Wealthy Wife Meeting Dating Marrying A Rich Man

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Wealthy Wife

Meeting, Dating, & Marrying a Rich

Man .

Cyndi M. Harris
Copyright © 2015 by Cyndi M. Harris
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any
means graphic; electronic; or mechanical; including photocopying, recording,
taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written
permission of the author and publisher except in the case of brief quotations
embodied in critical articles and reviews.
The scanning, uploading, and distribution of this book via the internet or via any
other means without permission of the publisher or author is illegal and
punishable by law.
Purchase only authorized versions of this book and do not participate in or
encourage electronic piracy of copyrighted materials. Your support of the
author’s rights is appreciated.
Names, characters, places, and incidents are based on the author’s own personal
experience therefore names of persons and entities remain unnamed to protect
the integrity of the story and the privacy of those involved. Any group or
organization listed is for informational purposes only and does not imply
endorsement or support of their activities or organization.
For ordering, booking, permission, or questions, contact the author.
Cyndi M. Harris
email: wealthywifeclub@gmail.com
website: www.redtentwisdom.com
ISBN-13: 978-1516828098
Printed in the United States of America by Create Space

This book is dedicated to every woman who is ready to meet & build a
successful loving long-term relationship with the right man for her dreams,
goals, & passions in life.


Acknowledgments vii
Introduction 3
1Other People’s Opinions 9
2Don’t Let Your Friends Shame 13
3Eliminatethis 1 Bad Habit 17
4Desiring Money Is Not the 23
5Become a Gold Digger 31
6Why Do You Need to Be King 39
7Know Your Worth 43

To the wonderful affluent men I have had the pleasure of talking to over the
years from: Long term relationships, dates, friends, mentors, coaches, & total
strangers willing to allow me to “pick their brains”.
I appreciate you & I hope the information in this book not only assist the women
reading it, but also assists well to do men who are ready to meet their dream
match too.
“Rebellion is when you
look society in the face and say
I understand who you
want me to be, but I’m going
to show you who I actually am.”

Meeting, dating, & marrying a man who is a great fit for you, your lifestyle,
dreams, & goals (And, you for him.) seems to be an urban legend.
I keep hearing about heartache after heartache in the dating world. Women try,
fail, stay too long in dead end relationships then, after one too many
disappointments. They give up on dating.
Instead of continuing the search for love; they turn all that pent up energy into
their careers, pets, or other projects that offer temporary relief from their
frustrations and loneliness.
I understand their desire to quit. If you follow mainstream media, single ladies, it
may seem like you just can’t get it right. It makes my head “spin”. The questions
and ever changing ideas about what you should or should not be doing to attract
love. For example:

Why are you trying so hard?

Why have you given up?
Make a list of who you want to meet?
Stop being so picky.
You need to be younger, have the perfect body, etc.
You’re too independent.
You’re too needy
Having sex on the first date is okay. (Trust me it’s not, if you are
looking for something more than a booty call. Yes, it may have
worked for a friend, but trust me according to the men I talk to.
She is the exception not the rule.)
Wait 90 days. (It is good to wait, but understand why you are
waiting. There is a method to this wisdom and yes, a man will wait
if he has an interest in you beyond the bedroom.)
Do I need to continue? It is confusing to say the least. Especially, when you are
trying to follow the lead of books, magazines, talk shows, your family, &
Everyone has an opinion about your love life. And, yes, this is another book.
Here’s the difference, I am offering the opportunity to move past the media hype
and look into the real world of meeting, dating, and possibly marrying an
affluent man.
Why an affluent man? Why not? If you are a woman with big dreams and goals.
Why not require your romantic match to be doing something great in his life
I am tired of women being conditioned to accept less in their love lives. If you
are willing to learn how to be your best regarding your career, friendships,
hobbies/interests, etc. Why must you settle for less in love?
I constantly hear women complaining about the lack of available good &
successful men. They sit on talk shows publicly lamenting the trials and
tribulations of dating, go out with their friends and collectively sigh & agree all
the good men are taken, or if asked why they’re still single. They say they’re still
single because, men are intimidated by successful women.
Well, I am here to reassure you that none of this is true. There are plenty of great
men out there searching for the right woman. And, your success is an asset to a
man interested in finding the right woman with whom he can build an empire.
A successful man who has matured past the period of party fever, which
sometimes comes with newfound riches, and is ready to focus on true love,
wealth creation, and empire-building. He is looking for a woman who
understands the required effort and commitment it takes to move your financial,
life, & romantic goals to the next level.
Is this true? Yes it is. Don’t get caught up in the media hype and start believing
all rich men are superficial. Don’t let the pictures you see on social media or the
nonsense they talk about on the entertainment news shows confuse you.
It is the media’s job to “feed” you discord and drama. The media provides what
their viewers want to see. So, yes, a handful of well to do men may be
superficial, but my experience with affluent men is they love to have a good
time, but they like to keep their life distractions to a minimum.
So, all the partying, wild spending, and bed hopping has little interest to a man
on a mission to increase his wealth, enjoy or establish a family, and create a
lasting relationship with a woman who is a great fit for him and his lifestyle.
The most persistent obstacle the men I know face on this mission to find love is:
The authentic desires of the women they meet.
A well to do man understands his financial success can make him a potential
target of some manipulative women. So, they are cautious in their approach to
dating. But, once they find the right woman they are all in and will do everything
in their power to establish a lasting romance with her.
And this desire is one of the reasons, I have written this simple guide. You will
notice this book has nothing to do with the stereotypes included in some books
on how to marry the rich.
Yes, I have read many books on the topic and some are scandalous. The tactics
they teach are, at times, deceptive and unsavory. So, if you feel you must
connive to meet and become involved with a rich man. You definitely deserve
whatever backlash you create.
Being involved with a successful man can be an educational, fun, and loving
experience for you and him. Most affluent men are wonderful men who are
looking to meet a woman who will appreciate who they are as a person
independent of their money. Money is the icing on the cake, not the cake. And, a
wise woman knows this to be true.
I certainly hope you will reap wonderful benefits from the information shared in
this book. It was written for you and your success in the world of affluent dating.
So, let’s begin with the one issue I know has the potential to instantly sidetrack
your decision to upscale your dating options. What is it?
Other people’s opinions, this 1st chapter will teach you how to graciously handle

“The woman who follows the crowd will

usually go no further than the crowd. The
woman who walks alone is likely to find herself
in places on one has ever been before.” – Albert

Chapter 1 – Other People’s Opinions

As you are reading this simple guide, I hope you will read it with an open mind.
I know firsthand how society, your family, and friends will want to harass you
about your decision to date affluent men. They can be very critical about your
decisions and say some pretty hurtful things.
I remember when I began to consistently date affluent men. One of my good
friends had real issues with my choice. We would get together and she would
find a reason to debate my decision to date affluent men and tell me I was wrong
to be so selective. I was being too picky and wasn’t giving the average man a
I would listen then, politely explain to her my decision was none of her business.
My decision was based on the time I had spent time dating the average man. I
learned from experience we are not a good fit.
Now, I have a great deal of respect for the 9 to 5 man. I told her, but if he
disapproves of my life choices… Why stay. I was tired of hearing:

My life goals are too big.

I want too much.
My dreams are unrealistic. Unrealistic for who, maybe him. But,
they felt right to me.
Eventually my inner wisdom kicked in. I had to remember I live 24/7 with
myself. So, if I decided to choose someone else’s opinion of how I should live
my life over my own personal truth; I deserved to be miserable.
I don’t know about you, but I prefer to be happy. I learned over time there is no
reason to let someone else’s self-imposed limitations affect my decision to find a
worthy partner for my life plans and visions. You are the one who will suffer the
consequences of a unfulfilled life. It’s not worth it. Learn to stand up for yourself
and be authentic.
So be prepared, some of your naysayers will try to convince you your chances to
meet, captivate, and enjoy a long-term relationship with a man they consider to
be “Out of your league” is impossible. Ignore them.
When I began this journey, I was a young single mom of 3, working an average
job, living in a typical neighborhood, & riding the bus to work. I was far from
living an affluent lifestyle: Where you begin has very little to do with your
ability to succeed. I will share with you throughout this book how I caught the
attention of men far more successful than me at the beginning of this phase in
my life.
My goal with this book is to encourage you to stop throwing roadblocks in the
way of you meeting, dating, & enjoying a long-term relationship (Marriage or
other) with an affluent man.
Another goal of this book is to bring more visionary men and women together to
increase the number of wealth-building couples available to positively influence
Now, I know some women will think. I can make a positive impact on society by
myself. Of course you can, but you are reading this book. So, obviously, you do
desire to be part of a great relationship with a man who appreciates you and who
you appreciate as well.
So, take off the armor and have some fun. Because, if you keep repeating the
same “I don’t need a man” mantra. You will continue to reap your current
harvest; a successful life
spent alone.
Think of it this way: Men and women were created to complement each other.
And together, we can do great things.
This present battle of the sexes has been going on for far too long. Let’s finally
put an end to this destructive cycle and learn how to coexist and enjoy the
benefits of a healthy and loving love relationship.
Which brings us to a very important chapter and reminder:
“Don’t let your friends shame you.”

“The woman who is making things happen can

never understand the woman who’s hating.”

Chapter 2: Don’t Let Your Friends Shame You

How often do you sit around with your girlfriends and bemoan the lack of love
in your life?
Then, one of your friends meets a new man and begins a new relationship and all
she is hearing from, possibly you, her friends is this new relationship will never
last: “Girl, you know your track record with men.” That’s not very supportive, is
Have you ever thought about what makes people, maybe even you, make such
negative statements instead of offering congratulations and support?
Usually, discomfort is the motive behind unpleasant remarks. Someone is about
to step into a better situation and the ones who feel they will be left behind get
worried. Others start reflecting on the unhappy conditions of their lives, get
upset, and want to find a way to spread the misery.
It sounds ridiculous, but it happens all the time. My dad and I were talking the
other day about professional athletes and some music artists whose lives have
tragic endings or results due to their inability to change their mindset and the
company they keep.
They become successful, but due to a lack of self-confidence, the refusal to let
go of negative-thinking people, or learn the skills they need to truly enjoy and
sustain their newfound wealth. They allow themselves to be influenced by the
small-minded people around them. And, their lives eventually fall apart.
I can almost guarantee once you change your dating requirements people are
going to :

Insult you.
Challenge your integrity.
Challenge your motives.
Attempt to find ways to make you feel bad about doing what you
believe is best for you.
And yes, you may lose a few friends in the process. But, think about it. Were
they really your friends? If your decision to create a better life for yourself with
better options makes them bitter. Why would you want to continue spending
time with them?
You can make new supportive friends. But, you will never be able to regain the
time lost feeling bad about your new life choices. So, if your decisions are
making others uncomfortable. Remember, this is their problem not yours.
Step up and into your personal truth, guilt and shame have no place in the life of
someone ready to truly live and love to the fullest.
Let them go and the next time a friend is excited about new love in her life. Treat
her the way you would prefer to be treated: Be happy for her because, she may
have found the man who absolutely adores her and truly adds joy to her life.

