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International Journal of Education, Culture and Society

2022; 7(5): 245-253
doi: 10.11648/j.ijecs.20220705.13
ISSN: 2575-3460 (Print); ISSN: 2575-3363 (Online)

Challenges in Conservation and Preservation of Albay,

Bicol, Philippines’ Historic Sites and Structures
Ruby Ann Longos Ayo, Alex Balbastro Nepomuceno
College of Social Sciences and Philosophy, Bicol University, Daraga, Philippines

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To cite this article:

Ruby Ann Longos Ayo, Alex Balbastro Nepomuceno. Challenges in Conservation and Preservation of Albay, Bicol, Philippines’ Historic
Sites and Structures. International Journal of Education, Culture and Society. Vol. 7, No. 5, 2022, pp. 245-253.
doi: 10.11648/j.ijecs.20220705.13

Received: September 3, 2022; Accepted: October 9, 2022; Published: October 24, 2022

Abstract: Historic sites and structures are tangible representations of the cultural heritage of a certain group of people that
passed the tests of times. They may be valuable historical assets but could be threatened by modernization and economic
progress hence, eventually demolished. The paper identified the issues and challenges experienced by the owners and or the
Local Government Units on the conservation and preservation of the recognized historic sites and structures by the National
Historical Commission of the Philippines. The locale of the study is the province of Albay, Bicol Region in the Philippines.
The descriptive qualitative was used as research design with the following data collection techniques: on-site field visits, Key
Informant Interviews, and, content analysis. The “NHCP Standards and Guidelines in Maintaining Historic Sites and
Structures” was used as basis for the identification of challenges in conservation and preservation. Results revealed that the 14
historic sites and structures are challenged by the vulnerability of the historic structures to natural calamities, costly
maintenance to keep the structures in good physical condition, demands for economic development in the locale and the
limited local laws enacted as the basis of government policies in the local government units to have them preserved and
conserved. The recognized historic sites and structures exemplify the religiosity, bravery, and creativity of the people of the

Keywords: Historic Sites, Historic Structures, Preservation, Conservation

1. Introduction
Climate change, economic development, modernization in which include poor management in terms of enactment of
technology, and changing government policies are some laws or, if ever, there are, the consistency in the
factors that challenge the preservation and conservation of implementation, issues on proper land use issues to mention a
historic sites and structures [1-3]. These are due to the fast few [4].
deterioration and worsening condition of the physical One of the many challenges in the conservation and
structures due to the wear and tear of the materials preservation of historic sites and structures- the climate change.
aggravated by climate change, the bias towards economic It has affected many facets of life, including the difficulties it
gains over the preservation of heritage, changing brought along management and protection of the historic
technological practices due to industrial modernization and structures. Adaptation was identified to be the most urgent
government policies influenced by foreign relations and measure in order to soften its impact. Certain strategies have
changing political climate. been identified like measuring the extent of its impact, using
In 1972, the World Heritage Convention, or “The spatial analysis for the assessment of risk and vulnerability
Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural among the historic structures to lessen the risk, including the
and Natural Heritage”, took the initial steps in the identification of opportunities amidst the difficulties [5, 6].
preservation and conservation of heritage sites. Yet, 50 years The impact of climate change on the preservation and
after, the challenges faced by member countries continues, conservation of historic structures similarly overlaps with
246 Ruby Ann Longos Ayo and Alex Balbastro Nepomuceno: Challenges in Conservation and Preservation of
Albay, Bicol, Philippines’ Historic Sites and Structures

