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Zenlish 15 CHU DE NOI VIET HAY GAP NHAT TAI KY THI CDR HLU Dé hd tro cdc ban sinh vién HLU trong viée én tép phén ndi va vist cla bai kiém tra tiéng anh déu ra cua trudng. Zenlish od suu tam sdn ede chi dé thudng gdp, va.c6 Mét s6 théng tin tra loi mau, kam ggi y tham khdo. Day Id cdc cau tra ii gory, c6 phén chi quan alia nguéi vist, nén khi sts dung ode ban 6 thé luge bat, hodc bé sung theo ding thuc té cua minh, N6i dung ¢6 nhiéu ché cén so séi, nhiéu ché chua duge chinh chu, Zenlish sé tiép tuc cdp nhét vé hodn thién, rét mong nhén duge si gdp y ti nguei hoc. Zenlish xin cam on, va chuc ede ban hoc tét. TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUGc TENHAT ViETNAM- 2028 © Zenlish Chu dé 1: Transportation. 1. What are the advantages of using public transportation? Nowadays, people have many choices of commuting to work including public transport because it brings them a lot of benefits. First and foremost, by using buses or trains for travelling, they can save a large amount of money. It can be clearly seen that when people drive a private car or a motorbike, they must pay for not only the cost of petrol but also the regular maintenance fee. Furthermore, the price of buying one car or motorbike is very expensive whereas buses and trams are for everyone, even the lowest-income people. Another advantage | want to mention is that using public vehicles is a method to reduce air pollution and traffic jams. Especially in the city, when the increase in the number of vehicles makes the road more crowded, the public transport system is developed to deal with traffic jams and reduce the pollutant released by petrol-run vehicles. Therefore, using more public transportation is beneficial to everyone. 3. Do you think that governments should encourage public transportation more? In my opinion, the government should encourage people to use public transport, because it has a lot of economic and environmental benefits. Here are some ways the government can encourage citizens: Firstly, the government should decrease the fares of public transports. For instance, if a journey of 30 kilometres used to cost $20, the government can reduce these fares in form of promos and discounts. This will draw people's attention to public transports. Also, Buses and trains should be kept clean and well managed in such a way that will attract people. For example, my sister came to visit me from another city some time ago. She boarded a train. | was at the train station to pick her up when | saw her stuck to the door. | moved closely to have a view of what was happening. | saw that her clothes were trapped and we had to cut her cloth before we were able to leave the station. She was so embarrassed and vowed TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUGc TENHAT ViETNAM- 2020 © Zenlish never to take any public transport again. There are so many cases of neatly dressed people entering buses and coming out with a stain or a tough mark on their clothes. All these are turn-offs to people. Special considerations should be given to the aged, children, the disabled and pregnant women. People in this category should decrease their fares. Government should hire trained personnel to cater for this group of people specially. | watched a woman on TV last weekend, she was so old and haggard She could not even walk straight into the bus. She had to swing her legs before she could maintain her balanoe. There was no one to help her and she was left at the station because she couldn't move fast to join the bus. Terminals and stations should be situated closer to residences, Shopping Malls and offices for easy access so that people won't have to trek a long distance. Transportation should be made swift and reliable by constructing alternative roads for public transports alone. This will assure the people that it is hassle-free and the issues of traffic jams will be eradicated. TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUGc TENHAT ViETNAM- 2028 © ET Zenlish Chu dé 2: School 1. Describe a subject you enjoyed studying at school. - What was your favorite subject as a child? - When and where you started studying it - and explain why you enjoyed the subject Economics has been one of my favorite subjects since | was at school and was first introduced to this subject when | was in the 8th Standard. | was lucky enough to have the best teacher who taught me economics as she always had a manner of making it interesting. She never taught it like a normal subject but made it exciting by relating it to current situations and giving examples to explain the theory. | had never thought that economics could be so interesting and invigorating and that is how the lessons used to be in school. We always had interactive classes where we were not only supposed to listen to the teacher but also put up questions and discuss them at length. No other subject was like this one as the others were more theoretical and based on certain principles. But economics was and still is a subject where one has to think out of the box and relate it to what happens in our day to day lives and alll around us. One thing | can say is that | thoroughly