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Soal 1

Samantha: Hello Christy.

Christy: Hi, Samantha
Samantha: Why you look sad?
Christy: I am confused.
Samantha: Why confused? Do you have a problem?
Christy: I haven’t been able to pay the school administration. Do you have any advice to me?
Samantha: I think, you should ask dispentation to the school
Christy: It’s good idea. Thanks Sam.
Samantha: You’re welcome

Soal 2

Daniel: Hi John, how are you today?

John: I feel disappointed.
Daniel: What’s wrong with you?
John: I got bad mark English examination yesterday.
Daniel: Don’t be sad. I’m certain you can get mark better next time and you should study hard.
John: Thank you for your suggestion
Daniel : It’s OK. Don’t mention it.

Soal 3

Tony: We have been waiting nearly 2 quarters of an hour.

Chris: Yes, I think the bus will never come again.
Tony: Would it be an idea to walk?
Chris: Yes, it’s a good idea.
Tony: Has the new restaurant in this area opened today?”
Chris: It has opened yesterday already. My friend told me it has a new and delicious menu.
Tony: Why don’t we eat there?
Chris: It is a wonderful idea.

Soal 4

Lesley: Hello, Jane.

Jane: Hi, Lesley.
Lesley: You look tired. What is going on?
Jane: I am working on my project paper. It is due tomorrow. I don’t think I will be able to finish it.
Lesley: Would you like any help?
Jane: Yes, please.I would really appreciate it.
Lesley: Tell me what I can and I will start right away.
Jane: Thank you. You are an angel.

Soal 5

Sam: What are you browsing?

Darren: I am looking for a robotic Course.
Sam: Do you want to attend it?
Darren: I do.
Sam: Let me help you browse.
Darren: Thanks.
Sam: Well, look this one, Alfa Robotic Course.
Darren: No. It is quite far frommy house.
Sam: Ah, you are right. How about this one?
Darren: Ah, that’s great. I’ll call it.
Sam: I suggest you go there so you can get detailed information.
Darren: You are right.
Sam: Let me accompany you there.
Darren: Thank you. How about tomorrow after school?
Sam: Alright, I will be waiting for you in front of my class.
Darren: Ok, thanks.

Contoh Dialog Suggestion 6

Jean: Hi Chris, would you like to do something with me this weekend?

Chris: Sure. What shall we do?
Jean: I don't know. Do you have any ideas?
Chris: Why don't we see a film?
Jean: That's sounds good to me. Which film shall we see?
Chris: Let's see "Action Man 4".
Jean: I'd rather not. I don't like violent films. How about going to "Mad Doctor Brown"? I hear it's
quite a funny film.
Chris: OK. Let's go see that. When is it on?
Jean: It's on at 8 p.m. at the Rex. Shall we have a bite to eat before the film?
Chris: Sure, that sounds great. What about going to that new Italian restaurant Michetti's?
Jean: Great idea! Let's meet there at 6.
Chris: OK. I'll see you at Michetti's at 6. Bye.
Jean: Bye.
Chris: See you later!


1. Tulislah Kembali Ungkapan Yang Digunakan di Setiap Dialog di atas Sesuai Kolom Yang
Disediakan !

Soal 1

asking suggestion giving suggestion accepting suggestion refusing suggestion

Do you have any I think, you should ask It’s good idea. Thanks
advice to me? dispentation to the Sam.

2. Terjemahkan Soal 3, 5, 6 ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia !

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