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School Tanauan City Integrated HS Grade Level Grade 9

LESSON Teacher John Eric D. Vergara Learning Area English

Teaching Date October 19, 2023 Quarter First
Teaching Time 3;50-4:40 pm No. of Days 3

I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:

1. identify the various communicative styles;

2. create short conversations out of the given communication situations using appropriate
communicative style; and
3. appreciate the importance of a suitable approach in communication for every situation, person or
A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-American literature and other text types serve as
Standards means of valuing other people; also how to use processing information strategies, different forms of
adverbs and conditionals for him/her to play an active part in a Chamber Theatre presentation
B. Performance The learner proficiently plays an active part in a Chamber Theatre presentation through employing
Standards effective verbal and non- verbal strategies based on the following criteria: Focus, Voice, Delivery,
Facial Expressions, Style and Body Movements or Gestures.

C. Most Essential EN9V-IIa-27 Give the appropriate Communicative Styles for various situations (intimate, casual,
Learning conversational, consultative, frozen)
(If available,
write the
D. Enabling
(If available,
write the
II. CONTENT Communicative Styles
(intimate, casual, conversational, consultative, frozen)
Value/s Integration Cooperation during teaching – learning process

Subject/s Integration Filipino

A .References
a. Teacher’s
b. Learners’ Learning Module for English - CO_Q1_English 9_ Module 5 ( CLMD4A_EngG8) pp.25-30
Materials Learner’s Packet (LEAP)
pages K to12 Curriculum Guide English 9

c. Textbook A Journey Through Anglo- American Literature Language in Literature (Anglo- American Literature)
pages English Notebook
d. Additional
B. List of Learning
Resources for
Development and
Engagement Activities
A. Establishing a Classroom Routine
purpose for the  Prayers
lesson  Greetings
Good morning class, how are you?
Always remember to follow our health protocol.
Even if we don’t have the pandemic we need to follow the hygienic protocol of this classroom
 Checking of attendance
 Setting of standards



Students will be shown some pictures revealing the 5 different communicative styles.


Learning Task 1
Individual Activity:

Thinking about your behavior with others, listen to each statement and indicate which best typifies your
behavior where you:

1 = disagree strongly;
2 = disagree somewhat;
3 = agree somewhat;
4 = agree strongly.

1.I express my opinions honestly, openly, and appropriately all the time.
2.I can get angry and am comfortable letting this show.
3.I find it difficult to say ‘no’.
4.If I do not agree with a task I’ve been given, I find a way of dragging my feet on it.
5.If someone knows more than me, I feel comfortable in asking for help from them.
6.I feel guilty if I leave on time for a valid reason and other people are still working.
7.I can be sarcastic.
8.I think my way of doing things is better than other people’s.
9.If someone takes advantage of me, I find a way of getting my own back.
10.I feel I have a right to say ‘no’ to other people’s requests and to negotiate a compromise.

Ask the students to sum their scores. The highest score represents the communication style you tend
toward most of the time

Your scores:

Aggressive __________________
Passive aggressive__________________
In your previous module, you learned about analyzing literature as a mirror of people’s
shared heritage. Similarly, maintaining word creation is important to everyone because we can identify
which word ad been part of our culture and how it is made. We can identify the word from the
expressions that we are using, how these words are made, we can also create unity in writing shares that
characteristic of literature. In making sure meaning is clearly conveyed, we consider word formation a
part of the most important way in dealing lexically to the usage of a word. In this activity, you will be
assessed on the extent of your learning from the previous lesson in connection with the current topic.

Learning Task 2
True or False. Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is incorrect. Write
your answer on separate sheet of paper.

1. Communicative styles are also called language registers.

2. When the participants are strangers, casual communicative style is used.
3. You give additional explanations when using intimate communicative style.
4. Using correct grammar usage should be applied when talking with your best friends.
5. The couple is attending a business meeting; intimate communicative style should be used when
talking to each other.


Discussion on the 5 Communicative Styles.

Part of the discussion will be the students analyzing to which communicative style a dialogue falls

Intimate Communicative Style

The intimate communicative style is defined as total absence of social interactions. This style is used by
participants who know each other well or share a very close relationship, such as between close friends,
siblings, husband and wife, parents and children, and boyfriend and girlfriend.
The participants in this style do not need for clear articulation of words or additional explanations. They
may use words of endearment such as babe, love, dear, honey as a sign of intimacy.

Husband: Hon, have you seen my red cap?

Wife: Uhmm, I guess it is in the closet.
Husband: Thanks, hon, I’ll check it.
Wife: Okay, hon.