enjoyed the subject in my school and have pursued the same after completing my secondary education because of the practical essence and relevance this subject has in real life. 2. How well do you think schools should prepare young people for working life? Schools are considered our second home. This is where we learn almost everything, starting from the basics such as reading and writing. Before we turn into adults, this is the place where we get most of our training. Therefore, schools should also be the avenue to prepare us to enter into another chapter = the working life. Schools must extend its training by educating and guiding the young people to their future career. TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUGc TENHAT VIETNAM-2020 8 Zenlish Chu dé 3: traveling 1. Do you like traveling? Yes, For sure | like travelling very much. You see, after a long period at work, | start to get itchy feet. | mean | just want to travel somewhere to relax. Travelling is like a hobby for me. It's a wonderful experience every time. Travelling is great way to relax and disconnect from work and daily routine Travelling helps me explore new things, new cultures and broaden my knowledge Do you like to travel alone or in a group? Well, | would prefer travelling with a group of friends or with my family You know, the more the merrier. On top of that, there's always someone who | can talk to and take great photos of me. It would be more economical. | mean, we can split the cost of meals, or accommodation. Honestly, travelling within a group is safer. when travelling, particularly in unknown places, it may be dangerous since every town or city has its problems like pick- pockets, criminals, .. TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUGc TENHAT ViETNAM- 2028 © Zenlish 3. What places would you like to visit in the future? why? Yes, definitely! | think seeing the world, from their daily lifestyles to beautiful scenery of their lands, is what life is all about. It's a very interesting way to learn about new cultures and explore new places. Definitely! | would like to explore various places, experience other cultures and try different cuisines. Moreover, traveling helps me reduce stress after working days. Take me as an example, when | traveled to the Philippines on last Tet Holiday with my sister. | lear about their cultures, as well as explore special local cuisines on the way. It'san unforgettable experience in my life. Chu dé 4: Family 1. Do you have a large or small family? I come from a small family. | live with my parents and two siblings. As | recall, we used to live with our grandparents, uncles and aunts many years ago. But now we have a nuclear farnily as we live in a city which is far away from our grandparents’ house. 2. What do you like to do together as a family? Ilike to discuss my plans with my parents. | often seek their advice on important personal issues. They discuss their experience, tell me about interesting historical events they know about and teach me morality and the importance of being honest in life. My dad recommends good books to me and then we discuss these books in our free time. | do everything with my brother John. We hang out together, watch movies, read books, sometimes we fight, we often complain to our parents about what | or he should not have done, play football and the list goes on! Though he is very friendly, he often scolds me whenever he thinks | did something wrong. Besides, | play computer games and chess with my sister and she often seeks TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUOC TENHAT VIETNAM- 2028 © Zenlish my advice regarding things she can't decide alone. We watch cartoons and documentaries on History Channel together. | love to talk to my mother and she is very fond of classical music and | have become a fan of her favorite singers. So | often listen to music with her. There are many more activities that | actually do with my family members and those are the frequent ones. 3. Who are you closest in your family? lam the closest to my brother because we don't have a generational gap between each other like our parents so we share the same ideas and opinions about many things and he always supports me. Chu dé 5: MUSIC 1.Do you like music? Why / why not? Of course yes. Listening to music is part and parcel of my daily activities and | cannot imagine my life without music. Listening to music is an excellent way to unwind after a long working day. 2. How often do you listen to music?