Activity 3

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ANS VUULULELELDDDDDDDDDDD DOLLY DELULLULULEULUADYE "norional Choral Reading takes a typical language learn- ing activity such as reading a dialogue asa group and gives ipa nice twist 10 enliven it by adding emotion. Preparation None necasary Procedure |, Select a dialogue from the textbook or 2 reading, or write one. 2. Have leamers practice reading asa group a 4, Have leaner reread the dialogue as you cue different emotions so learnets change thei voice ro match as they ae reading, Variations 1. Give different emotions to different characters in the dialogue. 2. Have some learners read the dialogue as one emotion (or mixed) and the others guess the emotion. 3, Have learners do the dialogue in smaller groups to reduce affec- tive filter and allow all to practice at the same time. Example Emotions ‘Anger Annoyance Disgust Irritation Doubt Envy Frastaton Guile Shame Anxiety Embarrassment Fear Wory Bored Hurt Sadness Shock Delight. ——_Joy Courage Calm Relief Incerest Surprise emotional Choral Reading When to Use It To make a routine dialogue or sentence dill ‘more engaging. + Ta provide alternate ways of practicing speaking Level eee Skills A= Practice © fk Materials Emotion cards optional Preparation Time None Activity Time 15-35 minutes, depending on groups presenting ‘Conuibuior Andrea Bilikovd relance English teacher and tacher Wainer, Slovakia 93

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