Casual Communicative Style

The casual communicative style uses a language used between friends, peers, colleagues, or family.
Most of the ambience with this style is relaxed and very light. And so, the participants may use group
language only members of the group can understand. Jargon, slang, or the vernacular language are used.
The tone is conversational and interruptions are very common. Also, nicknames are used in addressing
one another.

Consultative Communicative Style

The consultative speech style happens in a two-way participation. It is used in semi-formal situations in
which a speaker needs to provide background information. The listener participates by giving feedback.
Thus, both the speaker and the listener are active participants.

Take note that this style is often used in business or in other professional situations, such as
conversations between a doctor and a patient, or a teacher and a student.

In addition, short responses like I see and Ah may be used to signal that he or she is listening attentively
or has understood what was tackled. Titles such as Mr., Ms., Sir, Ma’am, Madam, or Dr. are likely to be
used when using this communicative style. This communicative style is the most operational among

Formal Communicative Style

The formal communicative style is also considered to be a straightforward speech. There is no

participation from the listener.
This style is often used in the following formal situations where there is only one- way communication:

Speeches School lessons

Graduation ceremony A television newscast Giving announcements A business meeting
An interview or in a classroom
Used for academic and business writing.

The enunciation of words, diction and grammar rules should be applied properly. Thus, errors must be
avoided. Ideas are presented cohesively, and all necessary information are clearly given.
Let’s take a look at the following sample lines using formal communicative.
style in different situations:
a. “Hello, Good morning.”
b. “How are you doing?”
c. “I hope everything is fine
with you.”
To show approval or excitement
-That is terrific to hear! Making Suggestions/ Giving advise
-Would you please allow me to make suggestions?
To say goodbye or good night
-Goodbye, Mrs. Pineda.

-Good night, Mr. Cruz.

Frozen Communicative Style

The frozen communicative style, also called the oratorical style, is the most formal style and is reserved
for very formal situations such as during weddings, other religious services or rituals, court proceedings,
and other formal ceremonies. This style is used to address or is given before an audience of absolute
strangers. It uses prescribed and highly formal language.
In this style, statements are learned by heart. Examples are the Pledge of Allegiance and the National
Anthem. It is typically prescribed by law, or it is a ritual that involves certain fixed statements
(verbatim) that are never changed.

Pledge of Allegiance

I am a Filipino
I pledge my allegiance
To the flag of the Philippines And
to the country it represents With honor,
justice and freedom
Put in motion by one nation
For God, humanity, nature and

After discussing all the 5 communicative styles, students will be asked who can arrange them in order of
B. Developing Mastery A list on communication situations will be listed on the board, ask the
class to categorize them based on the 5 communicative styles

presenting video lesson and PowerPoint

C. Activities GROUP ACTIVITY: Roleplay

The class will be grouped into 5. Each group will prepare a 3- minute skit showing 3 different
situations applying the communicative style assigned to them.

Take this example as your guide:

Situation: You are not feeling well and are trying to seek for a help from your mother.
Relationship with the person: son/daughter

Situation: A student won first place in the News Writing Contest during the Schools Press
Relationship with the person: Friend

Situation: You are concerned about a close friend who might be struggling with depression.
Relationship with the person: Guidance Counselor

Rubrics for group performance


1. Why is determining the communicative style important?
2. How is this lesson applied in you daily conversation?
D. Assessment Directions: Classify the spoken texts below according to their
communicative style. Write Intimate, Casual, Consultative, Formal, or Frozen.

1. “Why should we hire you?” (FORMAL)

2. “Have you seen Jamie? I was looking for her since this morning.” (CASUAL)

3. “To our beloved parents and teachers, hardworking school administrators and staff, Ladies and
Gentlemen…” (FORMAL)

4. “You may now kiss the bride” (FROZEN)

5. “One of the rules in grammar is; when the subject is singular the verb must be singular.”

6. “Father of all mankind, look kindly on your people as we beg you to give us your blessing on
this event we are to begin.” (FROZEN)

7. “Hi there! What’s up?” “Nothing much. You?” (CASUAL)

8. “I now pronounce you husband and wife.” (FROZEN)

9. “So, let’s remind ourselves that we need to do our assignments by next meeting. IS there
anything else we might have overlooked?” (FORMAL)

10. “To be or not to be – that is the question: Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer.”
V. Reflection In their notebook/journal, the students will complete these phrases.

I learned that ________________________________________________

I will try to _____________________________________________________

Prepared by: Checked and noted by:


English 9 Teacher Head Teacher III

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