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Indian Minerals
Yearbook 2019

(Part- I)

58th Edition




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March, 2021


Khammam, Mahabubnagar, Medak, Nalgonda,

Rangareddy, and Warangal districts; iron ore
The write up for this State is being presented for (hematite) in Khammam district; iron ore (magnetite)
the first time in the Yearbook. The State is carved in Adilabad, and Warangal districts; limestone in
out of Andhra Pradesh and efforts have been made Adilabad, Hyderabad, Karimnagar, Mahabub-nagar,
to give a clear picture about the areas/districts falling Nalgonda, Rangareddy, districts; manganese ore in
under the state; however, there are chances of Adilabad district; mica in Khammam districts; quartz/
intermixing of data between Andhra Pradesh and silica sand i n Hydera bad, Kha mmam,
Telangana, it will be sorted out in next edition. Mahabubnagar, Medak, Nalgonda, Rangareddy and
Telangana is the 29 th State of India, formed on Warangal districts; and talc/soapstone/steatite in
the 2 nd of June 2014 with ten districts, namely; Khammam district.
Hyderabad, Adilabad, Khammam, Karimnagar,
Other minerals that occur in the State are
Mahbubnagar, Medak, Nalgonda, Nizamabad,
chromite, c opper, gr aphite and kyanit e in
Rangareddy and Warangal. Telangana is surrounded
Khammam district; fuller's earth in Medak and
by Maharashtra and Chhattisgarh in the North,
Rangareddy districts; and marble in Khammam
Karnataka in the West and Andhra Pradesh in the
district (Tables - 1 and 2).
South and East directions.
Mineral Resources Exploration & Development
Telangana is the leading producer of barytes, The details of exploration activities conducted
dolomite, feldspar, laterite, limestone, Quartz and by GSI for coal and other minerals during 2018-19 are
Sand (others). It accounts for 47% kyanite, 29% furnished in Table - 3.
corundum, 10% fuller's earth and 9% limestone
resources of the country. Telangana is endowed with
the internationally known black, pink, blue and Production of minerals like coal, manganese ore,
multicoloured varieties of granites. limestone etc. were reported from Telangana.
Important minerals occurring in Telangana are: The value of minor minerals’ production was
barytes in Khammam, district; china clay in Adilabad, estimated at 10,774 crore for the year 2018-19.
Mahab ubnagar, Nalgon da, Rangareddi , and The number of reporting mines was 36 in
Warangal districts; coal in Adilabad, Karimnagar, 2018-19 in case of MCDR minerals (Table-4).
Khammam and Warangal districts; corundum in
Khammam district; dolomite in Khammam, and
Mineral-based Industry
Warangal districts; felspar in Hyderabad, Khammam, The present status of each mineral-based
Mahabubnagar, Medak, and Rangareddy districts; industry is not readily available. However, the
fireclay in Adilabad, and Nalgonda districts; garnet important mineral based industries in the organised
in Khammam district; granite in Karimnagar, sector in the State are given in Table - 5.

Table – 2: Reserves/Resources of Coal as on 1.4.2019 : Telangana

(In milli on t onn es)

Coalfield Pr o v ed Ind icated In ferr ed To t a l

Total/Godavari Valley 10622.32 8564.74 2651.88 21838.94

Source: Coal Directory of India, 2018-19

Table –1: Reserves/Resources of Minerals as on 01.04.2015: Telangana
Reserves Remaining Resources
Mineral Unit Proved Probable Tot al Feasibility Pre-feasibility Measured Indicated Inferred Reconnaissance Total resources
STD 111 (A) STD211 STD331 STD332 STD333 STD334 (B) (A+B)
STD121 STD122 STD221 STD222