several aspects like cultural significance, the potential use development highlights the importance of having policies to
of the historic structures in the present context with continuously protect historic sites and structures. The first
reference to the rapid modernization in technology and step, therefore, necessitates the promotion of understanding
demands in economic development, maintenance costs of their significance for better appreciation thus, enacting
hence, owners and government agencies in-charge often opt laws in order to protect them [17-20].
to trade-offs [7, 8]. While heritage tourism may address the issue of
Aside from the rapid deterioration of the physical economic development as perceived threat in the
structures due to the exposure to changing climate and preservation and conservation of historic sites and
natural calamities, the lure to sacrifice them in lieu of structures, converting it into an opportunity yet, it needs
economic development is likewise an issue. Maintenance of clarity in terms of defining the role between heritage
these historic structures proved to be costly; hence, some of tourism, and the local community. Interdependencies
the owners converted them into something which would interplay among these multiple factors, such as the roles of
generate income and transform them into active economic stakeholders has a significant effect [21, 22].
value in the end losing their historical and cultural The Province of Albay, Bicol Region, Philippines, has its
significance [9, 10]. share of historic sites and structures. They serve as reminders
In some Western and Southeast Asian countries, the of the beliefs, courage, and creativity of its people. The 14
demand for economic development as a challenge to the historic sites and structures recognized by the National
preservation of historic sites and structures was converted Historical Commission of the Philippines (NHCP) represent
into an opportunity. The carefully crafted preservation the churches built as early as the 1500s, the centennial
programs and projects were matched with culturally Catholic school established and managed by the Benedictine
significant economic development policies and strategies as nuns, and the monuments glorifying the courage exhibited by
exemplified by heritage tourism [11-14]. the people resisting the colonization and monuments
With heritage tourism as a strategy for the preservation highlighting the creativity of the people including the
and conservation of historic sites and structures without monument symbolizing the artistry and love for the music of
economic development taking the back seat- cultural the people.
heritage has become the framework of sustainable Albay as a province is divided into 3 districts where the 14
development [15, 16]. NHCP recognized historic sites and structures are located.
The cultural heritage as a framework for economic The map shows their locations:

Source: (modified with the inclusion of the actual locations of the identified historic sites and structures).
Figure 1. Map showing the locations of the NHCP recognized historic sites and structures.
International Journal of Education, Culture and Society 2022; 7(5): 245-253 247

Table 1. Outlines the significance of the NHCP recognized and structures.

Historic Sites and Structures Historical Significance Pictures

Established in 1604 during the Spanish colonization. Recognized by the NHCP

Parish of San Juan de Bautista
in 2012 and by the National Museum in 2001.

Established in 1900 and became the residence of the first Filipino poet who
Angela Manalang Gloria House
wrote literary pieces in English. Office of the Smith Bell and Company during
and Smith Bell and Company
the American era. Recognized by the NHCP in 2007.

Built-in 2005 and recognized by the NHCP on the same year in honor of the
Potenciano Gregorio Monument Bicolano musician who wrote “Sarung Bangui” (One Night). Built more than
60 years after his death.

Recognized the success of the combined Filipino-American troops in liberating

Legazpi-Albay Gulf Landing
Albay from the Japanese troops. Built and recognized by the NHCP in 1998 to
mark the 50th year after the landing of the American troops.

In recognition of the battle signifying the last stand of the people of Legazpi
Battle of Legazpi Monument against the Americans and considered to be the bloodiest at that time. Built and
given recognition as a historic site in 1965.

Parish of St. Raphael the Constructed in 1834 during the Spanish era and exist until at present.
Arcangel Recognized as a historic structure in 1940.

The first Catholic school in Albay was established in 1912. Recognized by

St. Agnes’ Academy
NHCP in 2012 during its centennial founding anniversary celebration.

Parish of St. Gregory the Great Built-in 1587 during the Spanish era. Recognized as historic structure in 2018.
248 Ruby Ann Longos Ayo and Alex Balbastro Nepomuceno: Challenges in Conservation and Preservation of
Albay, Bicol, Philippines’ Historic Sites and Structures

Historic Sites and Structures Historical Significance Pictures

Built-in 1917 as a military reserve hospital, converted into a provincial hospital

Bicol Regional Training and
and now a regional training and teaching hospital. Recognized as historic
Teaching Hospital
structure in 1995.

Built-in 1773 during the Spanish era and recognized as a historic structure in
Parish of Our Lady of the Gate

A Catholic church was destroyed during the 1814 Mt Mayon eruption but
Cagsawa Ruins
constructed in 1724. Recognized as a historic site in 2015.