“Hang out with those you have a

common future not a common past.”
“Guys deserve to be spoiled and told how
handsome they are on a regular basis. How do
you expect to be treated like a queen if you treat
him like a servant?” - Unknown

Chapter 3: Eliminate this One Bad Habit & Increase Your

Success with Men
How often do you find yourself saying unkind things about men? If you do this
often, it could be affecting how confident and successful you are around or with
Man-bashing is such a common practice amongst women, especially when
hanging out with friends and I don’t think women understand how damaging it is
to their current or future romantic relationships with men.
Think about it; how are you going to create and enjoy a loving long-term
relationship with someone you subconsciously dislike? If you are in the habit of
saying negative things about men it must affect your interactions with them.
Especially in reference to romance, it has become such an unconscious part of
your attitude and energy. You will be unable to switch it off once you are ready
to increase your chances of an enjoyable and happy love life.
Our words have a powerful influence over our lives. You have heard the saying
“What you think about you bring about.” Well, when it comes to the things
you constantly say “What you speak you reap.”
Meaning, if you say something enough times, it becomes your reality. This is
one of the reasons mantras are so powerful. The repetition reconditions the brain
(Your thoughts) to think differently thus changing the direction of your life.
So, if you are ready to improve your love life. You must pay attention to what
you are saying when in the company of others and alone when it comes to men.
No man enjoys spending time with a woman who has nothing good to say about
his gender. Why? Because, if he notices every time you mention a man’s name
you have some cutting remark or something derogatory to say. He knows it is
very likely when you are away from him. You will eventually do the same when
you talk about him.
For example, a barrier that comes up during 1st dates is the conversation around
exes. When a man ask about your ex, please, understand he’s not asking to be
polite or because he cares. He is checking to see if you are over the ex and have
moved on and are emotionally free of any former bitterness.
Why? Because, if you go on a tirade about your lousy ex and all the problems he
caused you. An emotionally-grounded man wants no part of the current
emotional chaos in your life. And, will have no desire to see you again.

Side note: Be aware of the type and amount of negative information you are
sharing about your relationship history with a new man. A man who has a
history of manipulating women will eventually use this information against you.
You may be doing this to gain sympathy.

All you are really doing is offering him a blueprint on how to mistreat you. He
already knows you will allow a man to disrespect you. So, eventually he will
This type of man is gathering information to size up his next victim. So, use
discretion and no over-sharing. Now, this is enough on this side note.
Think about it, men are no different than women. They prefer minimal drama
when it comes to their love lives too. Especially, a man with a great deal of
responsibilities at work or running his business.
He is looking for a woman who can be that soft sweet spot in his life. Ladies, we
are no different. Who wants to spend their day dealing with the pressures of
work then, go home to more issues and unhappy people. I don’t, do you?
No one in their right mind does, unless they’re an emotional masochist and
thrive on excess drama. Granted, there are some people who live for this type of
But, if you are serious about dating an affluent man and enjoy a great future
together. Your mindset about men needs to be a pleasant one. You must like men
and enjoy their company.
I remember when I did spend time hanging with my girls on a more consistent
basis before marriages, long-term relationships, career changes, and cross
country moves took over our lives.
There were 4 of us who went out nearly every Friday night. We would have so
much fun until 1 particular friend would get upset because, the men wouldn’t go
out of their way to lavish attention on her.
The rest of us were having a wonderful time flirting, laughing, talking, and being
spoiled by the guys. It was all in good fun.
But, every time a man would approach her, attempt to speak to her, or offer to
buy her a drink. She was all attitude and would blow him off.
Hey, guys aren’t stupid. They may think you are beautiful and would enjoy
meeting you. But, if they watch you “shoot” down enough men before they
gather the courage to say “Hello”. They are going to leave you alone and move
on to someone who seems to be enjoying herself.
So, once this happened enough to her during the evening, she would get upset
then, begin to say obnoxious things hoping to offend the guys talking to the rest
of us. In her mind, if she wasn’t having a good time the rest of us should suffer
Yes, it sounds immature. But, I am sure most of you have encountered this type
of behavior from a less popular friend. And, if you’re not careful. She can mess
up the evenings positive flow if you let her.
Well, time has passed and the rest of us have moved onto more serious
relationships. And, this particular friend is still frustrated about her love life. She
is still unable to maintain any lasting relationships and keeps attracting
inappropriate men.
After all these years, she continues to have nothing good to say about men and a
man looking for love isn’t going to get near her. He knows it would be a difficult
Remember, men are like women. In love, they want to feel appreciated, at ease,
loved, and respected.
And an unhappy woman who constantly puts men down through her actions and
words has become a self-fulfilling prophecy. She is alone because of her
persistent unpleasant behavior.
So, if you have a habit of man-bashing. Make an active decision to change this
behavior. Here are some suggestions to get you started:

Think of the men you do admire.

Think of the reasons you admire them. (Start a journal and write
them down.)
Become aware of the courteous and thoughtful things men do for
Say “Thank you” more often when a man does something nice for
If your reactions to men are due to former disappointments in
reference to men. Learn how to forgive and move on. (Journaling
is a great tool to help you release nonproductive behaviors.)
There is no logical reason why your past should be
undermining your happy future. Life is a process of
ups and downs. It’s time to move forward and allow
yourself to be happy and properly loved by the right
guy for you.
The beauty of life is we can always make adjustments in our lives by choosing to
do better. A change in your thinking and conversation in reference to men will
improve your love life and increase your opportunities to meet some great guys.
Become proactive and watch your love life change for the better.
“A man’s money will never excite an
independent woman.”

Chapter 4: Desiring Money is not the Problem A limited

money mindset is.
Now, the previous quote may sound like a contradiction when it comes to the
topic of dating or marrying an affluent/ rich man since the goal of this book is to
prepare you to attract a wealthy man.
But, think about it. Learning how to create the energy around you to attract
affluent men is about more than just his money.
You are on this mission to attract a more compatible love interest and potential
life partner. As, an independent woman you know how to make your own money
and provide for yourself. Now, you may not be at a high level of personal
affluence yet, but you’re not coming into this type of relationship a pauper either.
Or maybe you are doing well financially and need to make a mental shift to put
you in position to allow an equally or possibly more successful man adore you.
Ideally, you will meet a man who has the ability to see your life visions and
assist in a variety of ways that were unavailable to you before you met him. Yes,
men still have a few advantages that women are just beginning to acquire. Hey,
don’t shoot the messenger. We know they have a head start.
The reason I am bringing up your mindset around money is: To become truly
affluent as a man or woman, there is a certain comfort and interest around the
topic of money you must be aware of and willing to cultivate. And if you are
going to be dating rich men. You must understand their concepts about money
are different than the average man.
This was a valuable lesson I had to learn and I continue to learn. The more I
learn about wealth acquisition; the more I notice the different ways the wealthy
utilize money. Money is a tool and they make an active decisions to make sure
they know how to use it properly.
Books are a wonderful way to begin your money mindset education. I have read
numerous books on money, millionaire mindset, and beyond. And what I have
noticed after reading these books is most of the money values being taught in
mainstream society are based on a middle class money mindset. It does not focus
on empire-building or legacy creation. The standards we are taught generally
teach us how to be employees as opposed to being employers. They include:

Getting good grades (High school so, you can get into a good
Going to college (Generally, accumulating large amount of debt in
the process before you get a job.)
Getting a degree (For a job you may or may not truly want.)
Finding a job
Working for someone else
Spending the next few decades of your life trying to financially
recover from previous life choices that were suppose to set you up
for success.
Buy a house (A potential 30 years of more debt.) They teach us this
is an asset, but have you considered how much interest the bank is
earning on your 30 year mortgage? (You’ll want to learn how to
repay it sooner rather than later.)
And, if you’re lucky you may save some money along the way
towards your retirement.
And it goes on and on.
The expectation of this line of thought was to work in the same career for 40
years with the proper promotions and raises to get you to retirement. Then, retire
with your pension & social security. Well, we know this is no longer a viable
The wealthy tend to think on a larger scale and even if they start on the same
path as the average person. They are already planning to diversify and expand
their wealth. This is one of the many things you can learn more about when you
begin to date someone who is wealthier than you.
This is one of the reasons I encourage women to date money savvy affluent men.
Spending time with them is a wonderful post graduation opportunity to learn
what they fail to teach us in school about money and acquiring true financial
freedom. (Think big picture… Dating affluent/rich men can be so much more
than the potential gifts and goodies.)
Learning this has been an eye-opening experience for me. I grew up middle class
and the previous course of action is what I was encouraged to follow. I had a
great childhood, but knowing what I know now. Growing up, in the middle
leaves us poorly prepared to live a massively successful life. We are basically
taught to be satisfied participating in someone else’s realized dream.
Once I began to associate with business owners and view life from the top. I
could appreciate the reality this type of life changing wealth-building
information. I can appreciate the reality that it requires spending time with
people who are able to view life above the crowd.
Your real education begins once you leave high school or college and begin to
live life as a full-fledged grown up; bills and all.
And, if you are serious about dating an affluent man. You will need to think like
he thinks, take some risks, and remain open to learning. You never know, you
may receive an invitation to some awesome training along the way.
I certainly have and still enjoy the opportunities that come my way.
Most of these men have multiple sources of income, a good amount of money
savvy (Yes, they have tried and failed along the way.), and network with other
people who share their views on continuous education to keep their minds and
skill set fresh.
They may not know it all, but they know how to ask the right questions. They
are open-minded and willing to be taught. They understand what it takes to
remain successful.
I have learned this particular truth from the wonderful men in my life; past and
present. I know firsthand it takes years to acquire the information about the
mindset of the affluent, money, and personal growth. And, I have an extensive
library to prove it.
How about you are you continuing to educate yourself in order to improve your
life and self?

If I were to visit your home what type of books, audios, or DVDs

would I find?

What is your general attitude about money?

Spend some save some
Are you comfortable talking about money?
Where did you learn your current money habits?
Have you ever sat down with a financial planner?
These are some basic questions, but they can have a huge impact when it comes
to relating to an affluent man.
Most affluent men have worked hard to plan and execute their level of success.
And, most are not interested in “throwing” good money after bad. They can be
very generous, but it is a lovely surprise when they meet a woman who also has
a mission and a plan.
So, ladies, it is time to upgrade your money mindset.
Here is a short list of some of my favorite books:

The One Minute Millionaire by Mark Victor Hanson & Robert

Any of the Rich Dad Poor Dad series.
The Law by Neville Goddard (Great mindset – Visionary thinking)
No B.S. Wealth Attraction for Entrepreneurs by Dan Kennedy (It
is a business book, but offers wonderful insight about how the
wealthy think.)
Start with these by adding them to your current library or use them to begin
building one.
Also, I am sharing a few magazines that are helpful as well.

Bloomberg Businessweek
Barron’s (Financial)
There is no need to be an expert on these topics just be willing to read, ask
questions, listen, and keep an open mind. Your goal is to expand your life
experiences. And, dating a rich man is a wonderful way to do so.

“Divas don’t do drama.

