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Disaster Reduction
Hyogo Framework for
Make DRR a priority
Know the risks and act
Understanding awareness
Reduce risk
Be prepared and ready to act

Sendai Framework
Understanding disaster risk
Strengthening risk governance
Investing in risk reduction
Build back better

Global Understanding
Resiliency Defined
System stressors identified
Framework assessment
System vulnerabilities
Risk management

Case Studies

Disaster Management
Disaster Management Cycle
Key Factors
Supply Chain
Social Infrastructure
Planning and Management
Risk Assessment

Survey and Analytics

Weather Related Technologies
Slope Related Technologies
Earthquake Related Technologies
Disaster Factors

Measures and Construction

Embankment Related Technologies
Slope Related Technologies
Rock Fall Related Technologies
Debris Flow Related Technologies
Earthquake Related Technologies
Soft Ground Related Technologies
Emergency Measures

Road Surface and Roadbed
Road Tunnel
Slope Measures
Road Structure

PIARC (World Road Association)

Version 1 - 01/08/2022

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"Disaster management aims to reduce or avoid potential losses from hazards, assure prompt and
appropriate assistance to victims of disaster, and achieve rapid and effective recovery”. 1 Society depends
on well functioning transport during disasters. Developing reliable information collection and sharing
systems is the first step of proactive disaster management.

Countries acquire unique disaster management knowledge and develop tailored countermeasure
technologies based on their unique disaster experiences. The type of technologies necessary to manage
disasters continually adapt as populations grow and society changes. More countries are considering the
management of disasters with a series of management techniques applied through the pre-event, event,
and post-event phases. 2

These event phases form a Disaster Management Cycle composed of core response, recovery, mitigation
and preparedness activities that take place during the lifecycle of a disaster.

Successful activities performed during the Disaster Management Cycle (Figure 1-1) prevent or reduce
future emergencies caused by disastrous events as well as minimize their effect on transport networks.

Figure 1-1 Disaster Management Cycle

Transport disaster reduction activities in the Hyogo Framework for Action followed by the Sendai
Framework for Action provide a strong institutionalized basis for disaster management while ensuring an
understanding of worldwide disaster risk and resilience. 3

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Figure 1-2 Twenty five years of international commitments to disaster risk reduction

In the United States, “The National Disaster Recovery Framework (NDRF) provides context for how the
whole community works together to restore, redevelop, and revitalize the health, social, economic, natural,
and environmental fabric of the community.” 4

“Cities (around the world) have significant opportunities for disaster risk reduction, accelerated response
and recovery through land use planning, building codes and regulations, risk assessments, monitoring and
early warning, and building-back-better response and reconstruction approaches”. 5

Unprecedented increases in mobile telecommunications and social media data instantaneously conveys
vast amounts of important information to road users throughout the world providing real-time disaster
awareness.Techniques utilizing Big Data and Social Network Data provide information during all disaster
management cycle phases, from twitter feed situational awareness and response to crowdsourcing
earthquake recovery data to machine learning mapping data sets for mitigation and preparedness.

1. Corina Warfield, The Disaster Management Cycle, The Global Development Research Center
2. 2019_TCE3_WG1_Disaster_Information Report
3. [Source Adapted from presentation by Andrew Maskrey, Lead Author and Head of the Risk Knowledge
(UNISDR 2015)] The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction: Renewing the Global Commitment to
People’s Resilience, Health, and Well-being
5. World Cities Report 2020, page 28

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In May of 1994, United Nations (UN) member states met in Yokohama, Japan, for the World Conference on
Natural Disaster Reduction. The Yokohama Strategy and Plan of Action for a Safer World: Guidelines for
Natural Disaster Prevention, Preparedness and Mitigation, containing the Principles, the Strategy, and the
Plan of Action were adopted at this World Conference on Natural Disaster Reduction.

The following ten Principles were adopted:

1. Risk assessment is a required step for the adoption of adequate and successful disaster reduction
policies and measures.
2. Disaster prevention and preparedness are of primary importance in reducing the need for disaster
3. Disaster prevention and preparedness should be considered integral aspects of development policy
and planning at national, regional, bilateral, multilateral and international levels.
4. The development and strengthening of capacities to prevent, reduce and mitigate disasters is a top
priority area to be addressed during the Decade so as to provide a strong basis for follow-up activities
to the Decade.
5. Early warnings of impending disasters and their effective dissemination using telecommunications,
including broadcast services, are key factors to successful disaster prevention and preparedness.
6. Preventive measures are most effective when they involve participation at all levels, from the local
community through the national government to the regional and international level.
7. Vulnerability can be reduced by the application of proper design and patterns of development focused
on target groups, by appropriate education and training of the whole community.
8. The international community accepts the need to share the necessary technology to prevent, reduce
and mitigate disaster; this should be made freely available and in a timely manner as an integral part
of technical cooperation.
9. Environmental protection as a component of sustainable development consistent with poverty
alleviation is imperative in the prevention and mitigation of natural disasters.
10. Each country bears the primary responsibility for protecting its people, infrastructure, and other
national assets from the impact of natural disasters. The international community should demonstrate
strong political determination required to mobilize adequate and make efficient use of existing
resources, including financial, scientific and technological means, in the field of natural disaster
reduction, bearing in mind the needs of the developing countries, particularly the least developed

Disaster Reduction frameworks continued to develop In December of 1999, when the United Nations
International Strategy for Disaster Reduction or “UNISDR” was created to respond to a need for
mainstreaming disaster risk reduction within the UN's development and other work areas. It serves as the
UN system focal point for coordination of disaster reduction and ensures synergies among UN system and
regional organizations in disaster reduction activities, and socio-economic and humanitarian activity
fields. 1


● 1. (GA res, 56/195 (2001)).

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At the World Conference on Disaster Reduction held during January of 2005 in Kobe, Hyogo, Japan, a
framework was adopted and presented as: Framework for Action 2005-2015: Building the Resilience of
Nations and Communities to Disasters. During this conference, the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) was
adopted by 168 United Nation Member States and is the first plan to explain, describe and detail the work
that is required from all different sectors and actors to reduce disaster losses.

The following five Priorities for Action were adopted:

Figure 1.1.1 Hyogo Framework Priorities for Action

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DRR or Disaster Risk Reduction, requires a strong national and local commitment to save lives and
livelihoods threatened by natural hazards. Natural hazards must be considered in public and private sector
decision-making in the same way that environmental and social impact assessments are currently
required. Countries must therefore develop or modify policies, laws, and organizational arrangements, as
well as plans, programmes, and projects, to integrate DRR. They must also allocate sufficient resources to
support and maintain them. This includes creating effective, multi-sector national platforms to provide
policy guidance and to coordinate activities; Integrating DRR into development policies and planning, such
as poverty reduction strategies; and, ensuring community participation, so that local needs are met.

The United States,‘a nation committed to finding strength in the face of unpredictable and devastating
disasters’, has the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Their core values are compassion,
integrity, fairness and respect. FEMA’s History includes the following seven events: 1


The first legislative act of federal disaster relief in U.S. history followed a devastating fire in Portsmouth,
New Hampshire in December 1802. The destruction of large areas of the city’s seaport threatened
commerce in the newly founded nation. In 1803, U.S. Congress provided relief to affected Portsmouth
merchants by suspending bond payments for several months.


President Carter signed Executive Order 12127, effective April 1, 1979, establishing FEMA. Shortly after, in
signing Executive Order 12148 on July 20, 1979, President Carter gave the agency the dual mission of
emergency management and civil defense.


The agency’s authorities were further defined and expanded by the Disaster Relief and Emergency
Assistance Amendments of 1988, which amended the Disaster Relief Act of 1974 and renamed it the
Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (Stafford Act). The Stafford Act provided
clear direction for emergency management and established the current statutory framework for disaster
response and recovery through presidential disaster declarations.


