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Alea Carey M.

Torres BSTM 1A
Group 4 TM 112

Learnings from the topic of Group 1

In group 1 discussion I have learned about what is Tour Guiding, Virtual Tour Guiding, the
Advantages and Disadvantages of Physical Tour Guiding and Virtual Tour Guiding, the Tour
Guide and the Qualifications of a Tour Guide. I have learned that Tour Guiding is a profession of
giving tours with guides to either people or groups, exchanging knowledge regarding
landmarks, background, and customs. The next thing that I have learned is about the Virtual
Tour Guiding which it was stated in their discussion that it is the activity of leading people or
groups through a digital or virtual depiction of a place or space is known as virtual tour guiding.
People can explore and learn about a place remotely through a variety of methods, including
live streaming, interactive simulations, and prerecorded recordings. These methods frequently
make use of virtual reality or the internet. And the next thing that I have learned is about the
Advantages and Disadvantages of Physical Tour Guiding where it was stated in the first
advantages is that physical tour guiding can In-Depth Knowledge of every people who used to
travel and the community itself. Next advantages is that physical tour guiding Enhance Cultural
Understanding. Next is can maintain Safety and Security of the traveler. Then the experience
can be Real-Time Interaction. Lastly is that it can personalize your travel wants. And the five
Disadvantages of Physical Tour Guiding is Additional Cost, Crowded Tours, Fixed Schedules,
Language Barriers, and Over -commercialization. Next thing that I have learned is about the
Advantages and Disadvantages of Virtual Tour Guiding wherein the Five Advantages of Virtual
Tour Guiding is Global Accessibility, Cost-Effectiveness, Time Flexibility, Safety and
Conservation. While the Disadvantages of Virtual Tour Guiding are Lack of Physical Interaction,
Limited Sensory Experience, Technical Issues, Dependency on Technology, and Risk of
Misrepresentation. Then I also learned about what is a tour guide and what could be the
services that a tour guide do. In the tourism sector, a tour guide is essential. Throughout the
trip, they are in charge of advising, supporting, and informing travelers. They are adept at
imparting this knowledge to visitors in an understandable and entertaining way, enhancing
their experience. In the tourist industry, a number of credentials and abilities are usually
needed to work as tour guides. The area and type of tourism may determine unique criteria,
however the following are frequently sought-after attributes for a tour guide.
Learnings from the topic Group 2

For group 2 discussion wherein they tackle about the Tour and Travel Management.
Where they discuss about Tour Management and Travel Planning, Flight Itinerary Planning,
Tour Planning, Tour Components and Advantages of selling tours & packages. So the first thing I
learn is about the Tour Management where giving the traveling client the best services possible
is the responsibility of tour management. Tour management services can cover anything from
choosing travel routes to making hotel and tour reservations. Tour management is all about
meeting the needs and expectations of the customers. Next is about Travel Planning where a
travel plan is a set of steps created by an organization, school, or place of employment to
promote sustainable, safe, and healthful travel choices. Usage planning can enhance health and
well-being, create parking space for fewer cars, and benefit the environment and society by
minimizing car usage. Then next thing I learned is about how and what is Flight Itinerary and
Flight Itinerary Planning. An itinerary is a suggested path for your journey. Included are the
airports of departure and arrival, any connecting airports, flight numbers, passenger names,
flight numbers, dates and times of the flights, any meal preferences, and your confirmation
number. Create a section with a thorough schedule outline for each day, complete with time
stamps, places, and contact information if necessary. Make sure to include airline information,
hotel locations, and backup plans for any activities you may have planned on your vacation
schedule. Next thing that I have learned is about Tour Planning where transport orders are
arranged in a specific order and organized into tours throughout the tour planning phase.
Usually, just one person or one car conducts the tour. Then next is about Design Planning
wherein design planning entails arranging and arranging different components in a deliberate
manner to give guests a satisfying and unforgettable experience. This involves creating the
overall destination experiences, lodging, transportation, and attractions. It requires a few
crucial steps. Also Tours is a planned, coordinated trip that is intended to highlight particular
locations, events, or sights. It is frequently led by a guide. Tours can concentrate on a variety of
subjects, such as historical and cultural sites, outdoor activities, and adventure.And there are a
lot of types of Tours such as Sightseeing Tours: Explore attractions and landmarks. Cultural
Tours: Immerse in local traditions and heritage. Adventure Tours: Thrilling activities like hiking
or rafting. Historical Tours: Focus on historical sites and events. Culinary Tours: Experience local
cuisine and food culture. Wildlife Tours: Explore natural habitats and observe wildlife. Cruise
Tours: Travel by boat, often along scenic routes. Educational Tours: Learn about specific
subjects or industries. Religious Tours: Visit sacred sites and religious landmarks. Sports Tours:
Attend sporting events or visit sports arenas. Photography Tours: Capture scenic locations and
landscapes. Group Tours: Travel in a group with a guide. Then the last thing I learned is about
the Tour Components and Advantages of selling tours & packages. The Package composes of
Transportation, Accomodations, Activities, Meals, Guides, and Itinerary.
Learnings from the topic of Group 3

In group 3 discussion I have learned about The Booking System where it has a topic about
the Traditional Booking and Online Booking, Its Advantages and Disadvantages, 5 Most Popular
Online Bookings, and Best Online Booking Features. A Booking System or what we called the
Computerised systems used to store and retrieve data and carry out transactions pertaining to
travel, lodging, vehicle rentals, and other activities are known as computer reservation systems,
or central reservation systems. There are two distinct ways to make reservations or
appointments: traditional booking and internet booking. Travel the World. Making a
reservation in person at a physical site, like a restaurant or doctor's office, is known as
traditional booking. Using this approach necessitates speaking with a staff member in person,
who would normally ask for your name, contact information, and other appointment-related
details. In Traditional Booking confirmation may involve receiving physical documents or
tickets, adding potential delays to the process. The next is Online Booking, online booking
enables you to schedule a meeting or reservation using a mobile application or website. By
using this approach, you may explore the times and dates that are available, choose your
favorite, and finish the transaction all from the comfort of your own home. Compared to more
conventional reservation methods, it's quick, easy, and frequently more accessible. In Online
Booking confirmation is typically instant, with users receiving electronic confirmation via email
or through the online platform. The Advantages of doing the traditional booking is Personalized
Assistance, Reliability, Offline Payment Options, Less Reliance on Technology, Face-to-Face
Communication, Deals and Negotiation, Assistance and Support, Deals and Packages, and Trust
and Relationships. While its disadvantages are Limited Convenience, Limited Access to
Information, Potential for Human Error, Lack of Transparency, Limited Flexibility,
Documentation and Confirmation, Higher Cost, Limited Availability and Accessibility, and Cost
and Added Fees. While the Advantages of Online Bookings are Convenience, Time-saving,
Accessibility, Instant Confirmation, Cost Savings, Ability to read views, Reduced- no shows,
Increased Revenue, Ability to save preferences, and Access to real time availability. While its
disadvantages are Technical Issues, Privacy Concerns, Hidden Fees, Limited Human Interaction,
Cancellations and Refunds, Scams, Potential for Errors, and Lack of Personal Interaction. And I
also learned about the 5 Most Popular Online Bookings, first is Expedia, next is Airbnb, then, Vrbo, and lastly is And then lastly the best online booking features
includes user-friendly interfaces, secure payment options, real-time availability updates,
customizable search filters, and confirmation emails with detailed information, like reviews
loyalty programs, and seamless integration with mobile apps contribute to a positive user

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