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Eur Food Res Technol (2010) 231:13–19

DOI 10.1007/s00217-010-1235-5


Production and characterization of angiotensin converting

enzyme (ACE) inhibitory peptides from apricot
(Prunus armeniaca L.) kernel protein hydrolysate
Zhenbao Zhu · Nongxue Qiu · Jianhua Yi

Received: 24 November 2009 / Revised: 26 January 2010 / Accepted: 3 February 2010 / Published online: 6 March 2010
© Springer-Verlag 2010

Abstract Six diVerent proteases (Flavourzyme®, Neutr- hydrolysis for producing ACE inhibitory peptides which
ase®, Protamex®, Alcalase® 2.4L, Proleather® FG-F, and could be used for food industry and nutraceuticals.
papain) were employed to hydrolyze apricot kernel protein
(AKP). Alcalase® is an inexpensive and non-speciWc prote- Keywords Apricot kernel protein hydrolysate ·
ase that has been shown to be useful for the generation of Angiotensin l-converting enzyme (ACE) · Bioactive
bioactive peptides from AKP. Alcalase® 2.4L was selected peptides · UltraWltration · Prunus armeniaca L
for further study on enzymatic preparation of ACE inhibi-
tory peptide from AKP. After 60-min hydrolysis, the high-
est ACE inhibition was 82 § 0.14%. Results of molecular Introduction
weight distribution revealed that most of ACE inhibition
activity was probably attributed to low-molecular weight Apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) is a popular stone fruit
peptide fraction ranging from 200 to 900 Da. UltraWltration grown in many countries, such as China, Turkey, and
on membranes with several molecular weight cutoVs Egypt. Abundant amounts of apricots are consumed yearly,
(MWCFs) demonstrated that most of the ACE inhibitory either as fresh fruit or processed into apricot juice, nectar,
activity was due to peptides with a less than 1,000 Da jam, or dried fruit during the summer growing season.
molecular weight: the IC50 value of the 1-kDa ultraWltrate A fairly large number of apricot seeds are produced as a
was 0.15 § 0.007 mg mL¡1, while it was 0.378 § by-product of the processing industry. Apricot kernels
0.015 mg mL¡1 before ultraWltration. Additionally, further contain a high percentage of oil (50%) that can be used for
separation and puriWcation of the ACE inhibitory peptides human nutrition [1], cosmetics, and medicine. Because of
were carried out using gel Wltration and C18 RP-HPLC. The their appreciable protein content, apricot kernels are a good
result of research can be used to optimize AKP enzymatic source of food [2, 3]. Unprocessed apricot kernels can not
be used directly as a food source due to their high levels of
amygdalin. However, it was previously reported that detox-
iWed apricot kernels were nutritionally balanced and com-
Z. Zhu · N. Qiu (&)
pletely safe to incorporate in food products [4].
College of Life Science, Shaanxi Normal University, Hypertension is a signiWcant health problem worldwide.
Xi’an 710062, China It is one of the important risk factors associated with devel-
e-mail:; oping disorders such as stroke, coronary artery disease,
myocardial infarction, heart failure, abnormal renal func-
Z. Zhu · J. Yi
College of Life Science and Engineering, tion leading to renal failure, and many other complications
Shaanxi University of Science and Technology, associated with structural damage to the cardiovascular system
Xi’an 710021, China [5]. Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE; dipeptidylcarboxy-
peptidase; EC plays a central role in the regula-
N. Qiu
College of Food Engineering and Nutritional Science, tion of blood pressure by virtue of renin-angiotensin system
Shaanxi Normal University, Xi’an 710062, China [6]. ACE converts the inactive decapeptide (angiotensin I)