/ How much time do you spend listening to music every day? | usually listen to music for 1 hour a day. Around the time before going to bed. Let me feel more relaxed, sleep better. TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUGc TENHAT ViETNAM- 2028 (IP Zenlish 3. Do you play any kinds of musical instruments? | do actually, though not very well I've been playing the guitar for 9 years, and | know a bit about the piano as well. | think I'm quite a fast learner when it comes to playing an instrument as it didn’t take me long to get the hang of everything. However, as | still have other priorities in life, | just can’t give this pursuit enough dedication and commitment for now. I'll try to get back to it as soon as | can though. I've made a promise to myself that | wouldn't leave my treasured guitar gathering dust for too long. 4, What kinds of music are popular with young people in your country? Young people in my country like pop, rap and rock music the most. Some of them like to listen to country songs but the percentage is lower. Finally, some are fans of western music and their choice is greatly shaped by the internet and music channels. TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUGc TENHAT VIETNAM- 2028 © Zenlish CHU DE 6: SPORT 1. What kind of sport do you prefer? | don't prefer a specific kind of sport, but | really like working out in the gym... That helps me to keep my body in good shape... A few years ago | had a sports coach, but now | developed my own fitness program and train alone. 2. Do you prefer to watch sports events on TV at home or to watch them live ? Why? | prefer watching sports on TV because sometimes you're watching a game that looks like it'll be loads of fun but it turns out to be super boring where your team gets creamed and you feel like crying. If you are at the stadium watching the game there's nothing you can do but cry, but if you are at home you can just change the channel to something fun. Watching sports at home is also more economical, you can be watching 3 or 4 games for just a few macs an hour. 3. What are the benefits of sport? Exercise keeps you healthy. It's been proven that people who exercise more get sick less. When you exercise it helps bulld your strength to fight sickness. | have a friend who has a bad back and if he doesn't run, play basketball, or exercise in some way then his back will go out and he'll have to stay in bed until it is better. TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUGc TENHAT VIETNAM- 2028 | Zenlish CHU DE 7: FREE TIME & HOBBIES 1. What do you enjoy doing in your free time? | often go to my hometown, visit my family, cook with my family when | have free time. 2. How much time do you have each week for doing these things? usually come home every 4 weeks. Because my work is quite busy, so it is not often, 3. Why do you like doing these activities? For me, family is number 1, | want people to meet, talk, share stories and help each other in difficult things. That's why | often visit home in my spare time. TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUGc TENHAT VIETNAM-2028 [ET Zenlish CHU DE 8: FASHION 1. Do you enjoy buying clothes? I love buying new clothes. Especially on sale. It both saves me money and helps me get new clothes for my school and work, 2. Do you like to watch fashion shows on TV? Why? Why not? I don't like to watch fashion shows. | often tum on the TV, watch sports programs, or movies. It helps me and my family relax, and is more comfortable than fashion shows, 3. What is the traditional dress where you live? live in Hanoi, the traditional outfit is Ao Dai There is Ao Dai formen, and there is Ao Dai for women. People often wear it on festivals, Tet, and traditional events. TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUOC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish CHU DE 9: THE ENVIRONMENT 1. Do you believe climate change is a serious problem? Sure. Climate change is very serious. It caused sea levels to rise, the area of land to be reduced, and caused a lot of forest fires. 2. Are there any environmental problems in your country? I live in Vietnam. The biggest environmental problem is air pollution. Due to the production factories discharge into the environment untreated. The rapidly increasing number of means of transport also affects the air. 3. What should we do to protect the environment? In my opinion, to protect the environment we need: Firstly, localities need to propagate people about the health benefits of a clean environment through the media Second, the government needs to severely punish individuals and companies that illegally discharge waste into the environment Third, it is necessary to plant more trees wherever possible. TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUOC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish CHU Dé 10: HEALTH 1 Is it important for you to eat healthy food? Yes, | prefer to eat healthy home-cooked food, rather than fast food or pre-prepared meals, because | want to stay fit and healthy as I get older. 2. What part of your lifestyle would you most like to make healthier? Well, | would say, my sleeping habits. | can hardly get enough rest at night. | usually lack sleep, 3. How can people be encouraged to stay healthy? To encourage young people to stay healthy, we need to advise them on the type of diets that are good for them. Such diets include, beans, vegetables, energy giving food, food and fruits containing fibre. You can let them know the importance of exercise and how to exercise their body regularly. Let them know that to remain healthy, they should avoid smoking which can lead to health problems, such as, Cancer, heart disease etc. Also, drinking too much alcohol is not good for their health. Let them know the consequences. TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUGc TENHAT ViETNAM- 2028 © Zenlish CHU DE 11: LIVING IN CITY 1. What kinds of cities do you like? | like small, peaceful cities, without traffic jams, happy people, and full of ‘amenities such as parks, hospitals, schools, banks, cinemas. 