Constructed in 1837 during the Spanish era. Recognized by NHCP in 2014 and
Parish of St. John the Baptist
by the National Museum in 2016.

Built-in 2003 in recognition of the bravery of the last general to surrender to the
Gen. Simeon Ola Monument

Parish of St. Michael the Constructed in 1649 during Spanish era. Recognized in 1950 by the Philippine
Arcangel Historical Committee.

Considering the importance of these sites and structures in mandated maintenance works such as (a) inspection and
the culture and heritage of the people of Albay and Bicol in documentation, (b) cleaning and housekeeping jobs, (c)
particular and the Filipinos in general, this paper identified repair and replacement, (d) removal of vegetal and weedy
the issues and challenges experienced by the owners and/or growths, (e) re-painting, (f) re-plastering, (g) repair and re-
the Local Government Units (LGUs) on the conservation and finishing, (h) preservative treatment, (i) pest control
preservation of the identified historic sites and structures with treatment, (j) waterproofing and ventilating, (k) corrective
the “NHCP Standards and Guidelines in Maintaining measures, and (l) building code requirements was done.
Historic Sites and Structures” as basis. The issues and Fourteen key informants were likewise interviewed, they
challenges identified may serve as the basis for the represented either the owner, person in-charge of the
formulation of policies by the concern government agencies maintenance and/or representatives of the concerned local
and the local government units. government unit. Content Analysis was also done on the
examination of the relevant documents.
2. Methods
3. Results
The paper is descriptive qualitative with the purpose of
documenting the issues and challenges in the conservation of Issues and challenges identified as experienced by the
historic structures in Albay, Bicol, Philippines as experienced owners and LGUs on the conservation and preservation of
by the owners and the local government units in-charge of the identified historic sites and structures.
the upkeep. It utilized on-site field visits, Key Informant As specified in the “Standards and Guidelines in
Interviews, and content analysis as data collection Maintaining Historic Sites and Structures” issued by the
techniques. Guided by the “Standards and Guidelines in National Historical Commission of the Philippines, the
Maintaining Historic Sites and Structures” of the National mandated activities for the preservation and conservation of
Historical Commission of the Philippines, issues, and historic sites and structures are (a) inspection and
challenges in the conservation of historic structures were documentation, (b) cleaning and housekeeping jobs, (c)
identified. A total of 42 on-site field visits or 3 visits per repair and replacement, (d) removal of vegetal and weedy
historic site and structure were done in the span of 12 months growths, (e) re-painting, (f) re-plastering, (g) repair and re-
or 1 year for the monitoring of the compliance to the finishing, (h) preservative treatment, (i) pest control
International Journal of Education, Culture and Society 2022; 7(5): 245-253 249

treatment, (j) waterproofing and ventilating, (k) corrective Legazpi-Albay Gulf Landing Monument, Monument of the
measures, and (l) building code requirements was done. Battle of Legazpi, and Monument of Gen. Simeon Ola,
The 14 identified historic sites and structures can be Angela and for residence, the Manalang-Gloria house/Smith
grouped into 3- the (a) churches, (b) monuments, (c) other Bell and Company, for the school St. Agnes’ Academy, for
historic buildings (residence, school, hospital and ruins). The the hospital the Bicol Regional Teaching and Training
churches include the Parish of San Juan de Bautista, St. Hospital and for the ruins- the Cagsua Ruins.
Raphael the Arcangel, Parish, Parish of St. Gregory the Table 2 summarizes the compliance of the NHCP
Great, Our Lady of the Gate Parish, Parish of St. John the identified historic sites and structures on the mandated
Baptist and Parish of St. Michael the Arcangel. Meanwhile, maintenance works based on the standards and guidelines
the monuments are the Monument of Potenciano Gregorio, set.

Table 2. Historic sites and structures compliance to the NHCP mandated maintenance works.