The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 changed the face of homeland security and emergency
management and drove major statute and policy changes to reorganize the federal government. In 2002,
President W. Bush signed the Homeland Security Act, leading to the creation of the U.S. Department of
Homeland Security (DHS). The department was created on March 1, 2003 and united FEMA and 21 other


In August 2005 the historic Hurricane Katrina made landfall in Mississippi, causing large-scale devastation
along the Gulf Coast, displacing families to all 50 states and resulting in billions in losses to infrastructure
and the economy. Congress passed the Post-Katrina Emergency Management Reform Act of 2006 which
established FEMA as a distinct agency within DHS, defined FEMA’s primary mission, and designated the
FEMA Administrator as the principal advisor to the President, the Homeland Security Council, and the
Secretary of Homeland Security for all matters relating to emergency management in the United States.

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Federal capabilities were tested once again in 2012 when Hurricane Sandy affected the entire East Coast.
The storm’s effects were extensive, leaving millions without power, destroying hundreds of thousands of
homes, and causing billions in damages. Subsequently, Congress passed the Sandy Recovery
Improvement Act of 2013 to streamline the recovery of public infrastructure and to allow Federally
recognized tribes to directly request a Presidential declaration.


In 2017, the nation faced a historic Atlantic hurricane season and extreme wildfire disasters. The
unprecedented and rapid succession of disasters transformed emergency management and focused
efforts to build a culture of preparedness, ready the nation for catastrophic disasters, and reduce FEMA’s
complexity. Congress provided the agency with expanded authorities to further these goals by enacting
the Disaster Recovery Reform Act of 2018. The legislation is a landmark law that highlights the federal
government’s commitment to increasing investments in mitigation and building the capabilities of state,
local, tribal and territorial partners.


● 1.

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Identify, assess, and monitor disaster risks – and enhance early warning. To reduce vulnerability to natural
hazards, countries and communities must know the risks that they face, and take actions based on that

Understanding risk requires investment in scientific, technical, and institutional capabilities to observe,
record, research, analyze, forecast, model and map natural hazards. Tools need to be developed and
disseminated: statistical information about disaster events, risk maps, disaster vulnerability and risk
indicators are essential. Most importantly, countries need to use this knowledge to develop effective early
warning systems, appropriately adapted to the unique circumstances of the people at risk. Early warning is
widely accepted as a crucial component of disaster risk reduction. When effective early warning systems
provide information about a hazard to a vulnerable population, and plans to act, thousands of lives can be

Earthquake early warning systems are in use in Japan, Mexico, Romania, China, Turkey, Italy, and Taiwan.
and the United States.

The United States Geological Survey (USGS) manages ShakeAlert®, an early warning system for the West
Coast of the United States. 1

Figure ShakeAlert

‘The most important component of an earthquake early warning system is a dense network of seismic and

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geodetic stations with robust communications. Future development of the warning system will include the
installation of larger numbers of seismic stations and upgrading station telecommunications. The current
seismic station densities in California are currently much lower than the Japanese public alert system. New
sensors are needed in California to reduce earthquake detection times allowing warnings to be issued
faster.’ 2


● 1. USGS
● 2. USGS

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Use knowledge, innovation, and education to build a culture of safety and resilience at all levels. Disasters
can be reduced substantially if people are well informed about measures they can take to reduce
vulnerability - and if they are motivated to act. Key activities to increase awareness of disaster prevention
include providing relevant information on disaster risks and means of protection, especially for citizens in
high-risk areas; Strengthening networks and promoting dialogue and cooperation among disaster experts,
technical and scientific specialists, planners, and other stakeholders; Including disaster risk reduction
subject matter in formal, non-formal, and informal education and training activities; developing or
strengthening community-based disaster risk management programmes; and, working with the media in
disaster risk reduction.

Two tools to strengthen knowledge, awareness, and reduce risk are Firecast and FloodCast.

Firecast is a forest and fire monitoring and forecast system, provided and managed by Conservation
International (, and currently operating in Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador,
Indonesia, Madagascar, Peru, and Suriname. This system is a fully automated analysis and alert system
that delivers a range of near real-time (NRT) monitoring products tailored to a user’s specific needs. These
include simple text-based emails containing the coordinates of active fires, or risk of fire within a user’s
specified area of interest (i.e., protected areas, areas of high biodiversity importance, different vegetation
and land cover types, administrative units, or user-defined regions).” 1

Using satellites from The United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) the system
can detect ‘deforestation in action — alerting about immediate threats and revealing trends of
anthropogenic change. 2 The daily monitoring capabilities of these satellite also reveal trends in earth’s
dynamics and can indicate increasing severity of drought conditions.’ 3

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Figure Global fire density observed from MODIS August 2019

The other tool, FloodCast, is a phase IV research project in the United States, titled FloodCast, Phase IV: A
Framework for Enhanced Flood Event Decision Making for Transportation Resilience, that ‘aims to
strengthen United States DOT flood response capabilities through the integration of real-time actionable
flood forecast information into transportation asset management and emergency operations. A substantial
enhancement to the existing DOT planning and response toolkit can be achieved by incorporating dynamic
inundation mapping that allows for the rapid translation of stream flow predictions of anticipated events to
flood elevation, inundation extent and flood depth products along the hydrologic network.

FloodCast attempts to achieve this through coordinating with relevant stakeholders, setting standards for
data management, developing methods for flood forecasting processes, delivering incident projection
information to DOTs, and providing guidance for the application of outputs in various use cases. A
successful FloodCast system will serve to protect human health and safety in the event of extreme
weather conditions, while also informing and enhancing longer-term maintenance, planning, and
investment decisions.’ 4


● 1.
● 2. NASA Earth Observatory
● 3.
● 4.

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Reduce the underlying risk factors. Vulnerability to natural hazards is increased in many ways, for
example: locating communities in hazard-prone areas, such as flood plains; destroying forests and
wetlands, thereby harming the capacity of the environment to withstand hazards; building public facilities
and housing unable to withstand the impacts of hazards; and not having social and financial safety
mechanisms in place. Countries can build resilience to disasters by investing in simple, well-known
measures to reduce risk and vulnerability. Disasters can be reduced by applying relevant building
standards to protect critical infrastructure, such as schools, hospitals, and homes. Vulnerable buildings can
be retrofitted to a higher degree of safety. Protecting precious ecosystems, such as coral reefs and
mangrove forests, allow them to act as natural storm barriers.

To reduce risk and gather subject matter expertise in one web location concerning vulnerability to natural
hazards and climate resilience in the United States, the US has assembled a Climate Resilience Toolkit
( The purpose of the Toolkit ‘is to improve people’s ability to understand and
manage their climate-related risks and opportunities, and to help them make their communities and
businesses more resilient to extreme events.’ 1, 2

Figure Steps to Resilience


● 1.
● 2.

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Strengthen disaster preparedness for an effective emergency response. Being prepared and ready to act,
with contingency plans in place including conducting risk assessments, before investing in development at
all levels of society will enable people to become more resilient to natural hazards.

Preparedness involves many types of activities and may include the following:

1. Development and regular testing of contingency plans such as:

- Emergency Operation Plans

- Operation Center Management Plans
- Vulnerability / Risk Assessment Plans
- Winter Operations Plans
- Power Shut off Plans
- Pandemic Response Plans
- Emergency Work Guidance Plans
- Continuity of Operations Plans
- Continuity of Government Plans

2. Establishment of emergency funds

3. Development of coordinated regional approaches

4. Establishment of training, exercises, and drills

Disaster preparedness includes continuous dialogue between response agencies, planners, policymakers,
and development organizations as well as training and regular exercises, including evacuation drills, to
ensure rapid and effective disaster response. Preparedness plans also help to cope with the many small
and medium-sized disasters that repeatedly occur in so many communities.

