.
Must succeed at a Feat of Dexterity in order to reload for the next attack.

550 Gold Coins
This long-range weapon gives you the attack strength of 3 combat dice.
You may fire at any figure you can "see."
However, you cannot fire at a figure that is adjacent to you, or directly diagonal to you.
You have an unlimited supply of arrows.
You may not use a shield, torch, or spellbook when using this weapon.
May not be used by the Wizard.

Potion of Refreshment
100 Gold Coins
Drink this frothy liquid at any time to immediately restore 1 lost Body Point and 1 lost Mind Point, but it will not give
you more than your starting numbers.
This may only be used once.

Potion of Dexterity
50 Gold Coins
Drink this sparkling clear liquid at any time to add 6 squares 10 your next movement, OR jump one trap successfully
per turn.
This effect lasts until you suffer any kind of damage.
This may only be used once.

Potion of Fire Rage

200 Gold Coins
Drink this bubbling, orange mixture at any time to roll 2 extra combat dice when attacking.
This effect lasts until you suffer 1 point of Body damage.
This may only be used once.

Potion of Frost Skin

100 Gold Coins
Drink this cold, slushy beverage at any time to roll 2 extra combat dice when defending.
This effect wears off the moment you can no longer "see" an enemy figure.
This may only be used once.

Potion of Recall
100 Gold Coins
Drink this green, slimy liquid when in mortal Danger to be returned to the steps immediately.
The drinker may choose to bring another hero who is adjacent with them.
This may only be used once.

Tool Kit
200 Gold Coins
Disarm Traps
This tool kit gives you a 50% chance to disarm any searched-for-and-found (but unsprung) trap.
To do so, you must avoid rolling a skull on a combat die.
See rulebook for correct procedure.
100 Gold Coins
The torch can be used with most weapons, adds 2 squares to your movement, and gives you the attack strength of 2
combat dice.
A torch can also be thrown at any figure you can "see," but is lost once it is thrown.
Oozes, Mummies, Trolls, and Giant Wolves cannot defend.
The torch is immune to rust spells.
If you attack with the torch, and roll a black shield, it burns out and can never be used again.

Boots of Speed
325 Gold coins
These handsome boots of enchanted leather add 3 squares to your movement for as long as they are worn.
These boots are immune to rust spells.

Headband of Defense
200 Gold Coins
This protective headband is crafted from enchanted leather making it strong as a helmet, but much lighter.
It gives you 1 extra combat die in defense.
This armor is immune to rust spells.
May not be combined with the Helmet.
May not be used by the Barbarian or Dwarf.

450 Gold Coins
This large, heavy, tome glows with power.
As words are spoken around it, the blank pages record pieces of the conversation, looking for incantations of power.
When the spellbook is held in one hand, it can be used to record a single spell as it is being cast by succeeding at a
Feat of the Mind.
The spell may then be cast by the wielder as if it is their own.
Only one spell may be recorded per quest.
The spell is erased from the book once cast.
May only be used by the Wizard.

Cloak of Protection
550 Gold Coins
This thick woven cloak is lined with enchanted fibers, making it strong but light.
It gives you 1 extra combat die in defense.
This armor is immune to rust spells.
May not be combined with Chain Mail or Plate Mail.
May not be worn by the Dwarf or Barbarian.

125 Gold Coins
This protective metal headpiece is worn by soldiers and adventurers alike.
It gives you 1 extra combat die in defense.
May not be combined with the Headband of Defense.
May not be worn by the Wizard.
150 Gold Coins
This hand-held armor gives you 1 extra combat die in defense.
The shield can be used with most weapons, but may not be used with the Staff, Club, Spear, Shortbow, Mace,
Halberd, Crossbow, Battle Axe, Greatsword, Longbow, or War Hammer.
May not be used by the Wizard.

Chain Mail
500 Gold Coins
This light metal armor made of interlocking rings gives you 1 extra combat die in defense.
May not be combined with Plate Mail or the Cloak of Protection.
May not be worn by the Wizard.

Plate Mail
800 Gold Goins
This heavy metal armor gives you 2 extra combat dice in defense.
However, because it is so heavy, you must subtract 1 square from your movement while wearing it.
May not be combined with Chain Mail or the Cloak of Protection.
May not be worn by the Wizard.

150 Gold Coins
This stout wooden club gives you the attack strength of 2 combat dice.
You may not use a shield, torch, or spellbook when using this weapon.

Hand Axe
225 Gold Coins
This single-edged axe gives you the attack strength of 2 combat dice.
An axe can also be thrown at any figure you can "see," but is lost once it is thrown.
May not be used by the Wizard.

250 Gold Coins
This wooden handle mounted with a metal ball and chain gives you the attack strength of 2 combat dice.
Because of its length, the flail enables you to attack diagonally.
May not be used by the Wizard.

250 Gold Coins
This wooden handle mounted with a heavy metal ball gives you the attack strength of 3 combat dice.
You may not use a shield, torch, or spellbook when using this weapon.
May not be used by the Wizard.

Battle Axe
475 Gold Coins
This heavy, double-edged axe gives you the attack strength of 4 combat dice.
You may not use a shield, torch, or spellbook when using this weapon.
May not be used by the Wizard.

100 Gold Coins
This long, sturdy, wooden staff gives you the attack strength of 1 combat die.
Because of its length, the staff enables you to attack diagonally.
This weapon is immune to rust spells.
You may not use a shield, torch, or spellbook when using this weapon.

225 Gold Coins
This wooden pole mounted with a sharp metal tip gives you the attack strength of 2 combat dice.
Because of its length, the spear enables you to attack diagonally.
A spear can also be thrown at any figure you can "see," but is lost once it is thrown.
You may not use a shield, torch, or spellbook when using this weapon.
May not be used by the Wizard.
May attack at Length.

350 Gold Coins
This wooden pole mounted with a single-edged axe gives you the attack strength of 3 combat dice.
Because of its length, the halberd enables you to attack diagonally.
You may not use a shield, torch, or spellbook when using this weapon.
May not be used by the Wizard or Elf.
May attack at Length.

125 Gold Coins
This long coil of leather gives you the attack strength of 1 combat die.
Because of its length, the whip enables you to attack diagonally.
May attack at Length.

25 Gold Coins
This sharp knife gives you the attack strength of 1 combat die.
A dagger can also be thrown at any figure you can "see," but is lost once it is thrown.

200 Gold Coins
This short and trusty fighter's blade gives you the attack strength of 2 combat dice.
May not be used by the Wizard.

300 Gold Coins
This wide and sturdy warrior's blade gives you the attack strength of 3 combat dice.
May not be used by the Wizard.
375 Gold Coins
This long, sharp blade of knights gives you the attack strength of 3 combat dice.
Because of its length, the longsword enables you to attack diagonally.
May not be used by the Wizard.

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