Mandated maintenance work Churches Monuments Others (residence, school, hospital and ruins)
Compliant but not done
inspection and documentation compliant *built when building code was not a requirement yet.
on regular basis
cleaning and housekeeping jobs compliant compliant Compliant
repair and replacement compliant Not applicable Compliant
removal of vegetal and weedy growths compliant compliant Compliant
re-painting compliant Not applicable Compliant
re-plastering compliant Not applicable Compliant
repair and re-finishing compliant Not applicable Compliant
preservative treatment compliant Not applicable Compliant
pest control treatment compliant Not applicable Compliant
waterproofing and ventilating compliant Not applicable Compliant
**applicable for the residence, school and hospital
corrective measures compliant Not applicable
but not for the ruins
*built when building code
building code requirements Not applicable Compliant
was not a requirement yet.

Data show, generally, the NHCP identified historic sites school in the province having been built in 1912 shares the
and structures are compliant to the mandated maintenance same issue with the Angela Manalang-Gloria/Smith Bell and
works. Among the 3 groups, the churches are the most Company on the required building code. Other required
compliant even though they need the most maintenance work maintenance works based on the standards and guidelines
since among the criteria in the standards and guidelines set which the Benedictine Sisters complied with are inspection
by the NHCP, they are all applicable to keep the churches and documentation, cleaning and housekeeping jobs, repair
well maintained. and replacement of damaged parts, re-painting of roofs and
Meanwhile, the monuments require the least maintenance walls, repair of the worn-out parts, preservative treatment of
work. Among the 12 required maintenance works, only 3 of walls and floors, pest control treatment especially for the
them are applicable for the monuments. For example, re- termites, and corrective measures of either the roof, walls or
painting will only be applicable on the base where the floors based on the original design.
monument is built and on the surrounding concrete which is In the case of the Bicol Regional Teaching and Training
part of the landscape. Other required maintenance works Hospital, it is also compliant in all of the required
which are not applicable to the monuments are re-plastering, maintenance works. But similarly, the requirement on
repair and re-finishing, preservative treatment, pest control building code is an issue having built in 1917. Having been
treatment, waterproofing and ventilating, corrective measures recognized by the NHCP it complied with the mandatory
and building code requirements are non-applicable inspection and documentation, cleaning and housekeeping
maintenance works for the monuments. jobs, repair and replacement, re-painting, re-plastering of the
In terms of residence, which refers to the Angela Manalang- roof and walls, repairs of the worn-out parts, preservative
Gloria house, which at the same time is the Smith Bell and treatment of walls and floors, pest control treatment specially
Company office during the American era, it registered the most for the termites, and corrective measures either of roof, walls
issues on the compliance. It has also the costliest maintenance and floors.
with 9 out of 12 required maintenance works applicable. These The Cagsua Ruins, on the other hand needs the least
are inspection and documentation, cleaning and housekeeping required maintenance work. Among the 12 only 4 required
jobs, repair and replacement, repair and re-finishing, maintenance works are applicable. These are inspection and
preservative treatment, pest control treatment, waterproofing documentation, cleaning and housekeeping jobs, removal of
and ventilating, and building code requirements. It is important vegetal and weedy growths, and preservative treatment.
to note however since this was built in the 1900s, building On the other hand, data revealed in Table 3 is the summary
code requirement was not established yet. of the issues and challenges identified by the owners and by
For St. Agnes’ Academy recorded as the oldest Catholic the Local Government Units in-charged in the conservation
250 Ruby Ann Longos Ayo and Alex Balbastro Nepomuceno: Challenges in Conservation and Preservation of
Albay, Bicol, Philippines’ Historic Sites and Structures

and preservation of the NHCP recognized historic sites and structures based on their experiences.

Table 3. Issues and challenges on conservation and preservation of historic sites and structures.