The United States utilizes a National Response Framework (NRF) ‘…that provides foundational emergency
management doctrine for how the Nation (United States) responds to all types of incidents. The NRF is
built on scalable, flexible, and adaptable concepts identified in the National Incident Management System
(NIMS) to align key roles and responsibilities across the Nation (United States).” 1

Training for emergencies, such as Incident Command System (ICS) training as well as specific emergency
specific training geared towards a specific credible threat, such as an earthquake, hurricane, tornado,

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severe storm, severe snow, wildfire, drought, tsunami, flood, avalanche, train derailment, or civil
disobedience is a necessary part of preparedness.

Natural and manmade hazards cannot be prevented, but it is possible to reduce their impacts by having an
exercised plan in place.


● 1.

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United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (formerly UNISDR) is the United Nations focal point for
disaster risk reduction, overseeing the implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk
Reduction 2015-2030, supporting countries in its implementation, monitoring and sharing what works in
reducing existing risk and preventing the creation of new risk. 1

Figure 1.1.2-1 Sendai Framework Targets

The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction was adopted at the Third UN World Conference on
Disaster Risk Reduction in Sendai, Japan, on March 18, 2015. Seven global targets and four priorities of
action are to be achieved between 2015 and 2030. The UN creates a Global Assessment Report (GAR)
every two years to chart the global progress of the Sendai Framework.

“The Sendai Framework is the roadmap for how we make our communities safer and more resilient, it
works hand in hand with the other 2030 Agenda agreements, including The Paris Agreement on Climate
Change, The Addis Ababa Action Agenda on Financing for Development, the New Urban Agenda, and
ultimately the Sustainable Development Goals.” 2


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1. Global disaster mortality

2. Number of people affected by disasters

3. Economic loss in relation to global Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

4. Damage to critical infrastructure and disruption of basic services


1. The number of countries with disaster risk reduction strategies

2. International cooperation to developing countries

3. Availability to multi-hazard early warning systems and disaster risk information and assessments


● 1.
● 2.

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Priority 1 of the Sendai Framework states that “Policies and practices for disaster risk management should
be based on an understanding of disaster risk in all its dimensions of vulnerability, capacity, exposure of
persons and assets, hazard characteristics and the environment. Such knowledge can be leveraged for the
purpose of pre-disaster risk assessment, for prevention and mitigation and for the development and
implementation of appropriate preparedness and effective response to disasters.” 1

Risk assessment is an important part of this priority. “New Zealand has developed their first national
climate change risk assessment, helping the Government identify where it needs to prioritize action. The

● Gives the first national picture of the risks New Zealand faces from climate change
● Identifies 43 priority risks covering all aspects of life from ecosystems and communities to buildings and
the financial system
● Groups risks according to five value domains:
1. natural environment
2. human
3. economy
4. built environment
5. governance
● Identifies the 10 most significant risks that require urgent action in the next six years
● Lays the foundation for a national adaptation plan which will outline New Zealand’s response to these
risks.” 2

Figure New Zealand Risk Assessment Stages


● 1. Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015 - 2030

● 2.

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Priority 2 of the Sendai Framework states that “Disaster risk governance at the national, regional and
global levels is of great importance for an effective and efficient management of disaster risk. Clear vision,
plans, competence, guidance, and coordination within and across sectors, as well as participation of
relevant stakeholders, are needed. Strengthening disaster risk governance for prevention, mitigation,
preparedness, response, recovery, and rehabilitation is therefore necessary and fosters collaboration and
partnership across mechanisms and institutions for the implementation of instruments relevant to disaster
risk reduction and sustainable development.” 1

Key stakeholder coordination within and across sectors can be facilitated using resource contact sheets
containing the agency name, contact name, position, and contact information.

Here is a sample template from the American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials
(AASHTO) publication, Managing Catastrophic Transportation Emergencies: A Guide for Transportation
Executives. 2

Table Agency Contact Sheet Template


POC Position
Agency/Sub-Organization E-mail Telephone
Name Title


Homeland Security Coordinator

Emergency Management

Emergency Support Function ESF-1


District Contacts

District A

Federal Government

U.S. Department of
Transportation (U.S. DOT)

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Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)

Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)

Local FHWA Contact


State A


Other organization as appropriate


County/Parish A

Sheriff's Office

Fire Department

Other Partners


● 1. Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015 - 2030

● 2.

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Priority 3 of the Sendai Framework states that “Public and private investment in disaster risk prevention
and reduction through structural and non-structural measures are essential to enhance the economic,
social, health and cultural resilience of persons, communities, countries and their assets, as well as the
environment. These can be drivers of innovation, growth, and job creation. Such measures are cost-
effective and instrumental to save lives, prevent and reduce losses and ensure effective recovery and
rehabilitation.” 1

Disaster financial planning is essential for returning, or bouncing back, from a disaster as quickly as
possible. In the United States, “Congress authorized in Title 23, United States Code, Section 125, a special
program from the Highway Trust Fund for the repair or reconstruction of Federal-aid highways and roads
on Federal lands which have suffered serious damage as a result of (1) natural disasters or (2) catastrophic
failures from an external cause. This program, commonly referred to as the emergency relief or ER
program, supplements the commitment of resources by States, their political subdivisions, or other Federal
agencies to help pay for unusually heavy expenses resulting from extraordinary conditions.” 2 , 3

Figure Map of Allocation of Emergency Relief (ER) for Federal-aid Highways (ERFA) Funds and Allotment of
Emergency Relief for Federally owned Roads (ERFO) Funds, Fiscal Year (FY) 2022

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● 1. Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015 - 2030

● 2.
● 3.

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Priority 4 of the Sendai Framework states that: “The steady growth of disaster risk, including the increase
of people and assets exposure, combined with the lessons learned from past disasters, indicates the need
to further strengthen disaster preparedness for response, take action in anticipation of events, integrate
disaster risk reduction in response preparedness and ensure that capacities are in place for effective
response and recovery at all levels. Empowering women and persons with disabilities to publicly lead and
promote gender equitable and universally accessible response, recovery, rehabilitation, and reconstruction
approaches is key. Disasters have demonstrated that the recovery, rehabilitation, and reconstruction
phase, which needs to be prepared ahead of a disaster, is a critical opportunity to “Build Back Better”,
including through integrating disaster risk reduction into development measures, making nations and
communities resilient to disasters.” 1

Lessons learned from past disasters are a key feature of building back better. In the United States, the
Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) will reimburse States through it’s Emergency Relief (ER) program
for Betterments.

“Betterments are added protective features, such as rebuilding of roadways at a higher elevation or
lengthening of bridges, or changes which modify the function or character of a highway facility, from what
existed prior to the disaster or catastrophic failure, such as additional lanes or added access control.
Betterments must be clearly economically justified to receive ER funding and almost always have a higher
initial cost, so the justification must be based on sufficiently reducing future ER eligible damage.” 2
Economical justification depends on the reduction of future damage.

“The following items would likely increase the resiliency of a repair and thus may be eligible for ER
funding; provided they are economically justified:”

● Raising roadway grades

● Relocating roadways to higher ground or away from slide prone areas
● Stabilizing slide areas
● Stabilizing slopes
● Installing riprap
● Lengthening of raising bridges to increase waterway openings
● Deepening channels
● Increasing the size or number of drainage structures
● Replacing culverts or low water crossings with bridges
● Installing seismic retrofits on bridges
● Adding scour protection at bridges
● Adding spur dikes


● 1. Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015 - 2030

● 2.

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Equitable and sustainability practices incorporated through hazard mitigation, land use planning, critical
infrastructure protection and environmental security are used to harden and often reconstruct our built
environment. This ecosystem of resilient practices, or strategies, revitalizes built and natural
environments, safeguarding economic and societal welfare for all.

The United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction’s (UNDRR), Making Cities Resilient Campaign 2030
(MCR2030), has forwarded the local implementation of the Sendai agreement and put resiliency on center
stage in a global effort towards disaster resilience. “At the heart of MCR2030 is cooperation; the intention
to create opportunities for demand and supply to meet through initiatives tailored to local needs. It
embodies the Sendai Framework principle that disaster risk reduction is a shared responsibility across all
stakeholders.” 1

In the transportation sector, the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT), is advancing
resilient infrastructure with the development of a Resilience and Disaster Recovery (RDR) Tool. 2

Need: Current performance measures to justify transportation infrastructure project prioritization do not
account for resiliency performance in the face of future hazards.

