Business Plan

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Business Plan

Pobocan,Angel Mae S.
Grade 12 HUMSS - Fire Opal
Mr. Miguel Victor Chua

The mission of Dive in; Bookcafé is to help the
people that do not have enough space at home for
their work or school purposes, then it will help to
ease the boredom and to feel at home. Moreover,
the bookcafé is ready to serve the ambiance of the
homes to help them to focus.

The vision of the Dive in; Bookcafé will be successful
and it will make a numerous brand in any part of the
Philippines and there are many investors that aim to
help the people especially the students.

My company will be related to books since I love reading. I want a business
that is related to my hobby and that is a book cafe. Book café is good when
my customers are busy with their work or school. They can even buy some
food like cake, coffee,pastry and more and I want to be an inspiration to
other teenagers who love reading too. By this, the book café will help the
students to find some resources on their school works or to ease their
boredom . They can read the books freely and the book café can be a second
home for the students that don't have space at their home for school

First, my product will be tangible because obviously it’s a book cafe ,
there’s a book inside a café that you can freely read what you want and
buy some food if you feel hungry. Secondly, the level of my product will
be basic because obviously the material I use is coffee grain.Third, the
product I made will be classified as shopping products because the
costumer may be consuming their time at my café for their rest or if
they are bored. Fourth , the nature of my product will be varility
because my company will depend on my customers' necessity. And
lastly, the product I made will be in two parts, the first one nature
based because the materials may I used is raw,services and persons
that will be involved to have a good quality in my cafe, the second one
is consumer intention because the sales of my café is based on the

Location and Logo of the Business

I would like to place my business

besides of the schools in the PH3, it
will be good to the students to
have a near bookcafé and I think it
will be the apple of the eye since
its new to us and as you know my
target customer are mostly
This will be the business logo, the
meaning of dive in is to 'search
something you wanna find' and the
books with the flower significant to
the new knowledge that should
This is the logo design in every
product that customer will purchase
in the café including the coffee,
pastry,milktea, and such. You will
see this also in every bag when you
decide to take out your order.

Market Analysis

The purpose of my business is to promote the books to the youth and also to avoid
the continuous used of the technology including the social media. It will giving the
90'S vibe where the technology didn't exist or not known unlike today. Looking far,i
think the business will grow more with the uniqueness of the theme that owner
created. It will be great impact to the youth who want to explore the traditional way
of learning where they didn't search at the google or any learning websites and it
could be the additional to the learning style of the student motivated to finish their
task using the book found at the café. The target customers is the Filipino who
always busy and also include the students with the age range of 15-27 years old
,both female and male that study from the different area of Bagong Silang. Thus, the
price range of the product on the bookcafe will be affordable and sufficient to the
wallet of every Filipinos and it can lead to the successful of the business where it
can create more branches in near future.

Market Strategy
The Dive in;Bookcafe will use the market strategy is the social media such as
Facebook and Instagram because it's the fastest providing information and
has millions of users all over the world. Here are the reasons…
● The Facebook and Instagram are the most common apps when you say
social media. I will post some pictures of the cafe.
● Also, to promote better I will make a page for my business and join
some groups.
● As this, i will extend the marketing through TikTok where mostly the
users are youths, I posted some videos and create some scenario that

boost the highlights of the cafe such as the foods, the designs,and the
ambiance of it.

Operational Management
● I choose as my manpower is the students particularly the senior high schools
up to college students because the situation in our country including the
inflation rate are the factors that the students may encounter. It will be a
great help for their financial needs and other necessities.
● The materials I used are the books. As the main point of the business, the
books are one essential material of the business. The books will be the main
attraction of the business.Hence, we look for the supplier who have a serve a
great quality to the books and offer the great packaging and cost.
● Aside from the books, there is coffee related to the business.. So, the machine
will be related through the coffeemaker and other machines related at the
● Along with the materials and the machine, the business will assure the great
ambiance of the bookcafe then in terms of the foods, we will make a great
packaging and do a cheaper price that the students can buy on their enough

Process in Getting the Materials.

1. Since the business is the bookcafe, we need a capital to accompany the
materials needed for.
2. Next one, we will find the supplier of the books that sells at the lowest price
but have a great packaging.
3. Since we have a cafe too, we find the supplier for the raw materials needed in
making some coffees and pastries.
4. We also need to find the best sellers of the Machine like a Samsung or a
Penosonic that have a great quality in terms of machinery.
The Delivery Method
Since we are the bookcafe, we didn't do it online but rather the face to face
method. The foods that we sell inside the cafe will be taken out of the customer. We
specifically clear out that there's no a drive thru because this is for the students and
workers that don't have a enough space at their homes.
The Summary of Management
1.1 Management Summary
Dive in; Bookcafe will consist of the three full - time employees. The
additional employees will be get at the part time by use of the legal
consultants, specifically in legal matters.
1.2.Management Team Gaps
We are lacking in the professionals that we can handle in terms of financial
aspects. We need to add some people that know how to deal with it.

Personnel Plan
The personnel plan requires in plant of employees from the age range
of 15 to 27 years.old within the four years of the business

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