We do business.”
“Well-behaved women rarely make
– Marilyn Monroe

Chapter 5: Become a Gold Digger

Now, I realize the title of this chapter will have you thinking “What?” Cyndi,
you just mentioned in the previous chapter to be interested in more than the
money. And now, you’re telling me to become a gold digger.
Yes, I am. Play along with me. And let’s think… What does being a gold digger
really mean? Society loves to label ambitious, driven, and independent-thinking
women. It wants to keep us fighting amongst ourselves, speaking, and thinking
unkind thoughts about each other.
Well, I tend to think above and beyond stereotypes. Most of them were created
within the minds of small-minded people to control others. So, here’s something
to think about in reference to so-called “Gold digging”.
There are certain women who are expected to date and marry a wealthy man:

A-list actresses
And other types of high profile women
There are plenty of websites, magazines, and celebrity news shows dedicated to
keeping the masses informed of these “Golden ones” and their good fortune in
the world of dating.
No one has ever called any lady royal or other women with a higher monetary
status a gold digger because she was only willing to meet, mingle with, & marry
a well to do man. For example: Nicky Hilton in July 2015 married James
Rothschild. (Established money marrying really old money)
People just assume marrying a successful and financially ‘Gifted” man is what
they will do based on their social status and/or upbringing.
What makes them more deserving of a man who is living an exceptional life than
other women? Why the backlash and hostility when a woman (Non royal,
heiress, or famous), who is committed to improving her life, and decides she is
going to meet the type of men who have the ability to assist her?
You are a successful woman handling your business and living your life. You
seek expert advice and experiences to advance your career from people more
successful than you.
Why wouldn’t you seek the same in your personal life experiences? How will
you ever live out your “Big picture” desires and dreams if you aren’t willing to
increase your options?
There is no reason for you to let others and their off base comments bother you.
Unfortunately, the stereotype of the typical gold digger causes women to back
away from the pursuit of men who are probably a better fit for them. They worry
about what other people will think of them. So, they keep on limiting their
options and continue going on one unsuccessful date after another to keep the
“peace” or simply give and stop dating.
I say it is time to stop worrying about other people and start thinking about your
happiness and the kind of man who is right for you.
If that happens to be a man with money than it will be a man with money. You
are a queen. And, as a queen:

Court jesters
And playboy princes
will never bring out the best in you. I don’t care how much potential you see in
him. If he is not ready to do the work and step into the role of a king; let him go.
A queen deserves to build a life with her king. And, if this attitude has people
calling you a gold digger. Say “Thank you” and keep right on doing what you
are doing to manifest the type of life and love you envision for yourself.
A gold digger is simply a woman with the courage to create a master plan and
then execute it. A focused woman tends to scare those caught up in mediocre
The person complaining about a driven woman with a clear vision of:

What she wants.

Her expectations about how she will and will not be treated.
And, she is fearless enough to make it happen; makes the average person angry.
They look around and see the limitations they have placed on their lives. No one
enjoys feeling inadequate. So, they would rather gossip about others who are
succeeding rather than create and execute positive change in their lives.
Kim Kardashian is a great example. People love to complain and criticize how
she lives. Do you really think Kim cares? She is currently happily married, with
a lovely young family, and is a highly successful business woman whose current
net worth is approximately $85 million dollars. I seriously doubt she is worrying
about the opinions of the masses as she deposits those checks. She is happily
living her dream life.
So, before you decide to take on the burden of other people’s opinions.
Remember, each of us has the power to redirect our lives. It is called “Choice”.
If someone is unhappy with their current life situation. All they have to do is
notice what is making them unhappy and do whatever must be done to change.
You have the same right to be proactive and improve your life. Plus, you are in
good company. There are plenty of great examples of driven woman who share
loving relationships and marriages with affluent men.

Jada Pinkett Smith & Will Smith

Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt
Oprah Winfrey & Stedman Graham
Mellody Hobson & George Lucas
Kate Middleton & Prince William (The Duke & Duchess of
Kimora Lee Simmons & Tim Leissner
I could go on and on. These women have their own amazing careers and make
no apologies for dating men who initially and may still make more money than
I remember reading some snide remark about Kimora Lee Simmons marriage
and subsequent pregnancy with her new husband Tim Leissner. I am
paraphrasing, but the comment basically was about the fact she never gets
pregnant by a broke man.
Really? Hey, I realize “Haters are going to hate.”
But, Kimora Lee Simmons is one of the hardest working mogul moms out there.
The life she leads and the people she meets pretty much guarantees she is going
to encounter truly successful men.
Why would anyone be offended by her choice?
I shared my personal confrontational experience with you in the introduction.
The backlash I experienced when I begun to date successful men. I select the
men I date based on common interests, life goals, and the amount of fun we have
It is much easier for both us, me and the men I date, to spend time with someone
who shares a common mindset about life, money, and love. Plus, what I have
learned about business, finances, and other popular wealth topics by befriending,
dating, and being mentored by these gentlemen is priceless.
And, yes, if you are wondering the gifts and other goodies are wonderful
bonuses too. I do appreciate a thoughtful man.
But, let’s set aside the gifts & goodies for a moment. The goal is to create a
great love relationship that continues to grow in happiness and love with
increasing monetary benefits.
Empire-builders have the right to seek the same in a mate.
Have you heard of anyone verbally-trashing Beyonce for dating then, marrying
Jay Z?
“Like attracts like” when we allow nature to flow naturally. So, ladies, do what
should come naturally and upgrade your dating options.
You will begin to appreciate the wisdom shared in this chapter once you are no
longer allowing others to make you feel uncomfortable about your personal life
and success goals.
A confident and grounded well to do man will appreciate your intelligence and
tenacity all wrapped up in a lovely feminine exterior.
Plus, they will appreciate you committing to your personal truth. Because, rich
men are equally selective about the type of people they allow into their lives.
They are not wasting their time on people who lack ambition and goals and I
don’t hear anyone calling them a gold digger.
So, don’t be fooled by the media hype and stereotypes. These men only become
involved in relationships that will benefit them and/or meet their particular
needs. I have yet to meet one who has ever been truly taken advantage of by
some scheming woman (A woman with misguided short-term goals.)
Generally, they are fully aware of who they are dating and marrying. You don’t
reach their levels of success by being ignorant about people.
So, stop worrying about the haters and get on with your romantic goals. It’s time
to be truly happy.

“If you can’t handle being talked about

then, you’re not ready for success.”
“Sometimes the king
is a woman.”

Chapter 6: Why do you need to be king?

Love is a partnership not a competition.
I have seen this quote on numerous Instagram pages and I realize it is suppose to
be a motivating statement for women.
But, I disagree with what it implies. Being a queen is actually the best space for
a woman to succeed. Especially, when we are well-matched with the right man.
I grew up playing chess and the most powerful piece is the queen. She has the
ability to move all across the board in any direction needed to protect the king.
The queen, not the male pieces (The pawns, rooks, knights, or king), has this
unique ability to be flexible in her movements. The queen has strategic
advantages the rest are lacking. And, if you think about it actually mirrors the
basic nature of men and women.
Men tend to think in a more linear way. Point A connects to point B with very
little room for variation once they have set their plans in motion. We notice this
in the way they speak, interact, and generally live their lives. All this is good
since it’s a natural way of being for men.
This is not a behavior we, as woman, need to copy, overcome, or change in men.
Now, women, we are more flexible. The running joke is because, we have the
ability to multitask. We struggle with making decisions. Which is untrue, we are
fully capable of making great decisions. We simply process life with more
fluidity than men. Once you embrace this as a good thing. You will notice your
relationships with men improving.
And, if you have been struggling with your interactions with men; there is a
good chance that your social conditioning is getting in the way.
In our western society, we have been trained to compete with men. Society has
done such a great job of convincing us it’s a battlefield out there and we must
protect our interests and ourselves at all costs.
If you have spent any time trying to convince a man that men and women are
equals. You are on the losing side of this “battle.” We never need to prove we are

Notice: The point I am making has nothing to do with current social issues.
A confident woman knows her worth and doesn’t waste time fighting about the
obvious. She knows she is competent, intelligent, and has the ability to make
wise decisions.
She understands she seeks a man to complement her ambitions and goals. She
understands the wisdom she naturally possesses which is uniquely feminine and
is appreciated by a confident man.
We are here to create and enjoy partnerships with the men in our lives. The
fighting continues because, we keep buying into the limited mindset of folks
who do not have our best interest in mind.
There are some women pushing propaganda that is intended to keep us fighting
and from ever finding any happiness in a relationship with a great guy. Men are
not the enemy. And, if we ever hope to enjoy being part of an amazing couple.
Your thinking must shift from “Me” to “We”.
My desire is to show you there is incredible wisdom which comes with
mastering the art of femininity. The beauty, charm, grace, and savvy which is
contained within the joys of being a woman.
My question is:
Aren’t you tired of being in constant warrior mode?
I hear women talking about being fierce, more aggressive, beating men at their
own game. It’s exhausting. There must come a time when we truly do reclaim
our feminine gifts.
Get off the hamster wheel and step up to your personal greatness and allow
yourself to receive love from a gracious point of view. Men are our companions,
friends, and lovers.
So, my lovelies, embrace what comes naturally. This ability to “bend” is a
compliment not a burden. Even the strategic game of chess honors this feminine
Let deserving men retain the title of king. A smart one seeks a queen to co-rule
their empire. And a smart queen, knows how to utilize her feminine advantages
and honors the complementary skills a man brings into her life and vice versa.

“United we stand. Divided we fall.”

Stop letting other people’s agendas interfere with your choices and personal

“Don’t be a woman who needs a man. Be

the woman a man needs.”
Chapter 7: Know Your Worth
The previous quote states a valuable lesson.

“Be the woman a man needs.”

History is full of stories that showcase a man’s desire to captivate, “capture”, and
win the love of a woman who inspires him.
The Taj Mahal was built to honor an emperor’s favorite wife. The Italian
designer Roberto Cavalli became a clothing designer to celebrate a woman’s
beauty and be around beautiful women. Even the story about the Trojan war is
based on a man’s obsession for a woman.
Women are the reasons men build large buildings, purchase fast cars, dress
beautifully, smell “delicious”, create some of the most successful businesses, and
create some of the most beautiful works of art and music. For example the story
about the “Mona Lisa” is:

Leonardo da Vinci was commissioned by her husband to paint the

portrait, but he became so enamored with her. He was unwilling to
part with the picture after it was done. The portrait is considered to
be one of his greatest works of art.
The right woman will cause a man to throw caution aside and do whatever he
needs to do to gain her attention and convince her why she should select him.
Now, the media will try to convince you; rich men are superficial. That most
men with money are looking to date younger women with a great body and not
much else. You know the stereotype that keeps showing up in movies,
magazines, videos, and other forms of media.
Well, I am here to tell you the stereotype is a myth. Men find beauty in a variety
of women. Yes, some men prefer younger women, but they are usually younger
men. An established older men may have gone through this phase at one time.
But know this, as he has weathered the ups and downs of life his needs have
He has possibly, gone through the heartache of a divorce or 2, is raising or has
raised a family, lost and triumphed in the business world more than once. At this
point in his life he wants a companion who can relate to his life experiences.
He is ready to find a woman who can appreciate some of the things he enjoys:

And more.
Also depending on what part of the country you are searching for your romantic
match. The desires will be different. A man from Midwest will not be looking
for the same qualities as a man from Miami. Each region has unique qualities
that make a woman special to the right man.
So, it is very important that you understand the type of man you are looking for.
A high maintenance LA type woman would be unsuccessful in upper New York.
Now, I hope this information has put you at ease and has shown you there is
more to what a man desires in a woman.
Yes, beauty and brains are a turn on. But, even more important is knowing and
owning your personal brand of beauty. The men I talk to have a wide range of
preferences. Some think they have a type they are looking for. Then one day they
meet, date, and fall in love with someone totally different.
I remember when I was using online dating sites as a way to meet some great
guys. Men would contact me who wrote out very specifically in their profiles
they were looking for single white females only. So, imagine my surprise when I
would go to my inbox and find emails from such men. Why my surprise? Well,
my profile picture clearly showed I am not a white female.
And, since they emailed me. Once, we had a chance to talk. (I personally believe
in talking live once I have determined compatibility. So, usually, after 2 to 3
emails I would recommend exchanging phone numbers.) I would ask why they
decided to contact me. The answer was the same.

