Industrial Revolution TEEL Paragraph Example

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Source 3 and 4 show evidence about Child Labour in the industrial revolution and the dangerous and

working conditions children faced. Children were forced to do difficult and dangerous jobs such as
working in coal mines , working in factories and sweeping chimneys. Children were particularly valued
because they were small cheap and easily exploitable, sine their poor families desperately needed their

The source 1 shows evidence about the jobs, wages, working conditions and living condition of the
Working Class in the Industrial Revolution. They had jobs such as mining, chimney sweeps, farm labours,
factory workers, etc. These jobs were difficult and paid very less, the working class people had to work
long hours, had to share houses with a number of people and had poor hygiene and sanitation. Their
access to consumer goods were basic as they had less wages. Whereas the Source 2 which shows
evidence about that the Middle class had a very different working conditions compared to the others.
Their jobs included banker, lawyer, doctors, engineers, business owners, land owners, etc. They had
comfortable housing, servants, comfortable working conditions, cultural pursuits, etc. Their access to
consumer goods was very high as they had enough money to afford nice clothes, Jewellery and good
food. Comparing the experiences of the Middle Class and Working Class gives us information that the
differences between they were extreme and the working class had to work more hard and got less
wages than the Middle class who had comfortable lives.

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