14 Eur Food Res Technol (2010) 231:13–19

to the potent vasopressor octapeptide (angiotensin II) and (from rabbit lung), HHL (Hippuryl-L-histidyl-L-leucine),
also inactivates the antihypertensive vasodilator bradyki- HA (hippuric acid), and captopril were purchased from
nin. Since the discovery of ACE inhibitors in snake venom, Sigma Chemical Co. (St. Louis, MO, USA). Sephadex G15
many synthetic ACE inhibitors such as captopril, lisinopril, was obtained from GE healthcare Inc. (GE, Beijing, China).
and enalapril are currently used as pharmaceuticals to treat Other reagents used were of analytical grade.
hypertension [7]. However, these synthetic drugs are
known to have certain side eVects such as cough, taste dis- Enzymatic hydrolysis of apricot kernel protein
turbance, and skin rashes. In contrast, the food-protein-
derived ACE inhibitory peptides have not exhibited these To produce ACE inhibitory peptides from apricot kernel
side eVects yet [8]. protein, enzymatic hydrolysis was performed using various
In recent years, ACE inhibitory peptides have been enzymes (Alcalase®, Flavourzyme®, Neutrase®, Prota-
derived from numerous food sources including beef meat mex®, Proleather® FG-F, and papain) under optimal condi-
hydrolysates [9], fermented oyster sauce [10], porcine tions (Table 1) at an enzyme/substrate ratio of 2:100(w/w).
hemoglobin [11], ovalbumin [12], and fermented milk [13]. Then, 2%(w/w) AKP solutions and enzymes were mixed.
It should be noted that several ACE inhibitory peptides were The degree of hydrolysis (DH) was determined according
isolated from plant protein hydrolysates such as soy bean to the pH–stat method as described previously [20]. After
[14, 15], defatted canola meal [16], algae proteins hydroly- maintaining the pH constant with 1.0 mol L¡1 NaOH dur-
sates [17, 18], and mung bean protein [19]. However, to the ing hydrolysis, the enzyme was inactivated at 90 °C for
best of our knowledge, there is no information to produce 10 min, and the hydrolysate solution was cooled down to
ACE inhibitory peptides from apricot kernel protein. room temperature, neutralized, and centrifuged at 10,000g
Because patients with hypertension often need life-long for 30 min. The supernatants were lyophilized and stored at
medical treatment, interest has been focused on the isola- ¡20 °C until further analysis within a month.
tion and identiWcation of ACE inhibitory peptides which
may be obtained from new and varied food sources. There- The ACE inhibitory activity of hydrolysates prepared
fore, as a series of research on preparation of bioactive pep- with Proleather® FG-F and Alcalase® 2.4L during
tide from Chinese bitter apricot kernel protein, the objective in vitro gastrointestinal digestion
of this work was to obtain ACE inhibitory peptides during
hydrolysis of apricot kernel protein using diVerent protease In order to check the impact of gastrointestinal proteases on
and to purify ACE inhibitory peptides by ultraWltration. the ACE inhibitory activity of hydrolysates obtained with
Also, the apricot kernel protein Alcalase® hydrolysate was Proleather® FG-F and Alcalase® 2.4L, subsequent hydroly-
characterized by gel Wltration and C18 RP-HPLC. In addi- sis with pepsin, trypsin, and -chymotrypsin was conducted
tion, we have isolated a pentapeptide with 688-Da molecu- to simulate the human gastrointestinal digestion process.
lar weight that showed the highest ACE inhibitory activity BrieXy, a 100-mL volume of 10 mg mL¡1 enzymatic
after fractionation of this hydrolysate using consecutive hydrolysate(after 240-min hydrolysis) pH was adjusted to
chromatographic techniques (manuscript in prepara- 2.0 with 4 mol L¡1 HCl, adding pepsin ([E]/[S] = 1:200),
tion).We show that an underutilized by-product such as and incubating for 2 h at 37 °C. Then, trypsin and -chymo-
apricot kernel may be useful in human food nutrition as a trypsin (1:1, [E]/[S] = 1:200) at pH 6.5 (with 5 mol L¡1
source of bioactive peptides with potential antihypertensive NaOH) and incubation for 3 h at 37 °C simulated the small
properties. intestine phase. The enzyme was inactivated at 90 °C for
10 min, and the hydrolysate solution was cooled down to
room temperature, neutralized, and centrifuged at 12,000g
Materials and methods for 30 min. The supernatants were lyophilized and stored at
¡20 °C for assay of ACE inhibitory activity.
Assay of ACE inhibitory activity
The apricot kernel protein was prepared in our laboratory
by alkali extraction and acid precipitation method. Alca- The ACE inhibitory activity was measured by the direct
lase®2.4L, Flavourzyme®, Neutrase®, and Protamex® were HPLC injection method as reported [21] with slight modiW-
obtained from Novozymes (Bagsvaerd, Denmark). Papain, cations. BrieXy, a total volume of 70 L (all prepared with
pepsin (porcine stomach mucosa), trypsin (bovine pan- 50 mmol L¡1 sodium borate buVer containing 300 mmol
creas), and chymotrypsin (bovine pancreas) were purchased L¡1 NaCl at pH 8.3) consisting of 50 L of 6.15 mmol L¡1
from a local chemical reagent shop. Proleather ®FG-F was HHL, 2mU of ACE, and a solution of the freeze-dried pro-
a gift from Amano Enzyme Inc. (Nagoya, Japan). ACE tein hydrolysate (2.5 mg mL¡1, 10 L) were used. After a

