Program AyoDolanan Edukasi Keberagaman Agama Melalui Permainan Tradisional Indonesia Menuju Perdamaian Dunia en

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AyoDolanan Program: Religious Diversity Education Through Indonesian Traditional Games

Towards World peace

"Small saka ndhuwur, kalawan banyu saka kersaning heart, sami duduwe Be careful, Sami aware
lan worship dasa, still gather ing in harmony."

(So far the sky above, far away ocean inside _ heart, everyone owns the same heart, which is full of
awareness and appreciation of One another, still unite in harmony).

- paribasan jowo -

On the way of history of humanity civilization, people religious harmony has proven itself as a
sturdy foundation in building world peace. Religious diversity, with all the differences, provides
rich colors on the social and humanitarian fabric. Although Thus, challenges and conflicts are
rooted from difference fixed religious beliefs become threat to global peace.

Harmony between people religious reflect the spirit of tolerance, respect and mutuality
understanding between religious groups. In this context , the world with extraordinary religious
diversity normal , become A unique laboratory where harmony people religious become base for
life peaceful side by side . However, around the world, increasingly many countries have
experienced it challenge in look after this harmony consequence incomprehension, stereotypes, and

Harmony people religious No only limited formal harmony, but also includes recognition and
respect to difference confidence. This diversity is seen not as a source of conflict, but rather as a
source of power and wealth that can be strengthened publicly. Through harmony, every individual is
valued in the uniqueness of his belief, creating a base for fruitful interfaith dialogue. _

Importance of harmony people religious in the context of world peace is increasing bright when we
see a number of conflict big who has root in religious differences. Global challenges such as

terrorism, intolerance, and religious discrimination are emphasized the urgency of building
harmony as a strategy to respond and prevent conflicts of that sort.

Local and international initiatives that prioritize interfaith dialogue, understanding and work the
same between religious people become important steps for knitting harmony. In facing the various
global dynamics, we must together build bridges to overcome differences and ensure that religious
diversity is becoming strength unification, no trigger conflict.

Indonesia, as a country with extraordinary religious diversity, has great potential to be a model of
interfaith religious harmony. However, in a number of decades recently, social dynamics and
technological progress bring new challenges in maintaining and strengthening religious diversity as
a positive asset. This challenge appears in the form of misunderstanding and conflict interfaith
religious can hinder the development process national.

In line with that, the AyoDolanan program was initiated as a response to changing times requiring a
creative and inclusive approach to support deep understanding about religious diversity. This
diversity does not only involve differences in belief, but also constitutes a rich expression of
cultures and values that cross Indonesian society.

Traditional games, as part not inseparable from the identity of Indonesian culture, were selected as
the main medium in this program. this decision was based on the recognition that nature approach _
participatory and fun through games can open the door of understanding and appreciation to
religious diversity.

Through the A yoDolanan program, this effort is directed to overcome global challenges, such as
incomprehension of intercultural and religious conflicts, often become the root of more conflicts at
the international level. By utilizing the strength of traditional Indonesian games, it is expected that
this program can become a concrete step going to world peace by building bridge understanding
and tolerance between diverse religious communities.

With a deep understanding of the background behind this, the AyoDolanan program is expected to
give significant contribution in maintaining and strengthening religious diversity as a foundation for
building sustainable and inclusive world peace.

Mountain fall away Gawe, Sayuk Sayuk in harmony, together ro Kancane, Lila Lan Legowo,
Kanggo mulyaning nagoro.

(The fall mountains, sound roaring, united and harmonious, striding together with strong, elegant
and peaceful steps, for the glory of the country).

Playing songs fall mountain -

AyoDolanan Program is designed as an interactive receptacle that combines the excitement of

traditional Indonesian games to create harmony between children from various backgrounds behind
religion. One of the main activities in this program is the "AyoDolanan Festival," to which we are
invited participation of children from different religious communities. Through tournament
traditional games like dakon, skirt hide, stilts and stilts, we encourage collaboration and team
building consisting of participants with diverse religious beliefs. this festival not only gives the
chance to have fun, but also fosters a sense of unity through involving games coordination and work
the same.

In addition, this program held a "Skills Workshop AyoDolanan" who teaches children how to create
and play traditional games. Engaging children from various inner religious community activities
like not this one only about Skills but also introduce them with each other personally with open
channel positive communication. This workshop aims to stimulate curiosity and appreciation to
riches of each culture.

As part of the program, we can staged "Stories From Grandma Ancestors," a forum where religious
figures from various confidence share stories and values of local wisdom. This discussion gives
room for children to listen and understand differences as well as equality between their religious
beliefs themselves and others. Encourage open dialogue like this to help create understanding and
respect for one another.

More Far again, AyoDolanan Program held a "Carnival Culture AyoDolanan" which became a stage
for children to participate in promoting and understanding diversity culture. By wearing traditional
costumes and showing off the riches of the culinary delights, kids not only celebrate differences but
also strengthening their own cultural identity.

Activity Collaboration is also emphasized via "Project Collaborative AyoDolanan" where are the
children working the same in empowering their project environment. It creates powerful bonds and
enhancing social understanding that harmony is not only about living together in peace, but also
about giving positive contributions to the public.

By integrating religious diversity values through the AyoDolanan program, apparently we have
opened the door towards another peaceful and connected world. This program No only simply
serves traditional Indonesian games as a form of entertainment, but more than that, as a vehicle
capable of education _ change paradigm children related religious diversity.

Through the AyoDolanan Festival, Skills Workshop, and various other activities, children from
various backgrounds behind religion are not only play together but also learn together. They
understand local wisdom values, maintain traditional skills, and more importantly, they are form
bond emotional coping _ limitations religious beliefs. The previous game considered as
entertainment, now become an effective tool to embrace differences and build harmony.

AyoDolanan Program No only offers education diversity, but also empowerment of children as
agents of future peace. Carnival Culture, Stories from Grandmother Ancestors, and Projects
Collaborative become the room where the children are Study respect, communicate, and work The
same across religious boundaries. Not this one only educational approach, but also investment
period long in character formation and understanding each other.

In more context-wide, AyoDolanan Program gives real contribution in responding related global
challenges of religious intolerance, interfaith conflict, and lack thereof understanding of interfaith
religion. Through traditional games, we open the door going to more understanding about religious
diversity, building solid foundation for world peace.

Therefore, the AyoDolanan Program is a real step towards a vision of a harmonious and inclusive
world. A vision where children, with their religious diversity, can grow and thrive in an atmosphere
of mutual respect and understanding. This program is not only an education, but also a catalyst of
goodness that brings hope for a brighter future, full with a sense of tolerance, harmony and lasting

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