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Case Study: Cerebral Palsy

Patient Information:
Name: Sara
Age: 7 years old
Gender: Female

Sara was born at 28 weeks gestation preterm, weighing barely 1.2 kilograms. She had a
challenging delivery that included issues including oxygen deprivation and low Apgar scores.
Sara was consequently identified as having cerebral palsy (CP).
Medical History:
Sara's medical history includes the following:
Cerebral Palsy:
Sara has cerebral palsy, which is characterized by brain damage-related motor difficulties. Her
particular kind of CP, spastic diplopia, mainly impacts her lower limbs. Because of the increased
muscular tone and stiffness brought on by this illness, she finds it difficult to move and walk by
Developmental Delays:
Sara's cerebral palsy has caused her to face delays in achieving motor milestones. At the typical
ages, she was unable to crawl, stand, or walk. She has experienced physical development delays
Muscle Spasticity:
Sara has more defined muscles, especially in her legs. She experiences stiffness and a restricted
range of motion as a result of her muscle spasticity, which makes it challenging for her to carry
out daily tasks and prevents her from being able to walk by herself.
Speech and Language Delays:
Sara also has trouble developing her voice and vocabulary. She has trouble speaking clearly and
verbally expressing herself. Her poor communication abilities make it difficult for her to
converse and interact with people.

Fine Motor Skills:

Sara has trouble with her fine motor skills, making it difficult for her to button her clothes, hold
a pencil, or handle small things. Her ability to carry out jobs that call for precise hand
movements and coordination is impacted by these challenges.
Current Challenges and Treatment Plan:
Sara faces mostly communication and mobility issues. The following is part of her cerebral palsy
treatment plan:
Physical Therapy:
Sara attends routine physical therapy sessions to increase her range of motion and muscle
power. Stretching exercises, balance drills, and gait training are the main topics of the therapy
sessions. The objective is to increase her independence in walking and increase her total
functional mobility.
Occupational Therapy:
Sara also receives occupational therapy in order to improve her fine motor abilities. The
therapy involves exercises like practicing handwriting, using utensils, and handling little items.
The objective is to increase her independence and dexterity in performing daily tasks.
Speech Therapy:
Sara receives speech therapy to help her communicate more clearly. The therapist employs a
variety of methods, including language comprehension exercises, vocabulary development, and
articulation training. Her communication abilities are to be improved, and she is to be given
more tools for successful self-expression.
Assistive Devices:
Sara makes use of assistive equipment to help with her movement. She uses ankle-foot
orthotics and leg braces to support her lower limbs and enhance her gait. These tools give her
stability when walking and aid in controlling her muscle stiffness. She also has a communication
tool that lets her communicate her thoughts and feelings using symbols and images in order to
make up for her speech issues.
Educational help: Sara's Individualized Education Plan (IEP) provides her with additional
educational help. Her individual learning requirements are addressed in the IEP, which also
guarantees that the right classroom adjustments and modifications are made. It contains tactics
that will make it easier for her to participate, communicate, and advance academically.
Results and Prognosis: Sara's cerebral palsy prognosis is unique and based on a number of
variables, such as the severity of her condition, her access to therapy, and her family's support.
Sara's mobility, communication, and fine motor skills have improved with constant therapy and
assistance. Despite the difficulties she may still experience, early intervention and continued
care support her general health and functioning abilities. Maximizing her independence is the

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