Eur Food Res Technol (2010) 231:13–19 15

10-min incubation of HHL and enzymatic hydrolysate, the standards from Sigma: cytochrome C (12,500 Da), aproti-
ACE was added to initiate reaction at 37 °C in 30 min. nin (6,500 Da), bacitracin (1,450 Da), tetrapeptide GGYR
Finally, the reaction was terminated by the addition of (451 Da), and tripeptide GGG (189 Da). Results were
85 L 1 mol L¡1 HCl, and 10 L of this solution was obtained and processed using Millennium32 Version 3.05
injected into a RP-HPLC C18 column (Diamonsil™, Beijing, software (Waters Corporation, Milford, MA, USA).
China) for HA separation and quantiWcation. The operation
was performed on a Dionex HPLC system equipped with a EVect of ultraWltration on AKP hydrolysates ACE
P680 HPLC pump, an UVD170U detector (Dionex, Sunny- inhibitory activity
vale, USA), and an Autoscience™ AT-330 column heater.
The mobile phase was: (a) 25% acetonitrile and (b) 0.1% AKPHs generated by Alcalase®2.4L were subjected to
triXuoroacetic acid (TFA) in Milli-Q water with a Xow rate ultraWltration with the Millipore system (Millipore, CA,
of 1.0 mL min¡1. The column was eluted with an isocratic USA) using membranes with either 5- or 1-kDa molecular
elution. The eZuent was monitored with an ultraviolet weight cutoVs(MWCOs). The hydrolysates were thus
detector at 228 nm. External HA standard samples were divided into three fractions by ultraWltration, namely
prepared fresh daily and used for calculation of HA formed AKPH I (>5 kDa), AKPHII (1–5 kDa), and AKPHIII
in test reactions. The IC50 value, deWned as the concentra- (<1 kDa). Each fraction was collected and lyophilized to
tion of the peptide inhibiting 50% of the ACE activity, was determine its protein concentration and IC50 for ACE
determined by measuring the ACE inhibitory activity ver- inhibitory activity.
sus peptide contents of each sample after the regression
analysis at least Wve separate determinations. Also, the IC50 Fractionation of AKPHIII (<1 kDa) by gel Wltration
value of captopril (a well-known synthetic ACE inhibitor) chromatography
was determined. The peptide contents were assayed by the
Bradford method [22]. The AKPHIII (<1 kDa) was subjected to gel Wltration chro-
matography. The peptide solution was loaded onto a Sepha-
Determination of molecular weight distribution for apricot dex G15 column (1.6 £ 80 cm; Pharmacia Co., Uppsala,
kernel protein hydrolysate (AKPH) Sweden) pre-equilibrated with water and eluted at a Xow
rate of 0.5 mL min¡1. Samples were eluted by 0.1% TFA in
The apricot kernel protein hydrolysate (AKPH) obtained water, and 3-mL fractions were collected at a Xow rate of
with Alcalase® was analyzed for molecular weight distribu- 0.5 mL min¡1. The eZuent was monitored with an ultravio-
tion using a Waters™ 600E Advanced Protein PuriWcation let detector at 280 nm. Fractions were pooled and lyophi-
System (Waters Corporation, Milford, MA, USA). The lized for RP-HPLC.
hydrolysates were loaded onto a TSK G2000 SWXL gel
Wltration column (7.8 i.d. £ 300 mm, Tosoh, Tokyo, RP-HPLC chromatograms of AKPH
Japan), eluted with a 55%(v/v) water–45% (v/v) acetoni-
trile mixture containing 0.1% (v/v) TFA at a Xow rate of RP-HPLC is widely utilized to generate a peptide map from
0.5 mL min¡1, and monitored at 220 nm. A molecular digested protein. The peptide mixture of AKPHIII (<1 kDa)
weight calibration curve was obtained from the following was separated by RP-HPLC on a symmetry C18 column