Barytes # tonne 1324582 - 403420 1728002 112320 45400 130061 - 12940 711239 - 1011960 2739962
ChinaClay# '000 tonnes 623 322 - 945 2902 1059 655 - - 10602 132 15350 16295
Chromite '000 tonnes - - - - - - - - 15 171 - 186 186
Ore '000 tonnes - - - - - 666 - - - - - 666 666
Metal '000 tonnes - - - - - 9.12 - - - - - 9.12 9.12
Corundum tonne - - - - 5824 - 9282 - - 62007 - 77113 77113
Dolomite # '000 tonnes 42072 - 651 42723 2869 1594 1944 - 132511 6380 - 145298 188021
Feldspar # tonne 8244089 526905 1231579 10002573 3163212 543605 1938177 134417 3890572 3657219 57940 13385142 23387715
FireClay# '000 tonnes 762 - - 762 667 746 - - 758 8514 - 10684 11446
Fuller's Earth## tonne - - - - - - - - - 25523983 - 25523983 25523983
Garnet tonne 15097 - - 15097 47090 42033 - - - 1855976 - 1945099 1960196

Stone)## '000 cum - - - - - - - - - 45494 - 45494 45494
Graphite tonne - - - - - - - - 123636 95818 - 219455 219455

Iron ore
(Haematite) '000 tonnes 509 - - 509 973 483 - - - 23977 27240 52673 53181
Iron ore
(Magnetite) '000 tonnes - - - - - - - - - 71500 14 71514 71514
Kyanite tonne - - - - - - - - - 48350000 - 48350000 48350000
Laterite # '000 tonnes 36471 8213 2426 47110 6439 828 2536 - - 6483 305 16591 63701
Limestone '000 tonnes 625569 195 400766 1026529 254912 28110 92020 113416 921577 11710694 3038478 16159208 17185736
ore '000 tonnes 156 3 196 355 2 - 46 - 886 203 76 1214 1568
Marble## '000 tonnes - - - - - - - - - 3 - 3 3
Mica# kilograms - - - - - - 584885 - - - - 584885 584885
Quartz &
Silica Sand# '000 tonnes 18541 1367 6916 26824 10334 2414 8365 159 3107 28642 230 53250 80074
Shale# '000 tonnes 13852 - - 13852 - - - - - - - - 13852
Talc -Steatite -
Soapstone# '000 tonnes - - - - - - - - - 20 - 20 20
Figures rounded off.
# Declared as Minor Minerals vide Gazette Notification dated 10.02.2015
## Minor Minerals before Gazette Notification dated 10.02.2015.

Table –3 : Details of Exploration Activities in Telangana, 2018-19

Agency/ Location Mapping Drilling

Mineral/ Area/ Sampling Remarks
District Block Scale Area No. of Meterage (No.) Reserves/Resources estimated
(sq km) boreholes

Co a l
Bhadradri- Sambayagudem 1 :1 0 00 0 2 5 .0 04 19 54.7 0 - G3 stage preliminary
Kothagudem block, South- exploration for coal was carried
eastern part of o u t i n S a m b a ya g u d e m b l o c k ,
Godavari Valley South -eastern part of Godavari
Coalfield, Va l l e y C o a l f i e l d , B h a d r a d r i -
Kothagudem district. An area of
2 5 s q k m wa s m a p p e d o n
1:1 0,0 00 scale an d 1,9 54. 70 m
of drilling in four borehole were
com plet ed . Barakar an d Lo wer
Ka m t h i Fo r m a t i o n s a r e c o a l -
bearing in the area. Five numbers
o f Lo wer Ka m t h i c o a l s e a m s
zon e h a v e b een i n t ers e c t ed i n
the boreholes between the depth
range of 2 45 .6 5 m and 4 70. 40
m with individual coal thickness
varying from 0.50 m to 1.45 m.
T h e t wo B a r a k a r c o a l s e a m s
zon e h a v e b een i n t ers e c t ed i n
the boreholes between the depth
range of 4 75 .1 1 m and 6 71. 20
m with individual coal thickness
varying from 0.50 m to 1.18 m.
T h e q u a l i t y of c o a l i s m os t l y
o f p o we r g r a d e t o s u p e r i o r -
grade coal. The explorat ion
wi l l c on t i n u e i n f i e l d s e a s o n
2 0 1 9 -2 0 .

