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Disusun Untuk Memenuhi Tugas

Mata Kuliah : General English for Health Care
Dosen Pengampu : Tities Harjanti, S.S, M.Pd

Disusun Oleh :
Oktavia Saffitri 122070145



Do you remember Jane Johnson ??? she and her friend, Joan Chapman are
both nurses. They work at Saint Peter’s Hospital, a large teaching hospital in
London. Joan did her training at St. Peter’s and last year she passed her State Finals
and qualified. She is an S.R.N. she is working as a staff nurse in a men’s medical
Jane is a student nurse and is still training. Last month, she worked in one
of the hospital’s surgical wards. She learned to set trolleys for sterile procedures
such as surgical dressing, intravenous infusion and catheterization. She carried out
certain procedures herself and assisted doctors with others. She often had to go to
the central sterile supply department to fetch sterile dressing packs. Sometimes, she
took patients to the X-Ray department or to the occupational therapy unit.
This month, Jane is working in the same ward as Joan. She is learning to
nurse patients suffering from diseases such as cardiac infarction, cerebral
haemorrhage, cerebral thrombosis and pneumonia. At the moment, she is helping a
staff nurse to give injections. The staff nurse is 79explaining to her the doses, action
and side effects of the drugs they are administering.
The other nurses in the ward are carrying out various nursing duties. Some
are doing bed- baths, one is helping a patient to get out of bed, and another is taking
A doctor is doing a ward round and a physiotherapist is helping a pneumonia
– patient to do deep – breathing exercises.

Apakah Anda ingat Jane Johnson??? dia dan temannya, Joan Chapman
keduanya adalah perawat. Mereka bekerja di Rumah Sakit Saint Peter, sebuah
rumah sakit pendidikan besar di London. Joan melakukan pelatihannya di St. Peter's
dan tahun lalu dia lulus Final Negara dan lolos. Dia adalah seorang S.R.N. dia
bekerja sebagai staf perawat di bangsal medis pria.
Jane adalah seorang mahasiswa perawat dan masih menjalani pelatihan.
Bulan lalu, dia bekerja di salah satu bangsal bedah rumah sakit. Dia belajar
mengatur troli untuk prosedur steril seperti pembalut bedah, infus intravena, dan
kateterisasi. Dia melakukan prosedur tertentu sendiri dan membantu dokter dengan
orang lain. Dia sering kali harus pergi ke bagian pusat persediaan steril untuk
mengambil paket pembalut steril. Kadang-kadang, dia membawa pasien ke bagian
X-Ray atau ke unit terapi okupasi.
Bulan ini, Jane bekerja di lingkungan yang sama dengan Joan. Dia belajar
merawat pasien yang menderita penyakit seperti infark jantung, pendarahan otak,
trombosis otak, dan pneumonia. Saat ini, dia sedang membantu staf perawat untuk
memberikan suntikan. Staf perawat menjelaskan kepadanya dosis, cara kerja, dan
efek samping obat yang mereka berikan.
Perawat lain di bangsal menjalankan berbagai tugas keperawatan. Ada yang
mandi di tempat tidur, ada yang membantu pasien bangun dari tempat tidur, dan
ada pula yang mandi.
Seorang dokter sedang melakukan pemeriksaan bangsal dan seorang
fisioterapis membantu penderita pneumonia – pasien untuk melakukan latihan
pernapasan dalam.
 Answer The Questions Correctly :

1. What sort of hospital is St. Peter’s ????

Answer: Saint Peter’s Hospital, a large teaching hospital in London.
2. Where did Joan do her training ???
Answer: Joan did her training at St. Peter’s Hospital.
3. When did Joan pass her State Finals ????
Answer: Last year she passed her State Finals and qualified.
4. Which ward is Joan working in now ???
Answer: Joan was an S.R.N. Joan works as a staff nurse in the men's
medical ward.
5. Where did Jane work last month ????
Answer: Last month, jane worked in one of the hospital’s surgical wards.
6. Which sterile procedures did she learn to set trolleys for ????
Answer: Jane learned to set trolleys for sterile procedures such as surgical
dressing, intravenous infusion and catheterization.
7. Where did she go to fetch sterile dressing packs ????
Answer: She often had to go to the central sterile supply department to
fetch sterile dressing packs.
8. Where did she sometimes take patients ????
Answer: Sometimes, she took patients to the X-Ray department or to the
occupational therapy unit.
9. Where is Jane working this month ????
Answer: This month, Jane is working in the same ward as Joan.
10. Which patients is Jean learning to nurse ???
Answer: She is learning to nurse patients suffering from diseases such as
cardiac infarction, cerebral haemorrhage, cerebral thrombosis and
11. What is the staff nurse explaining to her ???
Answer: The staff nurse is 79explaining to her the doses, action and side
effects of the drugs they are administering.
12. What are the other nurses in the ward doing ???
Answer: The other nurses in the ward are carrying out various nursing
duties. Some are doing bed- baths, one is helping a patient to get out of bed,
and another is taking t.p.rs.
13. What is the doctor doing ???
Answer: A doctor is doing a ward round.
14. What is one nurse taking ????
Answer: Another is taking t.p.rs.
15. What is the physiotherapist doing ????
Answer: The physiotherapist is helping a pneumonia – patient to do deep –
breathing exercises.

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