Table 1 ACE inhibition activity, degree of hydrolysis, and optimum hydrolysis conditions of individual enzymes
Enzyme EC number Optimum conditions ACE inhibition Degree of
activity (%)a hydrolysis (DH/%)b
pH T (°C)

Protamex® 7.0 50 76 § 0.09 7.5 § 0.49

Alcalase 2.4L 8.0 55 74 § 0.62 18 § 0.14
Proleather® FG-F 10 60 67 § 0.50 18 § 0.75
Neutrase® 7.0 50 69 § 0.08 5 § 0.23
Flavourzyme® 7.0 50 4 § 0.54 5 § 0.69
Papain 7.0 55 74 § 0.74 3 § 0.23
a ¡1
Concentration of enzyme hydrolysate is 2.5 mg mL
Degree of hydrolysis was determined at 240 min

16 Eur Food Res Technol (2010) 231:13–19

(4.6 £ 250 mm, 5 m). Also, two fractions from Sephadex 20

G15 were puriWed using the same conditions. The mobile
phase was delivered by Dionex P680 HPLC pump (Dionex,
Sunnyvale, USA). Separation was made under linear gradi- 15 Protamex
ent elution conditions using acetonitrile as the organic mod- Alcalase2.4L
iWer and TFA as the volatile buVer. The mobile phase was: Neutrase

(A) 0.1% triXuoroacetic acid (TFA) + Milli-Q water (B) Flavourzyme
0.07% TFA + acetonitrile with a Xow rate of 1.0 mL min¡1.
The chromatographic column was conditioned with 90% of
eluent A, after which 20 L of the sample was applied on 5
the C18 column and eluted with the following eluent B con-
centrations: 0–30 min, 10–25%; 30–40 min, 25–10%; and
40–50 min, 10%. The UV absorbance of the eluent was 0
monitored at 214 nm. 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240
Hydrolysis time(min)
Statistical analysis Fig. 1 Comparison of degree of hydrolysis (DH) within six enzyme
hydrolysates as a function of hydrolysis time. Results are mean values
Results were presented as means of experiments done in of at least two replicates
triplicate § standard deviation (SD). The Student’s t-test
was used to determine the level of signiWcance. A p value As can be seen in Table 1, among the six enzymes, Alca-
of less than 0.05 was considered as signiWcant. lase® hydrolysate inhibited 74 § 0.62% ACE activity and
for a 18 § 0.14% DH. Therefore, Alcalase® was selected
for further study on enzymatic preparation of ACE inhibi-
Results and discussion tory peptides from AKP considering both ACE inhibitory
activity and DH. Additionally, Alcalase® is an alkaline pro-
EVect of diVerent protease hydrolyses on ACE inhibitory tease for widely industrial use produced from Bacillus
activity licheniformis, and the main enzyme component is subtilisin
Carlsberg (a serine protease). In recent years, Alcalase® has
It has been reported that the IC50 values for ACE inhibitory been extensively studied to hydrolyze various plant pro-
activity of 48 sea protein hydrolysates were aVected by teins such as soy protein isolates [15], defatted canola meal
both the marine protein resources and the selected proteases [16], mung bean protein [19], and chickpea legumin [24],
[23]. In this study, apricot kernel protein (AKP) was hydro- to produce ACE inhibitors.
lyzed by Alcalase®, Flavourzyme®, Neutrase®, Protamex®, It is well known that not all potent peptide inhibitors of
Proleather®FG-F, and papain for 0.5–4 h, respectively. ACE in vitro may necessarily be antihypertensive in vivo.
Table 1 shows the comparison of ACE inhibitory activities Some peptides can be susceptible to degradation or modiW-
and degrees of hydrolysis (DH), respectively, within six cation in the gastrointestinal digestion process. It is impor-
enzyme hydrolysates as a function of hydrolysis time. tant to note that antihypertensive peptides are generally
Hydrolysates prepared with all enzymes, except Flavour- resistant to degradation by digestive enzymes. The stability
zyme®, exhibited higher ACE inhibitory activities than of each hydrolysate prepared with Proleather® FG-F and
native AKP and varied from 67 § 0.5% to 76 § 0.09% Alcalase® 2.4L against gastrointestinal proteinases in vitro
inhibition. At the same time, AKP showed no ACE inhibi- was examined in order to predict their antihypertensive
tory activity. The results indicate that enzymatic hydrolysis eVects in vivo (Table 2). The ACE inhibitory activities of
was required to release ACE inhibitory peptides from the Proleather® FG-F and Alcalase® 2.4L were almost preserved
inactive form of intact AKP. However, the DH of six after the digestion. The result indicated that Alcalase®
enzyme hydrolysates showed signiWcant diVerence (Fig. 1; 2.4L hydrolysates can be used to purify antihypertensive
Table 1). Alcalase® and Proleather® FG-F showed over peptides.
18% of DH, while papain showed 3 § 0.23% of DH. Inter-
estingly, there appeared to be no direct relationship EVect of hydrolysis time on ACE inhibitory activity
between ACE inhibitory activities and the DH of the of apricot kernel protein Alcalase® hydrolysates
hydrolysates. For example, the papain hydrolysates inhib-
ited 74 § 0.74% ACE activity. On the other hand, the Fla- The eVect of hydrolysis time on the ACE inhibitory activity
vourzyme® hydrolysates inhibited only 4 § 0.54% ACE was further evaluated under the optimum hydrolysis condi-
activity with a 5 § 0.69% DH. tions for Alcalase® (Fig. 2). The ACE inhibitory activity of