Challenge: Future hazard conditions are highly uncertain, and a range of resilience investment options can
be used to address them.

Solution: A robust tool suite to help transportation practitioners evaluate resilience return on investment
(ROI) for long-range planning across a range of uncertain scenarios.

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Figure 1.2-1 USDOT RDR Tool Suite

California’s Department of Transportation (Caltrans) in the United States has made advances in the
definition and framework for climate resilience. They have developed climate change vulnerability
assessments segmenting the State into twelve areas or districts “designed to provide Caltrans with a
comprehensive database that will assist with evaluating, mitigating, and adapting to the effects of
increasing extreme weather events on the state transportation system. The climate effects examined
include rising average temperatures, higher sea levels, storm surge, and precipitation. These in turn
increase the incidence of flooding, drought, wildfires, coastal erosion and mudslides.” 3

Climate Vulnerability Assessments were then used by Caltrans to develop Adaptation Priorities Reports 4
specifically designed for areas that have the potential to be adversely impacted. The following figure
details the adaptation priorities framework, beginning with assessment of current practices and ending
with monitoring and managing system performance.

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Figure 1.2-2 Caltrans’ Climate Adaptation Framework

Resiliency during the recovery phase results in the restoration of transportation infrastructure, assets, and
systems to their conditions prior to the incident. Recovery can and should involve rebuilding the network
beyond its previous condition to a greater standard that is more resilient against future disasters.
Resiliency in the recovery phase includes such efforts as improving materials and construction methods to
increase the strength of infrastructure, establishing redundancies in the transportation network using
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), and improving the common links between transportation modes
and communities. 5

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● 1.
● 2. See Section 1.3.4 Case Study: USDOT Resilience and Disaster Recovery Tools
● 3.
● 4.
● 5. TC16_TCE_WG2_Report

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Highway transportation is a global necessity and essential to the economy of every country. The closure of
a highway may not be only an inconvenience to the travelling public but may also cause serious economic
loss. The duty of the transportation sector is to provide a safe, secure, and efficient transportation system
with maximum performance and minimum impacts.

Resilient strategies based on risk scenarios that encompass local as well as regional specifics including
supply chains and the needs of the road user must be understood. Roadway disruptions in different parts
of the world require a collaborative multidisciplinary approach geared towards specific local risk scenarios
and highlight location asset vulnerabilities that can potentially be prioritized and hardened or multiplied
before a disaster occurs.

Making Cities Resilient Campaign 2030 (MCR2030), has developed a three-stage” resilience roadmap that
guides cities on how to improve resilience overtime. The resilience roadmap is flexible and iterative, cities
can enter MCR2030 at any stage gaining access to a range of tools and technical advisory inputs delivered
by different partners.” 1

Figure 1.2.1-1 MCR2030 Resilient Road Map

The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) and the United Nations Office for Disaster
Risk Reduction (UNDRR) have developed an e-learning platform to promote a global understanding of
resilience. The self-paced online course is entitled Making Cities Resilient: developing local disaster risk
reduction and resilient strategies. The course contains the following information:

● Disaster Risk Reduction concepts and Introduction to Current Trends in Urban Risk
● Implementing the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (2015 - 2030)
● Introduction to Making Cities Resilient (MCR) Campaign Tools

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● Mainstreaming DRR into sectoral Programmes for Socio-Economic Development
● Developing, Implementing, Monitoring and Evaluating Safe and Resilient Action Plans

“The Ten Essentials for Making Cities Resilient were developed to accelerate implementation of the Sendai
Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (2015-2030) at local level. The Ten Essentials map directly against
the Sendai priorities of action and its indicators for monitoring actions on disaster risk reduction. They are
the critical and independent steps that need to be undertaken to build and maintain resilience.”

Figure 1.2.1-2 MCR2030 Ten Essentials for Making Cities resilient


● 1.

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Resilience has been defined by the United States Transportation Research Board (TRB) as the ability to
anticipate, prepare for and adapt to changing transportation system conditions and withstand, respond to,
and recover rapidly from disruptions.

Plans such as an All Hazards and Security Guidance Plan and a Continuity of Operations Plan contain
information regarding threats, vulnerabilities, roles and responsibilities. These plans contain information
used at transportation departments to assist with a basic definition of resiliency.

The New Zealand Transport Agency answer to the question, What do you mean by resilience is the

‘Resilience is about keeping our roads open as much as possible. It’s about preserving and restoring
access to the network despite disruptive events. It is about making sure our roads can absorb and
withstand disruptive events, that there are planned alternative routes when roads are closed and that they
are reopened as soon as possible.

Associated with this is keeping our customers well informed so they can make the best decisions about
their travel plans.

In practical terms, this means our state highway network can perform effectively in a crisis, adapt to
changing conditions (including climate change) and recover quickly from disturbances. It means
minimising any adverse impacts on our customers’. 1 - 2

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Figure 1.2.2-1 Improving Resilience of Land Transport Network to Natural Hazards


● 1.
● 2.

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System stressors include events such as floods (flash flood, coastal flood and dry day flooding), wildfires,
earthquakes, thunderstorms, hurricanes, tornadoes, typhoons, cyclones, drought, pandemic
(transportation workforce), large scale transportation accidents/disasters affecting infrastructure by land
(roadway, transit, railway), by sea (port, waterway/lock) and air (aviation).

California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) identified climate stressors ‘or hazards to infrastructure,
public health and safety, natural systems, the economy, and other assets and systems that we rely on for
a functional society. For Caltrans, the agency needed to consider which climate hazards would impact the
State Highway System and its users. At the start of the vulnerability assessment, Caltrans met with
internal and external subject matter experts to discuss which climate hazards could impact the highway
system and why. Through these conversations, Caltrans focused the assessment on specific events and
conditions that could present consequences to the state highway system.

Figure Vulnerability Assessment 1

Climate hazards assessed were:

● Temperature Rise: Average minimum and maximum air temperature

● Changing Precipitation: Change in precipitation during a 100-year storm event.
● Wildfire: Expected areas burned over time.
● Sea Level Rise: inundation from different sea level heights with annual storm events.
● Storm Surge: Flooding from different sea level heights with a 100-year storm event.
● Cliff Retreat: Expected erosion from different sea level rise heights.’ 1

Compound hazards encompassing urbanization, land use, cyber stresses and extreme climate events (i.e.
rise in global temperature) also impact transportation.

The following graph from the United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
contains global temperatures during the ten warmest years on record: 2005, 2010, 2013, 2014, 2015,

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2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 , 2020 and 2021. October 2021 ranked as the fourth-warmest October in 142
years, according to scientists at NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Information. The map below
contains significant climate anomalies & events occurring globally during October 2021.

Figure NOAA October 2021

Below is a map of the world plotted with some of the most significant climate events that occurred during
October 2021. 2

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Figure October 2021 Global Significant Climate Events Map


● 1.
● 2.

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An "All Hazards & Security Guidance Plan" for transportation departments is vital to identify the methods
used to reduce risks to the transportation system infrastructure posed by possible acts of natural,
technological, and human-caused hazards. This plan should highlight the processes used to strengthen
preparedness and promote timely response and recovery procedures that significantly reduce deaths,
injuries, and other disaster losses.

The overall intent of a guidance plan is to begin to identify and manage risks and potential vulnerabilities
associated with a transportation department's assets and infrastructure in order to minimize operational
disruptions, ensure economic and social well-being to communities and ensure business and government
continuity after catastrophic disasters.

Frameworks include infrastructure, vulnerable assets, hardened assets, multimodal connections, non-
traditional networks, redundancy and also assign risk.

The New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) has developed a state highway classification system meeting a
range of established criteria relating to factors which affect or determine the ‘criticality’ of transport assets
and which relate directly to the consequences or impacts of failure.