1. You’re beautiful.
2. You’re profile was so well-written.
3. You seemed real and sincere.
It was very educational for me. I learned how a man’s desire to spend time with
a woman who seems confident, happy, and content has a certain magnetism that
makes her irresistible. Even to someone who wasn’t expecting to find her type of
beauty attractive.
This was a lovely confirmation for me. Since, I am comfortable with how I look
and who I am as a person. I know I am not the right match for every man. And
every man is not for me, but remaining open-minded and relaxed has its
advantages. Self-confidence in a woman is a huge turn for a man.
Now, what about you? What makes your personal brand of beauty so
Make a list of the things you like about yourself and also include any
compliments you have received from others. This list should include physical
and nonphysical traits that merge together to make you fascinating and
It may surprise you how amazing you truly are. You are an incredible woman.
Let go of any false beliefs you may have around want a man wants:

Be confident
Keep your options open
Try new things
And allow yourself to date outside of your comfort zone.
Love awaits.

“Always be a first rate version of

yourself and not a second rate version of
someone else.”

And, this is the conclusion of part 1 on meeting, dating, and marrying a rich
man. My goal was to keep it short and sweet while providing you with the
opportunity to look behind the “curtain” and learn the mindset of most rich men.
I hope you will reread the information shared with you.
Dating the affluent is about so much more than simply finding a man with
money. It can be a very fun and lovely life experience if you allow yourself to
move past your fears.
It will introduce you to an incredible lifestyle where you will meet new people,
make new friends, prosper in unexpected ways, and possibly fall in love with a
man who adores you and wants to provide you with the resources to live an
exceptional life.
Other people are always going to have something to say when you decide to rise
above the masses and do something more productive and profitable in your life.
You will never be able to please other people. Especially, when they are doing
nothing to improve themselves. Just do you and reap the rewards of a happier
Now, let’s move deeper into this topic. Part 2 offers more practical lessons. It
includes questions and quizzes to really open your mind and get you to think
about who you are looking for and how to attract him.
Be sure to do your “homework”, you will learn many things about yourself you
may have overlooked which may help or hinder you on your quest to meet, date,
and marry a rich man.
Have fun and I am wishing you much success.

“Change your thinking & change your


Part 2:
Becoming A Rich Man’s Wife
“Preparation is the Key”

Cyndi M.Harris
Copyright © 2015 by Cyndi M. Harris
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any
means graphic; electronic; or mechanical; including photocopying, recording,
taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written
permission of the author and publisher except in the case of brief quotations
embodied in critical articles and reviews.
The scanning, uploading, and distribution of this book via the internet or via any
other means without permission of the publisher or author is illegal and
punishable by law.
Purchase only authorized versions of this book and do not participate in or
encourage electronic piracy of copyrighted materials. Your support of the
author’s rights is appreciated.
Names, characters, places, and incidents are based on the author’s own personal
experience therefore names of persons and entities remain unnamed to protect
the integrity of the story and the privacy of those involved. Any group or
organization listed is for informational purposes only and does not imply
endorsement or support of their activities or organization.
For ordering, booking, permission, or questions, contact the author.
Cyndi Harris
email: wealthywifeclub@gmail.com
website: www.redtentwisdom.com
This book is dedicated to every woman who is ready to meet & build a
successful loving long-term relationship with the right man for her dreams,
goals, & passions in life.

Acknowledgments iii

Introduction 5

1 Not Every Affluent Man Wears a Suit & Tie 11

2 17
The 1st Step to Unlocking a Man’s Love Code
3 Know Your Worth 21

4 Add Value: Learn the Mindset of 29

5 Personal Integrity – Become His Confidant 37

6 Commitment to Reaching Your Goal 41

7 Yes… Sex is Important 51

8 Be Yourself 63
9 73
Stop the Insanity
“It takes as much energy to wish as it
does to plan.”

To the wonderful affluent men I have had the pleasure of talking to over the
years from long term relationships, dates, friends, mentors, coaches, & total
strangers willing to allow me to “pick their brains”.
I appreciate you & I hope the information in this book not only assist the women
reading it, but also assists well to do men who are ready to meet their dream
match too

“Surround yourself only with people

who are going to take you higher.”
- Oprah Winfrey
To: Palm Beach, Boca Raton, Miami, & the World w/ Love
Dating, living in, and socializing in some of the wealthiest cities in the world has
provided me with great insight into the mind & needs of some very wealthy
Their ambition, habits, and lifestyles are available for me to observe on a daily
basis. And, what I have noticed is many of the myths surrounding well to do
men are untrue.
Yes, some of the stereotypes are obvious: The love of exquisite food &
beverages, clothes, expensive cars, watches, and other fabulous toys show up on
a regular basis. I know car dealers and owners of some highly expensive jewel
stores who stay very busy.
Wealthy men have a love for the expensive and they have every right to enjoy
the “fruits” of their labors. The average person is unfamiliar with the behind the
scenes process of wealth-building and can easily be swayed by the media hype
of “Glitz & Glamour”. Believing their success has to do with luck, being born
into the right family, or other too good to be true advantages.
Not realizing, the wealthy work like everyone else. And happen to be very
money savvy folks. They can live larger than life because, they are consistently
making money, work smart, and stay on top of the learning curve when it comes
to their field of expertise and investing.
Many are far more down to earth than the media and social media would have
you believe. For those who love reality shows and think they are an expert on the
lifestyle of the folks they watch; having acquired this so-called knowledge based
on an edited 60 minute show and reruns.
Deserve to be frustrated when they aren’t able to duplicate the clips of success
they see on TV. Wealth acquisition and building takes years of preparation,
mistakes, triumphs, and absolute determination. These folks have a level of
focus and discipline the average person is unable to relate to.
The information I am sharing in this book comes from my first hand knowledge
of dating, long term relationships, and friendships with well to do men. I know
some truly amazing men.
This book contains the wisdom I have gained from over 20 years of dating,
meeting, interviewing, and socializing with interesting and successful men. Men,
I have met from throughout the US and different parts of the world.
I am offering you this information from the lifestyle of someone who knows the
topic. A point of view which offers feminine wisdom blended with masculine
One of my goals is to have more women interested in proper preparation when it
comes to dating the affluent.
I know there is a current trend around finding a sugardaddy. Women called
sugarbabies, young and older, are flocking to a variety of websites hoping to
meet a benefactor. It is an industry that caters more to fantasy than facts. Their
ambitions mostly revolves around short term gains. (Tuition, bill money, clothes,
and other material gain.)
If this is your goal then, I wish you well. Be careful, there are some
unscrupulous men on these sites. As the saying goes, “Everything that glitters
isn’t gold.”
My interest for my readers and my coaching clients is more long-term. My goal
is to assist women who are looking for long term relationships and once obtained
become part of an influential couple who has the ability to create positive change
within their families, communities, nationwide, and possibly the world.
Our world is changing and we need more role model couples to activate positive
and lasting change.
This book is for the woman who knows her worth, life goals, and capacity to
love. She knows she deserves to be with a man who is in a place to help her
accomplish her goals while being the right loving support he also needs.
Look at couples like:

Beyonce & Jayz

Angeline Jolie & Brad Pitt
Jada Pinkett Smith & Will Smith
Diane Von Furstenberg & Barry Diller
Mellody Hobson & George Lucas
Victoria & David Deckham
Pauletta & Denzel Washington
Savannah & LeBron James
Oprah Winfrey & Stedman Graham
Our current President Barack & Michelle Obama

These are just a few examples of successful couples in happy and loving long-
term relationships.
How did these women attract such men? This book will provide you with some
of their secrets to attracting, dating, and marrying a truly incredible man.
One of my goals is to separate fact from fiction by revealing the mindset and
needs of an affluent man.
Read through the chapters carefully and allow yourself to really receive what
you are reading. Have fun and experiment with the action steps so you can begin
to enjoy your own real life adventures and pleasant experiences during your
search for an affluent mate.

“A woman without a vision for her

future, always returns to her past. Be
fearless and commit to living your
personal truth.”
“Formal education will make you a
living. Self-education will make a


As an irresistible living coach, I hear time and time again from women who want
to date and marry an affluent man. I understand this desire, but when I ask them
to tell me who they are searching for. Too many times I receive superficial
He needs to:

Drive a nice car.

Dress well.
Be college educated.
Be a leader in his field.
Be generous with his time and money.
Take good care of her.
The answer reminds me of the generic online dating answer: “I like sunsets and
long walks on the beach.” Their answers are so vague which tells me why they
are struggling to find the right man. You would never start a road trip without an
idea of where you are heading. You would research:

The amount of time to get from point A to B.
And schedule times for breaks/rest during your travels.
While dating is not an exact science it is very helpful to know who you are
searching for with some definite guidelines. This way you know your dream guy
is someone you desire not the dream guy relatives and friends are trying to
convince you to select.
Meeting and marrying a truly successful man takes time, effort, and research.
Yes, I said research. Not the potentially stalker type of research. But, gathering
the type of information that helps clarify the type of man who “speaks” to your
heart and soul; a man who is a good fit for you and you for him.
Too often, women ignore what is a good fit because, he may not appear to be her
type or pursues a man who looks good on “paper” but is a disastrous choice for a
life partner.
To get you headed in the right direction here are a few questions for you:
Define your version of success:

1. What does a successful life “look” like to you? Be specific.

2. What do you want?
a. Money
b. Prestige
c. Notoriety
d. To be generous (Personally and philanthropic)
e. To be wealthy enough that you no longer need to
f. Or to maintain your career with the support of a loving
man by your side.
g. Starting your own business
h. Children or no children
i. Living in an affluent neighborhood
j. Extensive travel
k. Helping your family
l. Etc.
3. Define your archetype of a successful man. Is he:
a. A diamond in the rough (Up and coming)
b. A corporate man (Chairman of the board, CEO,
Executive management )
c. A professional athlete
d. An entrepreneur
e. You tell me
4. What is his financial background (Source of his income?
a. Corporate Job
b. Contractual (Athlete)
c. Entrepreneur (Entertainment business)
d. Entrepreneur (Financial )
e. Entrepreneur (Other type of business)
f. Old money
g. Trust fund baby (Jet setter)
h. Trust fund (Working in the family business)
i. Techie (Silicon Valley)
5. Where is he from?
a. East Coast
b. West Coast
c. Mid West
d. The South
e. The Southwest
f. Another country
6. What are his attitudes about money?
a. Free spender
b. Likes to save money
c. Spends some and invest some
7. Who is your celebrity crush? (You can name more than 1.)
8. Why do you like this particular celebrity or celebrities?
9. How does a successful life look to you with your beloved?
a. House in the suburbs, kids in private school, driving a
Mercedes or Cadillac Escalade SUV, or other equal
suburbanish car, savings/investments for the kids’
college education and enough money to retire
b. Jet-setting around the world, shopping in the world’s
best stores, high profile events (fundraising; operas,
art, education, etc.),
c. Hanging out with millionaires/billionaires in Dubai,
Monaco, Ibiza, Boca Raton FL, Bal Harbour FL, etc.
d. You tell me…
Do you see where I am going with this line of questioning? Requesting to meet
and marry a successful man is more involved than most women realize. It really
requires having a clear understanding of yourself; which helps you to realize the
type of man you want to attract. Not every rich man is going to be a good fit for
you or you for him.
Love and money are powerfully attracted to each other, but most people mess up
the process with:

Outdated advice and ideas
And other peoples’ limited mindsets about love and money.
Both are natural energetic vibrations that flow around and through us. So,
desiring one can definitely bring you the other. But, you may need to clear up
some self-limiting beliefs and thoughts that are preventing you from capturing
and enjoying your dream life.
Now, I am going to reveal a few secrets to you that far too many women take for
granted. In your pursuit to meet and marry an affluent man being:

College-educated (Even with multiple degrees)
Is not enough to meet him or keep him.
These qualities are merely pieces of a delightful puzzle. If you looking to meet
and possibly marry an affluent man you need to understand the following:

The definite type of man you are searching for.

