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associated the four elements with four humors in the body. They associated earth
with black bile, air with yellow bile, fire with blood, and water with phlegm.
Individuals for whom the humors are properly balanced are healthy; an

imbalance among the humors results in illness.

The Hippocratics strongly believed that the body has the ability to heal itself and
that it is the physician's job to facilitate this natural healing.
CU About 500 years after Hippocrates, Galen (ca. A.D. 130-200) associated the fr

humors of the body with four temperaments (thet 47-49/136 de

from the Latin verb temperare meaning "to mix").

" If one of the humors dominates, the person displays the characteristics associated
with that humor.

TABÉ 2.1 Galen's Extension of

Hippocrates Theory of Humors
Aumor Temperament Characteristic

Phlegm Phlegmatic Sluggish, unemotional

Blood Sanguine Cheerful
Yellow bile Choleric Quick-tempered, fiery
Black bile Melancholic Sad

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