New Zealand’s framework includes emerging drivers, key challenges and strategic context: carry high
volumes of traffic or freight (this would include most rail routes and major highways, port access), are vital
to social/economic well being, have no other alternate route, provide access to other critical infrastructure,
are control centers, are sections of a network that are critical to commercial imperatives for operators or
users, are critical to maintaining law and order, or national security, provide for emergency response
(police, fire, medical services, disaster relief), provide for operation of public services, commercial and
business travel, high-value personal errands (basic shopping, medical), commuting (work and school). 1

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Figure New Zealand Transport Agency Graphic


● 1.

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Vulnerability identifies scale, understands populations including environmental aspects of place, is
community supported with redundant systems that plan for utility corridors and aqueducts with redundant
power grids and pipelines.

The California Department of Transportation’s (Caltrans) ‘methodology used to determine the vulnerability
of highway system assets varies from one climate stressor to another. Each stressor uses a different set of
models, emissions scenarios, and assumptions, and will cause different types of impacts to the state
highway system.

Caltrans manages different transportation assets around the state, the Climate Change Vulnerability
Assessment focused on the state highway system and the assets that make up the system (e.g., bridges,
culverts). Caltrans focused on its highways as they are critical to serving transportation needs and
economies across the state, and Caltrans is responsible for managing their condition. Caltrans evaluated
state highway system exposure to climate stressors one district at a time, for each of the 12 districts
across the state. 1

‘Caltrans created a ArcGIS Online mapping tool that allows users to view the data applied in the Caltrans
Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment. This tool enables Caltrans staff, stakeholders, policymakers, and
California residents to view different climate change projections and identify the state highway system’s
exposed areas. The map viewer is dynamic and incorporates new data as it is obtained from various
Caltrans projects, identifying which Caltrans assets are exposed to threats from temperature rise, sea level
rise, storm surge, cliff retreat, and wildfire events requiring complex geospatial analyses.’ 1

Figure Caltrans Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment Map

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● 1. a. b.

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Community team building results in a defined, fluid outcome and is the basis for managing risk. ”Disasters
can have significant and depleting immediate and long-lasting impacts on government budgets and
finances, and these impacts may be difficult, if not impossible, to recover from. The National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI, 2019) estimates
that the nation (U.S.) has experienced 254 weather and climate disasters from 1980 to the present for
which total costs exceed $1.7 trillion. The following map shows United States weather and disaster costs
from 2021: 1

Figure United States weather and disaster costs for 2021

A key element in risk management from New Zealand’s Transport Agency (NZTA) is called a Portfolio Risk
Assessment (PRA). ‘This assessment results in a database identifying and rating risks to the land transport
system. It is not a detailed risk assessment; but is a practical high-level assessment that enables Waka
Kotahi to better prioritize resilience risks and develop response strategies. The portfolio risk assessment
methodology adopts a Likelihood and Consequence approach to assess risk as outlined in International
Organization for Standardization (ISO):31000 Risk Management Principles and Guidelines (ISO, 2009).’ 2

‘Shock events such as earthquake, tsunami, rock-fall or storm-induced flooding and landslip require
addressing slightly differently to that of climate-related hazards such as coastal inundation, coastal erosion
and groundwater rise (influenced by sea-level rise, refer section 3.2). This PRA approach uses combined
likelihood and consequence parameters that influence the level of risk.’ 3

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Figure Portfolio Risk Assessment (PRA)


● 1.
● 2.
● 3.

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Corina Warfield, The Disaster Management Cycle, The Global Development Research Center,

2019_TCE3_WG1_Disaster_Information Report

World Cities Report 2020, page 28


(GA res, 56/195 (2001))




See Section 1.3.4 Case Study: USDOT Resilience and Disaster Recovery Tools









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● Case Study 1 USDOT Resilience and Disaster Recovery Tools (USA)
● Case Study 2 Northern CA D1 Adaptation Priorities Report 2021 (USA)
● Case Study 3 Northern CA D1 Technical Report (USA)
● Case Study 4 Making Cities Resilient Campaign 2010 to 2020

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Natural disaster management starts from detection of phenomena which may cause damage to roads or
road transportation. There are suitable ways and methods of detection for each kind of disaster.
Monitoring is often applied in the case of where disaster occurs is identified or limited to a narrow area and
occurrence of disaster depends on environmental conditions. When occurrence of disaster does not
depend on the location or environmental condition of the place, it effectively leads increase of robustness
of road network by analyzing vulnerability of road network under effects of disaster. In this section, we
introduce three case-studies: Monitoring for rock-falls along a national highway in Austria, vulnerability
analysis for earthquakes and wildfires in the USA and for landslides in the Czech Republic. 1

A Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) that contains a transportation agencies’ continuity program can
also be used to manage disasters. This plan can be activated in response to a wide range of events or
situations - from a fire in a building; to a natural disaster; to a threat or occurrence of a terrorist attack; to
a cyber attack; or to a worldwide pandemic. ‘Any event that makes it impossible for employees to work in
their regular facility could result in the activation of the continuity plan.’ Having a continuity plan in place
is a resilient action. The following figure 1.3 shows the key components of continuity planning. 2

Figure 1.3 Key Components of Continuity


● 1. TC16_TCE_WG2_Report
● 2.

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Emergency management has its foundation in the protection of life, property and the environment and
consists of four overlapping phases:

Figure 1.3.1 Disaster Management Cycle

Mitigation includes a review of ways to eliminate or reduce the impact of future emergencies. Specific
hazard mitigation plans are prepared following a federally declared disaster. They reflect the current risk
analysis and mitigation priorities specific to the declared disaster. An alternate and more common term for
mitigation is prevention. In the field of emergency services, however, the term prevention is used to refer
to stopping an event from happening. Emergency managers point out that while it is possible to prevent
terrorist attacks, it is not possible to prevent earthquakes. It is, however, possible to reduce or mitigate
their impact.

Preparedness involves the activities undertaken in advance of an emergency, including developing

operation capabilities, training, preparing plans, and improving public information and communications

Response is defined as the actions taken to save lives and protect property during an emergency event.

Recovery efforts begin at the onset of an emergency. Recovery is both a short-term activity intended to
restore vital life - support systems, and a long-term activity designed to return infrastructure systems to

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pre- disaster conditions. Recovery also includes cost recovery efforts.

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One key factor of emergency management is the formation of plans through which communities reduce
exposure to hazards and manage disasters. emergency management does not prevent or eliminate
threats or hazards. It focuses on creating plans, best management practices, and standardized operating
procedures to decrease the impact of disasters.

Figure 1.3.2 FHWA Graphic

Once threats and hazards have been identified, plans can be written. Plans generally address the areas of:

● Operations: what and how we execute our mission and responsibilities;

● Training: how we get people ready;
● Exercising: how we validate the plan and individual and team training; and
● Post-response activities: how do we incorporate improvements.

