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Expressions of Advice / Suggestion Expressions :

1. Giving Advice (Memberi Nasehat)

• I’d like to suggest that ……. • Perhaps you should.......

• I advise ………. • It’s best to ….
• You should…….. • You need.......
• You ought to…….. • Make sure you ….
• It’s better for you ………….. • It would be a good idea to see the doctor
• You must ……… • Why don’t you see the doctor?

2. Giving Suggestion (Memberi Saran)

a. Would you be so kind enough + to + Verb

 Would you be so kind enough to go with me?
 Would you be so kind enough to help me?
b. I would be very grateful if you would …

 I would be very grateful if you would come to my party.
 I would be very grateful if you would help me to finish this task.
 I would be grateful if you would be here.
c. How/ what about + Gerund (Verb+ ing) …

 How about dancing?
 What about watching TV?

d. Suppose

 Suppose you agree with my idea.
 Suppose you can leave now.
e. Perhaps you would

Example :
 Perhaps you would accept my proposal.
 Perhaps you would have a dinner with me.
f. You had better + Verb

 You had better brush your teeth.
 You had better refuse this job.
g. Why don’t you + Verb …

 Why don’t you sit down beside me?
 Why don’t you go home now?
h. It’s time you + Verb 2 (Past Form)

 It’s time you said the truth.
 It’s time you stopped smoking.

Accepting Advice/Suggestion
• It’s a good suggestion
• Thanks, I’ll do it
• It sounds good
• I think good way
• I guess yes
• Yes, I suppose I should
• Yes, I will
• Ok
• All right

Refusing Advice/Suggestion

• Oh, I don’t think it’s necessary

• I guess not
• I don’t think so
• Oh no

Example on Dialog:

Situation 1 : Johny is not feeling well, and Silvia suggests that he take a rest.

Silvia : Hi Johny. How’s your life?

Johny : Not so bad
Silvia : But it seems that you don’t feel good today. What’s the matter ?
Johny : I feel so exhausted after hard work several days ago.
Silvia : You had better take enough rest to get well.
Johny : Yes, I suppose I should. Thank you.
Silvia : Don’t mention it.

Situation 2 : Lusiana does not finish summarizing the whole text. Edwin advices that
Lusiana submit the assignment before the deadline, but she refuses it.

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