2. Which city do you want to go to? I think Nha Trangis the most interesting city. Because Nha Trang is one of the 29 most beautiful sea bays In the World. It is o clean and beautiful beach with blue water and white sand. In the city center, life is very busy. There are a lot of busy streets with shops, restaurants, bars, supermarkets 3.|s it good for young people to grow up in the city? It's really good. There are several benefits such as: Living in the City Can Be Safer, There Are More Entertainment & Cultural Options, Families Have Quicker Access to Medical Care, City Living Means Developing Great Skills. There's a Wide Selection of Public & Private Schools, Kids Can Try Food from All Over the World, Unique Job Opportunities Are Widely Available TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUOC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish CHU DE 12: JOB 1. What do you do?/What is your job? I'ma teacher, I'm working at a small school in Ha Noi City. 2. Why did you choose your job? | want to be a teacher, because it's been my dream since childhood. | want to share interesting knowledge, useful things, and good deeds with young people, so that they can become useful people and successful people in the future. 3. What do you like/dislike about your job? | reallly ike my job, because it's a dream, a desire since childhood. love seeing pictures of young people playing, | love seeing smiling faces when they get good grades. See solidarity when participating in team competitions. Ilike being a teacher, | get to interact and work with young people, it keeps me fresh and happy. TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUOC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish CHU DE 13: FOOD 1. Do you enjoy cooking? I really like cooking. | usually cook on weekends and in my spare time. 2. Who does cooking in your family or house? In my family, my mother and sisters are the cooks. They cook very well, cooking many of my favorite dishes from beef, from chicken, and especially from fish. 3. Whats the most famous dish from your country? Can you describe it? Vietnam has many delicious and famous dishes, my favorite is Hanoi Pho. That dish is easy to find in any big and small street. The price is quite cheap, only about 2 dollars. You can eat in any season. That dish has the main ingredients of noodles, beef or chicken. Served with bone broth, and herbs. When eating, people often add lemon, chil, and pepper. The broth is very tasty, really liked that dish, TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUGc TENHAT VIETNAM-2028 (ET Zenlish 14. CHU DE 14: SHOPPING 1. Do you like shopping? | like shopping. Especially when there are big events, the beginning of the new school year, and the end of the year holidays. 2. What do you think about shopping online? Online shopping has some disadvantages as fallows: Firstly, buying online you can't check the product in person, don't know the right color and size, and are very often confused. Second, buying online is difficult to return, because | don't know where the store is Online shopping has several benefits as follows: Firstly, much cheaper than at the store Secondly, to save travel time, we don't need to go to the store, just stay at home using a smartphone to buy it. | usually buy small value items online, which are more expensive than | buy in person at the store. TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUOC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish 3. Describe your favorite shop / what is the favorite shop? like sports stores. | really like sports, like to run, play football, the clothes | wear when playing sports should be comfortable and colorful, and stimulating. Therefore, | often go to sports stores that have many products, many models, | get to try a lot, and the staff is friendly. So that | can find items | like. TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUGc TENHAT VIETNAM-2028 © ET Zenlish CHU Dé 15: ENTERTAINMENT 1. When do you usually like to go out? And why? | usually go out on weekends. Because at that time | had free time, my fiends, and my lover also had free time at that time. We often cook together, ride bikes together, and go to the movies together. It’s really fun. 2. Do you like entertaining friends in your home? | don't like entertainment at home, | like going outdoors, in the park, or away from home. Because we are at home every day, when we want to have fun, my friends and | will find places, homestays near the city, cook together, have a picnic together, and toke photos together. That's much more fun than at home. 3. How much time do you spend on online entertainment? | usually spend 2 hours a day on online entertainment. | watch movies on youtube, play games, and talk with friends. TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUGc TENHAT ViETNAM-2028 (ET TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUOC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028

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