Operations or response plans address:

● Who will respond and how they will be prepared to respond

● When response operations will commence and how they will be conducted
● How coordination will occur
● Communications plans
● Chain of command
● Organizational structures
● How response operations will terminate
● How improvements will be made’ 1

An objective of an Emergency Operations Plans (EOP) is to mitigate, prepare for, respond to, and recover
from emergencies impacting transport Infrastructure. One example of an EOP is from Caltifornia’s
Department of Transportation (Caltrans). Caltrans EOP is consistent with various United States federal
emergency planning concepts, such as the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) National
Response Framework (NRF), Federal and State Catastrophic Concept of Operations (CONOPS), and
(Continuation of Operations/Continuation of Government (COOP/COG) Plans. The Caltrans EOP is centered
on the California Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS) and the Incident Command
System (ICS) and is part of a larger framework that supports emergency management within the state of
California. This larger framework is directed by the State of California Emergency Plan, hereinafter referred

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to as the SEP. The Caltrans EOP has the following purposes:

● Provides a central and unified resource for the planning for, and execution of, operations during an
emergency, and the recovery following an emergency.
● Describes the manner in which Caltrans responds to and manages natural or human- caused
emergencies, events, and incidents, including technological or nuclear related incidents and large non-
emergency based events.
● The organization, functions and sections to which Headquarters and District personnel, their Divisions
and Districts, may tentatively be assigned in their activated Headquarters Department Operations Center
and District Emergency Operations Center during an emergency.
● Methods of preparation for, response to, and management of emergencies resulting from natural or
human-caused disasters, technological incidents, nuclear related incidents or large events, including
● Handling and reporting serious injuries or fatalities that occur during an employment activity of Caltrans
employees or employees under contract with Caltrans.
● Caltrans' operations in the State Operations Center (SOC), the Regional Emergency Operations Centers
(REOCs), and the various local Operational Areas, and its role in the State of California Emergency Plan.
● Funding and emergency administrative and financial guidelines, such as the procedures for requesting
Director's Orders or resource allotment.
● Integrates and Coordinates the Emergency Management Concepts of Preparedness, Response, Recovery,
and Mitigation with other Caltrans plans, manuals, and directives.
● Identifies its place in relation to the SEMS, and further describes the relationship of Caltrans' Emergency
Operations to the 5 Primary Functions of the Incident Command System (ICS).
● Specifies the various alternate communication tools that may be used during or while managing an
emergency that impacts the normal methods of communications.

Another aspect of emergency management that is sometimes overlooked but should be addressed, is
human behavior. Human behavior in carrying out the emergency management mission should be
addressed. How people actually react and why certain behaviors occur during emergencies should be
mitigated in plans. We should accept what does happen and not what we want to believe happens. What
we plan, and what people actually do is increasingly different. We should design systems to support what
people actually do. 2


● 1.
● 2. TC16_TCE_WG2_Report

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Exposure defines the elements and locations of the highway system (roads, bridges, culverts, etc.) that
may be exposed to changing conditions caused by climate change, including sea level rise, storm surge,
wildfire, landslides, etc. Key indicators for this measure include the value and timing of expected changes
(at what year could you expect these conditions to occur). 1

‘According to the United States National Climate Assessment, the number of extremely hot days is
projected to continue to increase over much of the United States, especially by late in the century.
Summer temperatures are projected to continue rising, and a reduction of soil moisture, which
exacerbates heat waves, is projected for much of the western and central US in summer. California’s size
and its many highly varied climate zones cause inconsistent temperature rise across the state. The
following Figure shows the average maximum temperature change over seven consecutive days within
three different time periods compared to data from 1975 to 2004. Caltrans evaluated the minimum and
maximum temperature changes because they are important considerations for selecting pavement
binder–the “glue” that binds asphalt aggregates. The Figure highlights portions of the State Highway
System where the historical pavement binder temperature range is exceeded. Notice that as time goes on,
more of the network becomes exposed to high temperatures that could affect pavement conditions.’ 2

Figure Caltrans Graphic

Caltrans vulnerability studies contain similar mapping for statewide precipitation, wildfire, sea level rise,
storm surge and cliff retreat.


● 1. TC16_TCE_WG2_Report
● 2.

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The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) Identified the implications of extreme weather or
climate change on Caltrans assets. Key variables include estimates of cost of damage, and the duration of
closure to repair or replace the asset. The consequence of failure from climate change would include such
concerns as (among others):

Figure Flow Path for Vulnerability Assessment

● Sea levels and storm surge inundating roadways and bridges forcing their closure, which could affect
goods movement and the traveling public.
● Wildfire primary and secondary effects (debris loads/landslides) on roadways, bridges and culverts.
● Precipitation changes, and other effects such as changing land use, that combined could increase the
level of runoff and flooding. 1

The New Zealand Transport Agency's list of hazards producing consequences: 2

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Figure National Resilience Programme Business Case 2020


● 1. TC16_TCE_WG2_Report
● 2.

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The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) created district Adaptation Priorities Reports that
use an indicator-based scoring approach to rank state highway system assets most vulnerable to the
impacts of climate change. These reports will identify prioritized assets for detailed facility-level study of
climate change and adaptation options. Other factors will also affect final prioritization and adaptations,
including route criticality, population served, equity considerations, asset useful life, projects underway,
funding availability, and cost considerations’ 1

The development of a method to support investment decisions among multiple options prioritizes disaster
management that reflects future climate risk, including such considerations as:

● Timing – how soon can the impacts be expected?

● Impacts – what are the likely costs to repair/replace? What is the likely duration of outage? What are the
likely impacts on travel/goods movement?
● Safety – Who will be directly or indirectly impacted? How can impacts to vulnerable populations be

By using this approach, the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) can capitalize on its internal
capabilities to identify projects that increase highway system resiliency.

‘Asset condition is one of the most oft-used surrogates for a resilience metric. The focus of such metrics is
on the physical ability of an asset to minimize or forego material disruption or failure. Bridge and asset
security resilience metrics are good examples of this (similar indices are found for pavement condition and
other asset categories found in a typical transportation agency).’ 2

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Figure Perspectives Vary from Deploying State Resilience


● 1.
● 2. Deploying Transportation Resilience Practices in State DOTs 2021

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Assessing disaster risk for the supply chain (economic resilience) is important and a great way to start
assessing resilience of the system through all modes of transportation.

Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation’s (APEC) 21 member economies are disproportionately impacted by

natural disasters. Economic costs are caused by the destruction of economic and social infrastructure as
well as disruptions to supply chains and the resulting loss of trade revenue.’

Figure APEC Graphic

Supply chains that aren’t agile and cannot rapidly respond to change are often impacted most by
disasters, and thus, the associated businesses experience extreme losses. These issues impact both
businesses and government, and both can play an active role in mitigating supply chain risks, and thus,
reducing losses. Governments can play a supporting role in helping companies cope with unexpected
disasters and shocks, which will improve the resiliency of supply chains.

To address this, APEC economies have placed significant emphasis on supporting capacity building efforts
to improve the resiliency and robustness of supply chains in the region. In 2013, APEC economies agreed
on Seven Principles of Supply Chain Resilience, which provides an overarching framework to support APEC
economies to manage and mitigate risks to the supply chain as a result of natural disasters. These
principles are to:

1. Share information and knowledge to promote supply chain resilience.

2. Promote disaster risk management and hazard mapping to better understand potential risks to supply
chain resilience.
3. Support planning and business continuity management to improve global supply chain resilience.
4. Promote best practice policy, regulations, and flexibility to enable global supply chain resilience.
5. Leverage regional cooperation to support the supply chain, including coordination with other
multinational organizations working on supply chain resilience inside and outside the APEC region.
6. Promote critical infrastructure protection and inter-modalism as a key component of supply chain
7. Recognize and promote best practice in human resource and capacity management in the context of
supply chain resilience.’ 1

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● 1.

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Social Infrastructure is a subset of the infrastructure sector and typically includes assets that
accommodate social services. We should assess those hazards to the transportation system that impact
the support of a community. 1

‘To provide additional clarity around varying social infrastructure/equity impacts due to different
strategies, the Spatial Temporal Economical Physiological Social (STEPS) equity framework developed by
the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) examines whether social equity barriers are reduced,
exacerbated, or both by a particular strategy (Shaheen et al., 2017). The STEPS framework categorizes
equity barriers to accessing transportation including considerations across spatial factors that compromise
daily travel needs, temporal barriers that inhibit a user from completing time-sensitive trips, economic
factors including direct and indirect travel costs, physiological barriers that make using certain travel
modes difficult for disabled or older populations, and social factors like language or other barriers that
detract from travelers’ comfort with using transportation (Shaheen et al., 2017).

Table STEPS Equity Framework Definitions


Spatial factors that compromise daily travel needs (e.g. excessively long distances
between destinations, lack of public transit within walking distance).

Travel time barriers that inhibit a user from completing time-sensitive trips, such as
Temporal arriving to work (e.g. public transit reliability issues, limited operating hours, traffic

Direct costs (e.g. fares, tools, vehicle ownership costs) and indirect costs (e.g.
smartphone, internet, credit card access) that create economic hardship or
Economic preclude users from traveling. Indirect economic effects also include changes in
property values, rent, wages and risk of displacement due to transportation
infrastructure projects or parking changes.