Eur Food Res Technol (2010) 231:13–19 17

Table 2 Digestive stability of the ACE inhibitory activity from 1.00

Proleather® FG-F and Alcalase® 2.4 L hydrolysates

Before digestion (%)a After digestion (%)


Alcalase® 2.4L 75 § 0.81 73.49 § 0.75

Proleather® FG-F 67.1 § 0.48 68 § 0.27


Each hydrolysate was successively treated with pepsin, trypsin, and

chymotrypsin as described in the materials and methods section
Concentration of enzyme hydrolysate is 2.5 mg mL¡1
5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00
a a a
b a Fig. 3 Molecular weight distribution of AKPH fraction having the
80 b
highest ACE inhibition activity (i.e., after 60-min hydrolysis by Alca-
lase®). GPC/HPLC conditions: column, TSK Gel2000 SWXL (7.8 mm
i.d. £ 300 mm); mobile phase, acetonitrile/water/triXuoroacetic acid
ACE inhibition activity(%)

60 (45:55:0.1 v/v/v); Xow rate, 0.5 mL min¡1; and detection, absorbance

at 220 nm. Values above peaks indicate molecular weights

activity). The chromatographic data indicated that this frac-
tion was composed of low-molecular weight peptides with
20 major peaks corresponding to molecules with a less than
1,000 Da molecular weight (Fig. 3). A number of studies
had already shown that the ACE inhibition activity of
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 hydrolysates is mainly depending on their molecular weight
Hydrolysis time(min) distribution [16, 26]. Results of Fig. 3 revealed that the pep-
tide fraction with molecular weight ranging from 200 to
Fig. 2 EVect of hydrolysis time on ACE inhibition activity of apricot
kernel protein Alcalase®2.4L hydrolysates. The values were repre- 900 Da, representing peptides with two to eight amino acid
sented as the mean of the triplicate § SD. Values with diVerent letters residues, was probably associated with higher ACE inhibi-
are signiWcantly diVerent (p < 0.05) tion activity. These Wndings are in agreement with observa-
tions from other studies [9] and support the fact that
hydrolysates increased up to 60-min hydrolysis. As can be functional properties of ACE inhibitory peptide are obvi-
seen in Fig. 2, the 60-min Alcalase® protein hydrolysate ously inXuenced by properties such as molecular mass [27].
showed the highest ACE inhibition activity (82 § 0.14%).
DH is a measure of the extent of hydrolytic degradation of a EVect of diVerent ultraWltration membranes on IC50
protein. It is considered the most practical and convenient of AKPH
means for measuring the hydrolysis process. The DH of
apricot kernel protein Alcalase® hydrolysate increased with Table 3 presents the in vitro ACE inhibitory activity of the
the increase in hydrolysis time (data not shown). It is worth diVerent studied products. The activity of AKPHIII fraction
noting that the highest DH did not correspond to the highest
ACE inhibitory activity. The results indicate that there
Table 3 In vitro ACE inhibitory activity of apricot kernel protein
exists an optimal hydrolysis point or degree of hydrolysis.
hydrolysate (AKPH), retentate (AKPHI fraction >5,000 Da), AKPHII
This may be due to the fact that ACE inhibitory peptides (1,000–5,000 Da) fraction, and permeate (AKPHIII fraction
were hydrolyzed to produce inactive small peptides or <1,000 Da) after ultraWltration through a 5,000- and 1,000-Da mem-
amino acids when further increasing hydrolysis time. Other brane, respectively
authors [25] reported that chickpea protein ACE inhibitory IC50(mg mL¡1)a
fragments became a target of the enzyme and were also
hydrolyzed with the increase in hydrolysis time. AKPH 0.378 § 0.015
AKPHI > 5,000 Da 0.849 § 0.013
Molecular weight distribution of AKPH having the highest AKPHII 1,000–5,000 Da 0.601 § 0.009
ACE inhibition activity AKPHIII < 1,000 Da 0.15 § 0.007
Captopril (as a control) 7.5 £ 10¡6 § 2.1 £ 10¡7
Figure 3 presented the molecular weight distribution of a
IC50 = concentration needed to inhibit 50% ACE activity (expressed
AKP hydrolyzed for 60 min (i.e., the highest ACE inhibition as the mean of three determinations § SD)