Iron Ore
Karimnagar Ragampet and 1 :1 2 50 0 5 - - - Reconnaissance survey (G4) was
Peddapalli Dumalkunta taken up to explore iron ore
and Jagtial blocks potential in Ragampet and
Dumalkunta blocks in
Ka r i m n a g a r , P e d d a p a l l i a n d
J a g t i a l d i s t r i c t s . In b o t h t h e
b l o c k s , i ron ore wa s fou n d t o
occur as banded magnetite
quartzite (BMQ) band(s) and was
observed to be restricted to the
top of the hills and mounds. The
iron bands are found as bouldery
ou tcrops and are discont inuous
in nature. BMQ bands with
variable width, length and strike
were found to con sist of micro
to macrobands of magnetite.
Ir o n t o s i l i c a r a t i o s h o we d
v a r i a t i o n s f ro m 1 : 2 t o 1 : 5 .
Grunerite was found in variable
proportion along with quartz and
magnetite wi t h i n BMQ.
Di ssem in a t ed magn et i te grai ns


Table – 3 (contd)

Agency/ Location Mapping Drilling

Mineral/ Area/ Sampling Remarks
District Block Scale Area No. of Meterage (No.) Reserves/Resources estimated
(sq km) boreholes
an d ma gn et i t e i nc lu si on s were
found wi th in gru nerite. A tot al
of 15 hills bearing BMQ in
Dumalkunta and Ragampet
blocks were mapped on 1:12,500
s c a l e . Le n g t h o f i r o n b a n d s
showed range variations from 50
m to 850 m with average width
of 15 m . Ka mmari k han p et and
Pattipaka Hill-I and Hill-2 were
the major BMQ-bearing
hills of Ragampet block.
Ka m m a r i k h a n p et Gu t t a ( H i l l )
and Pattipaka Hill -1 was found
to host a single linear BMQ band
of strike length 950 m and 300
m respectively with average
width of 25 m. In Pattipaka Hill-
2, Band-II was observed as major
band of 250 m length and 59 m
width. The chemical analysis of
BMQ samples showed Fe content
in the range of 30-35% and silica
from 40-50%. Five scout
bo rehol es were dri lled (t wo in
Dumalkunta block and th ree in
Ragampet block). Surface
m i n e r a l i s e d zo n e s t h a t w e r e
intersected in boreholes and in
most of mineralised zones were
fo u n d d i v i d ed i n t o n u m b er of
smaller bands.

Karimnagar Gollapalli R e c o n n a i s s a n c e s u r ve y ( G 4 )
block c a r r i e d o u t fo r i r o n o r e i n
Go l l a p a l l i b l o c k , Ka r i m n a g a r
di stri ct com p ri sed La rge- Sca le
M a p p i n g o f 10 0 s q k m a rea on
1:12,500 scale. A total of 26
BMQ bands having length
varying from 7 0 to 6 00 m and
wid t h var yi n g fro m 5 t o 6 0 m
were i d en t i fi ed . On l y 3 ba n d s
were with length more than 400
m an d avera ge wid th of 5 0 m.
The BMQ band s were foun d to
have alternate magnetite and
si lica-rich layers in 25:75 . The
petrographic stu dy revealed the
m a i n or e a s m a g n e t i t e a n d
associated gangue minerals were
quartz, g ru n e r i t e and
o r t h o p y r o x en e . The iron
b e a r i n g s i l i c a t e s ( g ru n e r i t e ,
orth opyroxene) contributed less
than 5% of the total iron content


Table – 3 (contd)