Existing government
Vulnerability to natural Demands for economic
Historic Sites and Structures Maintenance costs policies in the LGU
calamities development in the locale
Received subsidy from the
Heavily damaged by the
LGU yet inadequate to cover Demands for economic
typhoon that hit the locale in
the costs as it was heavily development is not an issue Managed and maintained
Parish of San Juan de Bautista December 2019; repairs and
damaged by the typhoon that since it is a place for by the parish
restoration is still in
hit the locale in December worship.
Negotiations between the
Lower portion of the LGU of Tabaco City and
Heavily damaged by the
building was opened into a the descendants of
typhoon that hit the locale in
Costly maintenance assumed “lotto outlet” (tickets for Angela Manalang-Gloria
Angela Manalang Gloria December 2019; repairs and
by the family, the descendants lottery are sold). Thus, on the possibility of
Smith Bell and Company restoration are yet to start
of Angela Manalang-Gloria. affects the cultural having it converted into
due to financial constraints
importance of the historic historic destination as
since it is privately owned.
structure. part of developing
heritage tourism.
Ordinance on the
Exposed to all elements but application to the
aside from the fading paint, National Historical
Monument of Potenciano Maintenance costs are Located near the Office of
typhoons are not considered Commission of the
Gregorio minimal. the Municipal Mayor.
threats. Strong earthquake Philippines for its
may likely cause damage. recognition as historic
site and structure.
Demands for economic Ordinance on the
Exposed to all elements but
development is not an issue application to the
aside from the fading paint,
yet considering the location National Historical
typhoons are not considered Maintenance costs are
Legazpi-Albay Gulf Landing of the site. However, the Commission of the
as threats. Strong minimal.
surroundings are poorly Philippines for its
earthquake may likely cause
maintained not befitting the recognition as historic
stature of historic site. site and structure.
Maintenance costs are intense
Strong typhoons and due to the wear and tear of the Demands for economic
earthquakes could damage roof, ceiling, floor and other development is not an issue Managed and maintained
Parish of St. Raphael the Arcangel
the physical structure as it parts of the building not to since it is a place for by the parish.
did previously. mention the damages caused worship.
by calamities.
Ordinance on the
Exposed to all elements but
application to the
aside from the fading paint, Located at the center of the
National Historical
typhoons are not considered Maintenance costs are business area, surrounded by
Battle of Legazpi Monument Commission of the
as threats. Strong minimal. malls and other business
Philippines for its
earthquake may likely cause establishments.
recognition as historic
site and structure.
Maintenance costs are intense
Strong typhoons and due to the wear and tear of the Only the main building was None. Wholly owned,
earthquakes could damage roof, ceiling, floor and other originally preserved. The maintained and managed
St. Agnes’ Academy
the physical structure as it parts of the building not to surrounding buildings are by the Benedictine
did previously. mention the damages caused not as old as the main. Sisters of Tutzing.
by calamities.
Maintenance costs are intense
Strong typhoons and due to the wear and tear of the Demands for economic
earthquakes could damage roof, ceiling, floor and other development is not an issue Managed and maintained
Parish of St. Gregory the Great
the physical structure as it parts of the building not to since it is a place for by the parish.
did previously. mention the damages caused worship.
by calamities.
Being supported by the
Maintenance costs are intense
LGU of Daraga, Albay
Strong typhoons and due to the wear and tear of the Only the main building was
and by the Office of the
Bicol Regional Teaching and earthquakes could damage roof, ceiling, floor and other originally preserved. The
Governor of Albay and
Training Hospital the physical structure as it parts of the building not to surrounding buildings are
the Office of the Second
did previously. mention the damages caused not as old as the main.
District Representative of
by calamities.
International Journal of Education, Culture and Society 2022; 7(5): 245-253 251