Physical and cognitive limitations that make using standard transportation modes
difficult or impossible (e.g. infants, older adults and disabled).

Social, racial, cultural, safety and language barriers that inhibit a user’s (e.g.
women, immigrants, minorities) comfort with using transportation (e.g.
neighborhood crime, poorly targeted marketing, lack of multi-language


● 1. TC16_TCE_WG2_Report

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Countries that have experienced typhoons, torrential rains, and other wind and flood disasters, as well as
massive earthquakes and tsunamis, have built "Build Back Better" after each of these past disasters to
prevent another disaster from occurring, and have strengthened disaster countermeasures based on this

Over the last few years, the needs of society have evolved rapidly as a result of the diversification of
society and population growth. Disaster countermeasures must also change to keep up with these

On the other hand, in order to cope with severe damage caused by increasingly severe weather
phenomena and huge earthquakes and tsunamis that could occur at any time, it is necessary to develop
technologies related to disaster prevention based on knowledge and technologies developed from past
disaster experiences and to incorporate these technologies as quickly as possible.

KIOSK has collected and organized "technologies that contribute to disaster mitigation" that contribute to
reducing damage to prevent the latest disasters so that it can better support the planning of disaster
countermeasures in response to changes in society and recent disaster situations. It is expected that other
disaster prevention measures will evolve and intensify with the use of these technologies.

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KIOSK collects and organizes basic technologies from all fields that contribute to the advancement and
efficiency of disaster management.

As these basic technologies are applied in practice, it is expected that disaster response from the
perspective of road users will be deepened in all phases of road disaster management.

Figure 1.4.1 Roads that protect people’s lives and property from disasters (2020, “2040 Vision for Roads in Japan in 2040”,
MLIT, Japan)

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KIOSK collects and organizes basic technologies from all fields that contribute to Planning and

The way of Planning and Management depends on the geology, ground condition, existence of natural
disasters such as earthquake, flooding, landslide, etc.

Road managers should introduce the technologies properly. However, if the proper technologies were
selected, it would be expected to contribute to Planning and Management.

Various technologies are described here.

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In order to consider disaster management, the first step is to quantitatively evaluate and understand, as
much as possible, where the vulnerabilities are and how much damage will occur in the event of a disaster.

This section introduces effective techniques for understanding disaster vulnerability.

● Disaster risk assessment using Airborne Laser Scanning

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Visualizing the risks at one glance is essential for every stakeholder in that region. 3D modeling, hazard
maps, simulation and interpretation are key technologies for visualizing the risks.

● Geological risk management - 3D visualization of underground by 3D geophysical exploration
● Risk management of inundation due to heavy rains, etc
● Mapping and updating road network systems, utilizing high resolution ALOS-3 satellite data and
AI-powered analytic algorithms

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KIOSK collects and organizes basic technologies from all fields that contribute to Survey and Analysis.

Generally, the damage of roads is caused by earthquake, landslide, flooding, and debris flow, etc.

Landslides, flooding, and debris flow are caused by heavy rainfall; therefore, it is necessary to pay
attention to changes in rainfall due to climate change.

Various surveys and analysis are required to evaluate the condition of the site quantitatively and

Road managers should apply suitable Survey and Analysis technologies for planning suitable measures
and construction.

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Figure 1.4.3 Example of survey and analytics of slope failure

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Landslides, debris flows, and flooding are generally caused by heavy rainfall. Therefore, it is important for
road managers to observe rainfall along the road in real time.

For this purpose, it is necessary to establish a system that conducts local meteorological and rainfall
observations to inform road managers.

In addition, it is also necessary to combine with a system that alerts when the observed data exceeds a
certain threshold level so that road managers can quickly make decisions such as traffic regulations.

● Extreme weather observation technology using unique small doppler radar
● Technology that provides comprehensive information necessary for road management, utilizing
unique radar and current local rainfall or snow distribution analysis technology
● Compact, low-cost weather observation technology
● Three types of water level monitoring technology
● Flood warning technology

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Slope risks depend on the geography and geology. Geographical, geological and geotechnical survey,
simulation and monitoring is necessary for mapping the location where the risks exist and assess the

During and after construction, periodical monitoring of the road and slope along the road is essential for
the road management.

● Landslide topography interpretation technology by AI
● Slope monitoring system using remote sensing technology
● Prediction technology for slope behavior during earthquakes using numerical analysis
● Cloud-based slope and road structure measurement and monitoring service using WEB-GIS
● GNSS based 24/7 deformation monitoring technology along the road side cut-slopes
● Terrain and slope deformation monitoring technology using field surveillance camera system
● Land deformation vector visualization technology using time sequence airborne LiDAR datasets
● Wide area and holistic land deformation monitoring technology using satellite based Synthetic
Aperture Radar (SAR)
● Simple boring method to enable 100% core collection in gravel layer
● Method using a back-pack type mobile laser scanner for identifying trees being obstacles
along a road
● 3D BIM for slope (Efficiency improvement of measures for slope failure and countermeasures
for landslides, such as groundwater drainage works, using 3D technology)
● Hazard mapping technology for slope (Smart disaster prevention technology by real-time
monitoring the land with DX)
● Prediction of tsunami height and inundation area due to earthquake (Tsunami
height/inundation area prediction by using detailed topographic data)
● Support for earthquake-resistant design by using simulated seismic wave creation technology
of 3 component differential method, and 3 dimensional underground models (Support for Seismic
performance design by utilizing 3D ground technology)
● Early warning monitoring technology of slope failure using tilt sensors array and volumetric
water contents
● Monitoring of ground movements around roads from space
● Data Management & analysis technology using tablet

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Earthquakes generally occur along active faults. In addition, it must be considered that disasters due to
tsunami and liquefaction may occur in coastal areas and soft ground areas. Therefore, the assessment of
the earthquake hazards should be carried out based on the knowledge of earth science. And combining
with earthquake observation networks, and simulations of seismic intensity and tsunami height, we can
estimate earthquakes, tsunamis, and liquefaction hazards that may occur in the future.

● Earthquake observation Technology
● Crash simulation of tsunami driftage
● Seismic design support technology for reliability-based design
● Three-dimensional simplified deformation prediction technique for liquefied ground
● Seismic liquefaction analysis

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Natural disasters are mainly caused by earthquakes and heavy rains. But there might be a possibility that
disaster factors other than earthquakes and heavy rains might cause hazards.

In this section, other disaster factors, which are not described in –, are described.

● Mud flood simulation based road damage estimation technology

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KIOSK collects and organizes basic technologies from all fields that contribute to Measures and

To construct roads that are resistant to natural disasters, it is necessary to carry out proper construction
works based on appropriate design. At the same time, there is a demand for considering not to damage
the landscape when designing and constructing.

It is also important to continuously monitor the condition of the built roads, during the construction, to
keep the safety and manage the construction works.

Various technologies are described here, but it is expected to implement the suitable Measures and

Figure 1.4.4 Example of slope collapse prevention construction

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Embankment is a man-made structure. Unlike natural ground that has been formed over a long period of
time, man-made structure is constructed in a short period of time. Generally, its strength and toughness
are weaker than natural ground. Therefore, it is needed to apply enough compaction to the soil or/and
apply a soil improvement to construct the embankment, which has enough strength and toughness.

In this section, ground improvement related technologies are described here.

● In situ soil mixing method with ability of obstacle avoidance and inclined operation by using
expandable / collapsible mixing blades
● A ground improvement method under existing structures

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When a road is constructed along a slope, it is required that suitable measures are taken to prevent the
slope failure. And recently, there are many cases where greening work, which takes into consideration the
environment, is also combined with current slope failure prevention works. With the recent development of
sensor technology and robot technology, early warning systems and robotic construction work techniques
are developed that enable them to conduct construction works more safely.