His likes
His dislikes
His interests
His hobbies
His lifestyle (And you must dig deeper than the surface stuff.)
His mindset (Regarding life, love, and money)
It is definitely requires more than being pretty and smart. Many beautiful,
educated, and successful women are sitting home alone trying to figure out why
they have such a lousy track record when it comes to men.
Now looking over the list; what do you know about the type of man you are
searching for? Each category has a certain type of woman he:

Is most attracted to.

Enjoys spending his time with and resources on.
Is most comfortable bringing into his “world”.
Knowing this, don’t despair if you aren’t quite ready to step up and place
yourself in his path. The following chapters will provide more detailed
information to assist you.


Men… delightful, scrumptious, and wonderful men; I love men. I think they are
amazing and interesting. I love the way they look, sound, and process life, but if
loving a man has ever left you feeling confused and frustrated. You are not
alone. I admit, men can be some of the most mysterious “creatures” at times.
We love them, long for them, and at times want to shake them until some type of
emotional response occurs. What is a woman to do?
Well, if you are interested in cracking a man’s love code while searching for
your romantic match, I have a few simple answers that will point you in the right
direction. But first, I have a couple of questions for you. Then, I am going to
offer you a few suggestions that will help you get closer to almost any man.
The questions:

1. Do you like men? Not only in a romantic sense, but overall.

2. Do you respect men?
Yes, these questions are unusual, but I have a very specific reason for asking
them. Your attitude about men can be an attraction or repellent. You must like
men, if you want to get inside the mind of a man and enjoy a healthy loving
romance with one.

And, if you think sex is the main driving force behind a man’s attraction to a
woman. You will miss out on how a man with long-term romantic goals thinks
about romance.
In the world of dating for keeps, sex too soon without any real emotional
connection is a disaster waiting to happen. Yes, it is important that a man knows
you find him sexually attractive, but if you want a man to see you as something
more than a sex object. You must let him know you have a sincere interest in
him as a person independent of sex.
You must show him you think he is fascinating and you admire him. There is no
reason to become sexually involved before you are ready. A man interested in
you long-term will wait if he is seeking something deeper too.
Sounds a bit old-fashioned, right? Maybe, but we put so much pressure on
ourselves to appear a certain way or trying to “beat” men at their own “game”.
We can easily forget to relax and simply get to know a man person to person.
Here is some useful information to assist you whether you are just meeting a
man or have known him for some time. (These are also great topics for small
talk & initial conversations on a date.)

What interests him? (Even if you think you know; ask anyway.
He may have changed interests or has learned something new
about an old one he would love to share with you.)
Who does he admire and why? (This is a big one. It will offer
insight into the type of man he is striving to be. Listen carefully to
his answers and do some research of your own about the person or
people he mentions.)
What are his ambitions? (Listen with an open-mind, even if you
think his ambitions are impossible or unrealistic. They are his
dreams; be supportive.)
Understanding how to ask good questions is an art of communication that is
underestimated. When you show a real interest in a man as a person; a man will
find you fascinating as well.
Here’s the fun part ; when you follow my suggestions, a man will find himself
thinking about you and he will find a reason; a deep need to spend more time
with you.
Because, for him, he will have found a woman with good taste and an elegant
ease to her personality that he finds attractive and makes him feel good.
Does this sound too simple? Well, if you want to become a man magnet whose
beauty, intelligence, and sensuality makes you unforgettable. Give it a try.

Think about the reasons you like men.

The ways you can show a man true admiration & respect.
Think of some basic questions you can ask (or use the ones
provided in this chapter) then, watch what happens.
I can guarantee you will notice a change in the way men respond to you and how
you respond to them. It will become easier and you will be able to pick and
choose the type of men you invite into your life.
Whether it is a new love interest or a new friend. You have taken the first steps
to cracking a man’s love code. You are also placing yourself ahead of the crowd
by becoming irresistibly unforgettable.

“You cannot act like a flip flop and

expect to be treated like Louboutins.”
“If you want to receive exceptional
treatment. You must be exceptional.”


The other day I was scrolling through Instagram, a popular social media site at
the writing of this book, reading motivational quotes on some of the pages I like.
Many of the pages were probably created by up and coming or successful
entrepreneurial men in their 20’s & 30’s.
Why do I make this assumption because, nearly every picture is of one of the

Gorgeous & expensive fast cars

Half-naked women in their 20’s. (Occasionally, they are
beautifully dressed.)
Stacks of money
Expensive alcohol, food, & cigars
Beautifully tailored clothes
And, really expensive jewelry. (Mainly watches)

Now, there is nothing wrong with their perception of fun & wealth. These things,
especially the toys, are the rewards for hard work & sacrifice.
But, my experience with affluent men is they eventually out grow this phase of
mass consumption. Especially, once they begin to look for a wife/long-term
Now, I am not saying the love of luxurious things stops. They still love the
goodies, but once you have acquired the lifestyle it becomes about something
more than the shiny objects. They begin to seek a long-term partner to share
their success: A woman who will appreciate what they are doing and add another
layer to their lifestyle and success.
For them, it becomes even more fun and creates additional purpose when they
have the right woman to share their gains. So, ladies, if you are no longer a 20
something with a perfect body; don’t despair.
Each man has his own standard of beauty.
Yes, beauty is important. But, remember, “Beauty lies in the eyes of the
beholder”. So, if you have been caught on the dating "hamster" wheel lately and
are having a hard time understanding why your dates are not progressing beyond
a first date. It probably has nothing to do with your appearance.
Remember, he asked you out. Meaning, he is attracted to your “brand” of beauty.
So, let’s take a glimpse at what you may be doing unintentionally that is turning
off your dates.
And since you are on a mission to meet and possibly marry your ideal match
let’s touch on a common dating dilemma that you may be doing that is
sabotaging your dating success.
Now, you know you are a beautiful, caring, fun, intelligent, and loving woman.
You’ve done the leg work and are being courted by the type of man who best
suits you and your life goals. Initially, he found you to be attractive and
But for some reason, your dates either do not call back or if they do call back;
nothing happens. No second date is booked and eventually he stops calling.

Side Note: This may also happen if you are giving away too much too soon.
Such as engaging in any type of intimate behavior (Phone sex, sexting, sending
half naked or nude pictures comes to mind.)
If you are doing the sexy stuff, I recommend you stop. No man is going to take
you seriously because, he figures if you are doing this with him. You are most
likely doing the same with other men. This is fine if you are only looking for a
hook up, but a deal-breaker for most men if they are looking for a long term
So, to avoid this issue, present yourself as a woman worthy of adoration and
respect. Not my rules, ladies, I hear this from the men I know as they are
showing me inappropriate pictures women have sent to them. They have
confirmed this nugget of truth time and time again.
You are the prize. You are not in competition with other women for the attention
of the right man, but if you are not careful your behavior may run him off. Most
men still want a special lady they can cherish, adore, and work for. Don’t believe
me, ask the men you know who are looking for a steady relationship.
Now back to the previous dating dilemma, you may be feeling confused and
disappointed; possibly a little hurt as well. You thought the date went well. Both
of you were laughing, sharing great conversation, and he mentioned a few times
that he was having a good time. Yet, nothing happens after the first date.
Well, I have a secret to share with you. One of the reason, he may not be calling
back is; he thinks it would be too much work to date you. Remember, if a man is
in marriage mode. He is looking for a beautiful life partner and sexy love match.
Not, a woman who is looking for a “savior”.
Men love to date confident women. They want to spend time with a woman who
is beautiful, easygoing, fun, intelligent, and relaxed. Notice, there is no mention
about your age, body type, or other superficial concerns most women obsess
over if a date goes awry.
But, if during any of the conversations you had with your date:

He felt you were sharing too much personal information too soon.
Coming on the dating with a "Could He Be the One" agenda. (The
“interrogation” questions are a clue.)
Or did not come across as a confident woman.

He has decided to walk away.

Men get nervous when they notice they are out with a woman who:

Still has unresolved issues with an ex.

Is obviously on the "marriage" bandwagon and unable to relax and
enjoy this initial opportunity to get to know each other.
Or is telling him too many private details regarding her life on the
first date.

If during the initial conversation you were basically giving him your entire life
and dating history. You are trying too hard and he will feel overwhelmed.
And even worse, he may decide since you have shared so much already; there
really isn't much more that he needs to know about you. A man rarely calls you
back when either of these two things happens on a first date.
So, if you want to put yourself in the rare category of multiple dates and have
more options than the average woman. It is time to truly understand your worth.
You are like a fine wine that is meant to be savored, not a fast food meal that is
quickly consumed and forgotten.

To provide more clarity around this topic here are 5 secrets about men that will
help you unravel some additional mysteries about men:
1. The majority of men like a woman who is a little mysterious.
He wants to learn about you layer by layer. He wants to feel like he
has to "earn" the right to spend time with you. I know this sounds a
bit old-fashioned, but in this age of information overload and
social media driven overexposure. A woman who leisurely
“unfolds” in front of a man is very beautiful to him and a rare

Think about the men you have met in the past who you refrained from
instantly share your life story. They usually wanted to see you again
because, they thought you were interesting and had a desire to learn
more about you.
2. Men love confident women. An insecure woman will rush
through explaining who she is and provide too much information;
just in case she may never see him again. This feels desperate and
can make a man feel uncomfortable. A confident woman gives just
enough information about herself to keep him interested and
mentally thinking of what he must do to see her again and learn
Example: On your date the question comes up about your ex.

A confident woman will smile and say "He was a great guy and we had so
much fun together, but eventually we just grew apart and we knew it was time to
move on. I really do wish him the best."
The typical woman when asked this question will tell her date all the lousy
details and worst moments about her ex and the break up.
The first answer shows your date you are a confident and relaxed person. This
makes him feel good and there is a good chance he will want to see you again. If
he is smart, he will ask for a second date before you finish the first date.
The second answer lets your date know you are probably still bitter about the
breakup and your date will have no desire to ask for a second date.
So, if you are looking to improve your chances of going on a second date and
beyond with the right guy. Remember…
3. Men long to feel at ease in the company of a beautiful
woman… Relax and smile more. Smiling makes you look
confident and at ease. Plus, if you are smiling you will look even
more attractive.
4. Men enjoy spending time with a woman who is classy and
funny. - Let him see that you are a confident woman who really
does enjoy her life. Show him through your actions that you are a
charming and charismatic person.
5. Men love to spend time with a playful woman… Flirt more. –
Yes, flirt and depending on your personality style; you can be
demure or slightly more daring. Keep it light and playful (avoid
coming across too sexy.) You want to peak his interest not turn this
into foreplay.
As, you continue on this journey to meet affluent men who are interested in a
long-term romantic relationship. The most important things you can do are:

Have fun
Be playful
Keep the conversation light.
Ask questions that are easy to answer and keep you from
sounding like an FBI interrogator.
And refrain from any behavior that is overly sexual.
(Remember, save the more intimate stuff for the one you
will build a true romance. Just like you a man wants to
believe he is in the company of someone extraordinary.)
Some of the best things you can do for both of you is be charming, slightly
mysterious, and show him while you are enjoying yourself; you do not need him.
So, if he does not call back. You will not be upset, you know your worth.
You are fantastic and do not need his validation. This self-confidence gives you a
special glow, believe me, he will notice you are definitely different from the
other women he has taken on a date in the past. And he will want to see you
again because, you will truly are irresistible.
Hopefully, you will remember these 5 tips on your next date. If you do, watch
how often you are asked out on a second date. Keep it simple and enjoy.