18 Eur Food Res Technol (2010) 231:13–19

1 2
Absorbance at 280nm

0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Fraction number

Fig. 4 Sephadex G15 chromatographic proWle of AKPH fraction

<1,000 Da. Separation was performed with 0.1% TFA in water at a
Xow rate of 0.5 mL min¡1, and 3-mL fractions were collected. The
eZuent was monitored using an ultraviolet detector at 280 nm

(<1 kDa, IC50 = 0.15 mg mL¡1) was 2.5 times higher than
that found in the AKPH and more than Wve times higher
than that measured in the AKPHI fraction (>5 kDa). This
indicated that ACE inhibition was mainly attributable to
peptide components with molecular masses lower than
1,000 Da. This Wnding is in accordance with our result of
molecular weight distribution. Therefore, ultraWltration
through membranes with 1,000 Da of molecular mass
cutoV could be used to obtain a product enriched with ACE
inhibitory peptides.
The most economic way will be to market the peptides
as contained in the crude protein hydrolysate with a speciWc
molecular weight range. Until now, membrane separation
techniques have provided the best technology available for
the enrichment of peptides with a speciWc molecular weight
range [28]. UltraWltration is widely used to enrich bioactive
peptides from various protein hydrolysates such as soy pro-
tein [15], Wsh protein [26], and alfalfa white protein con-
centrate [29]. It is also important to note that membrane
separation, especially ultraWltration,is an industrial-scale
technology suitable for ACE inhibitory peptides enrich-
Fig. 5 RP-HPLC chromatograms of (a) AKPH fraction <1,000 Da (b)
fraction 1 from Sephadex G15 column chromatography (c) fraction 2
PuriWcation and characterization of ACE inhibitory from Sephadex G15 column chromatography. Elution was achieved
peptides with a linear gradient of acetonitrile (10–25%) + 0.07% TFA and water
(90–75%) + 0.1% TFA at a 1.0 mL min¡1 Xow rate
For the puriWcation of ACE inhibitory peptides, a 60-min
Alcalase® protein hydrolysate was Wrst Wltered through a
1,000-Da membrane with an ultraWltration system. The per- Figure 5a shows the RP-HPLC chromatogram of
meate was then lyophilized and concentrated in distilled AKPHIII fraction (<1,000 Da). It can be seen that the
water. It was loaded onto a Sephadex G15 column to purify hydrolysate was still a complex mixture after Wltration
the hydrolysate. Figure 4 showed the Sephadex G15 gel through a 1,000-Da cutoV membrane. Figure 5b and c pres-
Wltration chromatography proWle of AKPHIII fraction ent the RP-HPLC chromatograms of fractions 1 and 2 from
(<1,000 Da). From this result, AKPHIII fraction was Sephadex G-15 column. Interestingly, the major peaks of
divided into two fractions, and then the two fractions were fractions 1 and 2 were eluted before and after 15 min,
further characterized by RP-HPLC C18 column, respec- respectively (Fig. 5b and c). Fraction 2 with peaks eluting
tively. at longer retention times possessed higher ACE inhibitory

Eur Food Res Technol (2010) 231:13–19 19

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