Existing government
Vulnerability to natural Demands for economic
Historic Sites and Structures Maintenance costs policies in the LGU
calamities development in the locale
Maintenance costs are intense
Strong typhoons and due to the wear and tear of the Demands for economic
earthquakes could damage roof, ceiling, floor and other development is not an issue Managed and maintained
Our Lady of the Gate Parish
the physical structure as it parts of the building not to since it is a place for by the parish.
did previously. mention the damages caused worship.
by calamities.
Ordinance on the
application to the
Exposure to all types of Stores selling food/snacks
National Historical
elements may continuously Maintenance costs are and souvenir items surround
Cagsua Ruins Commission of the
weaken the physical minimal. the historic site and
Philippines for its
structure. structure.
recognition as historic
site and structure.
Maintenance costs are intense
Strong typhoons and due to the wear and tear of the Demands for economic
earthquakes could damage roof, ceiling, floor and other development is not an issue Managed and maintained
Parish of St. John the Baptist
the physical structure as it parts of the building not to since it is a place for by the parish.
did previously. mention the damages caused worship.
by calamities.
Ordinance on the
Exposed to all elements but
application to the
aside from the fading paint, Located in front of the
National Historical
typhoons are not considered Maintenance costs are Office of the Municipal
Monument of Gen. Simeon Ola Commission of the
as threats. Strong minimal. Mayor, the seat of local
Philippines for its
earthquake may likely cause political power.
recognition as historic
site and structure.
Maintenance costs are intense
Strong typhoons and due to the wear and tear of the Demands for economic
earthquakes could damage roof, ceiling, floor and other development is not an issue Managed and maintained
Parish of St. Michael the Arcangel
the physical structure as it parts of the building not to since it is a place for by the parish.
did previously. mention the damages caused worship.
by calamities.

Four issues which at the same time considered as 2019, both the San Juan de Bautista Parish and the Angela
challenges are identified in terms of the maintenance of the Manalang Gloria house/Smith Bell and Company were badly
historic sites and structures. These are vulnerability to natural damaged. The parish has started the needed repair and
calamities specially the earthquakes and typhoons, renovation however, the costs proved challenging. Hence,
maintenance costs, possible demands to economic still far from being completed. Meanwhile, the Angela
development and policies in the form of ordinances passed Manalang Gloria house/Smith Bell and Company is still
by the Local Government Units. waiting to be repaired and renovated. This is due to the
The location of the Province of Albay, Bicol, Philippines is expenses the works will incur which will be borne by the
vulnerable to typhoons. In the 1980s almost 18 typhoons in a family, the descendants of Angela Manalang-Gloria.
year hit the province from the average of 20 typhoons a year The buildings even though recognized by the National
which hit the country (About Albay, 2022). These typhoons Historical Commission of the Philippines are not receiving
threatened the destruction of historic structures especially regular financial support for the maintenance. The San Juan
those constructed in the 1500s. Also, the exposure of these de Bautista Parish since was damaged by the typhoon in 2019
historic structures to elements contributed to the rapid was given financial assistance for the repairs and renovation
deterioration of the structures causing serious wear and tear. needed. Yet, the financial assistance is not enough to cover
Among the natural calamities, the typhoon is the most the entire maintenance costs.
identified threat among the churches, residence, school, and
hospital. The roofs are the most vulnerable among the parts 4. Discussion
of the buildings. These are the ones often damaged by strong
typhoon. Next to the roof, the walls are made of wood, and Generally, interventions as preservation measures are
windows where in materials are made of Capiz (sea shells) needed for the historic sites and structures to withstand the
shells. Although, the locale had been struck by earthquake in numerous trials these sites and structures are exposed to in
several occasions, but compared to typhoon, the latter is order to lengthen their lifespan and maintain their cultural
considered more often as threat. value for the benefit of the generations in the future [23, 24].
Maintenance costs is another issue identified by the Among the 3 groups identified, the churches have the most
owners and the representatives of the local government units. applicable criteria based on the standards and guidelines set
Since Tabaco City was badly hit by typhoon in December by the National Historical Commission of the Philippines.
252 Ruby Ann Longos Ayo and Alex Balbastro Nepomuceno: Challenges in Conservation and Preservation of
Albay, Bicol, Philippines’ Historic Sites and Structures

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maintenance work done regularly. This is a commitment to develop policies for sustainable preservations, tap
having been recognized by the National Historical appropriate entities to augment costs for preservations and
Commission of the Philippines and in the case of the 2 tap organizations for the careful selection of materials for
churches, the Parish of San Juan de Bautista and the Parish of sustainability.
St. John the Baptist. Also given recognition by the National
Museum. This implies the importance of national laws and
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