“Some of you are focused on getting a

rich husband. I’m over here focusing on
being a rich wife.”
Yes, there is a difference.


Often when a woman talks about pursuing an affluent love interest; she is
thinking about what she expects him to do for her. I rarely hear about the things
she will do to enhance his life and lifestyle.
Some women think their youth is enough to capture and keep the attention of a
rich man. Others believe being competent and educated is enough. While others
have never given it much thought at all.
Well, I am here to remind you:

Looks change over time and there will always be someone younger
than you waiting in the “wings” to take your place.(If beauty is all
you are planning to provide.)
An affluent man is surrounded by plenty of competent and
educated women. While an affluent man enjoys the company of
intelligent women. It is not enough to keep his interest.
If you have never considered how the give and take of a
relationship with an affluent man works you will have a difficult
time maintaining any type of long term relationship with one.
One of the main things a well-grounded affluent man will find attractive &
interesting are your views about money. Now, there is no need to be a financial
whiz, but you need to have some interest other than the many ways you can
spend it. (A closet full of Louboutin and Louis Vuitton are not considered
His views on money: The acquisition, growth, and enjoyment of its benefits
acquired through his work ethic and wisdom are on another level.
A millionaire or billionaire mindset generally includes education and I am
talking about education in addition to any pieces of paper (Your diploma/s) you
may have gathering dust in a closet or framed on your wall.
Are you an avid reader? I can almost guarantee he is. One way to increase your
attraction factor to an affluent man is to casually ask for a few recommendations
from his favorite reading list.
I have had many fascinating conversations begin while sitting outside reading at
Starbucks. I generally have 2 or 3 books (Nonfiction) on my table while reading
another one. It is a well-known fact amongst my companions that I am a
Why is this important? Think about it. Once you have read the recommended
book; you have given him a great reason to see you again. Plus, you have created
a topic for a great conversation over dinner.
Having an insatiable “appetite” for learning is your opportunity to stand out from
the crowd. The average person thinks once they get out of school they have
learned all they need to know to live a good life.
We know this is untrue. Look around you, there are plenty of people with good
educations that are unemployed or working a career path that has nothing to do
with their college major or degree.
Most are unhappy, but the idea of furthering their education is unappealing. They
would love to find a shortcut, but there are no “shortcuts” without further
education for lasting success. You are reading this book to increase your success
in the world of affluent dating. So, you are definitely on the right track.
You, lovely lady, obviously are far from average. You share the mindset of the
affluent by understanding learning never stops. You need not be an expert on
everything, but you have a specialty, mastery around your passion, are open-
minded, and continuously look for ways to improve yourself.
Look at women like: Oprah, Victoria Beckham, Angelina Jolie, Jessica Simpson
(This supposed “Dumb blonde” has create a billion dollar fashion empire
and enjoys a net worth of 150 million dollars.) , Diane Von Furstenberg, &
Beyonce. They have created multimillion even billion dollar businesses
independent of their affluent mates. How? By remaining open to further
education, coaching, and mentorship; while learning how to “speak” money.
They know that applied knowledge is power. You too must understand that
further education can transform your relationship with money, the type of men
you attract, and the level of prosperity in your life.
Money is not everything, but it can provide the means to living an amazing life
full of the opportunities and the things you desire. And you better believe any
affluent man who continues to enjoy a high level of success knows this to be
And as you begin to initiate your new and improved success mindset I have a
few simple questions for you to guide you into the mind of the affluent.
What do you want? (The affluent are proactive visionaries.)
If you were to create your dream life with no limits: What do you want beyond
meeting and enjoying a lasting romance with an affluent man?
Think about it for a moment…
No limits…

1. What do you want? Be specific.

2. Next, do you believe you can receive what you want?
a. Yes…
b. No, Why not? And whose voice just popped into your
3. What is your attitude about money? (Money is a tool.)
4. Do you enjoy having money?
5. Do you believe money is a useful or destructive life tool? Which
one and why?
6. Is this your personal belief? Or has it been handed down to you by
family, friends, society, etc?
7. If you have a love/hate relationship with money are you willing to
educate yourself and learn the positive aspects about money?
This is important because your initial reaction to the idea (If it is negative.) of
receiving what you want may not be your own.
One of the main things I want you to focus on is your personal mindset (attitude
or beliefs) around money and self-improvement. Your mindset can and will
make or break you on the road to meeting and possibly marrying an affluent
Ideally, the two of you will build a happy, loving, and lasting relationship around
mutual goals. And, money is a hot topic in most relationships which can create
difficulties on how to spend and save it if the mindsets are too different.
We hear so much about the “Law of Attraction”. “Like attracts like” or “Birds of
a feather flock together”. It is the truth. We are energetic sponges: Vibrational
beings who unconsciously tune into the frequency of the people around us. So,
knowing this to be true, it would be challenging for two people with different
levels of money consciousness to get along and maintain a happy relationship.
This is the reason it is so important to surround yourself with successful like-
minded people when you are ready to uplevel your life or finally pursue what
makes you happy. You want to be surrounded by people who will encourage
your goals. An affluent man is no different.
People who complain about the exclusivity of the affluent are clueless about the
importance of being around people be who share their life plans & visions.
Actually, they are enacting the same philosophy of “Like attracting like” since
there is a good chance the people they spend the most time with are equally
As a woman ready to step into a world of affluence and romance you must be
selective about whom you invite into your life and allow close to you.
Yes, this may mean leaving behind anyone whose energy drains you or is in
conflict with your life goals. You never need to apologize for or explain the
dreams and goals you feel are right for you.
So, once again… What do you want? Do you honestly believe you can receive
it? Successful people have a huge amount of faith: In themselves and the
universal law of compensation. Yes, good old-fashioned cause and effect.
Yes, you must put in the time and make the effort if you want to reap the rewards
of your best desires and dreams.
Belief (Faith) is the fertilizer that nourishes your goals. The one thing I have
learned over the year is a high level of faith/optimism exists amongst the affluent
men (And women) I know.
They are risk-takers, especially the entrepreneurs. Some calculated meaning they
have done their research and evaluated the “Pros” & “Cons” before taking the
But, they are also willing to move forward on instinct too. Knowing this
powerful truth, I want you to review your life and life choices from a new more
empowered point of view free of restrictions.
As you begin to break-away from the mundane and monotonous mindset of the
masses; you will begin to notice how much you have been influenced by other
peoples’ ideas and thoughts.
I hope as you start to turn off the noise in your head and step back into the
limitless flow of your spirit. You will begin to first experience minor than greater
miracles in your life.
Educate yourself about the mindset of success & the affluent so you may enjoy
and share the rewards. Because, being a rich wife also means understanding how
to enjoy the benefits of being financially savvy too.
An affluent man appreciates a woman who will do more than simply think of
ways to spend money. If you have an interest in its care and growth you
definitely will be adding value to his life.
You, my dear, have learned a secret the typical woman pursuing the affluent will
overlook and wonder why she makes so little progress in her relationship goals.
Keep up the good work.
“Can you keep a secret?”

Now, I want to discuss a topic I have never seen discussed in a book on how to
marry the rich. The topic is personal integrity. As you move along your journey
to meet, date, and possibly marry an affluent man. You will eventually meet a
man who really does like you and the two of you will begin to develop a more
intimate relationship.
He may begin to share personal information about himself hoping that in you he
has found a true confidant; a person with whom he can remove the daily façade,
relax, and be himself.
Initially, it will be simple stuff. But, being human, eventually you will meet his
shadow side. The portion of him he may have only shared with 1 or 2 people.
The personal needs or quirks he only feels comfortable sharing with the ones he
truly trust. And by the way, if this sounds potentially alarming. Remember, we
all have a shadow side to our personalities.
And, if he is starting to share more details about himself it usually means: He is
thinking about you as long term relationship or wife. He will begin to share
tidbits with you. He is testing to see if he really can relax with you.
This is a good thing and important. Your integrity is everything in this situation.
There will be things your beloved may share with you; things few people or no
one knows about him. This is information you must keep to yourself. No sharing
with your girlfriends, no discussing it with your mom. The information must
stop with you.
Many high-powered men have secret habits and hobbies that are personal and
private. Some will be extreme; others not so much… Nothing illegal , just
different. And you, as a potential mate, must be a woman of integrity since he is
hoping you will be the one he can truly trust: Thus, creating a lasting love and
happy life. Each of us longs for that type of security and openness in a long-term
romance. So, be respectful.
Now, if the information he is shares with you causes any type of confusion or
concerns: Initially, I recommend keeping the lines of communication open. Once
you learn more about some things. They may not be a big deal.
But, if the information shared with you does conflict with your personal beliefs
and you decide to move on.

This is still information

you must keep to yourself.
Think about it if you decided to share your most intimate secrets with someone
you love and the relationship ends. The last thing you would want is for them to
share your secrets. Be respectful and trustworthy.
Enough said let’s move on.

“No matter how educated, talented, rich,

or cool you are. How you treat others
ultimately tells all. Integrity is
“Don’t tell people your dreams show
“If you want to achieve success, stop
asking for permission.”
“You are the master of your own
“Step up and live your life.”


Now, that we have covered some preliminary topics around dating an affluent
man. Let’s go deeper and return to the topic of your dedication to changing your
dating experiences and mindset around living a more affluent lifestyle.
Some of you may be doing well financially and are looking to fine tune your
awareness to attract the right man. Others may be newbies to the world of
affluence and need to build their confidence.
I remember when I began to date affluent men. I was a young single mom of 3
young sons and working a dead end job. I wasn’t living in a great neighborhood.
I didn’t even own a car. I was catching a bus to work every day.
Where you begin has very little to do with your success. I simply knew that with
my ambitions and goals. I was tired of hearing that I was too much from some of
the men I was dating.
According to some, I wanted too much. I expected too much. My life desires and
goals were unrealistic. I learned pretty quickly to let the naysayers opinions go in
one ear and out the other.
All I knew was I had a vision and a plan. I was going to live a better life. I was
going to provide a better lifestyle for my sons. I was willing to do the work and
educate myself on the steps needed to improve my life. Plus, as a single mom,
my time for romance was rather limited. I needed to be more focused and use my
time wisely.
It all began pretty simple. I would meet successful men when I was out to lunch
and we would talk. More like they would talk and I would listen. The
conversations eventually grew into friendships and they would ask me about my
life goals. When I shared my visions they would offer suggestions on what to do
next. No criticisms, but valuable information, a true appreciation of my drive to
succeed, and willingness to learn how.
I developed lasting friendships and eventually began to date wealthier men. And,
I loved it. It was so much easier because, I did not have to defend my life goals.
Plus, they had the resources and know how to get me to the next step.
You may be asking, what did they gain from spending time with me? The
companionship of a beautiful, fun, intelligent, and sexy woman. A woman who
appreciated their ambition, drive, and wisdom; time spent with a woman who
was easy to talk to, made them laugh, and was nonjudgmental. They could tell
me anything and I never made them feel bad about their personal quirks.
Hey, we are all eclectic in one way or another. So, who am I to judge?
I am grateful for the men I met in the beginning they made it so easy for me to
change my dating requirements. I still date affluent men (Multi-millionaires and
even a few billionaires.)
I have dated them from all across this country and around the world. Long-term,
short term, even several marriage proposals over the years; they really are
amazing. The time spent with each one of them has been priceless.
These men recognize I am different, in a good way, and come to me. I know part
of the interest comes from my life views and the lessons learned walking in the
shoes of an entrepreneur. I can relate to their ups and downs. We share common
interests and knowledge.
Reread, the previous paragraph, we share common interests and knowledge. This
is a great reminder to continue educating yourself. And, to keep you heading in
the right direction, I have included a series of questions.
Success requires consistency. So, if you are serious about this change of
direction on your path to lasting love. You must be committed to make it a
reality in your life.
So, as you answer the following questions be honest and remember you deserve
the best. You will also need to be willing to give your best.

