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The University of Edinburgh College of Science and Engineering Mathematics 4 Honours MATHI0051 Fourier Analysis Friday, 18" May 2012 9:30am — 11:30am. Chairman of Examiners — Professor J M Figueroa-O’Fartill External Examiner — Professor R Bielawski Credit will be given for the best THREE. answers Calculators approved by the College of Science and Engineering for use in examinations. Make and Model Casio {x85 (any version, e.g. fx85WA, fx85MS) Casio fx83 (any version, e.g. x83ES) Casio fx82 (any version) This examination will be marked ‘anonymously’. Please ensure that you have entered your name where instructed then seal the flap in order to conceal it 1. Let f: RC be 1-periodic and integrable on (0, 1) {a) Define the Fourier coefficients f(ke) of f. 13) (b) What is the definition of the nth Fourier partial sum Sn f(a) of f at 2? fal (©) Recall that Age) = Sof as : + Seite) is the Cesiiro mean of f at «. Express A, f(z) as an integral. tl (d) Show that for & € Z\ {0}, 7 fie) = -f flat L/2kje de 5 and deduce that f(&) = 1/2 [}[f(x) — f(x + 1/2k))ePae (4) (c) Show that f(k) = 0 as |k| — 00. You may use any fact about 1- periodic, integrable functions proved in lecture, (£) Suppose that f satisfies [f@+h)— f(2)| < Alani? 15] for some 0 0, and all 2,h € R (such functions are known as Hlder continuous functions of order a. Show that the Fourier coefficients f(k) satisfy [f(A < Alk|-® foreach & € Z. (5) 2. Assequence {,} of 1-periodie functions, integrable on (0, 1), is called a Good Approximation of the Identity or GAL if it satisfies A) fy Ka(t)dt = 1 for all n, B) Jy|Kn(t)|dt < B for some B and all n, and C) for every 6 > 0, limy oo Jreigjerj2|Nalt)|dt = 0 (a) Show that the Fejér kernel 1 sin'(nmz) n sin? (m2) is a Good Approzimation of the Identity 15) Fal) = (b) Let f € C(T) and recall that A, f(x) = |Sof(2) + +--+ Snf(w)/(n-+1) denotes the nth Ceséro mean of f at x. Prove, using an «—N argument, that 2] sup|Aaf(2) ~J(@)| + 0 as m+ 00 (c) Let f € C(T) be the L-periodic funetion defined as f(x) = sin(2e/@) for x € (0, 1). ()) Show that |/(%)| < 1/|&l for every k € Z. 3] (ii) Using results from the course, show that the Fourier series of f converges uniformly on R to f. Bi 3. This question is about equidistributed sequences in (0,1). To answer the various parts you may need to refer to results in lectures. These need to be stated clearly but no proofs need to be given. (a) Define what it means for a sequence {2m}m>1 C (0,1) to be equidis- tributed in (0, 1). i] (b) Let iq = L/me if m is even and ty = m/(n + 1) if m is odd. Show that the sequence {z}m>1 is not equidistributed in [0, 1). [4] (c) State what the Weyl criterion is for a sequence {2m }a>1 to be equidis- tributed in [0,1) (5) (a) Suppose that f +R — C is L-periodie and integrable on {0 1) (3) Show that LAB + FON + SOD Pate n lo agn—oo. [oi (ii) Show that there is a 1-periodic function g : R — C, integrable on (0, )) such that g(2/5) + g(4/5) +» + g(2n/5) ye ff sore as. n— 00. 6] 4. This question concerns Fourier analysis on the integers modulo N, Z/NZ, whose elements can be represented by the integers {0,1,...,.W — 1} (a) Define a character on Z/NZ. [4] (b) Suppose that x is a character on Z/7Z, Show that there is an integer 0

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