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13, 2023)


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Thesis Statement: (Example)

Sports bring people together from all walks of life, foster camaraderie and
promote physical well-being, while providing a platform for people to showcase
their talents and inspire the world with their dedication and determination. Are
sports important? Does sport help your health or is it harmful?
KEYWORDS: (3 or 4)

Words: well-being, dedication, determination


Zinatdinovich, A. M., & Makhsetbaevich, A. P. (2023). THE FORMATION OF A

of Pedagogics, 3(09), 17-20.

Argument 1 YES: They help maintain physical fitness, develop motor skills,
improve mental health, promote teamwork and social skills, and encourage
healthy habits.

Argument 2 NO: High levels of competition in sports can lead to stress, burnout,
and mental health issues among athletes.

A recent study from the American Interview with yoga trainer and
Heart Association indicates that the wellness expert, María González, who
shares her perspective on how playing
risk of heart disease decreases by
sports can improve people's mental and
35% to 55% in those who participate
emotional health by reducing stress and
in regular physical activities. increasing self-esteem.
Conclusion: Sports are very essential for human health, they help maintain
physical fitness, develop motor skills, improve mental health.These benefits can
lead to improved overall health and well-being. Therefore, it is essential to


On the one hand, (present Argument 1 – in favor)

On the other hand, (present Argument 2 – opposing)

Conclusion (Synthesis of Argument 1 & 2 + Re-state Thesis)

Does sport help your health or is it harmful?

Sports and physical activities have long been considered integral components of
a healthy lifestyle. Despite the ongoing debate regarding their potential
drawbacks, there is substantial evidence to support the benefits of sports in
promoting overall well-being. This essay aims to explore the contrasting views on
the effects of sports on individuals.

Engaging in sports has been proven to offer a multitude of advantages. Firstly,

sports help individuals maintain physical fitness, thereby reducing the risks of
various health conditions such as obesity, cardiovascular diseases, and diabetes.
Through regular physical exercise, participants can enhance their endurance,
strength, and flexibility, contributing to a healthier body.

On the one hand, sports contribute significantly to the development of motor

skills, enhancing coordination and balance. As individuals refine their techniques
and strategies, they also foster critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.
These activities also play a pivotal role in improving mental health by reducing
stress and anxiety. Physical exercise triggers the release of endorphins, which are
known to alleviate symptoms of depression and elevate mood.
On the other hand, the demanding nature of competitive sports can have
detrimental effects on the mental health of athletes. High levels of competition
often lead to increased stress and anxiety, and the pressure to perform at peak
levels can result in burnout. The relentless pursuit of victory and the fear of
failure can take a toll on athletes, leading to a decline in their overall well-being.

Furthermore, the intense focus on winning may overshadow the enjoyment of

the game itself, stripping away the pleasure that should accompany sports
participation. This can ultimately lead to a loss of interest and motivation,
contributing to mental exhaustion and a decline in performance.

Additionally, the rigorous training regimens and demanding schedules may leave
athletes with limited time for other essential aspects of life, such as education,
family, and social activities. The imbalance in priorities can lead to feelings of
isolation and detachment from the broader social sphere, further exacerbating
mental health issues among athletes.

In conclusion, while sports undoubtedly offer a range of physical, mental, and

social benefits, it is essential to acknowledge the potential negative impacts of
excessive competition and rigorous training. Striking a balance between healthy
competition and overall well-being is crucial in ensuring that individuals can
enjoy the holistic advantages of sports without compromising their mental
health and general quality of life.

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