Here we go. (I suggest a separate notebook for your eyes only . This is
personal and private information.)
You have finally decided to shift your focus on the type of men you will date:
Why now?
What has changed in your life and has made you aware of your
need to change your dating options?

Why do you desire to meet and possibly marry a rich man?

What do you feel you have to offer him as a potential girlfriend or
wife? Be specific.

People will criticize you for choosing to pursue a successful/rich mate.

How committed are you to achieving this goal? (Be honest; this is
your future we're talking about.)
Very committed - Other people's opinions are not an
issue. I am willing to learn what I need to do to make
this happen. (Why?)
Thinking about it ; this is a fantasy. I've never really
thought about what I need to do to make it happen.
(Why not?)
Other people's opinions will cause me to back off of
my dream. (Why?)
Section 2: Current Lifestyle – These questions are included to make you more
aware of your current wealth consciousness and deserve levels.
Describe your shopping preferences:
Where do you enjoy shopping?

Upscale boutiques
Luxury department stores (Saks Fifth Ave, Neiman Marcus,
Bloomingdales, etc.)
Private Luxury Label stores (Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Ralph Lauren, etc.)
Kohl's, Target
TJ Maxx, Marshall's
Consignment shops
Thrift shops

Why do you enjoy going to this or these stores to shop?

The atmosphere
The customer service
The prestige
The prices
The variety

If you bought a cozy sweater; it would be?

Silk blend

When you shop for lingerie; where do you

usually shop?

Online Luxury French Lingerie site

(La Perla, Aubade, Lise Chamel, etc.)
Agent Provocateur
Bloomingdales's, Saks Fifth Ave, etc.
Victoria's Secret
Marshall's or TJ Maxx, Kohl's, Target, etc.
A local boutique

Describe your fantasy shopping experience. (Where would you go, what
would you buy, how much would you spend, etc.)
Section 3: Your Hobbies and Interests
Describe how you have fun or relax.
If I were to look around your house, what type of
reading material would I find?: Be Specific

Magazines (What type?)

Newspapers (What type?)
Romance Novels
Fiction (Other)
Non-fiction (Health/fitness/wellness, biographies, cookbooks, etc.)
Non-fiction (Hobbies and interests)
Self-help/Personal Growth (Spiritual, motivational, business,
relationships etc.)
None, I am not much of a reader

Your favorite activities involve: (Select all that


Being outdoors
Something fitness-related
Sitting at a coffee shop reading, then going to lunch
Hanging out with my friends
Spending time with my family
Volunteering for a worthy cause
World travel
Being on or near water (Sailing, yachting, laying out, on a cruise)
You tell me...

If you had an extra $7800 to spend; how would

you spend it?

Book a vacation
Go shopping
Invest in a self-improvement or coaching program, that would help
me improve my life and achieve my goals.
Save it (IRA, 401 K, etc.)
Donate a portion to my favorite charity; spend the rest.
You tell me...

What new hobbies or interest would you like to try?

Describe your dream vacation.
How would you get there?

Private Jet
Commercial airline:
1st Class seating
Coach seating
Private yacht
Cruise ship

Where would you stay?

With family or friends

5 star luxury hotel (Ritz's Carlton, 4 Seasons, etc.)
Best Western. Holiday Inn, La Quinta, etc
Campgrounds (Cabin, tent, RV)

Section 4: Your Money Mindset

Love and money actually go hand in hand. Your feelings about money can affect
the type of men you attract. Which statement is true for you?

I have to work hard to make large amounts of money

Money comes to me easily and effortlessly:

My financial goal is to make per year: (Write down the amount.)

Why this amount of money per year?
Being a millionaire makes me feel: (Why?)

Me, a millionaire, this is highly unlikely.

Being a billionaire makes me feel: (Why?)

Free to do great things
Me, a billionaire, this is highly unlikely.

How much money is enough for you?: (Why?)

5 million dollars
50 million dollars
500 million dollars
A billion dollars or more

As a millionaire/billionaire, you would spend your

money on: (Select all that apply)

Shopping (Clothes, shoes, pampering myself)

Buying a new home and/or car
Investing in the stock market, real estate, or other financial assets
My favorite charity or charities

Starting my own business

Starting my own charity
My children and other family members
Luxury trips around the world
You tell me...

Section 5: Your Spiritual Beliefs

Our spiritual beliefs are very personal and an important part of who we are.
Tell me what matters most to you.
Describe your spiritual beliefs:
Do you have a daily practice? If so, what is it?
Is it important that your man share your spiritual beliefs?

Yes or No
If yes, why?

Are you willing to dating a man with different spiritual

beliefs than yours?

Yes or No
If no, why not?

Who is a spiritual male leader you admire?

(You can name up to 3)
Why do you admire this man or these men?
This is the end of the questions.
Take the time to really review your answers.

Are you noticing a pattern or trend?

Do think your current mindset and lifestyle choices compliment
the lifestyle and mindset of an affluent man? Yes/No (Why?)
Do you feel that there is room for improvement?
What do you feel you need to work on?

Your desire to meet and marry a highly successful man is very doable with
proper guidance and commitment to do so.

Remember to keep these answers in a separate notebook to

As you move through your dating and life experiences. You will notice some
interesting changes along the way.

“Life begins at the end of your comfort



I realize we touched on the topic of sex earlier. Basically, avoid moving too fast
into intimate behaviors before a relationship has been established.
Now, I want to expand on the importance sex in a relationship with an affluent
man. In the beginning, I do recommend taking your time before you decide to
add sex to the “menu’. Allow yourself time to get to know the man you are
I know some women feel pressure to have sex before they are ready. Why?
Because, some women fear losing an affluent man to someone who will. Well, if
a man is insisting on a sexual relationship before you feel comfortable, my
advice is to let him go.
This is not high school. We all know a man will not develop any physical
complications if he is unable to ejaculate every time he becomes aroused.
That kind of pressure simply shows the man you are dealing with is rather
immature and your goal is to become involved with a man who is well-grounded
and not looking to add to you his bed-hopping stats.
So, let’s be clear, if a man is pressuring you for sex before you are ready to share
such an intimate experience with him. He is not the right man for you.
Remember, you are looking for a long-term relationship or marriage. Ideally, you
have begun to attract men with the same goals as you.
If a man is interested in you long-term he will wait. He understands the
importance of establishing compatibility before moving into such a life changing
Now, before I continue, let’s be clear. It is okay to wait for sex. But, it is
unethical and unfair to lead a man on. No man deserves such disrespect
especially, if he has been courteous and has expressed an interested in creating a
more substantial relationship with you.
Remember being a woman of integrity is a crucial part of successful dating. So,
be a lady if you are not truly attracted to him; let him go.
Now, as the relationship deepens the topic of sex will come up and moving your
relationship to the next step can be fun. Sex is a natural and fulfilling part of
loving someone.
Most of the highly successful men I know do have strong sex drives. Not all, but
many do. Most have told me it is a great way for them to relax, share affection,
and enjoy being intimate with their lady. When a man is in love one of the most
important ways he expresses his love for his beloved is sex.
Your pleasure is important to him. He wants to know he can satisfy you. So, in
this section, I have included questions about your ideal sexual relationship and
worksheets for you to write down your answers.
Sex can be a tough topic for some women especially if their previous
relationships were not sexually satisfying. So, let’s break that particular cycle
and be truthful about what you want and need from your future lover.
Be honest, I want you to really think about your answers. Then, be comfortable
and confident enough to wait for someone who truly wants to please you.
In the long run it will be a win/win situation for both of you.

1. Describe the importance of romance, passion, and sex in

your love life:

Be specific! There is no need to be shy.

2. Describe your romantic needs:

(Do you like to receive flowers, candlelight dinners,

shopping, romantic getaways, etc?)

3. Describe your sexual needs:

3a. Is foreplay important to you? Yes/No

3b. Describe your idea of foreplay:

(Should it start in early in the day or a longer process with

a lot of flirting, touching and teasing that builds to great
sex.) Be specific!
4. How often do you enjoy making love? (Circle one)

Once a month… Once a week… 3 times a week or more

(There are no wrong answers so, be honest.)

5. What turns you on?

(Erotic fiction, erotic touch/massage, movies, dressing

up/role playing, games, lotions and potions, oral sex, etc.)
6. What is the one thing your partner should know that really
rocks your world? (Why?)
7. Describe how you see you and your partner discussing the
delicate and delightful subject of sex outside the bedroom:
9. Do you like public displays of affection?

(Example: Holding hands, kissing, etc.)

10. What other things are important to you?

“The real power of a man is in the size
of the smile of the women sitting next to