Agency/ Location Mapping Drilling

Mineral/ Area/ Sampling Remarks
District Block Scale Area No. of Meterage (No.) Reserves/Resources estimated
(sq km) boreholes
in BM Q an d u p t o 1 0% of the
m a g n e t i t e g r a i n s we r e f o u n d
alt ered alon g th e bou ndaries &
fracture planes into martite. The
analytical results of BRS samples
showed Fe 2 O 3 value varying from
1 4 . 5 3 % t o 5 9 . 0 7 % wi t h a n
average of 44.34% Fe. The SiO 2
wa s f o u n d t o r a n g e f r o m
28.58 to 82.84% and Al 2 O 3 from
0.05 to 7.68%. The average
Fe 2 O 3 : S i O2 + A l 2 O 3 ratio is
44.35%:50.3%. The Fe values of
t h e B M Q s a m p l es wer e f ou n d
v a r yi n g f rom 1 0 . 1 % t o 4 1 . 3 %
wi t h a n a v e r a g e o f 3 1 . 0 3 % .
Con sideri ng the p rognost icated
depth of 10 m and average bulk
densit as 3.37, the inferred
r e s o u r c e i s e x p e c t ed t o b e
e s t i m a t ed t o t h e t u n e of 3 . 4 0
million tonnes wi th average Fe
content of 31.03%. It is of low-
grade iron ore wit h h igh si lica
and alumina. A carbonatite body
about 1 km east of Village Rapalli
o f 2 0 0 m l e n g t h a n d wi d t h
varying from 2 t o 3 m was
i d en t i fi ed . Fro m t h e S c a nn i n g
E l e c t r on M i c r o s c o p e s t u d y,
d i f f e r en t m i n e r a l p h a s e s l i k e
calcite, dolomite, magnetite and
Ti - Y- r i c h R E E p h a s e w e r e

Nagarkurnool Around 1:1 250 0 10 0.0 - - - Reconnaissance survey for
and Nalgonda Chandampet REE mineralisation in granitoids of
and Kalwakurthy Peninsular Gneissic Complex around
area Chandampet, Kalwakurthy area in
parts of Nagarkurnool and Nalgonda
districts was taken up by covering
an area of 100 sq. km by Large-
Scale Mapping on 1:12,500 scale.
SEM studies confirmed presence of
REE-bearing trace minerals like
sphene, apatite, epidote etc. in the
granites and pegmatites of the area.

Dia mo nd
Mahabubnagar Kodangal- 1 :5 0 00 0 75 0.0 - - 443 A reconnaissance survey for
and Vikarabad Parigi blocks primary source rocks of diamond
wa s c a r r i ed o u t i n K o d a n g a l -
Parigi blocks, Mahabubnagar and
Vi k a r a b a d d i s t r i c t s . Ae r i a l
Reconnaissance and Satellite


Table – 3 (contd)

Agency/ Location Mapping Drilling

Mineral/ Area/ Sampling Remarks
District Block Scale Area No. of Meterage (No.) Reserves/Resources estimated
(sq km) boreholes

imagery study of 1,500 sqkm and

fi eld recon nai ss an c e s u rvey of
7 50 s q km were c arri ed o u t on
1:50,000 scale with collection of
2 0 6 s t rea m s ed i m en t s a m p l es ,
20 6 heavy mineral samp les, 25
p e t r o l og i c a l s a m p l es a n d 5
petrochemical samples.
S y s t em a t i c o ri e n t a t i on s t r e a m
sediment samp li ng was carried
ou t i n P a ri g i b l o c k t o n a rr o w
d o wn t h e t a r g e t a r e a . H e a v y
mineral concentrates were
prepared and picked for
Ki mb erl it e In di cat or Mi ner als.
The garnets recovered from the
Parigi block we r e non-
kimberlitic in nature. The study
of clasts >1.25 mm si ze and
heavy mineral studies of stream
sedimen t samples d id not yield
any diamond. The primary
source rocks of diamond or
kimberlite clan rocks could not
be located.

L imes to n e
Suryapet Cluster -1, 1:12 50 00 63 .51 - - 157 G4 stage exploration in the area
Mellacheruvu was taken up under NMET fund.

Cluster -2, 1:12 5000 16 .0 7 - - 60 G4 stage exploration in the area

Mettampalli was taken up under NMET fund.

Cluster -3, 1:12 5000 51 .1 0 - - 179 G4 stage exploration in the area

Raghunathpuram was taken up under NMET fund.

Cluster -5, 1:12 5000 61 .3 7 - - 36 G4 stage exploration in the area

Ramapuram was taken up under NMET fund.

Cluster -6, 1:12 5000 51 .4 0 - - 88 G4 stage exploration in the area

Dondapadu was taken up under NMET fund.

Nalgonda Cluster -4, 1:12 50 00 19 .86 - - 52 G4 stage exploration in the area

Damarcherla was taken up under NMET fund.

Vikarabad Cluster -7, 1:12 50 00 17 .72 - - 18 G4 stage exploration in the area

Jeewangi was taken up under NMET fund.

