Day of The Death

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day of the


by: Sofia Morales, Santiago Stewart,

Gabriela Reyes&Maximiliano Huerta
Thus, when someone died it was
how did day customary to organize a party to
of the death guide their soul on the journey to
started? Mitclán.
important dates

Although the dates are November 1

and 2, it is since October 28 that it is
believed that there are souls that
come down to be on this plane.
How is it celebrated

During the day, families place

offerings and altars decorating with
cempasúchil flowers and a dish of
food that they liked, and incense is
placed to aromatize the place.
typical foods for
Seasenal fruits, enchiladas, bread of
the death, pumpkin candy or the food
that the dead man liked the most.
candles, incense, copal, photos and personal
It must have 7 levels that symbolize the steps
to eternal rest, it must also have salt that helps
purify the spirit, papel picado that brings joy
to the holiday and represents the good,
cempasuchi flowers, the favorite alcoholic drink
of the deceased or cigars if he smoked. On the
first step images of the saint who was devoted
the deceased are placed
¡thanks for you

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