“The worst thing you can be is the same

as everyone else.”
I want you to read this chapter and realize how important it is to be yourself
while meeting and dating affluent men. There is no need to create a persona of a
woman you think you need to be to receive a wealthy man’s attention.
Trust me, they can recognize a fraud. They have not reached their level of
success by being clueless about people. No matter, how pretty the face or perfect
the body if you are not sincere. They will grow tired of your games.
The man you seek is looking for the real deal in a companion and potential life
Now, I have no desire to mislead you. You do need to take care of yourself:
Emotionally, mentally, physically, & spiritually. An affluent man desires a
woman who will make his life more enjoyable. Just like you, they want their
long-term relationships to be a lasting success.
Even, when I had little money I still took care of myself. My parents taught me
about quality: clothes, education, people, thoughts, and more.
I knew how to dress well. I am articulate. My friend’s would ask if my mother
was an English teacher because, I speak such proper English. Plus, part of my
appeal is I find ways to enjoy myself alone or in the company of extraordinary
people. Being around me is a relaxing experience.
In the beginning, I shopped at thrift stores to supplement my wardrobe with
luxurious clothing: I wore cashmere sweaters, designer suits, silk shirts, and
other items to create a classy look. An affluent man who wants to share his
lifestyle will not mind if your income is less than his. He simply needs to see
your potential and your ability to be comfortable in his world.
Nowadays, you have so many options to upgrade your wardrobe if you are on a
tight budget: TJ Maxx, Marshall’s, consignment shops in upscale neighborhoods,
ebay, etc.
You simply need to acquire the knowledge about how to dress appropriately for
the level of affluent lifestyle you seek to share with your potential beloved.
“InStyle” magazine has a great book on dressing and style. Fashion magazines
can be very helpful. I recommend going to the bookstore and see what other
books appeal to you.
But, there is more, in addition to my appearance, my confidence and
determination was also attractive to the men who came into my life.
Men love women who are authentic. Women who are relaxed and feel good
about themselves are the ones men generally are unable to forget.
Successful men also love women who have overcome life challenges and
continue to thrive. Bitterness has no place in your search for romance. Neither
does the need to be perfect.
The uniqueness of your personality is magnetic to the right men. So, use it to
your advantage, in this chapter I am going to talk about 2 hollywood superstars
to explain the importance of being yourself: Angelina Jolie & Jennifer Aniston.
When the marriage of Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt came to an end; people
were in shock. People were wondering what had happened to Hollywood’s
golden couple. And then, the truth came out. He had fallen in love with Angelina
Jolie; one of America’s favorite bad girls.
Actually, I prefer to use the word naughty. It’s playful and full of fun, sexy, and
at times delightfully wicked possibilities. It can be used with beginners and
seasoned practitioners of well-rounded sensual and succulent behavior. It is a
word that makes women giggle and men take notice.
Even the definition of naughty is fun and mysterious.
Naughty means: Behaving disobediently or mischievously; indecent, improper,
or wickedly titillating.
Sounds over the top yet, it can expressed in many ways from mild to wild. The
choice is entirely up to the participants and how they wish to express this
delightful word. Why the lengthy explanation? Keep reading it will make sense.
Now, let’s go back in time to set the stage for this drama which until a few years
ago was still creating public debate.
When Angelina Jolie was younger; she seemed to be out of control. Her
behavior at times seemed reckless and wild. People speculated whether or not
she would one day go too far and ruin her acting career or possibly her life.
No one knew what to expect and even she admits. She was walking a “tightrope”
never certain if she was going to successfully make it to the other side
But, she stayed true to her personality. And as she began to mature, she become
less erratic. Her natural free-spirited and wanderlust ways finally seem to bring
her peace. Her popularity eventually provided her with some new opportunities
and one day a trip to Cambodia as a goodwill ambassador profoundly changed
her life. Since then, she has been making positive changes in her life and others
in massive ways.
I seriously doubt that Angelina could ever be anything less then, larger than life.
She carries herself like a Goddess and is treated accordingly.
She has never apologized for her life and life choices. We have watched her
grow up into a woman who is classy, elegant, edgy, sensual, and still maintains a
mysterious vibe that captivates the world. She is confident and happy. Look at
her life professionally she is:

An award-winning actress
Film director
And screenwriter.
Personally, she is happily married to one of the sexiest and most sought after
men on the planet; Brad Pitt.
A man who has been by her side through some scary health issues and admits to
feeling helpless at times when she has struggled. Yet, he continues to be her
“rock” and best friend. It is obvious they are in love. Watch their body language
when they are out together. He is her companion, lover, protector, and king.
They have been together for over 10 years and have a beautiful family of 6
lovely children; who they love dearly and are thrilled to parent.
She lives the “dream”. And according to her and Brad; she still has a naughty
side. But, apparently it is for private “consumption” only. (Brad’s words) She has
stayed true to herself and matured in a way that is still exciting and unapologetic.
Now, let’s look at one of America’s sweetheart’s… Jennifer Aniston.
Jennifer is a beautiful and talented award-winning actress whose good looks and
behavior has been labeled; All-American Girl Next Door. She is the perpetual
good girl; cute, nice, and sweet. She is admired and adored.
Everyone thought she had it all and for awhile her life was picture perfect. A
long-running hit TV series; was able to transition from TV to the big screen; a
beauty trendsetter (She even had a haircut that launched a beauty frenzy.); and at
one-time she dated and was married to mega heartthrob, Brad Pitt.
Women envied her life and felt that being sweet and picture “perfect” was the
way to go. Then, something went drastically wrong. The “dream” fell apart and
people were stunned. Almost overnight; our “Good” girl lost her knight in
shining armor to the proverbial “Bad” girl.
For years, people were baffled over the split. How could Brad leave Jennifer for
Angelina? Look at the pictures; Brad and Jennifer, Hollywood’s golden couple.
How could it have gone so wrong?
While, I am unable to tell you with complete accuracy what happened between
Brad and Jen. I can tell you from my years of experience of talking to thousands
of guys about their ideal woman; being with a woman who has to be picture
“perfect” is an exhausting way to live.
A woman’s need to constantly embrace what I call the “Good Girl” syndrome
can ruin her life, relationships, and erode her self-esteem. The constant struggle
to deny the “darker” and deeper aspects of her personality throws a woman off
Our life experience here on Earth is all about opposites: Hot/cold, up/down,
day/night, etc. Our very nature as humans is to develop and enjoy the totality of
who we are. Denial can lead to a multitude of problems.
Now, knowing this think about it when you ask the question. How could a man
like Brad Pitt leave a down to earth woman like Jennifer Aniston and find true
long-term happiness with such a free-spirit like Angelina Jolie?
Probably because, the pressure to appear flawless was so intense when he and
Jennifer where together. Look at their pictures, they look like Hollywood’s
version of Malibu Barbie and Ken, 2 sun-kissed genetically-gifted beautiful
people. Happily ever after was an expectation.
But, with Angelina people expect surprises. We are okay with the special quirks
that make Angelina so dear to us. Angelina came to us with flaws and dark
corners; with her Brad can relax and live a more multi-dimensional life.
And, my lovelies, this is very important to any man whose life is already full of
work-based stress. He desires home to be a place where he can remove his
“armor” and find some peace. If you’re honest so, do you.
Side Note: Your ability to be vulnerable is magnetic to a man. A woman
who can be classy and tough in public. But, a man in love wants to know he has
made it possible for the woman he loves to let down her guard and be soft and
open with him. Brad has experienced this with Angelina. This is intimacy at its
deepest level.

And if you’re wondering, yes, a woman who is a bit daring, intelligent, and has a
thriving naughty side; it is a wonderful experience for a man. It is so rare to meet
a woman who is content with herself.
Women place so much pressure on themselves about their looks, other people’s
opinions about how they should act, be, achieve success, and so much more.
When a man finally meets a woman who is happy with herself. It makes it easier
for him to fall in love.
Why? Because, he feels safe knowing he doesn’t have to be perfect either. A
woman like this is generally less judgmental because, she knows her assets, but
also realizes she is a work in progress and is enjoying the journey.
As women, we are so beautiful and diverse. We are capable of so much more
than we allow ourselves to be So, remember what you have been learning about
yourself through the quizzes & worksheets.
This is important information that makes it easier for you to uncover more about
yourself, identify the type of man you want to meet, and create an exceptional
Let go of the need to appear or to be perfect. It has probably been the undoing of
several relationships in your past. You are a unique beauty use this wisdom to
your advantage.
As for Jennifer Aniston, I feel like she had to take a few years to find her
personal truth; to find herself independent of the public pressure to be a certain
I have enjoyed watching her evolution. She went through a rough patch in her
dating life after she and Brad divorced. She was probably as shocked as the rest
of the world when her marriage ended.
Then, to have it play out in such a public venue had to be incredibly
heartbreaking. But, Jennifer has evolved over the years and I admire her.
She is a woman who I believe has learned through trial and error to finally let go
of the Hollywood persona for her brand of beauty, ignore the constant chatter
and speculation, and finally embraced her worth.
Lately, she seems more relaxed, is taking greater risk in her film selections, and
seems happily in love. She and Justin Theroux, her long time fiancé, recently got
married after a 3 year courtship.
I wish her the best. She is a wonderful example of a woman her is no longer
chained to the “Good Girl” syndrome epidemic running wild in America.
The lesson of this chapter is to “Be Yourself”. You are a priceless treasure and
for the right man. He’ll do his best to be worthy of you. Your personal quirks
make you unique. Embrace what makes you such a treasure. In the “Game of
love” no imitations allowed.

“Good girls go the heaven… Bad girls

go everywhere.”
Allow yourself to have some fun.
“To get somewhere new, you must first
decide that you are tired of being where
you are.”


The previous quote is a newer version of Einstein’s insanity quote:

“The definition of insanity is: Doing the same thing over and over
again expecting different results.”
I know far too many women guilty of this approach to their love lives. They do
nothing different and wonder why they are still alone or in a series of unhappy
If you desire different results in your love life then, you must be willing to make
some changes. And yes, some of these changes may need to be radical ones.
This is your life and you get one chance to truly enjoy it in your current
“container”. Are you happy with your life results so far? Are you happy with
your current love life? If not. I hope you will read this book then, read it again
and again.
Each time you read this book parts 1 and 2. You will uncover more useful
information and begin to change your life in the most profound and satisfying
ways; in general and romantically.
I have shown you that becoming a wealthy wife is a legitimate desire which has
the potential to change your life, your beloved’s life, and others in ways
unimagined since you will be allowing, receiving, and sharing life experiences
from place of true empowerment.
The wisdom you have gained has helped you to identify the right millionaire
(billionaire) match for you. While reminding you that this is a 2 way street. You
are preparing yourself to be a wonderful match for your man too.
Hopefully, you have loosen your grip on the battle cry of independence enough
to allow yourself to receive the love of a man who wants to adore, cherish,
honor, and protect you.
Yes, protect you. Look at how Brad Pitt holds Angelina or the way Will Smith
cradles Jada in his arms when they are on red carpets. These men love their
ambitious and successful wives. And, their body language lets the world know
they will defend her from harm.
That is one of the position a king takes when he loves and honors his queen.
And, one of the greatest things to watch is how graciously these confident
women relax into and seem to enjoy this show of affection and protection from
their men.
So, if your true goal is to be a wealthy wife then, “Me” must be willing to
embrace the concept of “We”. No man is going to stay in a relationship where he
feels he is not needed or wanted.
So, use this information as guidance into the world of affluent dating,
friendships, and marriage. You deserve to love and be loved by a man has been
searching for a woman as incredible as you.
I am wishing much love and unlimited joy. Namaste

Final Quote: Say it daily!

“I am not a one in a million kind of girl.
I am a once in a lifetime kind of

An Irresistible Free Gift from the Author

I t is impossible for me to teach you everything I have learned over the past 20 years
of friendships, dating, socializing, and being in long term relationships with affluent
men in a single book.
If you are ready to continue your education. I have a special gift for you.

The Wealthy Wife Question & Answer

Audio (Mp3) Series
(A $288 Value)
It includes answers to the top 6 questions I consistently receive from women.

1. Where to find & meet affluent men?

2. How to identify affluent men?
3. What is an affluent man’s type?
4. Why do some women only attract affluent men?
5. Are affluent men attracted to more mature & fuller figured
6. When you meet an affluent man is it best to play hard to
get or be direct and go for what you want?

The answers will surprise you and help ease your transition into affluent dating.

To receive your Mp3 series email your name & email address to:

Put “Wealthy Wife Q & A” in the subject box


Cyndi Harris is a woman who believes in living life fully; embracing and
recognizing the beauty, joy, and wisdom that is the birthright of every woman.
For far too long women have been trying to find their rightful, most dynamic,
and powerful place in life. Cyndi is:
• An advocate
• Advisor/Coach
• Author
• Facilitator
• And your biggest cheerleader when it is time to celebrate your success.
She is the one who will help you reawaken your intuition/inner wise woman
insights and rediscover how to reclaim your best and most satisfying desires and
dreams. She will help you move from:

Stagnation to creation then intention which will finally lead you to


And in the process you will learn to how to graciously surrender to the life
blessings and miracles that have been waiting for you.
For more information about: Cyndi or to learn about additional services and
Go to: www.redtentwisdom.com

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