Cluster -8, 1:12 5000 22 .9 6 - - 21 G4 stage exploration in the area

Malkapur was taken up under NMET fund.



Table – 3 (contd)

Agency/ Location Mapping Drilling

Mineral/ Area/ Sampling Remarks
District Block Scale Area No. of Meterage (No.) Reserves/Resources estimated
(sq km) boreholes

Suryapet Sultanpur 1 :5 0 0 0 1 . 36 3 13 0 .0 0 142 During G3 level exploration, a

RF block, n et i n -st u res o ur c es of 8 0. 2 1
Mattampalli Mandal milli on ton nes were esti mated
under UNFC code 333.

Pasupulabodu 1 :5 0 0 0 1.39 3 1 0 8 . 00 95 During G3 level exploration, a

RF block, n et i n -st u res o ur c es of 4 1. 6 8
Nereducherlai Mandal milli on ton nes were esti mated
under UNFC code 333.

Siadulnama 1 :5 0 0 0 1.70 3 1 2 7 . 00 136 During G3 level exploration, a

RF block, n et i n -st u res o ur c es of 7 1. 8 6
Palakeedu Mandal milli on ton nes were esti mated
under UNFC code 333.

The Singareni Collieries Company Ltd. (SCCL)

Co a l
Adilabad, Lingala- - 11 .5 0 326 99 544 .0 - During 2018-19, SCCL explored
Khammam, Koyagudem, th e area to locate the presence
Karimnagar Anisettipalli- of economic viable coal deposits
and Warangal Monubothulagude, and established its nature,
Sattupalli- s h a p e a n d g r a d e . An a r e a o f
Chintalapudi, 1 1 . 5 0 s q k m wa s m a p p e d i n
Ramagundem, Li n ga la - Koya gu d em c oa l b elt ,
Mulug, Dorli- Ko t h a g u d e m coal belt,
Belampalli, Anisettip alli-Monubot hulagud e,
Somagudem- Sattupalli-Chintalapudi coal
Indaram belt, Manuguru-Cherla coal belt,
Kaghaznagar Ra magu n dem coa l b elt, M u lug
coal belts coal belt, Dorli-Belampalli coal
b elt, Somagudem-Ind aram coal
belt and Kaghaznagar coal belt.
A total of 326 exploratory
b o r e h o l e s we r e d r i l l e d t o a
cumulative depth of 99,544.0 m
and resources of 156.60
mi llion tonnes with cu mu lative
resources at the end of
2 0 1 8 - 1 9 a t 1 0 , 6 2 2 . 3 2 m i ll i o n
tonnes were established. The
exploration work was carried out
in the SCCL command area
situated in Adilabad, Khammam,
Ka r i m n a g a r and Wa r a n g a l
districts of Telangana State.

Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd

Dol o mit e
Khammam Madharam - - 20 1 0 00 .0 0 - T h e t e n t a i v e t o t a l g eo l o g i c a l
dolomite mine resources has been estimated at
(384.46 ha), about 80 million tonnes. The
Madharam village, final reserves/resources
Karepally Taluka estimation are in progress.


Table – 4: Mineral Production in Telangana, 2016-17 to 2018-19

(Excluding Atomic Minerals)
(Value in '000)

2016-17 2017-18 2 0 1 8 - 19 (P)

Mineral Unit No. of Qty Value$ No. of Qt y Value$ No. of Qt y Value$

mines mines mines
All Minerals 34 116783984 36 113287672 36 113877664
Coal '000t - 61336 - - 62010 - - 65160 -
Iron Ore '000t - - - - 6 4514 - 2 1290
Manganese Ore t 5 13262 66514 5 17373 80232 6 10295 57065
Limestone '000t 29 24720 4959 547 31 27367 5464824 30 30895 6081207
Minor Minerals @ - - 111757923 - -107738102 - - 107738102

$ Excluding fuel minerals.

@ Figures for earlier years have been repeated as estimates, wherever necessary because of non-receipt of data.

