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Second Quarter Test

SY 2022-2023

Name: _____________________________ Date: ___________ Score: ___________________




A. Study each sentence below. Tell whether it is OPINION or NOT OPINION. Write your
answer on the space provided before each number.
_______________ 1. Covid-19 has killed thousands of people all over the world.
_______________ 2. I think this pandemic will last a little longer in the Philippines.
_______________ 3. The Philippines is a Third World country.
_______________ 4. It is difficult to fight this pandemic because some people are stubborn.
_______________ 5. Most frontliners are vulnerable to this life-threatening virus.

B. Underline the opinion-markers employed.

1. I do really like haiku.

2. If I am not mistaken, Haiku is a type of short form poetry originally from Japan.
3. In my experience, writing haiku is quite hard.
4. A traditional Japanese haiku is a three-line poem with seventeen syllables, written in a 5/7/5
syllable count, but I think it could be adjusted.
5. It is claimed that you have to strictly follow the syllable count.
III. Read each sentence carefully. Identify whether the statements COMPARE or CONTRAST ideas.

_______________1. Ella had her hair done in style similar to mine.

_______________2. That bike has the same color as our car.
_______________3. I was hungry, but I was reluctant to eat, since I did not like what was on offer.
_______________4. I got an A in Math, and I am doing well in other classes, too.
_______________5. I ordered steak; however, chicken was served instead.
_______________6. I got my homework done despite the fact that I left my book at school.
_______________7. That story resembles one I read a year ago.
_______________8. Hank is six-feet tall, although his brother is only five feet.
_______________9. I eat meat, whereas my parents only eat vegetables.
______________10. My taste differs from yours, since I do not have sweet tooth.

IV. Write POSITIVE if it conveys a positive message or NEGATIVE if it conveys a negative one.

______________1. We have not been seeing a great deal of each other lately.

______________2. The police concluded that the security system had been working properly.

______________3. I think I am not doing enough.

______________4. You know you have something to offer. If you don’t, you would not be here.

______________5. If you want to change the world, you have to take the leap.

______________6. All our efforts will be useless.

______________7. You cannot even express your own emotions.

______________8. They did their job well.

______________9. We can do this.

______________10. Every step, little as it may be, is progress.


1. Where in a sentence is an opinion-marking signal usually written?

A. at the end C. at the beginning

B. at the middle D. both at the beginning and end

2. Which of the following phrases is an example of an opinion-marking signal?

A. I believe… C. Based on the recent survey…

B. According to research… D. In the press conference conducted…

3. All of the sentences below are opinions, EXCEPT

A. In his interview, the mayor announced that they will provide assistance to the students.
B. Lino believes that all students will be happy about the mayor’s announcement.
C. From what Lino knows, many stakeholders extended help to assist the learners in their
D. Lino is confident that, through the assistance of the many stakeholders, he will survive the
school year despite the many challenges.
For item nos. 4 to 6, please refer to the sentence below.
Marissa is certain that we will all survive the COVID-19 crisis.

4. What is the opinion-marking signal used in the sentence?

A. that we will… C. will all survive…

B. the COVID-19 crisis… D. Marissa is certain that…

5. What does the opinion-marking signal express?

A. a doubt C. a certainty
B. a desire D. a possibility

6. Which of the following opinion-marking signals similarly means to the one used in the sentence?

A. In her experience… C. From what Marissa knows…

B. Marissa is sure that… D. Marissa might be wrong, but…

7. What opinion-marking signal should be used to complete the sentence below? _ _ Philippine
tourist destination is Baguio because it offers many attractions and adventures.

A. My favorite… C. I must admit that…

B. In my opinion… D. From my point of view…

8. What does the opinion-marking signal Maybe express in the sentence below? Maybe many people
are planning to go on vacation once travel restrictions are lifted.

A. expectation B. possibility
C. reality D. standpoint

9. Which of the following opinions shows expectation or desire?

A. I think Palawan is the most beautiful tourist destination.

B. It seems that Boracay is preparing to open for more tourists.
C. I hope I could visit Siargao and enjoy its sea adventures again.
D. I love Sagada because of its cold climate and beautiful mountains.

10. What opinion-marking signals shows doubt?

A. Perhaps… B. I should… C. My favorite D. It is my belief…

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