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To study about the job design and motivation at “LEGERO

1.To learn about the history of job design
2.To get the co- operation of the employees
3.To study alternatives to job specialization
4.To achieve the objects of enterprise
5.To identify job characteristics that increase motivating potential of employees.
6.To learn how to empower employees.
7.To increase the efficiency of employees
8.To motivate the employees to do more work

Job design has emerged as one of the important areas that have
received the attention of behavioural scientists. Based on research studies,
sufficient theoretical framework for job design has developed.

Job design is a process of defining job, task and the work

arrangements to accomplish employees. Job design recognize the capacity and
capability and needs of those who are to perform the work.

Job design involves systematic attempt to organize tasks duties and

responsibilities into a unit of work to achieve certain objectives. It is a logical
sequence of job analysis.

Job analysis which provide job related data as well as the skills and
knowledge expected of the particular worker or employees to discharge the job.

Thus, in a simple way, job design is how organisations define and

structure jobs. The basic objectives of job design is to find a fit between a job
and job holder so that the job is performed well and the job holder experiences
satisfaction and puts his best effort for job performance.

Since job design is quite old practice, even with emergence of

scientific management in early years of 20th century, various efforts have been
made to design jobs in such a way that jobs are performed efficiently. These
efforts have resulted into two distinct approaches of job design:

1. Traditional job design

2. Motivational job design
A. Traditional job design
Traditional job design takes into account only technical aspect of a
job, and job design is based on time, motion, and fatigue study. This study
suggests that a job should be designed in such a way that its performer requires
least movement on the part of the job performer.

Traditional job design, thus, puts emphasis on job simplification,

that is designing the job in such a way that it is simple, safe, and minimize the
mental demand on job performer. A job broken into least possible complex
tasks, and a job performer is assigned only a specific task based on his

B. Motivational job design

Motivational job design addresses psychological issues along with
technical issues that go in determining content and context of a job.
Motivational job design tries to ensure job performance efficiency on a
continuous basis. According to this approach, any person who works for a
living spends a significant amount of his time at the workplace executing the
requirements duties, and activities involved in jobs.

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