Table – 5 : Principal Mineral-based Industries

In d u stry/ pl ant Cap acity In d u stry/ pl ant Capaci ty
('0 0 0 t p y) ('0 0 0 t py)
Aluminium Foil
My Home Cement Industries Ltd, 3300
Hindalco, Kollur, Medak 4 Mellacheruruvu, Distt Nalgonda
Asbestos Products NCL Industries Ltd, Simhapuri, DisttSuryapet 2000
Bhagyanagar Wood Plast Ltd, 60 Orient Cement, Devapur, Distt Adilabad 3000
Nandikandi, Distt Medak Penna Cement Industries Ltd, Tandur, 2000
Hyderabad Industries Ltd, Sanathnagar, 16 0 Distt Rangareddy
Distt Rangareddy Penna Cement Industries Ltd, Ganeshpahad, 1200
Hyderabad Industries Ltd, Thimmapur 23 0 Distt Nalgonda
J.J. Spun Pipe Industries, Arsapalli, Distt Nizamabad 4.5 Rain Commodities Ltd (Rain Cements), 4000
Visaka Industries Ltd, Medak 36 Ramapuram, Distt Nalgonda
Sagar Cements Ltd, Mattampally, Distt Nalgonda 2650
Bleaching Clay
Sri Lalita Cement, Mattampally, Distt Nalgonda 1000
Ashapura Clay Tech. Ltd, 20 (Fuller's earth granules)
Zuari Cements Ltd (Sri Vishnu Cements Works), 1200
Dharur, Distt Rangareddy 15 (Bentonite granules)
Dondapadu, Sitapuram, Distt Nalgonda
C e me n t
Anjani Portland Cements Ltd (Subs. of Chettinad 1200
Hindustan Sanitaryware & Industries Ltd, 1.8
Cement), Anjanipuram, Distt Nalgonda
Bibinagar, Distt Nalgonda
CCI Ltd, Tandur, Distt Rangareddy 1000 Montana International Ltd, Faralwadi, 3.6
Bheema Cement Nalgonda 90 0 Distt Medak
Greygold Cement Nalgonda 90 Restile Ceramics Ltd, Malkapur. 1.4
Deccan Cements Ltd, Bhavanipuram, 2300 Distt Medak (mill. sq m)
Distt Nalgonda Fertilizer
India Cement Ltd, Malkapur Distt Rangareddy 2400 Chemtech Fertilizers Ltd, Kazipalli, Medak 33 (SSP)
India Cement (Raasi Cements), Vishnupuram 3500
Distt Nalgonda Sponge Iron

Keerthi Industries Ltd, Mellacheruvu, 59 0 Ashirwad Steels & Ind. Ltd, Veliminedu, 60
Distt Nalgonda Distt Nalgonda

Kesoram Cement, Basantnagar, Distt Karimnagar 6000 Anand Metallics & Power Pvt. Ltd, 24
Kodi Cherla, Distt Mahabubnagar
Mancherial Cement Co. (P) Ltd, Mancherial, 33 0
Binjusaria Sponge & Power Pvt. Ltd, 30
Distt Adilabad
Farooq Nagar, Distt Mahabubnagar

(contd) (contd)


Table - 5 (contd) Table - 5 (concld)

Ind u stry/ pl ant Cap aci ty In d u stry/ pl ant Cap acity

('0 0 0 t p y) ('0 0 0 t py)

Lakshmi Gayatri Iron & Steel, Kethepally 60 Shree Raghvendra Ferro alloys Pvt Ltd, Nalgonda. 15
Distt Nalgonda
VBC Ferro Alloys Ltd, 48 (silico-
NMDC (Sponge Iron Division), Paloncha, 60 Rudraram, Distt Medak. manganese)
Khammam. 32.4 (ferro
Reactive Metals of India Ltd, Appajipally 36.5 manganese)
Distt Mahabubnagar.
Sunder Steels Ltd, S.D. Road, Secunderabad. 36
MPR Refractories Ltd, Medak. 9.5
Ferro-alloys Raasi Refractories, Narketapally, Distt Nalgonda. 35
Nav Bharat Ferro Ventures Ltd, Paloncha, 12 5 Note: Data, not readily available for fertilizer and cement
Distt Khammam. Industries on respective websites, is therefore taken from FAI
(contd) Statistics and Survey of Cement Industry & Directory, respectively.


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