● High corrosion resistance and high proof stress ground anchor construction method
● Slope protection greening matting system using the fulvic acid plant growth technology
● Robust and durable deterrent piles
● Landslide topography interpretation technology by AI
● Slope monitoring system using remote sensing technology
● Prediction technology for slope behavior during earthquakes using numerical analysis
● Cloud-based slope and road structure measurement and monitoring service using WEB-GIS
● Early warning monitoring technology of slope failure using tilt sensors array and volumetric
water contents
● Tele-opened robot for backhoe shovels
● Improvement mountainous road in developing country by using Japanese technologies for
slope disaster prevention

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When a road is constructed along a rock fall area, it is required that suitable measures are taken to
prevent the rock fall. With the recent development of sensor technology combined with numerical analysis
techniques, monitoring techniques and early warning systems are updated. That enables road managers
to conduct measures and construction works more effectively.

● Microseism and vibration sensor array monitoring technology
● Prediction technology for slope behavior during earthquakes using numerical analysis
● Early warning monitoring technology of slope failure using tilt sensors array and volumetric
water contents

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Generally, debris flow suddenly attacks a road and it is difficult to predict its occurrence. Therefore, both
detecting and protecting technologies should be implemented at the location where there is a high debris
flow risk. The key is to detect the debris flow in real time and transmit the data or alert as quickly as
possible to road administrators or directly to personnel who drive cars. Also, debris barriers are effective
facilities for protecting roads.

● Debris flow occurrence detection sensor
● Construction method to build concrete structures such as erosion control dams by remote

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There are two targets to which an enhancing earthquake resistance technique should be applied. The first
one is to improve the earthquake resistance of the structure itself, and the second one is to improve the
earthquake resistance of the ground where the structure is constructed. The important thing is to check
that these earthquake-resistant construction techniques are properly applied. For checking them,
inspections and diagnostics are required to be carried out during and after the construction works.

● Robust and durable piles levee wall that stands strong against earthquakes and tsunamis
● Aseismic ground enclosure against liquefaction
● Realization of disaster prevention through the regional earthquake alarm system
● Shear strengthening method capable of constructing from inside of underground structures
● Seismic retrofit method for high-speed construction in narrow space
● Technology for image analysis of concrete cracks caused by earthquakes
● Fireproof segment effective for disaster prevention in shield tunnel
● Technology for constructing infrastructure facilities utilizing the merits of ultra-high strength
fiber-reinforced concrete, Robust bridge resistant to disasters
● High performance sprayed concrete resilient for disasters
● In situ soil mixing method with ability of obstacle avoidance and inclined operation by using
expandable/collapsible mixing blades
● A ground improvement method under existing structures

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Soft ground related technologies are mainly consisting of ground improvement technologies. In urban
area, there are many obstacles underground. To keep the safety and effectiveness of the construction,
several ground improvement technologies which include control drilling techniques or newly developed
equipments are developed.

● In situ soil mixing method with ability of obstacle avoidance and inclined operation by using
expandable/collapsible mixing blades
● A ground improvement method under existing structures

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There are two aspects for emergency measures. One is the early warning before disasters occur. And the
second one is a quick survey of the damage caused by disasters. For this purpose, many early warning
systems and monitoring systems have been developed. Since it is necessary to investigate huge areas in a
short time, non-destructive testing methods and robot-based technologies have been implemented.

● 3 dimensional data reconstruction technology using drone based aerial imagery and cloud
processing system
● Landslide topography interpretation technology by AI
● Slope monitoring system using remote sensing technology
● Cloud-based slope and road structure measurement and monitoring service using WEB-GIS
● Early warning monitoring system of slope failure using tilt sensors array and volumetric water
● Realization of disaster prevention for workers lives from the regional earthquake alarm system
● Overpass construction method (Rapid construction in post-disaster reconstruction)
● Fast and failsafe climbing form construction method that are less affected by the natural
environment and can shorten the construction period

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KIOSK collects and organizes basic technologies from all fields that contribute to Maintenance.

For maintaining roads, it is important to monitor the changes quantitatively that have occurred not only in
the road itself, but also in the surrounding ground and slopes.

Monitoring data will be essential for establishing the proper maintenance planning.

In addition, it is necessary to have a warning system such as for traffic restriction in case of emergency.

For this purpose, monitoring technology is important, and many monitoring methods are described in the
content here.

Figure 1.4.5 Example of road surface monitor

©World Road Association (PIARC) / Association mondiale de la Route (AIPCR) - 01/08/2022 76/81 ROAD SURFACE AND ROADBED
Since, the total length of the road is long, road maintenance is generally expensive and time-consuming
matters. Because of the limited budget for maintenance, it is essential to identify severely damaged areas
of the road to determine the priority zone for the maintenance when making the maintenance plan.

For evaluating the road surface and roadbed condition various inspection and diagnosing techniques have
been developed.

As the inspections and diagnoses are carried out regularly, acquired data should be accumulated in a
database or cloud-based data storage system. This is important for maintenance for the long term.

● The cloud service that uses smartphones to support daily and disaster management and
inspection of roads
● Non-destructive detection technology for underground cavities and buried objects (Under-road
inspection for infrastructure maintenance by using ground-penetrating radar)

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The bridge consists mainly of iron and concrete. In the case of bridges where those are constructed along
coastal areas, it is necessary to take into account chemical erosion of the materials due to chloride

By observing the presence of cracks on the bridge structure, chemical analysis of the material, stresses
which apply on the structure, etc. the bridge can be quantitatively assessed.

Recently BIM is utilized for construction works, these data are expected to be reflected in BIM. Then the
maintenance planning and works would be performed effectively.

● RC bridge salt damage evaluation system using the fluorescence X-rays analyzing technique
● High Capacity Micro Pile: Embedded piles and embedded piles with a pile diameter of 300 mm
or less that can be used for reinforcing the foundations of various structures
● Three dimensional model construction method for the bridge maintenance
● Shear strengthening method capable of constructing from inside of underground structures
● Seismic retrofit method for high-speed construction in narrow space
● Technology for image analysis of concrete cracks caused by earthquakes
● Technology for constructing infrastructure facilities utilizing the merits of ultra-high strength
fiber-reinforced concrete, Robust bridge resistant to disasters

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Tunnel is mainly constructed in mountainous area and underground in urbanized areas. Since, the
surrounding geology varies from hard rock to soft soil, the design of the tunnel is varied.

But in any case, a tunnel should have enough strength against underground pressure or dynamic forces
caused by earthquakes.

In addition, in case of fire caused by a traffic accident, fireproof measures should also be considered.

● Fireproof segment effective for disaster prevention in shield tunnel
● High performance sprayed concrete resilient for disasters

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Slope measures aim to stabilize the slope itself to prevent the failure of the slope. To achieve this,
monitoring is quite essential to grasp the condition of the slope.

Many monitoring technologies could be applied for slope. Since the observed area is wide, a huge volume
of the observed data should be interpreted in real time. The interpretation using AI technologies would be
next generation techniques for the future.

● Earthwork structure inspection system using the PS-In-SAR technique
● Landslide terrain interpretation technology by AI
● Slope monitoring service using remote sensing technology
● Cloud-based slope and road structure measurement and monitoring service using WEB-GIS
● Early warning monitoring technology of slope failure using tilt sensors array and volumetric
water contents
● Microseism and vibration sensor array monitoring technology

©World Road Association (PIARC) / Association mondiale de la Route (AIPCR) - 01/08/2022 80/81 ROAD STRUCTURE
Since, the total length of the road is long, road maintenance is generally expensive and time-consuming
matters. Because of the limited budget for maintenance, it is important to identify the location and
condition of the road structure where it is severely damaged.

For evaluating the road structure, inspection and diagnosing techniques have been developed.

These techniques are effective for maintenance work for the long term.

● Early warning monitoring technology of slope failure using tilt sensors array and volumetric
water contents
● Microseism and vibration sensor array monitoring technology

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