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1. What has a POSITIVE/NEGATIVE EFFECT ON your life? Why?

To tell truth my family and friends have a really positive effect on my life. They are always next to me
when I’m in a bad mood. This time they just talk to me and then i forget my problem and we try to
solve my problems. I always liken others to myself and I think it is a negative effect on my life,
because this time I’m feeling myself a bit depresed.

2. How can a teacher make it easier to EXPRESS YOUR OPINION?

I think they should try to ask a question they’re interested in. They can say a topic and we can talk
about it with our classmates in brake out rooms. Or they can say something isn’t truth and ask the
students what do they think about this.

3. Does COVID-19 CAUSE CONCERN in your family? How do you cope with it?

Yes, of course. In my family it cause concern about it. We worried about my grandpa because he is in
that age that this virus can be really dangerous. We always wear mask when we are outside and after
we come home we wash our hends every time. If we used a mask, we always wash out it every

4. What BENEFITS does online teaching PROVIDE?

The online school have some benefits provides. For example we don't have to woke up very early.
We have just have to get up a half hour before our class. We don’t have to use the public transports
and it is more safety. We can have lunch in a long break.

5. Have you ever DOne any RESEARCH on something you're really interested in? What was it?

Actually, yes, I have. I do research about how I can make my makeup in a normal way and what I
have to use on my face. What brand is the more healthier nowadays. I watched a lot of makeup
videos and I think I want to learn how can I make my makeup.

6. Have you ever TAKEn PART IN online games?

In the past I did it. I played with PUBG mobile and this time I taken part in a game group. In this game
I had to work in group and win the game. I finished that game, because I have never won in this

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